Financial, economic, and emotional burden to the woman...
...even if the woman was exactly just that to her own mother?
For me, the pro-choice logic doesn't seem as sound when put on a practical level. Not every rape victim gets an abortion, and not every abortion comes from a rape. 1.1 million abortions were made in 2011 (Guttmacher claims they got their info from State Dpts.), but FBI reports around 83,000 rape cases. 3.9 million people were born in 2011.
Given the exponential nature of human growth, cutting off 25% doesn't really help with population control, but it does slow it down a little. Still not hard to imagine that there may be population limits within the next century, so abortion as a humanitarian tool is...ineffective. Not enough removed, mainly because...oh, I dunno, maybe because the majority of people would like to actually pass on a legacy for the future? It just really, really sucks that 1 in four kids are already dead before the race even started. Yeesh, how are we gonna out-hump India and China? (Joke; we probably shouldn't.)
So if this isn't going to superbly aid humanity in the long run, how does this serve the individual?
Oh, but because we might humanize humans, we gotta indoctrinate the next generation that people AREN'T PEOPLE UNLESS THEY COME OUT OF THE WOMB. Fuck all even if they're just like a newborn; if it ain't born, kill it.
So now we have a generation of people that follow a group of legislatures that arbitrarily decided that there was a limit to people being people. In the case of third-trimester abortions, apparently starving for a less longer period of time deems you as a pile of flesh, regardless of the current progress you've made (which is quite a lot, by third trimester). Second-trimester says you've got to not only look a little different from a croc embryo, but you also gotta look different from other primates to make the cut. Because it ain't human until it relatively looks like one...I guess.
And because of that, you've got a generation of young adults who use sex as another medium to socialize, hence why we have sex everywhere in social media...
Oddly enough, the USA opposes using stem cells in embryos for research. Surprising, considering how many embryos are destroyed for non-scientific usage. So...what, the majority wants to have sex for fun, but fuck all if we get anything useful out of it?
In cases of rape? Abortion - mebbe.
In other cases? Why the fuck haven't you bought condoms and contraceptives?
I'm just gonna say I'm disturbed at how far down the line you guys want abortions; third trimester babies can survive with life support, and they look pretty fucking human to me.
I dunno; they grow up to look pretty fucking human too. I wonder why?