Player Comments on Alpha Wolf
Alpha Wolf was a really well made story that was incredibly fun and entertaining! The game's biggest strengths are a vivid and imaginative reimagining of classic movie monsters, and an incredibly fun and fast paced plot.
I loved the main character of Wolf. You couldn't ask for a better guide into this wacky and chaotic world populated by the movie monsters we know and love, yet this time around, get fresh new personalities and perspectives built on the basis of established lore.
I think Wolf's grittiness and survival instinct make this story great. He's a very strong character with clear goals and an interesting backstory. Even though he's past his prime, he's an old SOB who refuses to quit until he shows the world who's the alpha around here. His old fashioned way of thinking often provides a humorous contrast to other characters, and he has a very strong narrative voice and isn't shy about sharing his opinions about each of the various monsters we meet.
I like how in the info links, we see things through Wolf's very distinct narrative voice. Ultimately, Wolf has his own moral code, and we see that play time and time again in each scenario. He's violent and misanthropic, but still has a system of ethics he follows, as well as his sense of loyalty towards people who've done him right in the past, even if he bitches about them a lot. The fact that I'm able to list all these characteristics is a testament to Endmaster's character writing. He did a great job telling us what the main character is about through the info links and the various scenarios he's put in. We get a great feel for this character, and it's easy to root for him because of the strong character writing.
The storylines were varied and fun to play. Depending on the choices you make, you can do everything from reconcile with your son, take revenge on old foes, fight aliens, to participate in a twisted experiment. The stories have a wide range of tones. Some stories are mundane. Some stories are action packed thrillers. And some are shockingly heartwarming.
I also think Endmaster did a great job incorporating a lot of movie monsters. Some of them I didn't even recognize, and had to look up(like Joe Young). I was surprised by the characterization of Erik from Phantom of the Opera. I liked that novel a lot, but it was kinda funny seeing what Wolf thinks of him.
Out of all the storylines, my favorite was the one where Wolf goes to the experiment with Jack Griffin and Henry Jekyll. The action was really fun to read, and I loved that elevator scene. It changed the story to an action movie, and the writing was remarkably fast paced. The choices were really good, and it was like watching a movie. The briefcase scene reminds me of many contemporary action films, so it was cool seeing that with classic movie monsters. When you choose to drink the bottle, I also liked how the money was still lost even in the best ending, it definetly made things more interesting. Of course, you could just skip that whole sequence by not drinking the bottle, then Hyde dies and you still get the money, but it’s not as fun of a ride.
Equally, I liked both branches where you leave the movie set with the younger wolves and take revenge on either Dracula or Frankenstein. Both of those scenes were marked with fast paced action, interspersed with interesting lore drops. They also lent themselves well to the overall theme of Wolf refusing to quit and go to greener pastures. Wolf is definetly the type of character to go all in, to die gloriously guns blazing, so those stories offered great thematic closure as well.
The other paths were great as well. My least favorite was probably the Nancy-Joe-Kong one, mostly because not as much happens, but it was still entertaining to read.
I did like the Dr.Moreau Branch. I love how even in this wacky world where Dracula has a bunch of sexual fetishes and Erik is a depressed mopey whiner, Godzilla is still King of the monsters. I also thought the overall story in this branch was interesting, and I liked the continuation building on the original story of "The Island of Dr.Moreau".
As for the storyline where Wolf reconciles with his son, I liked that from a storytelling POV since it’s the only storyline where we see some growth from this character. When you have a stubborn old fashioned character set in his ways, it is nice to see instances where even he has a heart. So I liked the scenes of him reuniting with Lawrence, and gradually become accepting of Irena. Killing Oliver was really satisfying, that was a scene that also proved that while Alpha Wolf shouldn’t automatically judge a book by its cover, his instincts are generally on point. So I liked how Wolf embraces balance in this story, becoming a bit more open minded, yet still retaining his trademark killer instinct.
All in all, I loved this story for its strong narrative voice, the interesting character info links, the creative world built, and above all, Wolf's continual refusal to give up and instead to constantly seek greatness and fight battles against insurmountable odds.
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on 3/4/2025 1:23:45 PM with a score of 0
General Recommendation: I recommend this game, particularly to those looking for a well-branching narrative, those fond of traditional monster movies, and anyone looking for a fun and varied game.
Preview: Can you, a semi-washed up werewolf, reclaim your former glory days and make an impact on this world popultaed with characters from monster movies?
General notes:
The idea of a world where monsters from horror B-movies live alongside humans is a truly unique concept that I’ve never seen done anywhere else. It’s a fresh idea with lots of possibility, and the wide variety of branches in this story explores it in a full and satisfying way, without ever letting the concept overstay its welcome. It’s not easy to put werewolves, mad scientists, and martians all in the same world and still have it feel natural, but all the elements of this story feel like they really could exist alongside each other.
Wolf’s pride in his own, and his struggles with his changing role in a new world are struggles many people can relate to. This parallel makes the character three dimensional and relatable, while not hitting the reader over the head with it.
Once again, EndMaster does an excellent job writing a character with an antisocial nature and aggression issues to be genuinely likeable, without falling into any of the common edgy pitfalls many similar characters do. Wolf is an excellent character, and the perfect choice to narrate this story. His done-with-everything attitude only makes the story’s campy aspects more fun and amusing.
