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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Normal Human Bingo

5 months ago
It's time to find out who are the real freaks. (I didn't realize the png would be so big and idk how to shrink it)

Normal Human Bingo

5 months ago
It wasn't even a real image that could be resized, but many thousands of characters of that base64 nonsense.

Worry not though, we mods are used to your failures. I have fixed everything.

Normal Human Bingo

5 months ago

yahoo! My savior!

Normal Human Bingo

5 months ago

Pretty happy with mine.

Normal Human Bingo

5 months ago

Didn't even get a single bingo. I hate this game.

Normal Human Bingo

5 months ago
Coding is a talent. (unless the intent is to beat yourself up because you're an emo fag who's into that. In which case, carry on.)

Still won't give you a bingo though.

Normal Human Bingo

5 months ago
It's about as much of a talent as speaking a different language. Unless you learned to do it in a week or speak 10 of them it's not really a talent in my eyes.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

What fictional character? 

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Normal Human Bingo

5 months ago

I felt like the "respecting people" one was too much of a potential gotcha given we have no information on the kind of opinions meant.

Normal Human Bingo

5 months ago

That's 2 more bingos than I expected.

Inb4 comments about "healthy body condition".

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
Bruh, why don't you know how to put chicken into a pan and leave it an oven for a while? I was going to go off on Stargirl for that, but you're a grown ass man.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

I do, bruh. I am capable of surviving on my own without anyone else feeding me.

I assumed that the requirements for "knows how to cook" were a bit stricter than "knows how to boil an egg, make a sandwich or a pizza, and occasionally make a wiener snitzel".

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
I think that as long as you can provide yourself home-cooked food of a quality and variety which you would be comfortable with eating long-term in a situation where nobody else cooked for you and you were not buying pre-made food, you're good. Most normal people haven't been to culinary school or anything like that.

Normal Human Bingo

5 months ago
I have nullified the entire thread, this bingo board was clearly made by an autist.

We did this one a long while ago on discord where I also ended up as one of the most normal people, mostly thanks to having a girlfriend:

Normal Human Bingo

5 months ago
This would imply that lesbians are the most normal fags of all.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Can I get a high quality version of this? I wanna send it to my friends.

Edit: Nvm I figured it out

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
The relationship point put me at -10 for this one lol

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
Some people might be a lot more normal if they did go to a therapist.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago


Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

I'm quite normal I think.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

>Suranna makes this thread to expose the "real freaks"

>Doesn't post her own bingo card


foo sheisty

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
The only explanation is that the blank one IS her card

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
@Suranna Kill yourself. Love, the CYS Mod Staff

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
I'm not resizing your shit again. It's not even a real image, once again I'd have to upload it somewhere for you too.

And stop eating chicken fingers and learn how to cook.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
Clicking the edit button on this post nearly killed me dead

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
Trying to copy all that to see how many characters it was literally made my phone spaz out and return to the lockscreen after going dark a moment.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

I assume what happened was that you were helpful and edited the post... but which mod added the rest?

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
He did not. He just opened it and then closed it again in confusion and despair.

To repair the OP, I had to clip the pretend image manually, upload it to img box, then struggle to clear away the 1.2 million characters of existing gibberish my browser could barely highlight without freezing, insert the new link and resize.

Then she expected me to do it again.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
Ford has already added a fix to break posts that try to do this from now on anyway, just waiting on Nightwatch to approve it.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Guessing her fake quote on her profile no longer applies anymore. Lol

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

How does she even do it in the first place lol, I'm genuinely curious.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Darius posted a thread in Adv. Editor Forum a while ago that tells you how to do this. I've been using it ever since and it's been fine (other than the base64 thing), but recently my Word subscription ended and I've been using Word Online, which doesn't allow me to resize the image for some reason, thus the hella big image. 

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
"Other than the little thing where it hangs up the thread and freezes browsers and forces code changes to prevent it, it's been great! No reason to use a normal image tag!"

"Definitely no way to resize images without a word processing program either, I know this because I'm an artist, anyway the mods will figure it out, teehee"

Okay but seriously, this has been brought up as an issue before as recently as when you guys were doing it in the Secret Hitler thread. Base64 is disgusting, unclean, and if people were dumping thread breaking amounts of gibberish into their posts in any other context and then going "mods, you know what to do", there'd be bans handed out.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
fuck you too

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Well, I propose to have my post deleted in case anyone else copies it. When I discovered it, I didn't know it would break the entire site for a few people.

- edit: okay so Ford has already been working on a solution, great!

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

This seems like an unnecessary boomer method of placing an image.  Why would anyone feel a need to try this?

I am completely in favor of the mods executing swift judgment on the heretic infidels.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
What character?

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Hatsune Miku! 

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
IMG-0834 Left out a few based on technicalities. Can’t say I internally respect people with differing opinions, but I (probably) won’t be rude about it or let it get in the way of things that need to get done. I also used to play the organ. :^) I guess I would play a sport, but I think the jury is still out on whether it counts or not.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

What sport?

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
Ballet (poorly) and aerial hoop/pole.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
Just a note we're gonna start blanket deleting any base64 shit when we see it. I don't know what terrible thing some of you (Suranna) are doing wrong, but this is hardly the first time it's been pointed out. And it doesn't seem that difficult to take a little peek at your post and go, "whoops, it's actually a .bin, and this contains 1,200,000 characters more than one would usually expect from an image link?" ffs

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

How did I miss this?

I think that "play an instrument" should be switched with "knows how to cook", based on the exchanges in this thread. Knowing how to play one is already a talent technically.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Although I haven't been able to work out as much recently. Sprained shoulder and PSRA are bitches.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Glad to have the second row.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
Loves and respects parents for forcing him to play an instrument.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

I'm still bumped out that there's no box for "knows how to change a tire of a bicycle". Every normal human being should have this basic life skill.

Or: knows how to drive instead of paying taxes. (If you work or even if you buy anything there's a tax already incorporated) 

Or: knows how to console a crying child. (Should be a given)

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Just make your own dutch bingo card.  

Im sure with it being dutch it will be totally gay.  But make your own.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

I'm afraid it isn't possible, Its mere presence would make the entire forum crash.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
"Knows the magic line of html to post and size an image" surely belongs in there somewhere.

The artists of all people getting stunlocked by resizing is bizarre.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

You should not have the second row.

See if you can figure out why.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
Can't seem to figure out why, they all seem valid?

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Just a reminder folks, masturbation is NOT a hobby.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
hobby (noun): a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation

Under the definition provided by Merriam-Webster masturbation can absolutely be a hobby.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Two things:

1. It’s now canon that masturbation is your hobby.

2. DB is going to be calling you a filthy casual since he’s claimed it's a sport.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Yes. If you are going to do something, do it right 

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

You sell yourself short. Why are you of the opinion that you can't talk normally? 

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago


Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago


Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

Yeah, get outta here you gay Dutch. Only I am allowed to simp for her!

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago

It's creepy that you two agree on something, horrifying even.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
Once I was in a Discord voice chat, and a girl I knew tried to call over her dad to listen to the way I spoke.

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
I might bingo all of these

Normal Human Bingo

4 months ago
beep boop?