And if you do, be my friend i'm from the potato state an original tator tot myself! Also who wants to hear some potato facts?
Any and all!!
I've never had gay potatoes
Yeah, I'm pretty basic. But if the OP or anyone else likes gay potatoes, well to each his own. I just prefer basic potatoes with traditional toppings.
I like sweet potatoes. Are they gay?
... I no longer like sweet potatoes.
We aren't all that strange.
Yes. That should definitely have been mentioned.
Well, tbh I am not totally a Vodka person, so while vodka potatoes are awesome, I would probably prefer beer potatoes.
What about vodka cake? I remember when i was a kid there was a chocolate cake on the kitchen counter, of course i decided i needed a slice, but this cake tasted like poison so i went to my dad to complain, i found out his friend had laced it with vodka!!
Agreed. No cake.
I am very dissapointed that I did not recieve a PM. Did she think I would not be interested in potato related trivia? Why? Is it because we fucked over the Irish during the Irish Potato Famine? ... That doesn't mean we hate potatoes, you know! We just wanted all the Irish to starve so that we could keep all the potatoes to ourselves!
Perhaps she thought that you might want to do something crazy like your fellow brit and put vodka in cake for kids to eat, instead of just drinking the potatoes as God intended.
That is fair. Only a Brit would have the true culinary incompetance to fuck up potatoes.
I know right?? She pmd everyone except the Brits, very suspicious if I say so myself.
I just messaged everybody that was under the "Who's online"
Don't PM me to a thread link again.
In fact, don't PM me at all.
Were they wrong to assume that EndMaster wouldn't be interested in a thread about potatoes? I am shocked an appalled! Potatoes are awesome! You can boil 'em, mash 'em AND stick 'em in a stew. ^_^
OMG, this is my JAM!!! ^_^
... There is no ' in likes.
I quite like potatoes, especially jacket potatoes with beans and cheese on top.
It truly is sad. That's why you should adopt me mizal, so you can teach me how to be the proper functioning adult I should have been smh
There used to be a mod that would happily adopt you and have the anime boy tickle fights in dm's and on display on the forums to see. But...
I think id rather kill myself.
Poor Crim wants a designated place in site lore
Who wants to know things about potatoes?
I'll go first!
A potato is 80% water!!!
Lies and slander! A potato is 100% potato!
NO! Search "Potato facts" and go to the idaho potato museum it says it. Because they are 20% liquid and 80% solids!
So wait. Potatoes are not 100% potato? That is messed up. When I eat a potato, I want it to be potato, not just some simulation of a potato. Must be some government conspiracy to take potatoes out of our lives.
No wonder you like to lick them.
No they are potato! They're just 20% potato juice and 80% potato!
I like potato juice. Especially when it is turned into beer.
Well i was going too but then i forgot my password on the first one so i made another one with a password that's easier to remember
Oh no they're my friend
... Why are you using yet ANOTHER account? What was wrong with the last one?
She lost her password
Well then she should go find it.
I don't care
I don't care.
I don't care!
I don't care, asshole! I don't care; capitalizing everything is so much fun!
I don't care?
Nice to see this thread finally produce a comment worth the commendation. Good job Iris.
You're being annoying and I will no longer to be responding to you.
On a writing site, tou should always care and appreciate when someone takes the time to analyze and comment on your writing.
He's just being annoying!
Did you know you can block people by tagging Endmaster 3 times?
You just do that but three times in the same post with Endmaster's name.
Who's Tou?
It was at school and the door was closed thank you very much.
You do realize there's a whole forgot password button right?
yeah but the email didn't work
Why are you yelling?? that's kinda rude.
She does, I'm sure of it.
She does what?
I'd suggest you put your thinking cap on - Might give you the Eureka moment youre seeking.
Which parent beat you?
? What do you mean by that?
Which parent molested you, RK?
I'm sure you'll figure it out.
Did your gay lover feed you that line?
Thanks, mizal.
I'll use that either now, or make sure to write that down to add to the reserves.
Who's beating ya across the head?
Did you need to get a kiss off your mommy to get the confidence to send that? Dont be jealous about me and Krallonor, at least he can get a man
Man, this guy eats dicks.
man this girl is a rug muncher. Youre lucky its 2AM here, as such i must go to bedeth, but just know what you witnessed today was but a fraction of my power and this....
Are you Euro?
That would explain everything.
He's ones of ours. Sorry Thara, I must've left the pen unlocked. I'll wrangle him back in.
You're one of the good ones. Don't worry.
shhh, dont tell em i gave you some sauce for a rebbutal, send this: "do you kiss your daddy with that mouth? 😎"
I'd switch Daddy for mommy actually. That makes it go just that little bit harder. "you kiss your mommy with that potty mouth?😎" Obviously you need the sunglasses emoji, you need to be drippin in the cool.
True, im just so charming. 😎 I'm being very productive recently too, im writing a penguin story, and can you believe ive already wrote two whole pages today!?!
