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Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Does a story that takes place in the universe of a comic series that I made count as fanfic? If it were written by anyone other than me I think it would, but since I'm the one writing it, I'm not sure if it is.

It's not like a sequal or side-plot or anything. I probably won't even include the events of this story into my main comic. It's completely non-cannon.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
It's just a different story telling place in one of your settings, so no it's not fanfic.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Yeah, if you are the creator, it's original content, not fan-fic (though I don't think it really matters if you want to put it in that category).

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
lol, fag.

Oh wait, wrong thread. Sorry

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

what the hell who changed it to that title

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

That wasn't how it was the whole time?

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

No, the title was "Is this a fanfic" with an N, not a G.

One of the frogs is fucking with me and I don't appreciate it.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

What exactly do you think is wrong with being a fag, buddy?

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

A lot, actually. Did you know there's fags out there shoving live frogs up their asses? it's horrifying, it's unhealthy, and frankly I don't want to be associated with any part of it. you can lose IQ points forever doing that!

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

That's problematic as fuck dude. You can't accuse people of shoving live frogs up their ass in 2021, jfc. Even if they do, how is that any business of yours?

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Look, you might have sympathy for those frog-cramming sociopaths, but as a humble frog farmer from wyoming, frogs are my family, my passion in life, and I don't take care of them for years just to have them suffocate in the small intestines of some diseased homosexual!

That's why I put live frogs in my clean, undefiled, heterosexual asshole. 

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Dude calm the fuck down. Not only is that uncalled for, but it's also really bigotted. Not all gay people shove live frogs up their asses. And besides, when we call you a faggot it just means you're stupid and kind of lame, it has nothing to do with your gender identity or sexuality!

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I guess people could call it a fucktard since there is a severe lack of "getting it" going on.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I will not be shouted down by you dirty fag-sympathizers! Do you know what the fags have wrought upon my life!? My LIVELIHOOD!? COUNTLESS precious amphibian lives are lost, every day, the lives of MY precious little babies, GONE FOREVER! LOST in the gaping rectums of those depraved whores! Long have the faggots tormented me and my family, and I won't stand to be surrounded by woke sycophants trying to defend them for internet karma!

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

If it's any comfort, we did ban a fag earlier who wouldn't shut up about how many frogs he could fit in his asshole.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I was away from the computer and what the hell, I didn't post this. Lol.

Did we get hacked or something? Maybe everyone should change their passwords or something.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
absolutely incredible. 10/10 work. easily going to show up in the top forum moments of 2021.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

As far as I can tell nobody's making fun of you for your gender or sexual preference.

They're making fun of you for being a faggot. Big difference.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

This will probably be one of the funniest threads I've come across.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Just saving this. I'm actually in tears.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

If this is what bullying does to someone I support it. For our entertainment. 

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I mean this seems like it's written by someone who is DOING all those things, while sloppily trying to claim they aren't.

It won't work, and we're not fooled.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

They don't even have the decency of hiding their hentai and their love for sexualizing poor frogs.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

... I don't think you quite understand what is happening here. ^_^

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Oh, I understand, but I will never lose the opportunity of shouting someone in caps.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Okay, my bad. ^_^

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
I really want to see this kid snipe a bigot.
Or attempt to at least.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

That's... a lot of color...

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I like color
Unless they're mexican

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I see that.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I'm not even surprised at this point.

Good job, congrats. You've made me sound like a total asshole. You've officially shown everyone how homophobic, racist, and bigoted I am.

Listen, whichever one of you dickheads is doing this, knock it off. It's not funny, it's rude, and it's a betrayal of the trust I placed in you. Those things I said about Mexicans in private messages were said in confidence and meant to remain private! My career is at risk over this and I don't deserve to have my future compromised over a disloyalty like this.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

"the mods keep exposing my prejudice and I'm so upset every single time!"

*just keeps fucking posting*

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I know that, I just don't want these messages to be out here for people to see with my name on it.

