
Forums » The Lounge » Read Thread

A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Post your ugly mug. Don't bother looking good cause you don't anyways.

Bonus points for timestamp (actually preferred)

- In highschool, 120mph eating a chicken sandwich while ditching (not even a selfie technically)
- middle of the most recent no shave november
- my ex's favorite
- timestamp right now

When I get back there better be at least 3 more ugly people in this thread.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Mods, don't delete this for any reason.

This is info I could use from people.

Edit: beatdub None of you've earned the privilege of seeing my true face.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I like the fact that your watch has hands. Thanks for your face as well even though there is no way I'd post a selfie.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Hell, I don't even tell my gender let alone show you my face. Plus, chickens (my chickens at least) are more dumb than afraid, so your taunt does not instill the intended effect upon me.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Just post a pic of a chicken and you got your selfie.


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Just pretend I posted that one cringe picture where the person's reflection is a dragon.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Selfie thread

7 years ago


until I get my dragon sona commissioned.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

It seems all most of your beauty went into your voice, Ford.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
"I'm fine with being ugly because I'm a math/engineering major so I wasn't gonna get a girl anyways" - Me, 20 minutes ago

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Alright so should I use image raider or just regular Google image search?

Selfie thread

7 years ago
At school farewell lol (Will11 is alongside)

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Will looks great.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Holy fuck. I thought Google would be great for stalking people. Image search this and all I get is "suit." What a bunch of shit.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Holy crap you kind look like one of my friends who moved away.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I have this amazing picture I took where half of my face is being shown in an expression of extreme pain, and the other half of the picture is showing this sign at a bar saying "Throw darts ONLY at the dart board!!! Thank you. -The management".

Sadly, I can't find it, so no face for you.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
my voice is better than my face

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Account. Face. Voice. Why don't you just celebrate your last days and bear it all? Ass, dick, sctotum. Just giv't all up! Including your personal private information like your mother's address and credit card numbers.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Why don't you do any one of those things? Coward much?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

If I lose the contest, I'll do all that and more.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Like what, hmm??

Selfie thread

7 years ago
a picture of his dick with a bit of lipstick on the end and "EndMaster" written on it while fully erect

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I thought it was someone else who had that picture? :/

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You have that picture.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

:c I was setting myself up for that one, wasn't I? ;-;


Selfie thread

7 years ago
I'd like to point out that you didn't follow through.

Also can I get some opinions on the music audio levels here?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Are you talking about cheese?

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Wow, is this really you? You have a very nice voice. Maybe if we have the selfie thread, we could also have one for voices? Much more interesting for me. :)

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I concur.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago
My voice and my handwriting are the only things I can be proud of that are both unique and nice about me xD

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Well, here's the first picture. You have no idea how hard it was to get a good angle on the notepad and decent lighting so I don't look like a roasted marshmallow. I forgot to write my username on the paper, but I'm wearing the iconic Zag blue!

Zag's face

Here are some others:

Zag's face

And a ugly/disturbing one!

Zag's face

Selfie thread

7 years ago
"Got it. Indian jew with a minecraft head wearing child clothing. Would you like fries with that?"

Literally I couldn't have made a better description. I'm a fkn psychic

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Says the sentient fedora

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Narrates the angsty tween

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Quoth the pouty-lipped future sex criminal

Selfie thread

7 years ago
joke's on you I'm already a sex criminal. congratulations, you played yourself.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Meet me behind the church 

Selfie thread

7 years ago
no u

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Well, Zag's bright orange and clearly going through some bizarre basterdization of puberty. OK.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

It's just the crappy camera I have. I swear I'm more brown in real life.

But the puberty part is kinda close. It's more into a bizarre bastardization adolescence now.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Wow, I'm surprised this is a thing. Well, time to share my ugly face with Internet strangers!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Cut out that stranger nonsense.

We're all friends here.

*licks forehead*

Close friends.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

*wipes forehead*

*eats napkin used to wipe forehead*

Really close friends.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

In hopes that more people will post selfies, I shall add one to the mix.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Omg is this really you? You look amazing in the picture. ^-^

Note: Would post something if I could use Imgur on dis Windows phone but nuu.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
text me a selfie and I'll post it for you.

pro tip: there are other image hosts besides imgur

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yo. I still regret my decisions concerning Turkey. I do not trust you. I realize that but I don't know them/don't bother looking for them

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Fine. Gimme your snapchat and just send it to me that way and I'll post it for you.


Selfie thread

7 years ago

I don't have a snapchat and wouldn't get one if I could. Lol I still wouldn't send it to you. I don't want you to feel inferior.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Post a selfie or gtfo.


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Flattery will get you......EVERYWHERE! Hello, new best friend. I kid, but really though, thank you! Can you use Google Photos?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

^-^ And no... :( I just tried.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You look older than expected.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

How old did you expect her to be lol?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You look like everyone's one overly responsible cousin. The one we all assumed was in college even though they were 17.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Intelligence usually does that to you.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I was a freshman at 17. It's entirely possible to have both occur at the same time.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I meant 15, which doesn't usually happen if you stick through the entire thing in highschool, but 17 is easily possible if you just started school one year earlier.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Wibbons, we've talked about this, you're not in college yet.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Selfie thread

7 years ago
in b4 Ford's phase two, the Social Security number thread

SSN thread

7 years ago
078 - 05 - 1120

SSN thread

7 years ago
Well that was an entertaining google.

SSN thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago
Ah right, a reminder that this site is inhabited by real world people :D I like the photos, especially Ford's happy grin but I think too many more photos of pretty girls could probably break the site :) I would post a pic of me but I basically look like my profile pic :P

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Later, Will would realize most of the pictures of girls were of preteens, and we'd all realize Steve's conspiracy theories were right and also understand why he choses to live in Asia.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

?Preteens? >_> huh? Who chose to live in Asia? What theories?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Will lives in China.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Preteens, that's a word, not sure what you're saying.

Will's in Asia because he likes kids.

Read above.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I don't think anyone who's posted here is preteen


Selfie thread

7 years ago

You ma'am are a porcelain monster without facial features, age means nothing to you because your mum made you after her real daughter was stillborn and your opinion on time is irrelevant.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Tbh, my mother does 'joke' sometimes that I'm not her real daughter. My opinion on time is irrelevant because nobody really cares (age, however, is exempted), and why am I still a porcelain monster. >~< Meanie.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Your face did not have blemishes or features or anything, it was a fucking mask. You scare me now.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

?-_- What are you talking about; are you blind? Do you not see the obvious blemishes that attract my eyes as soon as the picture appears? maybe we just judge that stuff harder now, onto the most important part: I scare Steve! ^-^

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Generally, faces without blemishes are considered pretty okay by most non-weirdoes. Then again, faces without noses or mouths or eyes are considered not at all okay by most non-weirdoes.

Can't really say anything about your tastes, because I can't access imgur right now, but half of the things you're describing aren't being described in a very horrifying way.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Just trust me, it looks like she's made of porcelain. Like a living doll or some shit.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Basically if you're familiar with the creepypasta "China Blonde" and the picture that accompanies it. That's what Crescent looked like in her second photo. (Bottom of the page)

In fact I think Negative used the pic as his avatar at one time.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Oh shit that first line was from open season

Selfie thread

7 years ago

It's the Teddy Bears Picnic Song.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

So, she's like a golem or homunculus? That's pretty tight.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I can't fathom how anybody could think that making their face easily accessible and identifiable on a public forum is a good idea. I don't see the appeal either.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Eh. I have too many things I'm embarrassed about, and I've already publicized crappy photos elsewhere (gone from the general public now, ofc).

Selfie thread

7 years ago
I have 0 online presence elsewhere. Any pictures of me are contained within my highschool's 2016 yearbook and on government/collegiate IDs.

My face is of no use to anyone anywhere because I neither do anything nor go anywhere. The appeal is to have fun in a thread seeing other people's ugly faces; like Zags'.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Lol. Same. Idc too much anymore. Just wanted to see other CYStian faces. ^-^


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Aww, thanks Ford. ^_^

Selfie thread

7 years ago

After looking at more posts, the appeal seems to be more fishing for compliments. 

Also, privacy and anonymity should be preserved, not haphazardly thrown away, no matter how little impact you make in the real world, which is a really weak argument.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Which is why it can't work for Ford.

?You're right. I would have rather remained anonymous to preserve friendships and bonds without the corruption of visuals.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

That's not the reason why I despise this thread; it's that photos of people's actual faces are readily available on the internet, allowing people to more easily identify someone, among various other disadvantages in exchange for, what, a stranger to more easily bond with someone? What a waste.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

No, no! I mean that having a picture makes it harder to bond imo. :/ I honestly do regret my decision, as I fear others will recognize me (classmates, teachers, etc if they ever find out). You're completely correct.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Oh, I thought you were being sarcastic. My bad.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I believe that the process is called social media...

Selfie thread

7 years ago
THIS public forum, too.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
This public forum which the entire public visits and views all the time every day. The most popular forum on all the internet, clearly.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

It's not the amount of people, it's the demographic.

