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Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Congrats to Mizal on her recent ascension.

I'm sure her brand of tough but fair justice will serve CYS well in maintaining order along with cleaning up the articles which seems to be her main project right now.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Well then. Was not expecting this when I woke up this morning but mark one off my bucket list I guess.

Thanks a bunch everyone. Sorry I did not have a speech prepared, so this will all need a moment to sink in. My surprise and gratitude for the admins who were willing to shrug at my promotion is nearly as great as the terror all the rest of you should be feeling.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Official Congratulations, Loony Lady Mizal.  May your rise to godhood be celebrated over the severed heads of noobs and enjoyed with a fresh cocktail of troll tears.  

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Should I continue caring about articles? I had a lot of plans but that sort of thing seems a concern for lesser mods.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Congrats! You can always count on a shrug from me haha!

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Congrats Mizal! Well deserved.

May your reign be as glorious, and may  your enemies bow before you lest they be destroyed. 

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

100 points says it takes her three months to go fully drunk on power.

But really, congrats Mizal.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Shia surprise

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Ah, Digit, I'm glad you're here.

No, no, sit down, I insist. I have a friendly little request for you. You see, I'd like you to write down the names and profiles of five other weebs for me.

Don't worry about what may happen to them, right now you need to think only of what's in the best interests of yourself and your family.

Afterwards you can walk right out of this thread a free man and no one will ever mention your...hobby again. I'm offering you the deal of a lifetime here and I think you'll take it if you really think long and hard about what's good for you.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
On it Senpai

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

What?! I'm outta here. 

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Congrats, Mizal! Your energy, sage advice, and beautiful writing are an asset to us all.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Holy cosmos, hurray!

Congratulations of the highest order, Mizal! Your dedication to the site is astounding. You actually acknowledge newbs' existences, you read other people's work and then REVIEW it, and you actively participate in the writing workshop (and even the friggen reading corner). Somehow, you manage to be both an asshole and a fellow, Godly Christian crusader at the same time which's truly amazing an awe inspiring.

I've long since hoped you'd ascend to your rightful place among the Dark Lord, the Mallet-wielding Penguin, and that mod that just sits in the corner watching us diligently. (Hell, I said so today, and it came true.) While others seem to have fun betting how long until you self destruct, I'll give my own prediction. We'll be blessed with a mod who won't ever step her boundaries at all while continuously striving to improve CYS with her storygames, her advice (to newbs and us plebeians), and her active forums presence.

Gender Equality

6 years ago

Let us all take a moment to appreciate the fact that out of all the administrators, EndMaster was the first one to give a woman the title of admin. Truly he is the progressive leader that CYS needs to guide us towards a brighter, more tolerant future. 

Gender Equality

6 years ago
I am inevitably going to ban you all and then blame it on PMS. Thanks for being understanding.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Wow, congratulations! I'm sure you'll do just fine and won't do anything stupid to get yourself demoted. Not sure enough to bet points on it, but still. It's always nice to have more active admins keeping the site safe from retardation.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Yes yes everyone, continue to suck up. Good. The Mizal acknowledges your praise.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Go on then @Mizal, deduct points from me, I fucking dare you.

Congratulations anyway

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
I WILL deduct points, happily, from anyone who wishes it and particularly if they tag me.

I give the people what they want so please make sure any future requests for Mizal to punish you are sincere.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
I figured I should actually post something here instead of just lurking in the shadows and watching everything crumble from my assigned crenel in the Villains Lair.

Congrats! I guess. I would be hard pressed to think of a more fitting punishment. With any luck, you'll suffer every single day of your sentence and I, for one, hope it drags on for years and years and years.

Oh! and try not to burn this place down like you did with your last one that one time, Mizal, you might not get a do-over.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Thank you, and btw I edited your post to capitalize my M.

Ebon started groveling for commendations like five minutes in, already not looking forward to people begging me to Notice Them tbh lol.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
I get the feeling about 95% of your day to day admin contributions are going to be changing that m.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
You pretend like disrespectful and out of control usage of lowercase m isn't the greatest threat facing the site right now.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
I'm pretty sure that "m" is one of your top 5 biggest regrets in life.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago


Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Nice, did my first ban. That Viagra ad never knew what hit it.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Mizal - destroying men's erections since 1985.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Newly commended games:

The Lost Realm
Mutiny on the Bounty
The Tower of Rowena
Dark Nights

I'm going to go ahead and start massively devaluing these things as far as stories are concerned. Yes the system as is is dumb and broken but good stories deserve their gold star sticker regardless.