And I know that treacherous beaner is posting things like that just to get a reaction out of me, and I just can't give him the dignity of my attention.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
You're a two-faced retard, and no amount of whining and guilt misdirecting can convince me otherwise.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

What the hell dude, don't say things like that, not even here! Wow just wow.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Who the fuck you think you are to bad-mouth Mexicans or Latino people. I have never seen someone more hypocrite, making a profile  how not trolling and how don't want to be judged and the first thing you do is insult gays and other races. But ask yourself being accepted.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Wow dude.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

What the fuck, most of us here are Mexican or some sort of Latino.

Way to be a bigot, asshole. Bet you're a Trump supporter too.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
People like this make me feel better about my own chances here...

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Also, I wanna quickly talk about the "Some of you are way too harsh on beginner writers and it shows." part. Just wanted to point out that there's a difference between harsh comments and criticism. 

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
I thought the entire purpose of that was to make the thin skinned bitches leave.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Well so far the thin-skinned faggot hasn't left. I can't believe they're still spouting all this shit about frogs. Really messed up!

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I know. I log in for the first time in 3 years and come back to this

Who the fuck are you guys letting onto the site these days?

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I can't be the only one here who hates Mexicans and kids! Look, I may have been reluctant to accept what I said, but you have to admit I've only been saying what all you were thinking!

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I mean, the new Penguin is a kid, no one hates him. I'm (basically) a kid as well.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I'm also a kid myself. The trick is you gotta make sure you don't do anything to anger the admins!

Also, Penguin's pretty funny. :]

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

That's the thing though, all I did was tell them I was queer* but didn't believe in interracial mixing because I was proud of my heritage and suddenly I'm some criminal sentenced with public humiliation.

*to be clear, NOT gay. I'm not one of those fucking faggots.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

What? None of this was about you being queer. This was about the other shit you said! That's super fucked up!

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

From the bottom of my heart: lmfao.

No one's forcing you to continue to say this stuff! No one cares that you hate kids and stuff frogs up your butt, but it's just sick to scar the minds of all the children on this peaceful site with such imagery!

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Look: I'm all about LGTBQ+. But this has nothing to do with you being queer, just a heads up. :]

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Ew. Don't talk to me you gross bastard. I'm half-mexican myself and I hear you have a problem with that kind of thing- You may apologize, but I've had it up to here with intolerance, I get enough of that irl with the way people look at me when I'm just out working on my lawn. I can't bear to look at your posts. You're disgusting.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

It's the internet, anyone can let themselves onto the site. There's a couple of really cool new members since the last time I was here, but there's also some truly special people that occasionally make their way here.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
People who use non threaded view, apparently.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Most of the “harsh” comments are just correct criticism, if you can’t take critique you probably shouldn’t post on here (for clarification I was adding on to what you said)

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Who the heck are you?

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

He's a rat that draws apparently.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

His name is Ray and he can't change it. ^_^

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

... Someone who literally just appeared to post this one comment. :p

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Reminded me of this:

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
hilarius, lol

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Regardless of whether he's just being "ironically" racist or trolling or whatever, I think given the site demographics any fool that badmouths Hispanics around here has wandered into the wrong neighborhood and should expect to get shanked.

Lól, maricón

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Does half the site live near the southern border of the US? Because I do.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I can't imagine our sizable LGBT deomographic here is too pleased with him either at this point.

Hell, at least one of my daughters is bi and I know she wouldn't appreciate what this fucktard's been spewing around here.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Someone really should go snipe this bigot

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

... Well, this thread was fun. ^_^

Really wish I knew what stuff this guy actually said and which parts were editted, but for now I guess I'll just assume that she's a lesbian who hates kids, gays and Mexicans and spends her free time shoving frogs up her ass? Dear God, I really wish I knew what the actual story was. >.<


4 years ago
I'm a little concerned about this!


4 years ago
Resize your screenshots of bigoted rants next time, please!


4 years ago
Ahh, sorry! I didn't know it would be that huge and I was too shaken and upset by the horrible things said to me to fix it on time.


4 years ago

Fucking excuse me?? What is with you guys today? What did I do to you?

Here's the original for anyone wonering. I'm on my chromebook and don't have any fancy editing tools to fake this." /


4 years ago


4 years ago

I feel so bad for bondogggle. There really is nothing he can do at this point but accept his fate as the racist, homophobic, ass frog guy... Personally, I say embrace it. We've had worse on the site. At least you don't fuck your cat. ^_^


4 years ago
Ass frog guy?


