It's bad, that's all you need to know.
It means you are mentally weak, so weak it's a miracle you've made it through any winters. Your bloodline is doomed to fail and become nothingness. You are nothing. Enjoy your mediocrity.
I wouldn't be so eager. EndMaster's hand me downs will most likely be the contaminated souls of trolls, shitposters and people who molest their pets.
Basically, to sum it up, Eevee: it's another writing community, but a lot of the members here hate it, because it's really bad.
AL's Tough Situation thread is currently the only 'kids go on about their personal lives and think they have problems'
Luckily, that thread is going to come to a close. I was able to fix the situation and now Boop is out of my life (hopefully).
Another good update is that my mental health's been improving. I'm surrounded by more positivity.
Your mom's really mean.
Why would your mom take your dog away?
Wow, your mom is really harsh.
you'd definitely fit in at cog lol
This just gets sadder and sadder.
I don't know! I'm just a kid on the internet with normal parents.
Accept her apology and then (calmly) say that she's been acting harsh towards you and you would appreciate if she wasn't.
Or knee her!
In the pussy.
Just kidding (mostly)! You should just accept your mom's apology and then confront her about how she's been behaving.
If they cry, you have to book it immediately. Then the strategy will be effective!
Also, forgot to add congrats to AL that your mental health is improving. Good for you AL!
You have earned a picture of a puppy in a teacup:
Awwww! I wanna hug it, I wanna hug it! :]
Well done, you have won at middle school! Should update us on how, because I'm curious.
It's a relatively easy thing to tell if your mom cares about you or not. I'm not sure how bad the "abuse" is because I only know your side of the story and Americans in general seem to have a different definition of parental abuse. At the end of the day, your mother is giving you a roof over your head, an education and keeping you fed. She shouldn't be telling you you're stupid, so my advice is to tell her so. You're 18 which means you can work to begin becoming independent, and you don't need your parent's permission to learn how to drive and get a license.
damn dude if I had a child who told such obvious lies, I would beat the shit out of them too.
Then again, maybe you are telling the truth, because your posts are so fucking stupid that they can only be the result of repeated head trauma
I actually did the exact same thing except I hit my upper lit and fractured my jaw. Don't understand how you could hit your head though.
Since no one actually answered your question you fucking emo bitch, CoG stands for Choice of Games and they're a bunch of faggots that shove frogs up their asses like I do.
From what I understand, COG is another choose your own adventure style website, that the community here doesn't particularly like.
There's a lot. I'll let the others explain because I don't know much about it.
This guy with his frogs again. He was harassing me too in private messages about them.
We have said multiple times that "faggot" has nothing to do with sexuality and gender.
I'm getting a headache.
He made me feel really unwelcome when he started posting about me being a wookie loving whore that should die with the n-words (it's so horrid to even type that word I don't know why he keeps using it so) in my thread about asking a simple question. I also know he's very racist against mexicans. I don't understand why he is doing this.
He also keeps blaming other people for the things he writes. The mods have been nothing but polite towards me, and as a new member I feel welcome and appreciated by them. Him, not so much.
Choice of Games (CoG) is a place where you can read lots of interactive fiction and talk to people of a different ilk than might be found here. I am led to understand that some of the people who hail from CoGland are very nice people who write fun games.
It is a time of relative peace between the necropolis-empire of CYS and the feudal kingdom of CoG. History suggests that the time of stability cannot last forever, but for now the battlefield has shifted to other lands.
Interesting life story. The edgelord contest is already over, though. I think you could use some work on some of these things, maybe introduce a grand fight that leads up to a family murder or something. It was pretty linear, too. But I'm sure if you spruce up the story a bit, you can get a 3, maybe a 4 rating in a future contest.
The edgelord contest was a grimdark fantasy competition that ended a few days ago.
You think we're humans here?
What a magnificent sound!