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EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Well time for another unofficial contest for those interested. It’s free.

Topic of this one is romance since apparently some of you feel we don’t have enough of that around here.

Pretty simple, just write a story where romance takes the center stage. You can do it how ever you want.

Doesn’t need to strictly fit in the Love and Dating section either. If you want to make it horror themed with angsty vampires or scifi themed with androids attempting to figure out the concept of love, you can.

Just make sure that the protagonist has an overall goal of romance.

Now I should point out, I’m using the term “romance” in a very loose sense. If you want to make a hilarious tale about a lightning rod salesman trying to woo an 18 year old farmer’s daughter for the whole purpose of sexing her up while avoiding her ass raping brothers, then yes, that is permitted.

(But not that story because it’s already been done)

Also as if it needs to be said, don’t fucking write graphic porn.

All participants that are currently in the SHAME pit that submit something decent will be let out. Winner will get some more pointless points.

Remember to post links to your stories here if you make one for the contest.

Deadline is March 11th, good luck.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago


EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago



My Weebful harem here we go!

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Dammit End. What have you done?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

It has come to my attention that my romance writing needs some perfecting, and what better way to do it than through this venue? I’m in End.

What’s the reward looking like right about now?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Reward is generally 100 points, but as with all of my contests, it’s completely dependent on my own whims, so it’s probably going to vary depending on what the person puts into it and what they’ve already done so far.

For example if Thotfodder came by and submitted a story, she’d most likely just get out of the SHAME pit and a point reward.

If however someone with already a few decent stories/contest wins submitted something then they might be eligible for more rewards.

This is one of the reasons why Mizal managed to get a shitload of points, a trophy AND a featured story out of these things. True, it helped that she was the only person who joined the last two, but still doesn’t change the fact that she put in the effort to get the warm and fuzzies.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Hey, I joined and submitted a perfect, awe-inspiringly amazing storygame during the LGTB one! :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Unfortunately I swore off contests this year.


I did give myself the entire month of January to piddle around and do whatever before I need to buckle down on my bigger projects. So I suppose if I can throw something together in a week I could still give it a go. Those points are tempting.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Don't even bother trying, the contest is already won. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Hmmm.  Interesting.  I'll be interested to see what gets churned out this time.  Not sure if I will be up for it myself since things have taken a bad turn around here.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

You have my interest. My WIP is hitting too many roadblocks anyway. Time for a dalliance into a genre that I've never wrote in. :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Looking forward to some steamy scenes of intense handholding while being chaperoned by a responsible guardian.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Ha ha, I have more options than that.

Song of Solomon 7:6-12 (English Standard Version)

How beautiful and pleasant you are,
    O loved one, with all your delights!
Your stature is like a palm tree,
    and your breasts are like its clusters.
I say I will climb the palm tree
    and lay hold of its fruit.
Oh may your breasts be like clusters of the vine,
    and the scent of your breath like apples,
and your mouth like the best wine.


It goes down smoothly for my beloved,
    gliding over lips and teeth.

10 I am my beloved's,
    and his desire is for me.

The Bride Gives Her Love

11 Come, my beloved,
    let us go out into the fields
    and lodge in the villages;
12 let us go out early to the vineyards
    and see whether the vines have budded,
whether the grape blossoms have opened
    and the pomegranates are in bloom.
There I will give you my love.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
I have a hunch End would enjoy a CYOA version of Lot and his daughters...

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

4 entrants so far. Quite silly. @mizal

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Mock all you want nerds, the weeb team is winning this time around.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Keep up the determination. :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

March 4th? That's three days after my birthday. I'll be turning 19. 19-3=16. 16 is a lucky number. Alright I'll maybe do it.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
It's going to be hilarious when I write a story in seven days that you all have to accept is better than what any of you can do in 40.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

go the fuck to sleep, ms piggy

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Well I see as usual everyone is full of promises and enthusiasm, we’ll see how long that lasts. Still, didn't expect so many to join so early.

Anyway, here’s some inspiring love songs to put you in the right frame of mind while writing your romance story. One for each of you.

Digit, Ebon and Wibbons

Mizal and Orange

And of course Malk

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Love songs? I’m kinda doubting if you know what Love is End lol. On the bright side, if these songs are at all a rubric for what we need to have in the entries, then I think I’ll be fine.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Slasher could take some inspiration from Malk's selection there.

e: hmm, these are already doing interesting things to my YouTube recommendations...

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
End, what do you think about getting Katie to judge to spare you the burden of reading through so much girly romance and weeb shit?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

She’s already married to me, I don’t feel the need to subject her to any more torture by making her read through your stories.

Besides I'm not concerned, if it was really a burden I wouldn't bother holding a contest.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Woo, it's free. I was afraid it would cost me dearly. 

I shall get romantic.Graphically romantic. Not graphic in the gross, physical way, graphic as in oh god my mind is burning from all of these feelings what the heck.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Can we use storygames we planned before?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

As long as you haven't written it already.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Rip. *furiously plans out Bai Qiu Lian*

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Is a short story in a comment allowed? If so, I'd like to wet my boots and start out small. I've already got a small neat idea lined up.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
It has to be a storygame.

We've had short story contest before but those are pretty rare and usually not anything you can win 100 points for.

A small but still respectable storygame is entirely doable in even just a day though. Inseperable only took me six hours to write (not counting the planning phase) and wound up being featured.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Damn, made myself a promise to work on just one project at a time. Sad times, but the drunken guy at the club must wait for another competition. I think I'll sit this one out then. Although I'm already looking forward to enjoying all the (feel)good stories with a cup of warm tea. My guess is that the stories will be divided along three main archetypes:

-Some weaboo comedy

-Some edgy comedy

-Naive feelgood romance 

Personally I'm mostly excited for the more traditional third option. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
I'd be surprised if we got that much comedy.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

At least not intentionally.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Well that's a given. Unintentional comedy is the greatest appeal of this entire site.

I always did feel like not ending a love story tragically was a wasted opportunity though.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
I'm in. I'm not good at romance but if it will get me out of the shame pit, I will go for it.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

A person that no one has ever heard about or cares about decides to enter a contest.  This seems like it will either end up with a terrible graphic sex CYS, half-finished, grammatical mistake ridden piece of garbage CYS, or a broken promise and trip to the shame pit.  Oh well, I'll give it a go.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
You won't get sent to the shame pit if you fail. You can get out but not in. There is no punishment.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Predictions so far.

