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Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Why are people worried about the removing of net nuetrality. The company would loose business when there caught blocking certain websites. But, if they do block websites then people would be angered and leave the company. Like I said, making them loose business. If they're caught blocking an highly traffic website then they're fucked. (Pornhub, Youtube, Twitter, Etc)

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

It was my understanding that the issue comes from some parts of America not having a very diverse market when it comes to providers, so no competition. The providers won't lose business because in some places there is simply no alternative.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

But there is ways for them to unblock those websites for free.

Besides if they do choose to block an website and get caught it'll spread like wild fire in the internet. They would loose an great amount of money from other places that are diverse market. But it's mainly kids that are worried about Net Neutrality since they're little porn websites are going to be block.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

The point still holds; no competition, no loss of money, no problem.

On that basis, why not block websites (or at least slow them to a standstill)? After all, not everyone is going to be savvy enough to unblock them. 

Even if you're still not convinced it's an issue, doesn't the principle bother you? Surely the fact that they're failing to erase neutrality doesn't mitigate the fact they tried in the first place?

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Porn websites are hardly place to be scared of getting blocked. You saying it's kids who want access to porn is insultingly ignorant. Porn websites can afford for the high frame rates. It's the back ends of the internet, sites like this, that wouldn't be able to. Websites aren't going to get blocked, they'll be greatly slowed down, and if they are, what the fuck are you going to do about it?

It isn't a diverse market. There's only a handful of big players, that number grows smaller every day, and they're interdependent. It's an oligopoly where you're left with either no choices, or if you are, that choice is going to be bought out soon enough, and if not, it's another company that is more than happy to just avoid giving you a net neutral option as they just divide the market rather than competing with the other option so they both lose money.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

No they wouldn't. Internet broadcasting is, at best, an oligopoly where areas are divided to share up the market and minimize competition, if not a monopoly. You don't exactly have a lot of places to go if the only internet provider in the area says you're going to use a slower version of the sites that refuse to pay money to it.

If you want to use CYS, they're not paying, so they don't get the fast lane. What, are you going to up route and go to the next one? You either don't have any other options, or if you do, they're soon to be bought out by the main company, or they're just another big company doing the same thing, because they know as they're in an oligopoly, and if they all do that, you're fucked. 

This seems like an ignorant argument, as if you just learned about the "Invisible hand of democracy" and all that drivel. I hope this clears it up so you understand why this is terrible for you.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

I do agree that the fact I was being ignorant.

Thanks for the clear up, I am still kinda new to this topic.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

What an ideal response. The angry I felt towards your ignorant has completely dissipated. Well done for clearing up your ignorance without being a little bitch, you're risen in the ranks of my respect.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

It's a waste of time to argue about something that have been debunked, or been proven false. It's annoying to do so, so I'm not going to act like an little fucking hypocrite.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Kind of curious to see how the whole loss of net neutrality thing is going to go down. At first I was kind of naive and figured, "I live in the U.K., so this won't affect me." ... Then I remember that the vast majority of content or websites I use are from the U.S.A., so losing net neutrality will probably effect the content/websites I use... So... Yeah, let's see what happens. cheeky

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Not to mention that whole Brexit-thingy, which means the European laws regarding net-neutrality won't necessarily apply anymore. 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Pfffft, Brexit. We didn't need nice things anyway.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

That's becoming increasingly apparent, as more and more of the UK's nice things are moving over to the mainland. Not that I'm complaining about that.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

What kind of websites we're talking about? Is it the kind of websites where you have to clear your history Briar? x3 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Man, fuck Ajit Pai and his punchable face.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

lmao, this topic is extremely amusing to me. I like seeing the stupidity of people. Oh, thanks for the helpful picture Crash. 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

... Uh... Are you against Net Neutrality, or...?

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

I'm against Net Neutrality. Seems like a pretty shitty idea, and I need my bootlegged anime. 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

How the hell can someone be against net neutrality? What possible reasoning do you have for that?

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

I am with Steve on this one. I mean, I don't understand why anyone would want to pay more to use the internet.

Let alone be actively tracked in their browsing history.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Maybe Dini is Ajit Pai.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Or, looking back, it's possible she thought net neutrality is the opposite of what it is.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Are you sure you understand what net neutrality is? Net neutrality is what we have right now, free access to all sites. 

The end of net neutrality means the end of your bootlegged anime. 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago


Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Well for one, I've agreed that I was ignorant while posing that. But I never said I was against it.. And two, I don't give two shits about anime.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago


Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Use Threaded View, you silly motherfucker.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago


That's a nice second post.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

What second post? :P

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

God damnit.

Now I'm the silly motherfucker.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

You always were Tim. You always were.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

... No... No...

