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Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

So there were 49 contestants and 31 of those were SHAMED.




"Depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting SHAME prepared for faggots and fucktards."- End Master 24:7

Jesus fucking Christ, I don’t even have any words for how much you fuckers failed on this one. Sure I always expect you to fail, but this is pretty spectacular even for you. Five of you faggots got yourselves double SHAMED and one fucktard got himself triple SHAMED. 

Fuck, two of you were so fucking hopeless you even got yourselves fucking BANNED.

You lot had THREE extensions and squandered ALL of them. And the topper is the one asking for all of them didn’t even finish! I’m not even going to mention her name here, she already knows how disappointed I am in her. 

Her AND the other divine being that failed to turn anything in have been cast down and STRIPPED naked of their powers until they get their shit together.

"Well at least we're together." - Thara

"Shut up, this is all your fault!" - Mizal

Good thing all the KAE folks also flaked out so your failure wasn’t even worse by having filthy foreigners embarrass you even further. CYStian honor is still preserved, but only fucking barely.

I’m going to just chalk up this mass fail to some grand “thoughtful” gesture of not wanting me to slog through your shitty writing so you didn’t turn anything in. 

Yeah, let’s go with that.

As for the ones that actually turned something in, two of you even failed at doing that properly and got yourself SHAMED anyway. Great job you fucking mongs.

So who won? At this point I’m not even sure why I should fucking bother with naming a winner. Shit, I should just name Fresh the winner since her story made me laugh the most which is one of the few bright spots in this shitshow.

In any case as usual Darius and Mystic being the overachievers they are, wrote like a billion words for their contest stories. In Mystic’s case she did even more than that, what with sacrificing things like sleep and eating just to work on her story.

The joke's on her of course since I didn't even bother to read it, however, if 31 of you kumquats had even 1 percent of Mystic’s drive, you wouldn’t be in the situation you are now.

So naturally she ended up winning again, though given the others that managed to limp something over the line, that’s hardly surprising.

As for the rest of you losers, some of you did alright for whatever reason and some of you sucked for whatever reason. I suppose another bright spot is there were a lot of noob writers that came through with better than average stories so there's promise for the future.

Here's the final results of those that actually turned in a story, except the two that co-authored that linear piece of shit. Fuck you both. (You got a 1)

Spell of Slumber - Mystic_Warrior 8

Gay and DepressedER! - fresh_out_the oven 8

Planetshakers - Wizzycat 7

Monster - Sherbet 6

Underland - TypewriterCat 6

When Rock Meets Watermelon - goodnight_a 6

Gay Old Time - Darius_Conwright 6

Hazy - crystalpenguin 6

The Siberian - Yummyfood 5

In 3 - PerforatedPenguin 5

Digital Consciousness - Abgeofriends 5

Crime of Passion - Petros 5

Meant To Be? - TrueParanormal 5

Undermined - DrowningWhale 4

The Painting of Red - ugilick 4

Temporary Paradise - Stormwind 4

Whose Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf - Axxius 3

G-H-O-S-T - Morgan_R 3

That's it for this contest. Let’s just move on and not speak of this dark day again.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
The turnout was abysmal, but the quality of stories this time around was pretty high, even if most of them are probably unfinished or whatever. I'm gonna be sad to see half of these unpublished.

Congratulations to productivity god Mystic for winning this one, with her really high quality game (and video trailer, jeez). Definitely well deserved, especially considering she was starving and dying and running on coffee to finish. That's the contest winning strategy right there.

Also congratulations to Fresh, Wizzy, and TypeCat for placing top 5. And to everyone who didn't get shamed. And if you did get shamed, at least you weren't double shamed. And if you were double shamed, at least you weren't triple shamed. And if you were triple shamed... well, uh, at least you weren't banned? And if you were banned, lol, hi Voldy.

Anyway, End rated my game a 6, that's a good consolation prize in my book. Glory to CYStia.

EDIT: Oh, and thanks to End of course for continuing to host these + all the extensions. The dark lord continues to grace us unworthy plebs.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

Congratulations to Mystic. I haven't read your story, but if the ratings say anything, you completely deserved the win.

A slightly smaller congratulations to Fresh. 2.6k words and second place, that really is impressive.

The story I wrote got a good, solid 6, and fifth place, so I'm excessively happy about that. (I also beat Petros in my very one-sided feud.)

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

I have a certain feeling that I lost twice haha. But anyways, congratulations Mystic for your win, it's an amazing story and I enjoyed reading through it! Surprisingly it's labeled as a fanfiction, but I hope that it will be featured in the Romance category (once the admin situation gets sorted out). Oh yeah Fresh, your story was pretty funny, being the one and only true gay and depressed story at heart. You've beaten me at my own game.