Criteria will be mostly 'do I like it' and 'would I recommend it', with a bit of 'do I feel like it'.

Do not PM me to beg. Quickest way to disqualify yourself for that last requirement.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Hey Mizal, congratulations on your rise to power :D You really deserve this after all the time and effort you have put into the site! Also thanks for commending my story, I think you show excellent judgement and taste and it's nice to get my first commendations in well over a year :P I saw something about cleaning up the articles, for some reason 3J gave me editing control over the Help and Info section before he vanished and as you can see I have done a superb job :P If there is some way to transfer this authority to you it would save me from a responsibility I occasionally remember that I have.

Good luck with your administrating and let me know if you want any help with anything :)

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Thanks! And I have access to all the article stuff now and a lot of plans for giving that section a facelift. That's what led to this actually, I asked to start updating them after Shane_Summer pointed out some broken links in one and then Endmaster asked the others if they shouldn't just go ahead and make me a full admin while he was at it.

Were the one who cleaned out all the really bad garbage articles before or was that JJJ?

And of course Stryker was an article mod too but I don't think he ever did much with it, IIRC it was just for an easy way of updating his own list of links which I don't think he ever bothered to do.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

JJJ probably did a few of them, but I think Stryker was the one who cleaned up a lot of the articles.

That was the whole reason JJJ kept him on as an article mod despite not liking the guy because he was really enthusiastic about doing it at the time.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Yah, about 18 months ago I gave it a makeover but I've been fairly generous with accepting submitted articles, I guess about ten have made it on in that time. They could do with a clean up :)

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Thank you for commending my game!

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Since Mizal is a good nod who doesn't commend her storygames, I'll just ask it here for one of our other three amazing mods to commend her Inseperable.

It's one of only two storygames that have been featured after 2016 without a commendation. It's in a category that hasn't got much love for the last few years, but it still turned out to be a very enjoyable storygame. It's well written, gramtically sound, and has a very CYS-esque ending.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Get off your knees, Wibbons, modhood doesn't make someone susceptible to brown-nosing.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
I've been pro-Mizal before she was an admin, and I'm still pro-Mizal. I've also stated my fondness for Inseparable several times, so none of this should've come to a surprise to you. On the plus side, your synthetic storygame now has a much better chance of being commended... since solid storygames are actually being commended now.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Re: Inseparable, it is arguably kind of short so I can understand being iffy on that one although I'm obviously not going to complain if somebody did commend it..not that it would bet more than a couple of featured comments would, considering the way those are calculated.

Dark Nights was 10k which is normally consider about the cut off unless we're talking something really script heavy.

>On the plus side, your synthetic storygame now has a much better chance of being commended

Not really.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Pffh, pro-Mizal. Inseperable isn't even that great a game, you should be ashamed of yourself. Plus, calling my story solid without having read it just seems like further brown-nosing.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
Um,I beta read it.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
You honestly expect him to remember these things?

It's all just paint thinner under the bridge.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

If I can't PM you to beg, can I grovel here?

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Well this sounds like the best idea since making Kiel a mod, and will surely not have the same end result of someone going mad with the slightest hint of power... Is something I would say for any other admin except for Mizal, and not because I'm totally not afraid of her...

Anyhow, congrats!

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
The ghost of James Coker demands that someone ban mizal now or he will attack the site with technology, confusion, tone misinterpretation, and foxes.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago
I miss him.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

The dankest timeline.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Oh I got that covered.

"Mad Mod Mizal had nothing but bad things to say about mods until she became one herself."

"Mad Mod Mizal consorted with degenerates, toasting them in her chat room."

"Mad Mod Mizal banned all those who rebelled against her, until the site consisted of two penguins, a dark trickster, and her weeb."

"Before she was banned, Mad Mod Mizal was reduced to trolling."

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Thank you Mizal for banning me at my own request.

That was fun.

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

Congratuverylations, Mizal!

Mizal is now an admin

6 years ago

ah fuck 

Mizal is now an admin

5 years ago

jeez, i'm late on this.

but ay! mizal is an admin. i believe this was briefly discussed in minnie's discord server. 
anyway, that's pretty cool. if i'm correct, she's been here a while already. personally, i already thought she was a mod when i joined, but eh. 

but yeah, good job, mizal. this is a pretty late message, but the meaning shouldn't change nonetheless.