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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Or "Everyone Please Identify Your Traumas, Orientation, Nationality, and Disorders At this Time."

Thanks to Gower for the topic recommendation.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Is this where we sign up for the CYS team in the upcoming oppression Olympics? I saw the thread over on CoG and was hoping CYS would be making a team this year.

Also, am I right in assuming that being a straight white male invalidates our taumas and disorders?

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

I am a suicidal citizen of the world with self-diagnosed bipolar disorder, ADD, ADHD, gender dysphoria, anxiety, PTSD, depression, homosexuality, OCD, Asperger's, and am demi-pan-romantic and on the asexuality spectrum.
The title of this thread is harmful and shows exactly what is wrong with your white, cishet, neurotypical dominated society. There's nothing wrong with me but what you created in your own mind out of hate and fear, but I have to live in the world you create EVERY FUCKING DAY. So FUCK OFF and EDUCATE YOURSELF.

Now excuse me. I need to take a Xanax.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Laguz, stop hijacking Cricket's account.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Cricket, we already know you have parents you actually like and you're way too normal and well adjusted, you're not allowed to participate. Shoo! Get out of here!

We have enough genuine fuckups to compete in an honest manner, we don't need your minstrel show.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Mizal just called me normal and well-adjusted! I feel like I have attained her highest compliment and can now leave this thread be in peace. :D

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Translation: "Hi, I'm Serpent. After a tragic failed abortion, I was born retarded."

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
That's an old meme if you didn't know. There are very humorous adaptations, like instead of a soldier, a tyrannosaurus rex, and so on.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Here's the original thread if you just want the lulz from CoGite pain.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Nationality: American

Orientation: straight.

Disorders: nothing on paper, but I'm probably masochist in some twisted way by not realizing that working 50-60 hours a week without pay is a bad thing until others pointed that out. I also have a hard time sitting still unles I jack myself up on caffeine, so maybe a little ADD to because apparently everyone has that these days.

Traumas: I've faced life and death situations four times in the last year.

I've had my finger accidentally drilled into by a power drill. I had a pit bull who bit my arm because I used it to protect my neck. I've fallen asleep at the wheel several times before coming to while still on the road. I talked to and shook hands with a person who attended a church I attended who abrubtly went on a shooting and raping spree.

I've been punched, slapped, thrown into walls, threatened to be killed or severely harmed, dragged on the ground, told I'm useless in every way, told only sluts with STDs would ever wanna have sex with me, forced to work until I fell over in exaustion for money and punishment, and psychologically manipulated in several ways, and told that I should follow and believe his words as if it's the Word of God. All of this paragraph was thanks to one man. Oh, I also had a pistol pointed in the wrong direction but decided not to pull the trigger.

So, yeah.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
I'm also apparently a faggot for ruining this thread. Shit.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Eh, I'll ruin the thread with you. That way you aren't alone. And I'm sorry you've had to go through so much. I hope it gets better for you.

Nationality: Russian-American (born in Russia but with American citizenship as well)

Orientation: Straight

Disorders: Diagnosed with aspergers and depression 

Traumas: Growing up I was abused both physically and verbally by my father and step mother (real mom died when I was around three). I still have numerous scars, burn marks, and a few teeth that are chipped and damaged from it. My step mother also sexually abused both me and my brother and often tried getting our half sisters involved in said abuse. I served in the army for a few years which has given me something of a fear of cities and urban areas. I tend to get anxious when walking down streets with lots of buildings and stuff like that. During my deployment I saw my brother die to an ambush. This mixed with my depression lead to an attempted suicide when I got home. I've gotten a few scars during my work as a firefighter but they're just marks. Nothing that's really debilitating. Oh, and I still occasionally get messages from my family that are rather inappropriate and hurtful. But they can be pretty easily ignored. I guess that's it. It could be much worse. And life is going pretty good now. I still have a job and am a functioning member of society. I take care of my little sister and stuff. Some days are hard but I just try to focus on the positives if I can. No point dwelling on the bad when you can still do good in the world.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Wow, aspergers AND extensive child abuse? Turnip gets the gold medal unless a challenger can be found.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

I mean he's Russian, the chances of him growing up WITHOUT extensive child abuse was going to be pretty slim.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

"No point dwelling on the bad when you can still do good in the world."

I will take that to heart!

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Turnip Bandit,

Educate me about Aspergers. I honestly  know nothing about it, and what it means. If your comfortable doing so of course. 


Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

It's on the autism spectrum. Basically, in my case at least, people with aspergers tend to have difficulty in social situations. We tend to be a bit (or a lot) socially awkward and aren't that great at picking up social cues. People with aspergers also tend to get a somewhat obsessive interest in certain subjects or topics. In my case, it is history and theology. I can remember tons of dates, names, nations, political structures, wars, religions, etc. I could literally talk for hours about the differences between the Russian Orthodox Church and Greek Orthodox Church, or I can explain to you the various different shields and weapons used by the armies of the Eastern Roman Empire in the 4th century. Stuff like that. It really isn't super debilitating, especially since I have a very patient family who for some reason loves to hear me ramble. My time in the army also helped a lot. Honestly, you probably wouldn't be able to tell that I'm on "the spectrum" very easily anymore. It could be worse. But it does make me very clueless sometimes. I hope that helps/has helped a bit.

TL;DR It's essentially high functioning autism

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
In b4 "lol I just read that as jack myself off on caffeine!"

The rapist shooting spree guy I did not know about. And some of the other details.

I know there's some people in the Discord that have been through a lot of shit but I think for most of them it's all in the past tense. But you're actually going through this stuff right now so it makes sense to need to vent. You didn't ruin the thread; never have we let actual misery slow down the mockery. (And you've always been a faggot so no worries there, we like you anyway. )

Just glad you've finally got some sense about this and serious plans for escaping the plantation.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Okay! Thanks for understating!

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

"told only sluts with STDs would ever wanna have sex with me"

Well I'm sure IBV would still give you the total girlfriend experience if you threw in another 50.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Clean last time I checked! Still working though :P

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Here's your chance Wibbons.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
You may be amused to learn that some noob apparently got offended on your behalf and left the Discord in defense of your honor.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Besides it being a retarded to white knight whores, what I don't get is I know I (and others) have said WAY worse things in general on that Discord within the short period of time that Itchycrotch was on it and she got triggered over IBV getting called a whore.

And calling us all "pretentious" isn't even the correct descriptive insult that would be used, so Itchycrotch is a fucktard on top of being a complete faggot.

Hell, I'd take three lazy whores over some triggered faggot.

(IBV, Orange and Oracle are welcome to pop back into the Discord at any time)

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Vain prefers "tax free service provider".

And I'm not sure about Oracle, when you're whoring for free you're either just a run of the mill slut or someone with VERY bad business sense, and I can't respect either.

If money exchange is not required, then Steve is a lazy whore too, so that would already make three.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

I think Oracle charges dudes to read their fortune using their semen.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Oh that's right. I think she mentioned she can accurately divine whether they've been eating pineapple or not.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

what up gamers

My name is Tony, and I go by the online handle of NeuronPrison. I live in California, and I’m currently 17, but I turn 18 on the 8th of August, so hooray for me. At this point I've lost count of how long I've been lurking on this site, and, well, a proper introduction is far behind schedule. The basic overview is that I listen heavy music, play fast-paced shooters, and basically anything that is HIGHLY ENERGETIC. I also like furry art (usually of the not-so safe for work variety) and eccentric, avant-garde films. Of late, I have also had an unusual and unexplainable affinity for children’s shows and Japanese animation, which are two media that I have until now long had nothing but disdain for.

Music is easily my largest hobby. I've been a metalhead since I was young, since my father typically listened to metal and ended up getting me into it. My first and foremost musical encounters were Megadeth, Iron Maiden, White Zombie, Pantera, Anthrax, Sick of it All, Lamb of God, Black Sabbath, and Slayer. I remember when I would sit in my room, listening to Iron Maiden's Fear of the Dark on a old CD player, along with Slayer's Walk and Lamb of God’s Black Label.

Since then, I have developed my tastes in heavy metal, and explored other genres, such as electronic music and hip-hop. As of now, my favorite genres are groove and thrash metal, progressive metal and rock, technical death metal, deathcore, djent, hardcore punk/crossover thrash, doom metal, experimental hip-hop, and digital hardcore. Some of my favorite bands and artists, in no particular order, include Animals As Leaders, Gojira, Dream Theater, Sick of it All, High On Fire, Infant Annihilator, Pantera, Tool, Atari Teenage Riot, Gwar, Igorrr, Tyler the Creator, Death, Black Flag, Cattle Decapitation, Voivod, MF DOOM, Rabbit Junk, Slayer, DOWN, Hella, Strapping Young Lad, Lamb of God, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, Meshuggah, Death Grips, and more.

