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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Israel is an apartheid state and should be destroyed. From the river to the sea

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago


Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Settle down guys, no need for such violence.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
You should be docked for flaming in the forums. This kind of behavior is strictly disallowed here, completely uncalled for, and frankly revolting. You make me sick.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
-3 Admin. Penalty - Tsk Tsk

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago


Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago


Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago


Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
You have a couple of yes/no's here, does that me we can take our pick?

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I mean Israel is neither an apartheid state nor should it be destroyed, so no.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Israel is literally an ethnostate that requires a Jewish majority, so yes. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

That doesn't make it an apartheid state, and Israel is doinb a better job of running a liberal democracy than any other country in the middle east. I recomend watching this video. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

You realize you're arguing with coins, right?

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Why are all leftists retarded except for me lol

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I could probably film a video in Palestine that would get 10 times the number of people saying that Israel sucks. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
And while you were there I would report you to the authorities for that time you let Malk suck your dick.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I'm sure you could, they are all brainwashed into hating Jews. However in the country where there is freedom of speech and they can get educated they realize that Israel is a paradise compared to any Muslim nation.

Even so, they would be lying. As the guy in the video said, most Palestinians want to live and work in Israel. They would live objectively better lives.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Well I'm a Christian so Israel gets the automatic +1 from me regardless, but if not for the constant reminder that they're entirely surrounded by people who want to indiscriminately murder them, they'd be as cucked as any other liberal western country. After the Beirut explosion they go offering aid to Lebanon, get snubbed, and respond by lighting up the Tel Aviv city hall with the flag of an enemy country that hates them in some pathetic hope of approval, like the worst kind of simp. If not so distracted by their unified hate for Jews, some of these other countries might appreciate having neighbors so dedicated to peace, it's a pretty rare thing over there. Leftists being retards about this I'm not surprised at though, if they weren't defying all common sense and natural selection itself to embrace a cause that will lead directly to their own destruction, then they're not really leftists now are they?

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Meh, I don't think leftism as a whole is that bad, just most leftists are spineless and don't want their government to force them to do anything. I think authoritarianism is pretty neat, but most western leftists would disagree, preferring libertarian leftism which is the least effective form of government known to man. You can't have to each according to his needs without each according to his ability. Israel got this right when they started returning to Israel and setting up communes but most American leftists see the idea of a communes as oppressive. They just want to be able to smoke weed and get paid for not working. 

But yeah Israel is a little bit simpy. They should just accept that they are going to be hated forever and deal with it. 

"wHy DoEsn'T iSrAeL lET iN mOrE mUsLiMs?"

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

"I think authoritarianism is pretty neat." - Betaband

Oh sure, when the Chinese government runs over folks with tanks, they're just keeping order, but when I told people on here to rate all my stories a 10 on Infinite Story, you called it an abuse of power.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I'm sorry End, I have learned my lesson. You are a benevolent dictator. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Lol no, most leftists rightfully are opposed to the idea that you should be allowed to get away with ethnic cleansing and settler colonialism in the 21st century. 

Israel is hated by its neighbors for good reason. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Lol sure bud. 

The reason Israel is hated is because they have Jews and are accepting of gay people, but to some I guess that is a legitimate reason to hate Israel. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Lol bud, Israel was literally founded on terrorism ( and now wrings its hands about how violent Palestinian teens throwing rocks are before gunning them down. 

The reason Israel is hated is because settlements are increasing every day and Benny Boy was trying to annex those areas into Israel right up until a couple days ago (and will probably try again in the future). 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I find it really funny when people claim that Palestinian terrorists are just armed with rocks. If that were the case we wouldn't need to spend billions of dollars shooting down missiles launched by Palestinians.

Also Arabs have been murdering Jews in the Middle East for centuries before Israel was founded.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Well I mean

They've been murdering a lot of people, and mostly their own kind.

And pretty much everyone has spent some time cleansing Jews, should that really count?