Y'know, the at least 2 pedophiles and the at least 3 dog-fuckers, all three of which probably have enough free time to google-track ye if you have just a facebook page.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Wait, so there's three people but two of them are both pedophiles and indulge in bestiality? That's a bit disturbing.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

No, they're all different people. One was TSR, the troll who posted child porn in the forums, the other was nmelssx, a bizarrely obsessive, engrish-speaker who went on about how underage was the sexiest of all, and invited us to use an imagedump site he made where the folder labelled "Hot girls" was full of girls who... Didn't really feel fully developed. Probably my bias as a fat-lover playing heavily into the notion that they looked underage according to me, but the way the pictures were taken and editted suggests they were made of high-school "Glamor Models" just discovering the photo filters on all their apps.

The dogfuckers were Ryder and another author of Warrior Animal porn. With another possible one, due to all the animal porn we had during that era...

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Ah, I remember nmelssx. I had no idea he was into that. But Ryder, that one is obvious.

You forgot Dananos.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I thought you were assexual, no?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

He was.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Selfie thread

7 years ago

That leads to a shit ton of follow-up questions.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Haha, yeah. I'll let Sent answer those.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

No, I started taking testosterone after I was diagnosed with terrible sleeping patterns, no attention span, and being a vaginaless woman with less muscle mass. They gave me little dissolving tabs to put in my mouth so I could become a living human instead of a vampire goldfish.

Since then, I realized that I was a fat-fucker. For a while, I had lots of moral qualms about that because it's unhealthy to encourage and I'd never had the feelings long enough to realize that life is easier if you stop giving a fuck about how awful you are. I think a few of the "Sentinel is being sad" rants had to do a lot with that combined with the moodswings of second puberty.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Well, you're attracted to a conventionally unattractive trait, so you are a lucky fucker.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Sheerly from a sex-having standpoint, yes, but not really from a relationship standpoint. It basically means I have to constantly reassure someone that something they hate is good, despite the ubiquitous opinions of everyone else. Especially when, scientifically, they have every right to hate it, and saying I prefer it is going to make them feel awkward about getting rid of it. So either I'm a refuge for people who've given up, or a sex tool for people in the process of losing weight who'll probably drop me for someone better once they have that option.

That's not even mentioning how creepy it makes me as "that one fucking weirdo who likes this". Especially considering how, no matter how many fetishy places I visit on the internet, all the people I've seen, whenever they answer this question, are never into being fat. It's something people want from other people, and I'm no exception. Either it ties into some other fetish, their chubby-chaser partner was the only one that wasn't an outright dick, or they liked fat people and either never got a partner, or their partner also liked fat people and it was their thing to be co-fat-people.

Having a genuinely unhealthy thing as a "niche", (rather than, say, something innocuous and potentially helpful to the gene pool in some little ways, like amazons, or people immune to prions from eating deer all the time, or big noses,) kind of makes me a broken asshole, sexually. Quite honestly, I'd rather just have as broad a spectrum of body types that I like without the constant preference always nagging at me, but I'm just not that lucky, unfortunately. I'm just glad I can at least hate on ProAna cunts to hide my pain and hypocrisy.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Pfffh, that's for relationships. Fuck fat sluts, get bitches pregnant, wish you'd worn a rubber.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I dunno, I like relationship-related sex better. My right hand and some porn stars get the job done just about as well from a technical standpoint, but I feel like sex is better when it's something you're sharing with someone you enjoy being happy with. Which, naturally, makes it very, very bad to have this kink.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Oh, then this has went from very lucky to very unlucky. Eh, at least you're not into kids.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I guess, but then I don't even get the notoriety of being lynched for my preferences!... They'll still lynch pedos if it's consensual, right?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yes Sent, .pedos are bad

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Melissa was a pedo? damn. I had no idea. I must've been on hiatus for that.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

He was super into jailbait and lolicon shit. Degenerate needs two lungfuls of Zyklon B

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Wait, lolicon? Like, late-teenagers dressed like Raggedy-Anne loli, or full on potato-shaped cabbage-patch child with anime eyes loli?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Uh... you don't seem to know what that is, Lolicon is just pedophile anime.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

There's different levels of it, though, as any KYM search will tell you. (Unless the gallery/everything except hentai quotes and jokes were removed on account of users being too creepy) Some chicks who like to facilitate some of the more "Age-negotiable" fans will dress like kids, or wear clothes/makeup that exaggerate their kid-like features, kinda like how V dressed up the chick in V for Vendetta when she needed to seduce the priest.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Oh fuck off.  Getting your rocks off to kids is bad, no matter how much you morally bankrupt degenerates try to spin it. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Possibly, but you can't guarantee that and it doesn't change that it's generally an unintelligent thing to do, regardless of the demographic.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I always thought beards were sexy on men. You are literally, and this is a genuine fact, the only man who a beard looks shit on.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

XDDDDD Just did some brain melting hw (like an hour ago) and now I'm cracking up.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
thanks me too

tbf it was an ungroomed beard in the middle of november having not shaved for a few weeks. so it was very...rough

Selfie thread

7 years ago

you and Minnie needs have a pun contest.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
I'd like to point out this is the 3rd selfie thread in CYS history...not a real novel idea just an update since members have changed and stuff since the last one.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Really? Someone give us a link to the last two.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

found one. having trouble finding the other. it's not got the word selfie in the thread title so it's hard to find

Selfie thread

7 years ago

To the surprise of no one, Ford looked like a sentient Internet.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
alright, you made me chuckle with that one. Post a selfie steve, the chicken.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Hmmm... I'll pass, this thread seems to be bringing me down. Sociopathy is harder when you can see the faces, and I won't contribute to this site being nicer.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

If anything seeing their faces makes it easier. Now I can visualize the tears and expressions of anguish better.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

You goddamn scum fuck.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'd rather be referred to as mold molester, thank you.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Go deport yourself, Trumexican cunt.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


That's gonna be a little difficult.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You're not as gay as I thought you'd be.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You're about as homophobic as I pictured you.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Haha, I imagined you'd be taller.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'm over six foot, how tall did you think I was?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I don't know, man. In all honesty, I thought you'd be muscley, (but not like beefed up or anything) have short hair, and with a face of stubble.

Y'know, mean-looking.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I thought he'd be this tall, thin dude with short, ginger hair who wears lots of black and dark green.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yes, because your two thoughts of me were "Dickhead" and "Irish Stereotype".

Selfie thread

7 years ago

The first part is half true (you aren't too bad, and I view those people as being on the broader side), and the second part, well, I didn't hear about you being Irish until a few months ago (in which my impression of you had already been developed). Right now, I still think of you as an adorable hedgehog. :3

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Wow, I always figured you were an angry Irish Terrier with an adorable little EU shirt on. Turns out, you're actually a school shooter. Except there's no such thing in Ireland, so I guess you'd be a vehement school slapper.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yeah, I knew there was a 'this man is dangerous' vibe. Definitely not a Northern knacker like Zag's wanting, but a more sexual appealing Dylan Klebold.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I dunno about sexually appealing, but I would pinch your adorable face if I didn't have to reach up in order to get to it.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I guess in actuality, Steve is one of those small dogs who yip and bark even though you can punt them across the room.

Cute, but ineffective.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I mean, he's 6 feet tall, so he'd have to at least be one of those retrievers or bulldogs that thinks they're a lap dog, sheerly from the reach.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yeah I see what you mean.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Steve, your picture reminds me of a modern, Irish Fonzie.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Uh... thanks? Or ouch, I can't tell.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Really? Is it just the jacket? He gave me more of a crack-dealing Egoraptor vibe...

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Clothing was a factor, but the body language, the hair (for some reason), and the his personality contributed as well. If Fonzie was younger and set in the modern era, then he'd look somewhat like Steve but with a more angular face. (I suppose this is a semi-compliment.)

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Fuck, I'll take it.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You look like a young, prettier Alan Rickman.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

So far: Ford, Zag, Me, Orange?

Selfie thread

7 years ago
in the old thread: young 3J, DEP, October, Zikara, and others

Edit: Bo's profile avatar is literally himself. No need to include him.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Two things...

1. If anyone is having second thoughts about posting their picture (or links to it) on here, I'll delete it by request.

2. *Points and laughs at the fact that Ford has probably already collected your images for blackmail/obscene purposes.*

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'm predicting that this thread will be deleted in about 2 months - 5 years when people realize that having a photo of themselves readily available on the Internet, where anybody can see and possibly re-distribute it, and request that it be purged.

Hell, if we get enough people to agree, we could possibly shorten it to 2 hours!

Edit: I swear I was replying to the OP.. oh well

Selfie thread

7 years ago
I swear I was replying to End but it seems something wonky happened in this thread...

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago


EDIT: Something odd happened in the middle of the thread with posts responding the wrong people. Probably all these links clashing with the old ass coding of the site as usual.

Selfie thread

7 years ago should post a selfie from your basement that you write storygames in all day. It'd be cool...

