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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Why don't you love your parents?

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Judging by her profile shes in her "bad bitch" arc.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Perhaps I shouldn't have docked her points, but I wanted to keep my promise.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

I don't blame you for docking points. You kept your word on your promise. Besides...'re not the reason I'm like this...


Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago


Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Why do you care..... T_T

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Just asking.  Found it weird considering the way you have previously portrayed yourself.  So whatever.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

I was correct. You don't care.

But you have been ok to me in the past...So I will say this. 

I love my parents and want to respect them, even tell myself I do, but my dad tells me my actions are disrespectful. So I left it blank.

But you don't care anyway, so why both explaining?

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Oh lawd, this nigga think she an anime character now. Lmao.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Blame the toxic people on here...

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Who are these toxic people?

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Probably Ogre. He's pretty toxic after eating.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
ngl, I had jalapeno sausage dogs with baked beans for lunch today...

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago


Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
That sounds delicious.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Take a guess, Lady Thara. (No, not you)

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Ford and mizal? 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
ford and mrcrimsonclean?

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Crimson is fine in my book...

But not Ford....

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago


Not really....

Granted, I'm a little mad at Mizal (Forget formalities...)  tho.

Why? Well, she's all about site productivity and growth, yet she doesn't stop the toxic vibe, in fact she sometimes helps it along, causing new people to be turned away by it. It's just a liiiiiittle hypocritical in my opinion. But hey, my personality on here has changed, so maybe I don't get a say in hypocritical aspects. 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Oh my.

How will mizal respond to this now?

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
"toxic people" (That means more than one)

"ford and mizal?"

"No, not really, but I'm mad at mizal"

So... there's at least two OTHER people that made you what you are today, but besides that, you're mad at mizal.

Are you trying to come out of the closet?

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
I only care about the feelings of noobs with potential. You have proven yourself just another lolcow to be discarded outside the glue factory when the annoyance levels unbalance the entertainment the community collectively gleans from your clownish behavior.

And let me tell you, it's a real thin line. I mean, you've already managed to irritate Sherb of all people.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

You say that... 

Tch.. this know it all BITCH! 

But maybe... it is you! That should go to the glue factory! 


Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Love the red accents M'Lady Thara... 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
Commended by MadHattersDaughter on 8/9/2024 8:27:35 AM

She's irritated Sherb!? Why, that's abominable! That's deranged! Genuinely insane behavior! We need somebody to put a stop to this!

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

now I can finally go to sleep

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
How abominable

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
Oh shit, I missed this one earlier. I am loving these.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Arkham really is getting lax with the security again.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago assume that I have no potential based on one Thunderdome entry... and what I have for Storygames in progress...? And of coarse, how much I talk on here. 

Well, yall can sleep easy knowing this:

I am going to be MIA till Sep 4th (At the earliest) because I am focusing on irl things, like working over time my whole college break so I have plenty of money for college and bills when classes start back up. But while I'm gone, I am going to be working on a story for the site on my phone, on an app I downloaded specifically for writing stories on here. I found it helps me write better when I don't have notifications going off every other minute. But anyway, it probably won't be done when I get back, but I'm very determined to finish it because the storyline and dialogue I have so far is, in my opinion (not that anyone cares about my opinion anyway) very good writing. 

So I will see yall in September! :D

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
Oh hey, you're back.

Oh, but you're leaving again.

See you in September!

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Thanks Ogre. :o

I was not expecting such a warm 'hello, welcome back!' or 'good bye' from you. :o

I appreciate it! :D

And it's good to hear from you too! :D

See you in September! :D

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
You really shouldn't have eaten Alien's brain. It's just empty calories, y'know.

I like Ogre

2 months ago
True story

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

It's funny how little awareness you possess. "Mizal is all about site productivity and growth, so why is she so mad at poor little old me?" Maybe because you haven't been productive or done anything to help the site grow! The weekend that we were supposed to have a duel, you spent furiously shitposting. Good thing we have the secret dueler system in place.

