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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

     We shall prevail! Mods, this is to make you aware of the new Noob Army coming to conquer the beautiful land of CYS! You can try to defeat us, but we are many, and we are strong.

Current cadets in the Noob Army (NA):





All cadets report to their leader, General WYS (me).


Here are our rules/how to enlist:

Noob Army Flyer 















Here, you can post about the damage dealt to either side (try to stick to dealing damage to the opposite army, guys)

No more will Noobs be ridiculed! We will become respected CYSians! Huzzah!


You've Been Warned,

General WYS


*disclaimer: no bloodshed is allowed. We are all CYSians, and team together against the CoGites and other lesser beings. Do not bring any other site into this. This is between Noobs and Mods (plus other well known members of the site). Play fair

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
What the hell

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

So, as a way to fight against the mods, you're going to contribute to the site? Nothing ironic about that.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

It's basically just to see if the Noobs are more annoying or helpful in general. It's purpose is actually to encourage Noobs to be more productive, not to literally fight anyone. That part was in fun

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Lol. Good luck.

Also why is winning four meaningless duels worth as much as a featured story?

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Winning four duels without losing any is difficult. If one is lost by a noob, damage will be dealt to our army. 
For Example: 

noob wins duel. +5. Wins again. +5. Loses. +5 damage to themselves. Wins two more duels, +10.

Overall it's not as great as a featured story.

Also, as soon as their story gets featured, the noob gets an honorable release from the NA. Rules are rules (even if I make them)

However, if you still believe a featured story should be worth more (I'm starting to see that does make more sense) then please feel free to say so. It'll be changed to become a more powerful weapon

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Also, Noobs tend to lose a lot more than they win, especially in duels like RPS

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

There is fierce competition among more experienced writers for the featured slots. So good luck with that.

We have a few new categories that might have some openings so strike when the iron is hot.

Winning duels is easy smh

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
If this truly is about improving the site, I'd give way more points for featured stories (1000) and featured comments (50) as both are the true way to seperate yourself from the masses.

Writers love reviews and only a few writers manage a featured story, so getting one for your army should be considered a grand win.

On the other hand, aside from the duelers trophy, nobody cares about rps.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Duly noted. Will change points accordingly...

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Well Cys is a meritocracy, and annoying noobs don't live long.

So make sure these guys actually behave when they dont get their 350 word storygame featured, or they don't get every comment commended because they're not actually Gods gift to the site.

I'm more than faithful it will be on your head and result in the whole army getting banned as well if someone acts like a whiny shit.


So hopefully this will get some noobs to participate, but, probably not as well as you would like.


Also, good luck competing against the people in charge of commending, featuring, unpublishing etc lol

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Hint the idea should be to stop being a noob.

But what the heck, I'll accept a loyal army of any kind. CYStia has already been conquered though, you'll have to set your sights further afield, or else fall in line and follow orders from your rightful leaders.

First orders: renounce the "writer" girl, pledge allegiance to Endmaster, and go do something actually useful.

How did tmanaking get recruited into this lol.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Alright, so it might just be a sugarcoated way of me saying "come on my fellow noobs, let's get our asses in line" but I was hoping it would work.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Just out of curiosity, are those "cadets" fully consentual of this?

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Yep. Sent the message, they agreed. Which is why they were tagged. And yes, the idea is to stop being Noobs, and decrease the current noob population. Featured stories are hard to get, I know. That's why it's worth more, and why you're not considered a noob if you have one. The NA pledges it's allegiance to EndMaster above all. I'm a General, not an overlord. Self appointed, yes, but they agreed, so...

*they agreed to follow me, meaning the Noobs. This is the first time I've mentioned this to non Noobs

*I was planning on the mods still being fair and not trying to win by cheating (not commending anything done by a noob simply because they are a noob is definitely cheating, and while there's nothing we can do about it, it's looked down upon by us all)

*it's all fun, people! Fun designed to get Noobs to be less noob-like!

*I'm trying to censor the Noobs allowed to join. Only the most non-spammy elites are recruited. Usually. I apologize for any lesser noob joining. If troubles occur, feel free to take it out on me. Not the rest of the army, but me, that's fine

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
"*I was planning on the mods still being fair and not trying to win by cheating" hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahah *deep breath* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Point taken.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Huzzah, mod fiends! Huzzah!

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
No more will Noobs be ridiculed! We will become respected CYSians!

I'm not going to have time for your roleplaying today but let's quickly address this paradox.