The campy concept of movie monsters works well with the episodic tone of the story’s different plots. Each of the plots is its own little snapshot of Wolf’s life, allowing a glimpse into the colorful variety of characters and monsters you can encounter.
Despite each of the individual characters not having much screen time, each of them brings something new and interesting to the story, and it’s fun to see the variety of different inspirations for the characters in this story. A few highlights are the creature from the black lagoon, a typical long-winded posturing alien invader (I know he actually looks like bigfoot, but I kept visualizing him as the alien from looney tunes), an assortment of mad scientists (from Invisible to Fly), THEM!, killer plants, Frankenstein's entourage, and vampires.
I’d be quite curious to know the inspiration for this story, as it is a genuinely original concept.
Specific notes:
-The opening paragraph does an excellent job of characterizing the narrator with “You also realize it’s still daylight. You hate waking up early.”
-As always, I’m not a big fan of extra information links. I do think they’re important in this story though, as without them it would be tough for the player to get a feel of this unfamiliar world and its characters. As usual, the pace of EndMaster’s writing style helps these links be genuinely entertaining rather than just info dumps to slog through.
-Selecting a werewolf to tell this story through is a good choice. Many movie monsters are too specific or strange to be familiar to the average reader, but everyone is familiar with the concept behind werewolves.
-I’m usually annoyed by random murder schemes against the main character, but the tone of this work and characterizationo of Jekyll make it believable.
-I like that the government is taking advantage of the mad science in this world. Too often, alternate universes that have a concept like this (such as “real life superpowers” or “wizards”) will ignore the obvious real-world implications of its developments. Details like this make the world feel much fuller.
-The ending of the super serum plot is a nice “and the adventure continues” way of wrapping things up. I came, I saw, I kicked ass, I didn’t get paid. Life goes on.
-Henry tries to do the supervillain thing and explain why he did everything, and Wolf is having none of this shit.
-Though the ending where you refuse Henry’s offer is obviously more mundane, it does a good job of showing what Wolf’s “typical” jobs are like.
-The martians being defeated by the common cold is both amusing, and scientifically accurate, especilly since Earth has a higher temperature and more biodiversity than Mars.
-Gil’s complaints about factories being built in his swamp is an excellent tone-setting detail, showing both reality of the world, and the frustration many of the old monsters are having with its changes.
-I like how Wolf and Godzilla are both fans of each other, the casual way in which they interact fits the nature of the story’s humor.
-Moreau’s “paradise” has obviously been on the tipping edge for a while. In the endings where you do talk the inhabitants into standing up for themselves, the island descends into violence soon afterwards.
-Lol, Andre can’t get ANY free sugar packets? He’s clearly just not trying hard enough.
-It’s interesting that many of the monsters (like Kong) have gotten used to human comforts. It just shows how much the world has changed for them.
-It’s amusing that Wolf’s main beef with the body snatchers is how boring they are. UPDATE: Curses! Defeated by the history of cabinet making!
-It would have been interesting to see the storyline with the killer plants developed a little more, they’re certainly a staple of the genre and lend themselves to a wide variety of plots.
-After the (fun) chaos of the previous arcs, the plotline with Lawrence and Mary is a surprising and pleasant diversion. It’s nice that Wolf gets the chance to reconnect with his ex and his son, and meet some new family members he can be proud of.
-It’s both interesting and in character that Wolf remains satisfied as long has he gets pretty much any ending other than death. He’s attached to the “Alpha Wolf” image, and reassures himself that he’s still top dog no matter what, even in the pathes where he’s failed to assert himself.
-Interesting that Wolf hasn’t run into any of the wannabe werewolves, because there are PLENTY of them, and yes, Wolf would definitely hate them.
-Wolf’s random decision to go attack Vlad and/or Victor would seem weird in almost any other story, but given his personality and the tone, it works here.
-The path were Wolf takes the pack of actors for Mary’s movie under his wing to kick Victor’s ass is oddly amusing. It seems that on both this path and the one with his son, he winds up playing the mentor figure role regardless, despite his derision of the concept.
-I like the way the conflict between vampires and vampire hunters has adapted to the modern age, and I like the references to how the cinematic potrayal of vampires has changed a lot over time.
Grammar: All good!
Mastery of Language
Yeah, there’s a bunch of sentence structure issues, this could have used another proofread. It’s not enough to distract from the writing, but enough to be noticed. Some more commas would be nice.
This game has some of the best branching out there, even better than EndMaster’s other majorly branching work, paradise violated. The player gets to make lots of important decisions.
Obviously the broad nature of this story means the individual plots can’t be as deep or complex as the ones in EndMaster’s longer works. The story doesn’t suffer from this, however, rather it fits the work’s episodic tone.
Player Options/fair choice: Very good, there is generally a clear strategy available for each challenge.
I guess I never gave this game a complete playthrough the first time around, so finding all the new branches while doing this reveiw was a pleasant surprise.
CONCLUSION: A fun and particularly original game, with a unique brand of humor.
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on 2/23/2022 10:32:26 AM with a score of 0
This is my favorite of End's games that I've played so far. The routes feel so different in tone, humor, sorts of activities (tactical battles, chase scenes, romantic interventions, leading various packs of wolves and animal mutants, and absurd love stories). So many narratives in one, but all linked together by Wolf, whose grizzled and mildly annoyed and above-it-all attitude yokes it all together. Without that attitude, it would be half the game it is; with that attitude, with Wolf's casually violent and cynical attitude, it works.
