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End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 12/31/2022 5:01:39 PM

                                  CULTURE CLASH


Deadline: 11:59 PM (EST) December 31st, 2021 (New Year’s Eve)

Reward: You’ll get potential pointless points, potential commendations, potentially featured and potentially out of the SHAME pit if you’re currently in there like the big loser you are.

Culture Clash is the theme though this is mildly flexible depending on what category you actually pick.

At the core, you’ll be writing about a clash of two different cultures. High tech/low tech, different religion, Over/Under toilet paper orientation, etc. If you want more than two cultures clashing (No toilet paper at all), go for it. I don’t give a fuck.

Of course picking something like fantasy where you just got humans vs. orcs or something similar is the easier route. But picking the route of less resistance means you better make it really good.

And yes, once again I don’t want to read fucking Fanfic. Everything else is fine though obviously some categories would be harder to work with than others.

Ideally (and preferably) I want you to write something Historical based to fatten up that category a bit. I know that category isn’t the most popular, but I figure some of you slugs can at least fucking try. Bonus points and more kudos for those that do.

Submitting a historical story also gives you slight leeway on moving away from the theme a bit, but don’t move away from it completely if you actually want to win.

No extra bonuses for Will if he decides to join with a Historical (Or Edutainment) story though, because that would be easy mode for him. (And he’ll probably win anyway)

Also as usual, if I see a “loop back to the beginning” rather than proper endings, I’m throwing you in the SHAME pit immediately.

If you’re joining, post that you are in this thread. Also when you’re done with writing your story, post the link to it in here.

That’s about it for now, unless I think of something else to add or change as needed.

Good luck.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
And if you are seriously attempting to win, don't make puzzles.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago


End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Not yet, nope.

Though saying this probably has no impact on my fate...

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
I can't believe you fell for that.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Peng really was safe until he actually posted in the thread.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

This may be for the best, I've needed something to get me to write again.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Wait, wait wait.


Maybe I'll have the luck to drag some people down with me if I'm already in

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago


I'm in.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago


End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
I'm in.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago


Fun first post. Assuming you aren't a bot of course. 

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Sorry, I wasn't aware I was supposed to tell a joke for my first post.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

I wasn't either? Simply complimenting your full send into the site by joining a contest.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

I first joined at the tail end of the last contest and didn't have enough time to make something good.

I've been waiting for a new competition to start.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Good luck then. 

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
If @ericyopy happens to wander by again, this seems the perfect contest for him to get back into things with.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

I'll give it a shot; ain't got much to lose.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago


End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

I'll join. The SHAME pit is as gross as ever, and it is about time I leave it. 

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago


End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Contestants So Far













FemaleWolverine - SHAME 



End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Count me in.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago


End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

My finals are over in two days, I probably won't write another historical story but I have a 13 hour flight to grind out something really good. 

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Oooo, this seems fun, I might join if I find enough time, I'm a little busy as of rn, but, who knows I might be able to make something! :)

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago


End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago


End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago


End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
I would like to try

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Cool. Locked

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Ah, what the heck. I'm in.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago


End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Being the History nerd I am and finding myself surrounded by the smell of rotting flesh from this pit I slipped into... This contest seems right up my alley! Wish me luck! :D 

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

(good luck)

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

So far this contest looks to be interesting due to a lot of the untested/noob entrants mixed in with a few minor vets (Wizzy and Beta) A more even playing field overall (so far).

Appropriately Ebon's the only "old" vet with more than one featured stories in the past, so he can prove himself in this RETURN of his by trying to beat the chicken soup out of all these noobs.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Sounds fun, but don't enter me in, I have some thinking to do!

(And yes I am a slug, thanks for clarifying)

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Oh dear.

I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. You post, you're in!


I'm sure this will be good for you.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Oh SH$$

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Alright I'm down!

I did not think I would say this but...


End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
If you've got stargirl to help you out I'm sure you'll do fine.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Yah I will tell her to post, (I WILL SAY ITS For SCIENCE) and then LOCKED!

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
In fact, we can probably waive the usual rule against co authoring for you two if you want to work together on something.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Sure, That would be a better Idea,(other than forcing her to do this on her own)

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
So, ya I think I will do that...

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
What I meant is that you two can just work on one big project together if you want, but separate stories you help each other with are fine too.

By the way, you should click the button on top of this thread that says 'Threaded', you want it to say 'Non-threaded' so you can see what specific posts are being replied to more easily.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Yes that works for me! Yes we are willing to both work together. Thank you for the idea!