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Digit has sent me a selfie of himself for the thread. proof of consent

Selfie thread

7 years ago

He looks younger and not as dark as I imagined him.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

So........So young! Omigod! AAAAAAAAAAH!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

That's not a selfie! That's a picture of a cardboard cutout of a child framed to look like a selfie! You can't fool me, Digit!

Seriously though, does the perspective/lighting make this picture look weirdly flat to you?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Glad to see that the children are having fun this week as well.  

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You can have fun too.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
you've sealed your fate. post a selfie or be a chicken.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'll have to decline the invitation and be a chicken. It's more fun to play spectator in these kind of affairs of bad choices that are already being regretted by some. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

What Ford said.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
someone has regretted their decision to post a selfie? where? I do not see this person you speak of.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Don't do it, Thara. Just post of picture of your hand or wrist. Those are very expressive.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I cannot be deceived so easily, but nice try, Cres. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

T-T I never intended to deceive, but I shall play antihero if it makes you warm and fuzzy on the inside.


Selfie thread

7 years ago
thara is black and wouldn't like to show herself amongst us white and orange people

Selfie thread

7 years ago

And Asian.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Hmm, it would probably be fun to be black for a day actually.  

Selfie thread

7 years ago

All the more so if you were a dude.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

And in the hood, or whatever it's called.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
the plantation?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

See above.


Selfie thread

7 years ago

I lost all respect for you.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

...Wait why? T-T I'm sorry for whatever I did.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Taking a pic but then getting it removed. Pussy.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

:< I don't mind you guys seeing me. You know how I look. *shrug* I keep wondering what you look like though. :/ Did you post a selfie?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I would but unfortunately I plan to commit several serious crimes in the furure, which would require me to eliminate any person I've made significant personal contact with and anyone who could recognize my face. Distributing such information amongst anonymous individuals on the web would jeopardize such endeavors, as there would be no sufficient means of tracking them.

True, I could always have facial surgery done, but losing the one have now would be a tragedy.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

We all know why you aren't posting, tcount. im sorry if u feel inferior

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Kill yourself until you die.

And what are you talking about? Your pic is nowhere on this thread.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

*Tries to act mature like End does, fails

Selfie thread

7 years ago

She has much to learn.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I could've emulated your abrasive cringe above, but I went with what I know best. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Selfie thread

7 years ago
ugly indeed

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Thank you for that, Spartacus.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

There is literally no one here that can top the ugliness that is pouring into my eyes right now.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Considering how much Steve is always going on about how attractive he is, I was expecting someone with less of a pudding face and more chiseled features. At least a stronger jawline rather than all the fucking baby fat he has.

Well so much for the ongoing boasts of him being more attractive than me I guess. Yes, I know he’ll make them anyway, but it’s even more meaningless now.

Digit looks like a terrorist in training.

Zag looks like a date rapist.

Ford looks the most like a school shooter.

And I still don’t believe that’s Negative. He was bitching way too much about going bald earlier, and the guy in the photo has  too much hair. Also he’s too damn masculine looking to be Negative.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Wait......what? We are seriously putting our real pictures there? WTF guys! You will get raped in the dark of the night by some crazy maniac! Don't do it! Also, I will come clean guys. I am a girl.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You should be docked a hundred points for lying to us.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
temporaryaccount's Experience Points

temporaryaccount has a total of 0 Experience Points. Following is recent point activity.

Date Points Why?
4/4/2017 -2740 Admin. Penalty - Additional Contest Bet
3/22/2017 -105 Admin. Penalty - Contest Bet....

Selfie thread

7 years ago
But I am a gurl! I swear!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I meant lying about the pic.

And yeah just wait till I win and get it all back. Eat my shit, git.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
#screwedby4rd (ninjaedit)

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Also, Steve's threats carry no weight now. He has dug his own grave of failure and ridicule. Good job Ford, you did one thing right before leaving. We will miss you..... (or maybe we will convince End to reconsider.....ehhh.....nah that's impossible)

Selfie thread

7 years ago

"You will get raped in the dark of the night by some crazy maniac!?"

Ha! Jokes on you, I am that maniac.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Pffh, Steve's pure white, which is always one step above 'Mexican bleached white from lack of sunlight'.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Crescent deleted hers. Chicken.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

It is somewhat hypocritical to call Cres a chicken while your picture is nowhere to be seen.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'm working on it...

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You have seen mine, so what's your point?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I haven't...

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Oh, that's most definitely archived.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Ofc someone archived it who wouldn't wanna see my pretty face.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You are a literal living porcelain doll in the scariest possible way.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Note that it has not been denied.

Edit: The fact that I'm good looking, ofc. And that Steve's an adorable hedgehog.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'm sorry, did you not get that looking like a living nightmare meant you weren't good looking? It does.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I *sniffle* was in denial okay...:c


Selfie thread

7 years ago

"Zag looks like a date rapist."

Well, it's been said that I would grow up to have my own television show and then use that show to molest children somehow, I've said that in certain pictures I look like a serial arsonist, and now End confirms the idea that I look like a rapist.


Selfie thread

7 years ago

This is fucking stupid.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I implore everybody to take a look-see through this highly informational and useful article.


Highlight of said article:


Privacy and security:

"Since the Exif tag contains metadata about the photo, it can pose a privacy problem. For example, a photo taken with a GPS-enabled camera can reveal the exact location and time it was taken, and the unique ID number of the device - this is all done by default - often without the user's knowledge. Many users may be unaware that their photos are tagged by default in this manner, or that specialist software may be required to remove the Exif tag before publishing. For example, a whistleblower, journalist or political dissident relying on the protection of anonymity to allow them to report malfeasance by a corporate entity, criminal, or government may therefore find their safety compromised by this default data collection.

In December 2012, anti-virus programmer John McAfee was arrested in Guatemala while fleeing from alleged persecution[15] in Belize, which shares a border. Vice magazine had published an exclusive interview on their website with McAfee "on the run"[16] that included a photo of McAfee with a Vice reporter taken with a phone that had geotagged the image.[17] The photo's metadata included GPS coordinates locating McAfee in Guatemala, and he was captured two days later.[18]

According to documents leaked by Edward Snowden, the NSA is targeting Exif information under the XKeyscore program.[19]

The privacy problem of Exif data can be avoided by removing the Exif data using a metadata removal tool."


Remember that you can always request that your photo be taken down:

"If anyone is having second thoughts about posting their picture (or links to it) on here, I'll delete it by request."

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Come an find me you creeps

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Hmmm... it seems Bannerlord is a paranoid little bitch.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
There is literally no such thing as privacy anyways. Supposing there was, the first thing I disabled on my phone was GPS when I first got it.

also I'm quite familiar with netsec but let's ignore my technical knowledge for now so you can be right

Let's use Zag as an example: he has posted a selfie in a thread on a forum on an abandoned corner of the internet where the forums don't even attract many lurkers anyways. Let's suppose I go through and get the EXIF data from his photos. I find that he lives in Platte, South Dakota his phone number is 555-5555-5555 and his house is in a certain neighborhood (that's stretching it even for satellite location data for phones - it'd more likely store a zip code or geographic area but for the sake of you, let's make some assumptions). I ask you, what will I do with this information?

Add him to a list of call-centers? Order him a pizza as a prank? Prank call? Share his number on 4chan and say "hey this guy deserves shit do it guys" to have them only either not reply or not do anything and eventually die out even supposing they start prank calling.

In the absolute best case scenario for the criminal - they might have a chance at causing a mild inconvinience to some guy who posted a selfie in this thread.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

The funny thing is, I didn't use a phone to take those pictures. I used a camcorder. Does this still apply?

Selfie thread

7 years ago
no. and I used a webcam for a couple of mine, so also no.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

If anybody seriously cares enough to track any of us down, then that's just sad for the stalker. I wouldn't even feel violated, I'd just be impressed at that point.

Selfie thread

7 years ago



Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yeah, tbh someone stalking me would be funny. I'd probably find out and turn them into a smoothie with a lead pipe.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

What a bitch. You're making me wanna post my pic after all.

Next thing you know you'll be telling porn stars to cover their faces on Brazzers, social media users to delete their Facebook accounts, and everyone else to wear masks in public in case of lurking criminals on the street.

If you can show it in general public, it's relatively safe on the web. Just don't post your name. That's when it gets dangerous (and even then only if it's unique).

Selfie thread

7 years ago
The only person that should be fearful is me since End figured out I'm a extremist in training that's getting ready to defend the holy land of Mexico against the Tyrannical Regime of De Wall.

If JJ hasn't been assassinated by the NSA after 5 years of that photo, then I consider myself in good health.

DEP took by far the best selfie.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Just take the picture, screen capture it, and delete the original. If I'm not mistake almost all of the Exif data is lost. Data created, file size and that sort of thing remains, but screen caps don't have location data, I don't think.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Honestly, Zag, Digit and Ford look like they probably would be doing the stalking rather than being the stalkee, Crescent looks like a creepypasta monster, Negative posted a fake picture.