If it's crim, the answer is yes. Every sentence is a humble brag, some are just more effectively masked than others
Humble brag of the day! We've not hard one of those in awhile. ^_^
It actually was inspired by that pfp I made for you. So of course, we play as a curious penguin, food is running low, ice caps are melting, a predator stalks and follows your penguin clan, picking off stragglers.. Some penguins in the colony are acting strange... What will you do? That's basically the synopsis. I'm really enjoying writing this one so fat though. If you ever want to proofread just ask!
More likely to believe it if both of those pages have twenty or so words. You and I both know you're physically required to write at least five times as much in the forums and PMs as you do in your stories per day or the world would implode
I've wrote about 800 words over my two pages! : p Also, You're the only person I've spoken to in PM's on this account. I'm not THAT social. But maybe your right, for every one comment i make in the forum should be one word in my story. Balanced, as all things should be.
Anime pfp's in underaged children's dm's again? Smh.
Nice anime pfp. Smh
Mine is from soulless gacha shit made by the Chinese. Aimed at making smelly weaboo virgins sneak into their mommy's purse to max her card in the thousands so they can pull for a chance to get their next 2D waifu.
Still, how Kiel-like of you to say that you're only dmimg fresh.
Gonna have to consult the council about your potentially devious actions. Anime pfp, as well as being Euro? I think we have a nonce on our hands...
As Avery would say. They say nonce over there, I'm sure.
We certainly do. I like that word. It is a good word.
Quite bold of you to assume it was only one parent.
Shh! Don't tell her! This is all part of her evil plan and you've fallen right into the trap! She waits until somebody says, "I like potatoes" and then she says, "Oh, you like potatoes do you? Well in that case... Have ALL the potatoes! Have all the potatoes in the world!" and then proceeds to drop all the potatoes in the world on the head of her unfortunate victim until they drown in a river of potatoes... Oldest trick in the book.
Oh, okay. Enjoy your slow, painful, potato induced death
What the heck are you talking about?
What are you talking about?
Oh dear... I think she might have... Non-Threaded View! >.<
Why did the thread name change?
YAY!! Fellow potato liker!
I like my potatoes roasted over the corpses of dumbasses personally.
Have you been lifting?
... Do you have mashmallows? ^_^
None of your images have been showing up
Have mine?
Working for me.
Yeah yours are showing up.
Briar's just don't on my laptop apparently. Shows up on my phone though.
Licking potatoes sounds kinda weird. I did however know a guy once that carved one into a bong.
I don't know why the name changed
Why what changed? Why do you lick potatoes?
No the thread name
That sounds crazy. So does licking potatoes though. Why would one lick a potatoe? I dont understand.
No the name of the thread changed and i don't know why
Oh huh, weird. What was it before. I dont understand all the licking.
It was who likes potatoes
So you dont lick potatoes?
NO! But i just don't know why it changed and how i change it back
You do realize that you sound a little bit crazy. Im pretty sure that the titles cant just change themselves.
No. I'm pretty sure it used to be who leaks potatoes.
I swear i'm not!! I don't know maybe it's a hacker or something?
OMG, who would do such a thing?
I agree! I call for a Salem Witch Trial!
@Crimson you are accused of hacking into the CYS system and changing the thread titles in an attempt to subconsciously brainwash the good citizens of CYStia to indulge your toe licking fetish! How do you plead?
There's no denying it anymore, Is there? What she says is true! I did hack the CYS system to try to brainwash evrryone into being more open to my toe licking fetish, but let me tell you why this Is actually a net good for humanity:
I believe this trial Is over.
Crimson, you have been found guilty of brainwashing innocent CYS members into joining your own personal toe licking harem.
Your penalty... 1,000,000 points! Consider yourself lucky you weren't banned... THIS time!
This is an injustice! An injustice I say! Can you not see I was just doing what was best for humanity?? Have thou no heart!? ;
Nevermind my my heart, it's my toes I'm worried about.
What motherfuckers think sleeping with your socks on will do to you .
Please change the name back
Thank you!!!! This is awesome!!
How did you do that? Could you teach me?
... Do they taste like hotdogs?
You know what your own toes taste like? O.O
These newbs are all perverts. Crimson and his boytoy RK licking each others toes. Gross, I dont wanna hear about that
Yeah yeahhhh, look at thara!!! Shes...... Thara, that says enough
What do you mean? Thara's the most wholesome member on this site! ^_^
Thank you, Avery.
He keeps trying to lump me in with him in the gutter for some reason.
I'll always be interested in yours though.
But surely it is not possible to eat a potato without licking it.
I'll have you know our traditional potato, hotdog and toe pie is considered a delicay in Britain. ^_^
I like Ogre better
I like Ogre.
I like ogre : )
I'll behave myself.... Maybe :)
I personally would be extremely impressed if Crimson could stomach Ogre's toes. ^_^
I missed a lot in the past couple of days.
Backreading is for fags