“Damn, I really am getting too old for this shit,” you say to yourself.
That's the line that most captures the attitude here. All of the classic movie monsters are here, but older, more annoying, and generally pissing each other off.
The game pretty much always rewards thinking like Wolf, going for the throat, thinking about yourself, and not getting too caught up with these idiots you're meeting. You fight a little, mate a little, lead a little, and then leave. And that helps get the character across--the voice of Wolf is hilarious, and the info entries, while not always my favorite in games, are written in that voice as well, making them a fun and funny read rather than a tedious info dump.
There's a lot here, and it's all pretty funny and action packed, with a lot of memorable scenes. I especially really enjoyed how the fight scenes were in interesting places--Victor's castle, trying to pull out Vlad's heart, the elevator scene with Hyde--Igor firing from the wall--biting Ro-man--... When a game can have so many fight scenes and make each one so distinctive and different and interesting, something has gone right. Just a lot of fun. I could see myself replaying this again quite soon.
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on 10/12/2019 7:59:23 PM with a score of 0
I’ve never read or watched the Phantom of the Opera, nor have the faintest idea about what happens, and it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out what the deal was with Erik and probably never would have realised if the memories were not there. I’m sure if it was the intention, but I found the first page humorous when Erik was all depressed in that classic artsy way.
The memories were nice at the start as they were both funny and informative, but as the story went on became a bit tiring. They took me away from the ongoing plot and required the reader to read carefully as they contained a lot of information. I felt like I had a lot thrown at me and by the time I reached the third or fourth page I had already forgotten a lot of what I learnt on the first pages.
It was slightly weird to play as a wolf, and several times I would frown for a moment when reading parts like ‘“Nancy unexpectedly picks you up and puts on it. “Ohh your fur is so soft.” She says brushing her finger against your back.’ Just sort of odd and unexpected. Although it was super weird, it was also funny in parts, especially when I imagined a wolf riding a Harley.
I did really enjoy how the wolf was constantly angry with Erik and exploding all over the place, it was enjoyable and funny to see what insults he could come up with next. Most of the characters were unique and memorable (mostly achieved through the memories), even those that are less important to the storyline. It was also nice to see the wolf start to develop in some of the paths.
The fighting was also written very well, I liked how the reader had a direct influence into the outcome which helped to keep me engaged. The wolf instinct kinda thing made the fighting that much more interesting and unique. It was also nice that the deaths weren’t waffled around, they were nice and detailed, good for a horror story. Sometimes it did get a little far-fetched- I’m not sure how one manages to shove a table leg through a chest- but otherwise I enjoyed reading through the various torture and killing methods.
My favourite branch would definitely have to mad scientist one. Gaining little wolflings and throwing brains at Frankie was also pretty cool.
I didn’t feel like the endings gave me the same satisfaction that I had from some of Endmasters other stories, but I appreciated the variety of them and the abundance of choices and branches. Overall, I enjoyed reading Alpha Wolf, especially the fighting and killing and thought the references to characters from other works were clever and well intricated, even if I didn’t always understand them at first.
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on 4/30/2019 5:59:59 AM with a score of 0
The first time I read this story was probably two years ago.
I remember going to read 'just one more branch' at 3:00 AM, New Year's Day.
I like the mad scientist branch in particular.
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on 2/16/2018 12:50:43 AM with a score of 0
- - Quick Review - -
First of all thanks to Medpack for recommending End Master’s stories, I really enjoyed this one and look forward to reading more!
Wow. What a story. In short, I really appreciated how many diverse branches there were, all of them obviously having been given a lot of thought and time and effort. No matter what path I took I was met with an exciting story that was worth every thrilling second.
- - Major Up Points - -
I really enjoyed this interpretation of these common horror story monsters. This story not only gives them more character depth than they have in their other stories, but also makes them fit conveniently and in a way that makes sense into one story all together. I’ve seen stories that have tried to do this concept before but in my opinion Alpha Wolf does it much better. The main way it accomplishes this is by not really changing them too far from the story; instead of rewriting the characters as “misunderstood” or something that completely changes the original it actually honors and builds on the characters, which is more work to do and very admirable.
On the note of further developing these characters, it was very helpful to have the little history links to give you the background of who that character is in this story in particular. This not only made making decisions easier, it just gave those characters more depth and made it more fun going through.
Another thing I love about this storygame is how the many branches are so different from each other. Every little choice I made mattered and every ending is different; I can tell that there was no effort spared in creating this story.
My favorite path I took was the path where I got to kill Dracula by taking out his heart before dying an honorable death. The description was right about how this story isn’t win or lose, but still having good, bad, or neutral endings. I particularly liked this in the story because it allows the reader to decide what they think of their ending, increasing the reader freedom that I love so much about storygames. Speaking of reader freedom, I LOVED how packed this story was with choices. There was never a long span of time I had to go without making a choice; this made the story even more fun and action-packed, keeping me engaged and entertained the whole way through.
- - Main Criticisms - -
There were very few things in this story that I found unsatisfactory (if any), but I did find a couple problems that made the story a bit less smooth of a read:
Looking at a broad spectrum, there were several places where there were unnecessary commas that made it a bit rocky to read and harder to follow. Then on the other end of the spectrum there were some places that lacked commas where I felt they were necessary. Another issue I saw was simple typing errors but on occasion completely missing words. Of course at times it was obviously intentional, but others I’m relatively sure were mistakes.
