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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

So, I was wondering... What are some of the most fucked up games on the site? I've seen loads of threads where people talk about the best games overall, the best scripted games, the saddest games, the most romantic games, but with Slasher talking about the super happy rape game he's working on I wondered, what does CYS have to offer in the realm of fucked up shit?

So far the most fucked up game I've read has got to be Endmaster's Love SICK, but does that game have any rivals when it comes to fucked-upittiness?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

... Yeah, I thought you were joking until my sister bunny pooped on my head... That was random. frown

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
You don't like affectionate bunny poops, Briar?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

insanebuvain's stories might qualify.

She really should write more stories.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Oh yeah, I remember that one! You know you're in for a treat when the disclaimer reads "Contains dead children and incest." cheeky

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
It could've been a better story, as Kiel pointed out, but damn if it wasn't twisted.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Indeed ... and as I said, under the time constraints, it was very well written.

It's just hard for me to get into horror (for its fcked-up-ness, not its humorous side) without a well thought out story. (Heh. Reminds me, a long time ago, 'horror game' meant 'uglier than usual monster in a side-scroller') Creepy is good, shocking is good, disturbed is good, it just needs to have a sense of purpose for me. If I wanted to hear about purely senseless violence or bloodshed, I could just start watching the news again or re-read through some history books. 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Well, yeah, for the time restraints it was pretty good. Now, your character's mom hugging your character while telling her she's a good girl would honestly have been more fitting than the mother slitting the girl's throat. Granted, it might have made the story a little cliché.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Definitely would've been cliche. The ending she went with was much better.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Now, if the ending involved your mom, who was equally fucked up as your dad, forcing you to dispose of the body and you had two options, help (which results in her using you like kiel suggested) or refuse to help (which results in her saying "it's alright. You've done enough already" and slitting your throat), I think it would be pretty cool.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

 The ending she went with was purely for shock value. I'd rather see the girl pitied by the mother and the general public, or hailed as a hero, then turn out to have some kind of bizarre killing fetish so that she murders the rest of her family, goes on a serial spree, and has it end with her getting shot down in her prime with a smile on her face or committing suicide in the midst of some kind of karmic revenge hallucination.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Okay, that beats my idea.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Well, when I said I loved endings where 'you become what you despise,' that's basically what I meant.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

I didn't really think the ending was shock value though. I mean the whole story is pretty much filled with human suffering so the mom slitting the girl's throat wasn't excessively surprising.

Your ending might work if the story was longer, but I think James' final two choices works better for how short the story is since it does tie things up a bit neater.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

IBV's comment seems to suggest it was ... granted, I never asked directly, so maybe I'm wrong.

Really? Because the story has an ending that shows you growing up, moving away, and eventually committing suicide, but in a rather boring sort of "sorry, I tried, couldn't handle life..." sort of way.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Maybe it was, but when stuff is sort of done for shock value it's kind of lost on me since I don't get shocked by much and I just sort of see it as part of the story and in this case it still was consistent with the overall tone.

As for the ending, I was still seeing it as a short story which is why I thought james' suggestion was fine.

With your idea, it just feels like the whole story would need to be a lot longer to lead up to the point you're talking about. Like a few more passages with her going through pre-teen and teenage years and some more choices within those ages. Which of course I guess would lead to even more endings.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
On another note, whatever happened to the story where you get raped by your brother on the grave of your parents? If that one hadn't been deleted, it might've even had a spot on this page.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Ahh, I remember that.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Wait, who wrote that one? I don't even remember it.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I'll dig through JJJ's old recommendation posts and see if I can find a link. It may have just been unpublished.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

I think there was a story that Fearor wrote or maybe it was frank? That involved raping kids or something. I know that one got deleted by JJJ.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Huh. Leads me to wonder why Despiteous is in the clear, then ... but I can't remember the story you're referring to, so I have no clue how detailed it was.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I think the kid was dead first, so that make it better!

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Might've been because that one got a bit more graphic with the sex scenes and you were playing as the pedo.

