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Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

Theme: Bring me to Tears - Life can't be all sunshine and rainbows

Format: CYOA

Deadline for entering: April 1st at 12:01am EST

Deadline for submission: June 1st at 9am EST (In case someone feels like working in the wee hours of the morning)


As you may have expected, the focus of this contest is to produce something that makes people get the feels. The lower end of this scale would just be to make some characters have a real sad backstory, or to kill off poor Timmy the orphan. But you're all better than that. The better way to approach this would be to have tragic or bittersweet endings, however the tears don't have to be tethered to the ending.

The most important objective here is to make the reader sympathetic to your characters, as that's the only real way they'll care enough about them to possibly feel for them.

The genre doesn't matter, although for obvious reasons Romance is the easiest target.

Entry Requirements & Prizes:

You can post in this thread your intent, or you can PM me if you're shy. Keep in mind you will still be publicly flogged if you fail to complete a story. The PM option just allows for some surprises.

The entry fee is 100 points.

All those that submit a valid entry will get the fee back, plus 10 points for trying.

1st Place Winner will get an additionally 100 points for winning the contest, no trophy because I'm the poor admin, a Commendation, and a Featured Story if it's good enough to merit featuring.

2nd Place Winner will get an additionally 50 points and a possible Commendation, if it's good enough to merit one.

3rd Place Winner will get an additionally 25 points and a possible Commendation, if it's good enough to merit one.

If you do not submit a contest story which meets minimum contest standards by the deadline, you will not receive any rewards or points back.

And just for kicks, you'll get a bonus 25 points if you somehow manage to make a story where the reader cries due to happiness, rather than sadness.

* See EndMaster for rules regarding your service to him if your entry sends you into negative points.

* Stories that cannot meet minimum site standards count the same as a non entry and get SHAME.

* One entry fee/bet per site member. No alternate accounts.


The judging panel will consist of Moderators/Administrators and selected highly esteemed community members that do not wish to enter.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
The first asterisk is possibly the best sub note I ever added to the template.

I think you could still give the contest winner trophy as an admin, no?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

If we could do that, we would have done it a few times already. The contest trophy seems to be something only JJJ can hand out due to having direct access to Alex's server or something.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Oh, I thought you’d been handing them out for the more formal contests. Maybe 3J will pay us a visit this year!

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Possible status of 3J: 

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
After the third or fourth disappearance you'd think he'd stop going back to the same rock.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Doubt I'll be entering unless I can bash out a complete story before the 1st somehow, because no more contests for real this time etc.

Are we allowed to take out personal bets on things like how many stories will feature girlfriends dying tragically?

..dang, too bad Mr. Ace blew his load already, he had a story that really fit and he could have used the additional two months to maybe put some line breaks in.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Time for another anime story.


Put me down for 100

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Another anime story? You didn't even write one the last fucking time!

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I'm feeling very lucky this time, besides we have two months so I have the high ground.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You’ll be behind by the end of the week.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
With two months there's no pressure and we'll have more people than usual faffing around and forgetting about this until it's too late.

Someone remember this and quote me on it later.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Duly noted and remembered.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Sweet. The theme fits in perfectly with something I was already thinking of writing. Time to go for three contest wins in a row. 

Sign me up. 

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Gosh darnit! It looks like I'll sit this one out. I have a WIP that I'll probably quit on in three weeks, but writing the FEELZ is not my specialty... at all. Anyway, I hope y'all have fun trying to beat Ebon. Wipe his smug face off with the the tears from your amazing, tearjerking stories! :)

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Contestants So Far










Mystery Contestant A

Mystery Contestant B

Mystery Contestant C

Mystery Contestant D


SpartacustheGreat (coins)

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Oh mug, I'm in, I'm in, I'm so in. Take my points!

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Got a shadow of a skeleton of a story that would fit nicely into this contest if I fleshed it out, but I’m going all out on something far more stupid and interesting to me.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Killa just wanna double check, are we limited to one entry.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I'll keep it simple and say yes, one only entry.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Can you just not? I don't think you realize how funny it would be to see Digit's realization that we're at the dead line and he's barely started TWO stories rather than one.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
But how can so many dead kids and dead girlfriends be contained in just one story

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
@Killa_Robot how about allowing multiple entries as long as there's no points award just for entering after the first?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Naw. Pretty sure the only people that would enter more than one would be better off focusing on the one instead.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I'll be joining

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You understand there are Consequences to triple shaming, yes? Please make an attempt to at least START a story this time around and don't make Endmaster hurt you.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Better to die with infamy than to live in obscurity

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

No, posting something shit is dying with infamy. Failing to do anything is the fucking definition of obscurity.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

But I'll be the first to fail 3 times which has never been done before

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

What are they?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Try it out and share the results.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

We in it.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
The deadline is June 1, so with extensions, we're looking at around July-ish?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
never-ending-contest when? multiple entries preferred, the contest will end when it ends and the prompt is simply to make a good storygame. Mandatory entry for everyone with an account. No entry fee. Prizes are arbitrary and will be given during the never ending contest.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

that contest's been running since 2001 tho

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Time to figure out what will happen if you do not finish a story three times. I'm in.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Glad to see Coins and Mr.Ace are in a hurry to get banned.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

This is what I feared would happen. I will write a story that meets the site's standards. I have to get out some how.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
"Its like there's a line to the guillotine and he's the idiot saying 'Oh! I'm next in line!'" ~ EM

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

This card from a game of the same name comes to mind.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

The one time I actually check the homepage and there is another contest.

Only expectations I can give myself for a story with a theme like this is at least something completed. For the most part.

Sign me up.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

 Formally announcing my intent to not enter this contest.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

See EndMaster for rules regarding your service to him if your entry sends you into negative points.

There's provision for if you don't have enough points to enter? Because I really do want to join (and I think I could do this one), but as I've only got 39 points...and don't want to risk betting the measly few I have....

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I mean, points aren't the hardest to come by. Rate a bunch of stories and you'll be back up. Besides, it mostly has to do with if you fail and end up staying in the negative.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Well in the old days you could go into the negatives which lead to all sorts of fun things. However nowadays it just goes to zero, though technically the site still registers behind the code as in the negative value.

Anyway I basically just take 100 points as usual and if you at least turn something in that's up to snuff then you'll get your 100 + 10 back. If not, then you'll just have a negative point value which will show up as zero on your profile.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I liked the way you used to handle this better.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I can enter, then? I'm fairly sure the idea I got last night is one I can finish in two months. Provided my brain doesn't try to over-complicate things....

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Oh, wait.

Yeah, sure. Go for it!

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Yes you can enter. Welcome.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Awesome, thank you!

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Under some of the contests, End decreed a negative entry only got bonus points if they actually won. I think some people tried to win his grace back by writing in his less formal contests.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago


Hey Myn, why don't you join? You could write at least 3000 words in two months. :)

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Are we allowed to make bets with each other?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Um. No.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago


Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago


@Digit - looks like no bet between us this contest, weeb.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

That's too bad, I would have slain you.


Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Keep telling yourself that.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I can just imagine someone writing this long shitty ass story with incorrect grammar and punctuation and spelling and everything, but then at the last page it records what you did and tells the story properly in an understandable manner. That'd get tears of frustration and aggravation, as well as tears of relief and joy at the end when it's finally over.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I'm thinking about entering this, but I have a question or two first, if you don't mind: will the judging be based more on the "feels" aspect, or just the overall quality of the story? Furthermore, will be people be rating the stories based on their overall quality or on how much they bring the reader to tears?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
The "Feels" aspect is more the theme than anything. If you succeed with the theme you'll score higher than if we feel it didn't quite hit, but a high quality storygame will still score well as long as its clear an attempt to follow the theme was made.

Worth noting if anyone does manage to make us feel something, odds are it was already a high quality storygame.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

How do you top Through Time though?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I probably am going to fail this, but I want to try.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
As long as you finish a game that meets site standards, you're good ^_^

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Is it just a coincidence that your IP happens to match a [redacted], who also happened to fail a previous contest?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Ya, 'cuz that name gives my private information out, and it's not cool, so I decided fuck that

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Well, worth noting that account had a total of -69 points, so I'll make that your new total.

You managed to avoid Endmaster's pit of shame, so I'll just assume you somehow managed to appease him with totally legal favours and that there's no redemption required there.

So welcome to the contest. If you win you might just pull yourself out of the negatives.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I don’t even remember this guy or the original name either. 

In any case if he managed to slip through the cracks before, he got to be one of the lucky few and the current situation seems to be handled now.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

You guys really love to demotivate people, don't you?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Of course. I dunno about everyone else, but if you get demotivated from writing this easily, then I’m not sure you’re cut out for this site.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You must be new here.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Your alter-ego literally had a single post. Not being remember shouldn't be an insult.

Not to mention the end result favours you pretty heavily.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
This is probably a stupid idea, but go ahead and put me in.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Just a reminder that you have about 8 hours as of this post time to enter. We currently have 13 people in the contest.

Mystery Contestants won't be officially revealed until the judging begins (2 months from now), for those curious.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I guess I'll enter. Surely I'll have a six hour period at some point between now and the deadline to write a story.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
And you're in.

Who knows. Maybe a bonus is in store for people who actually make an effort during the first month...

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Should I make a progress thread then?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

So my competitors have been decided.

My goal is to have every single one of the judges rate my story first, let alone win this, so I’m going to have a little bit of a challenge on my hands. In any case, I hope this will help me manage to finish a project of mine. 

I wish the best of luck to all of you.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Entered Contestants










Mystery Contestant A

Mystery Contestant B

Mystery Contestant C

Mystery Contestant D


SpartacustheGreat (coins)

Welcome everyone! You have two months to complete your entry. There may or may not be a bonus check-in at the one month mark. The mystery contestants will remain a mystery (unless they out themselves), until the contest is over and judging begins.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
This Mystery Contestant thing is getting ridiculous. It only made sense that one time in Bucky's contest because he was the one running it.

Not a huge pool of contestants though. Going by the usual 50% completion rate, makes me wish I had time to do a real entry.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Four mystery contestants? Christ...

I suppose I may as well come out and say I'm Mystery Contestant B. I've already told everyone on IRC and Discord, so it's of no consequence to me here. The goal was to (affectionately) rub it in Ford's face when I suddenly published a contest entry before he manged to. After the whole incident on Discord though, I figured I should just tell him so as not to appear deceptive even over the small joke it would have been.

There was only one Mystery Contestant at the time, so it didn't seem like it would be a big deal. I've already told everyone in one form or another, but I suppose this can qualify as officially "outing myself." Sorry for contributing to the madness!

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Wtf I'm mystery contestant B!?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Maybe you were C? Or maybe I was C? Pretty sure I was B though...


It doesn't matter at this point anyway ^_^

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You actually are C, lol.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Ah, okay ^_^ I just know there was only one when I PM'd you.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Oh sweet, Az is here as well? Maybe I will have some solid competition after all.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Lol no I was fucking with you people, I don't cower in the shadows and have other things to write.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
...or does he...?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Yep. He does.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Honesty the rest of them might as well out themselves as well.

One of them has been talking about working on a story so much that it’s obvious they’re in the contest.

And the other two aren’t important enough that it matters.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I mean if someone as important and controversial as Curtain64 was willing to make their entry known...

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Not sure why it bothers you so much. They're just people who would prefer to not publicly announce themselves, for one reason or another.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I mean you probably haven't been paying attention to the last few contests but it's been getting progressively sillier as more and more people try to make themselves out to be secretive and important for no discernible reason.

Future judges can just go back to the progress thread requirement if they feel the same however.

(Although if it means getting to dodge the entry fee I suppose I can see the appeal.)

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I'm fairly certain that Mystery Contestants still have to pay the point requirement.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

There may or may not be a bonus check-in at the one month mark

If there is, would it be a case of producing a finished story? Or showing something of a started story? And if it's the latter, how would I go about sharing that?


Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Produce enough that i know you're making an effort at that point in time. Doesnt have to be close to being done or anything. A third of it being done would be ideal.

You just need to give me its name. Admins can see all storygames, even if sneak peak isnt on.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Fuck me, I didn't know that. That is not good for my BZ Endmaster slash fiction that I was certain no one would see.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
So everyone writing off the site (every reasonable person) wouldn't qualify for this.

Oh well, the more challenged among the contestants probably could use the bonus the most.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Do most people write off-site? I think I'd find that difficult to do, personally. I might write an individual page in Word and then copy and paste, but otherwise, I find it easier to write directly here. Then again, I only recently got back into writing these types of stories.

Is it possible for those who are writing off-site to privately share what they've written with Killa? I'm not sure how that would work, but it might be worth considering.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I know End and others working on longer games will write out paths in Word or whatever, and site glitches aside, for me juggling a billion tiny boxes and having to interrupt yourself constantly to make more little boxes is one of the more unintuitive and annoying ways it would possible to write. But I guess YMMV there.

Still, I'd really, really recommend keeping backups of anything you write anywhere that you're serious about, even if you do it in the weirdo backwards way of copying it from the site to the document.

I guess it'd be possible for people with google docs to dump their stuff in there for Killa to look at. Or Wibbons could link him to a couple of really cringe fanfic sites.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
If people care about their story, they write in their own word processor, save a backup, and then transfer either as they go, or once they are fully done with edits to the CYS editor.

If you're writing short pages and a slapstick, whatever CYOA, then sure, write in the editor directly. But if you care about losing stuff, always write in your own word processor and save often.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Oh, I've got mine saved on a site - but I'm copying it across to here page by page as I complete one. I read Mizal's comment as people writing it all off-site and then transferring it over once it's all done. Which I did think about doing, but with all of the potential storylines, I'd manage to make myself even more confused than I have already.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I read Mizal's comment as people writing it all off-site and then transferring it over once it's all done.