As for a few specifics, I noticed that first of all that on the page “Go Kick Vlad’s Ass” and “Go Kick Victor’s Ass”, the word “Chihuahua” is not supposed to be capitalized. A very easy mistake to make, especially since in cases when the dog breed starts with a word such as “German” or “Labrador” the breed would be capitalized. Another specific one I saw was that on the “Kill Dracula” page when Dracula is talking about how his pet/slave/sex toy died he says “morn” instead of “mourn”. My final specific error I noticed in particular was on the page “Try to Pull His Heart Out” where Wolf says “now” twice in the same sentence in a way I’m pretty sure was unintentional.
- - More Good - -
Ok now that I’ve said the minor flaws I struggled to dig out we can get back to how amazing this story is. I love how no matter what path I took, the mission I as the reader aimed to accomplish was never straightforward; it always took several pages to either succeed or fail (put simply).
One of the best parts of the whole story in my opinion was Wolf (the character you play as). He’s grouchy, funny, stubborn, strong-willed, primal, old-fashioned, and a good friend at times (especially depending on the choices you make). He is definite in his character, which makes the story all the more fun and easy to follow and get involved in. Plus, (for an animal) he is very human, very relatable for the reader to really feel like they are in the story.
- - Final Thoughts - -
Alpha Wolf is an incredibly well-written story. It can take the reader any way they should so choose to go, with many possibilities so that they are always driving the wheel. It’s realistic, and nothing feels forced or unnatural. While in places it is a little rocky, its flaws are minuscule and unnoticeable in such an awe-striking story. So we’ll-written; a must read, especially if you’re into classic monsters, action, a gritty protagonist, or just a story you can pilot that will keep you on your toes and never knowing what will come next.
Incredible story by End Master, you are as amazing as everyone says and I look forward to reading more of your stories.
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on 3/5/2025 11:14:54 PM with a score of 0
This... was..lifechanging.... thank you
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— Alpha on 1/20/2025 7:44:08 AM with a score of 0
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— benny j alpha on 12/16/2024 11:39:25 AM with a score of 0
Very baddie, very cutesy, and very demure
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on 11/22/2024 12:27:16 PM with a score of 0
ATE. SO GOOD! but so long scentences.. still great
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— giubwkehfqnek,rfhbnseki4ljfnow on 8/2/2024 6:38:25 PM with a score of 0
Enlightening. Truly enlightening.
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on 7/10/2024 6:40:28 AM with a score of 0
Made me happy how he changed, great story.
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— Karma on 5/6/2024 9:54:25 AM with a score of 0
it was amazing to see through the eyes of an alpha wolf
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— octava on 4/23/2024 5:29:39 AM with a score of 0
okay! that was one hell of a journey. throughoutly enjoyed the pure madness of it, and even managed to 100% (i think). very much enjoyed the interaction between charcters and the story as a whole, and im a faggot too, so that says a lot!
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— very readerer on 12/22/2023 9:39:22 AM with a score of 0
its damn good! wish Kong's side of the story was expanded on more, though.
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— the on 12/22/2023 4:25:49 AM with a score of 0
Pretty good, not furry stuff like I thought it would be
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on 12/12/2023 3:27:18 PM with a score of 0
It's fun and exciting.
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— Justin on 9/26/2023 1:16:43 PM with a score of 0
10/10 for Phantom of the Opera reference
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on 5/2/2023 1:33:15 AM with a score of 0
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— Not telling my name on 4/21/2023 7:55:58 AM with a score of 0
Writing needs work but i'd watch as an anime
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— Ed on 4/18/2023 1:16:03 PM with a score of 0
Maybe... Decrease the use of swear words to get an 8
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on 3/31/2023 1:03:33 PM with a score of 0
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on 3/16/2023 10:54:57 AM with a score of 0
I can't believe it took me this long to get around to reading this. Still more paths to find but this is great. Not as dark or edgy as some of Endmaster's stuff if that matters to anyone, it's just action and fun. And the whole concept of it is great.
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on 11/19/2022 11:16:17 AM with a score of 0
Incredible story. As someone who was born in the 1970s and is thus old enough to remember what being cool actually means, I found this quite refreshing. Why is this not a video game or movie? Especially the part about taking down Fagula and Frankenstein. Fantastic.
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— Banjo on 6/7/2022 11:15:19 AM with a score of 0
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on 5/25/2022 4:57:06 PM with a score of 0
Again, this was made on my birthday. Aside from that, it was a perfect story or storybook or something. I had taken a route that made me retrace my steps in some ways, since no matter what i did, i couldn't find a good enough ending.
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— thiswasmadeonmybirthday on 3/21/2022 10:52:30 AM with a score of 0
The thing that I loved most was that the characters were expressed almost perfectly, their personalities and description. It's a bit odd playing as a wolf but it got me really immersed after a while. Incredible game.
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on 3/17/2022 10:34:42 AM with a score of 0
Haha, I feel almost bad for Lawrence for having such an.. interesting stinking heap of character flaws as a father. I really wasn't expecting a modern bend to this alpha wolf thing, but it was nevertheless a wild eperience.