If you're a respected CYStian, by definition you're not a noob.

Noobs never do anything of value and thus don't have rights or feelings worthy of noticing. It's in fact considered a matter of debate in the scientific community whether they're even people.

@ArstheticLlama actually wrote an article recently for newbies, which are a different thing entirely:

The first step is mandatory for evolving to the next level, and just do the best you can with the rest as your own personal autism allows.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

As I've mentioned, the point is to "evolve", as you say, to higher beings. To become less noobish, and improve the site overall with less spam and clutter. This is a quest to be better versions of ourselves...

Also, just a second on the roleplaying thing-- you realize that everyone does that all the time here, right? Just look at some people's posts on CYStia history, or the fact that it's called CYStia at all. That's a roleplay of sorts

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

I dont remember who it was exactly, but someone the cabal pf people more important than your or me coined the term Cystia. and are experts in the site lore.

Not sure why you're trying to explain that to them. There was also a purge a long time ago concerning roleplaying on the forums. If you dig through the warrior cat carcasses far enough you can find the remains of that part of town.

You and your army might have ended up in the pit already so I could just be talking to thin air.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Yes, indeed, you are talking to a corpse.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
She’s just trying to have fun lol, getting to participate and have fun is her only goal. You shouldn’t tell people they have autism without knowing the cause hehe

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
I see, you must be one of those ones she wants taken out on her.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

*winces* I would say she's new, go easy, but that's kind of the point, isn't it? Oh well. Beginniner's mistake, actually having the nerve to tell a mod that calling someone autistic is rude.

I talked to her. Won't happen again, m'am. 

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Actually, she was your alt.

Banned, and the PurpleMonkey one too.

I think that means 2 points for the mods. Shall we get together later and try for a second round? Now I'm having fun.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago

Random suggestion, if you want to create a secret alt account, probably best not to give it the exact same avatar as your main account. :p

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Oh. You banned her. Crap

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
“Do you see them?”, The queen said: pointing at the army of like, 4 guys, on the horizon.
Dust billowed about the noob army, their weedy arms carrying pencils far too large for their bloated bodies, their shadows stretched in the half light.
The army of loyal CYStian nodded, their spears smashing against their shields: “Yes Mam!”
Mizal nodded: “I want them gone. Now. They must bend the knee to our lord and conquerer, End Master.”
One of her soldiers, a small girl dressed in green, ran forth and handed the commander a scroll of paper. Mizal read it over, before looking up.
“They have a snitch within their ranks, what a ragged allegiance”, she thought, thinking of the noob army’s plan and how to exploit it.
“So, they’re after our commendations and featured story games: rare resources that we cannot expend on such pitiful creatures.”

The noob army was shaking. Their leader, WYS, was trying to keep his conspired comrades calm, but the huge CYStian army they could see in the moonlight was grating on their morale.
“Guys... I promise it’ll be fine, there’s no way we can lose.”
WYS looked as his friend’s began to shake, their bodies convulsing as they stared at the sky. He turned. The world shrieked to a halt.
On horseback, armed with banhammers and the ‘post delete’ button, were the mods. His friends ran. What else could they do? The post he stood on was soon smashed to shreds, disappearing to the depths of the internet. Suddenly he was falling, his dreams shattering around him as the cackle of End Master filled his ears.

CYS awoke to a group of ugly, squat men around him. Flames roared in the air, his blood boiled. Lava spewed from stone. He saw people being tortured in cages, labelled with signs affixed to their skin with stitches: ‘hater’, ‘racist’, ‘just didn’t write right lmao’.
“Where... where am I? Is this hell?”
“Oh no”, one of the members said, looking at him with piggy eyes. “Welcome to COG!”

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

I'll never join CoG... but nevermind. You guys don't want to have fun if I'm the one proposing the competition, I get it. Be that way. You're clique, rude, immature people, you know that?


*can we talk about the roleplay part again, mizal? 
*go ahead and ban me. No one will care. I'll stand as a martyr for all those who believe that mods being cruel and prejudiced. Go ahead and laugh. One day you'll see!

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Um.... they're already having fun...

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
"I'll stand as a martyr for all those who believe that mods being cruel and prejudiced." "Hey, did you see that tiny grave marker over there?" "Where?" *pointing* "Over th... Where that massive front loader, bulldozer, dump truck, and person walking their dog was... Never mind."

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

I can't tell where the kayfabe ends but I'm enthralled!