I’ll be splitting this up into numerous paragraphs because I’m gonna be typing a lot, so please dont ban me for spam thanx

pt. 2: why im such a big gay

I got into furry stuff in general when I was about 13 or 14, when I started playing Pokemon for the first time. My first Pokemon game was Diamond, and is still my personal favorite. Since then, I have also played Y and Alpha Sapphire, but never went further than that, as I feel the games are incredibly easy, tedious, and overall, boring. Irregardless, Pokemon had aided in developing my affinity for dragons (and not only in a sexual way either).

I also began watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic about 3 or 4 years ago, since it was recommended by a friend of mine. I initially shuddered at the idea of actually enjoying the show, but I soon came to accept it. I never really cared all that much for the equines, but I did quite enjoy characters like Spike, Discord, and a few others. (also, fizzle is best derg don’t @ me) Honestly, I just wish I discovered the show sooner, since it has greatly helped to influence my life up to this moment.

pt. 3: the end, I guess

To end this introduction that's looking to be wordier than the majority of what everyon's written here already, I’m just going to come out and say that I think I’d like to get to know some of the peeps on the site, since I've felt left out of most convos since I'm not really familiar with anyone here. Perhaps I should read the introductions others have made? If anyone wants to talk, get to know me, or anyting else, feel free to shoot me a PM. I’m lurking around most days.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
It's a copypasta and yet, most of it is true....

And what you have done to your profile is the greatest trauma I've experienced in my life.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
I'm mad at myself for not fighting the temptation and looking at his profile after reading this.

It is probably one of the greatest regrets in my life now.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Go back there and refresh it a few times. The text changes.

The colors never do.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
That's not happening for me. But I think I'm also seeing what looks like coding on the page that mentions firefox.

I use google chrome at work, so maybe that's why it isn't working for me.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
JJJ: removes JavaScript in profiles because he wants a certain standard 'look' for the site.

Brad: lol

It's changed again and uh, don't go clicking over there to see if you are prone to having seizures. Mayana finally has a reason to be thankful that she's blind.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago


Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
17? Wow that's a surprise. Usually teenagers not in college aren't as good at scripting as you are (based on the help you gave me last summer).

BTW your profile is pretty epic.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

My penis is too big 

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Ooh, are we doing more documentation stuff? How about we have a race war on here or something? That would be really cool, like, we could all be playfully racist and find our genetic brethren on this cold and lonely slice of the net. Like instead of architects and marauders it could be Latinas and South Pacific Asians and stuff! And because there are different cultures within cultures, think of all the in fighting! Anyways!

Nationality: I'm half Arabic! My aunt Debbie once said Muslims worship meteorites, but i couldn't tell her to Fuck Off because I'd missed my cue and was playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon under the table.

Orientation: I'm completely frigid! I want to play video games and eat sandwiches! Sex is not something I think about, or have ever thought about.

Disorders: I have anxiety, but I actually manage everything pretty well! I'm just always on the go! So I never rest, and I end up leaving my brains and bones vulnerable to the chillies and the shakies and the stone-throat! Also depression  but I've lived 20 years with it, so going another week or so is no problem! ( ouo)b*

Trauma: I had a childhood straight out of one of those silly mellodramatic movies with the Tragic Backstory and Batman Guys! Nothing you haven't seen or heard of before! I'm doing well for myself, but sometimes there is a stale feeling of something that can't be tossed away. I can do as I please now, and I'm thankful for it! My independence has gotten me far. I am going to become strong enough to take care of my sister as soon as she graduates. I can't wait!

Ah, how unfair Mizal! You should do it too, since you posted this here! Otherwise I really will start a race riot!

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
It was late last night and I was on mobile! And now I've missed my chance to get in here before there were all these other more impressive traumas and disorders that are a hard act to follow.

It's almost like having a messed up childhood and/or some kind of medical issue is extraordinarily common and doesn't automatically make one a snowflake at all!

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

I always enjoy reading your posts. You seem like a fun person.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

OK, let's do this. I'm a POC, because Irish isn't white and I stand by that. I'm bisexual, so that's great. I have serious narcissism issues and a rational fear of clowns, that's a trauma. My mom's pubis sort of hurts, I think I cut it shaving. I think that's everything.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
hmm, interesting.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago


Takes drag from cigarette

I don't fit into any of your categories, but your doctors tell me I

Takes drag from cigarette

Possess every single possible mental illness in the highest degree, which makes me the most special and unique person ever.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Zealot: "I don't always post on CYS, but when I do..."

