I'm waiting until I buy my new PS5 in a month or so before playing anything. I'm sure I'll have lots to catch up on though.
Nah, never really did get into the Silent Hill series. Dunno why since it seems like something I should like, along with Resident Evil and Dark Souls, but none of them just never grabbed me.
As soon as I get my PS5, the first thing Im going to try to do is finish the backlog of games I already bought for the Playstation and never really got around to, maybe starting with Pathfinder: Wraith of the Righteous seeing as all the expansions and updates are done now.
Also want to play the Rogue Trader game and get back into some other strategy games. (New and old ones I already bought)
Right now:
1. STALKER 2 - Post apocalyptic Chernobyl with mutants n shit - think a Darker and Grittier Fallout game
2. Modded Fallout 4 content - Currently playing a Silent Hill mod for Fallout 4
3. Halo Wars - Command and Conquer but Halo. Been playing the campaign with a friend
Those have pretty much taken up all my time lately. I usually just play whatever is on Game Pass for xbox since its free
Yeah Stalker is a cool ass game. Atmosphere and environment is absolutely beautiful
I'm nervous to try STALKER 2, despite my love for the series and the mods that combine the maps together into a massive and enjoyable experience. I get very suspicious of modern games nowadays. How does this sequel compare to the originals?
Bloons TD6. Game takes forever to 100%.
Radiant Historia: JRPG with time travel.
Metaphor Refantazio: Persona but medieval.
Yeah I'm not really playing too much these days because bloons is a time destroyer.
1) Hollow Knight This is my main time killer. I enjoy the style and story of the game. Mostly just achievement hunting until Silksong comes out (Which it totally will this year).
2) Worldbox A God simulator with cute graphics. A major update is currently in the works so I'm waiting for that. It does tend to get a bit boring after a while, but it's fun to mess around with or create your own headcannon and lore for.
3) The Sapling Another simulator, but this one is a creature evolution sim. It has a fun concept, but it does still need some work and is absolutely not optimized so it tends to crash on me.
4) Buckshot Roullette A horrorish strategy game. I only play this with friends but it's always a good time.
5) Sons of the Forest Another horror game. You crash land on an island and have to survive the humanoid creatures roaming the place. The vibe I've gotten from it so far is like a cross between Day Z and A.R.K.
I got it gifted to me with the sequel. I just haven't gotten around to playing it yet.
I really need to get back to Hollow Knight. I really enjoyed that cartoon Metroidvania :)
I would also recommend Nuclear Nightmare if you have some friends to play with. It's almost like Lethal Company but it takes the horror element more seriously.
I heard the sequel is filled with woke shit, are people memeing or is it true?
@Celicni Well because I know shit like this is important to you, here's what I've learned based on the hilarious arguments on the internet.
There's an African merchant that you can buy shit from. Not entirely out of the realm of impossibility, merchants travel all over the place, though apparently at some point he says he respects women which admittedly does sound pretty forced. (It's also pretty lazy)
But the one you were probably wondering about the most is yes there is some gay dude. Now obviously there's been gender traitors around since the beginning of time all over the place lurking in the rainbows so again not out of the realm of impossibility, however you can also fuck said gay dude as your romance option.
Now as you might expect lot of people were bitching back and forth about this one since Henry wasn't gay in the first one. It's sort of like a Commander Shepherd situation where there's no indication he's gay in the first couple games and then all of sudden by the third game he can go full homo.
I'll point out though this IS entirely optional, so just don't choose to be gay and you won't be. (Since being gay is a choice right?) Remember Cel, no matter how badly you want to see the man on man sex scene, don't be gay. Unless you want to give yourself a "roleplay" challenge since apparently if you are gay, it's pretty frowned upon and some folks will be a lot more hostile towards you. (Just like in real life!)
Anyway I think those are the major things. The rest of it sounds like the mega autistic historical simulator that it's designed to be. Doesn't appear to be all that "woke" and you said you enjoyed BG3 which definitely had way more gay shit in it, so you should be fine with this one.
At least you can't say you weren't told this time.
I can only guess a little pink Canary will be on his other shoulder whispering the opposite.
I enjoyed BG3 *despite* the gay shit.
Of all those things, a black merchant EXISTING is the only thing I can accept.
Thanks for the DEI check end, I'll make sure not to be gay.
It's basically a shitty story game that some people enjoy and turned into an inside joke.
That it was a shitty story, and I go into further detail on my review. To be fair, I'm starting to get it now. It's so bad it's funny, just like the original Gay and Depressed. I'm sure I'm a decade we'll see an entire franchise.
Mercer Gang Returns is already in the works
I was polite in the review and gave him props for starting a site cult.
Wait. It was WORSE at one point?!