As I remember he was raping his daughter and some other kids and then dismembering them (and maybe eating them, can't remember that for sure)

I'm still not exactly sure if it was Fearnor or frank that actually wrote it, but for some reason their names are coming to mind. It wasn't up very long. Even the thread about it got deleted for various reasons.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I know Nuclearwarfareaw10 wrote one that was pretty bad. I think it was called "Billy the Butcher" or "Bob the Butcher". It had something to do with a butcher.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

"I think it was called "Billy the Butcher"" ... "It had something to do with a butcher."

... xD Really now? I never would've guessed.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

I meant to say that it had the word 'butcher' in the title. I can't even remember if the guy was an actual butcher or not.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

I was kidding.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Oh, okay. On another note, I was looking for pictures of Barry the Chopper, and I found this:

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

xD That makes me smile for reasons I can't explain.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

What do we call him? Barry Sparkles? Chopper Dash?

Some people on the internet have too much time on their hands. On the more disturbing side of that topic, the other day, I saw one of my little cousins playing a game where you have to give Elsa a C-section.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Barry Sparkles sounds good, if only because it doesn't prepare you for the actual character's appearance.

Oh, that's nothing, at least Elsa is of marrying age. "Princess Sophia" also has a pregnancy / C-section game and in her Disney Cartoon show (purely for little, little kids mind you), she's eight years old.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Still, who has the time to make this shit? And what is their motivation?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Rat Butcher comes to mind.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Yes, that's the one. Dunno why I thought it was Frank or Fearnor who wrote it.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Wow, according to the stats I actually did read and rate this one. Completely forgot it though.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I gave it a much higher score than I wish I had.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Wait, it hasn't even been unpublished. My bad, guys.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Oh yeah, I remember that one! Didn't make a whole lot of sense, but major points for fuck-uppitiness ^_^

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

It's not consistent with the characters, though. There's no build up at all for that moment and no explanation during or after. (I also honestly disagree on it fitting. Not the story, mind you, but the scene.) 

I think his suggestion is fine, too.

I get what you're saying, but I don't envision it that way. *shrug*

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Honestly, I didn't find that ending particularly bad. I think my logic was that the mother thought the daughter was fucked up beyond repair and decided to put her out of her misery.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
That seems a little far-fetched, given how calm the mother was. And, even then, as Kiel said, the mother would've benefitted more from keeping the girl alive.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Maybe the mother killed herself after... I dunno cheeky

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Do you want my official opinion on the matter? Well you're getting it anyway. The mother stops and looks at the situation. The father is dead, and now the poor, helpless child and her mother are left to fend for themselves. Any sort of investigation would immediately assume that the mother killed the father, and the daughter would be left by herself. The mother, sees this, and also sees that her daughter is insane, or at least extremely messed up. She sees it as a kindness she's doing, to spare the poor child any hardships in her future. She has rather nobly decided to take the fall herself, to be the one who has to live the tough life. Obviously you can still interprete the story however you want, this is just the general line I was thinking along when I wrote it. 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I don't see how the mother would be able to do it so effortlessly, though.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

What, she wouldn't have the balls to do it you mean? 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

No, I think he means what I meant: There was no build up for the mother doing that. You didn't set the tone or have her show any real emotion over it. It was just "you're a good girl ... aaaand now you're dead."

Besides, an investigation would show the girl's finger prints on the murder weapon. Forensics, they exist because law enforcement is more intelligent that fiction leads us to believe...!

That said, ok. There was logic behind it. It just wasn't laid out. Good to know. Again, it was a very well-written story for the time constraints and you know my criticisms over it. The true ending bothered me less than my first complaint, but over all, you did good.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Have you not read Carrie?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
No, to be honest.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

You should. 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I think it will answer your question for you. It's a good read and not too long.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

... But how does that answer the question? I don't think that, just because it's considered a good read and it's by Stephen King, that it has authority on this subject. =\ It's also fiction, so it doesn't prove that people actually function that way, and the circumstances are totally different, so it doesn't really apply anyway. Come to think of it, the lady who played the mom in the movie thought it was so outlandish that they were unable to convince her it wasn't a comedy.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Point is, some people be cray-cray. King's characters are pretty realistic as far as emotional ranges go.