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on 1/21/2022 6:29:35 PM with a score of 0
hate this game ITS TH WORST GAME IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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— hakan on 12/23/2021 2:24:47 PM with a score of 0
Great story with interesting twists on the well-known monster characters! I thoroughly enjoyed going through all the possible endings and even got attached to the old grumpy Wolf in the process. Some topics were rather sensitive, but were dealt with well enough and we were given the opportunity to take justice into our own "paws". Well done! :)
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on 3/29/2021 9:17:41 PM with a score of 0
Hi EndMaster, remember me? The guy who told you that he was getting banned for no reason? Well, I enjoy choice of games and I just wanted to say that I miss playing here and I want to sign up again. I really don't know if they'd ban me again, so please make sure they don't. Btw, do you go online in choice of games? If so, pls tell me your name there so I can chat there with you instead although I haven't signed up yet. Anyways, i gotta go back to my class, cya next time i guess
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— KyleRuleZ_11 on 3/22/2021 10:44:05 PM with a score of 0
:)really good
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— drago on 3/19/2021 9:22:46 AM with a score of 0
Very imaniginative scenarios including some weird.. Creatures.
Certainly worth a spin, but not on par with some of EndMaster's other stories.
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on 3/2/2021 4:57:26 AM with a score of 0
This was awesome.
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on 2/11/2021 8:43:57 AM with a score of 0
Really good, I really like Mary. But it was too short. Thank you for the story.
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— Sub on 11/12/2020 4:43:50 PM with a score of 0
Alpha Wolf is another good EndMaster Story, but then again every EndMaster Story is good.
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on 11/11/2020 10:24:19 AM with a score of 0
Too many swears
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— WTH on 10/7/2020 2:21:08 PM with a score of 0
I really enjoyed the world crafted in the story and the character I play as- as flawed as he is. I chose what I could to make Wolf redeemable and a better person. I think the interactions between character are well written and put a smile on my face. I want more haha. A really enjoyable and solid story to play.
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on 5/4/2020 4:22:38 PM with a score of 0
it was boring
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— Anette on 12/16/2019 5:33:11 AM with a score of 0
sucks ass
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— goatlord on 11/22/2019 9:05:42 PM with a score of 0
great stuff! I played through and got the died by igor ending, and enjoyed every bit!
thanks for creating this story!
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on 10/21/2019 5:36:39 AM with a score of 0
This is a fucking banger of a storygame. For anyone unsure about what to expect from Alpha Wolf, think Fables but with cultural icons. Dracula, Godzilla, Jekyll and Hyde, Frankenstein - the likes. Now read. You'll have a good time.
There's a noticeable amount of technical errors in grammar and punctuation. From the first page, they are evident. And this remains somewhat intrusive and distracting. However, the merits outshine (but do not excuse) this issue. There's an allure to the stories of the titular Alpha Wolf - the macho, embittered, ruthless force of nature - and his interactions with the varied personalities of the monster community. Even in this early work, Endmaster demonstrates a polished ability to write engaging and dynamic characters.
I was invested in the ways Wolf would react to his bizarre situations; I'm always eager to witness an epic beat-down, and I was not disappointed. Our protagonist isn't, however, merely a one-note bad-ass for us to simply project ourselves onto. There's just enough depth to his character that makes the violent outbursts sympathetic, or even endearing. And there's an element of pity as we watch him cling to the noble savagery of his past, while compromising his own happiness. It's an aspect of Wolf that, while openly disavowed (he definitely isn't a conflicted romantic like Erik), nevertheless provides the emotional heart in most of the branches. Can this relic find fulfillment - even redemption - in his waning years, even during the sad routine of his life? It's a romp, for sure, and it never gets sappy - proof that a character's subtleties can be explored amid bombastic, visceral action.
For this reason, I found the 'Lawrence branch' particularly delightful. As a plus, we even got to murderise a pedo!
Compared to some of Endmaster's other storygames, Alpha Wolf may not be as expansive and impressive. However, I view it as a microcosm of his expertise in enthralling readers. The characters carried. Wolf owns. Wolf fucks.
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on 10/1/2019 8:06:47 AM with a score of 0
I swear this is such a cool writeup! I was laughing like shiz, it was so funny!
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— Kuro on 3/5/2019 2:36:02 PM with a score of 0
One of the best games EndMaster blessed us with.
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— Nazhfa on 11/2/2018 8:55:56 AM with a score of 0
Very funny!
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on 7/15/2018 8:44:30 PM with a score of 0
Could be longer.
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— First day here on 7/5/2018 11:26:46 AM with a score of 0
i enjoyed this story i'm not sure if this was the really good ending or not but i liked it
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on 6/23/2018 11:08:03 PM with a score of 0
pretty good, kinda short tho.
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on 6/6/2018 7:19:33 PM with a score of 0
To start this review, I first need to address the distracting, obvious comma errors littered throughout the story.
'“You’re getting old Wolf” you say to yourself like you always do while trying to look on the bright side that at least you don’t have the mange.'
There should be a comma before "Wolf," and also right after it. It should read, '"You're getting old, Wolf," you say to yourself like you always do.' Furthermore, the following sentence is somewhat confusing in that there is no comma connecting the two related action sentences. A corrected version of paragraph is below:
'"You're getting old, Wolf," you say to yourself like you always do, while trying to look on the bright side that at least you don't have mange.'
I notice there's a chronic case of "missing comma syndrome" throughout the entire story, such as in this paragraph:
"After eating some left over mutton in the fridge and some Gummy Blobs (for the sugar “pick me up”) you ponder how you’re going to pay this month’s rent on your cabin."
