This is... Perhaps the weirdest, most mind boggling thread I've ever seen.
So, you've just joined the site today and the first thing you do is decide you want to make a youtube video on the history of CYS. So you make a thread asking where you can find info on the history of CYS, in a forum where the last thread that was posted in is called "CYS History", so it'd literally be the first thing you see when you go to post your own thread... But let's ignore that part and assume you didn't see the big pinned thread titles "CYS History". You just wanted to make this thread because you genuinely wanted to make a youtube video on the history of CYS... So, that would mean that you only just today decided to join a website that you knew nothing about and decided, "You know what would be fun? If I made a youtube video on the history of a website that I know absolutely nothing about the history of... I just think it's fair to assume that this website that I've only just joined and know absolutely nothing about has a really rich and interesting history."
I'm just impressively confused. My brain just can't compute it. I mean, my initial thought would be that it was some kind of trolling attempt, but if it is... Why? What could possibly be the trolling potential of just asking, "Could someone please give me the link to a thread that I've clearly already seen before?" What would be the end goal? Why not just go straight to that thread and post in there about your plan to "make a youtube video on the history of CYS?" That would be a whole lot more believable and make way more sense. You could've just said "I have read the history of CYS and I think it is really interesting, so I am going to make a youtube video on it." That's a believable story! But instead you go with, "I know nothing about the history of CYS, but have decided to make a video about the history of CYS for... No discernable reason."
I just... I'm sorry, I can't figure it out for the life of me. The only thing that you could possibly get out of making this thread is somebody providing you with a link to a thread that you were already aware of... Why? >.<