And shame on people who didn't submit. (Yes, I'm still a bit angry at myself that I submitted it a few days early, never should do that again)

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
Congratulations Mystic. I’ll read your story after all the shorter ones.

I’m also dreading actually reading back through mine. We can’t all be winners

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
Congrats Mystic, and the other 16 of you who placed ahead of me!

I'm not surprised, I wasn't happy with my entry either, but I AM happy to have finished it. And since the contest is now over, I hope some of you will join me in doing some writing exercises next week!

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
Hey, I’m fine with that result. Congrats to mystic, first and foremost. Good job to all that entered, and may shame burn hotly for those who didn’t.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

You hope people would think before joining one of these. 31 people shamed, is that some kind of world record?  congrats to everyone who actually turned a story game in.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

Yeah I'm actually glad I didn't have to read that many stories and threw a lot into the SHAME pit, though there were some prompts I would have liked to have seen results from.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
Good work, all of you who submitted.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
Really, really impressive work by a lot of people. Congratulations to everyone.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

I literally can't tell if your being sarcastic or not.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
I'm sorry to have come across that way. It's not my intention.

Lots of people didn't publish a story at all, and that number doesn't bother me. There was zero investment in people signing up (Except the prompt being gone). The number of story games generated during the time limit is admirable.

Many of these games are pretty good. These contests are a great tradition for the community here. They push us and prioritize finishing. Everyone's personal goal need only be outperforming your past self, or else learning and broadening your skill set. I tried something that didn't really work for me, but I learned a lot.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

I've enjoyed a lot of these stories. Congrats to those who aren't shamed. I wanted to join, but I was too much of a pussy. 

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

Well done to Mystic. Your word count shocked me. 

6th is pretty good for someone whose only other CYOA was one page of map before giving up. 

Thanks for the contest! Congrats to everyone who submitted something.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

I'm surprised, yet happy that fresh got second place. The story was hilarious and I rated it an 8 myself.

It just proves that one can never know what to expect in an Endmaster contest.

Congratulations to Mystic, as well as everyone else that submitted.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

Congrats Mystic! Congrats everyone!

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

Congrats Mystic and all the other submitters! I'll probably get around to reading all of these. Eventually. Maybe. 

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

Woah, there are a lot of shamed contestants this time. I'm surprised considering the number of extensions. I might have to release a productivity guide soon. Then again, I'm sure most people would procrastinate on reading it.

Thank you for hosting this contest, End! Sorry for making you read so many words click through a lot of links. Congratulations to Fresh on placing 2nd, and to Wizzy, Sherb, and TypeCat for top 5! Also, well done to everyone who submitted. There seems to be many great stories and some of you managed to do really well for your first games. Peng, you finally made it out of your endless tomorrows!

I'm looking forward to reading and reviewing the stories in a few days, once I'm finished with my assignments. I know I always say this at the end of contests, but this time, I'm planning to read + review at least 1 story per day. It was part of my new year resolutions, after all.

Quick Reflection

Of course, here's the obligatory text wall everyone probably expects by now. I honestly didn't expect to win this one. In fact, I received a message during the last few hours asking if I was aiming to win, and I said it wasn't likely. Then I saw this result today and it startled a laugh out of me. This honestly made my week.

My main goal coming into this contest was to write the story I've always wanted to write. ‘Spell of Slumber’ was an idea I had many years ago, although I never felt ready to tackle it, as there were lots of complex themes I wanted to explore. That's probably why some names are a bit strange (a younger version of me created them and I didn't want to change too much). It was my initial idea for the first prompt contest too, but the relevant prompts were taken by the time I joined; this worked out for the best since I wrote ‘In Moonlit Waters’. That story might have been influenced by parts of my plans for ‘Spell of Slumber’ (poems, cover pages, font stylization, etc).

I know it sounds strange, but I felt slightly empty after finishing ‘Spell of Slumber’. Normally, towards the end of a contest, I’ll go from wanting to write the most awesome story ever to just wanting to get it over and done with. Hopefully that doesn’t reflect in my earlier work haha. Yet, it was different with this story, maybe because I spent over 2 months working on it and because of how much I related to the themes. Almost every main character has 1 of my irl flaws/ internal conflict. Some scenes felt too true to life that I ended up changing details because I felt like I was calling myself out too much. 

