Glad to see you've regained consciousness. I was worried the chloroform might not wear off.
Anyway, obligatory Eternal recommendation. You'll have to, uh, have a bit of an open mind. Also popular around here is Price of Freedom, and I personally think you'd like Mission Sunshine, Blackbirds, and Blood in the King's Court.
RK's suggestions are all great, too.
We're all pretty expert procrastinators around here, lol. You'll fit right in.
Happy reading, and I do hope you come to love this place as much as I do.
Hi and welcome!
RK, did you know that born2die is very, very bad at tennis? Her brother, her, and I went to play tennis once and whoever we put her on the team of lost. I'm decently sure she didn't manage to even accidentally hit the ball at any time. :P
I may have the depth perception of a drunk cyclops, but I can hit a tennis ball!!
Tennis is an extremely gay sport. Just ask Wizzy. He likes to go on and on and on about how much tennis sucks.
I skimmed the mod tool recently messages on the forums and Mizal's "crushes on cousins" statement caught my eye.
Disappointed to learn that this wasn't someone's hilarious taboo attraction dilemma since it was just someone else's cousin.
The correct British response would be: "What's Thanksgiving?"
You like TV shows, huh? Boy, do I have the story for you!
Welcome to CYS. We hope you enjoy your stay :)
Welcome to the site.
In addition to Ogre's recommendations, one should also always read Love SICK. A timeless classic and literary masterpiece.
Welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your time here, whether you choose to read, write, or a combination of both. In addition to all the storygame recommendations, I recommend checking this thread to see how well you can identify Fresh's writing style.