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

We're all Silly here.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago


Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Fuck you Zenjar. Anime is good. 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
"don't be rude to newbs you guys I mean it!!!"

"hey newbie FUCK YOU how dare you be indifferent to the honor of my anime"

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Well done Mizal. *claps* Don't forget the time where you said that replying to your own post was retarded yet you keep on doing it. 

And he really isn't a new person on here since he joined about a month ago. :p 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
A month = no longer a noob? What planet are you on? Your noob scale is wack as fuck. In case you couldn't tell, you're still a noob. You haven't even been around for a couple years yet. Someone should link the nooby ranking post I made in that one irrelevant thread ages ago.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Time since signing up is irrelevant.  I still consider myself a newb because I wasn't here for very long before disappearing for 5 years and then randomly wandering back because I remember vaguely that there was a site with good CYOA style stories on it...and then I found the wrong site first before refinding this one.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
If you're still learning / catching up on things about the site it's fair to consider yourself a newb, yes. But he was pointing out Dini was a noob. Significant difference.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Just pointing out that time wasn't really much of a good factor is all.  It's what you do with the time.  Though it looks like things got pretty wacky here.  I probably should have stayed out of it, hm? :)

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Thing about replying to your own post, is that it's okay when you're replying to the OP out of necessity. Providing updates to the initial OP you made isn't retarded.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

This, however, IS retarded. Super retarded. Never do this, there's an Edit button for a fucking reason.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Yeah, just realized that I made a little mistake lmfao. Sorry, I meant that I NEED net neutrality since I need my fucking dark web. 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
Yeah that's quite the little mistake there, wading in with strong and definitive views on a subject without knowing what it is.

What do you think the dark web is btw, just curious.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
inb4 when the website has a dark background instead of white

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Why the fuck do you need the dark web? For that bootlegged anime? You can get that on the regular web. Do you even know how the fuck pirating works? You don't even need it for Hentai even if you're into sick degeneracy with a side of DOUBLE sick degeneracy. Hell, the whole "Loli" thing is the whole reason pedophiles don't even need to go on the dark web. You can show anything in Hentai as long as it's not supposed to be a real person because it's just fucking Cartoons, that shit doesn't matter. There's like no reason you could possibly need it.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

I need the dark web for oth- Okay, I'm not going to say anything anymore. No questions, just none please. x'D 


Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Yeeeaaah none needed, you've never been there in your life.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Okay, I'm not going to fucking say anything since I don't want points docked off. But what I can say is that I have been there. Also nice profile pic. Getting festive I see! I'm just looking forward for the breaks since I can prepare for some exams which will be after our break and yeah. 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

I certainly hope you haven't been webcaming for horny pedos and you've just been in search of cheap hitmen instead. (Like the guy offering to kick someone in the balls for 100 dollars, no seriously, they were offering that service along side the other hitmen)

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
nah she webcams for the non-horny pedos. she's only in it for the glory.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
yeah Sent! DiniTheBadass doesn't have to tell you about the shit she's seen on the dark web like everyone else on this site which regularly discusses beheading children in jest! She's special - no need to prove it to you or anyone here especially when her precious cys power points are at stake. The mods are notorious for taking points off for discussion of illegal topics.

got u dini. this punk won't bother you anymore.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

I mean, it'd be a legitimate complaint if Kiel was a thing, but being that there are only about two mods here, one who doesn't give a fuck, and the other whose only concern is that she might be a prostitot, it's entirely stupid.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

I'm dying of laughter from reading your replies. Thanks Ford. Always knew that I could count on you. x'D But going back to the main topic, I'd rather not have my history being monitored by people and bootlegged shows to be blocked as I need it in my life. 

And yes, I regret making my extremely unintelligent mistake. x'D 


i'm a badass.. woooo. End, can I change my username? x3 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Nope, unless I ban you and at this point A LOT of people wouldn't mind seeing that.

So far your only saving grace is "seeking advice and tips from my holy god EndMaster."

Though I will say, you suck up FAR too much to Steve. Do less of that, and your reputation here may increase.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Nobody gives a fuck about your anime. The NSA literally does not give any fucks about your anime. You can get everything on the regular web free of charge, there are no "bootleg shows" that only make it across the pond in deep web form. The deep web isn't some sort of pirating paradise, it's very inconvenient and difficult to find any specific thing. Either way you're not going to get anything blocked for merely explaining why you were there and doing something you TOTALLY DID, even if you have an actual understanding of how the damn thing works and how to get there. 

Calling Bullshit

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

fuck you

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
Hope that was worth it.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

New tombstone in the Graveyard unlocked!


DiniTheWizard, DiniTheBadass

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
why would you tell him this

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
why wouldn't I want to be absolutely honest with the best mod to ever grace CYS with his darkness?