That's how I've always written stuff. I would find it weird to do it any other way at this point. I need to keep track of all my notes and everything on easily accessible offline documents and go over everything at any given time. Along with backing up everything twice.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Does this site have a random tendency to totally erase stuff? I might be in the minority, but I find it easier to just write here and click the add new link button to continue the story, saving each page as I go. Should I be worried about random corruptions or deletions?

To be honest, I don't know how you'd even keep track of choice branches just using word. Other than an actual flow chart, maybe. I think the chapter/page method of the site is pretty good.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Short answer is yes, it does. The rich text editor in particular can be pretty bad.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Thanks for the headsup. Think I'll start writing on word then. Or copy/pasting at least.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I just keep track in my master notes document and put an asterisk by whatever choice I need to work on later.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Yeah I've done exactly the same time since I've been here, and now that I know the site can literally fucking lose whole stories, I'm going to copy and paste shit over. Unfortunately my WIP is very script heavy, so it's an absolute pain keeping on track of script on top of exponentially growing pathways.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I think what I'll do is write the page here, script and all, and then copy and paste the entire thing in word with each page. As for path ways, I don't see how that isn't going to be a bitch outside of this site no matter what you do.

Maybe using indentation in a word processor to signify different pathways, with each equivalent pathway having the same indentation level, would help.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Lot of ways to do it. Make a code and put it by the title for each page.

Number = choice level
Letter = choices

Thus, 5B = fifth choice, option B for that level.


I always recommend drawing plot trees on paper. You can fill in your branches with your short code, and then look to your master notes for the plot synopsis of that choice.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Using windows folders and separate word documents would also work in that you can literally see the progress as you go through the folders (although it would be annoying traversing to a much later choice).

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I mark the places where choices will be and if it's just going to be a diversion of a few pages or an early end I write them in before continuing on with the main path. Anytime there's going to be s major major branch point I just spin it off into another doc in the tree and link it to come back to later.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I mean, if they want to show me some other way that's fine too. Not like I'll refuse to look at a google doc or something.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Would a couple of random pages from very obviously disconnected parts of the story be enough? Because that would signify at minimum that you are working toward a coherent plot from multiple angles, and at maximum would indicate that you've made enough progress that what is going on in the story has evolved, indicating progress.

If so, my preferred method of doing this would be to PM you a couple screen caps, if that would be acceptable.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I wouldn't consider a couple of pages to be significant progress for a month. Don't get too hung up on the bonus. Just finish at your own pace if it works better for you.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
My only concern is spoiling my story before one of the judges gets to read it so as to not influence their final reading (cause obviously the story can be made better before it's finished). What about copy/pasting all the page titles in the story? Or giving you maybe an entire chapter?

But yeah, I'm more concerned about writing a decent story than a bonus. I'm sure I'll get my points back.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Im not going to be reading it, just quickly skimming to make sure what im shown isnt a bunch of lorem ipsom.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Killa what's the rulez on co authoring and stuff with proofreaders 

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
This is a great question, but I feel like it should have been asked before the application deadline. As of now, I know of at least a couple of people who have put in significant work on stories that are being proofread (myself included). If this was going to be disallowed, I feel like that should have been said before the competition began.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Fuckin smooth move on Digit's part, trying to get the competition disqualified. I'm genuinely impressed.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Proof readers are fine.
Co-authors are not fine. A single person entered the competition, a single person should be doing the writing.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
So, be honest, who hasn't started yet?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Curtain64 hasn't logged on since the 2nd, I just know he's working on something amazing that will blow us all away.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
He might be composing something brilliant offsite...

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I finished mapping out the entire plot a couple days ago, but I've only got about 7 or 8 pages done. They should start flowing pretty soon though, now that I know more or less exactly where I'm going with it. Also I came into the contest a bit late so I'm not too worried about being behind.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I am having some writer's block on exactly how to connect the pieces, though. I don't want to screw this one up. I've worked way the hell too hard on the scripting to end up with a shit tier story. But we only have, what, 1.3 months to go? I need at least one week for pictures, because if you haven't read The Ghost People, I like pretty looking stories. So that leaves me about 4.5 weeks to figure this thing out and finish it.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Dw, the first 0.7 of a month is always the hardest- it's the same every time.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I hope so, because so far, my story is really the telling of three different stories, since the course of the protagonist's life goes through two major directional changes. I still haven't even hit the first major life changing event.

Edited to add: My other two stories are fairly short. This one is a lot more ambitious so, yeah, I'm a bit worried I'll be rushing at the end and ass raping quality in the process.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Since nobody's yet been honest enough to do so, allow me: "I haven't started yet."

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I suppose some might (correctly) point out that I haven’t even joined this contest, but I fail to see how that excuses laziness on my part. If anything, sloth of this nature should make Killa want to cry.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I started mine weeks ago and have written almost 2000 words.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I knocked out about 16 pages with a wordcount of 2,234 a week or so ago then buggered off for a week.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I started the day I entered. I've had a few hiccups along the way, but things are going pretty smoothly now ^_^ I'm glad to hear almost everyone is making progress.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I'm 10k words in. For many writers on this site,10k is nothing, but for someone as lazy as me, this is a miracle. 

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Still waiting on the talking bear story.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I always loved this:

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
That’s fantastic!

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Haha Thumbs up. :)

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Pfft, I read this on the OOTS forum before it was a meme. (Still funny.)

The legend of Mr. Bearington.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Yeah whoever thought of that is a freaking genius. Especially if it's actually based on a real D&D campaign.

Your link didn't seem to work, so I hope this fixes it.

The legend of Mr. Bearington.

Just like religion, it seems that over the years various versions of the events have been passed down over generations, then later recorded by scribes, , slowly changing...

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
So who hasn't been lazy and is ready to claim Killa's midpoint incentive reward?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Mine is essentially done, it's just been set aside while I work on my epic and while I decide whether it's worth grafting another branch or two onto so the word count isn't quite so pathetic.

Almost tempted to put effort into this one given the lack of competition this go round.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You definitely should, I'm sure we'd all love to read it ^_^

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I'm not close to being done, but I have put in a lot of effort over the past month.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
When would that be? May 1st? I've spent more time learning to script what I want than writing, but I have the outline so I could spit out several more pages pretty quickly.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

How would it work? Just turn on sneak preview?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Killa said something about mods being able to see stories, even if they're not in sneak preview, they just gotta know the name.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Welcome to May everyone!

If you want to see if you qualify for the checkin bonus, pm me the name of the story, or link me to it in some other way if you're writing it somewhere else first.

I'll let you know by tomorrow if your storygame has qualified. If so then upon completing the storygame by the deadline, you'll be awarded the bonus points.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Only 2 people have pm'd me so far, so ill give until the end of tommorow before I start checking them over

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Did anyone else do it?