Oh, and the extensions were super helpful. Thank you to End and the person who asked for them! At the end of the first deadline, I was extremely stressed and plotting whether to stay up for 2 days in a row because I had barely completed the midpoint of my story. Not that I would actually do that lol. I'd probably have just cut most of the plot points if it weren't for the extension. It didn’t help that I had a friend who would spend most days of the week working on assignments with me, and I couldn’t tell her that everytime I would go to ‘sleep early’ and ‘wake up late’ I was actually squeezing out as many writing hours as possible. Then I ended up becoming overconfident and resurrecting dead plotlines since there was an extension, which dragged out the process and made me immensely stressed until the second extension. That time, I resolved to make use of my time more wisely and… procrastinated for 3 hours on a trailer. At least I didn't start playing an addictive game or anything like that. Then I worked consistently on my storygame until the last hour, which was the latest I’ve ever submitted for a contest because younger Mystic knew nothing about time zones. I was always so worried about missing the deadline that I submitted a day in advance even though my country was hours ahead of the US. Not that Dreamtruder or Breaker needed to be longer anyway.

Speaking of which, I'm planning to improve my ability to write shorter pieces, so perhaps my next storygame would be somewhere around 64k or 29k. For no particular reason. I might write one of my sci-fi or modern genres for a change of pace because I want to take a break from fantasy for a bit. But that won't be for at least a month or two; I want to read and rest for a while.

Normally, this rant-like, stream-of-consciousness post would go on for much longer, but I’m saving a few things for what’s to come. Maybe I might list out the strangest writing/ editing sessions I've had for this contest if anyone's interested. But once my main assignments are out of the way, I'll compile my most helpful writing/ productivity/ time management tips and tricks into a guide for actually completing a contest entry; I wrote an article about that back in 2020, tested it out on two contests, realized it worked to some degree, and after these most recent contests I discovered better strategies. That will hopefully be up in a few days time unless I get distracted by something else.

Overall, I can say I've won 100% of End's prompt contests now! Two contest wins in a row! Also I know people don't pay attention to orders, but the Architects have won the last 4 contests and I wonder how long we can keep this up.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
Okay, let's talk about what happened here. I gave up almost immediately on any plan to write a story, in fact for most of February I was actually told to avoid screens because of a medical issue that was causing headaches and eye strain. That's right, I had a literal doctor's note giving me a free pass to ignore this contest. And then along comes FUCKING [REDACTED] begging for extension after extension. My life was great. Then my amazing, brilliant, morally and medically responsible plan to do nothing, and my peace with my failure were RUINED to pave the way for yet another story about lesbians. That didn't end up being finished anyway. Truly the LGBT are a menace to the this good community, and me specifically. However I did end up liking the premise I came up with when I finally started seriously thinking about mine, sometime after the second extension. I've been in the mood for doing a little mystery story, and this one has fantasy witch hunters so that's also fun. I will definitely be finishing this one too as it's the task I've set for myself before getting my powers back. In the meantime I'm finding it quite annoying not being able to access certain things, but trying to think of it as a vacation from the 4am bot sweeping that is my usual routine. And once my powers are back, I already have conspired with Thara in a plan for immediate extraction from the SHAME pit. So don't worry my beloved subjects, soon all will be well. --note written in ashes and blood and delivered by a literal bat out of hell.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago


Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
Yes, you read that right.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

End's angry rants are always so satisfying to read, when you know they aren't directed at you.


(Yes, I know I've never entered a contest before. Don't come for me please. I won't be home :P)

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

I would like to formally apologize to literally everyone my story beat. This was not the plan.

Can't say I'm upset though, beyond stealing other people's rightful placings lol

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

Congrats Mystic!  

Hopefully I will find some time to read your story.

Also congrats to all those who turned in something.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
I just found out about this site and the prompt contest sounds so much fun! It's a shame I missed out on it. How often do people hold contests?

Looking forward to the next prompt challenge!

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

It seems contests have become a more common thing than I remember them being. However, there's really no set time (that I'm aware of) for the next to appear, nor any particular number of days that have to go by before the next one arises.

Seeing how this was such a disaster, though, my guess is that it'll be a little while. Perhaps give people time to recover and actually get their shit together before giving out more empty promises.

Also, the next contest may not be in this format, with separate prompts to pick from. Usually it's just one prompt and everyone attempts to create a story that has something to do with it.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

Once every 3 months usually, sometimes more.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
if you look at the timestamps, it's about once every few months(~3). I wouldn't say that there would be one for at the very least another month, however.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
Thats brilliant.

I forgot about using my deductive reasoning to answer my question lol. (Guess im blind.)

It appears that I won't see a contest anytime soon considering the turnout of this one. Who knows- maybe there will be another one in June! :)

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

Fingers crossed that I can refrain from impulsively joining this one

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
Oh, no. I definitely won’t able to resist. Thank goodness summer rolls around and time is a bit more plenty.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

I may avoid the site around that time so that I don't make a commitment I can't keep. I have very busy summers.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago
Update I have my powers back and I didn't have to do shit.

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

Nice.  The universe is slowly moving back into proper alignment

Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are)

2 years ago

We're waiting for Thara