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Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

What's the weirdest thing you've ever done as a kid?

I remember once, in preschool, I really needed to go, and I really, really, extremely needed to, but the teachers didn't let me, so I just went in my pants. They had emergency underwear, but there was no more of those, so I had to wear a diaper.....yeah. I had problems as a kid.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

Honestly, I did some morally suspect things during  early puberty that I won't be getting into. 

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

What's something else you remember doing, as a toddler or infant? 

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago


Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago
I just noticed, did you change your profile avatar to face the other direction?

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago


Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

Did you collapse a balcony and back porch?

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago
I don't mean to brag, but I was born at an incredibly young age. So I was able to experience more life than the average shmuck and lemme tell you - it was weird.

I put a plastic bag on the branch of a tree at the neighborhood park.The weird thing was that me and my friends would go up to it almost everyday to bow and say "Thanks, bag" for no particular reason. I think we just found it to be one of those "haha so rand0m~!" things.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

You were some strange kid, Ford.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

*holds up spork*

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago
Don't you dare shake hands with me after touching something so dirty and vile.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

Well one time I was running in kindergarten and I decided that "I couldn't stop" and I just kept running trying to avoid crashing into stuff and I found myself running straight into the girl's bathroom despite the fact some girl yelled that I couldn't go into it.

"Can't stop!" I shouted and kept going.

A blonde girl was on the toilet at the time, she screamed and giggled, I yelled and started laughing (and turning right around without breaking my run) and the teacher gave me a disapproving shake of her head saying I should know better than that.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

Hm, my childhood was a litany of disasters but most of it is funny in hindsight. I managed to crack my head open on five seperate occasions (I've still got a scar running from my forehead most of the way down the back of my head but I don't think I've bamaged my drain... :) ), knocked one of my Dad's teeth out in an over-enthusiastic hug that turned into a head-butt and managed to set my hand on fire while trying to impress a girl by refilling a zippo with lighter fluid.

Probably the  dummest was managing to literally run off a cliff while walking my dog along a cliff top on a moonless night. She saw a rabbit and bolted towards the cliff edge and I ran after her, the dog possessing more intelligence than 12 year old me made a right turn and I didn't. My trousers and legs were badly shredded and after dragging myself back up a rocky slope I found my dog waiting at the top looking at me like "I can't take you for a walk anywhere". When I staggered home my parents were more concerned about the dog than me but I think they saw her as the brains of the outfit :)

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

Ha, ha, still hope the girl was still into you after that.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

Weirdly enough she was briefly. After we both put out the fire on my hand I managed to persuade her that the smoke alarms in our college didn't actually work and we were ok to smoke indoors. After we triggered an emergency fire drill and the evacuation of 300 students she went off me for some reason :)

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

Well, I pissed in the school garden in the first grade because I didn't know where the toilet was, and I also murdered a goose with its own eggs. I pretty much broke everything but my consoles for fun, and my cousin got my dick caught in the cocking mechanism of a toy nerf gun. 

... So yeah, pretty normal childhood, really. 

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

Fucking ouch.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

One of the windows on our second floor didn't have one of those screens on it, so my brother, sister, and I became incredibly fond of defenestration. We'd be tossing garbage, food, toys, porcelain lamps, dollhouses—anything we could get our hands on, really—out the window for fun.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

When I was ten, I found a post that said that if you wear your underwear inside out, then everyone in the universe is wearing it but you. So, I did that for a full fucking year. Also, when I was in first grade, I took a piss on my school's football field when I was sure no one was looking during recess. Somehow, someone saw me and I had to apologize to all the classes that were outside for recess at the time for, y'know, pissing on a football field in broad fuckin' daylight.

Another funny story from my first grade year (Yes, I constantly got in trouble for stupid shit when I was six): one time, I got in trouble for being out of my desk during a test, so I fucking sprinted out of the room and ran around the school. Eventually, I went down a small hall and hid in the corner. A teacher, who was looking for me, walked by and saw me. I tried running past her, only for the fucking principal to grab my arm with a grip that was strong as fuck. Even after that incident, I did that a bunch of other times during the year, only to stop halfway through after deciding that I had enough of getting my ass whooped by my parents.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

I played with paper. 

