
Forums » The Lounge » Read Thread

A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
Is anyone ever as curious as I am about all these mysterious blue names that just hang around the site in silence? I'll go around clicking any I don't recognize sometimes, because I'm easily amused I guess.

Sometimes it's a user from years ago just randomly dropping in, usually it's a noob who hasn't done anything on the site....hasn't read a story, hasn't created a story, hasn't edited their profile or uploaded a picture...but once in awhile you come across someone who looks promising and yet eventually vanishes without any community involvement to help develop their taste for serious writing/gibbering retardery and keep them coming back.

So this thread is for learning about all these wonderful new people who silently pass through the site every day. Who knows! Some of them might be new best friends!

To participate in thread: @Tag a mystery name, and ask the noob two questions. One question about themselves, and one about their opinion on something.

Anyone who doesn't respond is dead to us. And while I haven't asked, maybe @Endmaster or @Berka would be willing to hand a couple of points out to a particularly delightful noob who gives detailed or interesting answers.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1.) Is the 'sans' in your name reference to a font, or...that character in that game that I dare not name lest it summon more of its rabid, terrible fans? ('no offense' I believe is the thing I'm supposed to say here now, regardless of whether I mean it or not) Or does it refer to something else?

2.) Which shape is superior, triangles or squares? And why?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

uhhh....yeah, i guess both. and dont worry, im into the game, yes, but i am....*inhale*...VERY....aware of.....those fans, and agree that they are destroying the entire fandom with that, uh, "stupid nonsense" to try to say it politely.

i would say....squares, cus, uh...cus how almost everything in the world is in the shape of a square, i guess.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
The game had great writing actually, but my lingering appreciation can only exist because I first experienced it as an LP done by someone normal before I became aware of the community.

We have gotten a few [REDACTED] fangames here but, they have not been good at all and were quickly unpublished.

As for can you claim that when squares themselves are MADE of triangles, and also please consider all the triangles used in the construction of mighty bridges, and also the pyramids? I can see you didn't think that one through very well, please do better next time.

Meanwhile, you really need an avatar so we can distinguish you from the faceless plebs. I can't force you to do anything (until I collect enough information to threaten you IRL) but I personally would recommend something ancient Egyptian themed, as an apology to triangles.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

oh, uh, sorry, i may look (somewhat) smart and all with glasses, but trust me im not. and i guess ill be doing that for a couple of mins, and apologize to triangle for my very high stupidity.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
Echoflower, I hope this isn't too soon in our fantastical fated forever-friendship to bring this up, but since none of us here are able to see through your screen and tell that you have glasses (yet!) the only thing we have to go by is the words you type. Since this is a writing forum, we put a lot more emphasis than other sites on proper capitalization, punctuation, etc. as you will see once you have time to poke around the forums more and familiarize yourself with things.

Anyway, I'm going off to write for a bit now, but welcome to the site and be sure to let us know if you have any questions. The Writing Workshop is the place to go for feedback or advice if you're planning to start your own story, or if you want to talk about any games you've played that's what the Parlor Room is for.

If you're mostly here to read that's great too, especially if you can take a few minutes to write comments on any storygames you check out. Feedback and honest criticism is important to all the authors here, it's the main motivation for most of us to keep writing and improving, and since we have fairly high standards here ratings and comments let other readers know what to expect too.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
You’ve been playing far, far too much Minecraft. If it’s gotten to the point where you think everything in the world is shaped square, chances are you’re trapped in the Matrix, emaciated true body being harnessed for electricity or eggs or something. Look outside, shh shh- I know the sunlight hurts- but there’s a whole world out there free from creepers or whatever you do in that game.

On second thoughts prompted by a brief glance at your syntax, take the blue pill.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

I rarely play minecraft.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Ah, a Roblox man, you have fucking horrific good taste, my friend!

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

i never play roblox either.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
There might also be a very respectable minion position in this for those of you who truly go above and beyond. The kind of thing one usually has to participate in the site for months for. No promises, but just putting that out there...