Remove the parentheses, and you should see how much of a run-on sentence this is. I'm not one to just nitpick in my reviews, however, and so now I'd like to discuss some of the more positive elements of the story.
The characterization of the side characters are just exaggerated enough to paint a vibrant picture of the world they inhabit. When the Wolf first calls Erik, I was confused as to why an employment agent would be so mopey, but only after he mentioned Christine did it click to me that this was the Phantom of the Opera! The "Memories" pages utilize the CYOA format just well enough to accomplish something traditional novel writing is unable to, and that's mass-exposition dumps. Codex-style entries are usually only accomplished in video games, and, as CYOAs are "storygames," you took that principle to heart and used it to craft a better picture of the world.
(A tiiiiny nitpick about Erik! The Phantom never made a deal with the Devil, that was a theme introduced in a very awful adaptation of the original source material. Even in the original movies his deformity was natural, and his success in opera was the one thing that made him redeemable. He was the embodiment of the starving artist, a character who became so devoted to his music that it was his life, yet left his other emotional needs unfulfilled.)
There's of course, eh, the sex scene... which I'd rather not get into. I was confused as to who Mary was. Mary as in, Mary Shelley? I believe whoever she was, she was meant to be the Bride of Frankenstein, but the Bride is left unnamed in any original source material.
Now, I must note that it's strange for the protagonist, the Wolf, to be explicitly stated as NOT Lawrence Talbot, yet he still somehow knows characters such as Griffin or Dr. Jekyll. That was strange, to be honest, since Lawrence Talbot is the Wolfman typically associated with those characters, but I suppose this is an original take on the universe so I'll let that slide.
As for the Mr. Hyde arc, I'm guessing he's so much bigger because of the enhanced formula? Because Mr. Hyde in the original source material is not any bigger than Jekyll; in fact, he's smaller, to represent the twisted nature of evil.
Finally, I'd like to close off with a brief ending statement. As fun as this was, is it really a Horror game? I feel like it should belong in fanfiction, right? It's using already established characters and, even if they are horror-genre characters, wouldn't that make it fanfiction?
Anyways great game, 7/8.
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on 5/27/2018 5:12:33 PM with a score of 0
this was good and dude it was okay but you write better than the storygame escape room two and i rated yours a six and it was nice horror
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— i am not bored on 3/16/2018 10:48:17 AM with a score of 0
I really liked this one, though it doesn't feel like it has the depth of world building as some of your other stories, I find there is a lot of charm to your rendition of our classical horror figures and how they have become immersed in the 'real' world. I found all the history pages were well worth the read even though they imparted no choices.
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on 12/22/2017 7:45:57 PM with a score of 0
I would just like to say how much I would like to have been in the game in real life :D
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on 12/8/2017 6:27:18 AM with a score of 0
Excellent storyline. The background information is aplenty and very helpful too.
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on 8/9/2017 8:15:08 AM with a score of 0
Great story! Dude that was so good! Many choices, great characters, and my favorite story line is meeting Lawerence and staying for the night at the character's son's house (Lawerence), and it is kinda long but its worth reading it. (also MARTIANS!?)
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— ShadowTiger on 4/5/2017 11:14:36 PM with a score of 0
Oh my god haha that was violent.
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on 11/23/2016 11:10:35 PM with a score of 0
It was great! Great ending, great plot, great characters
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— FletchG-Rates on 7/7/2016 7:17:47 AM with a score of 0
This was a very fun and interesting story.
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— Meta on 3/9/2016 9:34:18 AM with a score of 0
More more more more more
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— Soul on 2/16/2016 1:49:32 AM with a score of 0
It was a great story just wish it were longer
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— Tetrand on 12/24/2015 5:07:00 AM with a score of 0
This is probably my least favorite of your atories, it is however well written and cpuld be good for others who enjoy this sort of thing, just not for me. I'm more of a LOVE SICK/GEEKE kind of guy, I enjoy the disturbing and this just wasn't disturbing.
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on 7/25/2015 1:31:55 PM with a score of 0
I was really confused until I got to the silver bullets part, then I noticed he was a werewolf. From then on, I was guessing you were talking about the Big Bad Wolf of something. Seriously, super confused. Other then that, though, pretty good.
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on 5/26/2015 7:55:12 PM with a score of 0
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on 5/21/2015 5:22:30 PM with a score of 0
i have a one thing to say besides i love your stories. and that Fuck! oliver.
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on 5/16/2015 5:52:35 AM with a score of 0
Somewhat reminiscent of "The Wolf a Among Us".
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on 5/7/2015 7:18:38 PM with a score of 0
First try, I ended up reconciling with Lawrence, protecting Iris form that perv Oliver and got back together with Mary
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— Reader on 4/18/2015 1:32:20 PM with a score of 0
it was fucking awesome glad to see something that catches my attention unlike most the garbage on the site i enjoyed this much more than i thought i would
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on 3/31/2015 6:13:50 PM with a score of 0
Really liked this story
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on 12/17/2014 6:32:25 PM with a score of 0
Neatly put together.
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— Aspen on 11/18/2014 1:10:36 PM with a score of 0
Was awesome would definitely play again! I like the different characters/species introduced into the story. Oliver was the perfect amount of sick fuck.