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Alright fuckbois let's do this

Nationality: American

Orientation: Ace

Disorders: Diagnosed with ADD (explains why I have so many projects that I don't pay attention too), while it wasn't diagnosed I'm 90% sure I'm somewhere on the autism spectrum, and I have severe arachnophobia (mostly just tarantulas and other hairy bois).

Traumas: You want the long list or the short list? But nah to put it simply, I have two half-sisters that were taken away by CPS and I'll probably never see them again, my parents are drug addict fuck ups, and I live in perpetual poverty. Also my name's Jared, I'm 19, and I never fucking learned how to read.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
@Chris113022 Sorry, thought this was more topical here. And I was just thinking the other day I wouldn't mind seeing this thread started out as a parody and then turned therapuetic for several site members it seemed like. I know you were opening up about a lot more of this stuff in the Discord the other day and well, the thread is still here if you or anybody else wants to continue. I've got to say that being on CYS has really taught me that no matter how bad things seemed when I was growing up, I've got not a single damn thing to complain about. Feels like 80% of the userbase has been dealing with some major shit at some point in their childhoods and I spend 80% of my time wishing I could have kicked the shit out of all your parents or at least lit a fire under CPS' ass.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Thank you Mizal, very cool.

It was indeed very therapeutic to both talk about my problems in this thread and in the Discord a few days back, I've definitely come to terms with it better than before I discussed it.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Are you seeing someone? We had somewhat similar upbringings and it helped me a lot.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

No, I haven't, but I do like to think I've turned out somewhat well adjusted. My mother's also cleaned up her act a lot in the past year, currently living with her while my dad's fucking around homeless. Just being able to chill with people on this site and in the Discord helps me a lot, especially considering they didn't just say "lol shut up fag" when I basically wrote a soap opera script about my family life a few days back.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

My experience was that once I got my life more sorted out (stable job, university degrees, etc.) a lot of the latent trauma surfaced in a lot of pretty fucked up ways. That sort of early-life experience is not likely to leave you totally unscathed despite feeling well adjusted. There's really no replacement for a professional therapist -- I'd really recommend it.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

I'll probably look into it one of these days. Sometimes I do just get bursts of negative feelings out of nowhere, from sudden bouts of depression to anger and everything in between. Right now I'm focusing mostly on getting into job corps so that I can get a stable job and life once I turn 18. Once that's done I'll look into therapy and the like. Thanks for the suggestion, 3J.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Yeah — keep your eyes open for places with those kinds of benefits as you break into the job market. It’s not urgent but it will make a huge difference. Congratulations on your level of sanity thus far, it sounds like you’re well ahead of the curve.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
forgot what I was gonna say

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
You've definitely got a disorder or three, and that's one of them.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Nationality: American, and a I don't have papers. I am a mixed breed mutt.  There is a little of everything in me.  That is to say in my DNA.

Orientation: Bi-sexual 

Traumas: Well fuck me running backwards.  I have missed my tribe.  Here goes.  Kidnaped at age 4 and strangled. Lived to tell the tale but have been screwed up in the head every since. My heart stopped and I had an out of body experience, so I have seen dead people all my life as a result from stepping thru the veil.  Dad was a psychopath, who beat me on the regular, and started making passes by the time I was 15. So I started fighting him, and everyone else around me.  I was later stalked and stabbed, then raped as an adult.  Lived in a house for 3 years that was haunted.  While living there began sleep walking and missing time.  My family was attacked and we all nearly lost our lives.  The city lists the event as paranormal, as no explanation was ever found for the cause.  The events there really screwed up my whole family.  So, my 17 year old shot himself in the head.  I lost my mind and my life and kids. 

Disorder at this time: Well hell. What isn't wrong with me?  I still see dead people but a fun side gig is doing readings for people and talking to dead people all the time, which is a hoot! I don't charge because I am a softy, or stupid, or both. My current situation is I got the shit knocked out of me last week, and my face blew up three sizes larger than it should. Cops screwed up and I ended up right back here. 

I am blessed to be alive.  I really did miss you guys! How is everyone?




Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Hm, I like your trauma story the best so far due to all the undead involved.