But anyone who is tagged and completely ignores the summons is dead to us all.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Are you bored and or lonely? Do you happen to have any friends to go outside and interact with? 

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
Excuse me but there are innocent noobs here, we do not need cheap trollops lounging around bringing down the moral environment of the thread. If you have no wish to befriend the children, who are our future, please move along.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
You should pick up a more interesting hobby like miniature model building or nazism.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


1.) Where the hell is your face? 

2.) What is the joke of all jokes?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1) What color is your skin?

2) Cuteness: Dogs vs Bunnies?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Not sure what you mean by "Where the hell is your face" Are you referring to my picture? Or my inactivity on forums?

I don't know about the joke of all jokes but here is my favorite *ahem* So a couple jews walk into a bar...





I lied it was a gas chamber!

ahahahahah...ahh... I'm gonna go back to writing...

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Got a chuckle out of me, so that counts.  And yes, I mean your profile pic.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Oh well, that's a simple question then my face is attached to my head under the hood.

Hope that answer was satisfactory.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1.) What is your favorite brand of dog food?

2.) Do you think a beagle is capable of killing a grown man, and under what circumstances?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1.) You have a good username, if a somewhat redundant one. Are you going to write a fantasy story, or are you mostly here to read them?

2.) What would you do to the sort of people who persistently spell it 'Rouge', if there were no legal repercussions whatsoever?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1) What makes you a keeper?

2) Fantasy or Sci Fi and why?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1.) Who is your daddy and what does he do?

2.) Any plans to write historical edutainment?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

My dad is Tim and he's an electrician. 

I might write history edutainment. You never know.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
@Tim36D Is this true???

More importantly, does @Will11 know?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Not even close.



Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
1. How tall are you?
2. In your profile you mention that you read, but do you plan to write something as well? If so, please tell us about the plans for your story.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


1.) What have you been doing on this site the past 4 years?

2.) Are you related to the Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen guy?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

What's your favourite colour?

What's your opinion on euthanasia?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


I don't like it but I do see that sometimes it is necessary to put down an animal if they're in too much pain and aren't going to live for much longer anyway. I detest shelters that euthanize pets just because they don't have enough room or the animal's been there too long. I get the reasoning and it's a much more complicated, but there are a lot better alternatives, especially in this century.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

He meant euthanizing people.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Why can’t humans be pets? Bigot.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Ugh, I hate repeating myself.

If they're dying and it's lot of pain then yes.

I'll add that in both cases you need consent too. In the pet's case you need consent from the owner, and in the human case you need consent from the person dying.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

What if they're not dying? What if they're just depressed and suicidal, and in a lot of serious emotional pain?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Then no.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

How come you grant some people who want to die the right to do so, but not others? If I want to die, shouldn't I be allowed do so comfortably, rather than being forced to kill myself in a potentially painful manner that could harm others?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Man, this is a really dark topic. Is this how you guys try to get people involved in the forum? By pressing them on discussions that are uncomfortable and upsetting?

I mean, I'm fine cause I'm use to dark debate, but this is just a weird thing to be quizzing an infrequent member on.


The main goal of a society should be to keep as many people alive as possible. If you're dying of a terminal disease there's no point in prolonging it because there's nothing you can do, If someone's mentally ill, that's not a death sentence. You can get better and as a society that's what we should aim to do.

And how would that harm others? Whether you die through suicide or assistant suicide your death is still going to affect others. Unless you're talking about something else, but I don't know what that could be.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Not necessarily. You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable with it. But it's a real issue that effects people and I think it deserves discussion.

To consider the main goal of society only keeping people alive seems short sighted. I mean, both the man with terminal disease and the suicidal person are slowly moving towards death. We know the man with terminal disease will definitely die soon, but so could the suicidal person. If keeping people alive was the only goal, we should make them live for as long as we can, against their wills. However, I think a society should take other things into account, like the rights and freedoms of the individual to choose to die, and the happiness of individuals. I'd rather have one happy man living than two people who want to die living, for instance.