Sadly enough, despite its many flaws, I still found less to criticize than fluttershy's "Gods and Satan" story.
Shitty story? Leave it to you to not understand the depth and nuance of @NeoncatYT's magnum opus! Your smooth brain can't comprehend the emotional tormoil that occurs in the pages of that sacred text. You're lucky Neoncat confirmed that story was made up or I'd give the Mercer Gang a call right now to rob your train and steal your horses.
Don't let me catch you talking shit about the Mercer Gang ever again or I'll make the Nashville Bank Robbery of January 28th, 1870 look like a fuckin' walk in the park.
Make sure to join the fan club thread after
"Do not have any compassion."
Because I suggested that he should have an adult help him proofread?
Firstly, I would like to point out that at no point did I make fun of a 12 year old.
Well actually, that's a lie. I told an 11 year old named blingbus to kill himself. But he was an asshole, so that's okay.
But the author of Mercer Gang, NeonCat? I never made fun of or insulted him. I politely critiqued his story, with well thought-out, reasoned arguments that other writers on the site, Mercer Gangstas included, have made.
I did refer to it as a shitty story, which is my opinion. There's been people who have referred to my stories as shitty. Hell, there's been people who have referred to ETERNAL as shitty, and it's literally a literary masterpiece longer than most novels. Giving your opinion on a story when that opinion is backed by objective facts is not making fun of someone.
Second, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Retard! How DARE you speak evil of the Mercer Gang!!!!
Not this time.
Message received lol.
Ben, say you're going to crush the Mercer Gang and you're going to crush it good.
I already did that when I left a politely-worded review that still managed to be more legible and concise than the entire story.
If the author is underage and dyslexic, they should ask a parent or teacher to help them proofread. I do admire their enthusiasm, which was rewarded with the formation of a fan club, but I stroke cock, not egos.
Since I've posted on this thread, I should probably reply to the actual question.
This year I have played nearly every Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort game because the kids I help with on Wednesdays are obsessed with them, and we have a half hour before the lesson where everyone just hangs out.
I've also played Undertale a bit. I think I've probably done every combination of killing/sparing possible and I've already got both the True Pacifist and True Genocide endings, but it's my comfort game. I adore it, everything from the design of the graphics to the soundtrack to the self-awareness it displays. I love when stuff tastefully breaks the fourth wall. Eventually I'm going to have to look into Deltarune, but I'm just scared it won't live up to my expectations.
As a certified frustrated would-be astronaut, the only game I play much at all is Space Engineers, which is a space sandbox game. Build machines, drive or fly them, explore star systems, get resources by mining, scrapping or pirating, so you can build ever-larger spacecraft and epic space cities, then join a faction and go to war against other players...this is a big thing in space engineers....except that's not my thing. In the one multi-player server I joined, where there was a strong roleplaying emphasis, I started a monastic, pacifist faction with some other players, trying to bring disaster relief to victims of war. That had many players scratching their heads. We had a laugh.
I got this game sometime during covid, got a lot of play out of it, then started making a video story or two. Now the software house is bringing out Space Engineers 2, early access, but I'd need to level-up my computer to run that.
Having said all that, I'm still first & last committed to real life and real people! If we all spent as much energy and creativity trying to fix this broken world and reaching out to people around us, just imagine how much better the world could be. I expect everyone here already does that, but looking at the size of the gaming industry, there are just a few folks out there who didn't get the memo.... ;)
Absolutely- not anywhere near top of world crisis list!
Just my idealist streak thinking that all the creativity of game developers as well as player community effort could be a part of the solution to a few of the crises. but I have no desire to be the "gaming police"!
Hippy convention is that way.
maybe im getting old, anyone remember playing bloons td 1,2 and poptropica and SAS zombie assault insane asylum in computer lab? those were the days... i still play them from time to time using flashpoint archives... (sas zombie assault is still fun lol)
Agreed. Spy Island, Time Travel Island, and Super Hero Island were my personal favorites.
Reality TV Island and Mythology Island were both good when they came out.
But nowadays? Ugh.
You can still play the original Poptropica on Flashpoint Archive for free! Got all the classic islands, including Astro-Knights (I loved that island back when it released in 2008? 2009?) Tried checking out the "new" Poptropica today and they massacred it - turned it into some typical mobile game BS with daily login rewards for coins. Like, way to kill everything that made it fun back then.
Just stick with Flashpoint if you want the actual good version.
Is that the one with the cyborg jester and the robot owl? I had mixed feelings about that island, but I loved the owl.