And in Steve’s case, nobody wants to be bothered going to his shithole of a country to rape him and get AIDS anyway.

I’d say out everyone here that posted a pic only Orange would have anything to seriously worry about.

Her pic already looks like one of those "Before photos" that the news show put up when they’re reporting about some fresh faced young white girl getting horribly raped and killed.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Perhaps Ford's plan was to track down whoever posted and wear their skin.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

We're all creeps.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

;-; I'm not emo enough for that. At least I get to be scary. :3 And I actually agree on the Orange matter. ;-;

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You're not emo enough to stalk people? I have no idea how those two are related in any way.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Omigod, Ford! I thought you were a gross, sad, unshowery basement dwelling waifu obsessing sweat sack of Kentucky denial! It turns out you're only very mildly autistic! I approve!

You look a lot like a guy in my game dev class. Your ex's favorite makes me think of olives!

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Everyone in this thread has been a shock to me. Zag is so goofy and adorable, I can't ever be mad at him again.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Tbh I agree. Not that I've ever been mad at him.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

This post sounds too much like a book out of Dwarf Fortress not to point it out. I don't care how hypocritical I sound, what you've written sounds randomly generated as fuck.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Maybe that was the point?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Did not actually think people would do this. 

...probably won't do it. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

XD It all started with you, AYT.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Alright, I'll do it. Probably too young for this, but I ain't going to chicken out.

I'd look a fool.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Me neither. I greatly wish this had stayed as a shitty joke instead of turning into a shitty thread.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Great thread. You're the shit in it so fuck off. If you don't like the thread then you don't have to be in it.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'm waiting for that moment where you say that that picture isn't actually you. @everyoneelse


Selfie thread

7 years ago
it's me.

inb4 hick for wearing a handmedown hat

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Why must you all use imgur; the picture quality for it on my phone sucks. What's after "Ford" in that message? And you look so derpy like that it's adorable.


Selfie thread

7 years ago
the date/timestamp is after "Ford"

I've been known to be a derpy mechanical engineer. Though my physical screws are tight my mental screws...well.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago
In this great nation of CYStia all citizens have freedom. This includes freedom to make decisions they may later regret without some elitist 'lord' lecturing them on what is proper.

Years from now, another selfie thread will be posted, and someone will dig this one up along with the rest and why would you want to deny us that?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Considering how much Banner pointlessly fights for the freedom of piddling shit that doesn’t matter (Like deleting threads started by shitty spammers) sort of surprised he’s going on some crusade to restrict freedom here. (Well not too surprised I guess)

Personally, I don’t think it’s a great idea to be posting pics here (Or anywhere for that matter if you can help it) either, but if people want to do it, I’m not going to stop them. Plus I’m reasonable enough to delete anyone’s pics/links if they have second thoughts.

But be warned! As soon as you've posted your pic, the damage is most likely already done as eager fappers (Malk and Steve) quickly save your image to their hard drive for future use.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Personally I found this thread to be worth it for all of his posts on the matter of people sharing pictures of themselves on this quaint little forum. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

^Me around the time I had joined.

^Me about 2 weeks ago.

I regret the duckface but can't take that one back oh well. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Could you put up the direct links? I can only reach Imgur by Search-by-Image on google at this point, and slapping ".jpg" and ".png" on the end only brings up neckbeard cringe and spider-man vore porn. I wanna know whether you're making a deliberate joke or if the similar urls are just a coincidence.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I can't post the direct links because my phone is deciding to not work today. The similarity in links is purely coincidental. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I can't believe you legit did this.


Selfie thread

7 years ago

I told you I was going to actually do it.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Ah, okay, I get it now! Direct links are, not just

Now I know that you joined in 1965.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yeah, that was when color film was coming around, but color photography was still an expensive process for the common photographer.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I had to look up who the hell Palepaper even was, since I thought at first it was just one of the usual suspect spammer/trolls posting in the thread.

Found out she's the girl that read LoveSICK a bunch of times and wished she hadn't missed out on the edgelord contest so I guess she's alright.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

LOL @Palepaper You have been complimented (?) by the great master himself. "Look up?"

Selfie thread

7 years ago

"Look up?"

Posting history, join date, IP address, etc.

Basically making sure she wasn't an alt, because I didn't recognize her.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Selfie thread

7 years ago

The list of intelligent people who have not posted an actual selfie:



















Get posting, and be losers like the rest of us.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
You tagged everyone else on the list, but not me? Hmm, I guess you already know the answer then. I'm too lazy to even find a profile picture and you expect me to upload a selfie? I can't see you, you can't see me. :P

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I crossed you out as more of a joke. I'm glad you caught it. ^_^

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You got a lot of balls calling out Mizal, Will, your own boss, and End.

Also, there's no way Banner's posting.

Edit: I'm starting to change my mind. I might honor you peasants with the glory of my facial wonders.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'm trying to get a decent one. IT's super hard.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Why try to be decent? Even Ford said to not try. Just post one.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

XD oh yeah... Well I'm at school right now, so I can't. But as soon as I get home, I will.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Don't try to look nice, you vain cunt.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Don't drag me into your poor life choices.  

Selfie thread

7 years ago

C'mon. Ya can't be that ugly.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I think you can!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You two should worry about posting your selfies first then.  

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Whoo hoo


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Look Ma! It's a talking chicken!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I would blind you with my sex appeal.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Penguins taste like chicken, right?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Did you just... Imply that I'm a PENGUIN!?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'm also implying that you're a chicken. So show us all who's the most attractive here.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I can't. When I showed my face last time, everyone was so depressed about the fact that they weren't fat chicks that they either died or blinded themselves. The only reason I got out of the lawsuits was because everyone was so distracted by the portrait that I just slipped on a balaclava and got away.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You can. You choose not to, and by choosing not to, you choose to be a chicken. What sort of message would you be sending me, Sentsei? Don't be attractive or all-round badass because some weak willed plebs will die?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

God dammit, grasshopper, has T-Count blinded you that much!? The whole point of being a hero is, at its core, to prevent innocent people from facing injustice. It's not my fault that not everyone in the world can be as attractive as I am. In fact, it's an injustice that I have such a monopoly on being gorgeous while the vast majority of the world has been so horribly fucked with an ugly stick in comparison. I can only protect the innocent masses by shielding them from the reality that they can never compare and it never gets any better.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yeesh, you're right! Bad company corrupts good character. But, can good company corrupt bad character?

Anyways, I'm sure the filters in the internet, the whole upload loss of quality process, and most of the populace's late night lurking will lower your beauty to tolerable levels.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

BS. No one's entitled to a self sense of physical attraction. Even if you do hold a monopoly on your so-called "beauty," it's not like you're depriving anyone of it. There's nothing unfair about naturally having more favorable traits than others. That's like hating the rich just cuz they're rich.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

But they're rich, an- and we're poor!

Yeah! Why can't those privileged, money sucking, cash grabbers share once in a while?

Trickle down? Haha, what a pile of garbage!

We are the 98%! We want prosperity too!


Selfie thread

7 years ago

To add to that, you literally said you were about shielding people from the truth. It just goes to show how phony the pretentious forces of "light" are. It's corrupt at the core! Liars creating their own light to blind them from the horrid truths of darkness and life. That's the very design of your impure philosophy. If you're really worth your marbles, you'd be less of a fraud and selfie it up, git.

Zag, don't become like Sent. Whatever it is you saw in him at any point, he will only serve to devalue and corrupt you.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

It's not shielding them from the truth, it's shielding them from an inevitable downward spiral that would result from witnessing something that's simply too good. I've already clearly and plainly shared the truth with you, that is, I'm too beautiful to share my face here. It's not an impure philosophy, and you demonstrate again, as you always do, that you know nothing of the Right Path except for pitiful strawman memes and Sith Lord Soundbytes.

It's still the same truth, just exposed in different ways. It's the difference between telling someone they're a cockhead and talking out solutions with them, and sending them to Silent Hill and causing manifestations of their cockheadedness to murder them.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

It's shielding them from the truth. You'd see that if you weren't so obsessed your perceived god-like status and so engulfed in mythological legends that have nothing to do with your actual person. Must be a penguinite thing.

Why pity them anyways? Let them spiral into madness. Survival of the fittest. If anything, death via beauty would be preferable to any alternatives.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

>Percieved godlike status, engulfed in mythological legends that have nothing to do with my actual person.

My my, what a pupper-shaped pot we have here.

And no, death via beauty is one of the worst things. Robbing them of meaning and purpose simply because they have not yet evolved to achieve the same level of beauty would be a needlessly cruel thing to do. You don't go out into the woulds to exterminate colonies of ants just so that only the strongest ones will survive and because it might be better than getting slurped up by an antbear.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'm not saying you have to go out and torture 'em. But if you happen to be in the woods, then why bother trying to avoid them? This is just about you getting over your defiance to post a pic.

Unless of course you're actually just plain ugly. Which I'd buy considering your half man half flightless bird.

