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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago
Several people commented on my post in Alex_P's thread saying that I don't actually read storygames. And, well... fair. It's been a while, anyway. And apparently CYS is thriving -- I didn't realize the forum chitchat had just moved to Discord, which was my metric for assuming things had slowed down. Good to know!

So, people are still here, and still making storygames, despite CYS's quirks. And maybe it's time for me to do more than lurk and occasionally do some art... or gripe about someone's choice of language. So I'm going to play some storygames in January. Specifically the top three from the past five contests, and whatever else people recommend as the best of the past few years... with the exception of anything that is REALLY obviously not going to be my cup of tea. (i.e., Tales from the Basement 2)

To-play list to follow. Thanks in advance to anyone who makes recommendations!

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago

I've been hearing good things about that new Star Wars story, though I haven't read it yet. Maybe that'd be more up to your speed than Encaged would be!

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago
tales 2

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago
Thanks! The double 8/8 in length AND difficulty might prove more than I'm willing to deal with, but I'll certainly give it a try!

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago

I don't mean to toot my own horn (I do), but I did win a contest with a post apocalyptic / dark fantasy thing I wrote. I respect that it might not be your thing, though.,-after-the-harvest

Everything that ninjapitka has written is worth your time. 

Edithe Zilonis and Biscuits and Ghosts by MHD are both great, 

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago
I'm not usually one for grimdark or post-apoc, but I've read a couple pages and I'm in. Thanks for the other suggestions, too!

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago

Of course Tales would be too much for a pussy like you.

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago
Silly Thara! I'm an owl, not a pussycat. ^_^

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago

New breed of owl called the pussyowl.

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago

If tales 2 is not going to be your cup of tea I have a feeling my games won't be either.

Especially not WATW.

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago
It’s a Boy! should be fine, right?

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago

Of course! That game's super wholesome. 

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago

Please, don't traumatize people.

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago
In sci fi, read Aphrodite's Orphan. ('s_Orphan.aspx)

It's got lesbians, you like those. Anything by Bill Ingersoll is worthwhile too, although they're formatted like the old CYOA books and a little text heavy for some without a choice every five seconds.

In modern adventure, I really like his Blow Your House Down. (

2020 unsurprisingly was a pretty productive year with extra free time for many.

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago

I'd advise extreme caution when approaching Encaged, specifically.
Also, you should include A Tale of a White Lie on your reading list.

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago
Yeah, don't read Encaged lol

Really, no one should.

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago

I was just about to recommend taking that off the list

So what HAVE I been missing?

2 years ago
Thank you everyone for the recommendations, anti-recommendations, and for EDIT LOCKING MY FIRST POST, YOU JERKS >_<

ANYWAY. Thanks again, and see you all in 2023!

So what HAVE I been missing?

one year ago

To quote Thara's A Tale of a White Lie.

"Yes, this was what it meant by staying the course. What a pleasant feeling it was, wouldn’t you have to agree?

End Game and Leave Comments"

Last thing I read in the last game I played. Appropriate, I'd say.

I did not leave comments. At all. At the beginning I weighed the amount of time that would take and how much I had to read and decided against.

My ratings were all in the 5-7 range. Lots of sixes. I was really hoping for an 8, but no. If I had to pick a favorite, Ninjapitka's Gunslinger. I'm not even particularly a fan of westerns or [spoilers], but damn, that was well-written and well-executed. Second place goes to Malk's Winter, After the Harvest. Loved that the "refuse the call" branch was a fun little scenario in its own right.

So yeah, that's probably all of my storygame reading for... a while. Now I have to write one. ^_^;

So what HAVE I been missing?

one year ago

That's an actual line of dialogue in my story?

Wow. This is why I don’t read what I actually write. Probably why both of my stories needed a bunch of proofreading afterwards.

So what HAVE I been missing?

one year ago
Narration, not dialogue -- I added the quotes. And FWIW I feel like it had fewer issues than the previous story of yours I read.

So what HAVE I been missing?

one year ago

I'm glad you liked it! What was your favourite ending? 

So what HAVE I been missing?

one year ago
Definitely the "join the adventurers" ending. The walking stick was a nice touch.