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

To be a martyr someone would have to care about your cause no one hears about st joan of the local 7-11 do they? Little hint game was rigged from the start. Your no general, in my eyes your just another noob aiming above their station. I have seen many like you, I've also seen juat as many fade into nothingness.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
It's extremely rare that kids under 15 survive the forum. We've had a few success cases recently and I guess that lulled the rest into a false sense of security.

WYS was rating and commenting before this and I'm fine with her if she continues that, kids are just too tragically dumb to read a room sometimes though.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

It is tragic but I hope wys keeps up the dumb shit. Having the balls to try to have me call her ma'am. Acting like she's done a damn thing to earn or demand my respect. Fuck outta here with that weak shit.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Hey, Mizal just called me a success case? Wow, and after all the criticism she's thrown at me in the past few months!

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Didnt take long to crumble under the pressure of not being a faggot 

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Well, so far, Kathee was an alt, and Sammich is already terrible at his job. I'd say it's not too late to beg an admin to delete this thread for you, but I don't think your account is going to last much longer anyway.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Kathee wasn't all alt. She was a friend from school. 

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Lol, hopefully she does read AL's article as it has a section addressing this next phase of things.

And I'm sorry to ruin the fun, but if mods aren't allowed to cheat with our rightful divinely appointed powers, the "army" doesn't get to start out with four accounts on the same device.

That Sammich kid will probably be the next to go when End sees him being retarded in the comments. Sad day. But this is why noobs are better left undisturbed in their slime-creche until they evolve brains on their own.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
It wasn’t the same device, just the same location! And only two of the people on that list were from my school! Two, not counting me, I guess. And they were actually real people, from my school. I told them to join, O told them it’d be fun.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
And the sad truth is that now all their stories will remain unwritten. Tragic.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Well that army didn't last long. So long and thanks for all the fish! Maybe next time avoid the alts and stay under the radar just a wee bit more...

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

All around tmanaking was the bloody and broken remains of what had been an 'army'. Their leader had come into his home and demand respect. He had played along to get close. The goal was to be the dagger in the dark that put this farce to an end. Unfortunately before that, their own incompetence had gotten them all slain. "Damn." He had been looking forward to the reaction when he ended this dumb shit. Oh well, end was the same so it mattered little. As he went to turn to walk off he step on what had been the 'commander'. "Just another fuckup aren't you?" With that he gave a swift, hard kick into her ribs. Having let some steam off he turned to the forest where his rambshackle hut was. As he passed the army larger than neccasary, he gave a half-hearted wave to a few faces he recognized. Whistling some small tune, he casually wondered back towards his home on the outskirts. Maybe the next time the dumb shit won't try to involve him. One could hope.


Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Why don't you make an epic Called Tmanaking the Retarded kids army slayer. How I make them shit their diapers.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Cause that involves writing an epic.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Born noob, die noob. You have to be more ambitious and ascend to cys membership.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

I'm at the point where my actual short stories are barely acceptable. If I get too ambitious with my lack of skill I'll go from being looked down upon to actively shit upon from the great heights.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
If I can have a story featured and ten published You can write an epic. Less blah blah, and more writing hard every day.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
You could try writing reviews and giving writing advice until they make you an admin.

Then immediately stop, forever. Those suckers, lmao.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

This was absolutely comical. If you really want to not be a noob, just shut the fuck up and actually do things on the site. Leave real reviews, not just "this was good", or actually write something instead of bitching on the forums. Guess what, I did the same thing as you when I was like 13, and while I didn't get banned, I did lose all my points and shit, so I just left for a while and came back a little less retarded.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Mods, if there's any way to get my name off writeyourstory's profile, could you please do that. I don't want to be attached to this. I removed myself as a co-author as soon as I saw this thread anyway, so it doesn't even make sense.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Normally I'd suggest you're being too dramatic, but in this case it let me try out one of the new mod tools for spam bots, so, done.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
I don't even have an idea what I got myself into. I guess this is what happens when you press that big red button with a huge "do not press" note written above it out of curiosity.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
So the army consisted of:

Annoying Tween

Confused Filipino

Retarded Child

IRL Friend of Annoying Tween (convinced to make account mere minutes before)

Edgelord and Obvious Double Agent

Truly the site survived the greatest threat in its history today.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

The confused penguin being the default avatar was an absolute stroke of genius, it's so fitting.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
To be honest I thought it was a website bot that I was replying to and it was something that I would need to reply to in order to verify my account. Lol.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Interesting how those cadets you've mentioned backed out already...