Or you're a pedophile. Which I'd also buy 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Of course I don't avoid the ants, but posting a picture is an action. It requires me to go to multiple websites and waste precious bandwidth uploading my face. I would have to go out of my way to torture people.

And, I mean, you're an incestuous wolf thing with a 12 inch limpdick that works by knotting and twisting itself around backwards. You're not one to talk about being an animalistic creature.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

He can't unless he saved the link or something before it got deleted from this thread. :(

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Nah.......But I will say I do look a heck of a lot like Isobel from Paranatural.

Yes, paper included.


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Hang on, you're a chick?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Oooooooooh, did you not know? I guess you probably wouldn't cos' it's not like I said it or anything.

Yeah, back when I had my "WALL STAPLES" Lucas gif, people thought I was a guy. I just really liked Mother 3.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I leave the site for four days and suddenly I'm not an important community member?

Selfie thread

7 years ago,Kai2Sa8

Here, I'm not a chicken.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Hey, that pretty much meets my expectations! Then again, I believe you have had an image of yourself in your profile/as your avatar.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Typical ugly-ass teenage blonde white kid wasting his uneventful life on the Web.

Cept there's no indication that's actually him.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Lol. Wow. He looks like a kid that was in my Spanish class last semester.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Ooh, not only did you not reply to the right person, no one outside your Spanish class gives a shit about whoever you're talking about, and I dare say everyone in it doesn't give too much of a fuck anyway.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Hoho, besides the stupid profile image, personality, necklace and history of being a wanker, this fucker's not bad.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Pretty cute, I might say.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I can't tell if you're referring to him or me.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Haha, por que no los dos?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Speak a better language, chico.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Why not both?

Selfie thread

7 years ago
you look like my dad. mind taking a selfie while dressed in some star wars cosplay? :^)

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Is this an effort to satisfy an outlandish fetish?

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Did you miss it? You can always hit up the discord. Reference is pinned in #Loungerie and it's fucking golden :3

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Ah, the old Discord server. I haven't been there in a while.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
doesn't help at all. that could be anyone holding up a sticky note that says "nyctophilia of cystia"

we can't be sure that's even you.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

...alright Ford. Give me something stupid to do in a picture and I'll consider it. I'm not really that interested in proving myself to you guys anyway.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Give yourself a Kentucky Klondike Bar.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
shirtless selfie with "End Daddy's Boy Toy" written just above your beltline

To make it more interesting, I'll do it if you do it.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Well that escalated quickly.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Uhhhh, I'll have to pass on that.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Shit lol. Can't believe I did that. I just wrote "End Daddy" :p

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Crescent, as much as Will and Ogre might've prompted you to, don't show a topless picture with 'End Daddy' written on your chest.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Lol. I wrote it above belt line sorta. :3 And it's only the waist and hip area. :/?


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Just don't do something that you'll end up regretting again.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Haha I wont post a picture of me again. :p I'm deleting the pic.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Holy shit, you actually did it and it's not a bit. Your parents touched you too much or not enough.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

What do you mean "not a bit"? :(

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You know, a bit, a joke, a gag.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Oh. Okie. >~< It didn't really show anything doe. >_> Words on belly flesh. :( I'm afraid I'm slipping into the dark side, Stevey! ;-;

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Poor Cres. Brought down to bad habits of exposing herself on the Web. Not even for any cash. It's a sad life. And it's all thanks to the influence of Ford. tsk tsk

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I did nothing with myself on the Web. >:( And Ford's the other male figure. :3 I was being insanely vain.


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Fuck it, kid, make whatever shitty decisions you want and we'll see if you get banned for it. It's been a long time coming, anyhow.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Ik u love me too, Steve. *sniffle* Sorry, I simply can't show off anymore. :( E: Worthy note: Your profile picture is saved on my phone so I will always have you in my heart because it's adorable.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Do a selfie of you as you try to to a backflip on a trampoline

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Write the bee movie script on your forehead.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Right after a match I got cleated in my face, please keep in mind I had a severe concussion and broken skull at that point lol but these are the worst pics I have of myself


Selfie thread

7 years ago

From now on we'll know this guy can take a hit. Thanks for not being chicken.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Well we know what Blackhawke/Bluesabere looks like now, assuming that's actually him. (Probably not)

He can definitely take a banning, that's for sure. Lol.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I think we now have a valid reason for his behavior so far. Repeated blows to the face and head can cause the behavior that he's displayed in the past, so I guess you can say that he can take both a banning and a hit. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

My terrible photo. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

That's so cute. XD


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Thanks. I am a pathetic lil nerd. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Before Steve starts mocking you, I'd like to say that I'm very glad that you are young yet not a fool which is an unfortunately rare occurrence. Also, you look very bored. :)

Selfie thread

7 years ago

While there was some internal debate about whether to go the pedophile route, I really wasn't planning to mock her. Except maybe for dog filter.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Dog filter is used only for emergencies. 

Like when I run out of chocolate. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Wow, very nice, and not at all nerdy. Well, except maybe for the watch...

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Aside from probably being (at the very least partially) of my same race(s), you're much younger and not as white as I thought you would be.


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yes, very young but still somewhat mature. I'm not sure if we are of the same race but it's unlikely. I'm a mix of everything that doesn't go together. Tacos and noodles, white carrots and carne asada. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Haha, I'm half Mexican, a quarter white, and a quarter black.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'm half Asian, a quarter Mexican, and the rest is random. Native American, Irish (1%), Spanish, etc. I'm a very strange mix.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Oh, you're such a cutie!

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

@EndMaster can you ban Crescentstar's alt?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

T-T My alt? Oh wait... >:(

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Surely -_- would be more appropriate. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Haha, really fun and original joke. Malk's really funny and creative.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Do we look that similar?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Not at all. Honestly I feel that Ford and Steve look more similar than us.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Ouch, go fuck yourself you uppity, race-traitor bitch.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

It's me! After school, on a Thursday, but it's me!


Selfie thread

7 years ago

And the picture doesn't even work.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Well, fuck. It works for me.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Bitch doesn't even offer to upload it onto an image sharing site, no, just shrugs.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


We hereby declare that you post a picture that works, or you accept your position as site chicken.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Fine. But I need to sleep first. *Jumps out window* You'll never get me to do it!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I guess we'll see if the rooster crows in the morning.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

More like the afternoon.  I'm in school right now.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

While this will probably fall on deaf ears because you're all a bunch of unruly little rebellious bastards, but refrain from the urge or dare to write "End Daddy" or any variation there of involving my name on your body. (Let alone taking pictures of such things)

While I appreciate the fanaticism, let's keep some boundaries intact. My name isn't Bad Mod Kiel.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I don't need any illegitimate siblings. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yo, my heart is with Ford and Steve anyways.


Selfie thread

7 years ago

My heart is filled with the desire to be Ends son, and Tharas annoying brother

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

One can dream

Selfie thread

7 years ago

It's once been said by Will I think that Steve's End's son. You really wanna join that bunch?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Holy hell, I would get to be Steves annoying brother too? I want it more now!!!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

The best you can do is admit that Minnie Orange is your son w/ him and that you cheated on Orange. Only way for you to have any relative connection w/ End.


Selfie thread

7 years ago

...the fuck?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Post a selfie! :3

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Woah lol. Still can't believe you guys actually believe me without photograph proof. Lol

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'm confused. What happened?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yeah yeah, use the "Duh I never actually did it you guys" save, that'll work.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Again, I'm not a traitor to Ford or you.


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Stop being creepy, you dumb chink.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

:( I am notta bi***. ;-; You're mean.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I made it far more racist after self-reflection.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Sorry if you feel inferior. :( I'll be back to my old self soon. ;-; Miley Cyrus still has the phone.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

No. Creeped out.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

;-; Really sorry, Steve. @anyoneelsewhodoesntcare Sorry people. :( To clarify: I didn't actually do it. You guys are, unfortunately/fortunately, strangers online. :/ Giving most of you a temporary memorial irl and even wasting my paint on most of you isn't in my thought process. (Unless we're talking about the CYStia memorial of craft sticks I'm stacking.)

Selfie thread

7 years ago

"My name isn't Bad Mod Kiel."

Selfie thread

7 years ago

4 months later I come back and see this. *goes back to lurking*

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Before you go, tell me, end should adopt me, right??