By harming others, I meant suicide through things like stepping in front of trucks. Then again, any suicide attempt that requires hospitalization draws doctors' attention away from other patients, putting them at risk. Sorry for not making that clear.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

What's your social security number?

What's your opinion on the phrase "everything in moderation?"

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1.) How do you pronounce your name?

2.) What racial minority do you prefer and why?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

It's actually my dialect in a very colloquial form... which even my friends wouldn't be able to decipher so, it's gibberish.
It's pronounced very primitively... atik ra oips... I don't see how I can explain this further.

About racial minorities? I mean I feel like we should respect autism.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
Oh I'd forgotten I meant to reply to this:


Okay that was my reply. Just LOL.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Haha, I actually waited for quite a while.

... Actually, I love answering questions. Could you ask one more?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
Any question? Shoot, there are so many possibilities. I hate being put on the spot like this.

Ummmm. Okay, so: if suddenly confronted by a group of shotgun toting hobos while wandering the streets of Detroit, what would you do to convince them to make you their king?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

I'd probably tell them that I'm Jesus.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

This, I like this.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Oh, you like questions? Here's some from me.

What is your favorite animal, and why?

What is your favorite book, and why?

What is the first memory you can recall?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
These are all better than mine, but I just got put on the spot and panicked!


Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


Any question about Detroit and Hobos are worth just as much as these 3 questions I just answered haha.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

I like the Eurasian Tree Sparrow. It's small and shy like me!

My favorite book is Tuesdays with Morrie because I cried reading it. Shoutout to Mitch Albom for being such a great writer!

I remember waking up to a big monster and I couldn't move! Well, I barely made my eyes look at my side for anything and then...
I woke up.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

These are some pretty interesting noobs so far; very high response rate too.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
1. What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
2. Which browser is better: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Are the rumours true that you and @coolcatkim22 have never been seen in the same room together??

What's your opinion on recent speculation of a second Cold War?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Well, I wouldn't like to make any comments on this matter. What is true, what isn't??? Depends on what you call a room, in fact...

The speculation, on the other hand, seems quite interesting. I really don't know what else to say...


Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


1. What's the secret?

2. Do you subscribe to Kantian ethics where actions themselves are moral or immoral regardless of their actions, such as lying always being bad even for a good cause, or would you go for a more Machiavellian "Ends justify the means" type of situation where evil actions can be moral if done for moral reasons? If the former, how do you forgo pragmatism in all its senses off the impossible principle that people will eventually do the same, and if the latter, how do you justify immoral actions when ultimately the true consequences of your actions, which could have effect on far more than intended for far longer than you could plan, and at that point where is the moral basis for your actions actually found?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


1. Where are you from?

2. What is your favorite palindrome?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


?1) Now that's an interesting profile picture :O where's it from, and what even is it? XD

2) What is your favorite horror movie?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1) Thanks, but I made it!!! It's a rather old pic tho. And it's of my shitty persona because I can't be assed to draw myself so I take the easy route.

2) You know what, I'ma have gonna go with Dracula (1931)

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
1. What does 110 stand for? Your age? :)
2. You've been here for a while, but haven't yet rated a single story. Did you actually read any, or do you at least plan to in the future?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


1. What's the deal with your name?

2. Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Team Edward or Jacob?

How do you think we should we tackle global warming?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


1.) You got a dragon?

2.)  Would you rather only be allowed to wear wet socks for the rest of your life or be forced to lick random strangers feet everyday?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1. Yeah, but it rarely gets out of my head. 2. The first option. 

And, do you think hot dogs are sandwiches?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Neh, they're their own separate breed of noms.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

But hotdogs are sandwiches!

EDIT: This just in, after discussing this with some friends, we have come to the conclusion that hotdogs are tacos.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
Do you think fried chicken is a sandwich?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

not sure, we need to ask a sandwich expert.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
Fried chicken is awful.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
I wish I could do a site wide ping just to draw attention to how terrible Bucky's opinions are.