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— J on 10/8/2014 3:09:40 PM with a score of 0
werewolves fricken rule 8/8
(diden't say fuck in the comment but ima say it here, fuck fuck fuck )
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— josh on 9/16/2014 1:12:27 AM with a score of 0
How many endings are to this fantastic story?
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— ransacker on 9/12/2014 10:06:09 AM with a score of 0
I liked it, and there was some pretty interesting character development for the protagonist in some paths. Nice world and cast of characters, too.
Some paths were inevitably not as good as others. That was the only negative I could force myself to think of.
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on 9/11/2014 5:01:16 AM with a score of 0
Great once you get to the alpha wolf pack ending
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on 6/30/2014 9:11:28 AM with a score of 0
Wow, that was pretty damn interesting!! thanks for the story
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— populouspoptart on 6/17/2014 12:25:11 AM with a score of 0
awesome story one of the best i have read so far. Wish it was longer though.
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on 5/24/2014 2:36:20 PM with a score of 0
Not the longest story game Endmaster has created, but enjoyable none the less. Definitely worth reading.
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on 5/16/2014 10:55:48 AM with a score of 0
The characters are quite fun. I'll definitely be back to test out alternate endings.
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on 5/16/2014 8:01:12 AM with a score of 0
I enjoyed this storygame. It was awesome
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on 5/15/2014 7:14:33 AM with a score of 0
A bit short, but really worth reading! I loved the ending! (Spoiler/hint: never trust fat cats)
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on 5/8/2014 9:46:51 PM with a score of 0
A truly enjoyable experience. I really felt the enjoyment of getting back into the fight with my character. Although I must say you tend to make me be a man so often I think I'm growing an extra body part.
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on 4/14/2014 6:30:46 PM with a score of 0
Strange read indeed but victorious end! Yay.
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— Jay on 3/26/2014 9:34:10 AM with a score of 0
Goodness me, that was intense.
I strapped myself into my seat for a crappy werewolf story, and dear god, I was wrong.
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on 3/2/2014 1:18:28 PM with a score of 0
I found this very enjoyable to read/play. You have a talent for writing these sort of things (PS: love being a bad*** werewolf character XD)
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— Mask on 12/23/2013 8:54:33 AM with a score of 0
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on 12/8/2013 7:21:31 PM with a score of 0
I liked playing a character that relies on instinct, very satisfying.
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— J on 12/5/2013 9:27:50 PM with a score of 0
This story was really great honestly I loved it yo
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on 11/5/2013 11:12:18 PM with a score of 0
Its in the Horror section but I actually found it a really sweet and endearing story; at least the adventure I had! Excellent work.
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on 10/25/2013 2:03:17 PM with a score of 0
I had a great time with this. Love the main characters attitude, and the way that his own subjective memories are written into the story adds a lot to it.
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— InkwolfXVII on 10/11/2013 12:22:19 PM with a score of 0
I always enjoy the level of divergence as far as personality and choice that goes in to some of these stories. Plus, no matter the route, Wolf is pretty bad-a.
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on 8/27/2013 6:35:45 AM with a score of 0
A truly enjoyable experience. While I was sad to be a past-my-prime wolf, I really felt the enjoyment of getting back into the fight with my character. Although I must say you tend to make me be a man so often I think I'm growing an extra body part.
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on 7/28/2013 1:15:36 AM with a score of 0
One of my favorite stories on the site.
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on 6/26/2013 2:34:23 AM with a score of 0
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— mike on 6/19/2013 1:16:31 PM with a score of 0
Obviously you've put in some effort into this storygame. It turned out to be a good one.
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on 5/20/2013 7:29:55 PM with a score of 0
I liked it was very well written.
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— Antonio on 3/30/2013 11:57:20 AM with a score of 0
really fun game
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on 3/1/2013 11:03:23 AM with a score of 0
I enjoyed all those monster references...a whiney phantom of the opera, hilarious!
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on 2/21/2013 9:09:25 AM with a score of 0
I very much liked the story, short, but with differing paths, not exactly sure how you manage to fit that much swearing into each sentince, but you must have a tallent for it, not that I mind though, and even though there were a few spelling mistakes, they weren't that bad, and I like that you took the time to make a backstory of memories.
That really makes the story worth it, and your inturpritations are funny though disturbed, as is most of your work.
Dude, seriously, you make me think you need to talk to a counsler some times, either that or you just have a gift for putting your self in another persons shoes.
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on 2/3/2013 2:29:43 AM with a score of 0
Great story with references to nearly every film and creature out there. Explore every nook and cran and don't forget to read those memories.
It should allow you to procrastinate whatever you ought to be doing for a few hours
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— Crinos on 9/27/2012 12:01:03 PM with a score of 0
Great story,plot,character portrayal,and endings
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— Omegagoldfish on 9/20/2012 3:53:35 PM with a score of 0
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— Omegagoldfish on 9/17/2012 7:18:53 PM with a score of 0
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on 9/14/2012 7:18:38 PM with a score of 0
this is my new absolute favorite game the only thing that could make it better would be a sequel
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on 8/26/2012 1:39:55 PM with a score of 0
Cool story! Vampires were mentioned a couple of times, but I never saw one. Maybe I just went down the wrong path though. I goth the ending with Lawrence and his family, where we killed the creepy cat guy.
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on 6/27/2012 3:57:26 AM with a score of 0
There was something good but room for improvement never stops!