Let's see what else you've contributed to the site. Hmmm, oh, here we go: you have rated TWO FUCKING GAMES. You have made over 500 posts, but you have rated TWO FUCKING GAMES. I bet all your posts are a lot more words than a 2k thunderdome entry is, as well.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Ravenic, let me give you one last tip. If you post stories where lots of effort is put in and write thoughtful reviews, even if your personality is annoying everyone, you will at least be tolerated :).

Look at me hahaha. I think I even got banned once by Endmaster, but Mizal (I think?) was nice enough to unban my account again.

Edit: To encourage good behavior, I'll dock you some points and will give it back and perhaps something extra if you post a review that is worthy to be commended :).

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago



Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

I'm sorry :( 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

I don't remember ever banning you.

Not saying it didn't happen since I've banned so many at this point even I can't remember them all, but I can't imagine what you did that would have caused a banning.

Unless it was one of those very brief things to make a point where I did it (Like you made some claim to ban you if you didn't do x or something similar) and then almost immediately unbanned you again, which I've done before.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

What toxic people!? Hehe

Maybe you need a small time out from the site, it'll help ya Stop being such an emo whiner.

Just focus on writing a story game or something. Ya pathetic noob



I like Ogre

2 months ago
Only 1,100 posts to go!

I like Ogre

2 months ago
I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this before, but Ogre seems like he's a likeable guy.

I like Ogre

2 months ago
I love Ogre!

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

I can't believe this dumb bitch is old enough to vote 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
Commended by hetero_malk on 8/9/2024 12:54:36 AM

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
lol. lmao even.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Kappa Man seems more fun than Batman.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
Made me lol, lmao even first thing in the morning, thank you. It's posts like this that make her worth putting up with.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Thank you, I laughed so hard that I went from being constipated to not constipated 



Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Yes. Conflatulations.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
Why is everyone ganging up on Ravenic? Out of interest.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

She just has kind of an understimulated church kid vibe that makes people want to push her into a locker 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
Ok. (Late) Congratulations on winning the Crisis Competition btw :D It looks really cool, I'm going to read and review all these stories at the end of the month when I have more free time :)

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Thank you very much! Looking forward to it :) 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Aaaaah... So THAT'S what it is... Noted...

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
Well as you can see, she made over 500 low content/no content shitposts in her first month of activity (probably a third of them of the 'LOL!LOL!!!!XDXD' variety), and people seem to find her to have a generally cringe vibe only excaberated by the overexposure.

Attempts to give her advice and gently steer all this energy and free time in a better direction have been blithely ignored, and when an administrator of the site placed the monumental task before her of "read and comment on one of MHD's stories to demonstrate a willingness to involve yourself in this community whose patience you're heavily taxing", her response was to instead start posting in obnoxious red fonts that are apparently supposed to be the anime thing of a demon voice doing commentary from inside her mind.

I don't know. I don't understand these kids.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
Yeah... she probably needs to take a break offline, we all get burned out sometimes. It sounds like perhaps her vibe and the lounge's vibe are a bit different, I can completely understand that. It just seems unfair when someone says they're having a mental breakdown though and then a group of people pile it on. Some people basically beg to be bullied cause they're so desperate for any form of attention but I don't know if that's the case here. I agree with you about not understanding some of these darn young'uns :D

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Will you'd make for a great volunteer on 7 cups as a listener. Sometimes i do it in my free time, and i feel like you'd make for a great listener.  If you're interested in that stuff you should definitely give it a try. Not to mention im 5 star rated on all my accounts : D  ( i used to be on there a lot).

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
That's nice of you to say and that sounds like a really great thing you do :D Wow

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
She "had a mental breakdown" because one of her posts got edited into a joke about being a lesbian. (Because just the thought of homosexuality in any context makes her want to throw up.)

She was in such shock it took her nearly five hours to recover enough to start spamming replies again!