In reality, we've got that mother that drowned her infant children in the bath tub a few years ago. Some people are just messed up, and that is all it takes some times to do messed up things.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

"Messed up" isn't exactly a reason. "Bi-polar," "severe depression," "PTSD," are reasons. "Abused as a child," "raped by a family member," exc, are reasons. What I'm saying is that everything actually does have an explanation. Senseless violence doesn't actually exist, it's just that a lot of reasons are stupid and some are unavailable to the general public.

People do not go from 'loving, but submissive parent' to 'just slit my child's throat' in a snap without a reason and they usually have some kind of progression or outward display of change. 

I'm not saying you can't justify a villain by 'he's messed up, ok?' because you totally can, but I will call it lazy writing.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

What about some of history's most notorious killers who were just born evil? Ted Bundy didn't have any early childhood trauma that made him snap, nor was he mentally ill in a debilitating capacity. He was just a psychopath and a natural born killer, who stated his motivation for his crimes was the violent pornography he watched as a youth, which doesn't typically make someone kill 30 women.

(This isn't supposed to be in response to the mother killing her daughter, more so to the lazy writing thing.)

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

People aren't 'born evil,' though. That's fear-mongering and lack of scientific explanation that makes people say shit like that.

... Wait, you don't consider a psychopath mentally ill? Dude, the very definition of "psychopathy" is "mental illness or disorder." >_>' Of course he was mentally ill.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

You misunderstand me. Psychopathy is clearly a mental illness, but not in the sense that schizophrenia is, you get what I'm trying to say? Just because somebody is without fear or remorse, they can still think rationally and deliberately, which is why many psychopaths do so well as lawyers or in business, because they are natural leaders and are able to make the hard decisions that most people couldn't. Something that would be extremely more difficult for a schizo to do.

If a psychopath isn't born unable to experience fear or remorse, then what makes them do so? Not every psychopath is exposed to traumatic stimuli as children, so what sets those few apart from the rest? 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

... Nope, I actually don't get what you're trying to say, because they are both mental illnesses, but I'd argue that psychopathy is worse for treatment. Someone with schizophrenia can think rationally and deliberately and hold down a good job, too. I've seen it happen. People who had daily auditory and visual hallucinations found ways to help themselves deal with it, (a certain college professor comes to mind,) just like psychopaths find ways to make themselves seem normal. I don't think you really understand these disorders. =\ 

There's a sliding scale of sorts for mental instability; degrees to which a person is ill, and how much of an effect it has on their lives. The reason we know about Ted Bundy being mentally ill is because he couldn't cope in society enough to be "normal," or at the very least, "unnoticable." You've heard about lots of people who are schizophrenics and can't cope. But you rarely hear about the ones leading normal lives because they're leading normal lives. (That, or their parents lock them up in basements like this one guy I knew.)

You want me to explain the pathology of psychopathy? That's getting into things that the scientific community as a whole hasn't been able to adequately explain. :P So, you're asking a little too much. (Also, you said born evil, not born ill. Some disorders manifest or occur as early as infancy, and many do not. The brain, like any part of your body, is capable of becoming 'damaged' at any part of your life via chemicals, poor living, injury, physical sickness, and emotional distress...)

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Meh, you're probably right. All I know about those diseases are the people I know who experience them, those same people recounting their experiences, and general behavior, so I don't have as clear of a grasp on the spectrum as you do.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I think suffering from long term domestic abuse certainly counts as a reasonable explanation for becoming mentally unhinged, which insanebutvain certainly demonstrated.

In Carrie, it's implied the mother had a mental disease that just consumed her as her life went on.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

It counts as an explanation for her being damaged, but filicide isn't a logical response to spousal abuse. That said, sure, I'll accept that as build up, but even so ... where's the emotional response to the sudden realization "my husband is dead, my child is a murderer, I need to kill my child and I need to take the fall for this."?

