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WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
I hate this. What do you northern freaks even do when you try to go to work and suddenly you're confronted with a windshield covered with ice?

This is some incredible bullshit. Humans aren't supposed to live this way. I wish global warming would stop sending so many mixes messages.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Generally we scrape the ice off with one of those scrapers unless you're lucky enough to have a garage, of course then you just have to hope the ice and snow isn't completely blocking the door to the point where you have to shovel.

It's more of a pain now that I live in the south since I fully expect the unnatural warmness all year round to NOT include icy windshields, but it still happens on occasion.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Yeah I'm sure it's one thing if you're used to it, but it was just bizarre and extremely unwelcome, like finding Santa Claus lying drunk and pantsless in your driveway. This is the first freeze we've had this year and it really overdid itself.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
My dad had to shovel the snow twice today... and it's still snowing here! lol

Also it's now the second straight day that it's been snowing

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
I have a vague memory of hot water fixing icy windshields, like just a glass of the stuff.

I will add that it might only work for thinner layers.

Honestly though, I don't have much experience with it, as the cold from the clouds tends to fall into space, as gravity dictates, rather than come down to the surface.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Hot water is a big no no, that can crack the glass from the too fast temp change. I'm paranoid about even pouring on slightly warm water the one time a year this happens.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Now I have a question,
Do those "windshield scrapers" even work well?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Why, out of anyone in this thread, are you asking ME this?

Actually, why are you in this thread at all? Go finish your story. How long can 1000 words take?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Sorry, Sorry, I had to go to sleep.
Don't worry, remote learning gives me plenty of time to work, my story will be out soon.
Not that it would be that good, I view it as some dialogue practice.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Yes, big long strokes will finish your frozen windows fast. Within a minute you'll be clear to go.

Otherwise, a car window foil will prevent your front window from ever freezing over, saving you that glorious hot minute in the morning for far more critical matters, like sleeping.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Ah, it's the first actual snow I've had this year(excluding the jan-mar months).

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

What do I usually do in the winter? Stuff like this, every chance I get.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Wow, where is this?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

The Adirondacks in New York State.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Very nice, but I would not have made a thread about my car windshield if staying home was an option. :(

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

It's not like I actually live on a mountain... Just within a short drive of them.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
There's a Mohawk watching you in the second to last picture

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

This was their turf, back in the day. Now, though, the Mohawks tend to hang out on the St. Lawrence River.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Put warm water in a ziplock bag. Use the bag like an eraser to clear the ice.

If you get bored, build a snowowl ...

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Damn, that actually looks cool af.

And that's a good tip, I'll try to remember it next year.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Took this at Sapporo snow festival. They had a full-sized snow Disney castle and a Japanese Temple built from snow and ice, as well as loads of other stuff on a similar scale. It's a lesser known but very fun event.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Now that I've spent six hours at 15 below freezing with no power or cell service, this winter is officially pissing me off.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Have you considered picking up a new hobby such as puzzles, crochet, or mormonism?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

I highly recommend becoming an internet detective and solving the murders of innocent cats. ^_^

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
How am I supposed to become an internet detective without any access to the internet? Wow Briar it's like you're not taking this seriously at all.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
You only need the internet to post your results, so you can go ahead and start and draw your conclusions first

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Conclusion: there's no such thing as an innocent cat.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Fair enough... What about puppies? ^_^

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Look at how productive you are without internet, you solved that case in 45 minutes!

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Look I'll be honest, not having the internet for short enforced periods of time is great, it was very clear and beautiful outside even if all the snow was disappointing unsnow-like, and I spent a lot of that time just walking one of the dogs around. (The younger dog, to protect her from the older dog getting fed up with her wanting to play.) Otherwise I'd have spent the day pressuring myself to do reviews.

Really bizarre how 15-20 degrees outside feels great, but 50 inside is miserable. Just the sun that difference I guess. Spending time outside makes the indoor temperature a lot more comfortable in comparison for awhile when you return though. And it turns out I actually do like cold weather, just not cold and wet and grey and depressing weather which is the only combo we ever seem to get here in non freak circumstances.