You don't get ridiculed for being a noob on CYS, you get ridiculed for being a dumbass. Though sometimes I can understand the confusion.

And believe me, you'll face more than enough ridicule for waging a war against the mods.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

And you get ridiculed for being INFAMOUS FURFAG DERPBACON

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Wrong one, I used to be MrMustachio. I don't think Derp uses this site anymore.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

There's been debate if you two are the same person.

Personally I always figured you were two different people and were just buddies that belonged to the same furfag club.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

gay incestuous brothers 

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
ofc ofc

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Def not the same person. I'm not a furfag for one. I am not entirely sure if I can say the same for the other.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Are you one of the people who can finally answer after all these years whether Derp is dead?

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

I can.

Derp's still alive, moved out a while ago and I haven't spoken to him much since. I don't think he would be making a comeback to CYS.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Glad to hear it.

We already got another Derp now, and it would be very inconvient if he came back.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
You popped up on the same IP with him and a few of his alts, and the MrMustachio account seemed to belong a wolf enthusiast, so it was an easy assumption to make.

Either way it was several years ago so it wouldn't have mattered much, and you already did a featured review. Carry on citizen.

Cause no trouble.

Glory to CYStia.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

I understand the confusion. Either way, glory to CYStia.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
The fool watched the deserter. He stood up on the podium of the town square and proclaimed for all to hear, "We must rise up! There are more of us than there are of them! If we work together as one force, we can destroy the admins , and take back CYStia! Enlist today, and stop the ridicule!"

The fool laughed. He looked at the crowd listening. He noted a mix between sleeping 12 year olds, and eager 11 year olds. Neither would be of any use. Of course there were the regulars too. They made their own quips, he barely heard them. Listing that much was too much work.

He caught a glimpse of mizal herself. She was walking with Enter back towards the castle. He turned to follow them inside, but was stopped at the gate. DarkSpawn.

"What the hell are you doing here Serpent?"

"My name is Ace, old friend."

"Firstly we aren't friends. Secondly your name is Serpent. And thirdly, what in the Demonio are you doing back here."

"I just wanted to hear what the people on the inside thought about"

"You've fallen so far as to join the retards it seems."

"That is wrong on several accounts. First, there is no need for me to "join" the retards. I essentally refounded them. Secondly, you imply I stood high enough once to even be able to fall, which we both know isn't the case. And finally, hell no! You think me low enough to join *them*? You always did have a low opinion of me."

He chuckled, "Point. But you do know what will happen if you go in there right? I can't stop you myself, but if you go in there you might even die."

"More than enough reason to step aside then ay?"

"Fine," he stepped aside, "Eres un pinche lata!"

"English motherfucker"

"Uh... it means... I wish you well."

"Oh, thanks!" The fool then walked through the gates into the castle.

Light flooded his vision as he stepped into the grand hall. God it had been so long. Nostalgia flooded over him and his eyes began to water, but he composed himself and walked on. As he snuck around, he heard a voice coming down the hallway.

"They aren't even worth mocking. At least not until they make an effort. Then maybe they will be worth mock..."

That sounded like mizal. Oh shit! He snapped out of it and ran to hide but as he turned she rounded the corner and saw him.

"Ace. What do you think you are doing?"

She stood there with Enter standing next to her. The giant man stood there with a piece of stone with paper on it, and a weighted pen that was labeled "120 lbs" on it.

"Ah... haha... uh I was just looking for you!"

"Oh really? Why would you come here for that. Surely you could have sent a message. Then I wouldn't be forced to reply to the likes of you and you wouldn't be caught in this situation."

"Well I wasn't looking for you specificly... I uh just wanted to get the inside scoop on the whole noob army thing."

"Ace you swore not to come back here..."

"I was just here for a quick drop by to gather information, nothing more!"

"For them?"

"Oh my god no! Why does everyone assume I'm that retarded!"

"Past evidence," she narrowed her eyes, "either way, another oath broken Ace."

"Oh please. What's the point of even keeping oaths anymore. Like I'll be able to come back here anyway."

She took a step forward, towering over him, "Careful now. We both know I can kill you."

Her tone was cold, angry. A wave of defiance came over him, "How has that worked in the past for you?"

As soon as the words escaped his lips he knew it was the wrong choice, her expression darkened, "Pray tell, who is the one who brought you back?"

He body started quivering, his hands shaking, "Ah yes... a um... fair point," he took a step back, "you aren't going to lock me in the dungeons are you?"

