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Best sentence made from just CYS story titles

8 months ago

The best that I've been able to come up with so far is Popping My Cherry The Dark, Smelly, Fatal Prison Save Your Dragon Dusty Fist In the Fields.

I'm sure that someone else can come up with better ones than that (I know that it's not technically a sentence, but you guys get the concept).

Also, is there a CYS Extension for Safari (iPad)?

Best sentence made from just CYS story titles

8 months ago

Best sentence made from just CYS story titles

7 months ago

Honestly, nothing is going to top adding the title "Popping My Cherry" to various other ones.


Nameless Degenerate Rogues Popping My Cherry Among the Trees In the Pale Moonlight all because of a breakfast sandwich

Or if you want something simple

Hey look, it's a zombie apocalypse Popping My Cherry

Could be a series really.

Best sentence made from just CYS story titles

7 months ago
The Knight Order of the Golden Sun Popping My Cherry
Elvis at the Beauty Contest Popping My Cherry
The Duke of Winslow Popping My Cherry
Dad's Father's Day Adventure: Popping My Cherry
Alpha Wolf Popping My Cherry

...some of these would really bring in the wrong kind of crowd.

It's really too easy, might need a "no Popping My Cherry" challenge to enforce variety.

Best sentence made from just CYS story titles

7 months ago

All these ones really scream COG

Best sentence made from just CYS story titles

7 months ago
The Hand With the Knife Popp...okay, it's time to stop.

Best sentence made from just CYS story titles

7 months ago
Hit that random button a couple of times:
A dragon's legend: Popping My Cherry
Live a cat's life: Popping my Cherry
ENG4U1 Seminar Game: Popping My Cherry

Best sentence made from just CYS story titles

7 months ago

The Elder Scrolls: Shadows of the Princes Popping My Cherry

Best sentence made from just CYS story titles

7 months ago

It's a Boy! Popping my Cherry

The Duke of Winslow Popping my Cherry

Popping my Cherry Gay and Depressed 


All of Darius's work so well!

Best sentence made from just CYS story titles

7 months ago
New activity:

Finding the funniest game titles when translated to Dutch (a fictional language).

Popping My Cherry - Mijn Kers Ploffen

(Although I'm not sure if the meaning carries over, we might just be referring to violence against innocent fruit now.)

Best sentence made from just CYS story titles

7 months ago

Popping my cherry is translated to: mijn maagdelijkheid verliezen.

If you translate it literally people will look at you like you are some crazy guy

Best sentence made from just CYS story titles

7 months ago

"My Cherry Ploffing" is what translate tells me the Dutch part translates to

 Is ploffing even a thing?

... do I want to know?

Best sentence made from just CYS story titles

7 months ago
Crackas best get they pasty hands offa my rod!

Beter houwe die tatas hun switi hande van me bana!