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Corgis Gaybellion Contest

9 days ago

Hear ye! Hear ye! Rebellions and times of change are upon us! I don't know what other contests or events are planned, but we are rebelling and doing a contest anyways. I do not promise you points or commendations or features, but we hardly need permission to write. This contest will be the pursuit of story crafting on its own merits. If there's already a contest then write for that too.

Prompt: Any setting or context as long as it is centered around a rebellion or upheaval in the status quo!


Deadline: By December 31st 11:59pm EST


Rules: The only rule is you must follow the theme and submit by the deadline. Otherwise I don't care if you submit a 100k word story you already worked on or whether it was written for scratch. The stories will stand or fall on their own merit. 

So get to rabble rousing and typing away. For God and for honor and to satisfy our own autism!

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

9 days ago

Moved to the proper news forum

And this contest is ending just as my yearly prompt contest will be beginning.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

9 days ago

Hey that's good timing!

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

9 days ago
I'm in. I just gotta submit by the 18th instead lol

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

9 days ago

Awesome! Nice to have ya

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

9 days ago
I'm in, let's do it!

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

9 days ago

Yeee locked 

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

9 days ago
I did need to publish something before the end of the year.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

9 days ago

Locked and if you edit it to be otherwise I'll just remember 

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

9 days ago

Ah fuck it, why not 

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

9 days ago
Revenge locking.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

9 days ago
I'm in, I have to make it out the pit. I can join in the second level right?

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

9 days ago



Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago
Just to get it established early, I assume the idea is storygames that have been written during the contest period and not to any large degree before it? Something that may need to start being included in the contest OPs one way or another.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago
"The only rule is you must follow the theme and submit by the deadline. Otherwise I don't care if you submit a 100k word story you already worked on or whether it was written for scratch. The stories will stand or fall on their own merit."

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago
Bold of you to assume anyone is reading the rules in a rebellion contest.

Anyway, it's Corgi's thread, there's been discussions on this stuff as far as admin contests though after the last one.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago
Personally, still haven't read the rules

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago
I'll join.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago
Locked, good luck

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago

Why not, sounds like fun :).

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago
Yay, locking is fun!

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago

I'm in.

Since there's no reward, can I gamble 100 points I place third or higher?

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago
Profoundly homosexual

EDIT: I mean, locked

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago
Any possibility of changing the deadline to say, January 15th? ;) I think this is a fantastic prompt idea, but my writing style requires about four weeks of procrastination, followed by one week of dicking around with images in order to get inspiration. Otherwise the rebellion will fail and evil will prevail...

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago
Oh, didn't see you there. Locked

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago
Fluxion feels the rock hard, profoundly homosexual coldness of Petros' stoney member as the rock giant locks him in place, leaving him helpless to initiate withdrawal.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago
Gonna be another one of those kind of stories, huh.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

8 days ago
Well then

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

7 days ago



Don't shit up my thread with your gay rp shit. 

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

7 days ago
Sure thing, boss.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

6 days ago
No don't back down, you have to rebel, it's a rebellion contest.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

6 days ago
This is all a part of the plan. Sometimes a rebellion requires covert operations.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

6 days ago
That is quite frankly brilliant. You intentionally stirred up rebellious sentiment in the crowd as they watched your stone-dick dreams being crushed by the powerful knight in charge, and eventually someone nervously stepped out from the crowd, ready to join the fray.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

6 days ago
Sometimes all it takes is to inspire one...

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

6 days ago
You know what, just for that, I'm going to stick up for Fluxion and his interest in giant stone dicks and make the gayest story gayme imaginable. In response to your "Don't shit up my thread with your gay rp shit" injunction, I'm going to rebel against your command, which incidentally fits the theme of this contest beautifully, and make "Gay and Depressed-est!" my contest entry. And it's gonna win! And unlike the others, this one will be set in prison because I like writing prison stories a lot, which opens up a whole new world of gay possibilities. Also Fluxion asked me if there was any butt-piracy in my last game, so this time there will be a lot.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

6 days ago

Sounds pretty gay

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

6 days ago

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

6 days ago

I was wondering when and who was completing the trilogy.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

6 days ago
I hope I do it justice! The best part is prison is a pretty gay place, so I just need to build on that a lot, which fits beautifully because both of my stories are somewhat prison-themed, so if I do this one well, I'll have a great little collection of prison stories to my name.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

6 days ago

If you're writing Gay and Depressed fanfic it better be really fucking good. On top of the fact yours and Fluxes stories will already need to be really good as it is after whatever the fuck this all is.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

6 days ago
Yes sir! I'll do my best, though it will be hard(And I'm not just talking about difficulty, if you catch my drift)

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

6 days ago
Eh, I'm pretty sure I'm doing a semi-serious story. Will probably suck, but I won't force you to read about cocks most likely.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

5 days ago
gay. or rather anti-gay, and by trying so hard to not write a gay story by announcing there is no gay, your fear of making sure to not make your story gay has brought you full circle back to being gay.

It's especially sad coming from the man who wrote such fantastic dick double entendres and had a gay dragon in his story to now say he will write a serious story. We have lost a great soldier today, but I will take his place writing the gayest story in Corgi's gaybellion contest, hopefully you will change your mind and join me, together we could make the contest even gayer than before, since before it was just you.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

5 days ago
Sometimes practicality must prevail. "Otherwise I don't care if you submit a 100k word story you already worked on or whether it was written for scratch."

As I eluded to when this diversion began, my writing style requires weeks of procrastination. I likely will have to finish something I started years ago. If it's any consolation, it might end up being fan fiction for one of the gayest, most awesome video games ever made, which makes it doubly gay, even if it's a mostly serious story.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

5 days ago
I understand. Farewell then good soldier and best of luck in your story-telling endeavors! May your pen remain sharp evermore!

At least the double gay video game fanfic sounds quite promising, I can't wait to read it!

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

5 days ago
Nay, not sharp, but hard, hard as the devil's unwavering nipples as he sits freezing in the 9th Circle.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

5 days ago
Well, whether it be hard or sharp, thrust powerfully, that's what counts, it's not the size of the waves, but the motion of the ocean. good luck.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

5 days ago
All this constant weird sex talk, it's almost like Bucky's back.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

5 days ago
Whoever changed the contest title to "Corgis Gaybellion Contest", thank you so much! Amazing! I have no words, it's truly a miracle.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

5 days ago

One of my just started WIPs fits the prompt, so...I'm in.

I do have holiday booked, too, so hopefully, I'll be able to work on it then too. 

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

5 days ago

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

5 days ago
I'm in

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

5 days ago


Corgis Gaybellion Contest

2 days ago

Third time's the charm. I'm in.

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

2 days ago
Locked. Good luck!

Corgis Gaybellion Contest

2 days ago

I swear nobody ever bothers to keep proper track.

Contest Participants So Far











