So there were 49 contestants and 31 of those were SHAMED.

"Depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting SHAME prepared for faggots and fucktards."- End Master 24:7
Jesus fucking Christ, I don’t even have any words for how much you fuckers failed on this one. Sure I always expect you to fail, but this is pretty spectacular even for you. Five of you faggots got yourselves double SHAMED and one fucktard got himself triple SHAMED.
Fuck, two of you were so fucking hopeless you even got yourselves fucking BANNED.
You lot had THREE extensions and squandered ALL of them. And the topper is the one asking for all of them didn’t even finish! I’m not even going to mention her name here, she already knows how disappointed I am in her.
Her AND the other divine being that failed to turn anything in have been cast down and STRIPPED naked of their powers until they get their shit together.

"Well at least we're together." - Thara
"Shut up, this is all your fault!" - Mizal
Good thing all the KAE folks also flaked out so your failure wasn’t even worse by having filthy foreigners embarrass you even further. CYStian honor is still preserved, but only fucking barely.
I’m going to just chalk up this mass fail to some grand “thoughtful” gesture of not wanting me to slog through your shitty writing so you didn’t turn anything in.
Yeah, let’s go with that.
As for the ones that actually turned something in, two of you even failed at doing that properly and got yourself SHAMED anyway. Great job you fucking mongs.
So who won? At this point I’m not even sure why I should fucking bother with naming a winner. Shit, I should just name Fresh the winner since her story made me laugh the most which is one of the few bright spots in this shitshow.
In any case as usual Darius and Mystic being the overachievers they are, wrote like a billion words for their contest stories. In Mystic’s case she did even more than that, what with sacrificing things like sleep and eating just to work on her story.
The joke's on her of course since I didn't even bother to read it, however, if 31 of you kumquats had even 1 percent of Mystic’s drive, you wouldn’t be in the situation you are now.
So naturally she ended up winning again, though given the others that managed to limp something over the line, that’s hardly surprising.
As for the rest of you losers, some of you did alright for whatever reason and some of you sucked for whatever reason. I suppose another bright spot is there were a lot of noob writers that came through with better than average stories so there's promise for the future.
Here's the final results of those that actually turned in a story, except the two that co-authored that linear piece of shit. Fuck you both. (You got a 1)
Spell of Slumber - Mystic_Warrior 8
Gay and DepressedER! - fresh_out_the oven 8
Planetshakers - Wizzycat 7
Monster - Sherbet 6
Underland - TypewriterCat 6
When Rock Meets Watermelon - goodnight_a 6
Gay Old Time - Darius_Conwright 6
Hazy - crystalpenguin 6
The Siberian - Yummyfood 5
In 3 - PerforatedPenguin 5
Digital Consciousness - Abgeofriends 5
Crime of Passion - Petros 5
Meant To Be? - TrueParanormal 5
Undermined - DrowningWhale 4
The Painting of Red - ugilick 4
Temporary Paradise - Stormwind 4
Whose Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf - Axxius 3
G-H-O-S-T - Morgan_R 3
That's it for this contest. Let’s just move on and not speak of this dark day again.