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Of course groups like Hamas have crude missiles, I'm talking about the disproportionate force against teenagers that the IDF often uses. 

Yes, anti-semitism in the Middle East existed in the past, albeit much less than what happened in Europe. That sort of thing should be condemned but it doesn't justify what Israel's doing now. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

So the difference is whenever an unarmed Palestinian is killed Jewish Israelis will protest and whenever an unarmed Jew is killed Palestinians will celebrate. 

Israelis are dedicated to peace. Palestinians are dedicated toward killing Jews.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Israelis are so dedicated to peace that they go out of their way to build settlements inside what was supposed to be Palestinian territory. That's some real peaceful stuff right there

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

"Was supposed to be"

Yes it was supposed to be Palestinian territory but the territory wasn't enough so they declared war on Israel. So now it's not Palestinian land. 


Also building settlements isn't violent so I don't even understand the point you are trying to make.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Last time I checked the settlements are all within the West Bank, the territory that's supposed to be for the Palestinians. Almost every other state recognizes settlements as a clear violation of international law and as one of the major obstacles to peace. 

It is violent if you forcibly take other people's land and make it so that non-Israelis cannot live there. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

But non-Israelis can still live there. The areas that are being settled were empty. Personally I'm against the settlements because they take an unnecessary amount of military funding to be protected, but they aren't violent and they aren't displacing people.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
I agree that brutal authoritarianism is the natural end of the leftist ideology, but we're gonna have to disagree heavily on whether that's a good thing.

Obviously on a website it's great though.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

At least we can all agree on LibLefts being retards.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Yes, let's purge them first, and then each other.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Isn't this just as much a critique of the lack of ethical consumption in capitalism as it is a critique of China's forced labour policies?

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
I know we're all tempted to think less of Beta for this, but you have to consider that he could be writing it from a prison in Beijing with a cattle prod inches away from his asshole.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Oh yeah and here's Coins bowing and scraping to his big tiddy Arabic queen, of course he sides with her people, he has no choice in the matter.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Doesn't change the fact that Israel is an ethnostate. Just because Palestinians would have materially better lives if they moved to Israel doesn't change the fact that they're a guest in their own homes. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Where would you suggest all the people who were born in Israel over the last 70 years go after they leave their country to satisfy your insistence that it isn't their home?

I suppose maybe they could go to some kind of ancient racial/cultural homeland.... Do they have one of those?

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I don't think the Israelis living there now should be made to leave, that would just be ethnic cleansing reversed. But the entirety of Israel+Palestine should be made into a secular democracy with no favoritism towards a specific ethnic group/religion.  

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

... but then all the Jews would be killed. The Palestinians are very clear about their goals. Ending the state of Israel would be actual ethnic clensing, not the fake kind of ethnic clensing you believe Israel to be doing. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
No betaband, what he's saying is that all the bloodthirsty Jew hating fanatics will be asked to play nice by the white people who make this decision. Out of respect for the feelings of the liberal infidels, they'll agree.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Oh I see. If there's one thing Arabs are known for it is supporting secular democracy and living peacefully with Jews. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

The Arab world is increasingly becoming less religious with every year. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
The same study you got that from says they strongly resist the idea of liberal democracies, love Erdogan and his human rights abuses, and find the idea of honor killings more acceptable than homosexuality by a wide margin.

Oh and also for some weird reason, it said Arab nations are ranked as the unhappiest places to live in the world, with 1 and 5 people wanting to leave. But I'm sure making another one will fix this problem.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Obviously steps should be taken to ensure that such a transition would be peaceful as possible. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Wasn't Palestine previously owned by the British, and before that the Turks, for centuries?

I don't feel like wiki diving, can someone tell me where the idea of Palestine as an independent place even came from, and why it matters now but never did before?