Makes me feel like I was actually there the entire time.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Hello End Master,

Yes, the undead are interesting, aren't they?  Hey this is completely off topic, but the whole undead made me think about it. Did any of you hear about that village in Thailand I think it was where they woke up and all the body's were gone from the graves.  It looked like they crawled out.  If it had been grave robbers why did think they take the actual body?  Voodoo maybe?  No in Thailand. I have a video on it.  I will try and link it here.  Hopefully it works.

Freaky stuff! Cemetery in Thailand dawned like this today, with all the graves open and without any corpse and so far no one can explain what happened. 

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
So many questions, but I'll start with the most recent and most likely to be overlooked: how'd you get beat up and how is it that the cops screwing up led to you being back on the forum? (You only mentioned an abscessed tooth causing your face to swell up before, we didn't have any idea all this was going on.)

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
What did you mean 'the city lists the event as paranormal'? Not to pry, just wanting generally to know how that works because it might help with a story I'm sort of semi-planning someday.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago


Excuse the grammatical errors. I typed it out rather quickly. 

The city lists it as it as beyond the scope of their abilities to determine the cause.  The normal scientific method could not find rational, logical reason for the event.  I will summarize the event.   The house had been highly active for 3 years.  We experienced everything from shadow's that moved unnaturally, mists, crying from the kids room when no one was in there; the walls cried; toys coming on without batteries; banging on the walls; growls were heard; full body apparition; strange electrical issues; tv coming on and off on its own; lights flipping off and back on their own; scratches; burned badly in my sleep by what i still don't know; physical attacks became common; cabinets and drawers slamming open and shut on their own; same with doors; i was sleep walking regularly; woke up one night and i was driving.  i was cleaning the last night alone, and someone rung the doorbell. I went to answer it; and the neighbor leaned down and look back at me in the peep hole and then turned and walked away. no one was there of course when i opened the door. When I shut it and realized the person had to lean down to the peep hole i realized it was not any human being. I panicked and my lungs seized up. Went to find my inhaler and that is the last thing i remember.  I woke up falling from a standing position slamming into the wall and hitting the floor.  I was colder than i have ever been in my  life.  I didn't recognize my surroundings because all the furnishings were gone. I was very disoriented and confused. i crawled in the tub because i was so cold and called my boyfriend. He was frantic.  he had been looking for me. i had gone missing for five hours. i still don't know what i was doing or where i was. for that time.  The event that the fire department and police have listed as unsolved due to no known logical cause for the event was a month before.  I had been attacked that night.  The next morning I had a blinding headache.  my boyfriend kept passing out trying to get up.  We managed to get out and call 911.  Lethal levels of carbon monoxide are 30 per square feet.  the fire department said my home was over 500. I had been awake an hour before and every thing was fine. so it rose to that level and an alarming rate.  nothing in the home according to the fire department investigator could cause levels that rapidly and and that high.  nothing was found malfunctioning.  We did have a hot water heater, but it was working properly.   we replaced it anyway.  I am still unsure what happened. 

When I say I ended up back here I meant, ended up back at home where I started.  The police said they got me a room for the night since I had no family and the boyfriend had all the money. They dropped me off but forgot the reserve the room.  I was covered in blood and his drink.  people were making remarks and being really mean.  I looked a mess.  I was so embarrassed I went back after battling to get things straightened out for 2 hours. It was all I could take. 

The tooth. yeah that was hella fun. The tooth cracked when he kneed me in the face.  So, it more than abscessed.  If i was smart enough to load the photo I would show you. I looked like I ate a baseball. plus the swelling from the actual punches and knees to the face didn't help either. 

Moral to the story, never allow yourself to be dependent on another person to the point that you have no options in a situation like this.  No worries. I will escape one way or the other.  Feet or head first, either way. I intend to go down fighting.  

I am okay though, for the most part. :)


Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Hello! This should be interesting because my life is pretty bland, but there are a few interesting tidbits, I guess. 

Nationality: American

Orientation: Bisexual 

Disorders: Major Depressive Disorder, basically a fancy word for depression because psychiatrists like to hit you with a string of big words you only understand because of the middle word. I was also born with a complete lateral meniscus in my left knee, as well as it being aggressively too thick and stiff to actually sit right. Only had it fixed last year (and scar tissue inside my knee still causes me some discomfort).

