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Worst book ever?

11 years ago

There are many threads for good books but are there any books that humans should not be allowed to touch?

Personally don't have any but i would like to try books that people think are BAD, just to see how bad it can get.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago

George Orwell's Animal Farm. We had to read it in middleschool. I was totally into it until the end. As I had never before read a book that didn't have a 'happy ending', I was so put-off and disgusted by it that I went into a rage and ripped the book (the school's book) in half and then into tiny shreds.

In class we had to report on the book. I said I hated it. Then we were asked to turn the books in. I said I couldn't turn the book in. When the teacher asked why, I said I hated the injustice of the ending so much that I tore the book to shreds. The teacher just laughed and said - "then you get an A."

Worst book ever?

9 years ago

Is it really worthy of your ire, just because it wasn't happy? 

Animal Farm is far from the worst book ever. :P

Worst book ever?

9 years ago

Darn, somebody beat me to it...

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
There are no bad nor worst book in whole world. That's only thinking of the readers that this is good and that is bad and everybody knows that each book has some good and some bad sentences and even sometimes whole page is bad to read.
Certainly very horror books are also not allow for publishing in some countries, so we can't say that they are bad; thats only thinking of us.

(You can also see it right now; berka's thinking)

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
Well, You are S.P.E.C.I.A.L. by Bethesda. Never Ever touch it or you will become "dalll" the troll

Worst book ever?

11 years ago

Worst book ever?

11 years ago

Is there a e-book version of it? Never heard of it before though.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
Another book a lot of people hate is "The Catcher in the Rye".

Worst book ever?

11 years ago

I don't think as many people hate it as much as they think it is controversial. It's one of the books on my list that I want to read one day.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
Well considering most people who read classic books in my experience are high school kids who are forced to read it, I would say its not that they think its controversial its just that they are incapable of understanding it, and just decide they hate it.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago

It's not the high school kids who think it is controversial, it's the teachers and parents who force them to read the book. I have a lot of friends who read the book who say it was amazing and they don't even like reading.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
Well then we are around very different people. But ya teachers and parents are the ones who think its controversial.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago

I don't think it's controversial, I think it's pointless. If not for that, it would be good, maybe even great.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
Bethesda as in the computer game company that makes the Elder Scrolls games (Oblivion, Skyrim, etc)??

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
You know what. I just figured this out... Haven't played fallout in a while.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
Your charisma receives a temporary bonus for being clever!

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
From about a year I've noticed that many kids like us hate classic books.
Do you also?

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
No classic books can be very good.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

I would say that was super ignorant and go on a rant about it, but no. I'm almost ashamed to say I almost agree with you....

Ya see, classic books have to be really old and have crazy language and really long and kinda boring. I admit they follow that rule, most of the time. But there are a few that I really enjoy. Like lord of the flies, or the PRINCESS BRIDE!!!! Thats a classic because it's actually reeeeeeally old. And it's veeeeeery well written. Have you read it? It's great. It's one my favorites. And I adore Rudyard Kipling (his just so stories are very sweet. Thet're classics)

So yeah, that was real ignorant, but I kinda get it. Don't worry, theres a classic for you....

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

your user pic is giving me a headache... UGH. indecision

Worst book ever?

10 years ago


Worst book ever?

10 years ago

Isn't it PSY, or are you talking about something else? But NO-ONE should stare directly at your pro pic.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago's from a game....



Worst book ever?

11 years ago

I don't really care if a book is classic or not, I can't form an opinion on it until I read it.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
Which type of books you like the most?

Worst book ever?

11 years ago

The ones with decent sentence structure.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
Classics are actually not bad, I mean, if they are still in print it proves they can stand up to the test of time right? But some genres of books are not that appealing to certain people.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
I like a lot of classics, but there are definitely a lot that I just -can't- get into. They're just written in formats that I can't seem to keep my focus on.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

... *shrug* I don't know about many of us, that's a relative phrase. All I can really say is that -I- loved Classical books even as a young child.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
Has anyone read 'I am legend'?

I watched the movie but can't find the book. The movie was good and I would like to read the book to see how good it is.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

yeah it's called Omega Man

Worst book ever?

11 years ago

Twilight is awful. I had friends who loved it, so I tried to read it once. I never read a book before that kept shoving it in the reader's face how incredibly beautiful the male character is, not to mention the really creepy behavior he did under the name of "love." If I found out a stranger broke into my room to watch me sleep each night, I wouldn't date him. I'd change the locks and call the police...