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Palestine was never independent. Palestine is not even pronouncable in Arabic, it was a term created by the Romans as an act of colonazaiton when they kicked Jews out of Judea. There is no cultural difference between Palestinans in the Gaza Strip and Egyptians or Palestians in the West Bank and Jordanians. The Palestinian independence movement is not about self determination of a "Palestinian" people, it is instead about preventing the self determination of the Jewish people.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
I can hear the intense hand rubbing accompanying betaband's posts.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I can tolerate racism against people who aren't me, but racism against people who are me is where I draw the line!

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Happy are those who do the work of the Lord. Zion belongs to God and the people of God. It is a natural temple and monument to his glory. It is one thing to forgive a slap across my cheek, but an insult to the Lord requires... no, it DEMANDS correction.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
I never considered before what a funny stance Coins/Spartacus has for a guy with that avatar...

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

The Jews should live in Zion National Park instead of Israel, I'll help them move. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
You could call Jew-Haul.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
I was mostly making a Graham joke, I didn't expect the thread to turn into all this. So many notifications. O.O And you guys are all just fighting in the middle of another thread...I'm still getting used to this forum format. As far as my actual views, I've been attacked for them before and I prefer not to get into arguments like this anyway. Particularly when I'm brand new to a community. But suffice to say I'm strongly in support of Israel for multiple reasons. The real problem is that they've been weak when they don't need to be and when it's counter intuitive to their own survival. Everyone hates them anyway, always has and always will, and they shouldn't waste time and money and lives trying to appease anyone else. For peace you need all sides agreeable to it, which obviously won't happen here. The only other way to have peace is to enforce it from a position of strength. But Spartacus is just repeating the standard liberal views. Which he'd be free to do in only certain countries, Israel among them. (You can also protest Israeli settlements and speak out in support of Palestine there, but obviously you couldn't go to Palestine and do the opposite.)

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Agreed the thread was getting annoying to navigate, fixed now. Happily I managed to split a thread without breaking it this time.

Not wading into political arguments in a new community (or at all) is usually a smart move, but in this case, it's Coins, it's always the correct action to disagree with him. He makes a good low level enemy, you can use him for a few easy xp before moving on to more important things.

Betaband also has no status at all so feel free to slap the China simp tankie around too if you're so inclined. Just please, no text walls. The lack of autism here so far is so refreshing.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Lol, thanks, I'll keep all that in mind. I think I'll just focus on writing for awhile and spectate though.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I've so far managed to resist wading into these more recent political threads and have just lurked for the amusement. (But I do think Spartacus/Coins? characterization of Israel is idiotic, and that's the nicest of the adjectives I can think of. Also the Deep Thoughts/"I'm Davefaster!" admittal (or lie) was hilarious. Even the name Deep Thoughts was pretty funny in itself, since those essays looked more like shallow regurgitation than anything novel, insightful, or complex.)

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
The funniest thing about Coins is that not long ago he went on this tirade in the Discord about how the government should control all property so it can be used for the good of the people etc.

Most of the land in Israel is owned by the state, they are literally just 10% away from being his utopia. And who defines 'the good of the people?' Whoever currently happens to be in charge, duh. I don't understand where this idea that governments should be given total control over everything but also expected to give it up if some faggots whine enough comes from. You give them power to do things, you get what you get.

Coins, Israel is exactly what you wanted, bitchboy.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
That evolved into a lot of words. I always thought palestine was just a city in israel and the country was just full of jews milking the holocaust. Muslims dont like that cause israel is their holy country and palestine is their holy city too. And they both dont like each other cause their jesus is different. I will not be emploring any further information and I will continue to believe this regardless of whatever the resident jews say.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Muslims hate dogs and that's all anybody needs to know.

They would probably also kill Coins for eating them? Not sure but I like to think so.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
I'm 90% sure Isreal is everyone's holy land.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Jewish, Cristian, and Muslim at the very least.