Trauma: I don’t think I’ve been overly traumatized other than being in the same school as an active shooter who was later arrested. There’s also been things my parents have said to me that have lasted throughout my life, and things that other kids have said to me that really changed how I think about myself. I’ve been a victim of bullying that’s been deeply rooted in racism since I’ve been able to socialize with other kids. It’s messed me up pretty badly and I’m still working on fixing it. I was also forced into doing some things I regret doing with my first relationship. I’ve also been traumatized by my brother’s violent outbursts towards me, like when he would throw chairs at me, slam doors on my ribs as I walked through them, verbally put me down, etc. Otherwise not too much trauma (thank God).

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

At Your Throat

Each person's problems are as big to them as the next person.  Don't down play what you have been thru.  It has tested you, and made you stronger. Depression is hard stuff. I know what you mean.  Kids are mean. Some of my worst memories are based around things kids did to me. I try to see it as an opportunity to learn.  Something you can't really look at that way.  I often say, life handed me a handful of shit.  I can't make lemonade out of shit.   So, I have to make a shit salad i guess.  You make the best of the cards you were given. The good news is your young, and you can make your life what you want it one day, and put all that pain in the rear view mirror. 


Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Nationality: Slovenian
Orientation: straight (probably) asexual (probably)
Disorders: None.
Traumas: None.

I, uh, probably shouldn't have posted this.

It's really sad to here that so many people here had to live through so much suffering. Although I know this doesn't help much, I wish you all that your lives will get better and/or keep on improving. You are cool, amazing people and, while we're all just strangers on the internet, in some small way I still care for you and will remember you now and then.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago


I'm glad you posted.  We are who we are because of our experiences in life. Good or bad, i personally wouldn't change any of the things I have been thru. (except my son's death)  I wouldn't be who i am, if my life had not gone the way it did.  I would be someone else entirely, and we would not be having this conversation. So I am glad you are who you, and glad you shared.  


Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
I think not being human counts as a disorder.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
This has all been really fascinating so far, although some of it isn't news to me.

But just as a clarification: there's no wrong way to use the thread. Bare your soul, crack a joke, whatever. Here we have FREEDOM. I merely provided a topic someone else suggested that seemed like it might get an interesting mix of results.

Not every new thread is a complex social experiment orchestrated by multiple shadowy puppeteers in a secret channel of the Discord. (Just most of them.)

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
I am convinced life has no meaning and kind of want to die, but I also have a morbid fear of death because living is sometimes really fun.

Oh, forgot the rest:

Traumas: You name it, I probably lived it.

Orientation: Transginger.


Disorders: Probably several. I'm too cheap to get properly diagnosed, but I believe my primary disorder is that I get unhappy when I don't get what I want.

By the way, is it a disorder that I'd be okay with an immortal life of being depressed at a meaningless existence? Is it at least an irony? No one ever gets irony right.

Hell, I think I'd make a great vampire.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Read that as "transnigger"

Missed opportunity.


Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
@Nehal should come and tell us of the tramautic disorder called 'India'.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Nationality - Japanese-Indian(Living in India)

Orientation- Straight(when I consider myself male); Gay(when I consider myself female)

Disorder- Nothing major really, well I did have chronic Asthama when I was young, but it’s not that major now. A very severe pollen and dust allergy, like I literally start severely wheezing if I open a week old book, so I’ve been taking those ‘intranasal corticosteroids’ nasal spray things regularly and always have one with me wherever I go.

Trauma- Well, I was somewhat subjected to bullying in school, namely because I was one of those quiet, nerdy types who loved books more than playing; though I immediately retaliated by kicking said bully in the face;(my combat sport instincts kicked in, and I didn’t realise what happened before it was too late.) and then my parents were forced to pay the nasal surgery for that bully to prevent me from being kicked out of school. Since then I was sort of ignored, even my bestest of friends began ignoring me, it’s like if they couldn’t physically harm me, the bullies decided to just shun me and remove me from existence and somehow convince everyone to do the same. I think it’s because of that experience of being ignored that I got into reading a lot of English literature(and eventually discovering this site). I moved to the big city with my parents when I still was in school; and well I sort of got integrated into the ‘high class society’ pretty easily, plus it was good to start fresh and new and leave those experiences of that quaint little town’s middle school behind.


Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Traumas: Frostbite when I was in the 5th grade, slicing my pinky with a jackknife in the 6th grade. Then last October I walked smack into a trailer hitch with my right shin; the resulting scar looks like I was shot, and will probably be there a while.

Orientation: North. I live in Upstate New York.

Nationality: American.

Disorders At This Time: Well, my car is making an intermittent noise. Otherwise everything else seems to be in working order.

However, I strongly suspect...