Digit is going to basically publish “Hunie Pop the CYOA.” With the added incest and rape paths in order to gain favor. While everyone else is pretty much mocking him already he could still potentially win since he’s so driven to his vision that its possible he’ll try to do more with the concept. It’ll also help if he ends up being amusing and everyone else is really fucking boring or I feel like trolling everyone. (Never count out that last one)

Ebon has a whole angels seducing mortals concept. Which sounds alright, but honestly I kept forgetting what he told me he was planning multiple times, which isn’t a good sign. However, since he won the last contest by beating the chicken soup out of Steve, Ebon is probably still on a winning high so he’s probably going to put at least as much effort as Digit is. We’ll see I guess.

Wibbons is going to turn in something written alright technically, but ultimately I’m probably going to be bored by it. Of course my expectations are low, so if he manages to surprise me by not boring me, he might end up winning.

Mizal is a wild card mainly because I have no idea what she’s even planning to do and if she did tell me, I’ve actually forgotten.

(Digit has really won in the propaganda department here because so far his is like the ONLY one I consistently remember what the concept is)

In any case, Mizal generally writes well and has a pretty good idea of what I like, so she’ll probably play upon that a bit while still retaining whatever idea she had. Her weakness is going to be waiting until the last minute to write anything causing her final product to be 50% as good as it could have been.

Mynoris, now in an alternate reality she’d be one to watch out for since I really liked her witch story what with all the slut shaming, sexual assault and hopelessness going on in it. With any luck she’d use those same concepts to make a romance story. (Basically Handmaid’s Tale the CYOA)

However, in this reality she’s most likely going to not turn anything in, so I can forget seeing anything from her.

Orange is going to slack off, so probably not going to see anything from her either and if I do it’ll probably be only marginally more interesting than whatever Wibbons turns in.

Crescent is going to be similar to Wibbons, her story will have the effort put into it, but I’m probably not going to be grabbed by it, unless she puts in some atrocities or something.

Finally we have Malk, who has said something about making a story about gay vikings or some story about some guy traveling to hell to get his wife. Not sure which concept he’s going to go with and he probably isn’t either because he has a similar problem with his real life sexual orientation.

In any case Malk is probably going to at least have a bunch of edgelord shit in his story that’s going to get my attention so he’ll be golden on that and he’s improved in his writing in general. However, he’ll probably be like Mizal in that he won’t actually write anything solid until the last minute making his story not as great as it could have been.

As for the rest of you, I have no idea, but so far you haven’t made any sort of impression other than the ones currently in the SHAME pit which in that case I have even lower expectations of you than I do of the rest of these losers.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I love your predictions. I'm heavily debating if I should do a happy one or an all out dark-fest. It's more of a morals versus a desire to win thing. :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
How is this even a question.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Because I'm WIBN. That's why. :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
I'm going to put in a prediction for Malk, IF he finishes something. That's a big if of course, he's always pitching ideas left and right and can rarely settle on one, probably also reflective of his state of inner turmoil and confusion on other matters you mentioned.

He'll probably handle the romance elements the most palatable way however, by making them take a backseat to the protagonist graphically driving his spear into countless toned and muscular minotaurs and three headed dogs and the like.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

What's this SHAME pit I keep hearing about? And how do I avoid falling in?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Pretty much, if you sign up for an official contest and fail to submit on time, you get put in the pit of shame.  You stay there until you manage to complete a contest.  Others will be able to tell you more specific details, but that's the gist.  

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
This isn't an official contest though so he's good. Just a chance at free points for forcing End to read.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I would love to get into that alternate reality. My reality sucks right now. Hard to feel romantic when all I feel is resentment towards my ex.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Wait, I'm entered in? Crap. EM, please advise me on writing these, as you say, "atrocities". >:D

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I thought you said you entered. Seems like you did. If you don't turn anything in, it won't bother me since I expect no better from all of you anyway.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
I gotta say though, for all of Digit's (many, many) faults, at least there's only one of him and at least even he seems aware on some level of how ridiculous he is.

Now take a moment to imagine if this contest had instead been run two years ago, and all the cringey directions it might have gone.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
I read as far as Parrotwatcher's post, at which point it turned into a COG thread.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Oh ya. I'm geting out of the pit this time for sure. I'm at over 1000 words in two days and I am doing about 500 words a day so at this rate 20 pages will be 5000 words at least!

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I really hope this is sarcasm.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
What do you mean?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Nothing really. I was just thinking that you should probably be averaging more words per day if you really want a competent entry. Alas, this is just my opinion.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Nothing wrong with a shorter story. I got mine featured. All depends on the writing quality, which I'm sure Mr. Ace can...

...hmm. Oh dear.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
If you are talking about my story because you read what I have so far, then I have to tell you that about the spelling and grammar I will revise it.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
I haven't seen your contest story, I was referring more to this thread which I think was your first one here when you were (more of) a hilarious noob.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Well I think I have gotten better. I am working hard on this story and my average words per page is 303 so I think that is good. I have seven pages done so far and am trying to do two pages a day. I missed one day and today I have done one of them. Today is day 5.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Alright, I'll enter (if only to get out of the pit). 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I'm in. Got a nifty idea too - here's to hoping I can stay motivated enough to actually do it.    surprise

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I think I'll give this one a try since I have a few ideas.  It will probably be semi-graphic due to the nature of the story but hopefully not too over the top.  

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Surprisingly more people "joined" so that means more inspirational love songs to motivate you all in your task.

(I think I got a better idea of love now so these are more appropriate this time)

Ace, Allen, corgi, Crescent, Drew, EZ, and Rev

And here’s another one for Malk, because he needs the extra inspiration.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I'm starting to think that you might be trying to make some kind of comment about my sexuality 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Aww, they got all the good music.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I'm in.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Just to make sure, this is supposed to be in CYOA format, yes? I know we've had contests in the past that weren't, so I figured I'd ask in advance.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
CYOA only. He's done a few of these now, if it's ever a short story instead he'll specify.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Alright, thanks.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Well it was suggested that you get something from Eminem, but that would be too obvious, so went in a slightly different direction. The most important thing is, it’s a love song and therefore inspirational for this contest.


Oh and here’s another inspirational one for Malk.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Fuckin' magnets, how do they work?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Oh forgot to mention, if you posted in the thread saying you were joining the contest and don't turn anything in, you go into the SHAME pit.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Oh my God. It was a trap!

