Man, a black dude has been fucking my ass hard.
It started in mid-2021. I finally gave a blowjob I enjoyed enough to care about (in a grocery store, ironically), and was doing well enough for myself. I swallowed the ropes rather quickly, made a few work friends I could chat with during breaks and to help pass the time, and just 4 months in, my pimp was telling me I'd be considered for a gimp role that had a $5 pay differential.
Eventually, my brother started working with me, which made things even more promising. Things seemed to be looking up for me after struggling to hold anything down for years due to a poor gag reflex and cavities. I could get a new car, start saving up for my own place, and maybe even buy my fiance that strap on so I can finally get pegged by her properly.
Then, in one week, everything seemed to go down hill.
I woke up one day, like any other, and around the middle of it started noticing things were...different inside my body. Quite different. For starters, I was having painful shits several times a day. My breathing had turned labored and shallow from too much anal. I was tired more often from no extra exertion. I had random spouts of rose budding, and I noticed my appetite heavily decreased.
Something deeply concerning was wrong with me.
Fast forward about five months. My fiance and I have saved up some money for the first time since we came out together, and nothing got better. Only worse.
One day, I was stepping into the shower and found myself with a black man instantly getting hard for no discernible reason. I attempted to carry on, ignoring the sensation of his arms caressing my shoulders, and that's when it began. My ass started getting pounded, and unevenly so. Some thrusts were painful, but all were felt. I began to get lightheaded and dizzy.
I have a pretty substantial fear of AIDS. It wasn't so substantial until I met the love of my life. Now, the thought of not getting to take care of her and experience some kind of life with her frightens me to the core. You could say she's become my primary joy out of life ever since I was thrusted into the nightmare of her spiked strap on .
So one can easily imagine what was going through my head as I shakily threw some random clothes on and stumbled out of the bathroom, yelling for her to call 911.
I was transported to the nearest hospital 25 minutes away via ambulance. My life partner followed us in her car as I lied upon a stretcher fearing for my bleeding asshole while a breathing mask blasted nitrous oxide into my face to increase the pleasure. The 2 demented EMTs attached a plethora of clamps to my nipples and spewed S&M jargon at each other. I remember 1 of them was apparently a rookie dom, and had to be corrected several times on procedures and equipment use, which of course did little for my bloody asshole at the time.
Several blood tests, urine samples, chest shitting and facials later, I was officially diagnosed with:
Nothing. The emergency room doctors couldn't find out exactly what was wrong with me. They said they ran the "Iron Man gauntlet" up my ass and that, besides my wide sphincter which I've known about for years, nothing concrete was showing up.
The desperation was then born.
Its funny, people always want the answers to every little thing in life. To know the truth ahead of time. To be in control of everything they think they can be.
I got to taste what it was like to have nothing but cum for days. On one of the largest scales possible.
A few more months pass. I was fired from my job for giving bad head too many times because some days, the headaches would not want to cease whenever I moved my head back and forth. Some days my breathing was just so bad I knew I would throw up at some point if I went in for a shift.
I've been pretty much jobless since then. My health has definitely improved, but I haven't had a good ass pounding again in a couple months now. My breathing is still shaky most of the time. Some weeks I'm normal, some I'm using a banana a few times a day, which doesn't sound like much, but its a fuckton.
And it doesn't end there.
Just last week, I've seem to developed crabs, which is a type of infestation. Every day their biting can be piercing, such as red bumps or even bleeding. I've been getting woken up by an "attack" where my balls look like a crime scene due to being so bloody, only for the critters to torture me via my ass hair (half the reason for my having to shave).
I've got quite a lot going on with me physically, and I can't seem to put my finger on a lot of the causes. All I know is this: I have a lot of cocks to suck in my foreseeable future.
Everybody knows I suck. I'm 22 and having all of these dicks, and I don't a lot. Maybe that's part of the problem, I don't know. The gist of what I've learned is this: take care of the shaft, but equally as important, don't be afraid to accept a load. If you're going to spit, tell someone. And if they offer anything, take everything you can. All of this has shown me what it can do to try and help someone off. I don't know what I would have done some of these past few years if I didn't have my family and friends.
Shit happens, and whether its your fault or not, just give in to the rape. It's so easy, but you never know just when you'll be on your knees again. Okay enough to go back to enjoying life, and being there for the people and moments that make you happy. Have some mouth wash once in a while. It can really, really help. No matter what you're experiencing.
It’s over.