Time for a differentiated opinon

3 years ago

Israel is a nice place full of friendly people (Both Israelis and Palestinians) and great food. At the same time the government of Israel has implemented some policies that are unconscionable from a western perspective. Should the imperialist settling policies be stopped, absolutely, and there is a democratic process for that. Should Israel be destroyed, absolutely not. The territory occupied by Israel is almost devoid of natural resources and water. Yet the Israelis have built a modern functioning state there. That counts for something. Also the people who live in Israel today were born there, grew up there. It is their home. That counts for even more.

The Palestinians did get screwed over royally of course. By the British. And that's the door they should be knocking on. (Get in line behind the Iranians, etc.)

If you actually visit a country you will find that every country and every religion consists mostly of nice people. Of course there are assholes. You find them everywhere in approximately the same density. One thing the assholes have in common is that they think that they can somehow improve their own situation by creating strive. It mostly works. In Israel the one thing that keeps the right-wing hawks in power is people who call for Israel to be destroyed. This creates the very fear in the population that is used to legitimize repressive policies. Across the border (say in Lebanon) what keeps the crazies in power is the fear of Israeli attacks. So the assholes play their little game of terror on the border and the nice people on both sides suffer.

Tl:Dr; Divisive language is the part of the problem. If you use it, you play into the hands of exactly the people you want to attack.

Time for a differentiated opinon

3 years ago

Thank you for providing a reasonable middle ground.

Time for a differentiated opinon

3 years ago
I kinda lost interest in this subject after Coins pussed out tbh, Israel's not exactly headline news these days what with everything else going on.

Israel being surrounded by people who want to genocide them is going to continue to be the problem though, they have literally no reason to back down or make concessions when all that would mean is the people who will STILL want to kill them have greater opportunity.

The ones who aren't having their existence threatened are going to have to be the ones to take the first steps to deescalate, and well these are also the people who still think it's cool to beat their daughters/sisters to death for being seen in public standing too close to a male stranger, so I'm not expecting much.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Israel is being naughty again. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

uwu cute little gaza sending hundeds of adorable little missiles at israel isn't that so cute?

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Not good, but the response should be proportionate. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Those other missiles were just a prank, bro. They weren't supposed to get actually mad about it....or all the other times... Israel just has no chill.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I mean, we could always reduce Israel to the state of Syria and have local militant factions hold onto little more than dust and rubble, but then who would count the coins?

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Well if Coins is going to bring this up again, might as well add fuel to the mosque fire.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Damn, the community that depended on that mosque is going to have all kinds of budget cuts now, they may have to scale back or even cancel the 9/11 celebrations entirely this year.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

This was a celebration of Yom Jerushalayim, the day that Israel regained control of Jerusalem. 

There just happened to be a burning building (not a mosque) in the background as Arab protesters accidently set fire to some buildings with fireworks. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
I have zero information on the particulars as I don't have time/don't care about the news, but I just want to say I fully support the nation of Israel righteously kicking the stuffing out of the heathen, and I hope the entire rest of the Middle East is next.

If Coins tries to complain, I'm just going to remind him in advance that he got a B on a paper and is a perpetual disappointment to his parents.

(Betaband is still a fascist China-simping cuck though, don't mistake this for an alliance.)

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Well the latest is the Jews are beating the chicken soup out of the Arabs as usual. Hamas called for a cease fire and the Israeli government basically said "Fuck you, we're winning." and are continuing to bomb the shit out of Gaza.

It's basically like in Civilization when a weaker AI civ starts inexplicably fucking with your civ (like they've been doing for several turns now) and then when you have no choice but to retaliate, the AI tries to declare peace, but you ignore it because you're winning and it would be easier to just wipe them out completely rather than deal with this annoyance again in a few more turns.

Oh and agreed that coins is a continual source of disappointment to his parents and beta is indeed a China simping cuck.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
The Jews are the player civilization, I get it now. It's why the various AI nations are hard coded to always end up hating them even when it goes against their own best interests.