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Fuck it, as I said a lot of people have been complaining about her to me.

Though in light of this new evidence, IF she wants to come back, she can.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
You did nothing wrong.

Anyway since when do we believe anything Ford says.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
hey! I spent a whole 8 minutes trying to find an anime girl with sunglasses on that wasn't the most cringey asf pic ever. btw it wasn't worth it cause it took me a whole 2 seconds to make the post I could've just left the profile pic blank.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
That pic was a nice touch though, gj

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
you too thanks

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
yeah...sorry dini. Odd that it's no longer like back in the day when an alt was made it was presumed to be mine. Also had no idea who dini was and that she was a disturbance that was teetering on the edge of banishment haha.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
Well I wasn't expecting both accounts to get axed, but this seems to be more of a a simple timeout in the corner now anyway. Bet it still felt good though.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Not sure who should be more pissed at Ford, Dini for getting her banned or everyone else that hated Dini and wanted her to stay banned and now she isn't.

I'll let you guys figure it out.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
I don't see her name anywhere so it's also possible she fled the site in rage and shame and doesn't realize what happened and never will. We won't see her again until years later she emerges from the dark web to wreak her vengeance and/or saves up $200 to hire a man to kick you both in the balls.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago


What a waste.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
LOL. Didn't realize you were going for both.

but damn now that I read back, you did warn her:

So far your only saving grace is "seeking advice and tips from my holy god EndMaster."

Clearly the new, blank account broke the protective seal.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
my sides are fkn gone

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Really, a lot of people have been complaining about her to me. I sort of figured she'd calm down, or at least stay on the edge, but yeah, that last one did her in.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
oh boy

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Aw man, you're telling me that my defective factory clone was banned? I'm guessing her worshipping needed some obvious work and reproaching on for something like that to occur.

She'll surely be missed by someone on here if she stays gone from this. I think Steve would miss her, right? Is anyone missing her yet?

I know I am. 

There's so many laughs that I missed while I was at the arcade. Oh well.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Nah, she's been unbanned since Ford admitted that he was fucking around, but assuming she comes back, it'll probably be a wake up call, or maybe not. Guess we'll all see in the next exciting episode.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

I think you may have gotten some people's hopes up only to dash them away, you villian. 

You even made her remove the whole worshipping you bit in her profile. :c Such a cruel but lovely evening that last night was indeed. 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
Message for Steve: Steve, you better fucking beat everyone who enters the contest. Just know that I'm rooting for you mate, and that I believe in you! Go my Irish friend and show everyone who's the fucking king!

It seems this experience has made her re-examine her life, and among other things forsake her LE god and pledge her soul to some kind of upstart CE warlock.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Nah that's been there

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

I don't pledge my soul to Steve. I'm just rooting for him, and I want him to win the contest. 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
same diff

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Man, this thread has gone completely off the rails. x'D 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

The supreme court will probably have to step in and stop the abuse and put in protection for Net Neturality.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Thing about Net Neutrality is that basically, if you don't pay to become part of the Oligarchy's cable packages of websites, you go down the tubes and aren't supported. Now, there are two very obvious results for this event that nobody talks about because I'm the only one willing to ponder the hard questions: One, is that the Deep Web is either going to be universally fucked on account of the fact that it's not supported, or it will be our only way of maintaining freedom and full wallets for the content we want on account of the fact that it is technically supported but there's no real way to track what you're looking at.

Either way, Net Oligarchy only causes problems. With no Dark Web, it'll force all the otherwise harmlessly repressed corpse, animal, and/or child fuckers out of their basement when all their porn is shut down. Serial killers and rapists will be on the streets, disco will become the new itonic hipster trend since there are no obscure music sites anymore, and some people will still be under the false illusion that Boggle is any fun because the places they went to have fun on the regular internet were disenfuckled by the monopolists. In other words, we'll go back to the 70s, and not even the smoothest soul brothers will be able to protect us from The Man because all that shit is politically incorrect now.

Or, if the Dark Web becomes our only source of Free Freedom, YOU'LL be forced to rub elbows with pedophiles, legbreakers, and Chinese kids trying to escape the state internet while you scrounge around in the darkness trying to find a replacement writing community. Even worse? All the good corners of the internet will be populated entirely by Brits, Swedes, and Canadians, and America will have to settle for just hearing everyone else brag about them on Reddit.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Maybe you should send that post to the FCC.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

I've been wondering how the deep web would be affected. Depending on what sites you visit, chances of rubbing elbows with people who do illegal things isn't gonna be every time though much more likely (just to say deep web is not dark web. Dark web is just the illegal portion of deep web). I just wonder how all the hackers and such will respond to the rising number of deep web users who probably won't know enough to protect their computers and information. Default Tor is not very secure and often has to have settings changed. Not everyone will think of that. 