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

"Yes we are willing to both work together" 

When did I agree to this? Whatever, I knew something like this was going to happen when Abgeofriends asked me irl about where all the duels were happening and I showed her, lol. I'll work with her, but don't expect anything too great because even though I'm just a little kid with tons of free time, I'm still really busy in the holiday months. 

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
LOL sorry it was a accident

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Sounds fun, but don't enter me in, I have some thinking to do [about my entry]!

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Locked lol. Not sure if you were parodying the previous person or actually intended to join, but either way, you're in!

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Equal parts of both lol

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Well you know how it works around here.


End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Well, this seems fun :) I'll try to make something good. Count me in!

(Edit - Is there a word limit or a reading time limit or anything like that?)

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago


(It's probably best to clarify with End Master, but I think there isn't a word limit since I usually submit 100k word storygames for contests lol).

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

No word limit. There typically never has been for these contests.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Is It just a plain story, Or is It a story game?

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Well ideally you're going to have branching in your story, that sort of being the point of the site. Turning in a story without much branching is likely to result in you losing the contest, along with getting a low rating. (Though you still avoid SHAME since you still managed to turn in something)

Now if you're asking if you need to put puzzles/riddles and all that fancy stuff into the story, no you don't. In fact I'm likely to lose interest in the story if you do include such things. (Not necessarily, but that's generally been the case)

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Okay, that works for me. Thanks for the clarification!

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Never did a branching story before. Fair warning, this might suck

(Edit - I'm sorry, I need to withdraw, something came up. The something being my great uncle is coming from the UK and staying for a couple months, plus one of my parent's friends in had a kid and school and blah, blah, blah)

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Cool. One already for the SHAME pit.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Wow, no last-minute 3k long attempt? More CYStian than most veterans, it turns out.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

I haven't read it, but somewhat amusing that some random noob just submitted a story that fits the goal of the contest. (Rum Runner's Tale)

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

To enter any later than this would be mere cowardice on my part.  Put me down for one extremely-rushed entry!

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago


End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Oh man I wish you could drop out of these

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Having fun?

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

You can, but it'll be a LONG fall.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Of a sort, lol.  I'd planned a story of 70,000-ish words, but real life obligations are going to force me to cut it down significantly.  At least the time crunch should keep the adrenaline pumping, lol.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
How's everybody's entry coming along?

Besides Gryphon I mean, I can see the sweat drops from here on that one.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Not that great, but now that we have winter break I think that we can catch up. The only problem is my parents don’t like it when I’m on my computer for long amounts of time so I won't be able to write as much as I want. I think we’ll be able to finish something, but it will most likely be short and with a maximum rating of 4. I hope everyone else is doing well with their contest entries, and hopefully not too many of us fall into the pit of shame this time!

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Good luck! As long as you turn in something with choices and grammar you should do okay. I just hope your friend is pulling her weight after volunteering you.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
How is everybody's story coming along?

If It makes you feel better star girl and I are SLACKING!!! but we should have a decent story by the deadline. And don't worry. i'm pulling my weight, I average 2,000 words per day.

Well Merry Christmas!! And if you are stressing about this whole thing, just know that your story is probably better than ours -_-

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
After scrapping 3 ideas, I think I’ve got something that I can work with, now comes the hard part: finding motivation

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
Not to be your parents or anything but, you're going to fail unless I kick you from the Discord.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

I have 10k done out of a planned 50k. Heh.

At the sme time, I have winter break like Stargirl, and even though I have work, it means I'm relatively free from my parents and will be able to grind.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago
I'll join.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

3 years ago

Contestants So Far

PerforatedPenguin - SHAMED

WizzyCat - SHAMED

Nightmace - SHAMED

Zweihanderr - DONE

EbonVasilis - SHAMED

betaband - SHAMED

Mista_Moose - SHAMED

TheSandman - SHAMED

Cupcakitty_13 - DONE

Axxius - DONE

Abgeofriends & stargirl - DONE

TheChef - SHAMED

FemaleWolverine - SHAMED

Gryphon - DONE


sadboy23 - SHAMED

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
I am a newbie but I want to join

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
Locked, and good luck!

You will have to work fast.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
fuck this shit is locked. why can't I still join I bet I can write a story as long as half the people who already entered. I already started writing mine. can I please join end master sir

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

"Locked" means that you've been entered into the contest, it's just a way of marking your comment so it can't be edited.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
oh im stupid I thought him replying locked to everyone who wanted to enter meant the entries were locked but I am happy that is not the case my bad

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
does he want it to have a mythical aspect or can it all be regular shit that can only happen on earth in our reality

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
Also how short would my story have to not be to made fun of and exiled from this community

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

Even without the story you're currently well on your way to being made fun of and exiled.