Right, which is a different circumstance.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. Nothing came out of left field to me.

@insanebutvain Sorry we put your story under the microscope like this. Any story that can garner this much discussion has definitely got a lot going for it. So, huzzah!

EDIT: Hey, those first two sentences rhyme! I didn't even try to do it that time!

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Mhm. Everyone has a different perspective, each for their own reasons.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Yey! I got it right! ... More or less.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Bah, don't listen to any of these assholes and their critiques and opinions. Just keep writing what you want and how you envision the story.

If I went around listening to peoples' opinions I'd be writing stories that were tolerant to all genders, races, orientations, deviancies and had no swearing what so ever and then where would I be?

I wouldn't be anyone that could look in the mirror and be proud of, that's for sure.

Besides, Briar and I liked your story just the way it was and really that's the most important thing.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
You'd be on Tipper Gore's side, and that's no side at all. I still love how she got owned in Congress by a Rock Star.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Thanks a bunch mate <3

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Pfft, you'd struggle way more than that. I mean you'd have to try to please the ten year old that doesn't want any sex scenes in the story and the creepy guy who wants the whole story to be furry porn at the same time. cheeky

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

I don't really like her stories, for the same reason I couldn't get into American Horror Story or the Evil Within. They seem fucked up just for the sake of being fucked up. Some people are into that I guess, but I like there to be some sort of underlying reason for all the madness occurring.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

See, I'm that type of person. I obsess over AHS and all that, I guess I like shocking people and getting a reaction. Anyway, I get what you're saying. One of the things I'm writing now takes that into mind. 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Can't wait to read it, because beyond that single complaint, I thought it was pretty good 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Meant to say this earlier: in spite of my criticisms, I enjoyed both of your stories, so I look forward to your next piece. I have little doubt that it'll be a great game.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Yeah ... which was more or less my complaint with the "true ending", as you might've read already. I also got insanely bored with "The Evil Within." None of it shocked or horrified me, and without logic or interesting twists, that just leaves the gore and ... that wasn't enough to carry the game for me.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

I was more disappointed with Evil Within due to the terrible controls.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

I honestly forgot about that. At the time, I was too busy commenting that I didn't give a damn what the rest of the game said, my character was already a dead man from the festering human smoothie he was swimming in while having a torn up leg.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

He would have had to kill, something like ten thousand people to fill that vat of blood. XD

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Right, and you know at least one of those poor bastards had to have aids or ebola or something. (Kind of joking, kind of not.) Besides, killing all of those people takes time, allowing things to fester, and the human body is germ-filled anyway, especially in the intestines and so forth, so that vat would've been swarming with bacteria. He'd go septic, no problem. >_>

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Well, it was all a dream anyway.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Thanks. I probably will, I'm just lazy. 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

If endmaster tells you to write more stories, you write more stories.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

First try I got the ending where the father chops off the heads of the mother and son and rapes and kills the daughter. AND EVERYONE LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!!

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Glad you enjoyed it. 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I hear the Disney Trivia Quiz is pretty horrifying. It asks you questions about poisoned princesses, mutant animals that can talk, references character death by the metric ton... I'll stop before I scare you.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that most Disney villains die by falling?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Scar was eaten! (After he fell.) Ha. Subverted.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
He was originally just going to fall into a fire, but Disney thought that wasn't nearly karmic enough, and they kinda already did that with Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

... Hunchback of Notre Dame came after Lion King. cheeky

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Point to the Living Disney Encyclopedia.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

I dunno... Maleficent got stabbed, Sykes gets hit by a train, Ursula gets impaled on a broken ship, Scar gets eaten by hyenas, Shan Yu gets exploded by fireworks, Clayton accidently hangs himself and Doctor Facilier gets dragged by his evil voodo minions into hell... I watch too many cartoons. cheeky

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Maleficent fell after getting stabbed. Clayton does fall, but gets caught by vines. Frollo falls onto the fire meant to burn the gypsy chick. Gaston falls. I believe one of the dogs in Fox and the Hound falls off of train tracks, but I can't remember if he died. Mother Gothel fell from her tower, but it is implied that she died and crumbled to dust before she hit the ground.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

The dog didn't die, but the bear does fall down a waterfall in the end.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Then the rule still applies.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Don't forget that King John just stayed in the castle, beating Sir Hiss to death.

