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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

All these noob stories

2 years ago
We seem to be being hit by a class of school kids. If anybody has time to give some constructive criticism, it'd be a nice thing to do before they got completely buried by contest games. They all seem to be at a stage they could benefit a lot from advice, and it's possible a couple may stick around.

It's every game after Mercenary pretty much. (And nobody read that one either.)

All these noob stories

2 years ago

I've left constructive comments on a few of them already, I'll try to give some critisism to all of them before the end of the week.

All these noob stories

2 years ago
Oh I didn't mean you, I know you already do things.

All these noob stories

2 years ago

On it.

Giving feedback is pretty fun.

All these noob stories

2 years ago
I'm glad that these school kids could bring us the likes of "Gay and Depressed (M)"

All these noob stories

2 years ago
Oh yeah, forgot about Darius's story. More people should read that too, it got completely buried by the noob avalanche pretty quickly.

All these noob stories

2 years ago
did my part

All these noob stories

2 years ago

I read Mercenary 

All these noob stories

2 years ago

From: Bfinelsen
To: Yummyfood
Date: 3/3/2023 10:36:41 AM

Hey boss, 

saw ur comment this is a project for my school.

i really do not care about the story itself i really wanna just get a good grade.

 the one question i have is, what do you do with your life?

Instead of stalking choose your story maybe go out and talk to a woman.

4 paragraphs is crazy, im not reading that shit. Instead, how about you suck my nuts you fat, bald, basement dwelling, cheeto eating, momma's boy, dumb dum bubble gum stupid lookin ass bitch.

Fuck you and the school that taught you propper grammar. 


love Bfinelsen. :)


I regret nothing lol.

All these noob stories

2 years ago


All these noob stories

2 years ago

Hope he got graded already since the story has somehow been deleted. Damn this old site and it's glitchy ways.

All these noob stories

2 years ago

What grade are these kids in

All these noob stories

2 years ago


All these noob stories

2 years ago

Read bottom to top.

From: TypewriterCat
To: Bfinelsen
Date: 3/3/2023 11:17:29 AM

You're still evading the question.

From: Bfinelsen
To: TypewriterCat
Date: 3/3/2023 11:16:22 AM

hop off my dick, why do you care sm. is this all you have going for you ? 

From: TypewriterCat
To: Bfinelsen
Date: 3/3/2023 11:15:27 AM

You didn't answer my question, so I assume the answer is yes.

From: Bfinelsen
To: TypewriterCat
Date: 3/3/2023 11:14:11 AM

genuinely wonder my nuts in your mouth. I'm sorry, did i piss off your lap dog bitch boy, and he had you message me? Grow up mouth breather lmao

From: TypewriterCat
To: Bfinelsen
Date: 3/3/2023 11:11:34 AM

I'm genuinely wondering, is going to random writing sites, publishing games that don't meet minimum site requirements, and then bitching like a faggot when people give you bad reviews, a hobby of yours?

All these noob stories

2 years ago
The real power move would've been leaving the game up and commenting how he harassed you in dm's and featuring the comment. Then when he submits the game the teacher will see it and he'll get in trouble lol.

All these noob stories

2 years ago

Brilliant idea, would be hilarious. You have my support if that matters.

All these noob stories

2 years ago


All these noob stories

2 years ago


All these noob stories

2 years ago
This dude is four months away from being eligible to vote btw, nobody feel the need to hold back on account of age.

Kinda creepy he's telling a young girl so much about his dick tbh, might need to call up the feds here.

All these noob stories

2 years ago

I have fixed the problem.

All these noob stories

2 years ago

Who deleted it?

I didn’t get a chance to read it and experience all of the fun you guys had.

All these noob stories

2 years ago
End complained of the glitchy site. Must've done it by accident, since he's so old. Just by coincidence it happened to be justice as well.

All these noob stories

2 years ago
"There is landmine u dieded"
There you go, you basically just read the full story.

All these noob stories

2 years ago


All these noob stories

2 years ago
The funniest part about this to me is that he thought that story would get him a good grade.
I mean, maybe it would, I don't know what the teacher's standards are. But it was objectively the worst story in his class.

All these noob stories

2 years ago
Some of those stories were really too good to be school stories. I mean damn, there were multiple 10k+ stories. I've had 5 page term papers for college classes and 5 pages is like 1300 words. That's like writing a 50 page story for your middle school english class.

All these noob stories

2 years ago

In 9th grade we had to write a short story and I went overboard with mine and ended up having five fucking chapters to it.

I think each chapter was like maybe 4-5 pages, but it basically was a small "book" when I turned it in. (Triple stapled the pages, top, middle and bottom left side)

Keep in mind this was the old days too, so I was actually using a typewriter. Though I'd written it all out by hand (in cursive) before typing it out. I think it wasn't until like grad school that I got out of the habit of hand writing everything before typing it out.

All these noob stories

2 years ago
Yeah, when they had us do any kind of story in class I'd always turn in like ten pages.

The Homework Girl one had an impressive amount of effort put in, it's like ten times the length of the others. They even figured out on page scripting so they must have read the articles. Squirrel game is also pretty fun even if it's short.

All these noob stories

2 years ago

Thank you so much!! I put a lot of work into Homework Girl (probably a little too much for the class), but I really enjoyed making it, and I'm glad that some people also enjoyed playing it! I have a couple other ideas that I might still want to make, so I might stick around and make a couple of those ideas too!

All these noob stories

2 years ago
Yours was the only one I clicked through a little, it looked really impressive.

All these noob stories

2 years ago
The really funny thing is what a unique last name Finelsen is. That he uses while sending harassing DMs from a school IP.

Good thing for him he didn't come back and start spamming or anything the way these dipshits sometimes do.

All these noob stories

2 years ago

I absolutely loved the squirrel game. You did well @Brotherhamster

All these noob stories

2 years ago

Thank you! You're all correct, haha, this is a school project. We're highschoolers in a video game design class. Most of us really appreciate the constructive criticism left in the comments. I republished mine to fix the endless restarts that many of you pointed out- thank you! I didn't consider how annoying that could be. I doubt I'll actually improve the game any further after its graded, however. I have no comment on The Boys Go To Miami and unfortunately can't speak for the guy who made it... All I will say is please don't dox him, or any of us for that matter. This website is neat!

All these noob stories

2 years ago

Good kid.

You're one of the good ones.

I can say that because I'm brown.

All these noob stories

2 years ago
Oh yeah I'm not intending to post any more info than he's already given away himself with his account name. But the admin tools log IPs, and previously with classroom games (although with middle schoolers) there's been a couple of incidents of one kid just going insane and causing problems for others connecting from the same place. Pretty much all of these stories are higher quality than typical "class project" stuff and I can tell you're all having fun though, some of them are pretty entertaining. Also, knowing I'm speaking to a fellow squirrel appreciator, feel free to check out my squirrel romance story Love is for the Birds. (Although sadly it does not contain any pictures.)