4 years ago

Ass Frog Guy! ^_^


4 years ago

Beautiful! Astounding! A work of art!


4 years ago
Do you know japanese? maybe all their hentai is about fuking Mexican cats


4 years ago

Or Mexican frogs. ^_^


4 years ago
lmao all the tabs

I mean clearly that's edited, no one would post their entire screen and all the hentai shit they have open unless it was intentional.


4 years ago
Hey, not everyone has the fancy software or complicated technological know how to crop an image. It's a miracle he didn't doxx himself really.


4 years ago
They has to participate in Endmaster contest and show how must better he is that all the latino Hispanic blood people here. If They believes themself so superior their game should be perfect.


4 years ago

I'm sure there might have been reasonable evidence somewhere in that screenshot by I was blinded by the eldritch hideousness of lime green, the chrome equivalent of discord light mode.


4 years ago
Stripped out the image tags from the original post so everyone can see what disgusting unclean filth he had there in place of the clean, simple imgur link a less degenerate person would have used. Rehosted AND resized now to have the common decency not to have 50% of it scrolling off the screen:


4 years ago

My eyes hurt. >.<


4 years ago
I can only see green radioactive hentai


4 years ago

If you play stupid games, win stupid prizes. So either quit playing or stop bitching about what happens. It's that fucking simple, yet even that still seems to go over your head. 

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
awesome as always you should add something like I love Mexican frogs t shirt

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Very nice! I would've assumed what was going on in this thread would be too NSFW to depict visually.

So much entertainment value from one letter in a thread title mysteriously becoming typoed.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I love you MHD ^_^

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

This is just the cherry on top of this giant shit cake. Wow this thread has made a shit Thursday into a really funny shit Thursday.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Since some concerns were raised about Ryder hacking this noob's account or something, I had @BradinDvorak and @Nightwatch look into that.

Well without going too far into the technical details, they were able to synchronize with a doubler keyboard and do some very fast typing to 4D digi-sequence the CYS databanks. Then using our new Cyberclicker they backtraced Ryder's movements to the lode connector, disabling his data rammer so that he'd no longer be able to virtualize any passwords. If that was indeed the problem. And just to be safe they uploaded a pair of logic bombs he'll have quite the difficult time mousing around, assuming he even has enough suprabytes left to gain access. (Doubtful.)

Possibly overkill, but given the noob's insistence that "someone" had "edited" their "posts" it seemed best to be sure. Everyone should congratulate those two, they work hard to keep us safe.

Killa napped on a pile of MHD's drawings.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

When I heard the news about Ryder, I started shaking.
I'm glad that those two helped CYS' safety. :]

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

When I heard the news about Ryder, I laughed by ass off that anyone could imagine Ryder capable of doing any kind of damage that couldn't be fixed in under five minutes. ^_^

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

That's just because you've been an elite hacker for years! To the average layman, his deeds were mystifying

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

he sent me a very menacing picture of himself wearing shades and a trench coat with the scary green lines reflected on the lenses. 

he was also holding a cat 

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 1/15/2021 9:31:21 PM

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Funny, but it stretched suspension of disbelief a little too much for me when a cat acknowledged a human that wanted it to do something.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

I like how the drawing of the guy looks like it's being crushed.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

Did... Did you just murder Killa?

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
No, no, he's just being erased from existence. It's fine.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Erased/Ignored; same thing ;)

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Thank goodness, Ryder won't be able to hack my account to make it appear as if I have joined a contest ever again I hope.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago

This site always makes insomnia more bearable. It was a struggle not to wake anyone else up by laughing.

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
1/13/2021  -200

 Admin. Penalty - Shitposting


1/14/2021  -500

 Admin. Penalty - Achievement Unlocked: Qanon Insurrectionist


1/14/2021  -100  Admin. Penalty - Posting filthy images


Can bondogggle somehow find his way out of the intangible negative depths, or will he perish before he can do so like many others before him?

Is this fagfic?

4 years ago
Probably could get back three hundred or so just rating games in the outposts.