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Cool beans. While I would not want to see this, it would be interesting if Ebon goes from winning a contest with a featured storygame to the pit of SHAME with the likes of Bannerlord, RoyalGhost, and Ford.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
@EbonVasilis You don't want this to happen, do you? Talk to me, I have a storygame that fell off a truck that I can sell you at a very reasonable price.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I sort of liked Wibbon's reaction of "Oh End just horse fucked everyone involved in the contest. Cool beans!"

That's the proper way to feel. yes

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Um....I was on the list.  I don't know if you consider me signed up or not...  I think that worries me more than if I knew for certain either way.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Oh yeah, I know you didn't officially sign up so you're fine.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Just checking.  Even if I finished my story before the dead line (which is completely unlikely) I would wait a few days to publish it.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Not that I’m considering it, but what’s the price?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Oh, it's not money, don't worry. Malkalack will be handling the payment. You just have to make a single weekend trip to Canada.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I’m afraid I will have to deny your gracious offer. Thank you.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Wouldn’t happen lol. You all should remember that I don’t fail easily.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
I'm in it already so it makes no difference.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I think you can get doubly shamed.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Yeah and he'd lose 50 points.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Oh come on!

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
It does not matter. I'm almost at 5000 words anyway so I will finish it.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Well see, you have nothing to worry about.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
A story also has to meet minimum standards, correct?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Of course. Has to at least be a 3 as far as ratings are concerned.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Thanks for the motivation, End.

Nothing helps a person to produce a quality story like the gut-wrenching, heart-gripping fear of SHAME.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Luckily I didn't say I was. :P

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Nice try, but he gave you a love song with the others. You are in this whether you like it or not.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Last time I checked you asked for advice for writing atrocities. Says to me that you joined.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

And then, like a flash of lightning, inspiration hit.

EZ would write the tale of two star-crossed lovers.

Him: an ultra-hyper conservative alt-right neo-fascist white-supremacist.

Her: a post-modern neo-marxist alt-left nihilist.



EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Is it too late to jump in on this? And if you fail to produce is the same penalty going to apply as the last contest?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
You can still join. There's no entry fee to lose but SHAME is now a threat.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
What exactly is that? Just general scorn?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
I have an idea, although it's a little bit rapey. Fuck it, put me in. As long as I produce something I escape penalty, right?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Yeah, as long as its going to be above a rated 3 standard story, but I imagine you won't have any problem with that considering your other contest story was rated pretty highly.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Also going to add, if you're going to make a rapey story (or any story really), I'm going to be very displeased if I get to the end of it and it all turned out to be a dream or the memory of some ancestor like some sort of faggot Assassin's Creed shit.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Lol. Okay I'll give you that, but I wanted some way to bring the story back away from the fanciful setting. Also I love those programs where they seek out ancient human genetic pathways and narrow it down to geographical locations. But yeah I got some criticism for that decision. Oh well, live and learn.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Well this seems like an appropriate inspirational romance song for Flux.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Well so far Wibbon's recent delving into degeneracy and generally being less boring, she's looking the most promising for this contest and that's fucking pathetic.

ALL of you should be deeply ashamed.

Get your shit together folks.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I'm getting along fairly well with my story so far.    ;)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
I have about five pages so far and mostly it's about your boss being a dick whilst simultaneously looking for opportunities to cop a feel on the DL. So yeah, hopefully having a completed story will net the 3.0 I need to not be shamed or whatever.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Ugh, this story is going to turn out really juvenile.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I guess that I'll participate. I have an idea up my sleeve, but I don't know if I can execute it in twenty-two days as I just found out about the contest. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

>TFW someone who found out about the contest a week before the deadline squeezed out a perfectly respectable story in just three days but Dini couldn't squeeze one out in twenty-two (twenty-nine with the deadline expansion)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Chris, what is even the point of being smug at someone if they don't see it.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Thank you, Mizal.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Oh okay. Guess I need to find another inspirational love song then, here you go.

And here's yet another one for Malk. Probably been a bit unfair with him accusing him of being a faggot in various ways with the song choices so I found a more appropriate inspirational romance song for him this time.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

you're a son of a bitch end 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Well I see all those songs must have really inspired Malk since he's the first one to finish a story.

Even if he doesn't win he contest (Which he probably won't because he probably turned in shit) he's earned this I guess.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Should've made it Green Day. He's a big fan.

Anyway, damn, I was hoping for a Valentine release but it was not to be. I guess we'll all have to look to Malk's story of graphically murdering monsters in Hell or whatever it's supposed to be about as the most romantic thing released on the site tomorrow, unless someone else has been holding theirs back for the 14th.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Hurray, now I only have to beat Ebon and Mizal. Ebon is suffering from Ebola or something and Mizal will probably procrastinate. Digit simply won't win, for even Malk will crush him.
Everybody else will probably/hopefully be lazy. :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
I know posting love songs has been more Endmaster's area, but I've been hearing this one every morning on the way to work and I'm impressed by how plot heavy it is with a lot of focus on the main character's struggles to find true love. Hopefully some of you will take inspiration from it too:

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Fixed. Html is hard.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
That song seems to be about date rape.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Nah, absolutely no rape occurred because: Sheena was a man.

He did not make sure that his girl was pure. (Before drugging her for sex.)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

So since we’re posting a lot of 80s love songs, going to just post the video to this one because… well its basically a Star Wars setting rip off with murder, kidnapping and rape (Okay they don’t show that part, but that’s what we all know is going to happen)

Just remember kids, it was a different time with lots of cocaine. A LOT of cocaine.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Truly the 80s were the best of times.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Ironically or not, amen.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
So who quit writing and pulled up PornHub instead like a true degenerate?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Dear goodness, has it been 23 days already?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I guess so. I haven't been paying much attention to how much time has passed. I just focus on the deadline.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Then I definitely made the right call to not enter.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

It will be hilarious if Malk gets SHAMED because he's forgotten to link his shitty story in the thread.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Even moreso if he would've otherwise won by default because of a complete lack of other entries.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Hope you don't mind I'm doing this, EM.
How's everybody's word count looking right now? For example, I'm at a measly 12k. Specifically, is Ebon past me, has Mizal even started writing yet, and has Digit even written anything past a few thousand words?

We have under a dozen days left! :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I make sure to update my thread every time I write, so my word count there’s is accurate. Explicitly, no I am not past you.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I'm at 8,357, and planning to finish in the 12,000 to 15,000 range.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Posting this list so I have a reminder of who is actually in this contest, because I’ve really only been paying attention to the more “visible” members.