This freeze has also done more to shut down business than an entire year of coronavirus, I didn't figure I'd get two days off in a row again until Thanksgiving weekend.

The only bad thing was the uncertainty of how long it was going to be out and the inability to get any kind of news since everyone in walking distance was in the same predicament. If it had stayed out much longer I would've had to go over to my dad's house for the night (he has a gas heater) and besides ew socialization with family, I'd have been unsure what to do with the animals. So I was mildly stressing about that considering that the last time the power went out for any length of time here, it stayed out for nine days, and out here when your power goes your water goes too. (I filled up a bunch of containers as soon as it came on again just in case it doesn't stick around.)

In other news: herbs from Provence is a god-tier seasoning blend. Why did no one here ever suggest putting flowers on my food before?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

I can't relate, but I hope you're doing ok with the power and internet now!

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
There are cold places near you. You can move in with Ford!

Isn't that great, having Ford so close to you?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Yay, Ford! -_-

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
One cool thing about snow--even ugly patchy snow that leaves bits of scraggly grass everywhere--is that it it seems to make birds way more visibly active. I can see them hopping around on the ground a ways off between the trees and they're coming up near the porch. Now that we have enough boosts for bigger uploads in the discord I'm trying to get a video because well I guess I should use those for something.

I think my favorite snow related comment was Ninja immediately calling the picture I posted 'thick as an Asian man's beard". Which I certainly appreciates more than the other thick jokes we get around here tyvm.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Annnnd my power just went out again. Luckily I'm about to leave for work.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Update: we're all just standing around a dark building with flashlights at 4am

Probably looks like we're robbing the place.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Huh? You mean the power's gone at work too?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Yes, still out in the whole area. They had close yesterday and now again. Very annoying.

I feel bad for the guy that got up at 2am and drove 40 minutes just to have to turn around and go home.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

That fucking sucks. :'(

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

This was just too funny to not still have up here.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

r/iamverybadass ^_^

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

I'm still wondering about the reference about Mizal sharing a log cabin with him.

Anyway, while I can't come anywhere close to living the rugged train hopping, horny trailer trash girl beating, dot head loli luring life style while only wearing a loin cloth in below freezing weather like IAP, I did once spend a winter without power for a week in Detroit after an ice storm back in the 90s.

It wasn't that bad in the scheme of things, though just annoying since I was missing Star Trek reruns and the tribble one was all set to come on that week.

My dad and I kept being reminded of the last scene in John Carpenter's The Thing where Kurt Russel and the Keith David are resting by the fire as it will eventually burn itself out, waiting for one of them to turn into The Thing. Basically we referenced the lines from the movie as the lighting would slowly dim. Lol.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
"I'm still wondering about the reference about Mizal sharing a log cabin with him."

That's from an old conversation back in IRC. Funny thing is that back then it was the no cell towers or internet service that turned her sour on the idea.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
>>>I'm still wondering about the reference about Mizal sharing a log cabin with him.

I was too, because that conversation never happened. Closest I can think of is one of those 'it would be cool to live in a wilderness in Alaska except for the fact I'd freeze to death' that comes up in general Introvert Chat now and then. But I'm sure in other versions of this story it's a desperate trailer park thot or barely legal Indian waifu who wanted to run off to live in a cattle shed with him.

Haven't backread this whole thing but I deleted the original out of reflex since with users like IAP (and Bucky to a lesser degree) who used to be respectable we'd kind of been keeping their bizarre drama out of the spotlight on the forum itself, but then I guess who am I to restrict anyone's freedom to be a weird bitter faggot. (And since it's now been over a year since burning all his bridges with everyone and deleting all his messages during his sudden episode of post-horny hysteria, I guess this is useful for educating the new generation in the Discord on old drama.)

Anyway, Thara seems to have this handled, and my online time is limited to how long I'm willing to sit in this McDonald's parking lot after driving 30 miles just to check Discord.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Bad mizal's internet! Very bad! >.<

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Am I going to have to dig out the old IRC logs on this...uh, selected lapse of memory?