Obi Wan

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

I'm the first person ever in my school, at least, to get my toe smashed and smooshed while playing table tennis. This is also the first injury ever in school history as a result of table tennis.

The inside of my shoe went completely red and I only realised halfway through the period.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Read that as you were first person in your school to get sodomized while playing table tennis.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
First person in the school? Probably first person in history as well.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
A quick Internet search says that is incorrect.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

I'd imagine the table makes a nice, sturdy platform for a bit of sodomy. ^_^

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Gods, what degeneracy. Table tennis should be sacred.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Hell, Malk's tales of his real life degeneracy says that is incorrect

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

There was a kid that got raped in the boarding house a while back, but I was in no way part of that :)

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

The smiley face at the end of your rape story is very CYStian.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Traumas: Was homeless in 2nd grade and woke up with a 'possum snuggled up in my armpit once, and went without food for days at a time. Spent all of 3rd grade eating nothing but hot dogs or grape jelly sandwiches so I can't even look at those anymore. Nothing to speak of 'til after HS because I was finally old enough to work and child labor wasn't frowned upon back then. A grizzly nearly ran a moose over me and it was traumatic getting to the boat before the griz could make it there. Nearly cut my own leg off at the knee with a chainsaw. My severely obese neighbor waddled up the road to my house wearing spandex shorts and tried hitting on me.

Orientation: Not defective. Facing North since I'm at my computer desk.

Nationality: American.

Disorders: Dealing with hillbillies and retards and hillbilly retards on a daily basis. Working long hours, weekends and holidays, for far less money than I should. Not sleeping enough and sometimes too much. Overeating when I remember to eat at all.

Nothing really special, I guess. Just your average person.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

<deleted so everyone who clicks on my profile doesn't see my giant rant>

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Nationality: Scottish/British

Orientation: Incel

Disorders:  I am Scottish and a complete fucktard at mostly everything especially writing 

Traumas: nothing too severe really.  but to play along I will name a couple.

1. Almost kidnapped.

2. Brother died when I was about 10is, which led me into tinfoil hat land for a couple of years, still haven't fully recovered from that shitshow.

3. My mom seems to believe I was abused by my father and his friend one day, conveniently I can't remember anything from that time.  The only thing I can remember about the friend is that the guy had a weird vibe and stank like a swamp. 

4. I deal with crazy shit too often in my area, including crazy naked guys running wild, Crazy women attacking my parents and me, junkies always doing their usual threats or whatever. 

5. My mother tried to kill herself with me years ago when she was full on crazy, She insists, she wasn't actually going to but that's BS. Her reasoning was my father was a manipulative shit, which is true and he was a women beater, I can remember a couple of occasions of it. 

There are probably some others but my memory of the years before age 11 are blurry for whatever reason. Probably some extra trauma which resulted in memory loss. 

My life hasn't been the best but it could certainly be worse. If I remember anything I will probably post it here. I don't know why I did this.

Edit 1. I was also a cruel shit as a child, For example, I stabbed another child with a pencil because he got on my bad side.


Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Nah, you're not an incel.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality: Floridian (Nuff said)
Disorders: Possibly depression, tons of trust issues, high functioning ADHD, and being literally inbred

Growing up was normal from the most apart aside from my parents being a poly relationship that eventually burned down leaving 5 kids tied to a different horse racing to 3 different dooms. Mother #1 used to be emotionally abusive and a bully. Took her own regrets and short comings out on me, punished me because I dared be a boy going through puberty and wanted to read all day instead of doing whatever she wanted to do. Spent a lot of time bonding with Mother #2 because she actually seemed to respect me and did shit with me but when their relationship fell apart she did layers of shitty things that leaves me with deeply imbedded trust issues and fears of abandonment. My dad is probably the best and worse person in this thing as he let his relationships fall apart by being a manslut and let mother #1 rip me away from him because he thought it was best for me. Ever since, he's been constantly making up for it despite me not seeing why he has to until it clicked recently. He's given me a job, a place to live, tons of opportunities and I'm extremely grateful. Mother #1 is still kinda a loose cannon but as calmed down a lot. Her and my dad settled things peacefully for the most part. Mom #2 accused my brother of molesting my little sister a couple months ago so any love I had for her is gone with the wind. Joining the military in about a year, going to a military academy for the next five months. Things are looking up.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
I'm developing a trauma because Cricket likes to bully me. Please send regular carepackages to Hell, where I seem to be stuck for the time being, I'll pay for them with my eternal loyalty.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Been a while. He must not have been able to take the abuse any longer.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Life is dastardly cruel
Filled with sadness, though I'm no fool
What's this life even for
There is always someone hurting more

Life is dastardly cruel
It's nothing more than a cesspool
A world destined to rot
But oh no, you can't be distraught

I'm surrounded by this!
This revolting ignorant bliss!
It makes me go insane!
How some people can be so tame!