Contestants so far


SHAMED so far


EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Hey- I did find out about the contest extremely late. I'll try to do better next time. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

21 days is plenty of time to put out an acceptable contest entry.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I cannot work on my entry every single day as I'm still a student. 

EDIT: Not to mention that the story-line which I settled on requires some time to implement. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Who isn't a student or otherwise occupied everyday of the week?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Don't be like me and miss a good writing section.  You may find that on what seem to be the worst days to write, somehow you end up writing 2,000-3,000 words or more.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Yeah, but I have to study for my SAT's. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

“Mizal practically gave me the torch and told me to make sure I win. Her points are essentially mine. Digit’s fallen behind, Malk did the bare minimum for it. All that’s left is Wibbons.” - Ebon

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

You may be surprised, Eb.  ;)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I'm simply demonstrating my thought process. 

AlienKudzu: A no name lurker, or new person in general. Chances are no submission from him. 

corgi213: I feel like they've written something somewhere before, but I can't remember it all. Not worried.

Crescent: Potential here. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she was able to turn something in of high quality. The judge is the worry here.

Digit: Has abandoned his harem idea, and is now going for a bare minimum submission. Doubted his romantic writing prowess anyhow.

EZunmaker: A semi interesting presence, but I expect nothing I can't handle. 

Fluxion: Nice background, and there is competition here. So long as this isn't all a dream

Malk: Story already submitted. Despite his story description, he will no doubt score higher than a lot of the other people here.

Mizal: Read my comment above. 

MrAce: Read further up in the thread. No further comment.

Orange: Definitely a possibility for a story here, and a good one too, but I wonder at Orange's level of motivation.

Reverencia: Don't know em. I feel like they might be more respected, but I feel this will likely turn into a bare minimum entry as well.

Slasher: I feel like no explanation here is necessary.

Wibbons: Has put forth the most perceivable effort so far. This is a good sign, and perhaps even better is that End said he liked her first page the best. That being said, I'm not particularly worried. 

My opinions of you lot aren't bad, mind you, I simply find the lack of real competition here disturbing. Maybe that thought will motivate you all to beat me. That won't happen, of course, but I would still like to see you all try.

Now go write, or lose.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Eh, I said I liked the ideas she was presenting in her thread, I haven’t actually read the first page though. I probably won’t do much more than glance/scan through anyone's writing until it’s actually published in story form and linked in this thread.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I believe the words of Neil Armstrong may serve you well, Ebon.

"Well, I think we tried very hard not to be overconfident, because when you get overconfident, that's when something snaps up and bites you." -- Neil Armstrong

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

In the words of Roger Federer...

”I have a great record against anybody right now, so it doesn't really matter who I play in the final. I'll be in there as the big favorite. But I play my best in the finals, in the important matches. That's why I'm number one. There's no secret...I'm not overconfident, but very confident.”

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

This is sort of unusual that the two most promising contestants are normal Christian folks rather than the usual gang of misanthropic degenerate sodomites.

Guess the "purity" of romance sparked the motivation.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I'll take this as a good thing. 

Probably less about purity and more about impurity based on some of the entires.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

We may even be from the same state (Missouri) if I'm not confusing Ebon with someone else.

I mostly entered because of how little I wrote in this genre, and I thought it would be fun... I also considered how "impure" the others will most likely be, so I have a few "pure" paths. :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Not from, but my current resident atm. Certainly familiar.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Damn, I really need to actually write something now so we can all take a stand for Christianity and normalcy together. (Not giving up being misanthropic though, fuck that.)

Now that Digit has as good as given up we don't really have a proper degenerate to unite against unfortunately.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I'm 13,151 words in lad, maybe I'll be able to make you eat those words.  But as I've read your Chosen Hero story you'll certainly be tough competition.  

"Vincere vel mori!"

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I'm still ahead of you, Corgi, yet you did not address me. I am deeply offended and expect a three page written essay which must incorporate at least six Bible passages from the KJV. Only APA format is accepted. :)
In all seriousness, I wish you good fortune for your storygame (but less than what I will receive)!

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Ah, I was replying to Ebons rant about how much everybody else supposedly sucks :)

And yes I shall get that essay done, just give several centuries.  As I've almost reached my 20,000 word quota for the year of 2018.

And yes, a sprinkle of good luck to you too :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I,liked the way wibbons was hinting at it. That I'm not so much saying everyone sucks as I'm proclaiming my inevitable victory regardless of everyone else.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Lmao, I know.

But I believe I am to be the winner, and everybody shall bow down to my intrinsic talent to make words flow, and characters leap off the page.  

P.S After this we should hold a contest to see who can write the crappiest story.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

After this we should hold a contest to see who can write the crappiest story.

No need, I'm already expecting that for this contest.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Lmao, well I hope I disappoint you by not disappointing you.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
I hope a dark horse sneaks up and kicks you in the dick.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Thanks for the vote of confidence Bucky.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
Wouldn't he have to be directly facing anything that's kicking him there dick? And horses aren't very stealthy at all. Idk Bucky, I'm seeing flaws with this idea.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I think the important part to remember is hoping Ebon gets kicked in the dick.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Hey, I'm just two hours away. Does anybody have Ebon's address? I already know what he looks like. :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Harem idea is very much alive.

It's time for a 0 to 100.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago
"Vegeta, what's his power level?"

"IT'S OVER 9,000!"

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

OVER 9,000?!?!?!

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I'm still waiting for my alternate reality to happen, but reality still sucks, so I'm guessing it got lost in the mail.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Because I feel we need some more inspiration, here's this.

The music is eh. Just pay attention to the video, and you'll find a story that is, imo, quite good. I know you all don't like to read, so there's only pictures. With any luck you all will be inspired to write something after this. (If you've already seen it, then go back and watch it again. It's a solid reminder of the intricacies of relationships between characters.)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

I loled.

(Except for the dog part)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Alright. We have right around eleven days to finish this contest, and I would like to know where my competitors are at in their stories. Specifically, y'alls word count. 

I'm right around 8,500, but that will be rocketing up through the course of the weekend and the following week.













We don't have very much longer to go, so keep your writing up and finish strong.

For those of you who haven't started yet, go get something done. At least submit something. 

Anyhow, good luck to all.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

Nearing completion for writing. (Then, editing starts!) With just a few thousand words to go, I'm now at 15.5k.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago


EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

7 years ago

About 9k.  :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Not shit. I've been in and out of the ER so I'm way behind. I have almost 6000. With 7 days to go I should be able to publish something. My first story wasn't overly long, and this one won't be either. I'm nearing the end of the first act, and I am planning 3.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Four and a half days to go, how are the rest of you doing in terms of...