I mean, that goes for everybody, but somehow most are too apathetic for this extremely easy activity, so it keeps the pointless points economy from too much inflation.

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago

I'd like to point out that at least two of those were rightfully given since I'm continuing to be a whining faggot. I'm not sure about the shitposting one, though I was being a fucktard so I guess that one works too.

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago

Spoken like someone who hasn't yet learned their lesson. 

"unrightfully given" he says. 

This implies that EndMaster makes mistakes. If EndMaster makes mistakes, that means that I am a mistake. Is my sister Cricket also a mistake? Do the mods make mistakes? This also implies that you're right, and EndMaster is wrong, which couldn't possibly be the case because he is a shining star compared to the likes of you. EndMaster is the sun and the moon, and you are less than the worms that burrow their way into the dirt. You are less than flies that patrol the vicinity of literal shit. Years from now, EndMaster will still be regarded as an amazing writer, warrior, champion, a god of words and might.

You on the otherhand, will be remembered for only being both feeble in intellect and sense of awareness. I hope you learn the lessons you desperately need to learn. 

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago

I wasn't saying any of that but go off, I guess I'll continue being a fucktard on top of being a whining faggot.

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago

At this point just stop. You are only getting more people to think of you as a joke. Just put your head down and do something productive. It's really that fucking simple.

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago
I tried to warn them that probably this is not the forum they is aiming for based in their profile and indicate Cog forum. There I can even help them to start writing with my jam and new writer stuff. However, they never replied and posted very edgy shit. So really it just looks like they want to be punished and bullied.

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago

Yeah, I get that. The most confusing thing to me was why keep posting. Once or twice I get, but they definitely showed a lack of learning ability.

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago
I thought that after the first day, some sort of delayed common sense would set in, but in addition to that it seems like multiple people actually PMed them telling them to just chill out and stop posting in this thread.

Like at this point this entire thread very obviously revolves around a singular joke, and they just keep providing more material for it. Not that I'm complaining, because it's hilarious. (And most importantly for bondogggle, Endmaster is obviously amused too.) But literal ten year olds and users with diagnosed autism have been savvy enough to see what was up, and this poor dumbass is still just charging full steam ahead.

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago
1) loves to whine and complain
2) obsessed with gender issues
3) potential mental illness
4) nIcE cOmMeNtS oNlY

Yes, I can see how CoG might be a good place for this one.

HOWEVER, I'd also argue that the stubbornness in still persisting here is a potentially a good CYStian quality.

Besides which, he made a second thread while this one was ongoing to complain more and try to get other users to band together with him in a support group against the mean mods or something, which obviously wouldn't fly on CoG. Being a funny retard is no defense there as they lack the ability to perceive humor or feel joy altogether.

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago

Also, he's demonstrated the ability to disagree with mods... Sorry CoG, but it wasn't meant to be. :'(

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago

Awh, poor bondogggle! (To be fair, I don't think I've ever seen one of his legit posts due to timezone difference, so I'm unaware of exactly how much of a whining fagot he is.)

Either way, here's my advice. Drop the account. Come back with a new account. Don't say anything annoying. If you can manage that, you should be fine.

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago
Every post he's made after the original OP has been whining. Looking at the sparse examples of his previous site activity, I'm not sure if he understands how to communicate in any other way.

And no, no, I think he should keep it. If he surprises everyone by doing something worthwhile one day, what an incredible character arc that would be. Many of the current best users have hilariously cringy origin stories, although, most of them still had the excuse of been ten or eleven in their colored text and tantrums phase...

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago

If he (or she I think?) somehow manages to claw their way out from being the racist, homophobic, ass frog guy, that would be pretty impressive. ^_^

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago
Well, it's a male avatar that everyone automatically wants to punch very hard in the face, so that's all I've got to go by.

I'm guessing he's one of those genderbender types given the complaints about the M/F choices when registering, but this is a writing site and they/them is grammatically incorrect so tough shit.

Is this fagfic?

3 years ago
Well, some dictionaries admit they as singular. However, most don't and I am tired of the grammar correction trying changing the tense of the verbs.