Would have loved to myself (only 27 measly points), but with all the hours spent searching through the forums, starting threads in the Advanced Editor subforum, and trying to learn CSS to get a very simple script effect, I just haven't had enough time to complete more than about one fifth so far. I'll ramp it up this month, though.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I believed myself that what I had so far did not warrant any bonus because I can admit that I barely have anything worth of substance down. Only plot device even remotely done is one of the path's plot trees and mild research on the topic.

So I didn't bother to check in. However I will continue to work on my story and hope to increase my pace within the following week.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You always pop in for the contests and, as far as I’ve seen, the contests alone.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Yes that is true for the most part although before this contest, I actually was working on a story whenever I could. It was at a decent start but I had to push it aside for this. These contests just allow me to be able to expand my mind a bit more than writing a fresh story.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I did that too for two contests and then realised I just really wanted to write that first story. Good luck anyway!:)

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
@Leora @Orange @mizal

EDIT: Tomorrow is still tomorrow to me, past Killa.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Am I the reason that there is now a deadline for entering?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

No, but it's Killa's contest this time so he wanted to have one.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
So I've looked over the two that sent me their info and both stories have some progress, so they'll earn the bonus. Bonus will be 10 additional points, which will be awarded upon submission of your completed storygame by the deadline.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Are we getting a extension until the site gets fixed or nah

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

The site being down is probably the greatest thing anyone in the contest can get, because they can't waste time on the forums fucking about. No need for that bullshit just because you haven't started, you've had more than enough time.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
More people than you'd expect are idiots who write directly on the site despite its fragile and tenuous hold on the internet even at the best of times.

Btw, how are the backups of all your stories coming along?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

What backups?

E: Oh Steve's backups. The poor bastard.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Really fucking boring, if I'm honest. Like, shockingly fucking boring. Just have Saoirse, the Nightmare Realm, Warped and the Achilles games left, though, so fuck it.

Anyhow, they can just write off the site. If it wasn't working for me, I'd just write in word. Plus, I always copied the text before closing the window, so I never lost anything.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Random douchebags of the site, and also, @Raki, my main man, I have a contest-related question. In his attempts to write a story for the contest, Digit has enlisted the help of beloved local Mizal in figuring out how to do outlines. Mizal gave him a sample outline, one she'd done for a story she wanted to write ages ago but never got around to. Digit then asked if he could just use the outline she'd made for her story, and write that story for the contest, and now that's what he's doing.

Thus, the disagreement comes about. I said that since it's Mizal's ideas for the plot and characters and that, this is clearly cheating as Digit's using other people's stuff in making his contest story. Digit countered that he's not using anything word-for-word and he has creative control to alter the story if he wants, as it's ultimately his story.

So basically, although Digit's directly taking Mizal's stuff word-for-word in any way, and he has creative license to alter it and he will be adding to it, I'm fairly certain this is cheating and a pretty shitty way to go about this thing, while Digit and Mizal strongly agree. So, this is where I gather your opinions and ask Killa for clarification and everything.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I enjoy the lies in the first paragraph the entire post is based on, but am not especially surprised by them.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Sorry, which bits of this are lies? If you could clarify that'd be great, but from what we've literally just discussed, this is exactly the stiuation.

EDIT: Ah, sorry, looking back on it, one mistake, Digit didn't ASK to use Mizal's thing, Mizal just said he could and he agreed to. He wasn't the one to prompt this happening.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
>Mizal gave him a sample outline, one she'd done for a story she wanted to write ages ago but never got around to. Digit then asked if he could just use the outline

False, as well as your claim of Digit directly taking my stuff word for word.

I never said it was from a story I wanted to write and he never asked me for it. I directly said that I offered an example of how to do an outline and said he could use the setting, five minutes ago, and nothing has changed from when the same conversation was had directly in front of you like a month ago. You're embellishing things and everyone who is familiar with your posting history knows why.

tl;dr Steve is bored tonight and looking for a slapfight

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Shit sorry, there should be a "not" in front of directly taking, although I'd think that was obvious, given where it was placed in the sentence and how I make it clear that it's an outline he's taking, not direct dialogue, and also, how it makes no sense without the "not" given it ends in "in any way".

And... OK, I guess it might've not been for a story you wanted to write. Because... you made an outline about a story you didn't want to write? I mean, that's not a relevant detail in any possible way whether you wanted to write the story or not, but... cool, thanks for the clarification.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Was it just the setting? That isn't really that bad then. I was under the impression that you'd given him an entire story outline with plot and characters and backstories to use.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Fuck's sake, I'll get the quotes out, then.


19:25 Digit Mizal gave me a plot and said to make a story out of it


19:27 Steve Why are you writing someone else's story?

19:28 Digit Cuz it’s fun

19:29 Steve That's awful, you're not a writer and you should be ashamed.

19:32 Digit Meh its only for this contest’ and my shame is detracted by my daily spankings. Fun plot to write with so far


19:39 Digit It would be cheating if she actually was actually writing it with me, but she just gave me the names and backstories of the charachters along with the beginning of the story and I’m just fleshing it out


19:44 Digit The story has been done by me though

19:45 Digit Characters and the entity of the story are two different things


19:46 Digit Either way mizal hasn’t given me the ending

19:47 Digit Just the beggining and bits of the foreaftet

19:47 Digit So it’ll be different either way


21:34 Mizal I know you're just bitching because you like to bitch but he didn't ask, I offered him a partial example of the way I do outlines and said he could use it if he liked it

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Here's your understanding of the situation prior to making your post. Note how in the post you represented it all as something different to create more drama.

Steve: No, Leora, Mizal gave Digit an example of an outline she'd made to show him, and then said he could use that specific outline for the story.

Actually one of your own cherry-picked and rearranged quotes directly spells that out too as well as clarifying the outline was a partial one, thanks for confirming my points for me.

The conversation was mostly you jumping to conclusions and making useless conjecture based on things people who weren't me or Digit were guessing at anyhow, and more than anything just underlined the fact that you don't really even understand what a plot is.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

These aren't in any way cherry-picked, they're pretty much all that was said between Digit and I, and it seems you're just going for the "Ugh, you're just looking for a fight!" and "Ugh, you're just missing key information! Like... it wasn't a story I wanted to write, I didn't want to write the story!" because it's pretty blatant this kind of thing shouldn't be done!

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Characters like 'Grumpy scientist' 'evil scientist' 'orphaned protagonist' and 'waifu' go along with the setting. The setting offered being 'Avatar minus the jungle'. Plot was an example of the five act structure minus any conflict details or choices. You people are really blowing this out of proportion.

I could give the same information to ten different people and receive ten completely different stories in return. For real, no offense but I'm not sure if anyone in this situation even understands what a plot is. It's not some sacred act of creativity, it's the same small handful of mix and match parts over and over that the author embellishes and disguises with prose to the best of their ability.

Anyway, thank for your input too, Leora. It is heartwarming to see such balanced opinions even from Digit's direct competition and a willing minion of Steve.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
While angrily worded, this does sound like exactly what you said in chat. Which part is a lie?