Word count: 


Epilogues completed:

I’m at 25k with no epilogues completed.


EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I am done writing, but I have much editing to go. :)

Word count: 17,720
Epilogues: 7

The romance of this storygame is also out there. A wife, trying to court a woman, sexual depravity, and midgets (because EM wanted midgets)... oh my!

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
What'll it cost to bribe the judge?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
If I understand Endmaster correctly, based on a couple of his stories, his user name, and comments regarding the contest story about the whore/witch, I believe it will cost your soul.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

That sounds about right. ;)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

So for some reason I'm getting weird shit like this in my Youtube recommendations, happily it seemed romance related so I'll post the link for inspiration. Personally I thought it seemed bland until about the 2 minute mark where it got way better.

(Don't worry it's completely safe)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago Up Next recommendations are full of lesbians now.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Didn't you know? Lesbians often fight to the death for EndMaster's amusement.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I assume no one else has noticed that little edit in the OP, so let me be the first to thank you for this generous gift. @EndMaster

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
I don't trust that edit, it's probably a trap!

And Chris fell right into it.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

You're damn right I did.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Fuck it, with this deadline expansion I'll throw my hat into the ring.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Thought you didn’t believe in extensions? What did Ebon or Mizal pay you?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

As Mizal is repeatedly stating in the Lair, might just be End fucking with us. In which case, I will have to haul ass to get my submission finished by the fourth. Oh well, I wasn't planning on sleeping anyhow.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

To my knowledge EZ noticed the new deadline first, but I assume he wasn't going to tell anyone else about it and use it as an advantage. While you all rushed to finish the stories and turn them in early thus severing your ability to fix them, he would have taken his time.

Ebon’s decision to point it out to everyone I guess has leveled the playing field again I suppose. I guess he’s really confident he’s going to win.

Since this is the last stretch, I guess might as well let everyone know there are 2 more people in this contest, sneaking about. One of which just revealed themselves to me today. The other I've actually known for quite some time. I'll let you all worry about who they might be or confidently dismiss them as cowards who hide in the shadows. (But a sneak attack can kill you all the same!)

Anyway, updating the list.

Contestants so far

Mystery Contestant
Secret Contestant

SHAMED so far


EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

The thought didn’t even occur to me, I guess winning this way will still be more satisfying though.

I’m going to guess that Bucky is one of the Mystery contestants, and if Briar is done with the other contest on COG, then her.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
I didn’t have time to enter my own contest, what makes you think I have time to enter into this gum guzzling fiasco?

It’s obviously Briar and EndMaster. May as well start work on your next project because End was the winner from the start ^_^

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Well the consensus I got from the lair was that it’s two of the three B’s. 

So Bucky and Briar

Bucky and Berka 


Briar and Berka.

I think any one of these combinations are plausible. Although Killa is always silent and that’s kinda suspicious...

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Killa doing exactly what Killa does is suspicious?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Good luck with that. Everyone else can just throw up their hands and give up now whether it's Bucky, Briar, Berka, or End, you have all lost.

Of course, then again it could be someone named Bubba, and End would pick them to win just to annoy everyone else...

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Ha! You think I'll back down because a known member of the site decides to stretch their dainty fingers. (If they aren't a very well known member of the site, then disregard this) No, this only gives me an opportunity to cross names off of my hit list.

Assuming one of these people are the mystery participants...

Bucky is always running contests, so this will give me a real opportunity to take him out and show him the power of arrogant youth.

Berka typically doesn't enter contests, so if it is him, then I'll have a ball creating a piece to beat one of his one. 

Since I've been here, Briar hasn't really been a major presence. Except on the front page, and is the only non-mod on there. A worthy person to take second place behind me. 

Killa...on the off chance he is competing, I'll beat him too.

If I didn't name you that means I don't think you are competing, or that I am not concerned about your entry in this contest.

If I'm wrong about both, one, or neither, there is one thing I am certain about. And that's that I'll win regardless of who enters. So respected, revered, or unknown come face defeat.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Well, then!

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Ogre, you have a week, you should write a story that places ahead of this disrespectful child.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
If I had the whole week, I might go ahead and do that, but I'm traveling the 8th to 13th and wouldn't be able to finish up that last Saturday...

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Wait I got this. It's going to be Thara and...and...Kiel!

There's actually only a very short list of people who would bother doing the mystery contestant thing. Bucky wouldn't have any reason not to enter in the regular manner since it's not his contest this time. Any of the admins or Briar seem like a stretch, they've all got other things going on and don't tend to enter contests anyhow.

Going to laugh if it's a couple of nobodies just being mysterious for no particular reason.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I don't know. That doesn't sound like something I would do.      ;)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Here's me officially saying I will try my best to enter.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Okay here’s 3 more inspirational romance songs for all the added folks.


Mystery Contestant

Secret Contestant

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Well thank you kindly. Kind of scarily accurate considering that the romantic interest in my story is a teacher, lol.

(No, it's not a student/teacher story, get your mind out of the gutter.)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I am so tempted to see if I can finish my storygame for this contest, but maybe I'd better not risk it. I actually stand a good chance of finishing my current work, but with the deadline just over a week away...I don't think I trust my muse not to suddenly leave me hanging.

But I so want to enter....

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Do it. You don’t have too much to lose. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

It would be neat to get an Infinite Story author to submit something for the contest.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Oh he isn’t that guy isn’t he? Cystia versus infinity 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Cat? No, she's actually one of the few normal active members on Infinite Story. She's written a lot of stuff over there. (Yes, some of it unfinished, but it still was a lot of writing)

Plus I just tend to like seeing the long time active ISers wander over here from time to time. Reminds me of the old days.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Okay...I'm gonna see how I do during this next week; if I think I can finish the storygame when it gets to next Saturday, I'll enter. If not, I'll hold back until I think I'm ready to share.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

You've already entered.....your soul doesn't belong to you anymore.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Make thy peace with God, for if you fail you will be damned to the SHAME pits for all eternity.

(Well unless you release a story for another contest)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Well I see IBV's officially joined. Your attempt at overcoming your sloth has been noted.

Anyway, here's your inspirational romance song. Good luck!

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
I laughed.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Making a duel with Digit. If End likes my story more than his then I get 100 of his points, and vice versa.

@Digit confirm faggot

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

cum firmed

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Note: it's just between the two of us, not anyone else.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Chris pretty much guaranteed to win under those conditions.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I should've thought of this. What an easy 100 points I would've received.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Just challenge the mystery contestants, and have them reply to End on whether they accept. 