Well then.... I guess I watch too many cartoons, as well.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

And then it puts the last nail in the coffin of your childhood when you realize you can't remember who any of these characters are... Mwahahaha! ^_^

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Pretty much. I got a 7/30 when I took it.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Read The Lonely Wolf. There's wolf buttsecks in it.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
That was rather painful.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Rather painful? It made my eyes bleed.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

How has this not been removed?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

It was unpublished recently.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Furry porn... Lovely. frown

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Farmer Joe is going to be fucked up. One of the deaths is getting raped in the ear by a llama until your brain bursts. 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Well, I can't wait for whatever the fuck Farmer Joe is going to turn out to be.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Raped by a Llama ... that's pretty pathetic.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
That is weak. Now, raped by two llamas...

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

... I read your previous comment before you edited it, albeit only briefly before the site reset. You were joking, correct? As in, 'you didn't actually make that suggestion'?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
No, I actually suggested that. I feel embarrassed now, but there is no point lying, since it is in Malkalack's last WW thread on the game.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

... I was surprised enough that I felt the need to go check.

Yeah, you actually suggested--just out of the blue--that he take one of my characters without permission to either insult or kill and skin him, which would be a dual insult of both plagiarizing a part of my story and making a mockery of an homage I created for one of my best friends because he helped inspire me to write the game in the first place. Well ... fuck you, too, man. 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

All right, what's wrong? 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago


Most fucked up games

9 years ago

What did James say to piss you off?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

... I fail to see why you're asking me this.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

I kind of want to know what he said. 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

I'm going to ignore the fact that you read the conversation enough to realize I was annoyed, but not enough to know why I was annoyed, for the time being to ask, yet again: why?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Like you said: I'm just a bizarre little fuzzball. 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Speaking of which, I'm glad to see you returned to the Capy avatar. He amuses me.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago


He's a relic of a bygone age... *nostalgic sigh*

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Look, I didn't mean it as an insult to your friend or to you as an author. It's fairly common knowledge that if you are going to use someone else's idea, you ask first. Coyotes as spiritual counselors are very common in Native American belief, to the point that many people before you have made reference to them. In The Simpsons, Homer received guidance from a coyote spirit (voice acted by Johnny Cash, of course). Yes, I did reference your character, specifically, and, in hindsight, I see that I shouldn't have.

But, the point was to draw contrast between modern treatment and historical reverence of the coyote, while creating a sense of "hey, it's that guy", not to trash something belonging to and having importance to you.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

There's a big difference between an animal spirit / guiding totem and a deity, for one. I've never seen a coyote -god- besides mine. Sure, one tribe (Navajo) believed the coyote, as an animal, had god-like powers ... over rain. Not really comparable. I took some inspiration from past legends, but he's an original character. He's not a 'guiding spirit,' he's a deity. (Even if it was the same, if you're trying to imply I'm 'stealing my ideas from another culture' ... it's my culture, too. I'm part Native American. Not that it honestly seems relevant.)

Two, you just said you specifically referenced my character, which negates your previous points anyway. (I'm still kind of surprised. I realize foxes and coyotes aren't exactly bros in the animal kingdom, but I did not expect that kind of suggestion from you of all people.)

I've had an incredibly shitty week, so this is a particularly bad time to start tap dancing on any of my nerves, but for future reference ... in the event that you're sorry--can't tell if you are or not--saying so earlier probably would've deterred me from getting irritated in the first place.

(Your first reply sounded like "whoops, didn't think you'd notice" rather than apologetic. What you're saying now ... might be? I don't know. But then, it also sounds like "your idea isn't original, so it wasn't really about your character, except that it was because I said it was, but I meant well, so don't be mad, k?")