Worst book ever?

11 years ago

Worst book? Well, you might not know them, because they're romanian... but here's a list, with names translated and a short summary.

Ion (John) by Liviu Rebreanu.- a farmer is in love with a woman, but marries another only to inherit her lands after her death. Months later, obsessed with getting more lands, he kills his wife and chield and tries to star a relationship with the one he actually loves, but who's another man's wife. John gets killed by the woman's husband.


Ciocoii vechi si noi ( Old kings, new kings) by Nicolae Filimon - A guy named Dinu starts out as a slave for a big-ass archduke, who's the Romanian prince's right hand. In the end, he tricks the archduke, takes all his money, sends him to the madhourse, has 5 chiuldren with his wife.... and gets sacked by another guy only for a stolen pearl necklace.


Baltagul ( The Axe) - by Mihail Sadoveanu - Nechifor, a farmer, dissapears with his sheep . His wife, Vitoria and his son, George, search for him and unvccer the conspiration of two  other farmers who killed him for the sheep. t the end, Vitoria kills the two farmers at a wedding, by throwing an axe in each's heads.


O sama de cuvinte ( Some words) by Ion Neculce - despite being in a barely understandable dialect, old Romanian, it talks about both the history of the Kingdom of Moldova in years 1200-1500 and the author's obsession with princess Ruxandra's feet.


O scrisoare pierduta ( A lost letter) - By Ion Luca Caragiale - this one's actually funny, but annoying because it's a bout two political parties who fight for supremacy in the days before the elections, trying dirty tricks such as faking love letters between the members of the other party, or buying the votes of the policemen. Both parties get defeated by a third candidate, that appears only at the end, send by the Government, and the elections are fake, the new guy getting 99% of the votes, when only 28 people voted, none for him.


Maitreyi - by Mircea Eliade : the journey of a romanian guy to India, where he meets Maitreyi, a beatiful indian girl, only 16. He ends up raping her, getting hunted by the police, screwing ugly old ladies on thir way to mount Everest, in Himlaya and when he finnaly meets someone who actually looks good, he's sent back to Romania. The author swears it's the real story, but Maitryi, who actually lived, wrote what actually happened in her book , Dragostea nu moare (Love never dies), where she describes in deatail that Eliade was just a bozo stalking her day and night, and they never did anything romantic, and rape is out of the question since she was still virgin at 89 years old, when she died, in 1988.


Moara cu noroc ( Lucky Windmill ) by Ioan Slavici - the inkeeper of the Lucky Windmill Inn gets into business with Lica, a hunted criminal, and his band. Random murders start occuring near the Inn, and the innkeeper receives lots of money for keeping his mouth shut, When a renegade former  soldier, Pintea, appears and revelas that he's got a personal vendetta against Lica, something resembling the Wild West occurs. How does it end? the inkeeper stabs his wife, gets shot by Lica's man, the Inn burns down, Lica rides his horse and end with his head cracked at the base of a tree, Pintea shoots himself and the inkeeper's mother-in-law murders her grandson for money.


Mara - by Ioan Slavici ; Mara, an old woman, is the mother of Persida, a nun wannabe and George, a lazt bum who shot himself in the foot only to not fight in the war. When Persida meets a young german  boy, Natzl,she flees with him in Austria, makes him three kids, then gets sold as a slut. Years after, she returns home, onyl to find out her mother, Mara, was now a crazy old woman who sees shiny lights all around and her brother is a serial killer, and she find out she;s got another brother, a step-brother, called Bandi, who's a drug addict. ( yes, these all happen in the 1700 period)

These are only a few of the milder examples.




Worst book ever?

11 years ago

Thanks for ruining a bunch of potential books for me :)

Worst book ever?

11 years ago

Also9, there's a Romanian fairytale, talking about rape, cheating your wife, drinking, murder, incest, satanism, aliens and theft.

It's called "Frumoasa Doiana" (Doiana, the beautiful lady)

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
Sounds more like one of best stories ever rather than the worst.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago

it's being told to 4 yrs olds.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago

Did you know that the original ending for Cinderella had the ugly sisters having their eyes picked out by crows and the original ending for Jack and the Bean Stalk had Jack brutally killing the giant?