You can still get some points that way.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
No I think he specifically means the scenario of 'ok End, do you prefer [cringey weeb thing] or [literally anything else]?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Yeah, you’re probably right. If Digit manages to surprise us all with a half decent story game I’m going to laugh so hard. 

Still, I think Wibbons should have some fun with the mystery contestants.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I'd only make a safe bet. For all I know, EM could enter into his own contest for the lols.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Updating the list and keeping track of all these bets you lot make.

Contestants so far

Chris113022 (FINISHED)
EbonVasilis (FINISHED)
EZunmaker (FINISHED)
Fluxion (FINISHED)
Malkalack (FINISHED)
Reverencia (FINISHED)
TharaApples (FINISHED)
WouldntItBeNice (FINISHED)

SHAMED so far


Bet 1 Ebon vs. Mizal

If Ebon wins the contest he gets 500 of Mizal’s points and vice versa.

If neither wins the contest they both lose 500 points.

Bet 2 Chris vs. Digit

If I like Chris’ story better than Digit’s he gets 100 of Digit’s points and vice versa.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

So I’m either going to be above 1000 points at the end of this, or I’ll be broke. Pressure is on.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

So, if someone else wins (for example, me), then I would be destroying 1k points in the CYS economy. Hm, that'd be different... Actually, no. I destroyed 4,170 points before, so this'd be small potatoes. :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Pretty sure small potatoes is banned.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Who of these people have already failed? Aside from @Digit and @Slasher

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Reaffirming my dedication to win this, for the simple reason that I can not stomach losing to HTMLphobic subhumans.

It would be so problematic.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Your coding won't help you win nerd.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I wish you all the best of luck; your skills will have to get you the rest of the way. ;)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Chris was a late entry and he's already finished. This is either going to suck a lot, or its going to be the winner.

Granted, those two things aren't mutually exclusive based on the contestants.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Mine will be submitted tomorrow.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Would you say that no matter who entered though?  

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Of course not. I'd change up the insult wording depending on the person.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
I have published my storygame.

Also, if y'all want to find or avoid the degeneracy, it's found by going to your father and not having any sudden ideas. :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

No Wibbons. I thought be already discussed the conditions of your surrender. I feel betrayed.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
I literately have no clue with regards to what you're referring to.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
My link seems to have changed and/or was made incorrectly. Here's the link again.
Just in case:

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Well Bucky just outted himself to Ebon finally (The only person he really wanted to keep it secret from) so his name has been add proper now to the list. (To nobody's surprise)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Well, Ebon and Mizal are fucked, and there goes my only shot at getting an honorable mention.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Why is anyone worried about Bucky? Have we forgotten why he's locked in a cell with Thara right now?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Sounds like we should be worried for Thara.      ;)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I figured, and, as my post above already states, it changes nothing.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Ah yeah, and don't forget me. I have like 18k words and counting that I have to add into a coherent storygame. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Honestly I'm surprised more people didn't think of you immediately, given that I provided an extension.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I'll need an even longer extension! I need more time, more time, End!

Well, I'm not looking to win it or anything. I'm sure it'll show that this is my first try at writing a storygame seriously like this, and some rookie mistakes will most likely be prominent. 

I really would like to leave the cell of disappointment, though. The food is terrible. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Oh hey Thara's the secret contestant.

Looking forward to your entry.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Mhm, thanks. I'll be sure to read yours when I'm able to finally finish mine. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Well one for two isn’t half bad.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I'm here to surprise everyone by actually having an entry:

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
I was wondering how you were coming along on yours, I guess now I know.

Getting quite a few early entries on this. If we had a judge that planned to read any of the entries I'm sure it would be appreciated.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Well the title sounds promising.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

So far it reminds me of your first storygame a bit. Well, at least style wise. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Okay, I've already read the 3 stories submitted and it's a sad day when Chris, Orange and fucking Wibbons manage to surprise me and do WAY better than expected.

I hope the rest of you are pulling out the stops, because if they end up beating you, you might as well get the belts ready.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Congrats to those three on submitting early, and on gaining End's surprise. 

I think it's high time I start pulling out all nighters. Gotta hit that 50k word count somehow.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Well, I'm gonna be last because my story is basically a depraved quest to get laid. I think I'll finish tomorrow night though.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

One more to lower the bar. <a> href="">Boom</a> 


EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Well, I'll be rooting to see if this is better than the first attempt I have heard about. 

Also, here:

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

No changes to the plot just editing spelling and grammar.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Yet you didn’t think it prudent to put spaces between paragraphs? This makes every page a wall of text, and kinda makes me want to shoot myself. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Wall of fucking text.

Well I'll try to read through this, but it's already worse than what I've already read.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Yep. MrAce has already screwed up to the point of failure. Formatting is one of those major sins of making a story game, and itit looks like he’s going to hell for it.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

So should I unpublish and fix that before to many people read it?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

That isn’t allowed. Unfortunately, you have to leave it up and listen as every complains about it until the entire contest is over.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Maybe you can take him under your wings, Ebon? Well, after the contest is over. 

I'm sure you can teach him a thing or two about indenting. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Yeah I could do that, or I could not and save myself hours of agonizing trouble. Besides, taking an apprentice now is not the best option, when I’m not a master myself.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Well I guess there is no way to get 3.00 now. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Nope, against contest rules, grounds for disqualification to pull your story down before the deadline hits.

Plus End already read yours.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

About the only thing he can try to do at this point is make a better story before the deadline or HOPE his story manages to get enough pity 3s to keep him above the unpublish mark.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
'You lived with my grandma so at first, she tried to help you, but you did not want her help. you hated her, you yelled at her, but she tried to help.'

First page. You had a month, should've edited harder.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Just a reminder because apparently some were confused about this and are now going into "overdrive" due to their poor time management skills.

The deadline is the 11th, which means as soon as it turns midnight on the 10th (and becomes the 11th), the contest is over. (Eastern standard time)

So what that means is besides the couple hours left today, you have the 8th, 9th and 10th to complete and turn in your story.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Some music for those who didn't realize this:

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Pffft. Like not having time to finish a contest story has ever stopped me from publishing it anyway.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Oh pls let me finish this before the deadline. I don't wanna fail again!

