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Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 1/7/2023 3:12:36 PM
Update: To get special characters (such as when writing in Arabic) to display, you'll need to get the site extension from Brad's profile here. Once it's installed, go to your profile settings and check Normalize HTML: الْأَبْجَدِيَّة الْعَرَبِيَّة Or if you can't use the extension: click here and do this. Spring has just begun, vaccines are making the rounds, so what better time to get out and meet new people, or have a romantic dinner with the one that you love? Or, you know, write a storygame about it. Because that's what we do here. Yep, we're trying for romance again. Some of you may remember how the last one went. Now, I know a lot of us struggle with this topic due to to,'s best not to speculate on anyone's personal life. But fortunately, there's a twist! This one is for foreign language games only. That's right, a good number of the regulars can sit this one out. Go on, breeeeaaaathe that sigh of relief. We've got a decent global spread around these parts, so this is meant to give our bilingual members time to shine and maybe even attract some new folks. It'd also be nice to get some actual use out of that Foreign Language tag for once... This is all just for fun, it's a writing jam, not a contest. Sorry for those of you who want a proper battle, but there's just no way to fairly judge a contest when I'll be reading all the entries with the translate button on my phone. It will run for the entirety of the Spring. I hope those of you not participating will still be encouraging to any entrants and willing to step up and offer advice or assistance to new people especially. For themes, we're going with: 1.) Romance and relationships 2.) Food and cooking Ideally you can try to combine the themes, but if you prefer to focus on one or the other then go for it. Any length and any setting or genre is fine, a plot with these things can obviously have a lot more going on as well. The only rules are the usual: the storygame must meet minimum site standards and be complete, and no outright porn. ***** Q: "But Mizal, I want to write about zombie pirates! In English! Can I still be a part of this?" A: Welllll. I mean this is just a writing jam, there's no winning or losing. So I guess if you really really really want to participate with something that stretches, breaks, or outright obliterates the theme, I'm not enforcing anything too strictly or kicking you out of the thread or anything. (Although perhaps other participants might decide to call you unpleasant things in their native tongue...) But even in a contest, we usually just let you do whatever and simply make adherence to theme part of the judging criteria. But it's best to be in the spirit of things, so if you must, please have your zombie pirates kiss each other deeply. (That's some steamy tongue swapping action, all getting bitten off, or rotting and falling out!) And maybe you could consider typing the whole thing in Wingdings. Anyway, you all have at it, and feel free to spread this around to anyone you know who may be ESL and interested.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

le fag, hon hon hon 

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
yeet, fortnite dab oof. croissant simp pog.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

??? ?? ???? ?????? ??????

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

CYS is not compatible it would seem. Different text editor maybe?

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago


Anyone know how to make Arabic work on CYS?

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
take picture. post picture. arabic isn't in the encoding on cys. most languages that use special characters arent.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

I was really hoping that wouldn't be the case.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
Doesn't work with HTML?

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
uhh you might could if you define the character encoding as something else but afaik it'd require its own head and body tags

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
Oof yikes this is a real dilemma!

I had figured our funny character people could post their funny characters here as I have observed them do on other parts of the internet.

@Killa_Robot @BradinDvorak @Nightwatch Is this fixable? Or can you even just give examples of the html needed?

Images actually wouldn't be difficult at all if someone was really determined, but it's a bit ridiculous to need such a workaround, and more importantly it went make the translate to English button appear on phones.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
محاولتي في اللغة العربية

The site doesn't support special characters, but if you use the plain textbox and you have the site extension, it escapes special characters in posts. Unfortunate it requires an extension right now.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
Oh awesome then, everyone should have that already anyway. I'll edit that into the OP later, thanks.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Wenn Sie meine Browsererweiterung nicht verwenden:

Type in the decoded box; copy and paste the HTML from the encoded box.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Salve CYS. Bellum ut hic.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Bellum ut hic?

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Latin. Nice to be here.

Edit: Just did a Google Translate and i was wrong. I'm never trusting Duolingo again.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

"War in order to here!"

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

yeah....i'm an idiot.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
"Manducans genus operis est felix fructus!" is what I would yell, if I didn't speak Latin.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
These replies are exactly why I invited foreigners to come in and take everyone's writing jobs.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
Vooruit dan maar hè

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Kijk eens aan, een nieuw kameraad bij het Nederlands front!

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
Is this a mating ritual?

And I'll just ask before everyone else can: Darius, do you also eat dry bread and hate food with flavors?

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Wie denk je dat ik ben? Rioolwater, beschimmelde boterhammen en stampot zijn de enige nodige voeding voor een Hollander. 

Translation: "Who do you think I am? Sewage water, molded sandwiches and mashed-potato-vegetable-abominations are the only nutrition a dutchman needs to have."

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
Oh wow, it is all of them.

We may have been really unfair to Enterpride, guys. His terrible food opinions are a genetic disorder.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
We zijn ook overal, oranje boven!

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

jajajajaa muy bien 

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
Okay, Digit's in, now we just need the other one.

@Darkspawn It's been four and a half years, esse, time for you to finally do something on this site.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago


Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Something something suka blyat whatever.