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on 6/26/2012 5:52:10 AM with a score of 0
I got the girl and killed the vampires.
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on 6/8/2012 9:54:30 AM with a score of 0
pretty good
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on 5/24/2012 9:08:24 PM with a score of 0
Best. Game. Ever.
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on 5/12/2012 6:39:10 PM with a score of 0
i love this story...please keep this going
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on 5/8/2012 5:33:20 PM with a score of 0
I can't find a nice way to put this. Or a funny way. Long story short: It's messed up-ish.
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on 4/29/2012 10:50:03 PM with a score of 0
Funny but if it was longer it would be better
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on 4/15/2012 10:05:34 PM with a score of 0
Riping that guys balls of fucking funny as hell HAHAHAA
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on 1/26/2012 10:56:51 AM with a score of 0
Nice mix of classic monsters :)
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on 1/24/2012 6:05:08 PM with a score of 0
Enjoyed it. Author's certainly done the dialogue in their stories really well, as well as a good balance of characters and description :)
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on 9/30/2011 10:29:40 AM with a score of 0
Bit strange, and for once I actually found the history a bit too long. Wished I could act more like a werewolf though. Good overall.
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on 9/13/2011 5:51:25 PM with a score of 0
It would of been better with some pics or like some items to pick up
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on 9/8/2011 2:15:10 PM with a score of 0
i liked it, the diff story arcs are was enjoyable.
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on 8/29/2011 2:45:50 AM with a score of 0
It seemed to be more story than game. It was cool the way it brought in so many movie characters, & I can't say that it lacked detail. But I was disappointed that I read through all of that to encounter & kill a pedophile cat. Maybe if I follow the other arcs the way others did I'll find it to be more ...
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on 8/15/2011 7:11:14 PM with a score of 0
Played a few more arcs and I think I see that this was more about playing several different scenarios than getting a good ending, so it makes more sense now.
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on 8/5/2011 8:36:13 PM with a score of 0
I enjoyed it but I felt like the endings were lacking. Well more than lacking I felt there were no real scale of endings, none of them felt better or worse than the next. I'll play Oliver's arc and see if I feel any different though.
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on 8/5/2011 8:31:03 PM with a score of 0
Not Bad...
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on 7/27/2011 1:33:40 PM with a score of 0
Love it :)
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on 7/21/2011 2:00:10 AM with a score of 0
Your the best writer on this site in my opinion
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— TearsOfTheDevil on 7/17/2011 10:30:46 AM with a score of 0
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on 5/25/2011 11:31:23 AM with a score of 0
Bo approves
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on 5/16/2011 7:59:30 PM with a score of 0
She's not in the story. She wasn't a "famous" monster, she was just some random werewolf woman.
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on 5/15/2011 9:01:38 PM with a score of 0
Just wondering who the hell was the wolfs original wife. I think I have fallowed every story line and I still do not know. Who was it.
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on 5/15/2011 7:45:26 PM with a score of 0
That was fun I loved killing that sick Oliver
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on 4/30/2011 10:15:43 PM with a score of 0
Interesting :D
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— Jon on 3/18/2011 1:41:36 PM with a score of 0
Very interesting! Great game and story!
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on 7/18/2010 2:19:00 PM with a score of 0
It's got a really good story line I can say that. But what i didn't expect was Oliver. I thought that it was going to be like Irena was going to blow up on Wolf and he leave for good but I liked the twist.
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on 10/12/2009 4:04:40 PM with a score of 0
very fun, lots of background though, hehe
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on 9/21/2009 11:45:31 PM with a score of 0
shoots! i lost to the body snatchers, what a whimp!
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— TUZ on 8/21/2009 8:22:47 PM with a score of 0
Loved it, you used everyone in just the right spots. also liked the storyline too.
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on 1/22/2009 4:34:24 PM with a score of 0
Poor kitties...
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on 11/2/2008 12:25:44 PM with a score of 0
Brilliant story and great use of all the old horror characters.
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on 8/14/2008 3:38:15 AM with a score of 0
Mr. Hyde, what an ***hole! lol! This was great as always. If there was an ability on here to favorite stories, I would favorite this one for sure... I guess I could put it in my profile at least.
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on 7/2/2008 2:39:38 AM with a score of 0
The memories addition added a lot. It felt like a story with different scenarios more than a game, but there's nothing wrong with that, and for its purposes, it worked out well. The game seems like a bit of a tease, learning about all these monsters, but not really getting involved in the world. (At least the playthrough that I experienced) Thanks for putting so much thought into this game's characters.
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on 4/4/2008 12:50:48 AM with a score of 0
I love anything to do with wolves. Great story
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on 1/26/2008 4:29:37 AM with a score of 0
scuse this but FUCKING AWESOME!!! sweet game!!!
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on 11/26/2007 9:36:24 PM with a score of 0
Fantastic work and great storytelling! 8/8
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on 11/17/2007 6:45:29 AM with a score of 0
Nice one, man. I loved the modern twist you put on classic movie monsters. 8/8
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on 11/5/2007 11:28:14 PM with a score of 0
I knew DEP was going to say that.
There are NO furries in this story. You may all proceed to read without fear.
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on 11/4/2007 6:55:23 PM with a score of 0
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on 11/4/2007 1:56:57 PM with a score of 0
Another great work by Endmaster. Keep it up!
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on 11/3/2007 10:24:52 PM with a score of 0
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