EDIT: Read the message wrong. Apparently he didn't ask for the outline, it was offered.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I agree, it's 100% cheating. Digit should be banned for life from everything. 

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Guess I should stop lurking for now.

Tbh, I was able to say it depends on how much was copied, but then I read through the messages. I'm pretty sure that's cheating.


Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Thanks random noob! Your input on this situation you know a great deal about is valued.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

... I genuinely don't know if that's sarcasm or not. Plus we met before. 

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Thanks, my main man. 

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

No prob, Steve.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Here’s to think that I would have support of the weebs

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Sounds like he's basically just doing a fan fiction of Mizal's theoretical universe.

You can shame him for lacking creativity, but fan fictions are fine for the entry. He still has to actually write the story, which is the hard part.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

He's taking the plot, or at least part of it. At that point, it definitely stops being fanfiction.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
It was a synopsis.

Everything written in the actual story was written by me

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

That's still not fanfiction of someone else's universe.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Thanks, I'm glad Steve wasn't able to get anyone disqualified for going down a list of incredibly common archetypes stapled together in a standard, linear plot format.

I also told him to include a puzzle somewhere so I hope the concept of 'a puzzle' isn't right up there with 'a conflict' in terms of being scandalous plagiarism.

Anyway I don't understand why Steve just called Killa a retard, he seems okay to me.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

That seems like a passive-aggressive way to mention I called Killa a retard. Christ, we might end up with another iki or Stryker here.

Anyhow, yeah, called you a retard, Killa.I stand by that, the point where you're taking setting, characters and the plot from someone else pretty much means the story isn't yours.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I gave him the plot described in my profile, with a generic sci-fi skin. And a waifu, because it's Digit.

I give total permission for anyone else to use the same basic plot with their own embellishments, and actually encourage it. That's why it's in my profile.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I mean, I don't particularly care if you insult me, so all the power to you lol.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Sometimes we call you Vanilla Killa. You should try acquiring a more gimmicky and exciting forum persona if you want it to stop.

Maybe a catch phrase? Idk

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I don't know why but this reminded me of the Magilla Gorilla song.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I figured Killa was the Lawful Neutral Admin to balance the Lawful Good Admin (Berka) and Lawful Evil Admin (Me)

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Noted. Although, it's hardly like whether someone cares or not has ever stopped me from insulting people in the past, or ever will in the future.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
There we go. Now this is the CYS I know. Drama. Drama and Forum Activity. The Mix of Community feedback, cooperation, and shit-throwing.


Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Just reposting the list so it isn't getting lost in the middle of this thread.

Contestants So Far










Mystery Contestant A

Mystery Contestant B

Mystery Contestant C

Mystery Contestant D


SpartacustheGreat (coins)

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
What exactly happens if you don't finish? I don't quite understand this pit of shame thing, and service to the Dark Lord. What kind of "services" would I be expected to perform for you? (on you? :/ )

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Nothing, you just go in the SHAME pit if you don't finish and stay there until you finish a story for a future contest.

I think Berka or Bucky originally wrote most of that stuff and typically it's just copied from contest to contest without many alterations.

Really this is Killa's contest and he's mainly overseeing everything in all this. I haven't even been taking points away for the contest admission. About the only thing I'm doing for it, is posting the SHAME list after the contest.

If it's a Berka contest I tend to do a slight bit more since he usually just prefers to hold the contests, make the rules and not bothering with all the point tracking. He doesn't want them to get too out of hand so usually the "crazy betting" is kept to a minimum if at all.

Bucky's contests are similar though due to him not having all the admin access he needs someone to do all that, which again tends to be me. He usually doesn't give a shit about other side bets people make so that's usually going on a lot more.

And if it's one of my outlaw contests, you can just throw out all the rules altogether since I'm libel to just change them mid-way through anyway and I'll happily let people bet their accounts if they want.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You mean like you delete their accounts if they don't win? What kind of meth is circling around here, lol.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Bans them. But only a true idiot would bet their account on producing an entry. Let alone make a bet like that and fail to write the all of ~3000 words or so needed to save themselves. I can't even fathom what kind of utter disappointment to all around them and the Founders themselves such a person would be.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
-^ __ ^-

I get it...

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Eh, I'm pussying out. I'm not very good at the feels, so there's no way I'd be able to produce a story that'll make people go like 'aw, that's sad I guess', let alone make them cry. Throw me into the SHAME pit.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
What kind of things happen in the SHAME pit?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
SHAMEFUL things no one wants to speak of.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I almost guarantee if you had a side bet with Digit, you would have stayed in the contest just to beat him.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Sadly, I think you’re right.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You should feel bad, sort of like reading a sad storygame but without feeling good about using your time (sorta) wisely.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Write a story about a kid entering a contest and then giving up, that's pretty sad.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You should most certainly follow Mizal's advise here. You have a real life tragedy to talk about now.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I don't want to be the one to do this, but with this happening: Site Running Very Slowly I really would like to ask for an extension. Some have said, "Well, why are you stupidly writing on this site?" And my answer would be, look at the help threads I've made the last two months. My storygame is very dependent upon looking a certain way. I have to test every single page to make sure colors have reasonable contrast, to make sure the scripting works right, and so on. Granted, that's not a requirement to make a storygame here, but it's a creative aspect of this I really like.

So these site problems have really set me back. Sometimes it's like every ten minutes this thing goes down for an hour. Is it bitcoin mining? Is it just a server problem? I don't know, but it's hurting me, and I don't want to end up in the pit of shame because I tried to put an extra touch on my storygame and the site wasn't cooperating.

So, with all humility, I ask for an extension, Mr. Killa Robot.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

That's stupid, it's a writing contest, stop relying on pretty colors and bullshit.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
One could say the same thing about stories that have complex dice rolls and the like, couldn't they? Or usage of variables, and so on?

Anyway, regardless of your personal opinion, I'll just have to find a way to cope and hope my scripting actually works without testing it each time.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

No, usage of variables and that are part of the guys of the story, because it actually enhances how the story is read, or for some of the better ones, how the game is played. What you're describing doesn't do that, and thus is shitty and you shouldn't be relying on it.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I'm doing more than just scripting for visual effects. I'm also using variables based on decisions which change dialogue and available pages to go to. Also I don't really see how your consequent follows your antecedent here.

But as I said, it's fine. It was just a request. I'll still try to get a completed story on time. And if not, I suppose I better not drop the soap in the pit of shame.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I doing think anyone actually in the contest would complain about an extension, but what you're doing here is basically the equivalent of bending over and spreading your cheeks. Just fyi.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Well yeah, but I didn't think it'd take almost a month to learn what I needed to get what I was trying to get done, and that was with some major help from a few people. But there's still more than a week.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Well no, fuck off, the thing you bitched about was how much time it took doing the visual effects, which is what I insulted you for. In using variables, that's a whole different issue, but one you'd have time for if you didn't waste your time on the colors, which always seems like a cheap tactic in a writing contest.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

You know, taste, smell, texture, and visual cues are all important in determining how something tastes (and many of these elements are "pre-mixed" in your brain before they are even delivered to your consciousness - in other words, they determine your initial impression). Similarly, the visual elements that Fluxion enjoys nerding-out on are perfectly valid (and important) ways to influence how our games will be experienced. We could all probably take notes from him on how to make our shit look better (and, thereby, influence the reader's experience).

