To be fair, the plot device superpower was mostly a golden-silver age thing, before people realized that undefeatable heroes weren't that great. Now Superman just finds new ways to use old powers, like super-sense in order to see into your soul, or a microspic version of laser-vision to lobotomize telekinetics. Since games that aren't The Witcher probably won't ever let you be that complex for the sake of it, someone will probably find a way to make Superman do puzzles well. I mean, the Lego games did, right?
Though the Xbox game was kinda fun, all things considered. Better than the average "Upgrade all your shit" brawler that people cash in on movies with these days. The other superhero sandboxes of the era were infinitely better, as The Hulk allowed you to be powerful but still wreck shit. Superman forced you to be in character, which sucked, because for all the Superman action there was, it was lost on the fact that you had to protect the city. The city itself had a health bar. I would've much preferred to play as Zod in a state of moral ambiguity and mental collapse, coming to terms with the loss of his people AND ACTUALLY BEING ABLE TO HAVE FUN WITH MY POWERS AROUND THE GODDAMN CITY! You could still make me go on a quest for good, game! Just allow me to rip down a few buildings and chuck a few cars down main street and I'll be right on that map point in an hour!