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Me a year ago, I'll probably post a more recent one later.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Holy shit I swear I have a pineapple that looks just like you

Selfie thread

7 years ago

pic or its not real

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Are there any pineapples that don't look like me?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

pics or its not real

Well, I don't think you're very pineapple-y to begin with.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Where are you? The background is so pretty.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

looks like Crater Lake

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Crater Lake

Selfie thread

7 years ago

using this information i can triangulate ur position

Selfie thread

7 years ago
triangulate position? psh noob. Just use the Exif data from the photograph and you'll know exactly where he is within a few feet radius so you can drive a thousand miles so you can go kill him in his sleep

It's totally worth the time and effort. Trust me, I'm an internet person and I once read that people can do this.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Anyway, here's me.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Well great, I have eye-herpes. Time for the bi-daily bleaching.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Malk, I'm not clicking that, but I hope for your sake that isn't something shit related.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I think I just died a little on the inside.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
you look exactly as I pictured you

Selfie thread

7 years ago
I don't have a physical body but if I ever have one I want to look like this. I always envision myself this way when carrying out any of my duties or commands.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Note to self: Never again click on links Ford, Malk, or Chanbot provide.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

you won't be saying that when you're squarting from an oegimam 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'm back, this time with a working link!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Why do you look like someone just took the worlds most boring shit on your lap?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I thought Wizzycat was female.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Same. The male thing makes the name fairly inexcusable.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

This profile was made when I was addicted to fucking Warrior Cats.

Not addicted to fucking them, but addicted to the book series (Just wanted to clear that up).

Selfie thread

7 years ago

No, being a male into Warrior Cats is what's shameful.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I know that. Which is why, now, I hate them with a passion!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You look older than expected.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I finished reading Night that day. I think that made me age a little. I'm also just generally exhuasted.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Oh yeah, I remember that book.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You have very pretty eyes!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

1. That's the gayest thing I've ever heard.

2. He doesn't.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

1. She's a girl, I'm a guy (Not homosexual).


Selfie thread

7 years ago

1. I've expressed the difference between the first use of gay (loves cock) and the second use (is cock) and this is definitely the second.

2. They're lying.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

1. So she's a cock?

2. I hope so. It's really embarassing and makes me feel akward.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

1. So now I'm a farm animal, how fabulous

2. Sorry if I did. Everyone I know has very pretty eyes but me, of course. Stereotypical boring Asian eyes, that's for sure. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Stereotyping Asian eyes as boring? Racist bitch.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Guilty as charged.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

2. You're cool tho. It just annoys me when my parents do it, or their friends.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

2. A'ight. Thanks. My parents have the same eyes as me except for my mother, so I don't get the pretty eyes comments. I got a comment from this girl in the hallway once as we were switching classes. She just went "oh, you have such pretty folds!" And then just left like it didn't sound completely weird at all.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You Korean? I hear they're always down on their Asian looks and try to get surgery to look like white people.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Lol. Koreans are too focused on the superficial things in life. Look at all those dramas Besides, look at those kpop people. They don't look white to me. >->

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Oh look, another Asian that's racist towards Asians. Terrific.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

... I'm not being racist. :< I'm generalizing and judging Koreans based on their education, looks, and entertainment. Like any normal person.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Pffh, you're being racist against your own people, you piece of irredeemable shit.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

:< I am not being racist. Koreans are not my people. I dunno about the shit part.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Betraying your own race, the Asians. You're worst than the fucking Kapos.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I am not, you meanie. :<

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Gasp. As the representative of the Asian community, we reject her. Who will give her a forever home?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

:( You've never really liked me. And since when were you able to say that for the whole of the Asian community? Steve and ATY are being mean. ;-;

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Shibalseki nae kochu paluh. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Nope! Definitely not Korean. I'm Taiwanese.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

If you were patriotic you would've said Republic of China.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

"If you were patriotic"

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Nah, Korea just has a fashion thing going on where your skin should ideally look radiant at all times. And by "radiant" I mean "Smoothing out your skin by force or by practice and painting on makeup until a selfie you take in a dimly lit bar looks like you left the bloom setting on 'Twilight Princess'.

Source: The answers you get for asking why your friend's list of favorite foreign musicians looks like a photo album of Ladyboy hookers being used as lightbulb filaments.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Where's coins at, he's Boring Korean (Not Evil Doer Korean), maybe he's got an opinion on this.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Pretty much what the penguin said. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I don't know where you got that from. Koreans don't have surgery to look like white people, they do it to look prettier. Does this look like a white person to you?

Image result for korean plastic surgery

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Dear god, in becoming chalky like chalk or cauc, they've become caucasian!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

"they do it to look prettier."

So exactly like what I said, to look more like white people.

But in seriousness of course they don't look white to me, but that's the usual joke about Koreans that even other Asian people make about them. (Like what Crescent just did for example)

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yes. Shut the fuck up, Wonderbread

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You all look as I imagined you.

Especially Malk.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Pffh, look at this cowardly faggot, making judgements and not putting up a picture.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

This is true.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

To be fair, it's not necessarily a negative judgement. Just an observation. I personally thought Malk looked a bit like that. But weedier, of course. And covered in his own shit.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Never said it was negative, just that it was a judgement.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

But if it were positive judgement, it would be weird to call him out on it. You could say you thought everyone on the site was as ugly as you expected, and then calling them a coward for not putting up his face would make sense, and point out a hypocrisy. But if he thought everyone looked as great as he thought they were, calling him a coward for not showing his face would just be an odd statement. I mean, you can think someone looks good without yourself looking good. But saying someone doesn't look any good provides better grounds for your statement since it's pointing out that his opinion on what's attractive doesn't matter because he himself is the sort that people generally aren't attracted to.

Then again, I guess you would call Mason a cowardly faggot whether he was insulting or complimenting anyone.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

No, judging people silently while leaving yourself immune to judgements is negative either way.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

So, anonymously saying "You look nice" but giving the complimentee no basis for judging whether the complimenter looked nice would be negative? Or the ambiguity of his statement combined with the fact that he's not given anyone else grounds to make equally ambiguous statements is negative?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

The thread is Ford asking for people to put up pics of themselves, so yeah, Mason not doing that and instead simply making judgements about those who did put pics up while refusing to to it himself is negative.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Confirm: I am chicken.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Dunno how to respond to that. Thanks, I guess.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Nah man, Malk really surprised me.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'm a fetus to this website but here we go hahah

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Alright folks thanks for tuning in! Welcome back to our most popular game show:


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Well Zag, due to the long hair and soft face, I would say that this pretty specimen is probably a girl.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

What are you babbling about dear friend? Take a close look a those lips, that  jaw! This strapping young catch is another lad ensnared in the tendrils of rock music! That or this boy is involved in other less appealing things...

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Ding ding ding! I am a female.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Ouch! Sorry about that one, Lick! It seems TSlave hit the nail on the hammer this time around! Tune in next time for our next installment of:


And you're T4? What brings you here?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I like writing but also reading interactives but I got bored so here I am, in the forums. Very interesting thread this is lol.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Ouch, Zag's throwing shade at new person. I didn't even think that was in question whether she was a chick or not.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Well I mean if Lick is going to call me a "strapping young catch" then I really can't complain.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Selfie thread

7 years ago
12 to 32 in a single post

Selfie thread

7 years ago

32/10 I know bb <3333

Selfie thread

7 years ago

oh my god you even have a pineapple shirt XD

Selfie thread

7 years ago

M-Morty, ya gotta turn into a pineapple Morty. There's a-uuur- There's a pinapple on your shirt, Morty! It'll activate the chip in your ass, Morty! The transforming chip! You gotta hurry up and be a p-uuuuh-pineapple Morty! The Blazgorgs hate pineapples, they'll never look here!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Ugh. Someone edit lock this so I don't chicken.

I'm gonna post pic when I get the time to.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Well I guess for some people this might clear up all the recent pronoun questions.

Or potentially just raise further questions.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Oh ho ho. I'm excited for this.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

100% Yes. ^_^ But let's not pressure Seto. don't do this Seto you'll regret it

Selfie thread

7 years ago

post a selfie u fkn div.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

God man, @Seto, you owe the people a selfie. If it doesn't come, I'm going to have to start writing vivid descriptions of my mental images of you and all the other filth who haven't offered their pictures.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Scary. >~< I wonder what goes on in Steve's mind.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Did anyone else save pictures of everyones selfies in case this thread gets deleted? Or am I the only one?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

WUT NO Is mine there? D: I know that a few others have it saved (Steve? Ford?) but still. :<

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Maybe :3

Lol yes

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Ford saved them all on the new selfie channel on the CYS Discord.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Fucking Ford. -_-

Selfie thread

7 years ago

*deep breath* Close enough? 

 photo Apr_24_2017_zpspocht94b.jpg

Selfie thread

7 years ago
no. tits and face or gtfo. and timestamp. that could be anybody. that could be your friend or some random dude you looked up.

dude looks at least 90lb - can't possibly be you.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yeah, you can't even tell if it's a girl or boy. SETO'S ANSWERED NOTHING!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I dunno, the bottom of the chin looks like it has stubble and the arms look slightly hairy. Could just be shadowing though.

I'm still referring to him as a dude.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
@Seto send nudes. We need to know.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Don't believe it, hold up a card.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

How the ass is your collar standing that high up. This is fucking photoshopped.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

My jacket's like this xD I swear

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yeah sure, whatever you say, Space Cowboy.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Nice chin.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You look exactly how I expected you to look like.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Seriously? XD

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Well, I expected you to be wearing something green, because Avatar Mind Tricks, but that's the only difference.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

X3 I would wear something green, but don't know if I have anything green...

