Well things didn't work out, but since you're a productive CYStian member with commended stories under your belt, here's some last Discord lols as your severance package.
- EndMaster
Of course for the non-blessed lesser born out there without access to the Halls of the Gods, we'll back up a bit with a little history:
Basically for several months Darius and several other CYStian members had a "clash of personalities." Sometimes just being a "productive" or "useful" member isn't enough to patch up the differences. This isn't a new thing and will definitely happen again in the future if the past is any indication.
However, Darius managed to not just annoy, but actually drive to anger which is saying something given that most are immune to even Ford levels of fucktardery around here.
Also impressive that Darius managed to not only do this, but to multiple people AND be so much like mud that attacks upon his worm like person did very little damage as he'd just agree that he was a pathetic faggot/retard/kumquat/Dutch/etc and keep it moving.
However, when enough heat and flame is applied, even mud will dry out and crack, and ultimately nothing could stop the power of the SUN like fury of the Werecappy.
Too many of those exchanges to post here, the mortals will just have to imagine the epicness of such things, so we will cut to the end of the tale after the last Cappy Crusade and these were the last moments of Darius "Dutch Faggot" Conwright

It was here in the cage known as GAY HELL where the damned are temporarily sentenced that Darius decided that he could no longer continue.

As we can see by Dark's last kick of Darius' corpse, death wouldn't be the end just yet.
Amusingly Cel who was the only one Darius directly apologized to decided to not just beat Darius' dead carcass, but go full NECRORAPE on it. Cel was so keen on munging the corpse that he even sent himself into GAY HELL to do it.

Of course this was then followed by Cel enthusiastically sending himself to GAY HELL with instructions to free him later.

(He's still down there)
In any case, now that Cel was in GAY HELL and Darius' dead body was as helpless as a roofied high school girl, Cel made his move!

Well I hope the trip to GAY HELL was worth it you mad Nazi bastard.
In any case, while this tale ends with Darius' Discord Demise, as he said, he'll still be around on the site proper (Or at least that's what he said anyway)
I'm sure his next story about homosexuals will be just as well written as his last one. After all even the gayest CYStian is still better than the straightest CoGite. (Just kidding, there are no straight CoGites)
And what of Darius' arch nemesis? Well Malk appropriately had only a simple statement to say:
