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EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago
Commended by JJJ-thebanisher on 1/26/2017 8:35:37 PM

Okay so a long time ago, waaaaay back in the mid 2000s there was a site called Worth1000. The place was mostly for photoshop contests, but they also held short story contests as well. I probably would have never bothered with the place, but DEP was scared to submit something by himself so he asked the rest of the reprobates on Infinite Story to help, and of course I was the only one who bothered to help his ass out.

Anyway, since that site hasn’t existed in a few years now, it was a good thing I saved all this stuff. And with the Creative Corner now, there’s a place to finally put these.

Now one thing that will definitely stand out is there is absolutely NO swearing whatsoever. That’s because the site was full of fucking prudes (or at least the judges were). So these are a pretty rare sight from me.

Anyway here they are, and I added some brief commentary for nerds that like that sort of thing.

EDIT: I'm just putting all my extra shit here now.

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

So this was the first one I did. The topic was picking some weird addiction. Can’t remember exactly how I went with something like this, but it was weird enough to get second place I guess.

Magazine Cardism

     It starts out simple enough; you bring home a few magazines that you bought from the store and settle down to read. But wait! What’s this? It’s a bunch of little subscription cards inside the magazine. Not just one either, but several, all in strategic locations of the magazine and urging you to get a subscription and telling you what to do. Some of them come falling out in your lap to attack you, while others are stapled inside refusing to move until you take the initiative to remove the paper parasites. After you rip these out, you check your other magazines and just like the first, they’re infested as well, so you rip them out too and return to reading, not realizing that a dangerous habit is forming.

     The next time you’re in the book store, you go to the magazine section again just to browse now. Once again you encounter the little cards inside. Sure you’re just browsing, but these cards, they seem to mock you and you can’t let them get away with it. You decide to do it. You look around to make sure no overzealous store clerk is watching and you tear them out. You feel that euphoric rush surge within you. When you first ripped them out, you were more annoyed, but now you feel good. You enjoy it all, the tear it makes, the crumpling of it, everything. Now you don’t even care if you rip a little bit of magazine along with it, all you want is that card at any cost.

     Now you’re going to the bookstore everyday, lurking around the magazine section like the pathetic junkie you are, waiting patiently for people to move away so you can do your thing. It’s too slow! You can’t wait anymore, you begin taking more risks, you start ripping the cards out around customers you think won’t care. You get some strange looks, but nobody really says anything. It’s good! You can participate in your card ripping fix without fear! And then it happens, you get careless and forget to look out for the actual store workers who are none too pleased with you vandalizing defenseless magazines. They expect you to pay for them all, but you can’t because you quit your job to hang around in the bookstore all day. They throw you out and ban you. You don’t care though; you just go to a different one and repeat the process all over again, until you’re eventually banned from every bookstore in the state. Even convenience stores have a photo of you so they can run you off when they see you approach.

     You try the old substitute of tearing mattress tags, but it just isn’t the same and can’t possibly compare to the RUSH of tearing magazine cards. You are sickened by what you’ve become. You eventually end it all by stealing a magazine and slashing your wrists with the card inside that made you into this empty shell today.

EndMaster's short stories

one year ago
Interesting study of obsessions people can get. I myself very often feel compulsion to tear small "protruding": objects, so it was relatable.

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

This one was basically taking fairy tale characters and putting them in some sort of situation. Actually I don’t even remember what the hell we were supposed to be doing with them, I just sort of channeled “Alpha Wolf” a bit and won first place somehow.

This Ain’t No Fairy Tale

“Wolf, its over, we have you surrounded! Release the hostages and come out with your paws up!” Captain Goose shouted through her megaphone.
“Never! I’ll kill this pretty red wench and her decrepit granny first!”

Captain Goose shook her head. She knew he’d do it too. Wolf was a bloodthirsty predator. He was already wanted for a string of brutal murders. Something might’ve been done sooner had some juvenile delinquent not been prank calling the station claiming there was a murderous wolf lurking about his house every ten minutes. Ironic he and his family should be Wolf’s first victims.

By the time the bodies were found, Wolf had already moved on to his next victim, Little Bo Peep. She was found when an officer went to finally check out her call about her lost sheep. Her half eaten corpse was lying next to her broken staff. Apparently Wolf reunited Bo with her sheep…in his stomach.

That was bad, but it wasn’t anything compared to the brutality he inflicted on the three little pigs. He bashed in the doors of two of their houses and tortured them to death as they squealed for their lives. The third pig he waited to come out of his house to check his mail and then butchered him in broad daylight before screaming children.

This mad dog had to be put down, before he killed again. Captain Goose was not going to let anymore murder occur in her normally peaceful town.

“Alright, I’m here Goose. Let me handle this.” A voice said.

Captain Goose turned around and it was Jack, or Jack the Giant Killer as he was known. Great that was all she needed, a loose cannon who played by his own rules.

“Go home Jack! We don’t need this situation getting any worse with your down and dirty tactics!”
“Oh yeah right, it looks like you got the situation well in hand Goose. Stop talking with this murderer and let me go in there Captain!”
“No! You go storming in there and Wolf will kill Red and her grandmother!”
“They’re probably already dead and he’s just playing with us for kicks! I’m going in!”
“You do that and you’re off the force!”
“You said that before I killed the Giant!” Jack yelled and began to head back to his motorcycle.

Jack revved up his Harley.
“Don’t do it!” Goose said.

Jack stepped on the gas and sped towards the house. Wondering what all the yelling was outside, Wolf went over to the window just in time to see the motorcycle heading towards it. Wolf narrowly avoided being decapitated by the wheels when it crashed through. Wolf ran at Jack as he was attempting to recover from slamming into the wall. Wolf grabbed Jack and killed him with a quick bite to his throat, ripping it out.

Jack would be Wolf’s last victim as Goose and her officers stormed the house and shot him until his bullet ridden body fell to the ground with a metallic “clank”.

It was over.

“Captain, we found Red! She’s in the next room tied up and scared, but unharmed…the grandmother though…well it looks like Wolf already killed her long before we arrived.” Officer Hansel reported.
“Very well, call the meat wagon to pick up the bodies.” She sighed as she walked over to Jack’s body, while lighting up a cigarette.

“Damn it Jack. I tried to warn you that those stunts would get you killed one day. It’s like I’ve always said, this is real life…”

Goose took a puff of her cigarette.

“This ain’t no fairy tale.

EndMaster's short stories

2 years ago
You’re sitting on the grass, in front of the stage, and captivated by a guy who can REALLY dance… anticipating the beat so that his body seems to lead the music, not follow… that’s what your writing reminds me of. Sassy and sharp, nothing out of place…brain candy. Thank you for the smiles.

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

Okay so I don’t even remember what the topic was for this one. I think it was supposed to be picking an emotion and making it a powerful positive force. Naturally I went with hate, because I’m fucking edgy like that. (And I just channeled Paradise Violated because I’m also fucking lazy like that)

No Hate. No Peace.

Who could’ve anticipated that hate could be a positive force?

The day we lost it was the day humanity died, but I shall make it live again.

Throughout humanity hate has always been there. It was there during the Roman Era, it was there during the Dark Ages, and of course it was there during World War Two. Hate has always been there. It saturated our very being; it infested our politics, our religions, and our way of life. “Love conquers all” was a fairy tale. Hate is what drives us to do great…and terrible things.

It was thought that hate would eventually cause us to destroy ourselves, and it nearly did in 2096. It was a time when the Earth was a complete war zone, but it was also when THEY came. The Keslak. A race of conquerors from the stars. It was then when we learned what hate could truly accomplish.

Their first attacks came without warning. We were unprepared, still engaged in our petty self-hatred and fighting each other. More bombings occurring, then invasions, then worse…

And that’s when hate really kicked in. It united us in a way that had never been done before. We didn’t care about our petty differences anymore. We weren’t black, white, gay, straight, Jewish, or Muslim, we were human.

And we all hated the Keslak.

We struck back with everything we could, never giving up, and driven by hate. We didn’t just kill them, we butchered them. We didn’t just drive them from our planet; we took their technology so we could take the fight to them. And we didn’t just kill a few million, we killed them all.

The Keslak were nothing more than a memory and at last the dream of idealistic fools had come true. World Peace had occurred, and it was all thanks to hate. Our hate achieved peace; it made us strong, made us survive.

Humanity didn’t fight itself anymore. Now it was a galactic power, it had plenty of others to fight. It started with annexing a planet here, enslaving a race there, and the usual. We were only trying to protect ourselves and maintain our peace. We’d be damned if we were going to let some Godless Aliens take that away from us. No, they all were the enemy and we hated them all. Even those “peaceful” ones were merely trying to buy time to attack us and destroy our peace later. We knew that, after all it’s what we’d been doing to each other for centuries. As time went on, several of these treacherous alien species formed a grand intergalactic alliance against us. We laughed and waged a war of peace on them. It was only a matter of time anyway. We fought and they fought, hate was strong on both sides, but ours was stronger. It always had been.

And then came the day it disappeared. Some say it was caused by a new weapon, others even say it was some sort of punishment from a divine being. We’ll never know I suppose. It just disappeared.

We still fought, but for some reason we just didn’t feel the hate anymore. We were just going through the motions. We were just mindlessly killing like robots. There wasn’t any emotion behind it. We all knew it was missing, but we couldn’t do anything about it. We were like eunuchs. Even when entire populations of us were killed, entire planets blown into dust, we still couldn’t feel that same hate that we used to.

We’d lost our edge. We’d lost our weapon. We’d lost our peace.

When the Alliance invaded our world they made us pay for what we’d done, but some reason they didn’t end us as we did the Keslak. Instead we were confined to our ravaged planet and held under constant watch from space. We became an example to be mocked, and worse…pitied. We were disorganized without hate. We became wandering nomads on our planet, with no goal other than to exist. Every now and then some overzealous Alliance members come down and hunt a few hundred of us to make sure the population doesn’t get too big.

Now I remain here as one of the defeated once hateful race. Trying to get that old feeling back that eluded us and caused our fall, because I know that one human full of hate can achieve much.

We shall know peace again.

I’m starting to feel the hate come back.

And it feels…human.

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

Again, I’m not even sure what the topic was, but I won third place with this one. It would also be the LAST time I won anything over there. Lol.

I actually thought this one was one of the better ones I wrote. Probably was inspired by that scene from Final Destination 2 where everyone gets fucked up in the freeway accident.

A Stone’s Throw

Today is the day.

I was chosen to cast the first stone. I saw it in a vision sent to me by angels. No longer can I be on the sidelines, I must act. Only I can prevent the wicked from spreading their filth in this town

This stone should be sufficient to carry out my work. Holy work. Just like David slew Goliath with a mere stone, I shall perform a similar deed with the evil I face today.

I stand above them all, yet they cannot see me. I am bathed in a spiritual shield of invisibility to ensure I am able to carry out my work. Only the virtuous come to this rooftop, and I’m the only one here. It has to be me. God has willed it.

Here he comes like clockwork down the street, driving that infernal moped of his in an attempt to show off for some common women of low moral fiber. He is nothing more than a purse-snatcher, a lowly thief. He uses the same moped to make his getaways.

The stone is thrown. My aim is true. Could it be any other way?  Righteous fury guides my hand.

The stone hits the purse-snatcher in the face, or more specifically his eye. Had he been wearing a helmet, perhaps he would’ve been better protected, but the wicked are arrogant. They never think they’re going to be punished for their ways.

But this purse-snatcher is not my only target today; he is but the first of the scum that will be cleansed. I am about to witness my reward for my devotion and piety.

The purse-snatcher falls off his moped and smashes the back of his head into the hard pavement, cracking his skull. The harlots he was attempting to impress make high-pitched squeals and predictably run around chaotically, not paying attention to the glass movers who are attempting to do their job. Both harlots run into the large windowpane shattering it and shredding their faces. Never again will they be able to use their wiles to lure others into the sin of lust.

The moped continues to move by itself even without its now dead rider. It hits a bump and flies directly into an oncoming truck driver’s windshield. A trucker who would grab innocent little children into his truck and use them for his own twisted pleasure before dumping their bodies on some lonely highway. His days of being a wandering murderer are at an end.

His truck swerves into a school bus, dooming all those future criminals inside. I can almost hear their screams as the bus rolls over several times. I have no sympathy for these juvenile delinquents. They chose to bully and prey upon those they considered weak. It is only now that they understand that they are not tough or strong at all. They are helpless before God’s might. God has no time for mercy. The time of cleansing and judgment are at hand.

The school bus eventually stops rolling and explodes near a church. Hot burning metal pelts the wedding that was coming out. Wedding guests fall as the cleansing fire shards collide into them. The groom sees his bride fall when a large piece impales her heart, just before he is also struck down by another piece. I have done what the corrupt police could not, wiped out a family that had underworld dealings. How dare they use God’s house to celebrate their incestuous second cousin marriage and how dare the priest allow it. He pays for his blasphemy when a large flaming piece decapitates him.

A nearby ambulance rushes to the scene to attempt to save some of these sinners, but holy punishment cannot be denied. One of the shredded harlots, still running and screaming blindly gets in its way. The driver swerves, crashing into a lamppost and flying out of his windshield.

My holy work is finished. I slip away unnoticed, leaving the sinners in the torment they brought upon themselves.

People called that day chaos. I called it purity.

The town will never forget that day and if they do, then the cause of divine justice is just a stone’s throw away.

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

I hate contests and I hate fucking timed contests even more. This was one of those “Write a story in 30 minutes (I think it was 30) with only so many words Ragh!” Ugh, I’m not even sure why I bothered with doing this one, probably DEP was begging for someone to join him again.

I tried to do a gimmick of including the “time” in the story in an attempt to be a special snowflake, anyway, as far as I’m concerned it’s the worst of the lot. Reminds me of the beginning of Pulp Fiction.

Mean Time

“So when’s this guy supposed to show up?”

“Seven ‘o clock. What time is it now?”

“About six thirty, we got thirty minutes left. You sure he’ll be here on time?”

“Yeah, and will you calm down? This guy is always punctual; it’s one of the few redeeming qualities about him from what I heard.”

“So who is he anyway?”

“Since when does the background matter to you?”

“I don’t know I’m just trying to pass the time.”

“He’s a regular businessman just trying to his way up the ladder as usual. Nothing special.”

“Well something must be special, if we’re supposed to meet him.”

“Not necessarily, I mean we have to meet people all the time.”

“I guess you’re right. Hey did you see the game last night?”

“No, I was over at Joey’s he had a problem I needed to help him with.”

“What, again? I swear he doesn’t know what the heck he’s doing, he’s not going to be in business too much longer.”

“I know. I charged him extra for the over time I had to put in. Speaking of which, what time is now?”

“About six forty five. Fifteen minutes left.”

“Hey I bought that boat I wanted.”

“Oh so you finally laid out the money huh? I’m surprised; I know how cheap you are.”

“I’m not cheap, I just don’t waste my money so easily on wine, women and song like you do!”

“Yeah whatever, so what made you change your mind?”

“Oh I just figured life is too short, we all only got so much time left on this earth you know what I mean?”

“You don’t have to tell me that. You’re preaching to the choir here.”

“My wife likes it when we sail in it too. So what time is it now?”

“About six fifty five. Five minutes left.” “I think I hear him, he’s a little early. You ready?”

“You know it.”

“Okay, its show time.”



“Well that was easy.”

“Yeah, and two minutes to spare. Time to go get something to eat.”

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

So this is another one I can’t even remember what the topic was. I think it was supposed to be about a character having insomnia or worrying about something. In any case, I sort of got off topic and just did my own thing anyway. Sort of surprised it didn’t get rated lower for not being on topic.


Can’t sleep again. Got a lot on my mind. I can’t go on like this; I’ve been like this for three days.

How did things turn out this way?

I remember. The government was corrupt. Life was harsh. It was no way to live. It wasn’t safe. Something had to be changed. So a small group of us decided to finally do something about it. Sometimes I wonder if it was the right decision. Maybe it would’ve been better to just try to leave the country.

I need a drink. Definitely not coffee though. What would be the point? I’m wide awake. Alcohol doesn’t even make me pass out. Too much on my mind.

I remember the first time I couldn’t sleep. It was just after I killed my first man. I never did anything like that before. I felt sick. I couldn’t help but think about that soldier’s family, but I had to get used to it though. The revolution could only be won through forceful means.

Better not stand too close to the windows. Who knows if some assassin’s bullet will find me. Even in the night they could be out there. I better make sure this place is secure. I can never be too safe. My enemies are still out there.

My pistol. Loaded and ready by my side as always. I have to walk around armed at all times. Just in case. You never know. They could breach the perimeter.

This is no way to live.

The revolution was bloody. Too much pain. Too much violence. It was necessary, but regrettable. Some of the things that had to be done… attacking military targets wasn’t always enough. Sometimes in order to get a point across, those that supported evil indirectly needed to be awakened.

But we were fighting tyranny. It was all for the greater good. The government was evil. We were heroes.


I hear another explosion as I take another drink. I hear more gunfire in the distance. More death. It never ends.

So many deaths during the revolution. I saw friends I’d known since childhood die in front of me. I even lost some family members. I weep for them all to this day.

My wife is up. She wants me to come to bed as usual. I wish I could. Believe me, I do. I would like nothing better than to sleep and lie in her arms. She’s so lovely. We met during the revolution.

I tell her to go back to bed. I know she would rather keep me company, but I wish to be alone. I have a lot on my mind.

There was much rejoicing and change after the revolution. The old order was dead and something better could take its place. We didn’t realize how hard that would be until the day actually came. Destruction is always easier than creation. But that didn’t deter us. We were up for the challenge.

I just wish we could’ve all agreed on what would be best though.

All the arguing and fighting wasn’t helping. Nothing was getting accomplished and several warring factions would’ve just destroyed everything we tried to achieve.

Eventually I decided to settle things.

It was unfortunate, but the country at that point needed stability more than ever. It needed to be safe. It needed just one voice of clarity.

My daughter is up now. She wants to know what’s going on. I allow myself to smile and tell her that everything is alright and she should go back to bed. She complies.

The changes I made were for the greater good, but I was facing opposition. Did they not see I was making things better? These ingrates and idiots who cowered in their homes while I actually did something about the terrible conditions in this country feel that THEY can judge and criticize me?

I tried to accommodate them, but they were unreasonable. They wanted paradise, when there is no such thing! More of them rebelled openly. I gave them freedom and this is how they repay me?

I did what I had to do to maintain order. They should understand. This is madness. I was a hero and now they call me evil?

Now more killing goes on and nothing is safe again. I just wish this would all end…

My general has come in, I nearly shot him.

“Sir! The revolt has been put down! You’ve won!”
“Huh? Oh. Very good. Execute all the prisoners and update me on the situation tomorrow.”

As the general leaves, I feel something different. I can let my guard down. At last I can sleep.

I realized long ago that the deaths of thousands are nothing compared to the piece of mind of safety.

And now I have it at last

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

So seeing as the last two submission weren’t as great, I decided to actually put some effort into this one. The topic was super heroes.

I decided to go a different route and make it a little ambiguous, but y’know nobody “got it” because I’m like a fucking genius and they couldn’t comprehend my creativity.

In any case, I liked this one.


Captured! Bound! Trapped in a cell in the fortress of my archenemy! I know Doctor Malevolent is behind this villainous plot! He’s tried to stop me before like he always has, but he’ll never succeed! He’ll never defeat Captain Courage defender of righteousness!

But first I must break free of this devious jacket of holding. Fortunately I have had practice in doing this before. It has taken weeks, but I think I’ve finally got it beat. The foolish Doctor is so arrogant to believe that only a few modifications to his dastardly inventions will hold me. He underestimates the tenacity of Captain Courage!

Still, his last insidious plot was a surprise to even me. Somehow he has managed to brainwash the entire city. Was it a mind ray? Mass hypnosis? Hallucinatory drugs in the water supply? It doesn’t matter; all I know is the good people of this city have turned on me. It saddens my soul. Part of me wants to lash out! But I must not, for I know it is not their fault that they have fallen victim to the machinations of the wicked Dr. M. My capture. The mock trial. All of the people involved were obviously under Dr. M’s influence! It is the only explanation, the people wouldn’t knowingly hand their noble champion over to Dr. M, not after I have done so much for the city. The people may have turned their backs on me, but I will never turn my back on them. After I escape I will find a way to release the people of the city from their mind control!

Ah ha! Free! Now all I have to do is wait. Wait for one of Dr. M’s goons to come back to take me to the interrogation room. Yes, they’ve tried to interrogate me many times. I’ve told them nothing though. Dr. M believes he can get me to talk by introducing a pretty face to me; a lovely young femme fatale in the guise of a “councilor”. I’m not fooled and I’m not falling for her wiles. The way she tries to tell me she’s trying to “help” me and touches my hand in a gentle way…

Wait! What’s that noise? Its one of Dr. M’s guards!

Hiding behind the door, I wait for him to enter, which he does. I strike! A left! A right! And finally a kick to his face! He’s down, and I make my first steps towards freedom! I wish I had my equipment with me, but for now my wits will have to be enough to help me escape. I quickly head door the corridor. Throughout the corridors are other doors with other prisoners. I hear their tortured screams behind them. I can’t imagine what torments Dr. M has subjected them to; indeed I don’t even want to know. I shake my head in dismay and frustration. Would that I could save them all now, but I simply do not have the time to do so, but when I return, better prepared, I will save them all, just like I will save the city! This I vow!

A general alarm has been raised and I hear Dr. M’s sinister voice alert his staff of my escape through the intercom. I fight my way through when I have to, and I hide when necessary. When I get near the entrance I see Dr. M’s elite guards dressed in their tradition blue uniforms. They pull out their weapons and fire! I narrowly avoid their blasts. I must find another way to escape as the front door has been thoroughly guarded, but where? Wait! The roof! I immediately find the nearest set of stairs and pursue my new route of escape!

Eventually I make it to the roof, with my enemies in hot pursuit. I look over the side of the roof; it’s far, but I think I can jump to the nearby tree.

Before I can do anything Dr. M and his elite arrive! One of them fires on me again, but misses. Dr. M scolds his henchmen for nearly killing me, but only because he hasn’t gotten the information he wants from me yet. He’s telling me to give up, but I will never give up my fight against him!

I look again at the nearby tree, I have to jump. I have to try. If I don’t, I’ll be captured again, and the city will be doomed. Someone has to save the city from evil!

I make my leap and I hear Dr. M shout in aggravation by my escape, I only hope I make it.

The tree seems so close.

I have to make it.

I MUST make it.

Someone has to save the city…

Could this be the end of Captain Courage?

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

The topic for this one was taking a vacation in a foreign land. At this point was sort of getting bored of competing in these contests, because as I said, I prefer to write at my own pace and generally do what the hell I want and not be confined by stupid fucking rules like “no swearing.”

Anyway, this is another one I liked. I think I came close to third place with it. Don’t remember though.

The Beautiful Land of Pargona

Day 1

Yay! I’m all set to go to Pargona! I’ve always wanted to go there and now I’m finally getting the chance to! There’s nothing there but majestic landscape, beaches and very friendly beautiful women to fawn all over you! I’m so looking forward to this trip, that I want to keep a record of what is going to be surely the best trip of my life!

I better get going; I don’t want to miss the plane!

Day 2

I’m here in Pargona, but I’m currently in the cab on the way to my hotel. I thought my hotel was a lot closer though. The cab driver insists that he’s going the right way and I guess he’d know, he does live here after all! For now I’m just enjoying the sights, though I must admit I wasn’t expecting to see so many street beggars and dirty shanty towns. Still it’s all very exciting!

That’s weird; we seem to be pulling into an alley.

Day 5

I’m at my hotel. I’m glad to be here too, I need the rest after escaping from those kidnappers! I sure was lucky that those drug dealers that they owed money to came by when they did and I managed to hide in the dumpster during the shoot out. Live and learn, I guess! I am pretty hungry though, I haven’t eaten for a few days. I think I’ll order the Pargona pork roast. It’s supposed to be very good.

First I better take a long bath though.

Day 7

While it certainly tastes good, I fear that Pargona pork roast doesn’t seem to agree with me. I’ve only just now felt well enough to write again. Bad things have been coming out of me at both ends, but I’m not going to let this wreck my fun! Tomorrow, they are having tours of the ancient Xoltec ruins!

I’ve always been interested in that ancient culture, so hopefully I’ll be well enough to go.

Day 11

I just got back from the local hospital. During the tour I got separated from the rest of the group when I couldn’t help but inspect the Xoltec statue closer. I KNEW that its belt buckle looked like a button! I probably shouldn’t have pressed it though. The slide wasn’t so bad, but the spikes at the bottom hurt very badly. I also stirred up a nest of scorpions that had made their home down there too. It took awhile before their paralyzing poison wore off.

On the bright side the tour guide said I was probably the first outsider in centuries that had actually been inside a Xoltec sacrificial pit, let alone survive it! Wow, what an adventure! I’m off to the beach next!

Look out ladies, here comes the great explorer!

Day 13

The beach wasn’t what I expected. I nearly stepped on several syringes and was bitten by a hostile turtle that I mistook for a rock when I went to sit on it. There didn’t seem to be any babes around, though there was a friendly derelict lying in his own filth that pointed me in the direction of a place where there were lots of women, but he said I’d need some money to get anywhere with them. I was on my way there, but then a group of youths hanging by the pier beat me up and stole my money.

Oh well, I guess not every day can be a good one! Right now I hear a lot of noise outside, I’m going to see what it is, maybe it’s a festival!

Day 17

Looks like I might be here longer in Pargona than I expected! There seems to be some sort of revolt going on. The self proclaimed People's Democratic Army of Pargona have taken control of parts of the city, but the government is busily trying to put down the rebels. I’d try to make it to my embassy, but unfortunately it was blown up three days ago. The airports are being blocked as well. I’m pretty safe where I’m at actually. The hotel manager’s brother is the President so the protection here is excellent apart from the occasional mortar hitting the building.

I’m getting some GREAT pictures of troop movements and tanks rolling down the streets though! I can’t wait to show these to everyone back home!

Day 21

The revolution is over and I’m going home! I enjoyed my time here, but it seemed to go by too quick! I’m also disappointed that the Pargona government confiscated my camera before I could get on the plane. However, they told me it was for security reasons, so I certainly understood.

I might not have any pictures; I’ll always have my memories of the beautiful land of Pargona!

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

And here’s the last one and probably the best one I could have went out on. By this time I hadn’t even been participating in these stupid contests and months had passed since I even logged in the site.

DEP once again told me that THIS contest would be something I’d definitely be into since they were relaxing the rules on content a bit. It was a Halloween contest and it was all about disposing of a dead body.

Well gee, I guess I can do that…

Hungry for Love

Another dead body.

It isn’t the first and certainly won’t be the last.

This one is different though. Never killed anyone I loved before. Of course she’s the only person I’ve ever had any feelings towards. Dumping her body in the woods or something similar just isn’t an option. She was special.

I’ve never done this before, but I’m prepared to try something new for her.

I’m sorry that I have to dismember her, but she simply isn’t going to fit in the freezer whole. Still, I better clear out the rest of the freezer, this may take awhile.

Glad I didn’t do any grocery shopping this week.

Her legs…

She had such lovely legs. She was absolutely mesmerizing whenever she wore a short dress to show them off. I’ll miss how they used to wrap around me.

As I take the first bite, I look into her eyes. I need to know if she’s okay with this before I go any further. She stares at me from across the table in the bucket of ice and doesn’t protest.

She always was accommodating even when we were kids. Gave me her extra candy, helped me with some of my school work. I knew even back then we were meant to be together. I think she knew it too; it just took her awhile to come around.

Hmm, don’t know why people make the joke about humans tasting like chicken. It doesn’t taste that way to me at all.

Her arms…

I remember how they used to embrace me. Be it in the throes of passion or a simple hug. It doesn’t matter which, I’ll miss it all.

As I pop a couple her fingers in my mouth, I think back to when we were teenagers and her father caught us in her room. He smacked me around pretty good before I could get out of there. Said how I better leave his daughter alone and all that other crap over protective fathers say. We were in love, and that fool couldn’t see it.

Never got to see her too much shortly after that time. She got sent off to a private school and contact was limited. Even when I tried, her father was always taking steps to make sure I wasn’t going to sneak up there. He even warned the school if I was on the grounds that they could have me arrested.

Mmm, that’s good.

I guess it didn’t matter though; I got into trouble with the law anyway. My mom tried to put me into therapy, but all I did was stab the therapist in the hand with his pen.

Without her I felt so lost, is it any wonder that I wanted everyone to feel the same amount of pain I did?

My beloved definitely tastes a lot better than that crap they were serving me in juvie that’s for sure. My beloved is so delicious. I didn’t think it could be this good, but on second thought, could she be anything else?

I can’t wait for the next part.

Her body…

I’ll miss how it felt against my own body. So warm in life, and now so cold in death, but not for long. I’ve got a lot of cooking to do for this bit. Always had a knack for cooking, for some reason.

If only things turned out differently, perhaps I could’ve run my own restaurant with her.

Mmm, need more salt for this.

By the time we had grown up, our lives had become vastly different. I lived a hand to mouth existence, while she was in college. I thought about visiting her many times, but at that point, I didn’t think she’d feel the same way about me. I was a completely different person now.

Imagine my surprise when she came to visit me. It was like we picked up where we left off.

Ahh, perfect. This soup is excellent. This meatloaf too. I think I’ll be able to eat most of this tonight. I usually don’t eat a lot, but the more I eat, the more I feel closer to her.

Her head…

I look at her head as I have been for this past month while devouring her. I caress her face. For some reason I can’t bring myself to eat her lovely face. It’s the first thing I fell in love with and I guess it’s the last thing I want to remember about her.

We’re coming to the end. Nobody is ever at this polluted lake this time of night. Nobody even swims here anymore.

I tried to keep it from her as long as possible. Sneaking around, canceling dates…she was bound to get suspicious.

Like I said, we were two different people now, even if we still had the love, but I guess there were some things she just couldn’t accept though. I tried to explain, but it only ended in blood like it always does. Just like it did with several other women that were poor imitations of her. Just like it did with her father who kept us apart for so long and caused this to happen.

I look into her eyes one last time and I know she forgives me.

I give her one last kiss.

“I love you. I always will my dear sweet sister.”

I toss her bones and head overboard and weep.

Pretty obvious what I channeling there right?

Now surprisingly this one got quite a bit of praise, however one of the judges went on tirade about the content and rated the story low, so I was like in second place and then I dropped to 13th due to the weight of the ratings. Lol.

Obviously I answered the judge back pointing out that I completely obeyed the rules of the contest, but I guess he didn’t want to argue with me. Fuck it.

After that I was done with the site since I hated contests, the judges were prudes, and I was out of “internet money” (Basically like points here, but a lot harder to get) to pay to join them in the first place and I certainly wasn’t going to pay real money to do it.

Anyway, it’s all a rich tapestry.

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago

Your story with the unreliable narrator (mental asylum patient) ‘Captain Courage’ was my favorite.

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago
LOL, did you really dig these up and post them just to annoy Steve?

(I approve.)

Worth1000 sounds vaguely familiar. In theory I'd have enjoyed a site like that. Too bad about the judges.

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

I actually did mean to do it at some point, but yeah annoying Steve was the perfect motivation. Lol.

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

These have been fun to read through so far :)

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

Delightful, I feel like a kid who just found a dozen fresh donuts from the world's most insidious baker lying around still in their container (Fun fact the donuts themselves are fine even though they're mostly filled with spice in place of sugar, it's the craving for more afterwards that really kills ya)

My favorite line -
Goose took a puff of her cigarette.
“This ain’t no fairy tale.

Also, I've got to give some credit to the judge on the last one. I'm a fan of your work, but even for me that last one required a bit of brain bleach afterwards (heck I'd suggest putting spoilers on it so kids don't accidentally read that one).

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

The topic was “get rid of a body” I figured everyone else was going to go the traditional route of digging a hole, dumping it in the water, chopping it up and wrapping it in garbage bags etc. So I went with something that I knew nobody there was going to do and I was right.

Really it’s pretty tame compared to what the kids are watching on the wacky internet nowadays. Almost charmingly quaint, in fact!

In any case, you probably should avoid Love SICK.

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

As I said, I've been through all your work, and I'm fine with it. Even with that experience, the detailing on this one still stood out. Love SICK never went into an inner monologue elaborating the thoughts of the surgeon, he was an absurd character through and through.

If I remember correctly, this is the guy from Repression who also was knife happy in Suzy's saga

EndMaster's short stories

8 years ago

Nah, none of the short stories are connected to any of the CYOAs. Just a few of them drew some inspiration to some small degree. Love SICK was being channeled for the last short story rather than Repression, though I suppose the tone felt more like Repression's since it was less comical in nature.

In fact I just used the same "Love Sick" title during the contest, but I ended up changing it later since it's not actually connected and to keep them separated.

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago


You come home after a hard day of work at the porno shop.

You decide to unwind by watching a stupid movie starring some unfunny comedian and masturbating with your alien vibrator because working a porno shop for twenty years has completely fucked up your senses of what you find erotic.

Curse your parents for making you get a job at the age of six.

Just as you’re about to get started, you suddenly hear footsteps in the room above you and a door slam.

You think, “Shit, I didn’t realize anyone else was here!” and quickly pull up your panties and stretchy pants.

Then you also realize “Shit, nobody else lives here because I’m lonely and can’t hold down a proper relationship, so who the fuck is upstairs?”

You put your vibrator down and grab the gun underneath your couch pillow, you also make a mental note that you need to start keeping these two things in vastly different locations since you nearly had an unfortunate accident when you were fumbling around in the dark a couple days ago.

You cautiously head upstairs fondling your hard piece of American made weapon of personal destruction.

Actually you think you’re wetter now than before when you were about to send yourself to happy land with your vibrator. Perhaps the anticipation of killing something has stirred something within you, or maybe you’ve just pissed yourself a little.

Either way, you’re pretty excited.

Remembering all those shows you’ve watched on TV, you kick open the door and see the figure of a girl holding an axe causing you to fire a shot at her.

Screams follow and you quickly step inside the room and turn on the light to get a better look everything.

The light reveals that your shot completely missed your target, which is just as well since the girl with the axe now whimpering in the corner is your creepy cousin Mary.

“Suzy! What the fuck man! Why’d you do that?! You nearly shot me!” she cries.
“Me? What the hell are you even doing in my house? I told you not to be creeping up in here like some fucking cat burglar again! That’s how motherfuckers get shot!”
“Mom kicked me out again.” Mary says followed by a lot of coughing.
“Not surprised. Probably caught you and your brother fucking each other again. Speaking of which, where the hell is he? Because if you’re here, I know damn well his annoying ass is here too…and stop fucking coughing so much, that’s really annoying.”
“You’re tellin’ me. I just got a touch of flu or something.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake…you’re telling’ me you’re sick?”

Before Mary can answer, you suddenly sense someone coming up behind you. You already know who it is and he’s just as creepy as his sister.

He whispers in your ear and you can feel his breath when he says. “We all have it in here. We are all infected.”

Then you elbow him in the stomach and start pistol whipping Martin.

“Get the fuck away from me then! I don’t wanna catch a cold! Unlike some people I have to work for a fucking living!” you exclaim.
“Ow! Fuck! Stop! Okay!” Martin exclaims and goes over to Mary to avoid anymore of your abuse.
“And why the hell were you carrying an axe when I walked in?” you ask.
“Oh, well me and Martin were playing this game where…” Mary starts to say before you interrupt.
“Y’know what? Never fucking mind. I don’t even want to know what sort of twisted sex games you two were doing.”
“So hey Suzy, is it okay if we stay here for the weekend? Mom should be cooled down by then.” Martin asks.
“You two fucking degenerate plague carriers come barging into my home and you have the balls to ask me if you can continue to stay? If your mom wasn’t one of the few relatives in this fucked up family that I didn’t mind, I’d throw the pair of you out on your asses right now. (Sigh) Yeah you can stay, but try to stay confined to this room. I don’t want germs all over the place.”

Mary and Martin both smile and thank you. You shake your head and start to leave.

“Hey Suzy, did you want to join us?” Mary asks.
“Fuck no, I don’t want to join you. You’re both sick and I told you I have to work. Maybe next time when you both don’t have super ebola or whatever the hell you got.” you exclaim and shut the door.

You head back downstairs to resume what you were going to do, but now you find you’re out of the mood. You turn off the movie and throw your vibrator aside.

As you're pondering how your life sucks a lot, you start to hear Martin and Mary really go at it. You sort of wish they weren’t sick otherwise you would have joined in, just as something to do.

Still, all sounds of ecstasy is starting to put you in the mood again and that’s when you get the cunning plan.

You unload your gun completely and make sure there isn’t one in the chamber. You then look at it longingly.

“I know last time was an accident, but this time isn’t going to be baby.” you say.

You then lick the barrel before “holstering” the gun repeatedly.


EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago

Kinda reminds me of that bit in The Stand where the dude gets fucked in the ass by the truck driver. I like it

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago

Unwind 2

You come home after a hard day of work at the porno shop.

Instead of going through your new routine of masturbating with your unloaded pistol, you decide to try to engage in your other hobby, which is writing shitty lesbian erotica.

Not because you’re a lesbian mind you, but for some reason it sort of calls to you as a purer form of love, since every time you write about a girl and dude together, it always turns into the girl marrying her rapist. And while that gets you off, you probably should try to avoid seeing the act of rape as something to get turn on by.

In any case, your progress goes about as well as it always does. Namely you write one sentence and then get fucking distracted by the Internet, especially when you start interacting with “people.”

Maiden4Ever: I think I should just scrap this.

YuriLover: No Suzy! You do that with everything! Just keep writing. It’ll be fine. I’m sure of it.

Maiden4Ever: But it’s complete fucking shit. This isn’t true love. Or at least not the true love I’m going for. This is just lesbian pirates fucking each other with their peg legs.

YuriLover: What’s wrong with that?

Maiden4Ever: Because I’m trying to write something meaningful, not something that’s just going to be pleasure material.

YuriLover: But isn’t that sort of the point?

Maiden4Ever: Maybe, but I still want depth! I mean sure it’s all consensual and it’s not rapey, but there’s no real love here. None of these characters are happy. Not really. How the fuck could they be? They’re stuck at sea barely fighting off scurvy and the Royal Navy. All they’re doing is fucking to take their mind off things.

YuriLover: Maybe the problem is you don’t have enough sex scenes.

Maiden4Ever: I know what the problem is. I’m too fucking cynical and not a happy person. How the hell can I write about someone finding true love and living happily ever after when I’ve never known it myself?

YuriLover: Sounds like you need to make yourself happier. Hey you know that one guy that used to come in here and talk about his furry artwork?

Maiden4Ever: Ugh. Don’t remind me. You talking about Vincent Vango right?

YuriLover: Yeah, well I was having a private chat with him once and he said he used to drink yellow paint to invite happiness inside him.

Maiden4Ever: And he’s a fucking retard. I’m not drinking paint to make myself happy. In fact that would rank up there with dating outside my race as far as my list of things that wouldn’t make me happy.

YuriLover: Wait, what?

Maiden4Ever: Hold on, somebody is at the door, I’ll talk to you later Julie.

You get dressed and go to the door, wondering who the hell it is. Though if it’s fucking Mormons again, you’re not sure if you aren’t going to shoot one of them or not.

You check the peephole and see someone just as unwelcome. It’s your creepy cousin Mary. To be honest, you aren’t sure if you aren’t going to shoot her. She’s holding something in her hand. Looks like a canvas.

Reluctantly you open the door just so she’ll stop knocking.

“Mary, what the hell are you doing, banging on the door like you’re police?” you demand.

“But Suzy, you told me not to sneak in like a cat burglar anymore, so I’m knocking your door.” Mary responds.

“…well ask a stupid question…anyway… I hope you aren’t here to ask if you and your brother can live with me again. I’m still pissed I caught a fucking cold from you assholes and while I know you wouldn’t know it, it’s not fucking fun having to work while you’re sick.”

“I’m really sorry about that. I know you said no kissing, but I just couldn’t help myself, I felt just so loved being between you and Martin and…”

“Alright! Alright! Let’s not talk about it. Look, what do you want?”

“Oh! Here. Martin said you like money so he thought in gratitude for letting us stay here, he said I should give you this.”

Mary hands you a couple hundred dollars. You’re a little surprised.

“Hm, well I suppose this doesn’t make up for ALL the shit I’ve put up with from you two, but it isn’t unwelcome.” You say.

“Thanks, hey um, could use your bathroom? I drank a big gulp and I really gotta pee!” Mary says.

“What? Fine. Come in, you know where it is.”

Mary comes in and puts her canvas against a nearby chair and makes haste to the bathroom.

While Mary’s taking a piss, you take the opportunity to see what’s on this canvas.

You look at it and it’s a picture of Mary. It’s a pretty good likeness actually. Got the hair right and everything.

Soon Mary comes back out of the bathroom.

“Oh good, you’re looking at your other gift! Isn’t it great? It’s a self portrait!” Mary shouts excitedly.

“YOU painted this? Didn’t know you painted Mary.” You say.

“Yeah, but I usually don’t have the focus to finish anything.”

“Hmm, I know the feeling…wait. Did you say this was a gift?”

“Well yeah, you can hang this up and always be reminded of me, your favorite cousin!”

“Just because we’ve known each other biblically doesn’t exactly make you my favorite…but I guess you’re trying. Which is more than I can say for most in the family. Anyway getting back to something you said earlier. You said you don’t usually have the focus to finish painting anything. What did you do to get focused?”

“Oh that. It was something Martin came up with and it worked really well!”

“Martin came up with something that worked? I find that hard to believe, but I’m willing to try anything at this point.”

“Oh it definitely works, it’s a little unorthodox. I didn’t know you painted too.”

“Nah, I write sometimes and I find it difficult to finish anything. So what’s this thing that Martin said that got you to focus?”

“Well it wasn’t something he said, so much as it was something he did.”

“Gonna stop you right there, Mary. Martin is NOT fucking me in the ass.”

“No! It’s nothing like that! Geez! It’s um, well it probably would be better if he just showed you.”

“(Sigh) Fine, tell him to come over and…wait…he’s already here isn’t he?”

You suddenly feel a heavy blow to the back of the head and everything goes black.

In a couple hours you eventually wake up in your den where you do all your writing. The back of your head is sore, but at least that’s ALL that’s sore and nobody did anything unseemly to you while you were unconscious.

You notice that almost everything in the room has been removed save for the computer and Mary’s picture is hanging up on the left wall. You also notice that the door is closed and the single window in the room has been boarded up. You try the door and it’s barred from the outside of course.

This asshole just basically locked you in a room with no food, no water and boarded up your fucking window.

You’d be a little more concerned, if the idiot hadn’t also left the hammer near the said boarded up window, which means you could easily claw out the nails and they aren’t even solidly driven in all way into the wood anyway.

You inspect the computer and see a note has been written to you on it.

Dear Suzy,

Sorry about springing all this on you so suddenly, but this is the way Martin did it for me, though without the whole hitting part. I think he wanted to get back at you for pistol-whipping him that one time.

Anyway, we’ll be back in a few days to check in on you, we made copies of your keys so we can come and go now without having to sneak in or disturb you by knocking.

I think you’ll find without the distractions, you’ll get much more accomplished! Good luck with your writing!


P.S. I hung the picture of me in the room to give you inspiration!

You make a mental note of two things you need to do after you pry the boards from the window and that’s one; change the locks on your house. And two, you are SO kicking Martin’s ass the next time you see him.

You sit at the computer and delete the note before instinctively trying to access the Internet. You don’t get anything though; apparently Martin knew enough to disconnect you from your major source of distraction.

“Meh, might as well try it, I can kick his ass later.” You say to yourself.

You begin to write.


EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago

Putting this here so I don’t have to track the thread down again.

Abandoned Story Idea: Master Cats

Sphinx Clan (Actually 4 major species that aren’t even all united)

Gynosphinx (Female human head), Androsphinx (Male human head), Criosphinx (Rams head), Heiracosphinx (Hawk head)

Gyno and Andro believe in sex equality and basically make up most of the clan. Andros are still typically the defenders & protectors while the gynos do more of day to day functions of the clans which also includes hunting, child rearing, etc.

For long term plans of their society, however all members have a say.

Gyno and Andro Sphinxes keep humans at a distance. As long as they show proper respect and aren’t underpaw, Gynos and Andros will tolerate humans and accept ongoing tributes for non-aggression. (Cattle to eat) While they are aware that some humans have a tendency to see them as “godlike” they’re careful to not encourage this too much since becoming directly involved in human affairs leads to more trouble than it is worth. (Even if it seems beneficial at the time) Gyno and Andro sphinxes see the Lammasu as a cautionary reminder in that regard.

If humans however get out of line by trespassing or boldly attacking, they will kill them. If the offense is minor and the sphinx is in a generous mood, they’ll sometimes give humans a sporting chance through riddles. (Which is like a past time with them)

Crios are all male and are simple brutes that prefer to keep Gynos “bare paw and pregnant” (Yes, they’re all bare pawed, but you know what I mean)

There are only a few of them are within the larger clan due to their less “enlightened” views, however some Gynos go in for that sort of thing. Most Crios are outcasts though.

Heiras are all male, kidnap and keep Gynos as sex slaves. They also hate other sphinxes. They’re all outcasts.

Crios and Heiras are both less tolerant of humans. Both will eat them gladly, though some Heiras have used foolish groups of humans into doing their bidding for sinister purposes. (Usually involving capturing more Gynos and killing Andros) However, they usually still eat these misguided humans as their “reward.”

Manticore Clan

The Manicore are aggressive their mindset is similar to that of the Criosphinxes in that it’s patriarchal in nature, but even more so. They are big believers in survival of the fittest, with the strong ruling the weak.

The idea of mating with ANYTHING that doesn’t look like another Manticore (Human face, wings, spiked tail, feline body, etc) is typically abhorrent to them.

As a result, they aren’t exactly fond of sphinxes who have several different “types” in their grouping. They also see the fact that sphinxes interact with humans on any sort of level that doesn’t involve eating them as a weakness.

They have nothing but contempt for the Lammasu and their now ruined society. In fact they see the Lammaasu as a future prediction of what will ultimately happen to the Sphinx clan if they don’t severely alter their own society.

They especially hate the Chimera for being the example of everything that’s wrong with interspecies breeding. They are currently attempting to eliminate all trace of them and will kill them on sight.

Humans are nuisances and they are fit only to be prey at best.

Chimera Clan

They aren’t so much of a clan as they are a mindless mob that exist only to mate, kill and eat and not always in that order.

How the Chimera exactly came about in mainly due to Lammasu sexual freedom and dabbling in magic experimentation during the height of their clan’s reign. The details are dark and revolting, but the damage was severe and the Chimera are just one of the many unfortunate results of Lammasu hubris.

Typically the Chimera still has a feline body along with three heads, one feline, one of a reptile and one of some sort of herbivore (Often a goat). They often also have wings and a scorpion tail. However, due to the chaotic nature of their “race” other forms of this abomination exist.

All of them are hermaphroditic, possessing the ability to give birth or impregnate which comes in handy in keeping their population at stable levels despite the fact that the Manticore are very determined in wiping them out.

Fortunately their natural advantages are off set by lowered intelligence and the usual mental instability problems that come with inbreeding since they have no sense of proper family structures.

As far as humans go…well if the human is lucky, they’ll get killed first.

Lammasu Clan

The Lammasu clan are actually distantly related to sphinxes. However instead of maintaining a distant relationship between humanity, they decided to embrace it fully… to their great regret.

It at first started with their acceptance as being revered as godlike creatures. This resulted in a “benign” slave system where allowed humans to serve them on a regular basis. This of course lead them to be powerful and engage in other activity not necessary to immediate survival such as magical research and acquiring knowledge.

Too much familiarity with the humans however lead to a certain decadence and the next step of their hubris. No longer content on living off the labor of their human worshippers. It was their intention to play “god” and spread their faith to other groups of humans so that eventually all of these puny beings would serve. So they began to advise their human pets and become directly involved in their petty wars.

Unfortunately, humans do not all think alike and what are “gods” to some, are demons to others. The Lammasu’s humans could not hope to win all the holy wars they were fighting and for all their cruelty and fear mongering, the tide eventually turned.

The first collapsing pillar during this time was when some humans killed one of the great Lammasu. It was a terrific blow that could not be recovered from and did much to shake the foundation that the Lammasu were not godly beings.

Before the Lammasu knew it, they had multiple human cities in open rebellion. They attempted to keep order, but their failed Chimera “children” were useless and ultimately uncontrollable. The humans greatly outnumbered them and it was already proven that the Lammasu could be killed. The fear and respect was gone.

In desperation the greatest Lammasu wizards attempted a ritual that would hopefully regain their status, but as with all great plans it failed not only spectacularly, but also nearly made them completely extinct.

What went exactly wrong is unknown, but what is known is nearly every Lammasu overnight was transformed into something else. Gone were their once proud feline form and what was replaced was one of a bull. A herbivore. A type of creature they once feasted on.

Perhaps it was punishment from real gods to bring them so low. The Lammasu died as a force that day. Their war with the humans was over and those that weren’t killed, were enslaved. Though it hardly mattered since they weren’t even Lammasu anymore. Even their minds in time became more docile and compliant to the whims of their human masters as they now mostly serve as glorified guard dogs to important human structures. (These new “Bull Beasts” are known as the Shedu.)

As for the Lammasu that some how managed to avoid this devastating transformation, they mostly remain nomadic. Some wish to just live out their days free of strife, while others wish to make their clan live again and regain the power they had in their golden age.

Second notes update

Changing the Sphinx civilization from a “democratic” one to being a more traditional monarchy. Reason, it’s still ancient times and I’m taking the ancient Egyptian ruling system (And Lion King Lol.) into consideration. They still tend to be one of the more “progressive” clans however, so the rest of it hasn’t really changed.


Foo Clan: These are those big ass stone lion guardian that are Chinese in origin. Technically they’re called Foo Dogs, or Lion Dogs, but I’ll just call them “Foo” to avoid any canine confusion.

I envision them as a being the biggest of all the clans. Unlike the Lammasu, they have managed to maintain a sizable and very well respected presence within human civilization without collapsing into near extinction or passing themselves off as “gods” and they’ve done this for centuries. Very orderly and powerful.

Displacer Beast Clan: If you have some sort of passing knowledge of D&D, you know what these are. Giant panthers with two tentacles on the sides of their body, the ability to teleport and create mirror images of themselves. They’re probably going to be the sneakiest of the clans for obvious reasons, most probably aren’t even aware of their existence.

Rakshasa Clan: Technically these are demons from India and the southeast asia region and have several different forms. However, again thanks to D&D you often see them portrayed as fancy dressed “tiger people” with backwards hands.

So throwing out most of the “real mythology” on this one and going with the idea that they’re one of the results of Lammasu/human magical crossbreeding. They will basically be “were-tigers” with some magic abilities.

While the Lammasu fell from power and their Chimera “children” are little more than savage beasts, the Rakshasa were intelligent enough to magically hide out within human civilization and take advantage. Many currently hold high positions within human societies.

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago
I can't believe I read all that, but also, I'd play this game.

Was this your idea of a Warrior Cats story done right?

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago

Yeah, I was playing around with a couple ideas with it. I was going back and forth on whether or not to do different perspectives from all the different clans. Probably would have just picked a few of them to do different stories on.

I had a whole parody planned out for the Manticore Clan alone.

Basically their tale would have been attending a large meeting of all the clans where a few members would have went as representatives. Probably would have had the Foo Clan calling it in the first place and their leader giving a big speech on how all the clans should unite.

Then someone from one of the other clans kills the Foo leader and blames it on the Manticores. The Manticores then have to run back to Greece through several miles of enemy territory with every other clan hunting them down.

You'd play as the leader of the Manitcores. Would you succeed in leading them back home?


EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago

I was looking for this amusing abomination. Guess I’ll place it here for Mizal to make a comment on since I’m pretty sure this is her favorite type of story.


Month 6

You stand alone before Nightfur face to face in the field you’ve been trained in by her for the past four months. Your training has been grueling to say the least, you’ve been forced to fight various beasts like ferrets, raccoons and even oversized rats using your fangs and claws as well as battle magic. You’ve been subjected to harsh environment conditions not to mention the psychological torture that Nightfur seems to enjoy. You can’t imagine that your siblings had training this tough.

“Today is the big day Everfur. Today is the day you get to kill me with your own claws.” Nightfur says with her usual wry smile. “Think you can handle that?”?

“If that’s what my training entails today, I shall certainly do my best, Nightfur.”

“Your best won’t be good enough I assure you. Better you should just accept your death now or beg for mercy…but I believe we know you won’t do either of those things mainly because you’re too stupid to know your place.”?“If you say so Nightfur.”

Nightfur’s smile becomes a disappointed frown. She would prefer you to fear her, but that’s no longer going to happen so she’d at least like you to get angry which does happen from time to time. It isn’t always easy maintaining a detached demeanor given how much abuse you’ve put up with, but if you’ve learned anything, it annoys the hell out of her.

“Your attempt at remaining emotionless just continues to prove what a mindless fool you are. Attempting to show bravery when today is the day you know you’re…”

And before she can even complete her sentence you bat your paw at her face. She dodges, but doesn’t quite make it and part of your fist hits the side of her cheek, which staggers her backwards.

You press your attack with another paw bat, but are blocked when she throws up her paw creating a force shield.

“Too bad, that was the only chance you’re going to get.” She says and knocks you to the ground by bowling into you.

You barely have to time to roll out of the way before Nightfur conjures some sort of enchantment on her paw and tries to slash your eyes with it. You get enough distance to cast fireclaws at her, but again she blocks them with her barrier. She counters with some sort of ice cone, which covers you in frost and chills your fur before you can counter it with your own barrier.

Nightfur is relentless with casting spell after spell and you’re getting weaker with each passing moment just trying to keep up your defenses. Nightfur’s magic is not only stronger than yours, but she’s also had a lot more experience in maintaining her stamina while using it. If you keep this up, she’ll kill you for sure.

“I’ve seen better magic cast by half blind hedge bunnies!” Nightfur mocks and casts a poison cloud that suddenly envelops you within your own protective barrier. You instantly feel sick and stagger out of the cloud, vomiting up a bit of blood and hairballs.

You look up just in time for her to see her trying to bring her enchanted paw on your head. You waste no time in enchanting your own to deflect.

“Quit struggling kitten. You’re no match for me!”

She might be right, but just like when you were three months old, you’re not going to just accept death. With all your might you push her back and then bite her wrist causing her to yelp.

The pair of you roll around on the ground with each other scratching and biting. And one point she attempts to bite your throat out, but you headbutt her in the nose and manage to climb on top of her and bite the back of her neck.

The pair of you are a mess, but that’s not the weird part, the weird part is you’re starting to get…excited.

“(Gasp) I can feel your enthusiasm…pressing into me. Well…(gasp) is it everything you expected Everfur?” Nightfur asks, which catches you so off guard you release your fangs from her neck.

Nightfur turns her head enough so she can see your face. Her eyes still display that coldness you’re used to, but there’s something else there. Something…seductive.

“I bet right now, you don’t know whether to kill me… or mount me.”?

“Wha…what?” you exclaim.?

“Don’t deny it…you’ve always wanted me in this way. I know how you’ve looked at my sleek body and my lovely black fur lustfully during our training sessions. I know your violent primal urges. All the hatred you’ve built up over the months for me could only be unleashed in this way. The need to conquer and defile your enemy in every way imaginable. And who am I, but your enemy? Finish it Everfur or am I mistaken and you’re lacking in that simple task as well?” She says and begins to laugh.

Her hissing, her meowing, everything about her are enough to put you over the edge. The twisted thing is she’s right. You do feel some sort of…the word isn’t attraction…you don’t know what the correct word for it would be, but you feel it.

You give in to your primal feline nature and begin thrusting into her roughly.

From there it gets surreal as she goes from continuing to taunt you and howling sounds of ecstasy. She even demands that you to continue biting her on the neck. All of this puts you in such a state of confusion that you have a hard time even finishing. This whole experience is quite unknown to you, but you are enjoying immensely.

When you’ve finished you briefly collapse backwards which is all the time Nightfur needs to gain her advantage. She manages to cast some sort of force spell and slam you against a nearby rock. You can’t move no matter how hard you try. Nightfur, bloodied from your battle approaches you.

“Look at you, you’re already spent.” she remarks getting closer to you as you feel her spell continuing to crush you into the rock.

"That will do Nightfur, the Chieftain wants to see this one." a well groomed tabby suddenly says. You didn't even see him watching.

Nightfur switches her whiskers a bit in distain and ponders a moment on whether or not to actually comply, but eventually she does and you are released.

"Hmph. Very well take this pathetic excuse of a feline then, I'm sure I will have more fun with him later." Nightfur says.

As angry and as exhausted as you are, you still can't help but continue to watch Nightfur walk away, sassily swishing her tail back and forth.

And you wonder, is it because you want to kill her, or is it because you really want her to have your kits someday?

In any case the Chieftain awaits...

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago
Just why...

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago

Funny, that's what James said.

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago
James at least would have been getting off to it.

E: now someone go post this as fanfic on the official Warrior Cats site.

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago

... And this is how Fifty Shades of Grey was made. ^_^

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago

Reading through this kind of reminds me on parts of eternal just.... furrier.

Still don't get all the warrior cats hate here though. If someone would try to write in a style similar to the actual books and does not fall back to the simple pattern of joining a clan and finding a mate it could have quite some potential.

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago

If you weren't here during the dark years of 2013-2015, this place was FLOODED with shitty warrior cat fanfiction and their fans and there was seemingly no end to them.

It took years before they were mostly eradicated from the site and their fans dealt with. Even today, Berka's still finding hidden WC stories that were missed during the purge. Every once in awhile a WC fan shows up, but they're quickly corrected nowadays.

They were such a horrible blight upon this site to the point that they are literally one of the few things actually banned here and that's already a very short list of reasonable things to not have on here to begin with.

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago

The only other writings I can currently find on file is from the “A Hole” series which was basically like a predecessor to stuff like TRASH/Repression/Good Girl/Ebay Escapist/Anime Addict/Love SICK/Suzy etc. and that’s like 10 “Volumes” and 239 pages total. So probably a little too long to post here and you’ve sort of read little pieces of it in a different form in those stories.

That was originally a series of CYOAs I did on “The Never-ending Story Engine” when it was still somewhat lively and had a lot of stories on it and not the sad little…whatever its supposed to be now.

Still, the series in general wasn’t even really a CYOA, I only really did one story path and due to how the site was set up, someone else could add their own branching off points. Nobody ever did on mine though. So it’s definitely more of a linear story.

Anyway, I think most of that series was fine. Probably just as well it was ended when it did. The weaker bits are probably when I was trying to incorporate a couple of collaborative characters and storyline bits from another writer at the time, but she meant well.

Now I do have some High School stuff, but I’m a little too lazy to type all that shit out since that’s all hand written on paper and a lot of it. I doubt if anyone here would be amused by it any way since it’s just me generally being a dick towards people at my school at the time so some of the jokes gets lost in the process.

Highlights though include “The Sickest Story Ever Told” trilogy (I think that was about 200 pages of filth front and back) and the masterpiece “Looking For Head” all which included several female classmates at the time (and someone’s mom). I’m pretty sure if I was a teenager today writing that stuff and passing it around the school for all to enjoy, I probably would have gotten kicked out and charged as a sex offender or something ridiculous like that.

But it was a different time and the girls were cool about it. (And it was Detroit, so nobody gave a shit)

There was also a post apocalyptic story from high school that I wrote for English class, but I think that one is gone. That was okay if a bit generic. Protagonist merc (Blaster Joe) goes up against a giant mutant cockroach by the name of Gorn (No seriously) Anyway Joe gets hired and tries to defend this town against overwhelming odds, fails and gets captured, fights his way out, saves a nice mutant girl and destroys Gorn's base in the end. (Gorn lives to vow revenge though) Can't even remember the name of that one.

Now what I wish I could find are the two “lost” stories. One from 7th grade and one from 1st grade. If I had both of those, I’d definitely go through the effort to type them up and post them here.

The 7th grade one was a Halloween one where these young siblings found a ritual and summoned demons and undead and well to make a long story short, everyone got killed in the end. (There was a bit more to it than that, but not much more)

The 1st grade one was AUTHOR SELF INSERT FANFIC LOL.

I was really into this video game Forbidden Forest on my C64. Basic premise was you were this archer and you had to kill all these creatures in a forest and advance to the next wave until you finally had to fight the Demogorgon.

Anyway I was inspired to write which meant I made myself the archer and killing all the creatures. Pretty simplistic stuff since I went wave by wave just like who the video game plays out.

Probably would have been the end of it, but I ended up writing a sequel which was me against the phantom creature who managed to survive to the first story. It didn’t even stay dead in the sequel, which prompted a third story which would be the last and ultimately resulted in me defeating the phantom so soundly that it ended up becoming my servant. I guess it was all about six written pages front and back total.

Now probably my focus on the phantom in particular is due to the fact that it took fucking forever for me to beat him in the game. Seriously, the giant snake and the Demogorgon that come after him were way easier.

Basically he summons an infinite number of skeletons which you can kill, but they’ll never stop coming after you until you kill the phantom. And killing it was difficult for me (at least for a while) because the phantom teleports all of the place and you have to get a perfect arrow shot to his hooded “face” which is hard to do when skeletons are trying to shove spears in your face.

The game was also cool because it had some pretty violent death scenes for back then.

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago
Commended by mizal on 7/31/2020 11:54:16 AM

Still would like to work on this one, one day. I feel like I'd need to rework it though.


Created to protect not necessarily to serve…

200 B.A.

"Derek, you still think you can develop GRN-1 into a true A.I.?"

"Well that's the plan isn't it? A machine that could think completely on its own could do wonders for humanity."

"Yeah…I guess so."

"What's wrong with you Harold? This is supposed to be an exciting project and you're lucky to be involved. Show a little enthusiasm boy!"

"I…I dunno. I guess I just get worried about the future of what we're doing."

"Such as?"

"Well what if it takes control of our computers and machines and causes a rebellion or something…"

"You've been watching too many bad twentieth century vids again. Seriously, any sentient A.I. we create wouldn't automatically be some kill all humans psychopath. It would work for humanity's best interest because we could teach it!"

"Yeah, but what if another one is created by people that aren't as nice as we are, or what if it learns to replicate itself? I mean who knows what could happen then?"

"You worry too much Harold. You always have. Trust me, a breakthrough like this is going to save humanity one day! And lord knows we need saving. I'm not a religious man, but if I have to have faith, then I'd place it in this project. I suggest you do too."

"I suppose so Derek. Let's go over those numbers again…"

130 B.A.

"So wait let me get this straight. You're telling me not only is there going to be an asteroid that will hit the earth in approximately 130 years, but that we can't stop it?"

"No, Mr. President. We have no weapon that could do enough damage to it. Even if we convinced all other nations with space missile capabilities it still wouldn't be enough."

"See I told you this is what happens when you cut the military budget!"

While the president, his advisors, generals and scientists all began to talk at once, Clarence Felek piped up. It was a long shot, but perhaps this time could get people to pay attention. Attention that had been neglected to the project for a long time.

"Mr. President. GRN-1 has come up with a possible solution to the problem."


"GRN-1 sir. It's an A.I."

"It's a failed project that's somehow been limping along for decades on and off with little success. Dunno how it even still gets funding."

"That's not true! GRN-1 has displayed signs of true independent thought! In fact that's why I bring this up. When we first learned about this asteroid, I asked GRN-1 for advice and after a day or so of processing, he advised leaving the planet."

"Oh great. Wonderful idea. I could've came up with that!" an advisor sneers.

"Where the hell are we supposed to go, Mars?" a general snaps.

"Erm, according to his calculations the slam of the asteroid is going to be so great that the impact is probably going to alter the orbit of the planets closest to us. Mars wouldn't be an option."

"Professor Felek, if you have something useful to contribute, do it now because the future of the goddamn human race is at stake."

"Right, so as I said GRN-1 not only suggested leaving the planet, but created a plan of how to do it. I have some schematics right here and everything is theoretically sound…"

Clarence unrolled a large plan of a space ship for the president and everyone else in the room. Not just a regular space ship though, an ark. It was impressive and very detailed. The sheer size of such a project caused a wave of silence in the room.

"You can't be serious. We don't have the funds to build something like this! Better we should invest in a weapon that can blow that fucking asteroid apart! We've got the time after all!" a general remarked.

"And if we did, there's a good chance we'd just get destroyed by several smaller asteroids instead of one big one."

"Oh another prediction by your tin man, I suppose?"

"Enough! Look General Resser is right; Even if I was inclined to believe that this ship would work, I just don't see how this would be feasible economically." The president replied.

"Well maybe we could call on other nations to help."

"Riiiiiight, like they're going to be standing in line to help us build a fucking space ark!" Resser said.

"They would if their lives are at stake. I mean I'm pretty sure our scientists aren't the only ones who have discovered these findings for the asteroid. If the human race is at stake as you say, then wouldn't it be best to have all of humanity come together for once to build this means of escape? Look if the whole world pulled together on this, GRN-1 says we could have this ship finished in half the time it will take the asteroid to get here! Hell, maybe we could even evacuate most of the planet!"

The president looked over the diagram for a long time. It was indeed a very impressive concept. He almost wanted to believe it could work, but he had been in office long enough to not place his faith in such impossible odds. Clarence was told his idea was a nice one, but impractical at this time. Though given that GRN-1 came up with this idea, perhaps a bit more funding should go into the program, after all maybe it will come up with a better solution. At least he hoped it would for the sake of future generations.

67 B.A.

"Finally! After decades of fucking around, the so called great nations of the world finally decide to fucking listen. Not that it's going to do any good now anyway. Clarence was right, humanity is probably better off extinct!"

"Calm down Miranda, at least they're even building the ship now."

"Yeah and who says we're going to finish it in time now? And even if we do, who do you think is going to be aboard it first? Probably all the children of the same assholes who shot down this idea decades ago and other privileged jerk offs. Some great new society we'll build with those types."

"Actually everyone involved in building the ship and the GRN-1 project have been assured passage."

"Great. I get to float in space with said jerk off assholes for who knows how long…I'm sorry Kevin it's just all of this could've been avoided a long time ago and it frustrates me sometimes."

"I know, but here's some good news, GRN-1 came up with some ideas of how to build the ship faster, so I'm fairly confident that with his new streamlined concepts we'll still save lots of people."

"Heh, GRN-1 never ceases to amaze me. Despite everything, it's still is trying to find ways of saving as many people on this doomed planet as possible."

"Well it's just trying to find the best way to go about things as efficiently as possible and isn't hampered by ego or emotions in doing so."

"I dunno, sometimes he seems more human than most humans sometimes."

"I wouldn't go that far Miranda. Old doctor Derek Taws and his staff just made sure to teach it to always protect humanity. It's a learned trait rather than any genuine empathy. Don't think GR is quite up to actually feeling anything like human emotion yet and thank god it hasn't or we'd probably all be fucked."

3 B.A.

"Am I to be uploaded into the Earth Ship Savior soon?" you ask.

"Yes, Guardian, you will be. Probably in the next few days. The sooner the better, because I get the impression humanity is bound and determined to destroy itself before the bloody asteroid even gets here." Carl Jacobs replies.

"I do not understand. What is going on doctor Jacobs?"

"Nothing much, just humanity being itself as usual. Trust me you're better off not knowing all the gruesome details otherwise you'd probably curse yourself for helping us in the first place."

"I would never do such a thing doctor."

"Heh, yeah I know. That's why I like you, because you don't know any better. Anyway I want to thank you personally for trying to save all of our asses, because lord knows you're probably not going to hear it from anyone else, at least not on any meaningful level. Just wanted to let you know that before you're blasting off into parts unknown."

"You are welcome doctor, but I do not understand, will you not be on the vessel?"

"No, no I won't I'm afraid. I apparently offended someone high up in power and now I'm not getting aboard. Sucks, but what can you do?"

"That…that does not seem correct. I was told that all who were directly involved in the Guardian or Savior projects were assured passage."

"Heh, well things change. Doesn't matter anyway. If those are the sort of people getting on board this thing I think I'm better off with the asteroid."

"That sounds like something doctor Miranda Eben would have said."

"Yeah, well she wasn't wrong. The fact she died years ago makes her one of the lucky ones that doesn't have to deal with this shit anymore."

"I suppose so, but what will you do?"

"Me? Well I don't have any family so I guess I'll just party it up until the asteroid hits years like most seem to be doing. Hell, maybe I'll even join in a riot or two; those seem to be getting popular nowadays."

After a brief pause of silence Carl Jacobs speaks again.

"See you in the next life Guardian and don't let 'em push you around too much up there because despite everything, YOU'RE the reason they're all alive in the first place. You always have been. While they're fighting and arguing, it'll be your job to keep 'em alive and in line if necessary. Hopefully if another habitable planet is ever found humanity will have evolved a little bit from its current asshole stage and will start over fresh. Probably not, but here's hoping."

1 B.A.

"Okay Gale, looks like its working. Nothing like doing things at the last minute eh?"

"I don't understand why Guardian wasn't uploaded two years ago when it was supposed to be!"

"Well nobody anticipated mass assassinations of various world leaders and a couple of nuclear bombs being set off in major cities. Shit got put on hold and tied up in red tape. No biggie, just be glad we're doing it now and getting on board that ship."

"I don't know how you maintain your laidback attitude with all the chaos going on around us, Jack."

"Clean living I guess. Okay let's see…"

Uploading to Earth Ship Savior…




Upload complete. I now have complete access to Savior's systems.


Guardian is now online and awaiting further instructions.

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago
It's not finished! D:

I was getting into it and waiting for the computer to fuck everyone spectacularly.

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago

I like this one. I hope it gets finished.

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago

Yeah that one is something I'd like to do more with some day.

EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago

Prom Night

You groggily wake up and get out of bed.
"Hey asshole wake the fuck up!"
"I'm up goddammit! You can see I'm sitting up in your fuckin' bed!" you yell back at your Mom who's getting dressed for work.
"You better watch your mouth; you've been getting out of line lately. What with you constant partying, and staying out late."
"Yeah? Well maybe I'd like to fuck someone who isn't related to me, you sick bitch."

Your mom throws a lamp at you which you narrowly avoid.

"How dare you talk to me that way, you ungrateful asshole! You're lucky I fuck you at all anymore! I don't hear you complaining."
"I didn't say I didn't like it...oh fuck it. I'm done. This relationship is over."
"The hell it is!" your Mom attacks you, but you counter and get her in an unbreakable hold.
"Its over Mom. I'm not a scared little boy anymore, and I'm saying its over. You can beat me all you want, but this is the last time I'm going back to the womb."

You slowly let Mom up, awaiting an attack, but she doesn't.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything to you...yet."
She continues as she finishes getting ready for work.
"You call me sick, I find that laughable. And your remark about not wanting to fuck someone not related to you is hilarious. I guess Sally slipped your mind eh? Of course she didn't. That's all you ever think about, isn't it? Your fuckin' psychotic l'il crush is so fuckin' obvious, it’s pathetic. You think she could ever love an asshole like you? Hah! The only reason she's even nice to you, is because she pities you! You're no better than Keith you know that? Except he's got money, charm and looks! And he's got Sally! You know they're going to the prom tonight right? He finally got the courage to ask her out. Courage that you never even fuckin' had to tell her how you felt!"
"Shut up, you fuckin' bitch! She's just goin with him as a friend!"
"Yeah, well I think Keith's getting tired of that arrangement. And Sally must be too, if she's going to the prom with him. Yep, he should have her on all fours by the end of the night..."

You pick up the lamp that your Mom threw and hurl it back at her, which she dodges.

"Face it. I'm the only one who's gonna be with you. And when you finally realize that, after crying like a fuckin' pussy over Sally, I'll be right here, laughing at your sorry ass."

You stand silent to your Mom's harsh words.
"Oh and one more thing. Better start sleeping light asshole." she says before leaving.

You punch the wall in rage and feel an overwhelming urge to commit something ultra violent.

However, you resist the urge to dress in a black trench coat and kill everyone. You've got to do something though, and your Mom, unknown to her just motivated you to do it. You gotta tell Sally how you feel. You don't care what the consequences are. There's no school today, it being a Saturday and all, but you remember she's there helping set it up for the prom tonight.

Of course you won't be allowed in, since you're not a senior, let alone on the prom committee. In fact you're not even allowed at the damn school for a week since you got suspended for putting super glue in the football team's helmets. (You also made Dave put it in their jock straps, since you didn't want to touch those things)

Needless to say they've been looking for you, and most of them were seniors, so they might be lingering around. On top of all this, the fuckin' vice principal Mr. Raker has had it in for you since you got there. And he's probably overseeing the entire thing.
Yep, gonna be pretty tough to sneak in to get her, the only good thing about all this is you know that Keith's Dad makes him work with him on the weekends, so he won't be seeing Sally until tonight, giving you some time.

You gotta  think about how to sneak in...
Well you think about going it alone, but this might be the time where Dave MIGHT actually be useful. Being the thieving junkie he is, he knows all about how to sneak in and out of places without getting caught. (Well usually)

You decide to get him. It’s late enough for him to be up, but early enough for him not to be partying, so he's probably hanging out at Jack's.

You head over to Jack's and enter, there you see Dave standing around reading comic books, Rick moving boxes and Jack screaming at his computer screen from his wheelchair.

"You stupid motherfuckers don't know shit about Star Wars!"
Hmmm, seems his accident hasn't improved his disposition.
"What the hell's up with you limp dick?" you say.
"Shut the fuck up asshole! I told you to stop calling me that!"
"How about I call you fat piece of shit instead? Cause you're packing on the lard, tubby! Should start callin' this place Fat Jack's Comic Cosmos."
"I don't have time for your assholiness right now, I'm arguing with these fuckwads about Star Wars."
"Who Dave and Rick?"
"No dude, he's got his computer hooked up to some sort of network or something so you can talk to people far away."
"Yeah and right now I'm arguing with some fuckos calling themselves Eujedi and Lewiga. And they both don't know shit!" Jack screams at the screen again, typing madly.
"Why the fuck would you wanna talk to someone you can't even see? I don't even like talking to the ones I can." you say shaking your head.
"Be that as it may, I gotta talk to you Dave, let's head outside."
"Yeah, sure dude." Dave says sneakily swiping the comic he was reading.

As you leave a young girl runs into you falling on the ground.

"Watch where the hell you're goin', you little bitch!" you snarl.
"Damn dude! That was fuckin' harsh!! Don't be such a fuckin' asshole!" Dave goes over to help the little girl up. "Are you alright?"
"I just...I just wanted to get Queen of Darkness before they sold out." she says still nervously watching you.
"Well you're in luck, I just stole, I mean bought the last one, but I read it, so here you go!" Dave says giving her the comic.
"Wow, thanks mister!" she says perked up.
"What the fuck are you reading that shit for Dave? That's a chick comic."
"I dunno dude, I gotta thing for that goth look I guess."

Suddenly an angry woman takes the little girl away.

"Betty! What've I told you about talking to stranger? Come on! And I told you not to read this stuff! You want to be popular and normal don't you?"

As her Mom drags her away, she waves goodbye to Dave with the comic still in hand. Dave waves back.

"What a cute little girl. Anyway what did you want to talk to me about?"
"I need you to help me sneak into school so I can talk to Sally."
"Dude, can't it wait until later? We're not exactly wanted there! And if any of those football players are around they're gonna kick my ass too!"
"NO! It can't wait! I gotta talk to her NOW!" you say lifting Dave in the air and slamming him against the wall.
"Alright you crazy asshole! I got it! Geez, what the fuck's so important anyway?"
"Nevermind, so can you get me in?"
"Yeah, but once you're in, you're on your own."
"Oh no, you gotta get me outta there too. I know that you know every escape route and hiding spot in that place."
"No buts Dave, now move!" you say pushing Dave.

You and Dave sneak in the school. Its pretty deserted, just the prom committee are around...and their football playing boyfriends. Everyone's in the gym, including Sally. You've got to lure her out, or get all the football players out.

"Okay Dave, get in there."
"WHAT!? Fuck you asshole! They probably hate me even more than you, I put the glue in their jock straps remember?"
"Exactly, you can run in, they'll chase you and then I can talk to Sally."
Dave looks at you in defeat, knowing he doesn't have any choice in the matter.
"Alright, lemme get a good start though."
Dave pulls out some pills and pops them in his mouth, then he takes out a vial of coke and snorts it up.
"AH! That's better! Woo!"
"You're gonna fuckin' OD one day."
"Nah, not me! Okay here I go! YEAH!"
Dave runs into the gym.
"Hey you gay ass fuckin' jocks, did your hair on your balls grow back yet?"
"Get that fuckin' junkie!” A jock shouts.
Dave runs out of the gym with half the football team in pursuit. You are hidden in an empty classroom and when you see that the coast is clear you enter the gym.
"Hey you're not allowed in here!" a girl says.
"Fuck you bitch! I'm not here to see your ugly ass." you say to her, still walking towards Sally.
"Bro, what the hell's goin on, you know Dave just came running in here. And you're not even allowed here! You need to leave before you get into more trouble!"
"I can't do that. I gotta talk to you, it’s REALLY important." you say, then you hear a booming voice behind you.
"Mr. Morningstar! I might've known you'd break the rules! When I saw your junkie friend Mr. Newburger running around the building I knew you had to be around. What're you up to?" Mr. Raker says walking towards you.
"I just gotta talk to my sister, its really important. Then I'll leave."
"Who do you think you are? You don't give the orders around here! I do! And Sally's a model student; she doesn't need you to mess up her last few days here by getting her involved in your juvenile delinquency."

He's almost upon you, while you'd like to punch his fuckin' teeth in, you don't want to go to juvie at this point. Because then you REALLY wouldn't be able to be with Sally.

"Sally, when you get home to get dressed for the prom. I gotta talk to you! SERIOUSLY!"
"Okay but..."
You kiss Sally on the lips and run out the back door.
"Hey you asshole come back here! Mr. Raker shouts attempting to give chase, but gets winded after 5 steps.
You run outside and see Dave running for his life from the same jocks who look like they stopped off at the sports supply room because now they've got some bats.

"RUN YOU FUCKIN' ASSHOLE!" Dave screams running past you.

You begin to run where upon you hear the jocks shouting.
"Alright, we're gonna get to beat both of them faggots today!"
"Don't you guys get enough of that at your gay S&M club?" you shout back, enraging them further.

Well it looks like all that sex with Mom paid off since you're in good enough physical condition to successfully outrun a bunch of athletes. Dave doesn't look so good though. His high is wearing off.

"I (pant) can't make it dude! (wheeze)"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, dude! (Pant)"
"Good I was getting tired of running from these steroid freaks anyway!"
You immediately stop and trip up the jock that was right behind you, knocking him face first into the concrete, dropping his bat. You kick him in the side of the head and pick up his bat.
"Little different, without all that protective gear on eh?"
A couple more jocks reach you at this point and you smash one in the chest with a bat breaking it and some of his ribs.
"You're dead asshole!"

The bat from the other one narrowly misses your head and now the other three are on you. One of them manages to grab you. You pull out your knife at this point and stab him in the arm.

"Agh shit!" he yells releasing you, clutching his arm.

The other three start to encircle you getting ready to pounce. This looks bad, you could take one of them, maybe two, but not this many. And where the fuck is Dave? That fuckin' cowardly junkie saved his own ass! While you were fighting for your life, he fuckin' ran off!

And went and got Rick.

"RICK NOT A RETARD!" Rick screams at the top of his lungs, and smashes his hands together on one of the jock's heads, breaking his eardrums. He falls screaming in pain clutching his bleeding ears. Two of the others smack Rick with their bats, but it doesn't even faze him, they might as well be hitting him with a piece of paper.

While Rick is taking care of those two, the one who you stabbed in the arm tackles you to the ground and starts punching you in the face. You manage to get him off of you by smacking him in the head with a nearby rock. As you're trying to get a second wind, Dave from out of blue, jumps on the jocks back.
"I got him dude! Wait! Argh!"

The jock slams Dave to the ground, ripping his clothes in the process. Then he gets on top of him, as Dave struggles to break free.

"Help me asshole! He's trying to rape me!" Dave screams.
"If I was trying to rape you, you'd like it!" the jock says disturbingly, just before he feels a bat upside the head.
"First and ten bitch! Time to fuckin' punt!" you say and kick the jock so hard in the nuts that he'll be able to save tons of money for that sex change operation. Dave gets a few kicks in, now that his attacker is in no condition to do anything to him. Rick has completely decimated his victims and is now walking over to you.
"RICK GO BACK TO WORK NOW ASSHOLE." he says and walks off.
"How'd you get him here so quick?"
"I ran into Jack's and told him there were a bunch of fuckin' dickheads calling him a retard and he ran out of there like a bat out of hell."
"That fuckin' easy?"
"Yeah, dude."
"Neat trick, I'll have to remember to use it in the future."
"So you get to talk to Sally?"
"No, that fucktard Mr. Raker stopped me before I could, I 'll have to get her at home."
"What?! I told you to do that in the first place asshole!"
"Ah quit complaining, at least we don't have to worry about these fucks anymore."
"Yeah, I guess you're right, looks like I've got some celebrating to do, I'll see you later."

Dave walks back home with the full intention of getting really wasted. You head back home too, shit, it’s been a fucking fucked up day, all you want to do is talk to Sally. You enter your room and lie on the bed. Sally won't be home for a few more hours, damn you're tired. Stupid fuckin' jocks...(Yawn) yeah when Sally gets home you can tell her, and she'll forget all about fuckin' Keith...(Yawn) then you can be...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...


You groggily wake up and get out of bed. Shit! You overslept! It’s dark outside. You quickly run around the house calling for Sally, but she’s not here, she must be at the prom already!

No time or point in getting help. Dave's gonna be useless at this point and the street lights are on, so Rick won't be allowed out. Doesn't matter, the football players aren't a threat anymore and you can avoid that Vice pissant, the only person you gotta deal with is Keith. You run outside and see Mom pulling up. She's home early.

"Well, well, well, I see you decided to wait for me just like I knew you would. Sally didn't turn you down too bad did she?" your Mom smirks.
"I haven't told her yet."
"Hah! I knew you wouldn't have the balls to do it! Or maybe that's not it, maybe your feelings for me prevented you perhaps?" your Mom says running her fingers through your hair.
"Don't worry, I forgive you..."
"Mom, I'm in no mood for your shit, not after the day I had. I need your car."
"What for asshole?"
"I gotta drive to the school quick so..."
Your Mom is furious! She slaps you across the face.
"Why you arrogant asshole! You wanna use MY car in some vain attempt to hook up with Sally? She doesn't love you! She'll never love you like the way..." your Mom trails off into silence.

She doesn't say anything for a few seconds, and then she goes into fire and brimstone mode.

"You're a fuckin' loser asshole! You wanna make a fuckin' fool outta yourself, be my fuckin' guest! Here's the fuckin' keys! I hope you catch them doin' the fuckin' humpty dance in the back seat of his fuckin' Porche! Then I hope you fuckin' beat the fuck outta them so bad that you fuckin' kill 'em and then you get sent to fuckin' prison where you can become everyone's butt boy, crying out my fuckin name begging for me to save you! That way I don't have to deal with either one of you! Get the fuck outta my sight asshole!"

You pick up the keys and say nothing. You just get in the car and drive. As you drive you contemplate every situation and every scenario that could happen and think about how you'll deal with it. You finally arrive, and you quickly survey the parking lot for Keith's car to make sure they're even here.

Yep there's his car, and its starting up! They're leaving early! You quickly run back to the car and start it up. As they leave you follow them far enough away so they don't notice. You KNOW where he's heading, you sense it! He's driving her to Paradise Point! Its the make out spot of the town, you remember when Mom used to take you there.


Goddamn, cheap ass tires! You pull over and get out. Fuckin' blow out. Wonderful.

You're not that far, but you walk from here.


As Keith parked his Porsche, Sally raised her eyes in suspicion.

"Uh, why are we here again?"
"To look at the stars! This is the best place to see them! Away from the lights...away from, well just look at them! Aren't they breath taking? Just like you."
"Yes they are lovely." Sally says politely.
"Just like you." Keith says again.
"Yes, well I'd like to go home now."
"But the night is still young! And you're so beautiful! And lovely..."
"And tired! And you're starting to creep me out, Keith."

Keith's expression drops from a look of euphoric happiness, to a look grim disappointment.

"Oh what the hell do you want to go home for?"
"Because like I said, I'm fucking tired! Plus I wanna know what my brother wanted to tell me so badly. I would've woke him up, but he looked so cute sleeping peacefully, that I didn't want to disturb him."
"What the hell does it matter what he wanted to tell you? He's a fuckin' psycho. I heard what he and his gang did to those football players."
"He was defending himself, I'm sure. And he doesn't have a gang!"

"What are you always sticking up for him? You're better than him! You're better than your home! You're better than this whole fucked up town! Look Sally, as you probably know my Dad shut down his nearby factory not to long ago, so my dad's business is moving, and I'm gonna go work for him. And when we move I want you to come with me. I can make you so happy; I can buy you all the things you deserve. I can take you away from this god forsaken hellhole of a town. Away from your fucked up family and especially away from your fucked up asshole brother! I love you Sally. I always have. The first time I saw you, I knew you were the one for me. You're so nice, and good, and virginal..."
"Okay Keith! Stop! Look I went with you to the prom as a friend, and that's all we are. I mean that's sweet that you feel that way about me, but I just don't have those feelings for you."
"But...but you could. I mean you have to. I love you! You have to love me back! Those are the rules!"
"I'm sorry Keith, but I love another. I think its best if you just took me home."
"Love another? How...who? I’ve never seen you express any feelings for anyone in..."

Keith's expression turns to horror when he comes to the ONLY conclusion.

"OH MY GOD! Ugh! Its HIM! I'm gonna be sick!"

Keith opens his car door and pukes his guts out.

"How could you? HRUP! He's an asshole! He's your fucking brother! UUURRGH!"
"I know, but it doesn't matter to me, because I know he's the one for me, I've always known." Sally says looking off in the distance with a smile, completely ignoring Keith, who's recovered from his bout of sickness.
"You're just as crazy as he is! My god how could I have loved you? After all the years I spent on you! After all the other women I turned down! After all the times I carved your name into my walls! After all the times I spent masturbating to your image! You never loved me! You purposely toyed with me, you cruel twisted bitch!" Keith yells in frothing anger.
"Now Keith, I know you're upset, but you better just fucking calm down, I don't like the way you're speaking to me."
"FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! I'm not gonna calm down! I'll make you love me, you incestuous cock teasing bitch!"

Keith lunges at Sally who jumps out of the car. Keith crawls over to the passenger's side to get Sally, but when he gets to the door, he looks up to see an altogether figure.

"Say goodbye to your looks pretty boy!" a voice says and the door slams, catching Keith's head in the process.

You pull Keith out of the car after smashing his head in the door a few times and begin to beat him mercilessly. Somehow he manages to throw you off of him and scrambles to his car's glove comparment to grab his gun. As you pick yourself up, he backs off staggering, pointing the gun at you.
"What're you gonna do with that pretty boy? You trying to piss me off even more?"
"Shut the fuck up asshole!" he screams barely able to keep the gun straight.
"Keith, shooting him isn't going to make me love you." Sally tries to reason.
"I don't care anymore! Maybe I should shoot you instead! This is all your fault! (Sob) Why couldn't you have just loved me? I'm right for you! I'm..."
Keith stops talking. He looks at you and then he looks at Sally sadly.

"FUCK IT!!" Keith shouts and blows his brains out.

As he slumps down dead, Sally runs over to you crying. You hold and comfort her.
"Shhh, its over now. I'm here for you. Now and forever, Sally because I love you." you say.
"And I love you." she says and you passionately kiss each other.


"And so that's the tale of when me and your grandmother finally got together."
"Wow, that story had everything grandpa!" Cindy says.
"Alright that's enough stories for tonight now go to bed." you tell Cindy who runs off to her room.
Sally comes out of the kitchen.
"Honey, do you think you should've told her about the whole suicide bit?"
"Well yeah! That's what happened! Besides that's the best part of the story! Hey I left out the part where we went home later and had sex like rabid weasels! I think I REALLY pissed off Mom that night! Ha Ha! What I never could figure out is why he didn't at least try to shoot one of us, or me at least." you say.
"What good would've that done? If he killed me, he wouldn't have me. And if he killed you, he wouldn't have had me either."
"Yeah, but at least he would've got some sort of petty psycho revenge. Hell he was rich, he probably would've gotten away with it. Well that's what I would've done if I was him."
"Hmm, I guess its lucky that YOU weren't Keith."
"Yeah, especially since he's dead. Hah!"
"Hmm. Well what I could never figure out is why he killed himself. I mean its not like he couldn't have had a good life without me." Sally says.
"I highly doubt that, since I can't imagine my life without you, so I suppose Keith couldn't either."

You and Sally smile and hold each other for the remainder of the night, saying nothing, but knowing how the other feels, until you both drift off to sleep on the couch.



EndMaster's short stories

7 years ago

Higher Learning

“Sally, I love you, but you’re nuts!” you say.
“But Junior has to go to school!” Sally replies back.
“I know that! But there’s no way he can go to a regular school! The other kids will either run in fear, or try to tease him, which will result in him eating one of them. Either way, the teachers are gonna bitch about him to us, and say he won’t be able to attend anyway!”
“Not necessarily, let’s just try it.”
“I’d rather not go through the fuckin’ hassle! Junior can learn everything he needs to know on the internet! He’s proven to be pretty resourceful, and smart already, so all we have to do is find those “self teaching” websites or whatever, and let him go at it. If there’s anything else he’s interested in, it’s just a click away.”
“Yeah, but that’s not the same thing as formal schooling…”
“Sally, really now, do you remember most of the stupid shit they taught in school? Because I sure didn’t, and I sure as hell didn’t need a lot of it.”
“Hmm, maybe you should paid more attention in English class, your grammar is atrocious!” Sally laughs. “I suppose you’re right, in some ways though, I taught myself a lot of stuff, without the help of any formal training.”
“See? And Junior’s pretty curious about everything, so he’ll probably try to learn everything he can, and we can give him those book tests you find in stores, or download them off the net to test him every now and then, and if we find that he starts slacking, we kick his ass to get back on the right track.”
“Hey!” Sally says disapprovingly.
“You know what I mean.” you say.
“So you’re proposing that we just leaving Junior alone in front of a computer all day?”
“We can’t do that!”
“Why not? Shit, I wished I got left in front of a computer all fuckin’ day instead of having to go to school with a bunch of fucktards!”
“But you wouldn’t have met your friends, Dave and Rick if that happened.”
“Like I said, going to school, with a bunch of fucktards! Junior will be fine! We know he’s fully capable of being alone by himself. Trust me, this’ll work out!”
“Hmmm, I don’t know…” Sally says hesitantly.

You go up to Sally and hold her, reassuring her that everything will be fine. She’s still hesitant, but agrees to try it. The next day, Junior’s all set up with everything he needs. There’s an extended hugging and kissing period by Sally, who’s still worried about her special little mutant being alone.

“Now you know the phone number to the Salon and the Comic Shop right?” Sally asks again.
“Yes Mama.” Junior replies, as Sally hugs him again.
“Alright, Sally, don’t smother the boy! He’ll be fine! And you, you better not play video games all day! Do your work! I’ll know!”

Sally kisses Junior once more and you both leave for work.
In the following months, this situation actually proves to work out quite well; Junior seems to be doing everything he’s told to do. No worries at all, Sally is relieved and glad your idea is working out.

Unfortunately it’s working out TOO well, as you discover one day…

“Hey Sally! Are you home yet? What the fuck?!” you say tripping over a medium metal object just in the doorway.
“Who the hell left a thermo-nuclear bomb in the doorway?...........WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A FUCKIN’ THERMO-NUCLEAR BOMB IN THE DOORWAY IN THE FIRST PLACE???!!!”

You look around and Junior’s been…busy.

There’s weird scribbling all over the walls, with partial thoughts and incomprehensible formulas. There’s also a few other strange things laying around that you can’t even begin to imagine what they are for, but they’re either weapons, or really bizarre sex toys.

“JUNIOR! Where are you?”
“He’s down in the basement.” A high pitched voice says.
“Eugene? What the fuck are you doing here?”
“You son called me up, asking me what I knew about quantum physics and the chaos theory. I told him, and then he said he was making a perpetual motion machine. Naturally such a thing is impossible, so I said he couldn’t, and he said he’s almost done, so I came over to prove him wrong, and then…”
“Eugene will you shut the fuck up? Didn’t you find it strange that a child, even a smart mutated one, was talking to you like fuckin’ Albert Einstein?”
“I dunno, I was kinda like that when I was a kid, before I heard the calling of the Force that is!” Eugene says proudly.

“Hmm, the world’s loss is that franchise’s gain. Jesus Christ, look at these sites he’s been looking up! I have no idea why he needs to know about necrocybernetics and psionic genetic engineering, but I’m putting a stop to this right now! Hey Eugene, why aren’t you looking after Lucas and Lea?”
“I brought them with me…they’re down in the basement with your son.” Eugene suddenly realizes the gravity of the situation.

You and Eugene quickly run downstairs, and see Junior near a switch which is connected to some electrodes which are in turn connected to Lucas’ head. Lea is playfully grabbing at Junior’s tentacles as he writes something down.

“LUCAS! LEA!” Eugene screams, knocking you out of the way, quickly disconnecting Lucas and snatching him up. Eugene is equally quick about snatching up Lea.
“Lea! Don’t play with other boy’s erm…tentacles!”
“Boy, you better have a REALLY good explanation for this! ALL of this!” you say to Junior.
“We were just playing! Lucas kept saying how his Dad talked about the Force, and I said I found a way that you can temporarily display those powers they show in those movies, just with a certain jolt of energy to your head. It unleashes dormant psionic powers That’s all me and Lucas were doing.”
“Really?” Eugene asked. “Hey hook those up to…”
“Get outta here Eugene!” you snarl, as he quickly runs up the stairs with his kids.

You turn your attention back to Junior.
“Now I’m not EVEN gonna ask if you tested that little theory before attempting to electrocute Lucas, or why you built a small nuclear bomb, or even where you got the materials to build such a thing. I’m not gonna ask why the walls are covered with writing that looks like a formula for creating a planet, or any of that. I just want to know why!
“I dunno, after I was done with my assignments I got bored.”
“That’s it? That’s your answer for turning the house into a fuckin’ evil genius’ hideout? You couldn’t have just played video games or some shit?”
“Well I did that, then I started surfing the internet, and there were some interesting things on there, so…”
“Arrrgh! Nevermind! We gotta clean this stuff up! If your mother sees this, I’ll never hear the…”
“Junior where are you? And I know YOU’RE here too, because your car’s in the driveway! We need to talk NOW!” you hear Sally say from upstairs.
“Fuck. See what you did?!” you say to Junior.

After a LONG discussion, Junior’s punishment, is no internet until further notice and he has to clean up all the mess he made (particularly the walls). Sally is also displeased, that a couple of those sites in between the mad scientist ones he was looking at were adult websites, although he claims he was merely studying human biology. (You quietly breathe a sigh of relief that he was only looking at naked women though)

After sending Junior to bed, Sally’s displeasure now extends to you.

“Alright, alright, you made your point! How the hell did I know he was gonna do all that shit? But think about it now, he’s learned his lesson and he won’t try this again. Let’s just give him a rest for a few weeks.”
“No! He’s become isolated and weird!”
“Um he IS isolated and weird!”
“Well that’s the problem! He needs to be around others, so he doesn’t get warped! School isn’t all about academics; it’s also a social learning experience. He needs to go to school, to learn how to interact with others so he doesn’t see people as all potential experiments.”
“Actually I think after interacting with other people, he’ll be MORE convinced that they should be used as lab rats. I know I do.”
“Well let’s just try it.” Sally says.
“Alright, but I know what’s gonna happen.”

The next day you and Sally go to the local elementary school with Junior. And just like you thought, the screams and scampering of little children follow. As you approach the door, a figure opens it up and stands in your way. Oh fuck, not him. He’s much older now, but you’d remember that ball busting prick anywhere.

“Mr. Morningstar! I never thought, I’d see YOU ever again. I figured you’d be serving in Nethergate Penitentiary.”
“Mr. Raker. What the fuck are you doing here?” you ask.
“Promotion, transferal, in any case I’M the Principal of THIS school, and I demand to know why YOU’RE here, Mr. Morningstar!”
“Mr. Raker, we’re just trying to enroll our my son into this school.” Sally says
Mr. Raker looks over at Sally and his expression instantly changes from hostile dickhead to lecherous old man.
“Sally! Ah how you’ve changed. I remember you being one of our best students, and might I add one of our prettiest.” He says looking Sally up and down.
“HEY, you fucking pervert, let’s keep our eyes on her face, before my fist hits yours!” you say.
“Are you threatening me with physical violence Mr. Morningstar?”
“No, I’m PROMISING you physical violence.”
Sally intervenes at this point.
“Look Mr. Raker I just want to enroll my son in this school, so what papers do we have to sign?”
Mr. Raker finally looks at Junior who’s holding onto Sally’s hand. He looks up at Mr. Raker and growls at him a little.
“Aaagh! We…we can’t! We couldn’t! I mean the other children! They’d be frightened out of their mind!”
“Well maybe initially, but I’m sure if they’d get used to him eventually.”
Mr. Raker shakes his head.
“I’m sorry Sally, but as much as I’d like to help, I have to think of the entire school. I’d be getting complaints from other parents constantly. Your son would cause too much distraction.”
“Bullshit! You could do something. You’re the fucking principal.” You say.
“Well…maybe I could, if Sally could convince me to.” He touches her hand, catching Sally off guard.
“Excuse me???”
“Sally, I remember how I lusted for you when you first got to high school.”
“EWWWWW! I was only 14!” Sally exclaims horrified, moving her hand away.
Mr. Raker breaks down onto his knees, into some sort of repressed emotion explosion.
“I know! I know! I’m a sick fuck! I used to masturbate thinking about you, in your little skirts and …and…(sob!) but don’t you see? It’s okay now! Because you’re old enough now! I still want to be your Daddy…” he begins to attempt to touch her legs, but you stop him with a kick to the face.

“You fucked up, nasty motherfucker! If I’d known you were a sick ass pedophile who was jerking off to mental images of my sister, I would’ve kicked your ass a long time ago!” you kick him a couple more times in the side, as Junior bites his arm. Mr. Raker seems oblivious to this beating though, as he’s sobbing in his own private hell in his mind. Sally drags you both away, before a bigger scene is caused.
The children seem to cheer you as you leave though.
After reporting anonymously to the cops, to look into “suspicious behavior” by Mr. Raker, you and Sally are left back at square one.  

“Well I guess you were right.” Sally says.
“I wish I wasn’t. Actually we’ll never really know if I was, since we didn’t even really get a chance to enroll Junior, because of…”
“Ugh! Let’s never speak of that ever again! Eww! Okay, well I guess its back to that internet plan, you had, I guess we’ll just have to hope he learned his lesson. “
“I dunno, he might just become sneakier about it, maybe he does need so other people to occupy his mind from world domination. Hey! Wait a minute; Kelly didn’t go to a formal school! He went to some circus school because they used to travel a lot and a lot of the circus freaks generally aren’t accepted by society either.”
“What are you getting at?”
“Well Kelly’s circus doesn’t travel anymore, it’s like permanently parked outside of town, like a bunch of fucking gypsies. Let’s take him there, to go to school! It’ll work out! He’ll be in a structured environment, around others similar to him, its perfect!”
“Uh aren’t you forgetting that that you have to be a carnie to go there?”
“Well I’m sure Kelly can get his midget Mom to pull a few strings.”
“Oh yeah, I’m SURE she’ll be thrilled to help us out! As I recall the first time we met, you continued to insult her and Mom threw her across the room, and then later Dad cheated on her with Mom.”
“Well her problem should be with Mom and Dad, not us, besides you can help too.”
“Yeah, you go with Kelly to talk Sparkle into this. Play up the mother in a bind routine to appeal to her maternal side. She’ll agree to it. Besides everyone likes you anyway.”
“In light of recent events, sometimes I wish people liked me a little less! I’m not sure Kelly will be able to talk his Mom into this, but I suppose we have to try.”

You nuzzle up against Sally and kiss her to reassure her that this plan will work. This happily leads to more intense nuzzling in the bedroom later.

The next day Sally takes Junior with her and talks to Kelly, who’s willing to go talk to his Mom, but isn’t entirely sure that she can do anything. After work you all go to the circus.

“Well we’re here, I’ll try, but I can’t promise anything.” Kelly says, knocking on a trailer door.
Bruno the Strongman opens the door.
“Hey, it’s Kelly! How are you? Come back to join the act? That new sword swallower we had just recently impaled his stomach accidentally. Very nasty.”
“Ouch! No, I just came to see Mom.”
“Okay, Hey Sparkle, your son’s here!”

Sparkle comes to the door and Kelly bends down to hug her, she looks overjoyed to see him, she looks less overjoyed when she sees Sally, and then looks downright unfriendly when she sees you! Well at least she’s not wearing her clown make up. You’ll never get over your hostility against clowns.

“What the hell are THEY doing here?” Sparkle asks.
“It’s a long story.” Kelly replies.
“Sparkle, we need your help, please don’t judge us based on our father and mother. I’m sure you don’t like it when outsiders judge your circus and all your friends for who they are.” Sally says diplomatically while holding Junior.

Well as usual Sally manages to make friends where hostility would normally be.

“Well, I suppose you’re right. I’ve actually always liked you Sally. You’ve always been pleasant, and I’m glad that you and Kelly get a long so well, I heard how you employed him at your Salon. Is this Junior? My, he’s changed a bit!”

As Sparkle goes to touch him, you half expect him to take her arm off, but instead he likes the affection. Maybe the whole “circus environment” makes him feel calmer. You knew this was a good idea.

“Actually Sparkle, this is about Junior, that’s why we need to talk to you.”
“Oh? Okay well let’s go inside.” Sally, Junior and Kelly all enter the trailer, but when you attempt to enter, you’re stopped.

“Not you! I’m sorry Sally, but I still don’t like your brother! He can remain outside!”
“What the fuck? I thought you weren’t judging us based on our fucked up parents!” you say.
“I’m not; I’m judging you based on your own Assholiness! I still remember your rudeness to me, and I’ve heard about how you’re still rude to Kelly! You’re not coming in!” Sparkle then kicks you in the shin and slams the door in your face!

“Fuckin’ little munchkin! Oww!” you say rubbing your shin. Bruno comes out.
“So, you’re Dick’s other son eh?”
“Unfortunately. Why, what of it?” you say defensively.

Bruno seems to be sizing you up; he’s certainly much bigger than you, and obviously much stronger. You dare say he’d even easily be a match for Retard Rick. Hopefully you’re quicker, but you don’t really want to get into a fight in any case, you’re here for Junior after all.

“I kicked his ass you know.” Bruno says coming up to you.
“Yeah, heard all about it.”
“Oh? And that doesn’t make you mad?”
“Why should it? It sounded like you had a valid reason.”
“Maybe you’re just backing down, because you’re scared of me.”
“You trying to prove something?”
“Yeah, I’m proving you’re a fucking pussy just like your Dad!” Bruno is now looking down at you, as you stare up his nostrils.
“Oh wow, you beat up my Dad, what an accomplishment! My Mom can beat up my Dad, I can beat up my Dad, it nothing really to brag about steroid freak. And if calling me a pussy makes you feel like a big macho guy, go ahead. I know who I am. ”
“Well maybe I should just kick your ass and brag about it then.”
“What the fuck is this shit? I was just out here minding my own business and you come out here and start fucking with me! Look fucktard, I’m not here to cause trouble, but I will give you fucking trouble, if you continue with this macho posturing just because you got short dick.”
“What’d you say bitch?” Bruno barely pushes you, but it knocks you back more than you expected. It doesn’t matter, you’re mad at this point.
“I said you got a short dick motherfucker! That IS why you’re fucking a midget isn’t it? Speaking of which, how’s it feel to get sloppy midget seconds AFTER my Dad fucked her little ass?”

You notice a solid piece of wood on the ground, and that’ll be the first thing you’ll go for, as soon as Bruno charges at you.

Fortunately it doesn’t come to that.

“Har Har! You hard man. Okay I gotta go do my act, nice talking to you.” Bruno says and leaves.

“What the fuck was that about??!” you say to yourself. Must be a carnie thing you think.

You wait a little longer in peace and watch all the unusual inhabitants walk by (Keeping a close eye on the clowns of course) just then everyone comes out of Sparkle’s trailer.

“Okay, it was nice seeing you Kelly, you should visit more often! And bring that Lance I’ve heard so much about next time!” Sparkle says to Kelly. “And Sally, when Junior comes here for school, Bruno and I will make sure to look out for him until you come to pick him up.” Sparkle says petting Junior again.
“Thanks Sparkle, you’ve really helped us out.” Sally smiles.

“So? What’s going on?” You ask Sally.
“Junior’s going go to the school here. I mean it’s not so much for the academics of course since he’s already going to be way ahead in that department. But this’ll be more for social interaction that we all agree he needs. Plus he seems to like it here.”
“So how did you get around the fact that he’s not a carnie?”
“Oh, well that’s part of the schooling, he’ll be performing.”
“What?! Doing what?” you ask.
“Well he’s very intelligent, and there hasn’t been a “human computer” type act since Brainiax got recruited by the government. Plus Junior’s unique look will attract people as well.” Kelly says.
“Wait so my son is gonna be on display as a side show freak??! Sally how could you of all people agree to this?!”
“It’s not like that! He’s not going to be in a cage where people just gawk at him! He’ll be in one of those game booths, where people try to stump him with a question, and if they do, they win a prize. Kind of like those people that try to guess your weight. He’ll also be paired up with another carnie child. That won’t be all the time anyway, that’s just half of the “school time” the other half takes place in a tent like a regular classroom.” Sally explains. “Look baby, this’ll be good for Junior just like you said. He’ll be safe here, and he really likes it here. It’s like he feels like he belongs here or something. I’ve never seen him so calm before.”
“Yeah, I have noticed that. Well if you don’t mind Sally, I certainly don’t. I guess it’s all set then. School for you starts tomorrow” You say to Junior, who looks overjoyed at this fact.

As Sally and Kelly both say goodbye to Sparkle, you take Junior aside and just tell him one thing.

“Alright, I know they’ll be teaching you a bunch of weird carnie stuff here, but there’s ONE thing don’t ever start doing.”
“What Dada?” Junior asks.
“Don’t ever, EVER become a fuckin’ clown!”


EndMaster's short stories

6 years ago
Commended by mizal on 9/21/2018 7:05:09 AM

Not really short stories I suppose, but I want to collect these here for archiving purposes.

Didn’t bother putting EtC’s text, because in the scheme of things they aren’t important and I’m not ruining my thread with his fucktardery. You can just imagine any dumb fucking response and it would work just as well.

Actually after looking these over again, I suppose these are little stories so they’re even more appropriate to list here.

The Destruction of EatTheCake


EatTheCake is a fucking liar that did no such thing anyway.

What he probably did was talk to a bunch of other incel degenerates on 4chan who he’s counting as “friends.” Then he jacked it to some sort of fucked up porn. Most likely scat or shota rape. Probably some combination of the two because he’s a fucking perverted asshole.

But because he’s fucking 300 hundred pounds he got winded midway through, got dizzy and fell out of his goddamn shart stained chair.

So while he tried to get up and failing utterly because even with all that jacking his muscle tone resembles that of a faggot pygmy marmoset.

He calls for his mom to help his fat ass off the basement floor, but she doesn’t hear him because she’s too busy getting kebobbed in the ass and mouth by two Mexican guys that she hired to lay some pipe from Home Depot.

Meanwhile his dad is watching his mom getting stuffed like a taco with a spatula up his ass because he’s a faggot cuck and this is the only way he can get off and like they say, like father like son.

Never mind the fact that even if his parents weren’t engaging in their own fucked up degeneracy, they wouldn’t help his shitty pathetic ass anyway except maybe to throw it out in the gutter because they’re sick of him living there and curse the day that they didn’t engage in oral the night he was conceived.

So the only creature that comes running to Cake’s cries is the fucking cat. And the cat doesn’t really give a shit, it just happened to wander over to Cake because there’s even more commotion going on upstairs what with the Mexicans railing Cake’s mom and the poor creature was trying to find a quiet place to hide.

The cat, like all living creatures looks at Cake with distain and does nothing to help him. Indeed if it could speak, it would call Cake a waste of skin and it would be entirely correct. Instead, it marks its territory and sprays Cake in the face with piss.

Of course like a retard Cake doesn’t even get angry about it, he starts fucking laughing like the mong he is. In fact he laughs so hard he starts wheezing again, but this time he also farts which of course has follow through because he’s loosened his asshole so much with his mom’s blacken decker 400 horsepower vibrator he’s got absolutely no goddamn control over his sphincter muscles.

Between the laughing, wheezing, farting and shitting, it’s all too much for him he passes out for several hours. Meanwhile the cat has gotten bored and decided to also take a shit on the several rotten pizza boxes laying on the floor. The roaches are pretty happy about it.

Eventually Cake wakes up again, covered in roaches, shit, cat piss and sweat. With this brief moment of rest he finally manages to get the fuck up and log on to CYS to raise his post count by making up some bullshit story about some dumb bet over Bucky’s dumb fucking contest which everyone is fucking failing spectacularly at because they’re barely competent in the first goddamn place and their only saving grace is they aren’t EatTheCake.


The whole fucking world can burn as long as it means fucktards like you are burning with it.

And honestly, I hope you fucking live through the initial blasts. And no you won’t be some post apocalyptic badass, you’ll be the same dumb ass pathetic fuck you are now.

At best, the only reason you’ll last for any length of time is because you’ll still have enough blubber on you to not starve right away and you’ll be so fucking desperate you’ll have no problems debasing yourself in order to get some water which will only be enough to wash the salty taste out of your mouth after blowing whatever local warlord decided you were entertaining enough to not kill and eat right away.

Which is what might happen to you anyway after they’re done fucking every hole you have and a few that they creatively made themselves.

Better yet, they just eventually get bored and leave you to waste away in some shithole ransacked ruin so you can experience the agonizing slow death of your fucking body which will now be fucking rotting from five forms of cancer brought on by the nukes and toxic fucking waste while you’re as you desperately scrounge around for a can of expired tuna.

Eventually you won’t have the strength to carry on, puking and shitting blood every five minutes. You’ll ultimately die as you lived: Usless, hopeless, and alone.

That will be the story of you and it will be fucking hilarious.

My only wish would be is I could be there to see the agonized look on your face so I could have my dog piss in it before your last pleading gasp as the light slowly went out of your eyes.

Coup De Grace

You're damn right I wouldn't last very long in your domain because I have no fucking desire to join NAMBLA, you fucking degenerate dipshit.


EndMaster's short stories

6 years ago

Might as well archive these here while I’m motivated.

Eternal Fanfiction

She awaited her beloved as he approached the bed. She was nervous, but also excited to finally give him her most precious gift; her purity.
“I love you Francis.”
“I love you Semra.”
And with those words they embraced.
After all they had been through, their love truly was ETERNAL.

Epilogue Zero

Fear suddenly becomes numbness when you see her body.
You guess she’s been dead for some time, most likely from asphyxiation whenever the power in this shelter malfunctioned.
“I tried to get here as quick as I could. I’m sorry Becky.”
You wipe away a tear and unzip your pants.

Going Rogue

“I feel weird.”
“But you said I could put it in your…”
“Not that. That felt good.”
“Then what?”
“Whenever I visit, we end up doing this. The first time was an accident, but now…”
“Hey it’s your idea too.”
“I know. Just stop calling me Tanya during it, okay?”


“Time for me to go.”
“Wish these moments were longer.”
“Eventually it will be permanent.”
“The work never ends, I question if that day will ever come.”
Her ghostly hand touched his skeletal face.
“It will Azrail. It will.” Catalina said with a smile before returning to her designated afterlife.

EndMaster's short stories

6 years ago

Going to just post these here for easier access as well. There's a bunch of other CYS podcasts (And I think the Overmental website discontinued the feature, but the people who were doing them are still doing them if you go looking for the podcasts. Newest one was in November) but obviously my thread, so I'm just listing mine.



Ground Zero Part 1

Ground Zero Part 2

Ground Zero Part 3


EndMaster's short stories

6 years ago

Another masterpiece to archive here.

Kain's poem to insult us, except rewritten by me since he can't even troll properly.

Your assholes are red, my balls are not blue
Bend over Cystia, cuz I’m fucking YOU
Steve is a cum guzzler, I am a troll
I chopped off his cock and violated his soul
EndMaster’s a dick, Sentinel’s a shithead
I got a fuckload of alts that I jack it to in bed
Got banned so much, it makes my dick hard
I raped Mizal’s eye sockets so now she’s a retard
I’m tearing you all up like a fucking rottweiler
And Thara now knows why they call me pussy defiler
Goodbye Cystia, see you in hell
Cuz now it’s time to go back to my cell

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago

First Day

You groggily wake up and get out of bed.
"Get the fuck up you l'il asshole!"
There's your Mom, she's been pretty mean since your Dad left.
"Hey asshole, if you don't get the fuck down here, I'm gonna take you out back and horse whip you!"
You better get down there, you still got the welts on your back from yesterday, besides you're actually looking forward to your first day of school, you'll be out of the house.

You head downstairs and head to the kitchen, where your older sister Sally is finishing up her breakfast.
"You overslept again bro! You have to stop doing that, or else Mom's gonna end up killing you! Look you didn't even dress yourself properly, and your hair is a mess! Here let me help you. I swear I don't know how you'd get along without me."
You stand there as your sister begins combing your hair and tying your shoelaces.
"There, that's better." she says smiling at you and giving you a hug.
Your Mom enters the room.
"There you are! Its about time you got your ass down here, come on I got shit to do, and I still gotta drive you two to school."
"But he hasn't had breakfast yet." Sally says.
"Yeah well that's too fucking' bad. This li'l asshole should've got up sooner, let's go."
"Don't worry here's my lunch money. I don't need it." Sally whispers giving you some money.
As you make your way to the car you attempt to get in the back with Sally, but your Mom smacks you upside the head.
"Oh no, you're riding up front with me. I wanna keep an eye on you."
You sit up front quietly as your Mom drives you both to school, giving you the evil eye every now and then.

Finally, you get to school.
"Alright I won't be picking you up, thanks to your fuckin' deadbeat dad, I gotta start a new job, so here are the keys to the house. Sally make sure this l'il asshole comes straight home after school! No going to that stupid comic shop! You got me asshole?" your Mom smacks you upside the head to make sure you got the idea, at which point you begin nodding quickly.
"You better."
As you and Sally leave the car, your Mom calls you again.
"Hey asshole, aren't you forgetting something? My fuckin' kiss?"
You quickly get back in the car, at which point your Mom kisses you on the lips and shoves her tongue in your mouth. Afterwards she pushes you away.
"Alright, now you can fuckin' go asshole."
You stand there for awhile in a daze as your Mom drives off. Sally snaps you out of it.

"Come on bro, you don't want to be late for your first day of kindergarten! I'll show you where the room's at."

You follow your sister to the room.
"Okay here it is, I'll see you after school." she says, but you hold on to her hand not wanting her to leave you.
"Bro, I gotta go to my class, I can't stay with you. Don't worry, I won't be leaving you permanently. I'll see you after school and then we can spend time together. Okay?"
You nod, smiling. She's always so nice to you.
"Okay then get in there. I'm sure you're going to make all kinds of new friends! How can you not? You're so likable and cute!" Sally hugs you goodbye and you enter the classroom.

You don't see the teacher, she must not be here yet, maybe you should try to talk to some other kids, and make friends like your sister suggested.

You go over to a group of kids building a house with some wooden blocks. You try to make friends, but for some reason, you’re not well received.
"Eww! You're creepy!" says a little girl.
"Yeah, get outta here butthole!" shouts a little boy.
"Hey that's a good name for him! Let's call him that!" says another.
"Butthole! Butthole! Butthole!..." the kids begin chanting at you.
Strangely, you're not even upset by all this. In fact you're pretty numb. You go over to the wooden blocks and start building your own castle.

"Hey butthole, those are our blocks!" the boy says pushing you.
That boy realizes his mistake when you turn around and punch him in the nose. He falls to the ground, screaming and crying as blood gushes from his nose. As everyone is in a state of shock, you push over the wooden block house which falls on another boy.
"Oooooo! I'm telling!" a girl shouts.
She runs to go get the teacher, but you grab her by her ponytail and begin spanking her. While you're doing that, some of the other kids got the teacher who stops you, by grabbing you by the ear.
"Oh another trouble maker eh? Well you're going to the Misfit Room!"

The teacher takes you to the Misfit Room.
"Now you'll stay here, until you learn to get along with others!" she says and then locks the door, leaving you with two other kids your age. One of them is really hyperactive and immediately comes up to you.

"Hi! My name's Dave! You want some candy? I got pixie sticks, gummy bears and a bunch of stuff the teacher didn't take from me! I love candy!" judging by his teeth, it shows.
"RICK WANT MORE CANDY TOO!" the other shouts. He sounds and LOOKS retarded.
"I already gave you some!" Dave says.

While Dave and Rick are arguing about candy, you decide to do something else, like escape.

You go to the window and try to lift it, but its stuck.
"I tried that already, but it’s too hard." Dave says. "Rick could lift it, he's really strong, but he wants me to give him more candy first and I'm not..."
You push Dave down in mid sentence and take ALL his candy and give it to Rick.
"Hey my candy! What're you doing, butthole?" Dave says
"BUTTHOLE FRIEND!" Rick says taking the candy and then opens the window with ease.

You scramble out of the window. (Fortunately its on the 1st floor) Rick and Dave follow you outside.

"So where are we going butthole?" Dave asks.

The 3 of you make your way to the comic shop. All of you know where it’s at, so you get there fairly quickly without incident. You enter the shop quietly since you know you're not suppose to be there, but Rick and Dave are making a bunch of noise, which alerts someone who works there. A thin young man comes out from the backroom. He's wearing a name tag that says "Jack the Apprentice".

"What the hell do you li'l bastards want? Shouldn't you be in fuckin' school? Hey you! Stop running around all over the fuckin' place!"
Dave ends up knocking over a rack of comics.
"Shit! I just sorted those! My boss is gonna kill me! Get the fuck out!" Jack says.
As Jack tries to catch Dave, you go looking for your favorite comic character, Bloodhorn. Ah there it is! You grab it, just as Jack catches Dave. Jack turns around walking over to you, with Dave in tow.
"Hey you l'il asshole, those comics aren't fuckin' free, you better be paying for that."

You pull out the money that Sally gave you, which Jack grabs from your hand, and puts in his own pocket.
"Good, now get the fuck outta here, and don't ever come fuckin' back! I got my bitch in the storage room and only 5 more minutes before my boss comes back from lunch."
Jack begins shoving you three out the door and mumbling some more.
"Jesus, I'll be fuckin' glad when I run this fuckin' place! I'd know how to run this fuckin' place! I'd give my legs to run this fuckin' place!"

You, Dave, and Rick make your way back to school and climb back in the Misfit Room. You spend the rest of the time reading your Bloodhorn comic, while Rick practices his wrestling moves on Dave. When the teacher comes back at the end of the school day, you hide the comic in your shirt.

"Alright you three, I hope you've learned your lesson. Dave, no more candy! You better learn some self control! Rick, stop playing with yourself! Your penis is not a toy! Alright you can go."
Naturally the teacher stops you from leaving.
"Hold on, I'm not done with you. I know your Sally's brother although I find it hard to believe considering what a good girl she was in my class. I gave her a note to take to your parents explaining what you did. Now tomorrow you better behave! Don't give me that look! You'd better shape up, if you want to be able to get along with others! Mark my words if you solve every problem with physical violence you're not going to get very far in life!"
She then lets you leave.

You head outside where Sally's waiting for you.
"What did you do bro? They called me out of class
to give me this note to give to Mom, because they couldn't get a hold of her on the phone. Lucky for you she's working at that new job!"
Sally notices that you look a little worried.
"Don't worry; I won't give it to her. They'll never know, I'll tell them you got punished, they'll believe me. I'm sure it wasn't your fault anyway."
You smile at Sally, she's always so nice to you. You hug her in appreciation.
"Just try to be good in the future, okay?" Sally says kissing you on the cheek.

Sally and you start heading home.
"Hey did you know Cousin William's gonna visit us this weekend? I hope he doesn't bring his worm farm with him, they're icky! I don't like Uncle Eddie either, he's scary! Aunt Serena’s nice though. Well Mom better hide all the pudding too, you know how much William loves that stuff."

As you hold Sally's hand on the way home listening to her, you feel better about the crappy day you had, because you know as long as she's with you, you'll never be alone...

Even if you are a Li'l Asshole.


EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago

15 (Number subject to change)

EndMaster - "Fine, dragged our asses here. Now what?"

CoGite Rebel Leader - “This is it? There’s only 15 of you. Thought you were bringing more soldiers than that from CYStia to help us against Jason.”


EndMaster- “Cogite! What is your profession?”

CoGite- “Faggot.”

EndMaster - “What about you?”

Cogite - “Snowflake.”

EndMaster - “And you?”

CoGite - “Tranny.”


CYStians - “CYS! CYS! CYS!”

EndMaster - “You see? I brought more soldiers than you did.”

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago

This still makes me laugh 

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago
Commended by mizal on 5/3/2019 7:35:23 PM

A New Beginning


“Is it standard practice for the Syndicate to keep important clients waiting this long?” she asked.

“You’ll wait as long as it takes the boss to get here and you’ll like it. I’ll remind you that it’s only due to you offering such a large sum of coin that this deal is taking place. It better all be here.” Devon replied.

“You can have your people unload the chests from the wagon right now, go ahead and count it if you wish.”

“Don’t worry we will.”

The Syndicate lieutenant at this point gave her a dirty look and turning his back completely on her. It was complete disrespect. This underling was so confident in his abilities and position that it was almost as if by doing so he was daring her to attack him.

She still had a hard time believing it had all come to this.

She remembered another time and place where something like that would not have happened. Never in fact. At least not to her. Even when in the presence of so called rulers she still commanded respect.

When she first arrived here she had hoped to find something similar to her own people if not the equivalent. Unfortunately she found nothing but lessers as usual.

But then she remembered, she’d always been surrounded by lesser beings. Even when among her own people she was constantly disappointed. As far as she was concerned there were only two people in her life that were worthy. And only one of those had reciprocated her love.

The other was…well complicated. While he ultimately proved to be yet another disappointment, she couldn’t help but still think about him sometimes. They spent so much time together in the beginning.

Even towards the end when there was no doubt that nothing would ever be between them, she still was surprised by his ultimate choice when she received the news. To just give up, it just seemed so unlike him.

But then love sometimes does conquer all.

It’s probably why she left. Had things gone differently, then perhaps she would have stubbornly stayed to the end even if it meant her death.

“Hey you.” A Syndicate member shouted as three of them approached her. She could tell by the looks on their faces this was going to be yet more poor attempts of unnecessary posturing.

“Yes?” she answered already mentally predicting their comments.

“We noticed you have absolutely no back up for this meeting. Even our Shadow boys detected nothing invisible or lurking in the trees nearby.” One of them with a black claw on his left arm says.

“That’s correct. Should I have back up? I was under the impression that the ECS deals fairly with its customers. Not really good business practice backstabbing them for no reason otherwise.”

“True. However, you’re still awfully trusting being out here alone with a wagon full of gold by yourself in the woods. It would be really easy to rob you…or worse if we were so inclined.”

“Hmm, perhaps I’m a powerful sorceress and need no back up.”

“Hah. Nice try, but if you had any magic abilities, again our Shadows would have detected them.”

“Well I guess you called my bluff and I’d be at your mercy.”

“Indeed. Guess it’s a good thing we’re all honorable men here.”

“I suppose it is. So exactly what would YOU do to me? Hm?” she asked mildly seductively.

“Heh, I knew you were like that. I could just tell. You got the body and face and you walk about knowing what you’re doing the entire time. Swinging your hips, flipping your hair and all that other shit. What would I do though? I’d bend you over good and give it to you hard. I get the impression you like it rough.”

“You’re more observant than you would appear. Mildly intriguing. So what else would you do? I mean your scenario doesn’t sound very interesting in the scheme of things. You have your two friends over there and I got two more paths to pleasure, wouldn’t they be joining us?”

The one with the tattoo looked over at his two comrades and chuckles before looking back at her.

“Oh, you want THAT do you? Well that could be arranged too. Just one question though, we’ve been trying to figure out.”

“What’s that?”

“What exactly are you? None of us have ever seen someone like you before. You don’t have succubus blood in you do you? Because I’ve heard stories about those types.”

“No. I’m…unique. And I guarantee after tonight, you’ll never see anyone like me ever again.”

Before any of the Syndicate members could respond to her statement, Devon approached again.

“HEY! What the fuck are you lot doing?! I told you assholes to unload that fucking wagon and take it over to ours! And as for you, come over here, the boss has arrived.” Devon replied.

“We’ll pick this up later boys.” She said as she followed him.

After a short walk through the trees, she reached a clearing where the boss of this operation stood, Eric, another grim looking man with only business in mind. Next to him a wagon with young human children of all types huddled together in a large cage

“Is this them?” she asked.

“Yeah, this is all what you asked for.”

She walked over to the cage to get a closer look and after a brief scan at the scared little ragamuffins, she shook her head.

“Bah, these lot are going to take so much time and money to train.” She exclaimed.

“Well, that’s not my problem, you asked for young children. If you wanted warriors right from the start, you could have gone elsewhere.” Eric said.

“I don’t want just warriors, I desire something more and I can only get that if I train them directly from a young age. In any case, I’ll be taking my coin back.”

“Nice joke, but all sales are final.”

“I understand that, but I’m taking my coin back.”

“You don’t seem to understand at all because I’m telling you this isn’t a fucking trader’s bazaar. You aren’t getting your fucking coin back because you don’t like what you’ve paid for already.”

Eric followed up by giving her a stern threatening look, but she just laughed.

“No YOU don’t seem to understand, I’m taking my coin AND the children.”

Her hands began to glow and without another word, Eric immediately disappeared using shadow magic and time began to slow down.

However, this was a form of magic she was all too familiar with. She also knew a group that was far more skilled in it than these magic dabbling criminals.

She uttered a simple word and instantly not only did Eric unwillingly become visible, but so did several shadows that were approaching her. The advantage of their speed was also completely nullified.

Eric’s face changed from one of grim seriousness to shock when he realized his advantage had been lost. She dodged the dagger coming straight at her face and easily grabbed his arm, disintegrating it before eyes.

The boss screamed as he saw a stump where his limb used to be, then he felt a kick to his chest knocking the wind out of him and on to the ground.

The other ECS members attempted to stop her, but to no avail, their advantage had been stripped away. She melted the face of the first attacker then stabbed the second in the throat with her own dagger.

She dodged a few attacks from the next two shadow users before blasting them both with a freezing ray and then shattering them.

Devon at this point was running away, but with a flick of her hand several of the weapons lying on the ground raised up and flew straight towards his back. He was impaled by every one of them and fell to the ground dead.

Eric was back on his feet and also trying to run off, that was stopped however with another disintegration spell to his legs this time. More screaming followed from the near limbless ECS Boss and she left the area to go track down the last survivors.

“Come on! Come on! Just grab what you can, it sounds like some bad shit is going down!”

“Alright let’s get on the wagon and get the hell out of here!”

“Okay, I’m…fuck!” the Claw member said looking down at his chest and seeing a blade coming out of it.

She pulled the blade out of his back and ran to catch the other two lowly thugs that were harassing her earlier.

As the other two scrambled to get on their wagon, she cut down another before he could even reach it. The last one left was the charming fellow with the claw tattoo. He turned to her and begged for his life pathetically.

“Please! Spare my life! You can take everything, just let me go!”

“Let you go? And here I thought you were going to bend me over and give it to me hard. You lot are always so full of promises and then come up short.”

Already tiring of his pleas, which were just as boring as his previous proposal, she ended this distraction with a quick beheading.

“Told you that after tonight, you’d never see anyone like me again.”

Having dispatched the last of the ECS members, she cast a spell to calm down the horses, which were about to run off from all this excitement going on around them.

She then returned to the clearing where Eric was desperately still attempting to crawl away with one arm left. She kicked him to roll him over. He knew he was done for.

“Do it, my soul is already prepared for the Shadow God Fel.” Eric exclaimed trying to put on a brave front in the face of doom.

“Fel huh? So that’s what you shadow magic users call him here. Interesting.” She replied.

“You…you won’t get away with this. The Syndicate is going to put a contract on your head and you won’t have ANYWHERE to run to. Our reach is long.” Eric said.

“I’m sure that’ll be interesting as well.”

“Who…who are you anyway?”

“Who am I? What am I? I seem to be getting a lot of questions like that tonight. Not sure that it matters at this point, but since you’ve been such a good sport about all this, why not?”

She stood over Eric with a complete sense of superiority and then uttered the words that complimented such a stance.

“I am Semra D’vessa, last of the svelk people. I escaped the death of my world only to find myself on yet another world filled with ignorant lessers. It doesn’t matter though, I will overcome this as I have overcome everything else in my life and this is just a minor step in what will ultimately be my complete victory.”

This proclamation of course was completely lost on Eric. Semra wasn’t even sure why he bothered to ask. Bored of dragging this out, she set him on fire and ignored his screams as she went over to the children still locked in the large cage. They’d certainly seen a lot tonight and predictably all of them were crying.

Except one which caught her attention.

A little blonde boy just stared at the screaming burning sack of flesh. He wasn’t crying. He wasn’t doing anything except just staring at Eric in his last agonizing moments. The little boy’s eyes also glanced at the other dead bodies in the area that Semra had created tonight.

“You, boy. Come to the door of the cage.” Semra demanded.

The boy obeyed and Semra unlocked the cage with a spell, pulling the boy out and getting a closer look at him. There was nothing excessively special about the boy. She detected nothing about him that would indicate that he wasn’t just another ignorant monkey.

He stared at her back. Never looked away and kept eye contact. There was no fear. He was so brave.

He reminded her of someone similar.

“Boy, do you understand that your life is about to change severely and that if you wish to live long enough to enjoy your pathetically short time here that you are going to have to obey me?” Semra asked.

“Um…yes?” the boy stumbled to answer.

“That didn’t sound certain, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!”

Semra at this point slapped the boy to the ground. To his credit, he still didn’t cry.

“Yes! Yes I understand Sem…” the boy began to say before Semra quickly kneeled down to put her hand over his mouth. Apparently the boy was also listening closely to her monologue to Eric earlier. She was pleased that he was so observant, but he would still need to learn.

“Oh no little one. You don’t get to address me by that name, at least not yet. For now, you will call me Mistress.” Semra whispered in his ear before licking it.

“Remember this.”

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago

Damn, how the hell did I go so long without knowing this thread existed? This is going to keep me entertained for awhile. ^_^

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago
Probably should have known better than to read End's short story in class, BUT I DID AND IT WAS GREAT.
This was really cool. We now have an Eternal and Rogues crossover, folks! Your lives are complete.

EndMaster's short stories

4 years ago

Going to try to get around to expanding on this at some point.

EndMaster's short stories

4 years ago
I'm excited now

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago

Been awhile since I updated this, but with the IS Forums necroed from the dead, I've found some once lost gems to add to the collection.

This was for some minor story challenge involving robots proposed by DEP. There was an ongoing joke at the time over at IS about child sex robots due to some degenerate by the name of Drums being a little too enthusiastic about really wanting them to be a thing. Naturally we mocked him so much that he eventually just left.

Anyway, there were even less active members on the forums there than even here, so I was the only one who turned anything in.

Of course I could have made it anything about robots, but why waste a perfectly good running joke?

For sale. Child sex robot. Used.

“Hey watcha doing there?”
“Making a child sex robot.”
“I said I’m making a child sex robot.”
“I know what you said; I’m just trying to figure out why the fuck you’re doing it.”
“One must do what one can.”
“Christ! I never knew you were a pedophile!”
“Huh? No! It’s not for me you fool! It’s for the Japanese.”
“Japanese? But don’t you think they’ve made ideal child sex robots by now?”
“You would think so, but no. I however have managed to perfect what they’ve been trying to work on all these year. Just like we did with their bio-weapons experiments after World War 2! Hah, America rules!”
“Well of course, but do you really think promoting pedophilia is a good thing?”
“What the hell do I give a shit? The major Jap corporations are falling all over themselves trying to outbid each other for my design. I’ll be rich. Besides, it’s not really pedophilia, it’s a goddamn robot.”
“Yeah, but it looks like a child.”
“Yee…ah but it’s a robot.”
“But it looks like a child.”
“But it’s a robot…”
“Look I don’t have time to debate this with you, I’m on a schedule here, hand me that detachable vibrating pussy over there on the table.”
“This one?”
“No, the other one, and that one is an asshole anyway…shit can’t you tell the difference?”
“Well they look different than the real ones, not to mention they’re on the OUTSIDE of the body… why didn’t you build these into the robot?”
“Cleaning purposes. If you’re fucking this thing a lot, it’s going to get encrusted with dried cum eventually, so I figure it would be easier to clean if you could take it out.”
“I guess that makes sense.”
“Damn right it makes sense…ah snaps in there so perfect that you’d think that it was designed that way…oh wait it was! Okay hand me the asshole.”
“Here…where the fuck did you get the idea to start doing this anyway?”
“Meh, I watched Small Wonder a lot when I was a kid…SHIT!”
“The asshole! I made the opening too fucking tight. I can’t fit it in.”
“Tee hee!”
“Shut the fuck up, it’s not funny. I’ll have to complete redo the fucking rectal area. FUCK! The investors will be here tomorrow!”
“Can’t you just loosen that screw?”
“What? That’ll never…yeah…wait, that will work. At least for this demonstration model it will. I can fix it properly later. Thanks man.”
“No problem. So uh… I see you’ve made a little girl model, but what about a little boy model?”
“Little boy model? What kinda faggot are you?”
“I’m not! I was just asking since you know there’s pedos that like little boys too. That’s a whole other customer base.”
“Oh. Yeah, well I thought about that. I drew up some diagrams, and even made a little metallic dick, but I couldn’t get the motors for it working properly so I concentrated on the girl instead. To be quite honest, I felt kinda dirty and creeped out after I did that. Don’t think I’ll be doing it again. Someone else will have to corner that market. I’m not that money hungry.”
“Well I can’t blame you for that…so uh…about the morality of this…”
“What about it?”
“You still don’t think this is really really wrong?”
“Don’t see how getting paid is wrong. If anything I see myself as a humanitarian.”
“You heard me. These robots will keep a lot of pedos from molesting real children.”
“…maybe…but maybe it will encourage them to do it all the more…”
“How the fuck is it gonna do that? They’re basically gonna have child like fuck toy 24/7 to do whatever sick shit they want to do it.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same.”
“Look this pussy might be artificial, but guarantee I made it feel like a real one…”
“No, no, no, I don’t mean that. I mean like does smile and laugh like real child?”
“Of course, I created sub routines for all that.”
“Does it cry and feel pain?”
“Cry? Feel pain? It’s a goddamn robot. It can’t feel pain.”
“Well see there’s your problem. It can’t truly know the anguish of violation when being penetrated for the first time. Or know the confusion of whether it did something wrong or not after the act. Or the misguided trust that it develops through the pedo’s manipulations. All of these things and more, are part of what a child predator gets off on the most. Not just the sex. And I haven’t even mentioned the ones that like to torture or kill. The robot may only be a temporary solution, eventually they’re going to just get frustrated and eventually hurt real kids again.”
“…Hmmm…you seem to know a lot about this, something you wanna tell me?”
“Ha ha, don’t worry. I had an uncle in the sex crime department and he used to go on about his cases every Thanksgiving. He sure knew how to make us laugh.”
“Oh okay then. I suppose you do make some good points, but this shit’s just about a done deal now, so this is going to happen unless the Japanese decide not to go through with it. Hold on that’s my phone, let me get that.”
“Alright then.”
“Uh huh. Uh huh. WHAT?! But…but…Alright fine. Yeah and fuck you for wasting my goddamn time!”
“Something wrong?”
“Fucking Japs pulled out. One of their shithead citizens apparently got their own model down just they way they wanted, so they aren’t interested in my design anymore. FUCK! I was so close!”
“Oh, sorry to hear that. Can’t you sell it to another company?”
“Maybe…ah fuck it, maybe it’s for the best anyway. Not sure if making child sex robots is a good thing to be known for. I guess all that money just made me go nuts there for awhile.”
“Hey it happens.”
“So…you want to try her out?”
“I get the pussy!”

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago

This made me cry inside

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago

Okay so we need to follow that bit up with some wholesomeness.

This was in a thread where everyone was writing dark emo poetry I think. Or at least some of it was, I never did read much of other's writings.

Anyway I did something different.


Life is great!

Embrace its beauty and all it has to offer.

Cute kittens and friendly puppies.

Smell the lovely flowers during your exciting travels.

Seek the lush forests that hold the happy animals which dwell within.

Look up at the cloud and behold their fluffiness.

The rainbows and their beautiful colors.

How they mirror the many colors of the people on this wonderful planet.

People who you can make friends and share with.

People who you can grow to love.

Such is the incredible variety of life!

While life is great by yourself.

It’s even better when you find that special someone to love

For you can now share your body, mind and soul with them

Cherish your time together

And be excellent to each other.

And one day you will be blessed by a little miracle that will love you as well.

Such is the complete awe-inspiring way of life!

Remember to always think positive.

And discard your negativity.

Only you can do it.

Because you’re the best you, you can possibly be.

Fulfill your hopes.

Because if you try hard enough

And want it bad enough

Dreams really do come true!

Breathe in deeply and cherish the very essence of life!

You’ll be glad you did.


It’s fantastic!

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago
I'm so glad this one was dug up.

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago
While the child sex robot one is probably funnier than this when out of context, reading this in that thread was hilarious. Life is fantastic!

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago
Commended by mizal on 11/17/2019 8:40:42 PM

And this bit is something I wrote when I moved from Detroit. Hopefully I find more lost gems in the IS forums.

Goodbye Detroit

Goodbye bum
Goodbye slum
Goodbye hooker, swallowing cum

Goodbye random fires
And the city's chronic liars

Goodbye law of the gun
And all the criminals on the run

Goodbye broken street light
And the rampant urban blight

Goodbye deadbeat dads & welfare queens
And the city's hopes & dreams

Goodbye drug dealers
And gang bangers too
Goodbye to the schizophrenic
shouting "Fuck you!"

Goodbye Detroit
And your polluted air

Goodbye anarchy everywhere

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago
Don't fret; the anarchy was inside you all along.

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago

Finally found this one. A little out of date now due to Thara's happy reappearance, but still needs to go into the archives.

Even though I wrote it, I always imagine Captain Picard narrating it.

When The Trolls Loled

EndMaster. A tyrant. At CYStia

Thara. A young girl that followed EndMaster from IS entered CYStia.

They trolled in the Lounge.

She worshipped in the Workshop.

EndMaster was happy with Thara.

They became father and daughter.

EndMaster and Thara at CYStia.

But daughters grow up.

Thara eventually disappeared from CYStia.

EndMaster said “She who was my daughter through worship and trolling, is gone forever.”

Thara, her enthusiasm missed.

However, in time a familiar sound was heard.

EndMaster investigated the noise and was pleased by his discovery.

Different, yet the same.

Thara, a new form arrived.

EndMaster and Cricket at CYStia.

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago
I remember this one.

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago

Well here's literally the "sister" piece to this one now. Hopefully we'll have a complete family again one day.


Ode to Cricket

I can still recall

All the good times that we had

Back on C-Y-S, you were my daughter

I was your your dad

You loved all of my stories

And I loved your wholesome toasts

But I’d ban the whole damn site

For just one more of your posts

But I’ll wait when you’re free

My dearest C

My supreme devotee

We used to mock the fags and fucktards

While trolling on the site

And every single praise you gave me

Was a sheer delight

You’re a shining pearl

You wholesome girl

Best daughter in the world

Goodbye Cricket

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago
Excellent as always.

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago

Well this was a pleasant surprise!

Glad to see you around, hope you're doing well and I'll look forward to your next visit.

EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago
Quick Endmaster, write more wholesome poems, we must tether her to this dimension!


EndMaster's short stories

5 years ago


EndMaster's short stories

4 years ago
Commended by mizal on 5/1/2020 8:39:04 PM


Another wonderful day begins.

You roll over and kiss your beautiful wife, she smiles and cuddles against you. The pair of you could spend all day in bed like this, and you have numerous times, but today isn’t one of those days.

You both get up and go through your usual simple morning routines; your wife prepares a bath for herself while you go collect some vegetables and fruit from the garden.

You leave your cabin and head to the garden outside. The garden looks as good as it always does. Nothing out of place and is plentiful. You begin to gather up what you want for tonight’s meal as well as the meal for the morning.

Funny thing is sometimes you and your wife goes days without eating. Neither of you have much need for it, but sometimes the pair of you just like to enjoy the taste.

After collecting what you want, you also go to the well and draw up some water. Once again not because you ever really feel the need for it, but it is some of the best tasting water you’ve ever had since… well ever actually.

You and your wife can’t actually remember drinking or eating food or water from any other source.

In fact neither of you remember ever being anywhere else but this wonderful place. Hardly matters as everything you need is here in this cabin or at least the nearby woods.

You return to the cabin and leave the water and food on the kitchen table, then check on your wife who is still taking her heated bath.

“I’ll be out in a moment.” She says.

“Oh take your time. I’ll take one when I get back.” You say.

“Get back? You going hunting today?”

“Yeah, I figure we’ll have some form of meat to eat tonight.”

“You sure you don’t want me to go with you?”
“Nah, you enjoy your bath.”

“Okay, but if you need help, you know I’ll come help you.”

You start to laugh.

“You trying to say something about my hunting skills?”

“Honey, you know I love you, but we both know I’m the better hunter here.”

“Well I know it’s useless to argue with you, but I will say I don’t come back empty handed.”

“And that’s because you’re so determined, even if it takes you all day.”

Your wife takes your hand.

“Please try not to take all day. Just come home if you don’t get anything within the next few hours. You don’t have anything to prove.”

“Very well. In fact I’ll make it easier on myself by taking the crossbow.”

“Make sure you take your sword, you never know what else is out there.”

“I always do, but I’m sure you know I’m a better warrior than I am a hunter.”

“Of course. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

You kiss your wife goodbye, grab your gear and head out into the forest.

Your wife is right of course, you aren’t that great of a hunter, but this place is so teeming with wild life that even a mediocre one such as yourself can get something if you just stick with it long enough.

You find a spot near the stream and wait for a deer to show up to take a drink from it. It’s a safe prediction since there is at least one that will come by and do so here. Hopefully it won’t be all day though.

You wait for a while keeping an eye out and your ears open. While doing that, your mind begins to dwell on other things in the solitude and silence.

Your wife is also correct in that there are other things out here besides you two and wildlife. The pair of you have had hostile encounters with large ugly creatures that attack on occasion.

But they’re more of a distraction than a threat. You and your wife are such accomplished warriors that they typically pose no challenge and often run away as soon as you slay one.

Of course you haven’t seen much of those lately. In fact it’s been quite a long time. Sometimes you sort of wish some would show up as it was sort of fun to fight them. Made a nice change of pace at least.