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
Yeah, in those days, villains actually got what they deserved.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
Yeah, a lot of the original versions of fairy tales had more gruesome endings.

Worst book ever?

11 years ago
I miss the good old days. :/

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

    Back then, endings were insane. Like these:

In original sleeping beauty, Her name is talia and she falls asleep by getting a cursed sliver. Some evil dude comes along and rapes her (in her sleep). She has twins (in her sleep) named Aurora and somth’n else, which means night. The one baby sucks the sliver from her finger. She wakes up. Then it gets reeeeally confusing… somth’n like the evil dude tries to trick her into eating her kids and stuff. But NOPE. They eat him. Happy almost everly after.

In the original goldilocks, she was an ugly mean old lady who, after going into the bears house, was impaled on a church steeple. That was amen for her.

And probably the creepiest,  is kids play at pig slaughter. 3 stories by the grim brothers: 1)some kids are playing pig slaughter. 1 boy is the cook, one the pig, one the sausage maker, and one catches the blood. the cook slits the pigs neck. the village elders try to figure out whether to kill him, or let him go free. Flips a coin. He goes free.  2)A family. a mom bathing a baby upstairs. dad is getting wood. 2 kids play pig slaughter. one is the pig, one is the cook. The cook slits the pigs neck. the mom sees and slits the cooks neck. she comes back and the baby drowned in the tub. she slits her own neck. dad is home. he sees his family dead, and hangs himself. Eeeeew. 3)…I forgot, but it’s better that way. The pig stories were from grimm’s book of children tales. like that’s no wrong….

There is a lot more….

Worst book ever?

10 years ago


I'm getting so tired of books with insecure protagonists!!!

I picked up this book when i was on verge of screaming. "10 things I hate about me" A muslim girl who dyes her hare aussie blonde and wears blue contacts because she doesn't want to get picked on for being ethnic


Worst book ever?

10 years ago

probably lolita as i could not stand how the protagonist is evil and it still wants me to sympathize with him

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

Haha, evil.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

Bet you would do the same thing if you were her.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

if i was her, that would mean I would think like her, and that would mean yeah, I would do the same thing. But I don't think the same, and I am not self conscious to the extreme, so I wouldn't.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

Probably a matter of taste, but fucking hell was Charles Dickens BORING when they forced us to read his stories in high school.

The only other book I had to read that was worse than his stuff was Beloved during an english class for college. That was somehow even more mind numbingly duller than Dickens.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

I disliked "The Wendigo" by H.G. Wells, there is way too much assumed knowledge, and it is quite badly written, the Magicktaw or whatever the hell they were called was obviously the cheesy-ass binding of the words "magic" and the Native-American-sounding suffix, "taw" and there were just too many obvious tropes used in terrible ways to provide enjoyment in any form, other than complaining to people like you how surprisingly bad this was.

Especially coming from an author who made "War of the Worlds" and "The Invisible Man".

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

Another Romanian novel is "Povestea cu jucarii" (basicly translated as 'Toy Story').

The main character, Dina, a 13-yrs old schoolgirl , talks to her toys, and her toys teach her a lot of stuff, like cooking, foreign languages, do her homework etc..... make her a drug addict and a pyromaniac, turn her into a slut, give her compulsive nightmares about being raped by a bear, IMPREGNATE HER, murder her unborn child, perform satanic rituals, kill a priest and the girl's parents, rip the heart out of the mayor's chest, rape the girl some more, play video games, starve the girl to death, then revive her for more rape, then they become lifeless during full moon and the girl takes her chance and sets them on fire before they come back to life.

The story was written by a 12-yrs old girl, with advice from her father. The girl is also known for writing an entire novel based on a "zombie-schoolgirls" theme where they end up naked in public and rotting in the sun after a rave party in the cemetery with a serial killer as the DJ.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

Seriously like every single story description you've posted so far sounds a lot better than anything and everything they forced us to read in high school and college.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

Should I mention the highschool stories?

Quoting from the work itself  (translated, of course)

"Be careful where the cum falls, honey, I don't want the carpet to stink  again."


Another one is about how a cult of freedom-worhshippers commits a mass suicide during a local traditional  old women's gathering. Another one tells the story of a semi-Hungarian baron that wants to become the king of Albania and accidentally discovers the biggest pre-historic flying dinosaur.

Another one is about a sad guy who sees only the bad part of everythnig, only grey, tombs, crypts, dead people, broken mirrors, cemeteries and disasters, and at the end it proves to be just a side-effect of food poisoning.