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

One night when I was like 9. My friend dared me to take a shit by this school. And I did.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago
We've all done it. It's normal....right? <.<

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

I did it like right infront of one of the entrances too.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago
I can't help but wonder what my grade school principal thought when he opened his mailbox that one time.  XD

Oh, the fun we had way back when...

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

I can only imagine XD

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

That same exact thing happened to me except I had a change of close I could change into.

Once I was playing tag in a store and while I was running backwards to avoid getting tagged and I fell in a box and couldn't get out.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

Me and my sister lived on the 10th level of some apartment when we were younger (probably 4 or 5) and every time this guy came out of his house to garden on the 1st floor or something, we'd try to spit on his head. It was bloody hard I tell you, trying to spit 9 levels down.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago


And alcohol.

And as a two year old, play the piano nude and head-butting the keys like crazy.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

Well... that escalated quickly. 

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago
When I was younger I joined a gang.

I think.

My best friend brought me to our school one night saying we were going to join a gang. We met some older guy, they talked for a bit, then we parted ways and it was never brought up again.

This is more a freak coincidence than anything, but one year I moved and switched schools in another city. By shear chance, some other kid in my old school and old class did the same move and ended up in the same school. Keep in mind it was a kid I normally didn't hang around with, since he was pretty bad news. One day he invited me and my sister over (he had a sister and they knew each other).

Long story short he ended up chasing us around his kitchen with a butcher knife while laughing like he was having the time of his life. And no, it wasn't some joke that we were in on; we were terrified.

Good times...

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

After reading some of these experiences, I think I'm beginning to understand why most of us are so fucked up XD 

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

*realistic about things.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago
I did a lot of weird things when I was little, but I can only remember some.

One of them is to get my finger cut off. Yeah, I was so goddamn insane. In the mall when I was little, I attempted to get my finger to be inside the inner parts of the escalator. I didn't know what the hell I was doing... until I get my finger to bleed out. Then, I cried and ran back to my parents. Good thing I still had my finger.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

When I was like, 9 I had an annoying baby-sitter so I hit her with a bopper-sword. I actually ran away to the basement to play video-games like, right after but I learned later that she fainted after noticing blood come out of her nose :P

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

She must've been really squeamish if just a little bit of blood made her faint. Hell, she'd probably have a heart attack if she watched Hostel, am I right?

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

Right? At least he wasn't burning things over the stove and threatening her with a kitchen knife.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

I remember I was in one of those plastic ball pits at Chuck E. Cheese back in the 80s and for some reason the establishment thought it would be a great idea for them to suddenly have a fucking CLOWN jump in the damn thing.

Now granted this wasn’t actually some old pedo killer clown dude, it was actually just some young girl, probably in her twenties.

Still, no Harely Quinn wannabe (Though this was years before her of course) was going to deter me from recognizing evil when I saw it. So naturally I started pelting her with balls. This of course spurred the other kids to do likewise.

The poor clown girl begged everyone to stop and eventually they did since it was time for everyone to leave, but I took the opportunity to hide underneath the sea of plastic spheres.

Clown girl knew someone was still around in the pit and she started wading through the balls looking for me as I hid, and I waited and waited until she was right next to me and then I jumped up and popped her in her clown nose with a ball. Then I threw a bunch of them up in the air and ran out of the pit.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

You should make a storygame about this.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago
You pop up near the evil clown lady!

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

Eh, less fun than actually playing piano.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

I don't know what the fuck that was, but I loved every moment of it.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

I'd tell you, but to be honest, I'm still creeped out by it.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago
If you don't want to tell it, it's fine. I also don't want to show everyone certain things about me.

Weird Things You Did As Kids

8 years ago

I know.