Optionality is the best approach to the chaos. Fluxion is trying to expand our repertoire. He should be applauded (and plagiarized). 

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Thanks Ikiriakos! But really I just have always been driven to art. I can't help it: I love a pretty sunset. And if my writing is generic, maybe pretty pictures will fool people into thinking my story is better than it is. It worked on The Ghost People, after all. XD See? A bunch of 8 ratings, but this guy made a good point in the comments:

"Well, there are a few things to be said about this game. It is pretty good contest entry, and a good story period to boot. Quality of writing was nice, and there were very few, if any, grammatical errors.

This being said, I do not think it is deserving of an 8 rating. I was actually going to read Mizal's story just before this, but I'd heard this story was getting a lot of attention, so I thought I'd come check it out. It certainly deserves attention, but, well, put simply, I think this game is overrated.

I feel like the people who rated it eight, saw the font, the backgrounds, and the use of items, then proceeded to disregard everything else. Now keep in mind that I'm not saying this is bad, just that it isn't excellent. Excellent aesthetics? Sure. Excellent plot? Sure. Excellent execution? Not quite there. "

Emphasis mine. But as I said above, it's more than just that. I'm doing more complicated things with variables than I have in my other two stories. I've spent a LOT of time going through the old advanced editor forums, and the help articles, and making my own threads there, but I'm still pretty sorry at scripting. I've had a lot of help, but I'm not at a point where I can script something and know exactly how it's going to turn out without testing it. So beyond mere aesthetics (of which I'm obviously a big fan), I still need to see if my on page variable tricks work like they are described in the help article, and if I've screwed up some variable somewhere, missed a "%" mark, and all that other stuff.

I mean, I'm not doing anything earth shattering like that game Homoperfectus with all those items (I've only read the first one, but I'm assuming the others are good too), but as I said, I'm still learning this script stuff, and especially on page scripting. I did some stuff in The Ghost People with items, but that was more "cheating" than scripting.

So that's the main reason I asked for the extension, as much as any aesthetic thing, because with the help of Ogre11, BradinDvorak and Killa Robot (and others, but these three especially, which will be credited in my game), the aesthetic scripting is all but finished. So it's not about that. It's about the other scripting I have to do, and finishing the story after all that site being down stuff.

But worst case, I have a back up crappy story I could publish that I'm nearly finished with as well, but it's very short and will probably still get me in the pit of shame since it's based on a fairy tale.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Hurray for backup crappy stories, those have kept me out of the SHAME pit so many times. It's really difficult to wind up with a low rating and you understand the secrets of grammar and such so I think you'll be fine.

There might be something to the concerns that you're becoming the style over substance guy (But yes tbf can't deny it DID work out pretty well for you with the Ghost People...) but nothing wrong with making shiny pretty games your niche if you enjoy fiddling with all the scripting stuff. Although it didn't look like Steve was putting any real effort into going after you, so might be a bit premature for white knighting.

Maya and IAP read with images off so in the meantime we can always trust them to tell us if we're being bedazzled by all your sorcery.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Lol. Well they won't be able to read my stuff then because I discovered the use of colored fonts pretty quickly. Bright yellow works great against dark blackish green. Not so much against white.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Fair enough in IAP's case, but let's hope you didn't go out of the way to make your game unplayable for the people using screen readers.

Because that would make you a monster.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I tend to think of stories that I have to Ctrl+A through to get all the hidden secrets as a sort of game in and of itself. And I award myself a point from the authors pile. This is also a game that the author can play too by adding up all the hidden points they get from their readers who aren't dazzled by pretty colors to find their true rating.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Bah. colors are for faggots. Nothing can stop the sightless!
Personally, I think that when writing a story, the writing comes first and everything else second. I am not going to rate your story a 1 just because it focuses so much on being pretty, as long as the writing is still good. But just like Mizal mentioned, I really hope it'll actually be readable.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Did it "work" on Ghost People? I mean, sure, it vastly improved the rating it got, but that's a fairly low bar, given that ratings tend to be made by retards. The fact that colors and that is a way to inflate the rating something gets beyond what it would normally deserve for the writing alone makes it seem more like a cheap trick than anything else, especially in a contest.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Meh, I look at it more like an opportunity to have fun making and playing storygames than a competition.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Oh look. My comment is being used.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
It was a very well thought out and fair comment.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
By the way your avatar is amazing.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Sure. The senses are very important in writing. That's why a good writer should try include them, help immersion. There should be a strong visual element in stories, I should be able to visualize the characters from their descriptors, to have a scene laid out in my imagination. That's a sign of great writing.

However, not relying on the writing itself, and having to shove in colors, instead only speaks for one's inability to deal with writing otherwise, and seems like a cheap ploy for retards. I sure as shit don't want more people wasting time on pretty colors rather than, you know, actually writing. On the writing site we're on.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
EDIT- dont' know wtf happened to my post but...

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Surely this isn't terrible writing. I'd give it a 4 at least.

"The smell of shit and sweat hits you like a wall as you walk through the adobe arch and enter the city. You expected the stench, but this is more than you anticipated. Perhaps the enclosed walls trap the aroma? You cover your face with your scarf and walk down the main road. Fortunately, as you approach the first market stalls, some of the sickly smell is overpowered by the mouthwatering scent of fresh meat pies, alcohol, and all manner of roasted meats.

The press of humanity is much thicker just inside the city walls, and despite the late hour a low rumble of constant chatter fills the warm air. The sound of barking dogs causes you to turn your head. A small pack is being chased by a large gang of filthy street children. Your smile at the sight quickly fades as you consider the darker possibility that the children are actually hunting the poor beasts. Their emaciated forms certainly lend credence to the notion. Poverty is always rampant in large cities, especially ones such as Durhan, where religious and cultural traditions consider destitution merely a lifelong lesson on the eternal wheel of reincarnation."

Certainly not the best, but I did manage to get smell, sight, sound and touch (warm air) in there. The writing needs improvement, but if you can bare with the yet to be edited halting style, you do catch use of the senses. Here's the picture that goes with it, which took a lot of work to make.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Yeah, you shouldn't need to rely on a picture to help make it work, that's a failing of your writing. I don't want to bother reading through descriptive text describing a picture right below.

Even then, though, the picture doesn't help. The picture looks weird and strange, but even worse, it doesn't depict what's being described. There's no bustling market in the picture, no packs of dogs, and rather than depict an area packed with "the press of humanity", it depicts a pretty sparse street with only a handful of people and a cart. The people pictured here don't even seem starved or emaciated, they just seem Indian-looking. There's complete contrast between the description and picture, it's fucking awful. 

