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Hi I'm new!

2 months ago
Hi guys!

I'm new in this platform and I'm amazed by it. I'm avid reader who loves fantasy books and games. I've been looking for text based stories in which you can make decisions for a relatively long time and I know they existed since I've download some RPG text based stories from play store but I just didn't know the genre, luckily after some research I finally I found that it's called CYOA and I end up finding this page.

I don't plan to create stories in the meantime, at the moment I'll be just a normal user but maybe in the future I would venture on writing one thing or two.

Hi I'm new!

2 months ago
Nice to meet you!

For fantasy, I would recommend these, as they're pretty good:



In Moonlit Waters

Book of vanishing tales

When the music is over

Blood in king's court

Read a few stories, find out what you like. It takes a bit of time, but you'll start to get a sense of which stories you like and which ones you don't.

Please leave comments on the stories you enjoyed, it's always appreciated! Authors love to see what people thought of their work, so definitely leave comments. Happy reading!

Hi I'm new!

2 months ago

Glad to see I'm not the only one who shills Book of Vanishing Tales. Fucking love that story.

Hi I'm new!

2 months ago
Thanks to you and the others for welcoming me, I can see that the community here is amazing. I started to read Rouge a few hours ago, honestly I'm still in the early beginings so I can't provide a review yet, but I can tell that the story progression have been really good so far.

Hi I'm new!

2 months ago
Good to hear! And rogues is 500,000 words long, so nobody could finish the entire thing in a few hours, let alone come up with a coherent and thoughtful review for it. With long stories like that, I find it best to enjoy it like a cup of coffee, sip it slowly so you get the maximum enjoyment. Read it over the course of a couple of days or even weeks. You can also save your progress so when you come back, it'll be like you never left. Another thing with Rogues, it's so good that when you finish, you'll want to read through another path.

Hi I'm new!

2 months ago


Hi I'm new!

2 months ago
Welcome to the site! No worries if you're not planning on writing anything yet, I usually do recommend that people spend time browsing the stories before jumping into their own anyhow. Writing in this format can be a lot of work and so leaving a ratingv and a review, or even just a short comment is highly appreciated, authors have no other way to know somebody out there is paying attention. There's a lot of variety, make sure you pay attention to the maturity ratings though if you're sensitive to language or anything like that.

Hi I'm new!

2 months ago

I also recommend these:

A Haunted and Hunted Halloween

The Tale of the Foolish Princess



The Path of Death

Hunting the Ripper

Really, anything by EndMaster is great. But ultimately if you have a favorite genre, I recommend checking out the categories. Don't forget to check ratings too.

You could also try out my favorite story I wrote:

Fleeing the Forest



Hi I'm new!

2 months ago

Welcome to the site! 

Feel free to browse around and read whatever interests you. 

If you plan on writing or want to post some short stories, I recommend reading some articles here.


Hi I'm new!

2 months ago
It's hilarious that you already know regular users don't write anything, lol.
Welcome to the site, noob. Enjoy your time and read Eternal asap (always good to start with the best)

Hi I'm new!

2 months ago
Welcome to the site!

I was a bit nervous about contributing written works to the site when I joined as well, but this place is honestly really good for anyone who wishes to grow as a writer. If you aren't feeling up to writing a whole storygame, you can also start with a short story in the Writing Workshop instead. I'm looking forward to the unique stories you will write :]

Hi I'm new!

2 months ago


Hi I'm new!

2 months ago
Welcome to the site, I do hope you enjoy your time here.

Hi I'm new!

2 months ago
Welcome to the site.