Surrealist humor is my personal favorite as it subverts expectation while maintaining tone regardless of what setting or tone you may have been working with at first. Some examples of this type of humor as I've written it before:
Have you been struggling to find an answer for what the modern woman enjoys? You may hear that it's not all about length. But research shows it's not even about girth or even density these days. It's about radar cross-section or RCS. This very important electromagnetic signature is what determines if you can get the gal.
Here at Maduup Engineering we have created a specialized medication in form of an easy-to-swallow once-a-day pill for men who would like to decrease their radar cross-section. A month of taking this pill is all it will take to see dramatic and significant changes in the stealth and tactical prowess involved in your love life. The days of hearing her say "Is it in?" are over! For you will have been in, finished, and gone by the time she ever thinks you were nearby.
While our penis size decreasing pills may be 100% effective, there are those among the elite who may want an extra tactical advantage. For these men of the hour we recommend the MK III Ultra-tacticool fullbody suit. With complex carbonpolymer geometries you'll not only be undetectable but kept entirely within comfort. The suit comes with a range of perks, most notably the (tacti-)cooling system which allows for vigorous and quick thrusting action while staying well conditioned. The fan blades are notched to attenuate airflow noise and the suit itself is highly breathable, allowing for moisture wicking should payload delivery happen prematurely. With an impressive form fitting wingspan you can come and go withotu ever disturbing the peace of your beloveds' sleep. Perfect for use on the busy woman in your life. The highly durable wings are made from a prefamulated amulite substrate which allows for gliding should escape from higher floors be necessary.
Indeed delivering care packages is a large part of our customers needs, but we have a solution even for dropping bombs. For a minor decrease in tactical stealth, the back hatch opens temporarily for payloads to be dropped from your port. For those who would enjoy having that port be stealth while open, we recommend checking our line of Tactical Homo solutions on our website.
With Maduup Engineering's stealth solutions, they'll never see you cumming.
This kind of humor often elicits a jerry face.

You can also do what I do
which is to make jokes
only you would understand
or laugh at
and then when they flop
for an audience
you laugh
at how bad it was
mogami river
Sometimes surreal can be very small and not obvious to many, but still kinda funny. Like this email conversation I had with my team lead:
From: [Manager]
To: [Me]
Subject: 3/1 Meeting
No one showed up to the meeting except Sean. Can you explain why?
From: [Me]
To: [Manager]
Subject: Re: 3/1 Meeting
I accidentally started this post and left it in a forgotten tab for enough time for me to forget what my point was. I also did not read the OP so anyway here it is.