And deleting my posts in your server had nothing to do with what you've been telling people. I was bored, hadn't slept in several days, and was pissed off about being helled for no reason. It at least let me see how to get my priorities in order.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Where are the receipts?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
It was indeed very convenient for you to have manually deleted thousands of posts of the increasingly contradictory "exaggerations" you'd been making everyone roll their eyes over over the years.

Still getting molested by thirsty trailer park broads btw? Still have random women glancing at you in a grocery stores in a way you just know means they're interested in doing the sex?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Also I'm really good at sex and have a super big dingaling... I know because the nice prostitute told me. ^_^

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago


WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Thank you. I'll be here all week. ^_^

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Yeah, "exaggerations"...

And there's a funny story behind me "getting molested by thirsty trailer park broads", or at least the one that actually put her hands on me. In hindsight, I'm a little surprised that it didn't come to me at the time, but, well, I was out of my head from rage at what was going on in my family and suffering from insomnia. We've actually talked several times since then about it and laugh about how dense I was being.

The other one...well, she still creeps me the hell out.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

I get it. When I'm bored, I sometimes purge all my hard-drives, throw all my credit cards and ids into a shredder, delete all traces of me from the web, cut my hair and get plastic surgery. 

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Your many sacrifices for this community are always appreciated, but you shouldn't have to dirty your hands with this crazed horny old man. What would the feline community think? You are a honorary representative, aren't you?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

I doubt mizal was longing for anything.

God, this old man is so fucking gross.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Could be a lot worse, I guess. At least when I look in a mirror, I don't have to see your face looking back.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Are you projecting the very thoughts of every woman after mere seconds of having to interact with you?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
A little touchy, aren't ya? Surely you have a face that your mother could love, but I'm just making assumptions here...

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

You shouldn't confuse what you want with reality. You're more of a pitiful figure that people point and laugh out now, than a person that could possibly inspire the feelings of making anyone 'touchy'.

However if it makes you feel any better, I have a face that's very loved. I think it's the universe's way of balancing things out when there's people that are quite obviously unloved like yourself.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Now who's projecting?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

You, still.

Unlike you, I'm here to keep mizal from getting too creeped out by you. There's a reason why your post was deleted, and someone has to be the blunt one around here when it comes to respected site members, turned complete weirdos.

I love taking that role, fortunately. 

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Not entirely sure about the "respected site members, turned complete weirdos", but you've at least got the last half of your role down pat. So kudos!

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Agreed, this exchange was the most amusing

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

"N-no! You're the weirdo!"

Oh, IAP, is this your "no, u"?

You're disappointing me, but I suppose disappointing women isn't anything new in your playbook.

 I'm guessing this is you realizing that you've never had a leg to stand on to begin with, right? You've only had stumps, sadly. Although I'm starting to think even that's starting to go.

I might be a weirdo, but it isn't a "oh shit! I'm embarrassed, I better delete all of my posts, and then lie when I'm caught and asked the reason why!" weirdo.

But, I digress. Maybe some day you'll find an internet lady that wants to hunker down with you in a shabby dinky cabin, and who am I to crush your hopes? Keep reaching for those stars, IAP. While I wouldn't say success is particularly high, it's always good to have hopes, no matter how old, desperate, and sad one might be.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Did you already forget "I love taking that role, fortunately."  I was just commending you on how great a job you've done thus far.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

I know you must have downed an entire bottle of viagra just for this exchange, so I'll help you out. I must stress that the help is for reading comprehension, and nothing more.

"and someone has to be the blunt one around here, when it comes to respected site members, turned complete weirdos.

My role is the blunt one. You're the weird creep who got his post deleted by an uncomfortable mizal. So that makes you the weirdo, that's also pretty embarrassing now.