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
If it was my intent to piss you off, do you really think it would've worked?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Is ... that a trick question? I was never pissed off. The word I used was "irritated." 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
When you throw around words like "fuck you", it tends to create an image of something stronger than irritation. I was not acting maliciously, and I was not trying to conceal my actions. If I was, I would've edited my comment on Malk's thread, as soon as you asked if I was joking. I was embarrassed by my comment because it felt like something a fanboyish little kid would say, not because I felt that I had done anything wrong.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Can't we all just get abong?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Come on, Playa, the 'b' key is nowhere near the 'l' key.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

^-^ hehehe

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Only for some people. I have jokingly said that to several people, so I don't need to be pissed off, and you're totally dropping the context. The "too" was important for discerning how I meant it. I was basically saying "dunno what I did to deserve that, but same to you." If you didn't actually mean anything by it, then my response is equally meaningless, does that make sense?

"not because I felt that I had done anything wrong" ... Ok. So, not apologetic then, got it.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Oh, funsies! ^_^

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I still think it should be two llamas, one in each ear.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Throw in a couple more for the nostrils and have them all singing while they're at it and you got a party! ^_^

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Oh god... it's stuck in my head!

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Yey! ^_^

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I take it that your link leads to the llama song.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

... Llama, llama, duck! ^_^

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I like the Doctor Who version of the song.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

xD ... I hate to admit it, but I like it.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

When I was a teenager I watched that video so many times that I still know all the words. >.<

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Well LeoScales is supposed to be working on a romance story from the perspective of a serial killer. I suppose that one has the potential to be fucked up.

And I'm definitely having "pockets" of fucked upness in Suzy's Strange Saga so there's that to look forward to I guess.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Really looking forward to Suzy's Strange Saga... Hell I still got to read Ground Zero... Plus I think I was part way through writing a game at some point... What was it called again? Ah well, I'll throw a couple of pages together in a month or two. cheeky

You... haven't read Ground Zero?

9 years ago


You... haven't read Ground Zero?

9 years ago

Nope. Been taking a break from Endmaster games after I spent more than a month going over every single branch of Eternal. cheeky

You... haven't read Ground Zero?

9 years ago

You're tearing me apart, [Briar_Rose]!

You... haven't read Ground Zero?

9 years ago

... Oh hai Mark ^_^

You... haven't read Ground Zero?

9 years ago

Hmm, made a new friend...

This was very dumb and don't write the f word in it!!!!!
Ground Zero
Sippy 3/13/2015 4:32:56 PM

Sippy 3/13/2015 4:34:32 PM

You... haven't read Ground Zero?

9 years ago
I enjoy how "the f word" is too inappropriate for them to type out, but "BITCHES" in all caps is fine.

You... haven't read Ground Zero?

9 years ago

... I find End tends to get a lot of comments from young kids complaining about all the swearing and sex scenes in his R rated games with the great big "Warning, this game has lots of swearing and sex scenes in it" notices on the front page. cheeky

You... haven't read Ground Zero?

9 years ago
I must not understand today's youth. I remember kid's thinking all that crap was cool, even young kids, once they learned what it was.

Heck, when I was a kid, everyone was into the Boxcar Children, Animorphs, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew and Narnia. Now, it's all this WC and sparkly vampire rubbish. Maybe I should just invest in a cane and start practicing my, "Get off my lawn!" snarl.

You... haven't read Ground Zero?

9 years ago

My favourite books as a child were The Adventures of the Wishing Chair and The Faraway Tree. Not quite sure how my current tastes stemmed from that lovely collection. 

You... haven't read Ground Zero?

9 years ago

Troll alert all the way. Comments weren't even two minutes apart lol

You... haven't read Ground Zero?

9 years ago


Most fucked up games

9 years ago
The Elusive Zoid. This game makes no sense whatsoever. Simply stated, retarded. Not completely fucked up, but definitely a contender.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Put all these stories together and you get this:

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Ah, the only joke in the world that doesn't get less funny the more times you hear it... I like the Gilbert Gottfried version ^_^

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Hey, End, you know what would be the most awesome thing in the whole world? ... If YOU told The Aristocrats! ^_^

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Heh, I think I sort of do that already in story form on a minor level.