"The dungeons are too good for you. You belong on the streets. Leave here, and don't let me catch you here again." She turned to walked away

He walked toward the exit, but stopped when he heard Enter speak, "You lift stone! Become strong! Yes?"

He sighed, "Another time Enter," and kept walking. Out the castle door, past Dark, and to the rebels leader.

"WYS!" he called out



"General WYS."

"No. Anyway I came to see what this is all about."

"Ah the infamous Ace! You don't seem like a noob."

"I'm not. I'm in the very small group of people who aren't respected by the site, and have been here a long time. Most are either killed or leave."

"What would be that groups name?"

"Fools. I would dub them retards, but that apply's to so many other people. Fools fits just fine."

"You embrace the mockery?!"

"Ah I forgot your new to Cystia, or life in general really, so let me teach you something. If you whine at the mockers about them being mean, it doesn't do anything but encoruage and make you a faggot. But if you laugh with them, then you are slightly less of a faggot. A big win in my book."

"You talk as if you have been here for a long time."

"Longer than you've been alive. Well if you times the product by 3."

"How long have you been here?"

"About 3 years."

"That's only 9!"

"Yes. 9 is greater than 7 yeah? I didn't think you were bad at math too."

"I'm not... Ah I see, you are one of them. You came here to laugh at us."

"Sure did."

"Why? You are one of us!"

"Oh please. I will never be one of you. Your best shot is to become a fool like me, though there is no way you'll survive that long."

He walked off, not listening to his rebuttal. God, what a pain to have to deal with them. He hoped they would be executed soon, at least then he could get some peace and quiet.

He did like the excitment though. Exile could be so boring at times. Stuck with the faggots, people he couldn't relate with even though he was sort of one of them. There were people of status who resided outside the castle, but he'd already made enemies of them.

Quite lonely, the life of the fool.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Don't give yourself too much credit lol. Infamous. The only thing you're infamous for is drinking nine full gallons of tomato sauce before the six cops tasering you in the grocery store aisle managed to bring you to the floor 

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
11 actually. At least get the numbers right smh.

And dang, you ruined my edit. I was trying the fix some of the awful spelling errors

E: And and as far as being infamous goes, my reputation has died down a lot. Something I'm thankful for, actually

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

You have no reputation aside from a small handful of people who think you're a fat retard (myself included). I wish you'd stop pretending you're some kind of master criminal. I've taken shits that have more of a reputation here than you do 

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Don't take this from him, he doesn't have anything else in his life except the contents of the freezer.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago
@MrAce321 The Council wanted to know if you were still in a standoff with your mom over cleaning the microwave.

How many inches high has the filthy radiated crust grown by now?

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago
Don't make me remember his food practices and lack of common sense and hygiene

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago
I just ignored it and stopped using the thing, or if I had too put everything like hot pockets on a plate. Eventually after about half a year she cleaned it because the landlord was coming for an inspection.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago


Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago
The Council regrets that we asked.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

And coming from Malk, that statement is literally true

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

I see the concept of proofreading continues to elude you. Considering the source I will say this is not terrible but when the source is the author of The Manliest Man that doesn't mean much. The spanish is bad and as it stands it is an insult to my people and my honor.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Really?! Man I even joined a spanish learning discord server to confirm my translation wasn't awful. Truly sad.

And yeah, looking over it after publish the english was pretty bad. I tried to edit it, but that didn't happen

e: I am actually intrested in where I went wrong with the spanish though, if you feel like sharing.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
The words are in Spanish, but the way you are using them are off. Any native can notice it.
For example, "what in the Demonio are you doing back here." Sounds better this way: Que Demonios?! why are you here now?!

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Ah, I wasn't as sure about the last one. I knew it was better than infierno even though that one translates to hell, but didn't know how much sense it made. I was a lot more concerned about the second one since I didn't find much on it online. I know the second one is apparently mexican, and think it is something like, hatefully calling someone a pain in the ass/calling them a stupid bastard.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
I am not Mexican and the swears are a little different. But lata as it is, it makes no sense means tin can. Maybe you tried to use latoso, that means bothersome. But my advice is Pinche puto. Or the classical Hijo de la gran puta.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

*The concept of proofreading continues to allude you.


Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
As much as I despise dark, you're actually wrong. Assuming you aren't making a joke and are just being an insufferable prick.

Allude: Suggest or call attention too

Elude: Evade or escape from


Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Nah, elude's not a word. You made that shit up.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
It seems reasonable to assume both things of someone with that name and avatar.