You can keep: "n-no, u!" ing out of denial, but it's just getting sad to watch you at this point. Can you try for like something witty, or even insulting? Don't go out like this.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Be very careful here btw, IAP has explained a couple of times how when he's not chopping wood 15 hours a day, or learning programming languages for fun, or walking 30 miles in a blizzard to play D&D, or being the kind of artist that makes everyone's jaws drop with amazement (still with no way to share evidence because he can't figure out technology), or going off into the wilderness with nothing and living as a feral animal for six months at a time, while working 80 hours a week but still in danger of starving, he likes to doxx people who argue with him on the internet just so he can laugh at the look of shock on their faces when he shows up at their door to SMASH them.

It's not his fault though, he was the most abused child that ever existed. He in fact experienced multiple childhoods, all of them full of abuse.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
*six weeks
Who the heck can afford six months of not working?

And LMAO at "he likes to doxx people who argue with him on the internet just so he can laugh at the look of shock on their faces when he shows up at their door to SMASH them."
Who the heck would want to meet any of you lot in person?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Odd, considering that you were very eager to meet Nehal in person.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

That was just a running joke that got out of hand. She was going to beat up the women stalkers I had and I was going to take care of the old guy who was creeping her out. It's all a bit vague at the moment, but I have those conversations saved somewhere, too. 

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

h-haha, it was just a joke, guys!

She fled the community never to be seen again over a little gag! Haha, lol. I-I have the conversations!

You just love burying yourself, huh?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Was the old guy you

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
"Who the heck can afford six months of not working?"

Guys who own five cars for fun and brag about how they make $90 in 9 minutes, but still go into a boomer rant on how pathetic and wasteful everyone is when hearing about someone spending nine entire dollars on a meal?

I mean I don't think anyone believed that you actually did any of this, just that for whatever reason you liked to lie about it for fun. And the mountain man stories were at least more entertaining than the ones about always simultaneously being the most capable and hardest working and most talented person who ever existed and yet poor, so very very poor and taken advantage of no matter what. (Because pointless suffering is a sign of moral virtue and not of just being really bad at running your own business.)

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Every vehicle I own has a purpose. I've only ever bought one for fun and decided right away that that wasn't for me, sold it, and put the money into shop equipment where it belonged. And, yeah, I have made great money--occasionally--but I boast about the rare occurrences to counter all the squat I usually get dealt from my poor customer base.

Not exactly sure about what lies you're referring to, but I am a writer. That's what we do. Lol

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

$90 in 9 minutes.... Well, at least the guy finished fast. ^_^

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago


WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

15 hours a day chopping wood? Pitiful! When I chop wood I just punch the tree down with my bare hands! Then I use the logs I just punched down to make my own cabin and I do it all in a single day. ^_^

(Have to do it in a day because if it's not finished by the time the sun sets then the zombies start coming.)

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

I don't know what rock you've been living under, but the zombies are out in force 24/7. The ones around here have way too many toes and not near enough teeth...something, something...all have the same DNA.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
We already knew you played a lot of Minecraft.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

I'm working on Ariel's underwater palace. ^_^

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

I bet you think you're so funny with your jokes and smiley faces! >:(

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Yep! ^_^

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago


WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Well, someone has to be, I suppose. It's a good thing that it's you. An obviously well-adjusted and functioning member of society, no doubt.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

... What just happened? :/

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Well this thread is a shitshow now lol. My first instinct was correct.

All the back and forth and cringy boomerisms aside, the "real IAP" after being interrupted mid rage quit sent everyone twisted meangirl messages about Cricket, used Tim and made him feel bad, and had some kind of hysterical episode over the prospect of barely legal Indian pussy, everyone in the Discord had enough of that for a reason. Not sure why he makes posts like this to try and drag it all back up when everyone had been content for so long with the don't ask/don't tell policy as far as the forums and site went.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Well I missed out on most of this. The fuck did poor little Cricket do? :(

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
She took the blame for mizal screwing with me in Discord. It was a misunderstanding and my sleep deprived state some things may have been inferred that weren't exactly true. Even now it seems like I was being targeted for no good reason.

Tim was innocent and only trying to help a guy out. I was reluctant at first, but I was growing weary at the time and not thinking clearly so allowed him to help.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Locking this because still just lol that IAP has apparently decided to blame his gross behavior and entire downfall on being put in the quarantine channel that half the server visits at least once a week.