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
You're not alone. I still have a very large major act to finish along with some sort of wrap up or epilogue. This despite my story being pretty short. I just can't get into romance.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
You are as clear as muddy water.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

While I really do want to enter, I think that rushing to finish the storygame for this weekend is just going to result in me turning out a subpar piece of work. I'd rather wait and work on getting out something I'm happy with. But maybe I can enter the next contest? Or at least the next one I don't have to spend my currently meager amount of points on.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Someone cue up Another one bites the dust.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Extend the contest another week so that you can RAGE at cat about how his shitty performance is reflecting poorly on Infinite Story when he doesn't produce something when he fails to produce after receiving an extension in his honor.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

If I made another extension, Mizal would be the main one raging at this point as she's convinced I've been torturing her this whole time.

In any case, no more extensions, I want this to be over with as much as everyone else.

As for Cat, well it's up to her if she wants to join or not.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

No more extensions, got it. x)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
In addition to stressing over actually finishing, I don't think you quite understand the number of increasingly bullshit excuses I've had to make to keep my brother and his family from stealing primo writing hours away from me this past week.

I've now made a devil's bargain that will involve cooking and voluntarily socializing with multiple people on Sunday so I hope that drives home just how desperate the situation is.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

This is really petty, I know, but...I'm female.

I thought about if an extension would work, but a deadline isn't going to work; and I know the storygame really needs to be finished before publishing. Unfortunately, I'm nowhere near that point.

But I'll make sure to post as soon as I have it done.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

What does being female have anything to do with, well, anthin-- ah, forget it. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Only mentioning it because Bucky referred to me as 'he':

Extend the contest another week so that you can RAGE at cat about how his shitty performance is reflecting poorly on Infinite Story when he doesn't produce something when he fails to produce after receiving an extension in his honor.

Probably should have put who I was addressing that to.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Stupid, sexy, silly, Bucky. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Well, this is... this is a thing. Alrighty then.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

So if you are double shamed do you have to escape the shame pit twice?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Nah, just once.

You don't want triple SHAMING though.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Why not?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
I don't think anyone's ever been foolish enough to find out.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

What if I am the FIRST?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Continue to shitpost in this thread and you won't be around long enough to find out.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Well it’s the last day folks, and I see most of you as usual are waiting around until the last minute to turn something in.

Out of the remaining 14 people that haven’t linked their stories yet, I’m only expecting about half of them to do so.

Just a bunch of lazy faggots all around really.

Here’s one more inspirational love song, maybe it motivate people out their sloth.

Anyway look forward to SHAMING the failures and taking away points for those that made bets.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Darn, I was completely calm and collected until you made this post. :c 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Better get to writing then. Just know that if you make a good story game, End will be proud. Use that to be regain that calm.

It would do no good for me to beat End's daughter if she just flakes out.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago


"Stop that right now."


EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Best of luck to everyone!

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Looking forward to taking points from Digit because he's dropping his harem idea to do a minimum effort entry. It's gonna be like taking candy from a baby. And that's assuming he even manages to finish before the deadline in... 'Bout twenty-three hours or so.

@Digit suck it faggot.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Your storygame was pretty freaking awesome from what I've read of it so far. It would definitely be an uphill battle for him if he's truly ditching his anime harem idea, because that would have been interesting to see. lel. 

It's almost like you're a changed Chris. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Little did you all know that I was biding my time in 2017, honing my skills. I have become far more powerful than any of you will ever know.

well mostly it was all the fucking cocaine I did but shhh

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Fucking hell, he was one of the main ones begging for a romance contest so he could do his pervy weeb harem story and now he's flaking out completely on it to do some even more half assed bullshit.

Oughta SHAME him just for that.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

One bet down, and one more to go...

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Well, things are looking a bit grim for my entry. Feels like I'd need another week to finish it properly as originally envisioned, and the plot unfortunately is one that can't handle too much stripping down or tacked on endings.

I'm not withdrawing just yet but I just don't see myself finishing it on time at this point.

Bah. Guess my original instinct to not enter any more contests was the correct one...but now, it looks like I'll almost have to do another one at some point to get unSHAMED.

Oh well, maybe one day I'll unlock the secrets of getting writing done on week days.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago


EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
You don't get werewolves and vampires. I actually decided I liked that story and will have to take my time over the next few weeks getting it into proper shape. Instead you get Billy, which was written in about three days prior to the extension.

Introducing Billy.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Error code about 4 pages in, will pm you specifics


EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Seriously? Fuck this shit.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Site's most efficient beta ^

Fixed. Interposed % for @ in a script.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Glad to help yes

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
And here I had thought that Malk had read through the "entire" thing last week. Goes to show what a Capy is worth.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Well that was interesting.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Interesting as in good enough to knock Wibbons from the lead? Or interesting like a mental illness?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Interesting in that he basically danced on the fence of what's allowable on here with all the weird underage character stuff going on. (No, there wasn't any actual sex, just a lot of intense hand holding. Lol.) So mental illness I guess.

Funny though.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I kept forgetting just how young Billy is meant to be, tbh. 5-7ish?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Some girl says he's in first grade when he's stealing her underwear so 6 or 7 I would guess.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
You clearly didn’t find the ending where Billy remembers.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Damnit, going to have to go read through all of it now...

E: Fucking hell yes! Also, I'm quite happy believing that's an End cameo :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
It certainly sounds like something he would say.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Oh I see now. I thought I got all the endings.

Most amusing.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

No, Zal. You aren't supposed to just let me win. Actually though, you should pull out all the stops here. Cut down the plot, kill of characters, execute some newbs, do whatever you need to do to finish.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

There's no problem that can't be solved with the excessive application of Caffeine, violence, or high explosives.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Alright. Today is the day. Either I choke and fail miserably, or I succeed and do well. I'm going for the latter, and as of a short time ago, I hit the big five-oh. Yes, I've gone and hit 50k words for this story, and I'm not even done yet. 

I'm going to spend the rest of today writing and writing until my fingers fall off. Good luck to the other contestants who are also trying to get something in last minute.

UPDATE ONE:  Lucky for you guys, I have nothing better to do in between writing breaks, so I'm just going to constantly update my progress. One epilogue completed. Three more to go. I'm at a measly 51k right now. 

UPDATE TWO: Another epilogue finished. Only one more to go, and then I can tie up loose ends. Around 53k words.

UPDATE THREE: I've reached 55k words. The last epilogue is in reach. 

FINAL UPDATE BEFORE SUBMISSION: I've managed to complete the last epilogue. all that is left is to tie up loose ends. 58k words.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I dunno, just not really feeling the romance or love in any of these stories. Orange came the closest so far.

Perhaps another example MIGHT get through to one of you before time's up. It should get the point across.