Instead, @ZealousPotato, please share with us your favored method for cannibalizing your spud family.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

This might be a bit late, but fuck it

When eating potatoes this is how I would rank them from great to not so great

1. Hashbrowns  2. Fries   3. Potato Skins   4. Baked  5. Chips    6. Boiled   7. Mashed 

Anyways my humblest apologies for this late reply

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Don't sweat it, pal. Three days is an acceptable amount of delay 'round these parts.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
The questionee becomes the questioner.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
no: a hotdog, unlike all other sandwiches, is not open on all sides and is in a state of perpetual verticality to gravity which no other sandwhich is able to do without falling apart.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
1. Does your name have any particular meaning, why did you choose it?
2. If you had to live your life without one of the five senses, which one would you miss the least?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
The name appears to be two words merged into one. It helps to say it out loud.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

One of those is an acronym, not a word.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
Everyone loves a pedant

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


1. Are you some kind of cardboard-human hybrid or do you just love cardboard?

2. Who is the most overrated celebrity in your opinion and why?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

That's a nice avatar, what is it from?

How on earth did you wind up with eight kids?!

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

I created it on a free create your own avatar site. I started young and was told several times that I wouldn't be able to have more and yet more kept coming. I guess it's just God's plan for me. It's hard. 

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
I swear I still get PTSD flashbacks from those years I worked in a daycare, I could not go home to that I'd run away screaming in the night. D:

Uh...I mean, children are our future, you must be very happy. #blessed

What site was it? I actually really like that art style.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Elfquest is the ongoing tale of Cutter and the Wolfriders, a tribe of feral, forest-dwelling elves.

They are descended from shapeshifting aliens who crashed thousands of years ago on a nameless world they now call the World of Two Moons. The elves struggle to remain true to their nature-loving ways, but they are constantly tested - from without by an ever-growing human population, and by change and strife within their own ranks.

It is a saga four decades in the telling. Fully explore the epic-sized world of Elfquest and you will find your views of modern society mirrored, your prejudices challenged, and your understanding of relationships – of all kinds – forever changed.

Avatar material abounds!

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Actually I did not come prepared with a goofy question just at the moment, but you have a good profile quote and you should get involved the next time the forum gets a political slap fight going on.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

I had a list I made of a bunch of n00bs a bit of a ways back. I stopped updating it though. Here it is:























































Have any of you done anything on this site since the last two years?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
Is there a theme to these? A few of them I do recognize. LNFyle and GavinEzraGoh were working on decent looking storygames.

MsGwinn brought us a fresh batch of children for the sacrificial altar.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Hm, no there isn't a theme. I would add the n00bs if I noticed they were new, and they weren't already on my list.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
And Ford calls me weird just for clicking on them sometimes.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
You and zag are weirdos in the same branch of weirdness. excited to see mizals' tits in my dream when she cucks me

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

dont you dare speak of mistress mizal like that

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
*excited to see Mizals' tits in my dream when she cucks me

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

what the hecc did i just tell you fool

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
I know I should be angry but I'm mostly just glad you capitalized the M this time.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1.) What kind of story are you working on?

2.) Do you know any good jokes?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1.) I don't know. I haven't decided on what I want to do yet.

2.) What do you call a motorcycle gang of ancient bisexual norse monarchs? The Bikings.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
This works on so many levels, incredible!

Too bad @MinnieKing isn't around much anymore, he would have much to learn from such concentrated punnage.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

I'm still around, I've just been more inactive in the forums than I'd like, sadly.

And indeed, @Davis2Nguyen, good pun. :D

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

How do you feel about pineapple pizza?

Also, this is unrelated, but I think I'll start making a new list of only members who's usernames begin with the letter 'Z'.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


Can you fly, or are the wings just cosmetic?

Do you agree that Sage is the best order? :P

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Marauders rule!!!!