I can't even remember what led to that or who did it, it was that insignificant. And the only reason he was upset was apparently because it interrupted his frantic secret deletion of every post he's ever made and all DMs with everyone. Now was helling him the cause of that, or the unbearable interruption? If you're asking IAP, it changes when convenient.

Even from one post to the next in this very thread.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

... Very confused, but still amused. Please continue. ^_^


WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
I'll have to let someone else to into the whole thing, but there were like multiple timelines written up as we all tried to figure out what exactly happened. It was really fucking bizarre and there was nothing to go by but all these weird accusatory messages IAP was sending everyone about the untrustworthy Cricket stabbing her only friends in the back and throwing them to the wolves for lols and so on.

I guess Cricket may know since she's the only one currently in contact with Nehal, but not sure if they ever went into all this afterwards, ultimately once the lols were over it was not that big a deal, except for one boomer's posting career.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

All this needs now is another incredible/marvelous MHD drawing to cap this all off. However from my understanding, she's a bit tired after already doing such things selflessly as is.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 2/16/2021 4:42:05 PM

I'll do it! ^_^

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Lmao, thread saved.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Excellent work. I bow to the craftsmanship, you true artisan.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 2/16/2021 5:02:15 PM

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
That's absolutely true. If I don't check this forum every day, no matter how tired I am, they'll know and everything will go completely to shit. Just look at what happens to the Discord when I try to sleep for four hours.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

... Are you still in the McDonalds parking lot?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
No, I'm doing laundry at my dad's house.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Well at least he has internet ^_^

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

We're sorry :(

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

So much good has come from this now, I must say. 

Edit: Replying to MHD's art piece, and not mizal suffering through laundry.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Sorry, but you're misinformed. I may have been deleting every post I made in those two servers because, yeah, I was pissed off, but I certainly didn't delete all my DMs with everyone. Just those who seemed deserving at the time.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
You deleted your messages helping AYT with her algebra homework lol.

I'm sure purpose of your spinning in there's has been tbh, you're acting like there weren't 30 people actively comparing notes on all this stuff as it went down.

But yes I'm glad everyone was suitably punished, with that closure you definitely won't be bitterly going on about this 30 years from now like we were in your highschool yearbook or something.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
And, yeah, she seemed deserving at the time, too.

I'm not the one who dredged it all back up, but I know that attention span isn't one of your strengths so I'll let it drop. I have more pressing things that I needed to get done today, but decided to hang around here instead.

Talk at you lot, later.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Right right, you're busy. Now that you decisively won the argument it's time to hastily leave..

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Women! Go and figure 'em!

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

"Why'd we even give 'em rights!? We should just be able to walk the streets, and grab 'em as we see 'em!" -TheNewIAP

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
You joke but according to the newest bullshit explanation, he judged you worthy of his personal anger as well.

That's just sick, I mean what have you ever done to anyone?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Mizal, we're both aware that this was an epic loss for him.

He started from attempting at being witty, to flailing his arms around. He even took the time to insult your attention span, before scurrying off, leaving behind a trail of toilet paper in his exit.

Proving once again, how much of a man's man he is. Which isn't actually much of a man, but a sad crusty hornball  who was denied his chance of a plane ticket to get himself an Indian bride.

Why does he still even log on to further desecrate whatever image he used to hold? A secret that many are unable to decipher.

All anyone knows is this:

IAP is barely holding together his great seethe, and failing at it. :)

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
I'm still stuck on 'why does he keep telling easily disproven lies instead of maintaining the tattered shreds of dignity we mercifully permitted him'.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

We've seen it happen with Ace too. I'm not sure on the causes but some people just don't seem to be able to stay away. Though I guess it's bad news for IAP that he shares something with Ace.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
He's got a lot more in common with Shouja tbh. Let's not drag Ace into this one, that's a step too far.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
I infected him when he gave my 250 word first story game a 2, been rotting his brain slowly from the inside ever since.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Just realized that above post came off negatively, but I actually intended it in your favor.