Here's how I met coins' mother.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Gotta say the best part of this contest so far has been watching May do the edits on Ebon's story. I've lost count of the number of times she's called him a brainless retard or a shitty human being over a random typo or weird word choice or whatever, lol.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Well, from what I see when I'm on, it might be up to 20 times per day. 20 × 14 (a low estimate) = 240. So, I wouldn't be surprised if May yelled at Ebon over 240 times. :)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

20 x 14 = 280

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Hey, I wasn't that mean! Sure, I did call his story awful a few times, but it was always as a joke. And usually when I was complaining about mistakes in the chat it wasn't me hating him, just being like "Lol you wrote something stupid. Get more sleep.". I wasn't serious when insulting him, so I'm tecnicly still nice, right? :) Ebon's story is actually very good (at least now when I fixed it).

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Go help Slasher with his nonexistent story.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Because once again some people take things for granted...

When you publish your story at the last minute, for fuck's sake make sure you have removed your co-author sidekick beta meat shields.

This is a fucking contest, not a kum-bi-yah faggot drum circle where everyone is hold hands because everyone is a winner. Co-Authorship has NO place here.


EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Shit. I think I posted this in the wrong spot.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

A little less than 4 hours left folks.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
I should be done with my perverse, shit tier rapey story in about an hour.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Oooh, building the suspense there? :) 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
@Mayana You disgust me.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

A little less than 3 hours folks and so far all that's happened is you lot have allowed Malk to take the lead and his faggot ass didn't even put in any effort into this thing.

Oh and I guess Fluxion is one of the lesser members that might actually turn something. We're all waiting in anticipation I'm sure when we find out this was all a dream.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
One final read through then I'll publish. It's 9:22 right now, so I think I'll be good.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
If at first you don't succeed, do the minimum amount possible to technically not fail! That's the motto I always live by.

Not getting SHAMED.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Weird, my time stamps are fucking up on here. Is it daylight savings time?

Oh well I'll let you lot worry about it.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
If someone makes their entry like ten minutes till but the stamp says 'in 45 minutes' I think you should trust the site when it says they haven't actually posted yet and disqualify them for lateness.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Here you go. I was bored out of my mind writing romance, even with this relatively deviant take on it.

Wheeler & Brandt LLP

This is pretty short. Only some 17,000 words, and it's pretty linear. I couldn't think of any real excitement or intricate plot ideas with this topic, so I just made it offensive to hard core feminists instead.

You work in a law firm. You like your boss, but he's screwed up in the head. So you try to wiggle your way into his messed up BDSM mind. I've never read any of the books or seen any of the 50 Shades of Grey films, but I'm assuming this storygame is somewhat similar, although there isn't very much graphic sex (just sexual situations). Enjoy being a sub!

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
There we go. Finally posted it right. Not used to this ordering of posts in a thread.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Sounds like the plot for the Secretary which came out before 50 Shades of Grey.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Well that kind of takes the winds out of my towel-sized sails. On the other hand, Maggie Gyllenhaal looks pretty hot in that. Also the guy from the Blacklist is in it playing the role of my "Mr. Wheeler." Anyway, I'm pretty sure there isn't a rape and a court case in that movie (based on the wiki plot summary), so at least I have one original idea.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Not as long or choice based as I intended, but I'm lazy and also couldn't settle on one idea during this contest.   ;)


EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Well this was the about the clones, I guess we'll see if you failed as hard as Fluxion or manage to surprise me.

EDIT: You failed as hard as Fluxion, though not quite in the same way. So congrats I guess.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I turned something in, so I'm chalking it up as a win.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
It's not a CYOA but good effort, the idea had potential anyway.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Thanks, Miz!

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

About an hour left and I'm still waiting on Digit and Thara since they're realistically the only two that might still turn something in.

Digit's already failed spectacularly and is just trying to avoid SHAME at this point.

Going to read Ebon's last since he's been bragging about beating the chicken soup out of everyone. I mean its certainly possible and should be fucking easy at this point, but its going to be quite the fall if he fails.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

And the deadline draws ever nearer.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Huh. You were on the list of people I was definitely not expecting.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

...well, I can't say that I was expecting to make it either. This was a mess.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Ugh, so the story "game" is like freaking broken, but I got desperate...

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Whoa, Thara managed to somehow pull it off in the last minute. Second highest word count as well. Color me impressed for now.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

It's an abomination that I had to rush. There was thousands of more words, but they were cut. It's more of a story than  game by like a... huge mile, oh well. 

I didn't even want to put Zake in the description out of shame. I'll take it down if End or another mod doesn't. I'm not sure if it even counts as avoiding shame as well.  indecision

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

It should get you out of the cell as long as it meets minimum site standards, but that is End's call so idk. Good luck anyhow.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I hope End understands that I tried my hardest! I didn't even ask for his help with writing it. 

Oh, I already spotted a dead link. 

Well, I'm calling it a day. 

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago


EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Shame! Shame! Shame!

Should we throw rocks and rotten vegetables? This is my first shaming so I'm not certain of the protocols.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

There's a special thread for it I'll make later.

Site is lagging like fucking hell right now.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I was away without internet for a whole week, will probably finish and publish story just for the fun of it.  Any ways guess I'll have to unshame myself in the next contest.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Alright site seems to be less laggy now. I'll see if I can't at least get through the last minute submitted stories tonight.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Okay finished everyone else's stories and going to just go ahead and read Ebon's story now. Assuming he hasn't fucked up and his bragging wasn't just for show, I'm going to guess he'll win, but it's not over yet.

I'll make a winner thread afterwards.

And if Chris hasn't noticed already, he beat Digit. (Big surprise)

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Thara's game got taken down already?

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
I gotta ask, who's the pervert who rated my game an 8? Lol. Thanks for the high rating, of course, but you have to be at least a little bit of a roué to rate that game that highly. It's almost nothing but sexual deviancy from about page 3 or 4 on. XD

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

I have to ask the same question about my game.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
You also have a deviant game? Well, guess I'm going to have to read yours...

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago
Okay, so far you already got me rolling with "got to explore her dome." Excellent choice of euphemism!

Edit- Okay this is pretty cool. I don't know whether to laugh at or be enthralled with the disturbing content.

Final Edit: Nice work Orange. I gave you a 7 (as described in my comment, I have a bias against poetry which precludes me from giving it an 8). Very entertaining.

EndMaster’s Romance Story Contest

6 years ago

Congratulations to those that managed to complete a decent story.