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

One of my friends used to get RELENTLESSLY bullied because hed get so defensive when people made fun of him. Once he finally got it through his head to just laugh and play along with it, people stopped doing it as viciously. Its a life skill we should all learn.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
I think Ravenic's got a few more arcs to go before she reaches that revelation.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
Maybe she should join the military, like other fully functioning adults her age.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

I remember when i planned on going into the navy when i was 16. Thankfully, God put a stop to that plan  by cursing me with a degenerative eye condition around that same time, which made it so the navy would not take me. I think going into the Army is generally a very bad decision for most young people, especially if you're going as like an infantry or something specific to the army. They don't train you enough in things necessary for the everyday workforce. Its worth it if you're being an engineer. or a medic, or a dentist or something, but other than that for all the young-uns reading, probably stay away, if you can.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

They train you to kill because thats your job. You then get out of the army and be a contractor and make 150k off the bat. Seems like a good trade off. Thats in a perfect world.

However, you absolutely learn soft skills no matter what your MOS is. Leadership, Management, Accountability, Work Ethic, general responsibility. There are plenty of positives to take away from joining the military, regardless of your job. If someone joins the army and ends up struggling badly after getting out because "poor me I joined infantry and I'm dumb" they are probably an ASVAB  waiver. Military Service is the easiest job in the world. You get told when to get up, what to wear, and where to be. No thinking needed!

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Fair enough. I can definitely see the army as being one of if not the best places for developing soft skills, but with combat roles I'm just very mindful that theres typically going to be a harder landing. Just got to take advantage of any training opportunities they give you I guess. 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

That's fair, and as someone that was in air defense very real. Walmart doesn't need Patriot operators, yet. But I would argue the value to a young lost angry kid is worth it. Discipline and respect goes a very long way, in addition it's a good way to learn what type of leader or manager or boss you want to be. Even learning from bad examples is valuable. Like I learned I want to be a leader that works with my people on task, because I learned how much it sucks to have a supervisor just watch you work your ass off.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Yeah, a hard working manager is so important. It's the difference between a team that wants to work and one that doesn't . In my own life I've noticed that with managers that just dish out orders and just sit around twirling their thumbs judging how hard your working tend to have lazy teams, because the manager is lazy lol. If your manager works hard though it makes the team want to work hard. If you're a good manager you can make pretty much anyone a good worker. 


Most managers seem to forget that they set both the example and the team dynamic. I remember when I was 18 and id work part time as a janitor at this place, and my manager would make me do all the bins, do litter picks, and he NEVER done the bins once the entire time I was there. He'd just sit in the office reading news articles, pretending to be doing the roster or something?  Actually hilarious looking back on it. 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Agreed, I just think that you can learn a lot of these things like discipline, teamwork and humility by having one customer service job with shit pay for at least a year. I sure as hell appreciated nurses and doctor's assistants a lot more after I worked as the latter.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

That's understandable, I suggest the military more for how much power a squad leader has. Customer service can teach that, but nothing like experiencing a grown man coming into you're living quarters everyday to do a white glove inspection out of pure spite and pettiness.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

I support this advice in an unironic fashion.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Please don't EVER joke about the military.... My dad was in it for the first half of my life (0-9 years old) and it causes family drama. 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

How's that review coming along?

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Which review? Your's? Cause I have several stories saved. 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
You should work for the Department of Defense. I am obligated to be serious about that.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Why did the optometrist set his watch to military time?

He wanted to see 20:20

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Why don't scientists trust atoms? 

Because they make everything up

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Pffffft....! XD Those are funny! 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

If someone has a mental breakdown after someone calls them gay on the internet they shouldn't be on the internet 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
go to sleep

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
This is the best thing to come out of Raven's stupid new character arc.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Holy shit, this is so funny. I laughed all the way to the reply button.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

You made an entire thread JUST to ask me that question? 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Obviously not. You should pay closer attention, you posted responses before today - in fact shortly after the questions were asked.  It was the bingo thread where I asked in response to the card you posted. I'm guessing a mod broke it off so the bingo thread would not be tarnished by all this foolishness. I'm not an admin or mod and can't do that. 

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago
Seriously lol, I think this just proved you don't actually read anything you respond to? You know where the first 27 posts were split off from because you were there, and posting. We can scroll up and see your posts. They are right there, with time stamps and everything.

Ravenic craves attention again

2 months ago

Maybe I don't pay attention. Maybe I just forgot. Idk. I'm currently tired. :,)


Also, you had a profile pic change? Nice! Love the gun! :D