Selfie thread

7 years ago

That's totally a guy! Whoa, @Seto, I thought you were a girl for some reason. Maybe it's the profile pic! I like the sweater a lot.

Wait! Minnieking! Is Minnieking a boy too...?

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago
lol I thought you were a girl until now

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I'm gonna have to put this shit on my profile or something so people quit thinking i'm a girl..

Selfie thread

7 years ago
nobody looks at profiles :P

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Isn't Minnie a girl's name? Like Minnie Mouse.

Not that I'm calling you a mouse. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

But then there's the "king" part, and I assume kings are guys. >_>

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Exactly. Nobody ever makes THAT connection though.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yeah, and I don't see many girls making bad puns haha

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Everyone was basically convinced by those puns that MK had an extra chromosome.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Isn't a king a fuckin' guy?

And... please do not speak of the devil. I don't like mice.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
yeah but you're so sexually tense with end that it's hard to believe you're a boy

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I have almost no will to live after reading that post.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Don't worry, End pops will take care of you.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

End isn't my pops, he's my owners dad.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

You didn't know? I am Tharas pet now. Squeak. Woof. Meow.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Last week or maybe two weeks ago, idk, pet adoption, because it's fun.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Bad mental images, baaaaad mental images.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I feel clueless right now. T_T

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You have a bishonen avatar. A bishonen is a pretty boy that looks feminine and androgynous.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I am not pretty. I am handsome! You fool.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Of course you're not pretty, and of course you're not handsome. :< There is no evidence.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Bishonen literally translates to "pretty boy", basically.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I too have a tvtropes addiction.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Sorry, sorry! Like, profile pic. All squished down, it looks like a cute shoujo-ish ani-boy. Maybe a twinkier Cloud Strife. I just assumed that twinkier Cloud strife appealed to a female audience.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

What-ier Cloud what?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Twinkier! Like, from the slang term twink. The pic looks like a twinkier Cloud, which is pretty crazy, cos' Cloud already has a pretty strong twink factor.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Uh er. <_< >_> o-o

Selfie thread

7 years ago

So you look like Squall?

Or possibly FF7:AC-graphics Cloud?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yup, that makes sense. Squall's tank top and necklace combo really pumps up the twink factor.

I'd say Tidus is edging in on twunk.

(Oh, unless by "you" ya mean me. I look like Isobel from Paranatural, or Connie from Steven Universe. Some brown person.)

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Me? XD

Selfie thread

7 years ago

No eyes? :( I'm sure you got pretty eyes. :3 I would seriously be convinced that this is some hot dude Seto is vain just from that form. (looks like a guy i know at school but he's an arse so couldn't be you) How old is this photo? :o

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Took it today xD

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Where's da phone camera??? It ain't a selfie if ya ain't holding the thing. (Like, not necessarily in the pic, but both your hands are occupied.) <3 #20years

Selfie thread

7 years ago

It was on the table xD

Selfie thread

7 years ago

As I said, vain. Tsk tsk. Posing and getting all prepped up to take the photo, oh yeah. :3

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Since Zag is slacking, it's time for another round of


Selfie thread

7 years ago

On the one hand, there are very supple, feminine wrists and forearms. On the other hand, they have a feckin' Batman jaw.

Decisions decisions...

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

I believe the quite hairy forearms give away the fact that Seto's a guy.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Hey, some chicks decide to go full butch. It's easier than regularly shaving your everything.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

This "full butch" looks more like some skinny guy than a female.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

As a skinny guy, I am offended. Most men are biologically incapable of standing sweatshirt collars all the way up like that, (Unlike women, who are proven to be collar-telekinetic ten times as often as men) and your disgustingly high standards are misandrist. You should be ashamed.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Bah! "High standards"? Nope, i was saying about his physical appearance, not the damned sweatshirt.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

His physical appearance is defined by his sweatshirt, because there's only 1/4th of a face there. Not all women can or should be expected to rock a 2-piece the same way, and men should not be expected to be able to have collars like that. Not everyone has the genetics or lifestyles to maintain that kind of collar shape.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Who knows, Seto is one of the unexpected ones.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Me? Unexpected? :3

And @Crescentstar knows what I look like cause she asked nicely :3

And I'm partly sure it's obvious I'm a guy xD

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Obvious? It is never "obvious" you naive fool! I have enjoyed approximately 564 hours of Glam Rock in my time. I have viewed the the pop culture of decades past in disturbing detail. I have witnessed abyssal, cavernous depths of photographed androgyny that you cannot possibly conceive of. It doesn't matter if you have a fisherman's beard or lactating tits, a picture like this proves NOTHING.

Then again, Steve and Ford could also be a weird-looking chicks by that logic, but there's physics-defying collars in this picture, so I'm willing to believe you also know ambiguity-related witchcraft.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
how do u look like bitch?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I ish nice! And tagged! ^-^ You looks so cool doe. The jacket and that pose. And yeah. Pretty eyes too imo. :3

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Is telling every man they have pretty eyes the pre-puberty version of being a slut? Interesting foresight into your future, I suppose.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I've literally told one person on this site that they have pretty eyes. (Ford has a hot voice though, and you have a cute hedgehog.) Pre-puberty? xD Slut? :( How did you get those assumptions? T^T

Is it wrong to tell someone the truth? Does telling someone they have pretty eyes make you a slut? Or is it telling "every man" that make you one? I don't really give compliments on looks to people outside of friends and family anyway.

Here, have a compliment: Steve, despite all the bad things about you, you are interesting to talk to. :D And you have a hedgehog, so a lot of it I can let slide.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Seto makes two, and the Ford comment only furthers the case. The pre-puberty thing is an assumption based on your appearance and general demeanor, I feel it stands. Oh, and while it's not wrong to tell the truth, it can definitely be slutty. "You have pretty eyes" is presumably the pre-puberty version of "You'll do".

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Steve, it's ok. We all know you are just angry because you don't have pretty eyes.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I have working ones. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago
So do I. With mine, there's just the problem that the head doesn't know how to operate them. :)

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Oh shit, yeah. Point rescinded.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Meh. Not preteen. We Asians typically age slower. I don't know how saying nice things makes you slutty, but that must explain why you have zero appeal. Except the hedgehog. Besides, it's not intended to be slutty at all. :( 

Selfie thread

7 years ago
iirc there's a lot of slutty hedgehogs on the internet so...

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yeah, but his hedgehog is adorable and grumpy. Are you saying Steve's... slutty? D:

Selfie thread

7 years ago

How about gay guys? >~>

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I dunno. Are you telekinetic? I feel that's the real question here. (Otherwise you're surely a witch, because I feel like that makes sense at this point.)

Selfie thread

7 years ago



Selfie thread

7 years ago

D: *points* He is a non-female evil magic-abuser without a great beard!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Seto is Seto to me. xD Remember: The poise!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

It's worth nothing, as many members have posted without actually showing us what they look like, I must make assumptions and use my great writing abilities to show you all.

Wibbons: Tranny in mid-puberty. It would explain her strange gender issues, she's clearly a child. Her general uncertainty would hint towards asexuality, but either pre or post transition homosexual tendencies also work.

Bradindvorak: Dude's probably sexy. He's Nordic if I recall correctly, hence he's probably tall, blond and has nice broad shoulders. Maybe nerdy glasses.

Sent: Seriously overweight, although no glasses or neckbeard to the surprise of most. Horrible stench that reeks from the strange liquids between his folds, his pasty skin dotted by the horrible scars of puberty; acne.

Mayana: Literally no one knows.

Will: Looks really normal, maybe even a bit good looking. He could easily convince anyone at the playground he's a nice dude.

Mizal: Eh... I'll leave it to all your imagination.

Banner: Dude's paranoid, so I assume he doesn't get out. Incredibly pale, then. I assume that's not good for his skin, so covered in red acne that he constantly assumes are laser sights from those who want to kill him. 

Thara: Due to the personal obsession with End, I'm going to assume acne. Pretty overweight and hairy, but surprisingly good eyes so no specs.

End: Some sort of Albino beaner, I suppose.

Negative: Secretly two very young Asian boys having a laugh.

Until further notice, all of you should hold these mental images of these characters. Please take no notice of any denials other than photographic evidence. 

Oh, and Seto: Really ugly little girl. Pig tails, probably, I dunno. I presume they'll post soon and clear it up rather than be a little bitch.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Wibbons: a chicken

BD: neckbeard 20yo neet making websites all day every day

Sent: acne as fuck

Myans: toph but less tough and pretty

Will: you could look at him and forget him in the same instant. too normal to remember.

Mizal: sexed up lesbian

Banner: who?

Thara: sexed up bisexual

End: marcellus wallace but less black and more into rape

Negative: 13yo edgelord

Anything not changed from steves descriptions I agree is accurate.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Sexed up bisexual? Well if it fits it fits I suppose.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Lol I think the closest mizal has come to a sexual encounter was some intense handholding back in high school

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I mean, you're right on 3/6 things with Brad, iirc. I'm tempted to post just because it seems like the more insulting you try to be, the more you want to see the pics. I think I've already established here that I'm like a semi-deformed combination of Elijah Wood and Howard Stern, which is probably more entertaining to think about than an actual selfie.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Obviously I want you to post, I'm curious.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

But then there'll be Ford, and here everyone on the internet will know how small and rapeable I am despite the carefully mismanaged dick measuring.