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1) Your story description looks interesting, how long do you expect the plot to be? You should make a thread in the Workshop if you need advice on outlining or whatever.

2) Cats or dogs?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


Pho or bun bo hue?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Pho. Hands down. 

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
@Megakidicarus I don't suppose you're old enough to have seen the old Captain N cartoons?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Those cartoons sucked. They made Simon Belmont a complete faggot in them.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
When I was six they were the best thing ever...although I'd have a hard time recalling the specifics of any episode, possibly because they were mediocre garbage. The glorious Mega Man Homepage which somehow still exists 24 years later used the characters in a lot of the fanfic though so I still have precious childhood memories etc of them, sort of.

Not sure what the hell the cartoon did to Mega Man though, he talks like a retard and it doesn't even look like him so later I became retroactively annoyed by that.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Do you really?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

I'm still testing out systems and scratching down some ideas. Thanks for tagging me tho.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
A wild @MasonJarGuzzi appears!

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Whoa! He's definitely not a noob, but an old friend! How'ya doin' Mason?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

I don’t want to talk too much or give away why I’m on. But I hope you’ll find out soon.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Why do you hate humanity?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
That's a damn good question.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
@MetsRock ok you're not a noob but this thread was convenient. Damn, that's an old ass account...

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Holy shit one of his recent posts is from 12 years ago where apparently he was part of the first time there was 10 members on concurrently. 

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1.) How finely honed is your edge?

2.) Describe the kind of sandwich you would make right now if you were in your kitchen with all the things for making a sandwich.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


What's the best thing the internet can offer you?

What are your thoughts on overpopulation and what to do about it? :)

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

I think the best thing the internet can offer me is YouTube, and I think overpopulation is bad (obviously) and we can just stop it by not having kids and adopting kids instead if you really want them.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
Everyone currently alive in the world could live reasonably comfortably in a land area equal to just a portion of the United States or even just in Texas alone, and we're basically post scarcity as far as food production. I'm not sure if overpopulation is as big a problem as people think compared to the societal stuff that causes inequality and distribution issues.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

That land factoid is retarded, because it seems to think that the only issue with people is that they need land to live in.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
It's the way resources are distributed that causes the bad things that people think of when they think of overpopulation. I'm not even talking commie shit, more along the lines of the way the amount of food and energy and other resources that just get completely wasted on the regular is enough to provide for entire nations, but the bottleneck is in transport and politics.

People could absolutely live together in a smaller area of the planet, and use just a portion of the rest to meet their needs more efficiently and still have giant swathes of parks and untouched wilderness for when they go a little stir crazy.

People are fucktards however and cramming them in together like that would just result in an orgy of violence and misery, but it's completely possible in theory or in the case of a species not determined to remain violent territorial chimps.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

I thought this was gonna be a shotacon enthusiast thread. A little disappointed. 


Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
@shamanmouse What are your thoughts on shotacon and have you ever Googled it at work? (That is a joke. Don't do this.)

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

I am answering it, but I promise you I ain't gett'n no tingles from no lil' chitlins, I tell you. Basically it's more of a shitpost thing, and I've taken a liking to naming every RPG protagonist "Jailbait" now. 

In all honesty I find almost all stock shota characters immensely annoying and pandering, I'd say a galactic pretty boy is more my taste.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

I think all of the kale you consume is making you say these strange things. We'll have to run a diagnosis later. 

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
earthbound :^)

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Really sort of hoping she’s joking, but I guess what was once mildly “random lol but harmless” puddlebunni now has to be classified as “complete fucking degenerate potential sex offender” puddlebunni.

Oh well.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
Well, when witches turn blue . . . you know times are changing.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
That's every anime fan though, they're all on watch lists, or should be.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


1) To what extent are you nerdy? Like, antisocial-wise, or are you more friends with other nerds?

2) What are your thoughts on Down Syndrome and what would you do if you found out your unborn child had it?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1. I am a nerd through and through. I am anti-social, have only nerds for friends and like all the nerd things like Harry Potter and Star Wars.