I hate that there really isn't much we can do to keep net neutrality. And it's pretty a scumbag move to charge like that just to make some extra bucks when it's not needed and everyone's protesting. But as mentioned above that's the way monopolies work. Does anyone know the chances of other providers stepping up their range? There's a chance new people will step in but I'm not sure if that's high or extremely low

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

This deserves a commendation. 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Wait what happened...? Also I haven't been paying much attention so why do y'all not like dini again? O.o

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

It's all been settled. Move along citizen.

Everyone can now go back to talking about Net Neutrality again and wanting to punch Ajit in his stupid douchebag face.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Okie *gives subject a wide berth*

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
This is all Columbus's fault. He wouldn't stop and ask for directions and now it turns out our ancestors were genociding the wrong Indians all along.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
are you suggesting we kill all the actual indians? like the ones from india should have been the ones killed?

if so I'm all for it 10/10 war effort

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

We had a pop at it about a century ago. It was all going so well until OP player 'Gandhi' showed up.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
Yeah if I remember my history right he was always threatening everyone with nukes. Fucked up.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

As the wise Gandhi always says;"Roses are red/Violets are blue/prepare your city for a nuke or two."

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Haven't read the rest of the thread, but I'd say it's because there isn't much diversity when it comes who you can buy from. I think South Park does a good job representing this when you see them dealing with their local cable company. Also, I'd say it would be a lot like Wal-Mart. People don't like going there, but what if that's the only place where you can get cheap supplies? It's just big corporations looking to bend everyone over and fuck them raw with a bad deal.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
I have a feeling sites owned by just normal individuals are eventually going to be even more of a thing of the past than they already are and that just makes me sad. The internet today is all so soulless and advertisment driven as it is already.

But mostly I just hope niche places like this one survive. Otherwise I'm essentially done with the internet and I actually have no idea what I'd even do with myself at that point since writing/writing related things have been my main hobby for years.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Crystal Inferno: I don't know if anyone cares or not but they just voted on net neutrality and we lost :(
Very dumb that 5 people get to decide for everyone but come to think of it most of everything doesn't make sense

Ford: k

Crystal Inferno: I keep seeing people use Gumball as thier profile picture lol

Zenjar: Actually we haven't lost at all or at least yet.

It has to pass thru congress, so I recommend to call your local congressman. They're is countless ways for us to prevent this from happening.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Don't really understand why anyone thought they would win in a case that would mak companies more profitable. Of course the governmnt would be for something like this.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Yeah man, that's why there's literally no government regulation to any degree, and definitely none in anything that means less to people than net neutrality. 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Still better than socialism.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

I like how you act as like sentient sarcasm, even if you don't know it.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago


Net Neutrality

6 years ago

You kind of exist as like a perfect stereotype of all bad ideas, so like whenever you say something, it's almost always exactly like something I would say sarcastically.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
My internet already sucks and is slow when it works at all and I can't access very many sites and just live without games or YouTube for the most part, I'm pleased that others will soon know how I feel.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

How does it feel, how does it feel?
To be on your own, with no direction home
A complete unknown, like a rolling stone

-- Some guy from Minnesota

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

I feel you Mizal. 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
I gotta say, this Ajit Pai really does have the whole troll persona thing going on (along with the troll face) because there is no way he's this clueless when he's been posting these sorts of videos.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Yeah that little fuck is totally self aware.

Except now he's an actual troll. Making you pay money to use things. Probably eating goats.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
They're all self aware which, for the cynical side, makes this entire thing hilarious. I anxiously await for the time when it costs $1 per google search so the betting for "which one will get the well-placed bullet" opens. My bet is pai dies third in the ensuing string of assassinations.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago


Websites and ISPs who are for net neutrality should totally just fuck over everyone

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Someone hand me the closest bottle of bleach! 

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
Good idea, once he looks whiter we can all be less restrained in our hate.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

What an edgy response from an person with an Anime Picture.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
She almost won the Edge Lord Contest.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

There was such a thing?

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
Remember, that was the thread I told you never to look up.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

*tries to remember failing at the moment*

I think I need to eat something.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Hmmm, now I really wish I had remembered that; I wouldn't have clicked on the link.  Ouch.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Net Neutrality

6 years ago
That was such good times on the forum. Not the stories, those were shit, but the insults were hilarious and then there was the saga of benholman44 and his babymomma and iirc that was around the time Azure got outed in large part due to his aspie alt faggotry in the thread. Best contest we've ever had.

Net Neutrality

6 years ago

Zen, I'd spend more time trying to earn points if I were you.