You're just an ordinary hopeless and unlikeable retard, you don't do the compulsive lying thing that makes people physically recoil from attempted conversations with the others. And after they both seemed so promising, another problem you never had.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Cricket's online friend since highschool WAS the Indian pussy.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Well, it probably wouldn't have went anywhere if I didn't reply and stoke the flames. :) But End did save his post, and being the amazing daughter I am, I replied with good intentions.

IAP once again being IAP, however was a sweet bonus and net positive towards both the amusing and entertaining. 

Oh, but you replied as well, which was its own thing. I guess I can't take all the credit after all. Dammit  >:(

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

This thread is way better than it was before. 

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
People who actually have real winters know that taking precautions and being aware of the weather is not for "little bitches," because every year people there actually die from not being what might seem to be overly careful. But hey, if it's not real cold until the prisoners in the Siberian Gulag get the day off, then who am I to tell you what to do.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Me being able to wear shorts in -5C 0.o

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
>thinking being able to means it doesn't make you a retard for doing it

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

I don't even know what's going on in the rest of this thread, but I have to say I just really did not like "lol, a natural disaster is unfolding and millions of people are effected, mostly the poor and the elderly, LOL WHAT MORONS, I'm enjoying their suffering!" 

I'm seeing way too much of this in other places and it's just so ugly and flat out evil, sometimes I really wonder how many more disasters the world needs to face and how beat down everyone needs to get before people finally start to realize we're all in this together.


Also no one chops wood by carrying entire trees around, wtf.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Does anybody else have that friend who goes out in the snow in an off the shoulder top and jeans with holes in them while your bundled up in as many layers as you can?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Not a friend, but back in the college days, there was some older dude who would walk around campus in a T-shirt and summer shorts while the weather would be doing stuff like sleeting, snowing or just being below zero. (No it wasn't IAP either)

He usually was just jogging a lot. Wore sunglasses too like it was a hot bright summer day.

I remember some guy shouted to him from the window of his car. "It's hotter than a motherfucker out here ain't it?"

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Lol. My friend would probably do something like that.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
That's me, I pretty much wear basketball shorts and shortsleeve shirts year round with sandals. In the current weather I'm choosing to stay inside because snow in my sandals is too much even for me. I sometimes wear a light jacket if it's really cold, like below 20 degrees, but only if I'm going outside for extended peroids, I won't wear a jacket to school since I'm only outside for breif peroids.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

But do you roll around in the snow like that? because she does...

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

He's really fat and is basically a rotten pig foot hence why the cold doesn't affect him.

If anything it covers the smell (Somewhat)

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

So I was complaining about the snow to my (what do you call it when you both have feelings for each other but don't want to do long-distance?) partner in crime who lives in Minnesota and they sent me this:

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Fixed, the Rich Text Editor has the weird thread breaking float;right bug no one seems able to get rid of.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Thank you!

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Getting this thread back on track, North Carolina got a damn Icenado. What did those poor bastards do?

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

That Mother Nature, always trolling.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

I read that as "Incendio" and figured that it had gotten so snowy that Harry Potter needed to use the fire incantation to melt the snow. ^_^

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

They think that this winter is going to lead to a very bad tornado season in the spring, like the one in 2011. I think I was too little then to realize how terrifying that actually was, but NC is a bad state for them.



WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Definitely not Fun snow day challenge: Try to wrangle your squirming and impatient toddler into the layers she needs to go outside and play in the snow...

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Take a drink every time the subject of IAP's post is just directly quoting the post he's responding to.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

I'm assuming apple juice works as the drink...

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago

Randomly found this on imgur:

... Yeah, Mizal! Stop whining about the power outages you pussy ass bitch! :p

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
lmao some mayor... only attacked 4 000 people on facebook? why not more... he already went this far why not go farther? 0.o

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago
Fucking socialists, paying all those bills and taxes and thinking that entitles them to a service.

WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago


WTF, it's COLD outside?!

4 years ago