Selfie thread

7 years ago


Selfie thread

7 years ago

Steve, you're a good example as to why I don't give some of my personal details such as my 46th chromosome or my face. You disregard my other stated facts about myself and make-up your own instead. Also, I'm still rather certain that I'm both older (and probably taller) than you.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

No evidence has been provided for your stated facts, thus I must disbelieve them, as someone unwilling to tell me their gender is untrustworthy.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Jesus, I forgot what a pain in the ass it is to upload pictures from your phone. If I even bother at this point, it's going up on Photobucket. If I suffer minor annoyances, you suffer minor annoyances.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Here's my actual selfie.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Why do you look like a combination between Ted Cruz and the kid from American Dad?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Eh, I'll give him a pass.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Like a week too late to this but fuck it, I want people to see my ugly ass face.

Took this about a month and a half ago on the school bus after I found a bread machine. Ignore the guy in front of me.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Well, Chris looks very average.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Why would you bump this? Please let this thread die, just like how common sense has died in the modern world which allows for people to make incredibly stupid decisions like the ones seen in this thread.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Yes, I have seen you make several examples of incredibly stupid decisions in this thread.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Like what? Warning people of the possible damages of showing there face on a public forum?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

First of all, humans have a freedom of expression which includes showing one's face on the internet.
Second, this is done on Facebook, YouTube, el al to a much larger degree. Hell, how many countess teens have their address, face, and daily routine for all to see? (Oh, and they're still alive.)
Third, you're annoying. You feel like a person constantly screaming in a restaurant about the dangers of alcohol while everybody is drinking root beer.
Fourth, it's "their" and not "there" dumbarse.
Fifth, this site has almost no traffic. The illuminati mafia club (or whatever you're afraid of) has bigger fish to fry than the ones here.
Sixth, if people are willing to show their face here, then they are either: old enough to do it without worrying (Ford), more than likely to already have done so on social media, or somebody who doesn't quite care if people see their face including the illuminati mafia club.
Seventh, nobody is listening to you.
I could continue to list reasons, but quite frankly I have more important things to do than argue with an idiot.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

They're tracking us down, Wibbons! They got satellites in your goddamn fillings used to wire your thoughts! They got chemtrails full of fluoride! You think that shit hanging above us are clouds?! You've got another thing coming, missy!

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Where's your picture then?

(And please, at least don't pretend like you have anything important to do whatsoever if you had time to post all that...)

Selfie thread

7 years ago

For the sake of running with the metaphor, you can still criticise the annoying temperance man at the restaurant even if you personally don't like the taste of the beverages.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Yes but when you burst into the dining area and start yelling with a bag over your head, that's when people start calling the police.

(This isn't the greatest analogy to with with OK, I did my best)

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Actually, I'd be the fellow temperate person sitting in the restaurant who has no problem with others drinking and significant problems with Banner being an idiot.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I can technically same the same for you. I'm supposed to be preparing for a final, but I am procrastinating. For reasons unrelated to Banner's new world order group, I enjoy my anonymity and don't feel as though showing my face would enrich my experience on the site. (However, I do not oppose others when they make the choice.)

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Mr Kettle walked into his office, where his manager, Mr Potts, looked over some papers. Mr Kettle winced, seeing the glowing '9:21' on his watch that told him he was late. He walked forward, before the high-pitched voice of Mr Potts stopped him.

"What time do you call this, Kettle?" he asked with a sneer.

"Sorry sir, I was dropping my kids of at school, and..." 

"Dropping your kids off at school? I didn't think your kids still went to school, Kettle, given your condition," Mr Potts said, looking down his nose.

"My condition?"  Mr Kettle asked, confused.

"Well, you're a negro, Kettle. Aren't all your kids running in the streets, dealing drugs and shooting at cops?"

Mr Kettle stared at the ebony-skinned man in front of him in confusion.

"S-sir?" he asked.

"Well, you are a negro, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir," he said.

"Ah, an admission. Well, get back to work then. I'm docking your pay for this, though, so I guess no fried chicken for you tonight."

Mr Kettle nodded, confused and angry, before heading to his cubicle.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Before I continue, I'd like to say that I apologize for my behavior, and I will attempt to act in more professional manner.

1: Of course. Don't get me wrong, I respect that they have the freedom to post their face. But the thing is, I believe that act is potentially damaging, and I'm sure you respect my freedom to express why I dislike this act.

2: That does invalidate my statements; just because it is done on a larger level does not mean it's okay on a smaller level. Also, Wayback Machine does not capture any video of a youtube video, meaning it's not permanent unlike here, where there is most likely an archived page. And I think it doesn't capture Facebook either? Could someone validate that for me?

3: I agree.

4: Yes, your correct. Also, countess should be countless.

5: See #2.

6: 1: I agree, though I still think they must think of all consequences and damages that could happen. 2: See #2 3: But they should absolutely care; they shouldn't do something as damaging as a selfie on the internet without proper thought.

7: Irrelevant

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Nobody cares about your ranting paranoia, Banner.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

You cared enough to reply.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I want him to stop moaning and bitching, hence I replied.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Eh. I felt like it.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

See, now this a perfect example of how nobody cares about thinks of the consequences of their actions on the internet. Easier identification, association of a person to an account, loss of anonymity, etc are all consequences that could affect a person, but nobody cares. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Holy shit, you guys weren't kidding, Banner's paranoid.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Motherfucker, do you even understand what Big Obama's doing through his Trump puppet? They're bringing in Communism through planes! You think a B52 flying over you is bad with its payload? Wait until you feel the effects of the chemicals they're dropping on us with chemtrails!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Soon enough, we'll all be gay frogs!

Selfie thread

7 years ago
And then, the toads will become gay frogs! Damnit Bannerlord!

Selfie threadfuc

7 years ago

Fucking sew your cunt lips shut, you trembling, moistened hoser. 

thread fuck denied

7 years ago
No. Have a good day.

thread fuck denied

7 years ago

I wasn't even talking to you, but I sincerely hope that your pathetic existence ends in you slitting your wrists with a straight razor to the tune of a Fall Out Boy song. 

thread fuck denied

7 years ago

thread fuck denied

7 years ago
Well that's a topic title all right. Great job with the thread everyone, I love what you've done with the place.

thread fuck denied

7 years ago

Isn't that what Seth said during that Kiel incident?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Stop being a paranoid dumbass, Banner. 

Selfie thread

7 years ago
fuck yourself, banner

Selfie thread

7 years ago
I know I'm late to the party but Ford you actually kind of look like your profile picture? I thought you had taken it from some anime or something what a mindblower

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Where the fuck do you just find fucking bread machines!? I've been looking for one out in the wild for goddamned years!

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I think it was from the culinary class at my school. All I know is that it was on top of water fountain outside, so I just took it.

Forgot to mention I was also wearing pink baby socks over my shoes in the photo, though you can't see it. I just realized how surreal I can be at times.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Not ugly, I guess.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
I'm kind of curious to see what goes for $850 kangaroo bucks these days.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
You know I'm worth it <3 xoxox

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Actually replying to the OP now, my face doesn't match my all, and I have been known to be called by other forums as "A black coffee with too much milk and creamer." (If you did not know already I am obviously the dog in my profile picture...)

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Well, Ford may be dead soon, but his thread got more attention than Steve's attention seeking thread which previously had the most posts in the Lounge (Neither beat Drako's now long deleted Hate Rally though)

Though I'd argue that Ford was lucky enough to have Bannerlord scolding everyone to NOT post in this thread and let it die causing everyone to do the exact opposite.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I honestly think Banner and Ford were working together to get replies, with Banner using reverse psychology.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

This would be a great time to post your appearance, End. Albino hispanic peeks a lot of people's interest.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

That would be perfect for a Grand Finale.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Feel free to also do one, Minnnie. You've talked enough in the thread.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Sure, i'll upload a selfie. Here's one of Hugh Jackman.

That's the best you'll get from me

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Why is it that all Australians kind of look like marsupials?

Selfie thread

7 years ago
Excuse me?

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Ummmmmm. Yes. The answer is yes.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

I get there's like, vague aesthetic differences in how their celebrities look, kind of like how Eastern European celebrities tend to have a different sort of face than middle-peninsula celebrities and Irish/English ones a lot of the time, but christ if I know what the hell you're talking about with this marsupial shit.

Selfie thread

7 years ago
 photo albino_zpshyh8qr08.jpg

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Handsome, in an edgy/creepy kind of way.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Lel. I disagree. It's just edgy/creepy/scary.

Selfie thread

7 years ago

Peter Capaldi dressed up as a Sith Lord.

All hail Darth Capaldi.

Selfie thread

7 years ago