So yeah, not only should you not need a picture, this is terrible and doesn't work.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
It's not finished. I had to photoshop every person in there. There's a lot more work to be done. Am I being trolled here? I put the sunset in there, the light rays, changed the color, and a lot of other stuff.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

The scene you describe is one of a market filled with people and lots of poverty. Then you show me a picture that doesn't show anything you've just described. It's not got a lot of people, because apparently despite having took "a lot of work" it's not done yet. The scene described is one of a market, this isn't that, it's a street with zero stalls. Not only have you wasted a shit ton of time not even managing to finish a picture that doesn't add to the story, it literally contradicts the story and takes away from it.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Au contraire, you see, the protagonist has not yet reached the market. If you read carefully, that happenswhen the protagonist continues along the road, indicating some time has passed. The only thing described in the beginning that is missing is the "press of humanity," which, as stated, is still a work in progress. As for wasting time, whose time? I rather enjoy doing this sort of thing. As it pertains to this particular contest, the "wasted time" was spent on learning some scripting stuff, not artwork.

Anyway, if anything is clearly a waste of time, it's this discussion. Feel free to continue it.

Just for shits/giggles though, here's the original versus the new comparison. It might suck, but getting just to that point took a good hour.


Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

What a crock of shit. If you didn't intend to have the picture correspond to the whole thing, why did you waste my time by giving ? ? Or why are you wasting multiple hours on a picture for four lines, when the scene as a whole is clearly focused on the market? The fact that you give me the picture when it's supposed to show the first few lines rather than the scene as a whole just makes this a worse disaster over all.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You wasted your own time by responding to me in the first place. Anyway, as I said, continue to discuss the topic as you will. I've better things to do.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

No, I'm giving you advice, that you shouldn't waste hours doing a depiction of four lines that you could've got in ten seconds of Googling, that the pictures as a whole as not only a pathetic and cheap ploy and that even if it wasn't, you're using them terribly and just confusing the reader.

I think advising a writer is a good use of my time. You can choose to ignore it, that's your own failing, but it's your choice. Either way, you got the advice and I feel my time was valid because it can tell other people not to follow you in your terrible mistakes as a writer.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Point taken and thank you for the advice. I think what I'll do going forward, however, is write first, and if I have time go make it pretty. Can't help it. I like pictures. Like this story, Necromancer. I've read some 20 or 30 stories here so far, and this one is my favorite. But the pictures really add to it for me. But yeah, write first, make pictures when done.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Pictures can be OK. But what I mainly criticized was the coloring of pages and font things rather than pictures, and of course, your massive waste of time pictures that fail to describe the situation. But even then, End himself said it wasn't worth the time put into it and he doesn't plan to ever use them again. Hell, even then, the scene you described didn't need the picture. All that did was take me out of the story by showing me this weird image that didn't line up with my own mental image.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Part of that is that it has to look like the inside of this city (which I also did a lot of work on; the original was broad blue sky daylight, no sun, etc), and it's hard to find royalty free, fair use type pictures that have that kind of desert vibe.


I suppose I could just steal images but there's always the risk some jerk would throw a fit over it if s/he ever saw it in a story here. The result is, if I want that aesthetic, I have to photoshop the hell out of them, which is why I've put that particular story on hold for now. Too much work to do outside of writing.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
There are a billion and one pictures of actual crowded marketplaces that would have taken about five seconds to find, so there is still a definite 'time wasting' element here as far as story progress goes even if you're just photoshopping for fun. You can't beg an extension on the grounds that you spent days editing a picture you didn't need in the first place.

Nobody should get an extension IMO, this contest is going to flop and all of you deserve your punishment.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Well, the extension request was more about scripting, not pictures- and the obvious issue of the site being unusable for three weeks or so. But as I said, if I go to the pit of Shame so be it. Good day to you. I've got to finish my back up story really quick just in case. ;)

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
We'll see. If we get to a few days before the end and people still are behind, I'd be willing to give a couple week extension. The site was almost unusable for a time after all.

Though there would be an additional point penalty attached to said extension if you still failed to submit something by the new deadline.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Extensions are for Xmas presents and the weak.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I could do with an extension, if that's at all possible. Managed to fall majorly behind with a lot of things I was trying to do.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Just finished my back up story, so even if I have to be ashamed, at least I'll technically escape the Pit of Shame (assuming it isn't rated so horribly that I still end up there, in which case I'll just kill myself).

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
The extension was already given, at the beginning, in the form of an entire second month. Still against this.

Or if anything maybe just give an extra weekend and make the deadline the 4th. That's plenty of time even for people who haven't started yet to throw something together and escape SHAME. Two weeks seems excessive.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Okay, how many people are going to the SHAME pit, and how many people are going to actually submit something?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

All of them I hope.

(Thrown in the SHAME pit in case it wasn't obvious)

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Just reposting the list so I can easily find it again.

Contestants So Far


Chris113022 (Done)





Fluxion (Done)



Mystery Contestant A

Mystery Contestant B

Mystery Contestant C (Leora)

Mystery Contestant D


SpartacustheGreat (coins)

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I think it’s time to out the mystery people.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Hmmm I think now is a good time to start.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Do a sequal to your creepy Romance Contest entry.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Well, I considered giving an extension, but ultimately I'll say no. Reason being quite simply that this is meant to be a competition, and the people who actually pushed through and will finish on time shouldn't be punished for it.

The site being effectively down for a few weeks was unfortunate, but the core of this competition is writing, which only requires a basic text editor. It's not as though writing the story wasn't possible.

As a reminder, you have until 9am EST on June 1st to finish it. Good luck!

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

With this news I imagine Mystery Contestant B will win.

Cat might have something, though not enough for the win.

Mizal and Flux will turn in quick shit just to avoid SHAME.

Mystery Contestant C, Eric and Orange will probably get SHAMED but could pull a Mizal.

Mystery A, Mystery D, and Curtain all fucked off and aren’t important anyway so will get SHAMED.

Chris, Ebon and Digit have basically given up and will get Celled.

Ace and coins are getting banned.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I'm just gonna attempt to rush an entry out to avoid SHAME, actually. I've written a story in three days before, what's doing it again?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Nothing like the possibility of sharing a cell with Digit and Ebon to motivate someone.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You may be right there, End. (Speaking as Conestant C) I'm around 110k words in, but I'm quite worried about the deadline. I've been coughing up blood for a couple of weeks, and have fallen behind in the story. I'm currently debating with Ford and Mizal over whether I should "pull a Mizal" as you put it, or rush a few endings out and piece them together with what I have. Either way I'll definitely publish the one I've been working on soon.

Killa, what do you think I should do?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Oh good, you outed yourself.

Anyway I see Killa never did get around to taking away points for your entry fee, that really should be rectified soon.

However, I have a proposal.

If you give up willingly, I’ll pull Ford out of the TWICE SHAMED PIT.