Although Malk the Self Loathing Jew found this, and I admit it does make a convincing argument:

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Please don't doxx me that way.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Well you were the one posting a pic of yourself declaring yourself a queer feminist.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
No, no, you're mistaken. That top picture is my mother.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Damn Mizal when did you become so based? 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Damn it, what did I just say.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

The heart wants what the heart wants. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
And what do you biase that on?

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago


Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

It was a B+

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Why you not doctor yet?

Ape Jitsu!

3 years ago
In Related News!

Anyone else getting Planet of The Apes vibes from this?!?

Ape Jitsu!

3 years ago
Well I don't know about related, but that is intensely creepy just like most of the other human genetics stuff they screw around with. Humanity has really been deciding to ignore the lessons of every sci fi plot lately though, I figure it's only a matter of time.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
By Allah, this cannot continue! I will personally drag every Jew into sea and force live shellfish up their urethra as they drown, in order to....not be perceived as racist on the internet?

Interesting takes on things on this forum as usual, very different from the other writers in my friend groups lol. All I can say is that people who are fired upon have a right to fire back, and with everyone having a legitimate grievance against the other side in this conflict and civilians caught in the middle is going to get worse before it gets better. I don't see an end until one side or the other is reduced to rubble... Which means as unpopular opinion as it is, Israel might as well come out on top as they're easier for Western countries to get along with.

And I mean it's hard not to get the sense that if every Jew and Western meddler was gone the middle east would still be a non stop blood bath...

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
The only "grievance" the Hamas have ever had is that Jews exist.

Israel is bombing these so called civilian areas because that's where the rockets aimed at their capital are always coming from. What's happening now is long overdue.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Okay, but consider this: as we've seen higher up in the thread, Tel Aviv has become a beacon for queers and feminists. Given this, don't you think it could be overdue for them to be punished for this ungodly behavior that's made them worse than the daughters of the Philistines Palestinians?

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
I mean there's no chance of Israel not coming out on top at least as far as Gaza goes, they've got a shiny missile defense system paid for by the US and the only actual threat might be from the surrounding countries, which I think are conveniently still pretty fucked from covid. (Well, biggest threat still remains Iran, who has recently vowed to completely level Tel Aviv...hope that missile defense system holds up.) They're failing pretty hard in the PR department with other countries as usual, but most of the civilized world is pretty cucked and more limp wristed finger waggling isn't going to matter much. I'm sort of curious about what the ultimate goal is, unless someone just left a roll of quarters on the FIRE button this time.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I have an unpopular opinion too!

...I don't really care about the Middle East.

I would be completely fine with it just all going away, for good. When I think about it at all, which is usually never.


Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Commended by mizal on 5/16/2021 2:25:09 PM

how I would like to think what actually happened between berkazerka and spartacus. (And I've finally figured out how those bloody image upload things work, yeah!!!)

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Someone saw MHD getting all the comms and decided to get in on that.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I thought I also wanted to flex my drawing muscles a bit ;), but hey it's working.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I like it.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