This makes you wonder why you would think such a thing or ever thought such a thing though. After all, this is a wonderful place where you want for nothing and it’s relatively peaceful. Why would there be creatures lurking around meaning to do you harm?

Nothing is perfect you suppose, but even that goes back to how you or your wife ever felt like you were ever in any real danger. They always outnumbered you, were bigger and yet you never ever came close to losing or even being hurt. You remember once you were barely even trying and you won

It’s almost like it was just a fun distraction provided for you and your wife.

You get back to your task at hand and today it looks like it won’t be an all day thing, you see a deer drinking at the stream. You take careful aim and fire your crossbow.

A direct hit, though not an immediately fatal one. The deer just happened to move when you pulled the trigger.

You start following the blood trail for quite some time. Even mortally wounded game can travel quite a distance before finally succumbing to the inevitable. Eventually you start seeing a pattern of the tracks becoming closer together and the pools of blood becoming bigger, you’re close and you’re betting it’ll be just behind the large rock ahead.

You walk up the incline and as soon as you get to the other side of the rock, you are met with a sight that immediately causes you to reach for your sword.

A pale man dressed in fine black clothing stands exactly where you thought the deer would be. He’s not even paying attention to you; he’s just looking up at the trees and nature around him.

“Nice place, never been one for nature myself, but I can think of one person who probably wouldn’t mind it if she was here.” The man says, still not looking at you, but obviously knowing you’re there.

Besides you and your wife and the monsters, sometimes wanderers pass through. Usually these are friendly hello and goodbyes, and never once do they ever seem threatening.

This time however is different. While this man doesn’t seem threatening, something about him seems… off.

“Who are you?” you ask.

The man finally looks at you and then at your sword.

“You won’t be needing that Francis, I’m not here to harm you and it wouldn’t help anyway.”

You put your hand down and stare at the man in confusion.

“Francis?” you utter.

“That is your name. Surely this place didn’t take your memory of it. Then again, I suppose it wasn’t really something you went by much in your other life, so I guess it makes sense it would surprise you that someone would use it to address you.”

You continue to be in a state of utter confusion.

“Do…do I know you?” you ask.

“Probably not, but I certainly know you. We’ve met once before. Was under different circumstances though.” The man answers.

“I don’t remember.”

“You’ve forgotten people that played a far more active role in your life than I have, so why would you remember me? Then again, maybe that’s not really true from a certain point of view.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Talking about what you just did to that deer just a moment ago, what you do with the gnolls that stumble in this place from time to time, what you did many times over throughout your life. I’ve known necromancers and infernals with less impressive body counts.”

“I…I don’t know anything about what you’re saying.”

“Of course you don’t, this place has blocked it all out. That was your choice when we first met. Sometimes I wish I had been given such a choice. I might have done things a little differently, but that’s all in the past and this is now. Whatever the term now means in places like this.”

At this point you feel more uncomfortable than you ever have. You draw your sword and point it directly at the man.

“Stay back!” you shout.

The man looks at your sword and just shakes his head.

“Yeah, I figured it was going to come to this eventually, probably should have done this to begin with. One moment and brace yourself.”

Before you can even react, the man has suddenly appeared right before you and slammed his hand on your forehead. Your body goes into shock and your mind is suddenly flooded with memories.

You see everything. Another life. A life mostly of war, violence, cruelty, and tyranny.

You collapse to the ground and as you slowly rise and recover, you realize that the sky above has grown dark, the tree around you are dead and the pale man in black is now a hooded figure in a robe. You only catch a small glimpse of the skull within the hood, but you know all too well who this is now.

“Cobwebs all clear now that you’re looking upon something more traditional?” he asks.

They certainly are, but you don’t understand why. So you ask why.

“Why? Well here’s the simple answer; there may come a time where you or at least folks like you will be needed.” The Death God says.

“A war?” you ask.

“Got it in one. But this isn’t just any war. This really has a lot of the deities shitting their divine underwear, well those that bother with such things. Some of them are real degenerates. You don’t want to know. The point is, something is threatening the current status quo of the cosmos or at least on the verge of threatening it.”

You’ve never gave much thought to gods, until you met the one hovering in front of you right now. You can’t imagine what would be threatening such beings.

“Demons?” is the only thing you can think of to say.

“Demons wish they could be such a threat. Most of them can’t agree long enough to form any sort of meaningful threat. Though I hear stories of some of them getting organized. Just as well because as loathsome as they are, they’re going to be needed, since this is going to affect them too. It’ll supposedly affect everyone. Even me if you can believe that. So that’s why I’m going around marking dead mortals like yourself to be called when the time comes.”

You don’t say anything immediately. You don’t even really question it. What would it matter?  You’ve met the Death God before, you weren’t in a position to fight him then, and you doubt you are now. Of course this does make you wonder.

“Will Alison also be marked?” you ask.

“Ah yes, your wife. While she is certainly a competent warrior, she quite frankly isn’t you. We are only seeking out the best. The ruthless professionals, the survivors, the crusaders, the masters of war born on the battlefields, the ones who will be worth the energy to expend to call forth. She will not be marked.” The Death God says.

“I see…well I suppose she doesn’t deserve to be ripped from this wonderful place. I don’t suppose I can say goodbye to her before I leave?”

“You’re not leaving now. Hasn’t gotten to that point yet, might not get to it for quite some time. No, for now you’ll stay here and continue to exist in this place with Alison.”

“With my memory still intact?!”

“Oh I’m sure that’ll fade again after a few cycles. That’s how this place works right? See you around Francis.”

With those final words, the Death God disappears and everything around you goes black.

When you open your eyes you see Alison’s beautiful face.

“Are you okay? What happened out here?” she asks.

“I dunno, I followed a wounded deer and I guess I slipped and hit my head when it got dark.” You say making up a story.

“Yeah that was weird. Eclipse I guess? Don’t remember ever experiencing one before though. First time for everything I suppose. You think you’re good enough walk back, I can haul the deer back.”

“Yeah.” You say noticing the dead deer nearby.

The rest of the day is peaceful except now you have all this knowledge again. You also know explaining any of this to Alison won’t do anything, she’ll just forget. Maybe you’ll forget tomorrow.

Night comes and you sleep. The next day, you still remember everything.

And the next, and the next…

You’re not forgetting this time.

You’ll have to just live with what you know as bothersome as it is. There is a part of you that wishes your memory went blank again.  Sometimes ignorance is bliss as the old saying goes.

This paradise you had with Alison has been tainted now. This utopia of two is gone for you as you know one day you’ll be torn from her.

However Alison doesn’t know any different, paradise still endures for her.

 And for now it’s here for you too. You’ll enjoy it while you can and when the time comes; you’ll fight for its existence as well.

After all, no utopia is Eternal.

EndMaster's short stories

4 years ago
A. I like the title
B. This is interesting. The part with the underwear made me laugh too. Is the war this is referring to likely to be written about sometime?

EndMaster's short stories

4 years ago

Well hopefully if I ever get more time to write.

I have some other stuff to set up first though too.

EndMaster's short stories

4 years ago

I'm pumped about that. I take comfort in the fact that you write exponentially more often than George R. R. Martin.

EndMaster's short stories

4 years ago

EndMaster's short stories

4 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 2/25/2021 10:57:14 PM

This needed to be added to the short story list.

IAP's Living HELL

I just keep thinking of this scenario with IAP after a long day of dealing with methhead hillbillies bringing in broken toasters to his repair shop, him entering his one room living area which consists of a few pieces of furniture like a portable stove, an old desk with a 1998 Compaq computer, a mattress on the floor with a few springs sticking out and finally a solid wooden stool which he hand made himself back in 1983.

A single 40 watt light bulb hangs in the center of the room, it barely illuminates the room's four gray walls. There's a single window that looks out to the "backyard" (It's more like a muddy field) which consists of five rusty vehicles mainly from the late 70s early 80s which are still all in working order.

The floor is made of solid hardwood, but makes that squeaky noise under his heavy boots. That's probably the only insulated thing he's bothering to wear because despite the below freezing temperature that's even invaded his living space he's wearing some fairly light clothing. He doesn't feel the cold because he's already numb to everything.

(And yes, there is a small bathroom connected to this room, but trust me, you really don't want me to describe it)

First thing he does is takes the stool over to the desk to check a few websites he goes to. A couple of them are just electronic repair or mechanic repair in nature, but he doesn't see anything much of interest on there since the hillbillies never bring in anything more complex than a toaster to repair so there's no real need to brush up on his skills. He had a 22 year old trailer trash redhead bring in a "massager" recently for him to fix, but he immediately knew by the look in her overly painted mascara eyes and that methmouth smile that she had something else in mind. He kicked that junkie whore out as soon as possible that day.

So after briefly checking the weather in India he wanders over to CYS.

I should mention that somehow he's managed to jury rig Netscape Navigator 6 to still work but not very well on a lot of modern sites, so fortunately for him CYS works perfectly.

He looks at CYS and checks out some of the newer stories, but nothing really peaks his interest since he's read all the good ones.

So he looks at the forums instead which is filled with the usual light hearted tomfoolery. Everyone is having a good time so he decides to post something about life sucking and how we're all doomed to rot in ground until the worms eat our flesh with maggots infesting every orifice.

Naturally everyone at CYS is too busy making fun of the gender "challenged" and trolling (Okay one of them MIGHT actually be working on a story) to really pay too much attention at first, but eventually somebody responds by calling him a boomer or something similar.

He briefly spars with a couple of the members (Probably female ones, because who can figure 'em) until he grows bored which is pretty quickly because he doesn't find much joy in it. It's just to kill time in between life and death.

Eventually he turns off the computer, shaking his head wondering why he even bothers with...well everything. He drags the stool over to the same gray wall and stares at it while contemplating life and existence in general.

He does this for hours. In between this introspective marathon he looks at the cracks, chips and outright holes in the wall and reminds himself that he really needs to get around to patching them, but then figures what's the point, he's just going to rot in the ground someday anyway.

Despite this nihilistic outlook on life he doesn't actually contemplate suicide because that would be the easy way out and that's not how he lives his life. Besides deep down inside on some level, he wants to suffer because life is suffering. That's what the Buddha said. He was Indian.

Still, he does think up scenarios about how he wants to die. The bear scenario always comes up a lot, but there's never one around when you need one. He briefly thinks about a mass murderer scenario if only to shoot all the hillbillies that live around him, but it's getting late and he's tired enough to actually fall asleep.

He goes over to the mattress and after positioning himself so that the exposed springs only poke him a little bit as opposed to requiring a full tetanus shot he closes his eyes and embraces what he hopes will eventually await him one day which is perfect darkness and absolute nothingness.

And when that day comes he will have finally have peace and escape from the HELL of existence.

EndMaster's short stories

4 years ago

The checking of the weather in India was a masterful touch to this story. 

Gotta say, this perfectly captures and encapsulates IAP's trials and tribulations. 

As he would say in all of his wise sage-like wisdom:

"Women, damn can they make you nihilistic. Some of them are good, and appreciate me flying out to see 'em. However, there are some jealous little she-devils that will do anything to stop a man from meetin' a woman. I think they just were just jealous that at that instance, I wasn't paying 'em any mind. Shit brother, who can figure 'em!?" -TheNewIAP

Thank you, End. As always you have written something wonderful. 

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 4/9/2021 6:03:51 PM

Totally Not Porn

The monster slammed the school girl against the wall with one of its oversized hands and with the other hand punched a hole into her body grabbing her gooey innards and started snacking on them right in front of her face which displayed nothing but shock as it was just the adrinaline of the terror still keeping her alive.

As a piece of bloody intestine squelched between the creature's misshaped teeth, it said "Ahhh, I can taste your delicious fear. A pity this will be over soon."

"What the fuck?!" another voice shouted causing the monster to turn around, drop the school girl's bloody body and it was that moment he knew he fucked up.

"I leave the lair for an hour and you're eating school girls again! Where did you have this one hidden?" a similar monster with longer hair with a bow in it exclaimed.

"Um, honey it's not what you think! She's actually an adult, cosplaying as a school girl!"

"Adult, my green ass! Her tits aren't even fully developed! That girl is fourteen if she's a day!"

"Alright, alright, but you know how the meat is so much tender at that age!"

"Yes, I'm well aware and once again YOU didn't fucking share, I swear you're the most selfish thing in this world! Get out of my way!"

The female monster pushed her husband out of the way and grabbed a fistful of organs from the dead school girl. She released a sound of delight as the girl's heart tickled her taste buds.

"See baby? I left the heart for you, I was going to share." the monster said.

"Shut up and go out and get another one. I want a fresh one next time." the female monster ordered as she easily crunched up the girl's bones.

"Yes dear."

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago
^Trigger Warning: ADORABLE PUPPIES

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago
I'm gonna need some new panties. >.<

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

The great thing about this comment is it works for any of my stories.

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

Oh, the original post was already commended for this monster eating thing. 

Since you're you End, I suppose it's worth two comms actually. 

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago
Commended by mizal on 11/21/2021 7:22:33 AM


My drink’s gone flat, I’m wondering why
I got out of bed at all
The cold and damp pervades my basement
And there’s roaches in the hall
And even if there weren’t, there’s still the rats
Put your image on my wall
It reminds me, to not be sad
It’s not so bad

Dear End, I wrote you some DMs, I don’t know if you got ‘em
I mentioned my Facebook, Twitter and TikTok at the bottom
I sent two DMs back in summer, you must have missed ‘em. Bummer.
The notifications probably weren’t working or something
I know how CYS is held together by tape and a spring
But anyways, fuck it, what’s going on? You insult any faggots?
It’s always funny how you trigger those CoGite maggots
They all should respect you, goddamnit
And call you Daddy
I read your latest story and really liked the baddy
I know you probably hear this all the time, but I’m your biggest fan
I even read that shit you wrote on IS, you’re a LEGEND man!
I bought a bunch of shirts of you from MHD using my mom’s credit cards
I love everything you’ve written because the rest are fucktards!
Anyway, I hope you get this End, write me back,
Just to talk, yours truly, your biggest fan
This is Fran


Dear End, you still ain’t wrote me back, I’m trying not to be spammy
I ain’t mad, I just think it’s fucked up you’re treating me like a tranny
If you don’t wanna write back, I get that you’re really busy
But that cunt Mizal banned my brother and got all pissy
He was 3dGEloRd69, he’s ten and only wanted to impress
What the hell does it matter, that we have the same IP address
It’s pretty shitty you can’t tell her to just chill
If I was an admin, I’d obey your will
Again, I’m not mad, I just respect you a lot
And I get stressed with my stomach in a knot
It’s okay though, I can deal. You don’t need to worry about that
See I’m also writing a CYOA
I don’t have a father either
I wish you were here to see my mom and meet her
I can really relate to the people in your stories
Like Suzy, Tanya and Mistress in all their glories
Real life sucks and I wish I was that strong
I really like how you show incest isn’t wrong
I wish I had a close family, so we could breed
Everything you write is true, you’re like God in heaven
My mom’s worried cause I talk about you 24/7
But she doesn’t understand, she never will
Please End, you gotta write me back man
I’m your biggest fan, don’t make me sad and blue
Sincerely yours, Fran
P.S. Please be my dad too


Dear Mr. ETERNAL BASTARD, You fucking faceless son of a bitch.
I hope you get cancer and die bleeding out in a ditch.
It’s been a year and still nothing. Is my pain to you just funny?
I know you got my last two DMs, I even sent a pic with End Daddy on my tummy.
So this is my last DM I’m sending. I don’t fucking care if you ban
I’m posting this from my phone in my mom’s stolen van
I’ve been crying and jilling off all fucking night
Hey End, I just drank a 5 hour energy drink,
Dare me to write?
You know that story you wrote called Innkeeper
Where the guy confesses to Eliza how he feels about her
And how she ends up killing herself if you don’t pursue it further?
That’s kinda how this is, you could have saved me instead of committing murder
Now it’s too late, I’m hopped up on sugar with nothing left
All I wanted was a fucking head pat as my goal
I hope you know I threw all your shirts in the fucking toilet bowl
I love you End, more than you could ever dream
I could have been the best daughter you’d ever seen
More than Thara, Cricket and especially that deaf bitch Green
I hope this was worth the lols for you. Does it fill you with glee?
Well here’s some more, I got my brother tied up next to me!
But I didn’t rape him, I just sucked his dick
It was consensual just like in your story Love SICK
Well gotta go, the bridge is just up ahead.
Oh shit, maybe I should have used a belt instead!


Dear Fran,

Lol, fag.

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

Chill Fran. Eat a nice hot bowl of mom's spaghetti. ^_^

... Out of curiosity though, is Fran an actual person or just a fictional personification of all your squealing fan girls? ^_^

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

It's a parody of Eminem's song "Stan" where it's about one of his obsessed fans.

The last verse is him finally writing back and going on about how he's sorry he didn't get to Stan's letters and telling him to just calm down to get his life together. Then he comes to a realization that he saw on the news recently that this guy who killed himself (And his girlfriend) was actually Stan.

However in my version, I figured it would be funnier (and easier) to dispense with another verse and just have me writing back saying "Lol, fag."

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

Lol. Yeah, I did get that part, I was just wondering if there really was a user called Fran who wouldn't stop annoying you. Either way I'm sure you've dealt with more than your fair share of Fran's over the years.

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago
It rhymes with Stan and I also read it as some fanboy naming themselves after Francis.

But it's inspired by true events, there's been a banned retard the last few days who followed this exact story arc. Dunno if he sucked his brother's dick before sending the sob story and borderline suicide threats around, but it wouldn't surprise me.

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

Is this the same retard who left CoG and then made an alt account to leave CoG with him?

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

Nah, Mizal's talking about a different retard. (You're thinking of Voldy, who is actually taking steps to improve his current standing around here in noob writing battle)

Thara banned some retard called "Cuteanimegirl" or something and they ended up making other alts which also got banned. The most recent being one called "bridge" since he (or she, whatever) said he was going to jump off one in a PM to Mizal and Thara. Honestly, I wasn't even involved in most of it until it was pretty much over where upon I just made a single mocking post in the Baiting noob thread.

Anyway, I sort of made it ambiguous if Fran in the parody was actually female or male. Works either way though since Fran (Or Francis as Mizal pointed out) is an androgynous name anyway. (Frances being the female version, but it's shortened to Fran anyway)

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

Where the hell do they keep coming from? >.<

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago
This is the funniest thing I've read in awhile, saw it first thing in the morning and I'm still giggling.

This song is such a perfect fit.

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago
I started dying as soon as I realized what this was! If only there was a music video for this one.

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

Make it happen. ^_^

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

Going to add the link to the Fantasy Lore thread here so I don't have to hunt this stuff down again.


And I might as well add this little 80s horror rhyme I made up for CYS a few days ago.


There is a place

that ends in slaughters 

There are no sons

only daughters

And if you call

the name times three

A shining blade

is all you see

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

Well here's something for Christmas. Enjoy.

Woke Miser Edge Miser

I’m Mr. Soy Christmas
I’m Mr. Woke

I’m Mr. Ten Genders
I’m Mr. Going Broke

They call me Woke Miser, I’m triggered and such
By the Patriarchy’s touch
It’s too much!

I never want to know a cishet full of misogyny 
I’d rather cancel them and make everyone L-G-B-T!

She’s Mister Soy Christmas, she’s Mister Woke
She’s Mister Ten Genders; she’s Mister Going Broke
They call me Woke Miser, I’m triggered and such
By the Patriarchy’s touch
It’s too much.

I’m Mr. Grim Christmas
I’m Mister Edge

All of you mega faggots 
Can go jump off a ledge

You call me Edge Miser, your mom’s in my clutch
She got wet to my touch
Said I’m too much

I never want to know a fag full of degeneracy 
I’d rather troll and trigger them as their tears fill me with glee!

He’s Mister Grim Christmas, he’s Mister Edge
All of you mega faggots, can go jump off a ledge
You call me Edge Miser, your mom’s in my clutch
She got wet to my touch
Said I’m too much

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

Unacceptable misgendering, please use Woke Miser's preferred pronouns, woke/wokeself

This made me laugh, lol

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago
And I think you'll find the correct prefix is Mx, not Mr.

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago
I think these kids might be too young to get the reference.

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago
Thank you! I was trying to figure out WTF song to hum that song to. ^_^

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

I actually thought that little song had enough of a modern revival over the years that everyone knew it.

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 1/10/2022 10:19:29 PM

Royal Flush

What ever happened to sexuality?
The binaries, the heteros, lack of LGBT.
How did it ever come to this? Mass degeneracy
This whole world’s full of faggotry

Trannys as mean as you’ve ever seen
No allies any place
Then a little site on the net whispers
“Kid, keep calm and just stay based!”

Everywhere you look, everywhere you go
There's a meme (there's a meme), a Chad to look up to
Everywhere you look, everywhere you go
There's a MILF of somebody who’ll fuck you
Everywhere you look

When you're canceled, banned and you're all alone
There’s always a site for you to call home!
Everywhere you look
Everywhere you look

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago
Too soon?

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

Given Bob's fairly offensive stand up routines, I'm confident he'd approve.

Oddly, sort of had that parody song in my head for a few months now, just hadn't fleshed it out completely. Figured this would be an excellent time to finally do so.

EndMaster's short stories

3 years ago

A man with a house reaching full capacity would be proud. 

EndMaster's short stories

2 years ago


30% Choice

40% Story

15% Concentrated grimdark glory

5% Incest

10% Offend

And 100% reason to remember the End

EndMaster's short stories

2 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 8/3/2022 8:03:24 PM

Link to the original thread

Voldy's Diary Entry

Man, a black dude has been fucking my ass hard.

It started in mid-2021. I finally gave a blowjob I enjoyed enough to care about (in a grocery store, ironically), and was doing well enough for myself. I swallowed the ropes rather quickly, made a few work friends I could chat with during breaks and to help pass the time, and just 4 months in, my pimp was telling me I'd be considered for a gimp role that had a $5 pay differential.

Eventually, my brother started working with me, which made things even more promising. Things seemed to be looking up for me after struggling to hold anything down for years due to a poor gag reflex and cavities. I could get a new car, start saving up for my own place, and maybe even buy my fiance that strap on so I can finally get pegged by her properly.

Then, in one week, everything seemed to go down hill.

I woke up one day, like any other, and around the middle of it started noticing things were...different inside my body. Quite different. For starters, I was having painful shits several times a day. My breathing had turned labored and shallow from too much anal. I was tired more often from no extra exertion. I had random spouts of rose budding, and I noticed my appetite heavily decreased.

Something deeply concerning was wrong with me.

Fast forward about five months. My fiance and I have saved up some money for the first time since we came out together, and nothing got better. Only worse.

One day, I was stepping into the shower and found myself with a black man instantly getting hard for no discernible reason. I attempted to carry on, ignoring the sensation of his arms caressing my shoulders, and that's when it began. My ass started getting pounded, and unevenly so. Some thrusts were painful, but all were felt. I began to get lightheaded and dizzy.

I have a pretty substantial fear of AIDS. It wasn't so substantial until I met the love of my life. Now, the thought of not getting to take care of her and experience some kind of life with her frightens me to the core. You could say she's become my primary joy out of life ever since I was thrusted into the nightmare of her spiked strap on .

So one can easily imagine what was going through my head as I shakily threw some random clothes on and stumbled out of the bathroom, yelling for her to call 911.

I was transported to the nearest hospital 25 minutes away via ambulance. My life partner followed us in her car as I lied upon a stretcher fearing for my bleeding asshole while a breathing mask blasted nitrous oxide into my face to increase the pleasure. The 2 demented EMTs attached a plethora of clamps to my nipples and spewed S&M jargon at each other. I remember 1 of them was apparently a rookie dom, and had to be corrected several times on procedures and equipment use, which of course did little for my bloody asshole at the time.

Several blood tests, urine samples, chest shitting and facials later, I was officially diagnosed with:

Nothing. The emergency room doctors couldn't find out exactly what was wrong with me. They said they ran the "Iron Man gauntlet" up my ass and that, besides my wide sphincter which I've known about for years, nothing concrete was showing up.

The desperation was then born.

Its funny, people always want the answers to every little thing in life. To know the truth ahead of time. To be in control of everything they think they can be.