Life is dastardly cruel 
Don't let down, follow every rule
How did I fall so low
Must wear a mask, don't let it show

Life is dastardly cruel 
Endure the abuse, keep your cool
I don't know what to do
Daddy issues, oh nothing new

Life kicks you in the balls
Keeps on until your spirt falls
Must keep up a facade at school
Oh yes, life is dastardly cruel

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
lol fag

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
kys fgt

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

I read that as "filled with sardines"

Then stopped reading

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Lol! Okay, someone needs to do a sardine cover of this poem.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Sardines are too delicious to deserve this fate.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Im terrible at poetry, but yes we need some sardines up in this shit

I nominate @Shoujoaddict for this quest pretty please

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Orientation: No thanks.

Nationality: South California (oh no).

Disorders: Probably something, I mean just look at me.

Traumas: A lot.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
The worst trauma should be that you qualify as a noob under mizal's classification.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Wow, just rub it in why don't you.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
He could just go rate 9 of the crappy fan fiction stories and get an upgrade.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Can't be bothered.

Probably because of an unknown Disorder that makes my brain not works so good.

Or because I'm exceptionally lazy.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Depression, Anxiety, and Trichotillomania, which means I pull my eyebrows and eyelashes out constantly!

My one phobia is needles

i'm dead inside :)

Trauma: almost commiting suicide, cutting myself, both of my dogs have scratched me next to my eye, almost pulled in by a riptide, and almost fell off of a roller coaster.

Nationality: American

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
You're 12.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Yeah, I'm also a wreck

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Well I'll just go ahead and warn you that this is not the best site for 12 year olds to hang out on, let alone fragile ones.

It's not going to save that 1.30 rated story you keep republishing for one thing, and kids' accounts rarely survive contact with the forum.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

I am not fragile, i've survived 12 years, haven't I?

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Sure, that's the spirit! I would tentatively say you're being less of a faggot than some older members I've seen, so that's a good start.

I'm not trying to chase you off or anything, I'm just letting you know that over the years we've amassed a graveyard of 12 year olds here, with only a few that didn't run away crying or else melt down in some spectacular fashion.

What usually happens is that they publish and republish terrible stories or else leave zero content shitposts all over the place, never listen when people tell them to just knock it off, and it just escalates from there.

Perhaps @Chris113022 can give you survival tips or adopt you or something, he's our only success story so far.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

hahahahahahaha, I've also been bullied twice, so I can handle crit and use it to make my story better, and I suppose i'll talk to him since he is basically the only survivor, plus if I melt down, I must say that it will be pretty entertaining.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Only twice?
Well that's about to change.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Why'd you have to single me out? Couldn't you just ask... uh... Um... Hm. Shit, I guess I am the only Dumbass-12-Year-Old-To-Competent-User story we've had. Let me just figure out how the hell I got as good as I am and then I'll take this poor retarded noob under my wing. Oh, and somebody get... The Thread.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
This poor retarded noob has already been banned.

So, really following in your footsteps there! Off to a great start! The next step is plagiarism, right?

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Oh, well turns out I was too late, lmfao. But nah the plagiarism came before the banning, they skipped a step, which obviously means they can never ascend to writing godhood like myself.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Almost? What stopped you?

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

I didn't wanna abandon my pets, I didn't give a second thought about my family

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Why did you reply to me, specifically?

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

I honestly don't know, my mind is messed up.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

Little me was also quite suicidal :) When I was in 2nd grade I was threatening to cut my pinkie finger off. Ah, memories

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Well as you can see, we already have plenty of mental and emotional fuckups here. This thread is just scratching the surface really. So I hope you have more to bring to the table than the Top 10 list of wacky things your brain makes you do, because that's not really enough to make you special or stand out here for long. You should try reading more games and writing detailed reviews.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago
Oh no, looks like you've annoyed Endmaster already so you're probably doomed. Maybe just lurk quietly and check back in six months.

Wtf is wrong with you?

5 years ago

oh no bye bye