2. If I found out my child had down syndrome, I would say "Oh, my child has down syndrome."

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

pick one.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Anti social with two close friends

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago


1) Why in the world have you been on this site so long and never participated as a member or personality on the forums?

2) Do you write? Or are you just an avid reader?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1. I've never really had any reason to participate in forums. Nothing has really sparked my interest in them so I just read stories that are made on this website. I hadn't actually intended to write or become an active member of the community when creating this profile.

2. Just an avid reader. I made myself a profile so that I could save and rate games. As a matter of fact, I'd actually not been on this site for nearly a year until yesterday, having taken a long hiatus. I just decided to visit yesterday, having found a desire to reread some of my favourite stories and explore new ones which have been written in my absence. 

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Well, that's very cool and just wanted to be the first in four years to welcome you to the site.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
People taking a break for months or years and then just randomly wandering back in is weirdly common here.

Nothing wrong with being a pure reader, although if you're rating games anyway just a reminder that authors value feedback above all. It can takes months to write a CYOA and even just spending a moment writing a couple of sentences about what you liked or didn't like is the best way to thank them or help them improve as well as giving other readers an idea of whether a story might be worth checking out or not too.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Do you know what I appreciate about you @mizal? Your timing. I log in for the first time in like 2 years, and I see this post. This post speaks to me deeply, because I am always showing up, hanging out for a bit, and then disappearing again back into the aether. I still haven't finished that story we spoke about, if you even remember me lol.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

How does being the only competent noob we've gotten in months make you feel?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Go on, who's alt are you?

What's the secret to a good Danish pastry?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

1. Hmm...alternative account? I dunno ¯\_(?)_/¯.

2. The real secret is being of Danish decent while making it.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

So tell us about yourself. Where are you from, what kind of books or movies are you into. I would very much like for you to post.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
What kind of amazing things does quaint but charming new user @BuckFuts hope to accomplish on the site?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Is the cat also a lesbian? Tell us about the cat game.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

What are your thoughts on capitalism?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
It's the best.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
I'm offended by this.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
By being taunted with that capital M, I mean. Capitalism is obviously great.

Should've made the question about trannies or fat people or something imho.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
Baited and hooked. I've won the thread.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

Have you heard the good news of Allah'thulu?

Also please proofread your story, the first page looks promising but it's also kind of a mess. (P.S. 200 vs 500 ain't much of a battle, I'd add another zero to those.)

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

no questions. just heard this was the thread for m'buddies

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago
@endureandsurvive That is an excellent username! It's such a sensible attitude and a good first goal for a newbie to have here.

What is your plan for surviving your first post on this forum?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

6 years ago

I'm sorry but the position of 'crazed owl' is already taken, do you have anything else to bring to the table here?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

5 years ago
I feel like a story with 'Slaughterhouse' in the title written by a guy name @AxeMurderer can only lead to a good experience.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

5 years ago

Can you tell us a little about your story? That first page looks promising.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

5 years ago

What's it like coming back from the dead?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

5 years ago

Well I have a lot of dirt still in my hair from clawing my way out of the grave, but otherwise not too bad. A little coffee and I'm good as new. :P

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

5 years ago
Coffee heals all wounds. Glad to see you back on the site.

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

5 years ago

It's the nectar of the gods. Thanks! I'm glad to be back. :D

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

5 years ago
Can you tell us anything about the game?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

5 years ago

Not too much without spoiling it, but it's a horror game I hope will be better than Daphne. All I'll say is that it is a twist on the creepy internet challenges that are being blamed for suicides in multiple countries in the past few years(think blue whale challenge or momo challenge only less suicide and more murder for my story) with a healthy helping of supernatural shenanigans added to the mix.

I'm also toying with the idea of letting the player choose between two characters to play as for a potential of two separate perspectives of the same story/events. But I'm not sold on that idea yet. 

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

5 years ago


What sort of music do you listen to?

Fresh Meat - baiting and hooking thread

5 years ago