I don't have a Russian keyboard on my computer, but I had a really funny idea for a story, so phone writing it is!

I have also never written a romance or in Russian. What can go wrong?

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Vultisne me fabulam de amore scribere? "Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo..."?

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Non est tibi opus ut scribis de amore.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

I don't speak Latin but I recognize Catullus 16 

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Et voici moi, francais etudiant, trop paresseux d'utiliser les accents, sans une seule histoire complete ici, mais je suppose que j'essaierai malgre tout cela.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

¿Está escribiendo una historia usando solo el traductor de Google porque no conozco ningún idioma, excepto para engañar inglés? Si no, entraré. Si es así, entonces ... bueno, todavía podría entrar. Duolingo, aquí vengo ...

(Is writing a story using only the Google translator because I do not know any language except for English cheating? If not, I'll enter. If so, then ... well, I could still enter. Duolingo, here I come ...)

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

I mean, I guess you could try, but it will come out incomprehensible and the game will probably be removed

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Thanks for the pep talk (: 

I've been re-checking everything to make sure it comes out slightly knowledgeable, though. I think it should come out at least decent enough to not be taken off... then again, it's probably going to be short and rushed...

Anyway, I'll join, because I want to make up for my first introduction fail because it'll be fun!

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
What's the purpose of joining this if you're just faking knowing a language? It's not a contest, there's no prize. You can write a normal storygame in English with the same theme if you really want to.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Oh... just to have fun with it. I could write something in English, but I'm actually learning some Spanish this way (every now and then I have to type something different in because the translator destroys it) so I think it's pretty educational. And having my friends look over my shoulder to see what I'm doing is hilarious, just the looks on there faces... 

In other words, mainly just because. I mean, I won't if there's anything wrong with it. And I'm not faking it. I specifically said I don't know, and that Google Translator was the extent of my  knowledge of Spanish.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
I don't see using the contest as a way to practice a new language as an issue. But if it's just dumping English text into a translator it does sort of defeat the purpose. Anyone can do that, and there's no reason for someone who can't write in another language to release a game like this at all as opposed to a regular one.

However there's no actual rules against it, the ratings themselves will be the decider as with anything else.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
I don't recommend you using it as you will probably writing something with meanings you don't want; for instance, in your first post you wrote "engañar en ingles". That means literally cheating. My advice is following several Spanish lessons in apps and grammar and making a small kids tale or a recipe. Using Google won't help you to learn.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Okay, thanks! I've of course been doing that as well: I wasn't truly planning on relying completely on Google Translate. That part was mostly a joke. Yes, a lot of it is from that, but I've been learning some words too in order to make sure it means what I mean for it to. Does that make any sense? I didn't mean for it to come across as not trying to put any effort into it; I really am trying to learn more as I go. The translator is just sort of helping, since there are a lot of words I really have no clue about. Do you get what I'm trying to say?

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Por favor no vuelvas a escribir en español nunca mas.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

Sorry for the broken Spanish, I'm trying to learn. Not just with the online translator, with actual websites as well. Sorry for any problems I might have caused... I just won't do it if that would be better. I just thought it would be interesting, I didn't mean to... whatever this is. Sorry. I was just trying to be active on the site, I guess. Not defeat the purpose of the contest or anything. I've been waiting for a contest to come out, no matter how unofficial, so that I would have an excuse to take a little detour from my other CYS. I wasn't planning on the entry being a full-blown storygame or anything, just a little side-project... I must have misunderstood something about what was going on. Sorry guys! Nevermind.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago

You don't have to be all weird about it. I was kidding, I couldn't care less about what you do and Mizal already told you it was fine if a bit frowned upon. If you want to do it do it, but I'd advise that you at least revise and if possible try to learn some spanish so it comes out ok.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
I didn't really care either way so I was just going to let her grovel.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

4 years ago
Iban komone men in, bwe kajin majol eo ao, enana.

Jangan an nana, kwonaj melokolok etam.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

3 years ago
Will my barely fluent 3rd language get roasted?

Hey Bilingual Folks!

3 years ago
I'm more likely to blame any grammatical weirdness on Google, this is like a free pass. Seriously, go for it, there's not going to be a huge amount of interest in this one. Surprising number of ESL people claiming they write like shit in their native language. I'd have trouble believing them if I didn't see all the English speaking high school kids doing the same. What languages do you know?

Hey Bilingual Folks!

3 years ago
French, Spanish, spoiler language nobody would care about anyway and English
French is in pieces, I can understand what I'm reading most of the time and watch videos with subtitles but it needs some serious work. Spanish just needs practice so it would be perfect for this (I would have to change my name though, wouldn't be right to publish it under tinstar and the meme would be over)

Hey Bilingual Folks!

3 years ago

It's like you were made for this.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

3 years ago
Foreigners suck.

Hey Bilingual Folks!

3 years ago
Digit (American) wins by default, with his story that is mostly in English.

I don't know yet if it's any good or not, but that turned out not to matter! Really takes me back to a couple of those contests End ran that I would win just by showing up, where all the lazy slugs lying around on a couch drinking wine all day didn't even have the excuse of being European.