But I also think the Aristocrats joke works better when you can actually hear someone tell it though since a lot of it is dependent on the delivery by the comedian even more than the actual offensive content.

Interaction with the audience, funny emphasis on certain things, tone of the voice, possible physical gestures, etc, all help in making the joke funnier.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

That is very true. ^_^

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Well, this game isn't a story-game and it's not on this site. Still...

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Well ... that was bizarre.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I never really thought of fat ladies to necessarily be apple lovers.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Size is irrelevant to food preferences. (Elephants also like them, as do horses, parrots, and turtles.) Though, if you're implying that what you eat is what determines your body weight, that's inaccurate. Amount of food, genetics, and several other factors play very important parts.

For example, I've known more than one person who had a horrible diet, a soda addiction, routinely ate tons of candy, and remained skinny as a rail until his thirties. One person in the same family could do so for a while, until his late teens, and had to start working out routinely then, a third sibling got pretty pudgy regardless of what they did diet and exercise-wise, and the fourth was just ... average. Not a whole lot of sweets, not a whole lot of exercise, normal weight. 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
I meant that not all fat ladies necessarily like apples and that that's not even a common stereotype.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

How do you keep from getting stabbed in the back?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

You can't. It's inevitable. 

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

I guess I'll just have to eat faster then.  Too bad it won't let you eat two-handed like in real life.  :)

Most fucked up games

9 years ago
Yep, you have to eat like a fat, Victorian British lady.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Hmm... It kinda makes me sad thinking that somebody actually spent a lot of time and effort making that game cheeky

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

@Briar_Rose, the most fucked up storygame in my opinion, It would be medicine bunny, just like James said. For me, that storygame is FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition).


Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Well I guess I can post my own story here.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

For a moment I thought Mardox necroed another thread, but since Boerhae's post is on topic and just one month has passed I imagine this is fine.

I guess just to add to the topic, I'll say that so far Xiro's doing pretty good in this department with his Forum game story.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Am I getting a reputation for thread necromancy?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

You're getting a reputation for being a foolish buffoon. Nothing more.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

In that case I think I'll go kill your mustache.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Your "reputation" isn't a good one.

I mean, thread necromancy?

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Still not sure why everyone finds it so annoying

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

*sigh* When you know that a thread is done for and will be abandoned, you expect for it not to show up in your notifications.

Suddenly, it pops up. That's a pet peeve that everyone has a deep hatred of.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

OK, I'm relatively new to forums in general so I've never experienced that.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

*shrugs* Maybe that's why you necro threads... You didn't know.

Well, you learned. Been on the forums for a bit, didn't know. I really can't blame you for anything.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

I suppose I'll only truly understand when someone else is doing the necroing

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

I think CreatorX necros a bit, but I only saw it once.

(remember dat thread?)

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Please specify

Most fucked up games

9 years ago


It was something else CreatorX did, not necroing.

Most fucked up games

9 years ago

Mmf, I'll wait then

Most fucked up games

one month ago

Y'know for a thread about "Fucked up games" there sure were a lot of faggots that were posting in it.

Most fucked up games

one month ago

Thanks for giving us newer CYStians awareness of this thread. This is filled with some interesting lore.

Most fucked up games

one month ago

This the most messed up one I've personally read/skimmed on the site: Terrorist
It's as edgy as it sounds. The surprise incest at the very beginning was definitely off-putting, and that's just the start of it.

Most fucked up games

one month ago

Terrorist is a dime-store rip off and adaptation of an epically classic CYS game Love Sick.  Its attempt at being edgy just makes it lame and cringe.

Most fucked up games

one month ago

I'm gonna have to read love sick now.

Edit: It was something. Probably not my typical go too, i prefer EndMasters other stuff, but i think many of the reviews explain its purpose for existence justly. 

Most fucked up games

one month ago

Ahh, good memories. ^_^