@Mickey mouse guy, someone deleted your thread. I personally object to this because I didn't even get to read it. Post whatever you posted again but in this thread, it will be under my dubious protection.
It also had two replies, so if you two(?) Could just also reply to this post with whatever you said, regardless of context, that'd be great.
What are your thoughts on the messages exchanged between you and the mickey mouse guy?
The message you press "reply" to is the message you reply to. It isn't all that hard, try it out.
I think it's closer to "retard doesn't know how to press buttons" but you do you.
It's a subculture, you'll get it eventually.
I doubt anybody in serious power is on his side here, we're just upset that somebody deleted the funny thing. Especially me, because I didn't get to see it properly.
Fight fight fight fight fight
Okay. I'm back. Here's the screenshot I posted:
a word invented by edgy 13 year olds who cant use vocabulary, and try to look cool
13 year old: "Purple/ lofi hiphop/ beyonce/ dog/ cat/ depression trash is my aesthetic!" Normal person: ....
Ok boomer
Wow I've been called out oml idk what im gonna do
This is why the layfolk are not allowed to issue fatwah on laws such as these. You clearly didn't even read the stipulation that listed jokes, you just saw the word "jokes" in a rule that disallowed something, and then used it to try and slander a game you didn't like. The word "Joke" appears one time in the entire article. Let us read the rule as it is written. "The storygame is not a storygame and is instead intended to fulfill a goal such as communicating with another member (including all inside jokes) or advertising a product." This was put into law during the barbaric age of 2016, when our storehouse was flooded with abject linear nonsense written in script-speech about dogs and cats with usernames for names, scraped from obscure corners of the internet, speaking abject gibberish about abstract plots that didn't make any sense whatsoever. It was decided by admin precedent years ago, shortly after the very inception of the rule, that games that contained actual plots, jokes, and/or gameplay, in addition to their inside jokes, were not heretical. Kill Aman's Mustache, for example, was not, and is not, a game worthy of deletion. Neither is earnest fanfiction written with parody and memecraft as the focus. "Hexfur vs Eggbot20x: Uber Random Caik Adventure (2015)" is the target of this law. Many users, me among them, find Antoinette's game to be funny and charming despite the fact we have almost no idea what's going on in it on a higher level. Possibly because of it. Maybe you should try being more charismatic, too.
Actually, I found your game stupid but assumed that was the point. I rated it lower than I otherwise would have because I hit bad links in it. Made me laugh though and figure it should stand or fall the same way every other game on this site does.
No worries, Nobody is upset about anything (except perhaps Imad), this is how things work at this site. Look around, read through some threads and you should get an understanding of site culture.
As I mentioned, personally I didn't find anything wrong with your content and some of it even made me laugh because it was just weird. For me the biggest problem was the bad links. Games live on ratings here so that's just how it goes.
Could be good for the CYS show. A minor character, Imagalaxy, reveals his rival: Antoinette390. Thus, the noob wars begin here. Who knows if there will be more quabbels? Maybe this episode will receive high ratings.
Check the CYS History Thread in The Lounge. Go to the Forums tab and go to The Lounge. Then, click the top link.
I unpublished it.
Not before getting my free point, though.
In my defense, I read through the story game and thought it was quite pointless. I was bored, with all the random brackets used and misspellings throughout. There were also a few links that sended me to an error page, and bought me back to the start. I found it quite annoying. I thought that my thoughts would be useful, so I sent a comment. Until, Antoinette messaged me and did not give me a good reply. So, that's my side. I'm writing another useless story so stay tuned for that.
And what was that? You didn't explain in your story game.
I don't think you understood what Ford was shocked at.
He's questioning the fact that you called him ISentinel rather than, say, Sent.
Or Inel.
I want to check my stats
The retard messaged me, click here.
I'm not doing it for attention, I'm doing it because publicly executing noobs is fun.
I guess it does really be like that sometimes.