Actually you're already there for the made fun of part.

Stop spamming the thread and just write your story. Post the link here when you're done and we'll go from there.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
If there was a minimum length it would say so in the rules. Just write anything that's decent.

You can DM me if you have any other questions. I don't want you to get banned, you're the only guarantee I don't come in last place.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

Just a few more days before I SHAME you all.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

I'm counting the hours, counting the words, and all I can say is: shit.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

Honestly I was more surprised so many joined this one to begin with, so unless everyone suddenly submits something at the last minute (Which is entirely possible) a near if not complete 100% SHAME rate won't be unexpected.

Still, Ebon was certainly full of promises.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

I already forgot about Ebon lol. I'll be turning something in last minute, although it'll probably be disappointing

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
I forgot about Ebon too. Guess I'll have to check later to see who still has the dueling fever.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
How strange that Ebon hasn't been online in ten days. All that talk may just come to nothing, what a shame. I'm very surprised.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
You have no idea how tempted I am to edit this into an enthusiastic intent to enter.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

I think that we can finish ours in time but it will be really rushed and probably not the best. At this point I'm not trying to win, I'm just trying to avoid shame. 

Oh, and just a warning. Some of the paths may not connect with others very well because of the whole co-authoring thing, but it worked out better than I thought it would. 

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
Just finishing a story at all will get you guys ahead of probably half the entrants, and get you some useful feedback as s starting point for future stories, so don't worry if it's not perfect. Looking forward to reading this one.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
personally Star girl and I are probably screwed. One long page after another wont cut it, I guess That I wont be getting any sleep for the next few days. at least It's working out better than I expected. And mizal you said you are exited to read our prompts, but after you see the first page i'm sure your computer will be face down in a trash can but I hope that It's decent, Don't expect too much but I think we are ahead of the rest of the group.(Maybe)

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
Is it a problem that I haven't started yet?

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

Nope, not a problem at all. In fact, you shouldn't write anything and just keep procrastinating. I'm sure that will win it for you. 

(I'm way behind too and I'm pretty sure that most of the people won't even submit one so you'll be fine)

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

Here's the link to my entry:  Diplomat

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

You're winning so far.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

Congratulations to Cupcakitty__13, Axxius, stargirl, abgeofriends, and Zweihanderr on your submissions!

Since people sometimes post their progress, I'll do that here.

Nov 26:  2722

Nov 27:  1764 - 4486

Nov 28:  4403 - 8888

Nov 29:  2196 - 11084

Nov 30:  0

Dec 1:  0

Dec 2:  5442 - 16526

Dec 3:  1152 - 17698

Dec 4:  0

Dec 5:  0

Dec 6:  3336 - 21034

Dec 7:  26

Dec 8 - Dec 20:  (Didn’t write due to outside commitments)

Dec 21:  2543 - 23577

Dec 22 - Dec 25:  (Didn’t write due to being a lazy bum)

Dec 26:  2386 - 25963

Dec 27:  3383 - 29346

Dec 28:  171

Dec 29:  4463 - 33809

Dec 30:  1798 - 35607


EDIT:  Added Zweihanderr, somehow I missed seeing his submission

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago
Congrats on either first or second place!

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

I should be done by tomorrow hopefully it all works out. Also, I have a quick question. Do we have to worry about copyright issues/plagiarism? I'd hate to get disqualified on a technicality. 

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

While I'm not the grand arbiter of these things (or even close to it), as long as you're not copypasting shit, then you're probably fine. We have a whole fanfic category after all.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

There's no site rule against anything like that as long as it's made clear what the source material is, but EndMaster did specifically request no fanfiction on this contest

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

this is a great question to ask right on the eve of the deadline 

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

Here is my Entry! :D 

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

Ok hold up I didn't do the link right let me figure that out. Ok, I need help how do you link the game?

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

Ok, I got it now Here it is! The Christmas Crossing. :D

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

Cool. With 3 entries this is officially enough for a contest.

The rest of you need not bother turning in anything and can just head straight to the SHAME pit when the time comes.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

I had no Idea that I would ever be entered into one of Endmaster's competitions, It was really fun and totally worth accidentally entering myself in. I would like to thank stargirl for accepting the challenge, she was a true savior in my eyes. I hope you can see the amount of effort put into it, and how much we approved. Best wishes to the last minute folks, and goodnight.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

Gonna go ahead and apologize for this one. Thought I could at least get some feedback for submitting.

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

That's time, and the rest are SHAMED!

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

When will we get the results?

End Master’s Culture Clash Contest

2 years ago

Uncharacteristically I just finished reading all of them already (or at least as much as I was going to read).

I'll probably be posting the results soon.