Another one (the best) is about a girl who falls in love with a star, the star takes human form to marry her, destabilising the universe, and when the star finds her in the arms of another, he returns saddened to his place and sticks his tongue at everyone else ever since.

Another one is the story of a goat (yes, goat) with her three offspring who prepare a last-stand defence against a wolf pack. Only the smallest of the offspring survive after brutally murdering it's brothers, mother, the wolves and a passer-by.


Romanian literature is batshit insane. Murder everywhere, even in child's stories. Massacre, genocide, holocaust and EVEN WORSE are taught to the young of Romania. And you still ask why we are so brutal and senseless. And i'm not even talking about the gypsy books, which are about how gypsies could have turned the tide of many wars throughout history but didn't do it because  the gains were bigger if they turned on against their allies. There are also stories of underage incest,  slave traffic, smuggling techniques, and books on how to make jews poor.


Worst book ever?

10 years ago

Well I would expect no less from a country filled with vampires and werewolves. lol.

But seriously, I never really considered Romanians to be any more brutal and senseless than most other nationalities.

I would imagine the type of literature there evolved the way it did due to all the decades of strife, war, occupation and conflict with other nations. Probably teaches and prepares the children immediately that the world is not a friendly place and horror like this really happens. (Minus the more fantastic elements of course)

As a side note it sort explains why I tend to get more praising comments on my stories from that part of the world...

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

Eh, everyone on the Americas' side of the pond can find almost anyone that far away to be strange and creepy. And they can find the Americas strange and creepy, or even if they're only just across the border, or even if they have lived there forever, but there's one thing for sure...

Romanian and Japanese peoples sure know how to scare (or, in my case, entertain and inspire) the living shit out of kids. Deadhand, for example, and the very dark folk tales they had. (Perhaps that's why I don't get immensely affected in video games by much more than jumpscares.)

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

worst book ever? shit... hmmm The adventures of Winnie the Pooh, stupid donkeys on opiates.

Uhm, one fot he worst books ever though? Michael Crichton's NEXT was terrible, i mean terrible...

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

Next was terrible? I don't think we can be friends any more.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago
1. You know you don't mean that, stop kidding yourself :)

2. God awful book....

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

It was an amazing book, and very thought provoking.  Why didn't you like it?

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

90% of it was incoherent

The 10% that was actually story telling was just plain dumb and unbelievable


NEXT BY MICHAEL CRICHTON: I’m still trying to figure out how this manuscript landed in the hands of an editor and actually got the go ahead to be published in time for Christmas. I can’t help but think about all those dads that are going to be so disappointed on December 26th when they crack open the book and find a collection of plot lines with confusing characters and stories that seem to go nowhere.

In Prey and State of Fear, Crichton did what he does best in providing a well researched book with a riveting and thrilling plot, thought I felt the latter a little heavy handed with a viewpoint I didn’t necessarily agree with. Compared with Next, I seriously wonder what happened? The book seems barely half finished, even though if runs on for four hundred pages. There are around five to seven plot lines each with their own vague characters that the reader has to struggle to keep straight going on in their own seemingly inane direction. Near the end of the book a few of these plot lines cross over forcefully at the author’s hand, and then the book ends and the reader is left wondering where the rest of the book is. What happened to the basic rule of a story? Instead of a beginning, middle and an end, the reader gets a weak infrastructure of a beginning, with part of a middle which suddenly ends!

Combined with this is the overarching philosophy of this novel (which I hope Crichton doesn’t subscribe to himself) where every person is one who sees life only for personal gain, to be rich, and feel constant pleasure. The women are always bombshells to be used and discarded, while the characters in general will stop at nothing to satisfy their pathetic personal whims.

As for the learning portion of the novel – with Prey it was the risk of nanotechnology, with State of Fear global warming – Crichton is very heavy handed in the risks of gene therapy and engineering, running the gamut from talking (and by this I mean with extensive vocabularies) parrots and orangutans, to the risks of human cloning, to bounty hunters trying to kidnap and steal tissues from innocent people who simply happen to possess the same DNA as a family member who had his cells declared property of UCLA in a court of law. While Crichton is trying to make the blatant point of “Watch out, this is what can happen,” it comes off as over-the-top farce and tomfoolery. And if it wasn’t made clear for you, he ends the novel with his note about how patenting genes is bad, as well as a list of other matters involving gene therapy, followed by a bibliography, just to show he did the work, supposedly

It is sad really, for I’d hoped Next would be the return to the great author who gave us truly brilliant novels like Jurassic Park, Sphere, and The Andromeda Strain, but Next can’t really be considered an actual book now, because of its failure in the rules of a novel on so many levels. "
I have to agree with EVERYTHING Alex says here. Which sucks because I LOVE Crichton's books....