But maybe you should look up coop while you've got the dictionary open.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

Not on my watch, Hitler

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago

nobody better fucking commend this shit 

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Do you even lift?

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
They just keep PMing me!

This phase of things happens so often as to be completely predictable, but it always confuses me because anybody who wants an account can just make one and then not be a retard with it.

And if you don't want an account you can just NOT make one, there's no need for this multi step process of signing up, again, and then immediately throwing yourself on the scythe, again.

Weird how this behavior always seems specific to "precocious" spoiled little white girls who just can't seem to handle the world not functioning according to their rules. I blame the parents. When we get the boys around that age it seems like they're more likely to be just normal retards.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
That comes from a lack of discipline from their parents. My dad and my grandmother made me save money to buy my first Gameboy. And not just handing me stuff in a silver platter. If writergirl had to do housework to be online or have computer time she won't be doing all this retarded shit.

Ridicule the Noobs

4 years ago
Damn, that's pretty annoying to continuously get PM's.

They've just never had anything go against them before, with their parents behind them and all that.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago
With all the focus on WYS and friend (and all their subsequent new accounts and threads) I don't want us to lose sight of little Sammy and his first foray into the review world:

Whoa, calling for executions? You know, some (all) other IF communities are full enough of deliberately obtuse condescending fuckwits that they would take this sort of thing very seriously!

We're not like that though and he just got banned for thinking it would be cute to leave that on Innkeeper. Lol, retard.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago
Companion thread for archival purposes.

(Previous masterful infiltration attempts deleted.)

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago

I haven't logged in in a few days and it turns out I got a message about joining this noob army from writeyourstory.

I'm pretty offended, I'm not a noob. I have a storygame that's rated.. *checks* ...3.34, I'm amazing. I'm glad she's banned. 

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago
Can we see the recruitment message?

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago
From: writeyourstory
To: JohnKL
Date: 3/30/2021 11:00:34 AM
I've recently been made aware that you're an unenlisted noob. The mods know nothing of the war, though I will make it apparent soon. Please read the flyer below.

(insert flyer here)

I'm technologically challenged so I just copy pasted the message instead of taking a screenshot and posting the photo.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago

For future reference, if you're on Windows, use Windows key + Shift + S to take a cropped screenshot.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago
Or the Print Screen key found on most keyboards.

Although just having a snipping tool handy in the task bar is nice too.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago
Oh, I am on mobile and have no idea how to upload photos here in forums.

The tip about cropped screenshot is pretty useful though. I've never done it before on pc.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago

The majority of us use imgur, which is a free image-hosting app available on all phone platforms.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago

I'm actually surprised she didn't send me a message too; we were co-authoring a story.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago

I guess you're just not nooby enough. :(

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago

This thread made for a fun binge read. ^_^

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago

I've read through this and one thing i there anything an admin can't do? Cause some of these comments and other posts make me wonder. Not sure if this belongs here or not but just wanted to ask.




Ridicule me all you want for this latter.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago

Nope. Admins can do anything... Especially your mom. ^_^

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago

normally i don't like your mom jokes.....but i walked right into that.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago

So did your mom.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago
We know this isn't your original account, Luke.

Lucky for you that Endmaster and your mom now have some kind of arrangement.

Ridicule the Noobs

3 years ago
They heard the shouting cries from the noob crèche, like the sound an inbred dying cat might make, as the apparent self appointed not so glorious noob leader announced their not so great plans for war. As the armies gathered on the battle field, one greatly eclipsing the other, Valladar watched from the comfort of their home peering threw binoculars popcorn bucket in hand. This is going to be hilarious they thought. Unfortunately the house being in a different time zone than many in the kingdom they fell asleep and missed most of the good bits, but they were able to read of the events in the morning, and they were right it had been hilarious. After making their first couple of quick trips outside the house since moving to the kingdom CYStia with no disasters they decided as a noob them selves it was time to pay their respects to the fallen losers of this not so great war.

The unsurprising victors had long left the field and returned to normal life although the laughing could still be heard throughout the streets on occasion. Accompanied by a pair of Vicking bred Corgi wolves the trio make their way across the field noticing how little destruction there was. Wow this must of been quick they thought. Finally approaching a small pile of ash the only remains of the former not so glorious noob leader they stop and stand for a moment.

"Well dogs pay your respects" they command their short companions who precede to claim the ash as their new favourite toilet area. As new steam gently rises from the cold ash pile the trio retreat back to their home.

Long live the mods! Glory to CYStia!