Maybe he should admit some sort of bias. Does that still work?
Oh come on, if you're going to commit then do it properly... A swastika tattoo! ^_^
So something like this?
I can most certainly try
Attempt Better attempt
Picky picky
Say anything other than "that's perfect thank you" and I will find you and run you over again...
Wondering if it's commended bc of the comic or the fact that I threatened to run him over. With Thara I just can't be sure
Ok. Am I the only one that finds it a little funny that Cel got run over by a car?
Read his profile
Ah, ok good. Now I don't feel so weird.
But perhaps I should actually look at folks profiles once in a while...I feel kinda dumb for asking a question that could have been answered by a simple click.
"Don't tell anyone, but I think it's kind of funny that Celicni got hit by a car." -Sherbet
This you?
I'm sure I just have issues
Once my dad got out of jury duty by picking a lawyer and staring directly at him during the entire proceeding. It weirded him out and he took my dad off the jury.
Great way to get arrested for contempt of court.
Or... You could just stick with the jury duty and convince all the other jurors to demand the death penalty... Regardless of the crime or whether or not they're actually guilty. Loads of fun. ^_^
Yes, this is the way. I long to get picked for jury duty so I can send some poor and no doubt criminal schmuck to his death.
His catchphrase.
I read somewhere that a juror legally changed their name to Jesus Christ to get out of jury duty so maybe that would work.
Perhaps he could fake his own death. Plus, he would get to claim that sweet insurance money.
They've actually postponed my jury duty like 3 times now. I have to keep calling to see if the new date they scheduled is when I finally come in or they just tell me it's another date.
OMG, it's Chris Chan's trial!!! ^_^
I successfully escaped jury duty by doing nothing at all.
Glad that's over.
Great work! ^_^
Well played
*high five*