What confounds me about the original post is the image. Like, it's not even a screenshot of the PMs, it's just a screenshot of the PMs copypasted into a document with fucked formatting
Because I'm autistic, this interests me more than this fight between mickey mouse noob and the RETARDED zoomer.
Shut the fuck up, you faggot. Your retardedness is getting annoying.
Alright, I'm just gonna lay it straight for you:
I'm not entirely sure how you're not banned right now- it's probably because the people you've annoyed aren't mods. However, if you keep spamming the forums with messages that contain absolutely no point, capitalization, and/or grammar, that fact will soon change. If you want to be able to stay, try becoming a little less cringey and retard-esque before making three million posts and bitching at people who hate your story.
While you're at it, maybe do something productive. There are plenty of stories around here that could use another rating or a well-thought out review, and you could totally help with that!
On the whole, try not to provoke every single person you speak to, please. I personally hate the public executions.
I wasn't suggesting she never post. I was just suggesting that she post... differently. And maybe less.
But yeah, actually, I shouldn't be talking there. I post an average of about 100 times a day, and I'm sure half of them are rather annoying. Antoinette just got on my nerves.
Apologies to the zoomer. In my defense, I just didn't want to see her banned because she reminds me so much of myself because I pity the noobs and always have lol
Apologies to the zoomer.
Aren't you one as well?
But no, I'm with you. Ant is annoying as fuck. Genuinely the first person on here that managed to consistently annoy me.
You are just so AESTHETIC... Not
I'd tell you to go rape your grandma, as well, but that line is only reserved for Ford.
So I'll just call you gay, as usual.
I think it’s the retardation that provokes people.
I wouldn't call taking a shit in a urinal an endeavor: the real endeavor was the doctors keeping your 47-chromosome-having-ass alive after they mistook you for an ovarian tumor and removed you from your mother's gaping snatch.
The only help you'll ever get is the help of a nurse unplugging your life support after the mental insitution realizes you've been smearing your own shit on walls and claiming it's art.
Well I think she just described YOUR game. Maybe if you didn't have shitty emoji pastes and 'aesthetic' then you would've been good.
I'm proud of you, Ace. You finally did something not all that terrible.
That is a very accurate description of what our attention seeking slob is doing here
Tbh. I didn't know what the fuck a FlopTok was at first. I thought it was just some made up bullshit. But apparently it's some established lore filled with Cardi B, Beyonce, and a fat black girl that's worshipped. I forgot her name. Apparently Andrew Tate is invading them and they have to stop it or something. I've seen some Chinese or Korean girls too.
In short, this was the first time I have in my life ever felt old and out of touch. I got the feeling how old people feel when stumbling onto something that's apparently popular with tweens or some shit.
This was the most perplexing inane shit I've ever experienced. I now think that anyone born after the year 2000 has something wrong with them.
Young people are so weird and confusing.
I'm also 17 and I've never heard of floptok too. You're not alone, ace.
16 and I've never heard of it
I'm 13 and even I've never heard of it. Could just be my overprotective parents though...
Says the one who throws a fit, says goodbye, and then crawls back for more just 20 minutes later.
Look at yourself. You're trying to justify your actions to the internet in hopes they'll give you the attention your father never did.
Do your homework.
I don't think she's capable of that level of logic
It means someone who doesn't spend their time defining themselves as a FlopTok User and can spell simple words like capable. If I hadn't read this entire thread, I'd assume you were just retarded but I'm convinced that you're also having an anuerysm given how worked up you're getting. Maybe do everyone a favor and just stop talking for a while.
Damn, you got me. I really need to stop coming on while at work.
I believe earlier you said something along the lines of "If you wanted to be productive that you'd get a job". So really, I think you've only managed to describe yourself. I'm not exactly the most socially adapt, especially here, but you're literally handing everyone ammunition. Stop being a toddler having a tantrum and maybe you won't be as ridiculed.
No, that's Cel. This one just can't resist the urge to have the last word.
Insult me more. 🤩