Worst book ever?

10 years ago


Worst book ever?

10 years ago

I'm going to miss Crichton, Prey is my favorite BTW

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

But I loooooved winnie the pooh!


But then again, I was like, 5.....

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

"The story was written by a 12-yrs old girl, with advice from her father."

Holy shit...

How was CPS not banging down this man's door?

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

I really don't like any books i'm forced to read over summer so currently: a separate peace and the old man and the sea

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

old man and the sea, is a great metaphorical tale dude....

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

A separate peace is pretty good for what it's worth. Not exactly my kind of book but it was a good story anyways.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

those sound so boring and actionless......


Worst book ever?

10 years ago
A Separate Peace is a great novel. It's funny and tragic, one of the best possible combinations for a book, and it mentions ski troops. SKI TROOPS!

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

Jane Eyre

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

Canadian history books. Everything written by the french, except for Napoleon, who was possibly the only cool french dude ever to exist.

And cookbooks.

Dictionaries, dictionaries are pretty uninteresting.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

What about Urban Dictionaries?

My great uncle is french and is . . . absolutely boring, point Drakilian

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

That's not a book now is it? It's not even a collection of books. It's a site where people list word defintions.

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

2 points Drakilian

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

Oh, I finally thought of a series to put here that wasn't Twilight. Sure, I could say it, the first book made my eyes ache. I was trying really hard to read it through without any bias from others so I could form a good, solid opinion of my own and dammit, it was painful...still, everyone these days says Twilight if they're not in love with it. 

But here's a trilogy from another author who loves vampires... yet, surprisingly, it isn't ABOUT vampires: Sleeping Beauty, by A.N. Roquelaure... whose real writing name is actually "Anne Rice."

... It's about sex. Mostly non-consensual S&M... and pony play, because... well, just 'cuz. It claims to have a viable plot and realisticly portrayed characters for three entire novels... and sure, I like love twisted Fairytales, I'm fine with adult stories. I've written adult stories. Even really dark ones. But, well... mine actually had a good plot. :P

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

I liked the Sleeping Beauty trilogy.  It was funny.  The first one was best

Worst book ever?

10 years ago

It was certainly better written than 50 Shades of Gray.

50SG would get my vote, but it was so awful I didn't read most of it, and it may not be fair to vote for a book one didn't entirely read.  (WHY is it a best seller?  Don't all those people know the internet is full of those kind of stories for free?)

Worst book I had to read for school purposes: I think, from what I can remember, the book I hated most from high school was The Grapes of Wrath.  I just didn't care what happened to those people.

Worst book in terms of why did I read this: Santa Steps Out.   Santa versus the Tooth Fairy in a slaughterpunk paperback.  Also, the Easter Bunny rapes Mrs. Claus.  If it was well done, it might have been kind of funny, but overall it was just gore.  Not even gorn.



Worst book ever?

9 years ago
The worst book I have ever had the misfortune of touching was 'An American Childhood.' This book was so bad it literally put me to sleep. I awoke drooling on the pages...

Worst book ever?

9 years ago
Ethan Frome

Worst book ever?

9 years ago

The Catcher in the Rye. Houlden Caulfield is just a whiny little fag.

Worst book ever?

9 years ago
TCITR was hard to read, but it wasn't nearly as bad as Ethan Frome.

Worst book ever?

9 years ago

I loved that book! But what you said was is true! Holden IS a whiny little fag!

Though I suppose there's a whiny little fag in all of us....

Worst book ever?

9 years ago

Worst book ever?

9 years ago

Doctor Zhivago.  Russians have too many nicknames for each given name.  You end up reading an entire chapter before you learn that the new character is the same one you've been reading about all along, only now he is referred to by something that doesn't sound even remotely related.

Worst book ever?

9 years ago

Maybe Travels with Charley. I remember trying to get through this atrocity during  a long summer vacation road trip with my folks and brother. I haven't read it since I was around 12, but still.