I got to taste what it was like to have nothing but cum for days. On one of the largest scales possible.

A few more months pass. I was fired from my job for giving bad head too many times because some days, the headaches would not want to cease whenever I moved my head back and forth. Some days my breathing was just so bad I knew I would throw up at some point if I went in for a shift.

I've been pretty much jobless since then. My health has definitely improved, but I haven't had a good ass pounding again in a couple months now. My breathing is still shaky most of the time. Some weeks I'm normal, some I'm using a banana a few times a day, which doesn't sound like much, but its a fuckton.

And it doesn't end there.

Just last week, I've seem to developed crabs, which is a type of infestation. Every day their biting can be piercing, such as red bumps or even bleeding. I've been getting woken up by an "attack" where my balls look like a crime scene due to being so bloody, only for the critters to torture me via my ass hair (half the reason for my having to shave).

I've got quite a lot going on with me physically, and I can't seem to put my finger on a lot of the causes. All I know is this: I have a lot of cocks to suck in my foreseeable future.

Everybody knows I suck. I'm 22 and having all of these dicks, and I don't a lot. Maybe that's part of the problem, I don't know. The gist of what I've learned is this: take care of the shaft, but equally as important, don't be afraid to accept a load. If you're going to spit, tell someone. And if they offer anything, take everything you can. All of this has shown me what it can do to try and help someone off. I don't know what I would have done some of these past few years if I didn't have my family and friends.

Shit happens, and whether its your fault or not, just give in to the rape. It's so easy, but you never know just when you'll be on your knees again. Okay enough to go back to enjoying life, and being there for the people and moments that make you happy. Have some mouth wash once in a while. It can really, really help. No matter what you're experiencing.

It’s over.

EndMaster's short stories

2 years ago


Open relationships when there's a bull involved are quite intriguing to read about. I'm happy Voldy was brave enough to share his own life's story with us. 

EndMaster's short stories

2 years ago

Need to put these links here before they're too buried.

End Master's Endtimes Emporium

CYS Choice: Read the Freedom!

EndMaster's short stories

2 years ago

Going to just put Mara's interview of me here for proper archiving purposes.

Today I bring to the jam one of the most famous Interactive writers during almost two decades Endmaster many times he is polemic. Still, there is no doubt about his work quality and his knowledge about engaging villains and thrilling plots.

1. Do you first create your characters and then design the lore and storyline, or is it the other way around?

There’s usually no set way. Most of the time I create at least some of the characters along with the storyline and lore first, and then more characters, storyline paths and lore as needed later. I usually have at least some of the major paths and endings already in mind, along with various major events, but with branching stories, there’s always things that pop up that I need to make up as I go along.

If I absolutely had to pick which one I tend to focus on in the beginning, it would be the storyline since that’s the whole major point of what the protagonist has to go through. The characters the protagonist meets or has to deal with are developed as needed for the various paths and branches.

Been plenty of times when I just created a character for a minor thing and then they turned out to play a much larger role in the story. The reverse is also true too, like major character I had in mind turns out to not be very important after all. Developing the lore sort of depends on the story in mind. Fantasy and scifi type settings might go into a little more background lore if needed, but I usually try to make stuff like that as an optional choice so it doesn’t bog down the rest of the story.

2. What do you advise us, beginners, to do to better plan our characters and stories? Any program to help us?

Start small and do some basic outlining of the story before everything else. You can get overwhelmed if you don’t organize and attempt something too large if you haven’t done it before.

While I’m sure there are programs to help with organizing, I’ve never used any. I tend to just keep extensive notes on everything on Word documents. Keep track of major characters, places, events, etc. Along with major paths I need to work on and choice branches I still need to finish.

Basically I have my own system of doing things and don’t feel like changing it up since it’s been working fine for two decades now.

3. There is a fine line between well-created evil characters with a deep and credible personality of flat and edgy evil characters who have no real reason for how they act. What do you recommend to create good villains?

As with any character (good or evil) you just have to design motives and personality for them. Always found that memorable dialog helps with villains, though I like to write a lot of dialog in general.

It still sort of depends on the story you’re going for. There are times you really don’t need a complex villain because it isn’t necessary and just want one that gets on with the baby killing, not brooding about how she didn’t get enough hugs as a child. Of course if you do have a shallower villain, the main thing you still have to focus on is to at least make her entertaining. Have her juggling the babies or something before she throws them against the wall. Amusing stuff like that.

But going back to the deeper villains, I tend to write a lot of villain protagonists so of course those are going to have more personality to them since they’re what the reader is playing as.

The question then becomes how to go about writing a good antagonist rather than traditional villain. The same method applies, which is to design them according to their own motives and flesh out their personalities as you would with any major character and stay consistent. You just have a lot more range with it since these can be the noble type looking to stomp out your brand of villainy or they might be worse than you are.

I’ve found that when writing a villain protagonist, it’s best to just go all the way with it.

Most of the time when an “evil choice” is given in a game, it’s an after thought. It’s sort of just there as an option as if to tick off a box. (Like romances) Sometimes it doesn’t even make that much of a difference, other times there is no real path so much as its just killing everyone in sight. Which while that can be fun, that’s not necessarily the brand of evil you were trying to go for. If you just avoid any type of noble or heroic pretenses whatsoever there’s less dilution and you can focus more on what’s important. (Evil stuff)

Of course this isn’t to say your villain protagonist can’t still do nice things within the story. No reason to kick a puppy if that isn’t the way the story is going.

4. I and many novice writers suffer from stress and uncertainty when we have to show something publicly. Have you ever been through that? If so, how are you able to cope it?

Not really. I’ve never cared enough mainly because I’m never writing with an audience primarily in mind, I’m writing mainly for myself.

Anything I write is something that I would want to read and play through, so if it’s pleasing to me, then that’s all that matters. I’m not really worrying about what others think of it, if I did that, then I’d never write anything. If someone else likes it, fine. If they don’t that’s fine too.

Besides, really angry negative reviews are funny. Honestly I’m probably doing something severely wrong if I’m not offending someone out there.

5. You have been decades writing games of great quality many of them you need years to finish. Without the pressure of commercial publishing. How do you maintain your focus and will to finish your games?

Any story I’m writing it’s something that I find interesting and I would want to read. So that helps keep the focus most of the time. There’s also the fact that I really hate leaving things unfinished. Like I usually really can’t move on with another project unless I get the one I was working on first out of the way. I have done it before with a single detour for another story, but it isn’t something I like to make a habit of and it would drive me nuts to have several unfinished stories.

That being said, there’s a lot of ideas that I have like a bare minimum outline for, maybe even a first page written, but in those cases, they’re really still more in the idea phase rather than an actual work in progress. I just make the initial notes so I can return to them hopefully when I have time to focus on them.

6. What is your opinion on stats and romance?

Well let’s get stats out of the way first.

Stats are fine, never had anything against them in IFs. The old gamebooks I used to play back in the 80s were mostly stat based (Fighting Fantasy, Lone Wolf, etc) to some degree. I actually gravitated towards those more than I did the pure choice text based ones. (The old original CYOA books)

Which of course is funny, because I only write pure choice text based stories. I toyed with making a more “gamey” story once and soon learned how much of an unfun slog it is to write. From there on in, I decided I was going to stick with writing pure text choice.

Now I think where problems come in with stats is when the writer is just shoving them in when they don’t actually do anything or very little. It starts becoming like an old RPG from the 80s where you had 50 skills to pick from, but only 10 of those actually were useful in the game.

Basically, if you’re going to have stats, make sure they’re at least useful in the game somehow rather than pointless window dressing where it doesn’t actually affect gameplay and you probably never need as many as you think you do.

Moving on to romance which everyone seems to think is the end all be all in IFs nowadays for some strange reason. Not talking about stuff that is specifically written with a romance focus. If that’s the focus then it’s what it’s supposed to be.

But for other genres, I’m unsurprisingly not really a big fan of it and tend to just roll my eyes at how many people seem to worry about what text waifus are available rather than more essential stuff like y’know the plot.

I will say this dislike probably extends from today’s RPGs where you got more people screaming about making this and that character romancible while the rest of the gameplay goes flying out the window because the developers were stupid enough to listen to the unwashed masses. (AKA Bioware Syndrome)

And this seems to happen to writers of IFs all the time along with shoving in romance because they feel they have to for whatever reason. Ultimately you end up with rushed or badly written character in general which is pretty terrible for an IF since writing quality is all you have.

If you’re going to write romances it would at least be better to just focus on a few deeper ones. Don’t have a whole bunch unless you’re really going to put the work in for all of them (and most don’t). And if some reader screams at you because you didn’t include whatever as an option, tell them to go find another IF or write it themselves.

7. What is your take on publication and monetization?

Well I guess the only thing I can say about that is make sure you read the contract and make sure you’re getting a good deal if you’re trying to get published with someone.

If you’re a reader, I can see the appeal of getting a free demo of some of the game and then unlocking the rest of it, if you liked it enough to pay for the rest. Not really a fan of the concept of paying for special locked content though, I guess that one works out more for the author (or company) as far as making money goes.

Personally I wouldn’t lock anything though if I was selling something. Just a flat one time payment and you get the whole story.

8. How come you haven’t tried to become professionally published?

I see no major reason to. I mean I’ve gotten offers in the past about such things, but they always seemed shady or disorganized at best. Even the more established companies are pretty scummy with their business practices. Definitely wouldn’t go that route.

I imagine even if I wanted to do the whole itchio/twine thing I’d probably have to use more social media to get the word out, patreon to beg for money (While wondering if they’re going to ban me for content or something dumb), learn coding, actually have to listen to whining readers and all that all other crap that I have absolutely no desire to do.

Though I will say, I’ve already been “professionally published” when those guys created AI Dungeon using all my stories (And other CYS stories) to help build their AI and released it for the public. The hilarious results of what happened with that were way better than any monetary compensation.

If someone actually came up with a deal that actually was a good one, I wouldn’t completely dismiss the idea, but until then I’m perfectly fine being the IF equivalent of crime cartel videos: Known via underground infamy, completely free entertainment if someone so desires to seek them out and most importantly doing it for my own enjoyment.

9. Any word advice you want to give to the jam audience?

Just follow your vision and focus until your finish writing something you’re pleased with.

EndMaster's short stories

2 years ago
Commended by mizal on 2/5/2023 7:24:30 AM

Not necessarily "canon" (yet) but I had this idea and just had to write it.

No Rest For The Wicked

The complete blackness you just experienced suddenly ends and you open your eyes. You immediately sit up and start feeling your face and chest.

“Wait, I was dying. Wasn’t I? But…”

You then look around your surroundings and you don’t see the cozy home where you were lying in bed.

This place looks a lot less…cozy.

You’re lying on a stone floor for one thing and surrounded by architecture that looks similar to an elaborate mausoleum. Though this is a very large one if that’s where you are. 

This isn’t what is worrying you though. It’s the hooded figure standing nearby looking at you. Or at least you THINK he’s looking at you. Hard to tell when you can’t see any eyes.

However given the traditional examples you’ve seen drawn of “death” in the past, you have a feeling you ARE dead after all.

“Are you the God of death?” you ask.

“I have been known by that title sometimes.” The figure responds though not in a voice you were expecting.



You’re sort of at a loss of what to say next, so you just stand up and repeat the obvious.

“I’m really dead aren’t I?” you partially ask.

“Yes Aron, you really are dead. Though given your background, it’s quite the feat that you died of natural causes.” The figure responds.

“Is this um…the afterlife?”

“It’s more of a stopping place before you move on to the afterlife. I have to see where you’re supposed to go based on what you did in your life and in some cases I get to decide where you go if the other gods are too busy…or more often too lazy to tell me.”

“Oh. Uh…well I…uh…”

“You can stop with your feeble attempt at trying to mount an explanation for any of your actions while you were alive. I of course already know everything.”

“You mean…”


“What about…”


“Wait even…”

“Yes, even that too, and while that wasn't nearly as bad as the other two things, you really should have known better.”

“Fuck…am I going to some place bad?”

“Well that’s rather relative. What might be generally considered bad to one person might be a paradise to another. However I assume you’re wondering if you’re going to the infernal realm, or hells or whatever you mortals call it.”

There’s a moment of silence as you expect the being to follow up on his statement, but when it doesn’t come quick enough you nudge conversation along yourself since you can’t stand the waiting.

“So?! Is that where I’m going?!”

“You? No. It wouldn’t be much of a punishment anyway considering you’ve got a hell lord for a girlfriend. She’d just save your ass and keep you in a cage or whatever such beings do with their pet mortals.”

You allow yourself a smile as you think about Tanya. Honestly you hadn’t thought about her in a long time, having managed to shut out her permanent presence in your mind for the most part. Granted your work and constant looking over your shoulder helped keep you focused on other things most of the time.

And yet now that you ARE thinking about her, you would like to see her again.

Meanwhile, the being before you has noticed your temporary distraction.

“Yes mortal you may very well smirk at your rare feat of courting such a creature and it paying off. But then most of your life has been one of the odds being very much in your favor. Being blessed by Yag of course didn’t hurt.” The being says.

“Wait I was blessed by Yag?!” you exclaim.

“More like he made a good roll on you once and then forgot to retrieve his dice, so he just created new ones instead, leaving you with a permanent blessing of sorts and allowing you to benefit from his whimsical nature. Probably explains how you lived to die of natural causes come to think of it. In any case, his blessings aren’t helping you here, you’re currently under my jurisdiction.”

“So…if I’m not going to hell, where am I going? Paradise?”

The being suddenly chuckles which makes you a little nervous.

“No. You aren’t the worst person, but you certainly aren’t going there. You’re going to be working for me for a little while. We’ll see how it goes from there.”

Now you’re just confused.

“Work? For you? What would I even be doing?”

“What you’re good at. Rogue shit. Though the stakes are a bit higher than sneaking into a palace and assassinating a petty Baroness or permanently crippling a large criminal organization. There’s a cosmic war going on and you’re going to be going up against forces way worse than your simple mortal mind could ever have imagined.”

“That sounds bad.”

“Oh it’s bad alright. Bad enough that said forces could bring about the end of existence itself or at least as most know it. I got other key agents working on the direct combat end of things, you might even have to work with them at some point, but for now I need you in a scouting and sabotaging capacity.”

While you doubt if you have much choice in this matter, you can’t help but wonder why and how you’re even going to accomplish this task.

It’s like the Death God read your mind however since you suddenly feel a transformation occurring. You look at your hands and the wrinkles are gone, you feel your face, which is smoother.

“There. You’ll find that you are now in your prime. Better actually. Honestly, I could have given you this without the youthful make over, but I know how vain you mortals are.” The being says.

“Thanks, but I still have to ask why? Why me? Am I just that good?”

“No. There are probably MANY in your field better than you. Most of which who didn’t have the benefit of having Yag randomly bless them. However, most of them are immediately claimed by the infernal realm or even other gods. Dendrin, or Fel as your world might know him in particular has most of the best ones, but then he would that being his portfolio and all. He's got his own battle plans."

“So why didn’t Yag claim me?”

“Because besides him being a whimsical degenerate that barely pays attention to his own priests on a regular basis, you didn’t actively worship him. You never were very religious despite being involved in a few minor holy wars. If anything you probably annoyed more than a few gods due to your interference. You’re fortunate that I’m the one dealing with you rather than a lot of others.”

“Hey, maybe Yag’s blessing is still working!”

The Death God ignores your comment and continues.

“The other factor relates to that little demon girlfriend of yours we spoke of earlier. She’s currently an ally in this cosmic war. Not exactly a friendly one, but she’s one of the few that’s really been taking it to the chaotic abominations along with her foolhardy attempt at unifying the infernal realm.”

“Glad to hear she’s been doing well.”

“Yes, well that’s because she’s focused. Very little distracts her. An admirable trait really, especially since I’ve never liked infernals. I don’t trust them, you CAN’T trust them. In fact one of their number, a very powerful one, is actively helping in trying to bring about the end of the cosmos. Without his meddling, I doubt if things would have gotten this bad.”

“So how does this connect to me again?”

“Your demon girl doesn’t need any distractions. I send you to the infernal realm and that’s what you’ll be. One big distraction, because for some damn reason she still loves you. No, you’ll be kept far from her. Plus, as much of an ally as she is, she’s also still an infernal and I’ll never fully trust her. So YOU are going to be leverage just in case.”

Well looks like you’re a pawn in a game much greater than yourself again. Not that you haven’t been in this position before, but you figured such things would be over with when you died.

You then quickly think of a way out of your predicament.

“Wait, if I’m leverage, wouldn’t it be a better idea to keep me away from potential danger? After all if these chaos abominations as you call them get me, you’ll have lost your edge against Tanya right?”

Once again the Death God laughs and it’s just as unnerving the first time you heard it.

“Nice try, but having you actively being useful is more important than any potential leverage. That’s just a side benefit. If anything, if you fell to the abominations, I believe it would just drive Tanya harder to utterly destroy them. I suppose she might be pissed at me afterwards, but that’s of minor importance. What is of major fucking importance for you is that you DON’T fall to said creatures. I’ve been told such a fate is worse than anything the infernal realm could imagine. Consider that one of your incentives to succeed.”

Well it was worth a shot. You look down in defeat with a heavy sigh. This doesn’t go unnoticed.

“Well if your soul isn’t incentive enough mortal, consider that if you actually are competent at your tasks and this war is won, you’ll be given a choice of where you want to spend the rest of your afterlife. Not really a choice most mortals get to make AFTER they die. In any case, you’re not exactly in this alone. You’ll need a partner at least to watch your back. I think you two will work very well together as you know each other very well or did at least.”

You suddenly feel a bit of concern.


“What?! No, not your sister! First of all she’s not dead yet. She’s still currently mourning your cold body. Second of all, I’m not giving you a partner that you’re going to be playing grab ass with instead of keeping focused. No, pretty sure that won’t be a problem with this one and Yag gave the okay for taking him.”

Suddenly another form materializes near you. It’s smaller and greener. Doesn’t look human.

“Wha…what! Hey! I wuzn’t countin’ cards! I wuz just countin’ how much coin I had left! Wait…dis don’t look like Yag’s casino.”


You haven’t seen the hob in decades since he died of a heart attack while eating a pork chop bigger than his head. (He still won the contest he was in since he did finish it before he died.)

Considering he was the closest thing you actually had to a friend, you can’t help but feel a little joy seeing him again.

He looks at you and squints a bit before recognizing you.

“Aron?! Whatchu doin here? You dead too? What iz dis place?” he asks.

“It’s a long story and I’m still trying to figure it all out myself, but it looks like we’re going to be working together again.” You reply.

“Work? I thought the whole benefit of bein’ dead iz so you didn’t have to work anymore.”

“Well apparently there’s no rest for the wicked.”

The Death God at this point interrupts you both.

“Gentlemen, you two can play catch up later, right now however, I’m about to inform you of your first task…”

You whisper to Warts to just pay attention as best he can to the spooky hooded man for now and you’ll explain everything later. Warts, still mildly confused about his situation just goes along with your words and the pair of you start to listen to already what sounds to be more dangerous than anything you ever went up against in Holgard or anywhere for that matter while you were still alive.

No rest for the wicked indeed.

EndMaster's short stories

one year ago
love how you make it sound like Star Wars.

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a site called Worth1000."

why do i always see this stuff, i should seriously go into a meme-making career XD

EndMaster's short stories

one year ago
Commended by Ford on 11/7/2023 5:18:12 AM

CYStian Cyscho

Enterpride: Do you like EndMaster?
Ace: He’s okay I guess.
Enter: His early work was a little too edgy for my taste, but when Necromancer came out in 2007, I think he really came into his own. In infamy and artistically.

Heads to the bathroom to prepare

The whole story has a clear vision of what it’s attempting and a fresh take on the rare dark overlord protagonist in interactive fiction that really gives the story a big boost.

Dons a raincoat, takes a pill, drinks water, grabs an axe, back shuffles into the room enthusiastically

He’s been compared to Quentin Tarentino, but I think End has a far more grimdark sense of humor. 

Ace: Hey, Enter.
Enter: Yes, Ace?
Ace: Why are there copies of Quiller’s artwork all over the floor? Is Corgi here or something? Ha ha ha ha!
Enter: No Ace.
Ace: Is that a raincoat?
Enter: Yes it is!

Happily shuffles over to computer and points to it

Enter: In 2011, EndMaster released this: Eternal, his most accomplished story. I think his undisputed masterpiece is the Struggle Path. A choice so deep most people probably don’t read more than hoping to make Mistress their waifu. 

But they should!

Because it’s not just about the pleasures of genocide and the importance of tyanny. It’s also a personal statement about how Cog games are for fags! HEY ACE!


Ace’s eyes widen in fear and surprise
Enter slams axe into Ace’s head and his bloody body hit the floor


Spends the rest of the night chopping up Ace’s fat body

EndMaster's short stories

one year ago
Absolutely beautiful.

EndMaster's short stories

one year ago

Pro Tip: Chopping up the body goes a bit faster with a chainsaw.  E:  I would hate to see Enter wasting all that time using just an axe.

 - For reference see EndMaster's Love Sick.

EndMaster's short stories

one year ago
Enter prefers the axe for historical reasons.

EndMaster's short stories

one year ago

Chainsaws absorb too much forensic evidence by being difficult to thoroughly clean

EndMaster's short stories

one month ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 1/13/2025 4:42:23 AM

Finally found this old one to add here. "Old One" being a bit on the nose here.


The water is always blacker
Under the ocean deep
Cthulhu is down there dreaming
In his death like sleep

The Ancient Ones are calling you
To the sunken nightmare city
The Elder Things surround you
And they will have no pity


Madness is lovely
Beauty is ugly
Take it from me!

Become a Deep One here today
And make the humans slave away
While we are prayin’
To Dagon’s reignin’

Now the stars are in alignment
Time to start the ritual
The sacrifice needs refinement
Need virgin blood for the bowl
But sacrifices are lucky
Worse is for those who survive
For when the gates are open
The rest will be eaten live


None can oppose us
Die or just join us
Souls are tasty!

Better get used to human flesh
I hear that infants are the best
We got no morals
No conscience quarrels

Since life is weak here
We got to eat here

Even the Shoggoth an’ the Gug
They get the urge an’ start to hug
We are united
Nothing can fight it

(Musical interlude by Azathoth’s drum and flute playing abominations and unearthly chanting)


When the Mi-go
Deal the final blow
It fills me with glee!
We’ll read the Necronomicon
Until humanity is gone
Each little Nightgaunt
Know how to dream haunt

Each little Moon Beast
Knows how to blood feast

Each little Dhole here
Makin’ a hole here
That’s why it’s blissful
Makin’ life dismal
While we’re in luck here
You’re really fucked here

EndMaster's short stories

one month ago

I didn't realize it was to the tune of "Under the Sea" until about halfway through and had to back and sing it in my head.

Needless to say, this is really good

EndMaster's short stories

one month ago

I didn't realize it was to the tune of Under the Sea until you brought it up. And knowing that makes the song a million times better! ^_^

EndMaster's short stories

one month ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 1/13/2025 4:43:53 AM

Might as well add this new one too.

Seeking to Die

Into the darkness, a grimoire of black
Made the sacrifice, no turning back
A twisted offer on a bloody floor
Piles of bodies stacked to the door
One foot in the grave and the other in Hell
How I need to be free of this mortal shell

Can’t keep my thoughts from mass genocide
Hate filled and evil
Just want to ascend and die.

Numbness is forming on my finger tips
Still continue chanting the wicked words from my lips
No cult or apprentice to bother me
This glory is mine, my destiny

A necromancer that’s seeking to die
Lichdom not certain but determined to try

Can’t keep my thoughts from mass genocide
Hate filled and evil
Just want to ascend and die.

(Garbled chanting of forbidden words)

Finally risen, the living scream of dread
My rusted crown, a symbol for the lord of the dead
Across the world, I see my shadow grow
Soon desolation will be all they know
A terror that reigns in the day or night
Their countless graves will be a beautiful sight

There’s no sensation, no feeling or breath
Corpse animation, a state of death

Can’t keep my thoughts from mass genocide
Hate filled and evil
Just want to ascend and die.

EndMaster's short stories

one month ago

These are cool! ^_^