A masterpiece.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago Here's some info on the lead up to this all since I think most of the people with opinions just have nfi, and of course there's other news sources out there if you don't consider the NY Times reliable. I'm honestly impressing myself right now on how much I don't give a shit. I figure everyone is dead inside by 40 though and maybe I'm just a couple years ahead of the curve, but the truth is that these kind of flareups just seem to happen between Palestine and Israel every six or seven years, and meanwhile it's exactly the kind of shit that's going on constantly at one place or another in the world. I get that people getting bombed is bad/sad, but can no longer feel an emotion at the abstract information that ZOMG PEOPLE R DYING in some random unrelated part of the world. Two or three weeks ago it was ZOMG TRAGIC and KIDS R DYING SO UNFAIR in Columbia, and no one who was making a grandiose point of how tearfully upset they were about that on the internet gives a shit anymore, and no one is reporting on it. This kind of thing has a shorter lifespan than your typical meme. (And I guess I have more trouble feeling sorry for Palestine than for other people getting fucked, they've been poking the bear for a very long time knowing full well the only thing holding it back was the illusion that the opinions of the aforementioned finger wagglers actually mattered.) How long did Syria go on for? Does anyone actually care? But here's a news feed of stories from the Middle East which includes goings on in other places besides Israel if you want to keep up with it all and keep some perspective. It was from there that I got these words from the CEO of SodaStream, God's gift to Israel and Israel's gift to the world:
Of the 3,000 SodaStream employees, a third are either Bedouins, residents of East Jerusalem, Palestinians, ultra-Orthodox Jews, or Ethiopian immigrants. “For us, coexistence is a real agenda,” SodaStream CEO Eyal Shohat said. “And not only now when there are tensions or protests. Years ago, we decided as a company that every product would be imprinted with the Israeli flag and the text ‘made by Arabs and Jews working together in harmony.’ We treat everyone with respect. Just last week, we had a large Iftar celebratory meal signifying the end of the Ramadan holiday. In our facilities in Lehavim, there is a synagogue and a mosque, because we embrace freedom of religion. Our secret is to respect one another, it’s part of our company’s DNA. Our managers treat everyone like human beings.” Shohat noted that during the past few days, all the company's employees came to work, disconnecting from what transpired on the streets. “We are operating like normal. We didn’t stop, and continued working shoulder to shoulder. When the crisis began, there were doubts, despite the fact that our company is an island of peace we saw difficult imagery in the news and held management meetings with factory managers. We decided to remain closer to those on the production line and in common areas, and to our surprise there wasn’t any irregular behavior. Our employees protect our home, and leave politics outside of the factory’s doors.” SodaStream CEO Eyal Shohat. Photo: Tommy Harpaz SodaStream CEO Eyal Shohat. Photo: Tommy Harpaz With the outbreak of the riots, Shohat also sent a corporate letter in Hebrew and Arabic to all company employees that emphasized the importance of practicing tolerance. “We see these photos from Lod, Bat Yam, and Tiberias that are difficult to comprehend. We know that reality could be very different. We must not let a handful of rioters ruin it for us all. Now is the time to show everyone that we can live together,” the letter read. Shohat said that after sending that message, many employees began spontaneously uploading positive messages of coexistence on social media. “Not ignoring the situation and passing along positive messages actually helps. The employees held a positive protest calling for coexistence at a highway junction. Coexistence is for all year-round,” he said.
Very blessed to know harmonious production will continue.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I didn't realize that SodaStream literally is a divine drink of peace...

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
I think there's a ceasefire now, or is about to be. Although as of yesterday the Hamas were still trying to negotiate demands to stop with their rockets, which is pretty ballsy and lol.

Anyway, lots of military spending and buildings leveled by Israel, but I think we mostly pay for that anyway, and at the end of the day the important thing is that the goal of ??? was....attempted?

There were like 230 people killed in total, like a dozen were Israeli, but that's still enough Muslims to get any normal citizen a few years playing video games in TWO AND A HALF comfy apartments in Norway.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Yeah betaband get that goy bastard

Aman posted holy shit

3 years ago

Nice to see the return of a proud Zionist warrior to hold the line here, betaband's politics are too incoherent to really count for much and he manages to be even more useless than Coins most days.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Holy fuck

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Aman is posting, Morgan's online... it's 2015 all over again 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

As long as Kiel isn't around cyber molesting the children while Seth robs them of their pocket change, I think we're good.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Maybe Seth was the real Jew 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Shalomie my homie. 

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

I guess things have calmed down now about this, but the reactions on this are pretty amusing

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago
Honestly, self loathing LGBT are probably even more common than self loathing Jews.

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago

Funniest question:

Gay reporter: Do you know what gay people are?

Muslim woman: Yes, I have a masters in mental health!

Jew Jitsu!

3 years ago