You’ll be SHAMED of course after this contest is over, but you won't have to worry about it anymore and you will have displayed true love and unlock an achievement thus lessening the point entry penalty due to SHAMING.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Don't do it sweetie - finish what you started and finish hard. If you love me, let me be.

Let your work not be tied by externalities,
let it flourish in your name and nobody else,
let it bring pride to your ethic and worth to the self.
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
They'll also be locked away in the same shame pit.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
They'll be separated whatever she chooses. So tragic.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Maybe someone should have wrote a story about lovebirds turned jailbirds for the contest.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I was just beginning to think the same thing.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Forgot to mention, the points you get for saving Ford from the Twice SHAMED pit, Ford will get the same amount times 10 towards his Soul Transference fund.

Just think, more points also closer to him being fully restored.

What is SHAME to you? After all, you obviously have the skill to attempt another contest and easily get out of the pit. We all know Ford is never getting out of there without your help however.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Aren't you supposed to be encouraging people to enter the contest and keep going, not drop out?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
How or why would you ever come to this conclusion?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
This may be the most Satan-like you've ever been. Did you go up a level?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
And how many is that, exactly? You could easily be giving me one point and Ford ten for all I know. That hardly seems worth it.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You really are a sadistic cunt

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I was wondering about those points. I assumed it was because I was a mystery contestant and anyone could find out who the mystery contestants were by checking their point records.

I'm fairly certain Ford doesn't care about losing the Chanbot account (the one in the SHAME pit I assume?). If you were offering Ford his original account back I'd consider it. :P

I'm pretty sure Steve would track me down and skin me alive if I got SHAMED. I've also put in a ton of effort, and would rather that not be all for nothing. I have every confidence that I will be able to put out a coherent story in a couple of days. My main concern is that I do not want the first thing I put out to be a broken or rushed game. I'll publish the current one either way, either by unpublishing it after judgement and fleshing it out, or putting together a shorter story during these final days for the contest and finishing the current one within the next month or so. Personally I'd rather publish a completed story, even if it is shorter and doesn't win, but I'd like to know Killa's opinion.

EDIT: Sent this before the other replies. Bus wifi is stupidly slow.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
About first games being broken and such. SindriV, one of the most prolific writers this site has ever been graced by, released his first story way back. It was pretty janky. I wouldn't get hung up thinking your first has to be a masterpiece.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Thanks for the advice ^_^ I definitely don't expect my story to be perfect. If it isn't up to snuff once it's completed, I'm fully prepared to accept that. It's just that I don't know if I could be happy with myself if I rushed it out or broke it just to win a contest. I want what I put out to be my best effort. If that means putting all of the effort I can into a story that could logically be completed in a couple of days, that's better to me than writing as many half-assed endings as I can to try and tie together an incomplete story in time.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I mean you can go ahead and do what Steve said, the same reprobate who routinely insults you and Ford and has actively tried to break you guys up.

Or you can trust me who is actually trying to help you both out. Hell, just look at Ford’s recent point list. Not sure what he’s paranoid about, I’ve been cool with him.

Anyway, the offer is there. Just let me know.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Heh, I'm not really afraid of Steve, but I'd still like an answer to that point question.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
The mystery box isn't a mystery if you know what's inside of it before you commit.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Haha, I suppose that's fair enough. ^_^

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I mean, I did say I was waiting until the judging part to take the points from the mystery contestants.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You can always rush some endings and finish it for real after the contest. Maybe pump out one big emotionally ending, have your current routes end up there or some variations of it, then finish it for real after the contest.

Briar ended up doing something like that with her own entry years ago.

Also try not to die. Coughing up blood is pretty bad.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Well my shit tier short back up story is done. Where do we publish? I want this to get done before the site breaks again, as it's been acting up again the last hour.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
There's no genre requirement, so just publish it under wherever you think it fits.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
No I meant, which thread? This one? Well that's probably what I'll do. If I have to re-post it no big deal. It's steaming horse crap anyway.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Curious about where we're supposed to post our stories as well, just finished my own rushed piece of shit and I don't want to publish it until I know where we're supposed to post it.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I'm just going to post it here for now as a response to the original post.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Accurate prediction. I decided I'd rather not ruin what can be IMHO a really good storygame by rushing it, so I'm going to finish up my very short take on a fairy tale I've been working on when stumped and submit that. Hopefully it's short enough to please the judges, since they have to read so many.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I officially back out of the contest. Essentially, a “cancellation” of my entry.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

You can't cancel mid-contest. That's not how things work.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You know back in my day a person would at least have to start a story before announcing they'd given up on it.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You should feel bad.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
It is possible to produce the sentient fecal matter stories are made of fast enough, you can do it.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

I don’t have a laptop. I’m on vacation, and after all the time I had to devote to graduation and family crap, I don’t quite feel like sitting down on some random dude’s computer to write a story I don’t even want to write. 

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
You mean throw yourself into the dark abyss of the shame pit

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Pretty much.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Tragic really and completely believable you couldn't clear 6-8 hours at any point during the last two months.

I haven't even started mine yet and there's still absolutely no chance I'll be sharing the SHAME with any of you people.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Hope that's the case or you'll be sharing a cell with Ebon and Digit.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
That's some excellent motivation there, well played.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
That should almost be enough motivation for Ebon to suddenly start writing on some random guy's computer.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Kicking this contest's ass right now. I know you all love my animal perspective stories written in six hours or less so you're getting ANOTHER ONE. Enjoy.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Your late onset of furfaggotry has been noted.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I saw this coming ever since she told us about her favorite childhood book.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Good God, not another...

I mean, hey, great, congrats, keep up the work and good luck on the contest!

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
I look forward to reading it ^_^

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Oh good. Make it about warriors and ca... um, cows. Yeah, Warrior Cows. What could go wrong with that?

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
It looks like a few people are up working their tails off tonight. Deadlines or something. Makes me wonder what I'm doing up.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
Well, I don't know where to post my entry, so here it is: The Cottage. This is, obviously, not the story I really wanted to publish, but that near month of down time screwed me because I am not yet skilled enough with scripting to just trust it will work out. That said, this story is very short, so that should please you judges. It is part of a sort of fairytale/horror anthology thing I want to eventually make, and I've had the idea rolling around in my head for a bit, and managed to clobber it all together in the last couple weeks.

This is based on a very popular Brother's Grim fairy tale, so I guess it's my take on a classic. There really isn't a way to lose, and the endings are basically just about how many people manage to survive. And lastly, this is meant as children's story, albeit a bit macabre. Let's call it PG.

Anyway, I know it's crap, but hopefully it entertains at least someone. In the very least it won't take you long to finish. ;)

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Gonna follow Flux's example and post my story here.

Have fun reading this rushed piece of crap.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago

Well, guess I'm taking you off the pre-SHAME list now.

Killa's Spring Thing Contest!

6 years ago
When you get the chance (and before the deadline) post your storygame here: Here