Back then I was only in 5th grade and Astro-Knights was pretty cool! The artistic direction was kinda different from the other islands - the way they mixed medieval and sci-fi themes together with those robotic knights and mechanical dragons (if i remember correctly) was really unique. I used to spend hours searching the internet for guides when I got stuck, especially for that part with navigating through space and finding all the different planets. Man, talking about this makes me so nostalgic... Feels like just yesterday I was sitting at the school computer lab (and at home) trying to figure out how to make the spaceship launch!
I'm a weird recluse that enjoys older games almost exclusively. I'm eager to try out new games that break the mold, it so much that comes out seems derivative and uninteresting. Of course, it's very muddled by the fact that I don't buy that many games anymore and enjoy just reliving old memories. No doubt that there are some fantastic new games out there, I just need recommendations for what to try in a landscape dominated by AAA that continues to disappoint.
Anyway, here are some games that I play at the moment:
Age of Empires II
Age of Mythology
Dark Souls 2 (just playing through the series for nostalgia and starting with the worst one)
Games I plan to play:
STALKER Anomoly (going back to a mod that combines the original three games into one massive map with many weapons and attachments)
Dark Souls Remastered (played the original on XBOX 360 and now doing it on the PC)
Sea of Thieves (sounds like a good time based on what some friends say)
Stardew Valley (picking this up again because I had a blast with it last year)
I really liked West of Loathing. I might try Shadows then. I actually do have Recettear, just haven't played it yet.
I've seen some gameplay. I might check it out, and thank you :)
I am a huge fan of CK2.
Haven't played it yet
But, I like CYS.
He's French
Immersive storytelling? Realistic characters? Multilayered plot that takes me multiple playthroughs to get through it all? Pffft! If I can't see the bleeding cracks in their gums every time they open their mouth, then what the fuck am I playing?
That's pretty funny that you've allowed a score number that I guarantee most players don't even see, or look at if they do get to that point, dictate your idea of how the game is objectively supposed to be played. If Skyrim had a Pacman points counter in the corner that went up whenever you killed something would that suddenly change how you interacted with it? Would the point of the game to you then be fighting everything you come across rather than messing around with the open canvas and experiencing all the different written content and choices?... I mean, they do have that, technically. It's called gold. But I think we both know having like a billion gold or whatever doesn't really communicate anything about the fullness of how you interacted with the game, not more than actual milestones like quest completion or completely organic things you managed to do. And before you go and say that's not comparable because gold is a resource and not really points-- So is your final score in Crusader Kings? Iirc it's just your prestige score maybe added to something else, and prestige in Crusader Kings is just as much of an arbitrary numerical resource as gold is. If that was the point of the game, literally why would you ever spend prestige on anything that wasn't directly invested in getting more prestige? That's an absurd limitation on what Crusader Kings can be! Crusader Kings is structured the same way and yet you define the success of your playtime by some arbitrary counter that is merely a broad attempt by the devs to create a loose kind of incentive structure for when the simulation they made ends? The real incentive is the game itself, it's a pure sandbox, that's the point. It doesn't have a campaign or story missions, it's a system that generates stories by the nature of what it is. Nobody telling stories of a game they played is going to be waxing on about what a glorious and long-lasting fake lineage they built up-- If they do that at all it usually has to do with something absurd they managed to do as a result of that power. The most successful stories tend to be like "Lol, look how inbred and fucked up my family is" or "Look at the absurd lengths I had to go to to establish [obscure kingdom]" or "This is my collection of relics from conflicting religions" or "Congrats to Philip Ulangaator VIII of Hungary for systematically destroying Serbia, if only he did that in our timeline" or "Lmfao AI turned Tibet Catholic when I wasn't looking" or suchlike, it has very little to do with abstract numerical incentives because that's not where the magic is. And the people who made the game know it! The score is by no means the objective metric even most player communities use to try and measure the success or the "point" of the game. There was actually an esports company that ran in partnership with Paradox themselves to host contests, and that's what one would imagine to be as close as possible to trying to objectively measure the skill and "point" of what the game is, right? I'm pretty sure none of them even considered that score. Like, for most of the smaller contests, they had everyone feuding over the right to form/usurp very specific titles or achieve specific goals. For the really big long game, they actually had a kind of scavenger hunt thing where you had goals depending on the lifestyle you picked. Nothing at all about winding up pointsmaxxed at the dawn of the early modern period.
If that's the only argument you can find to counteract me, then that's what's actually sad.
So I know you're French, and that English is not your first language. But it doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to see that she's made multiple arguments, including more freedom in gameplay, and the fact that plenty of people prefer CK2 over its' successors.
This was in direct response to your claim that CK3 being better is a universally recognized fact. Her arguments have been pointing out that your opinion is your decision, and listing off a few reasons why her opinion is different.
To clarify: the sun rises every morning: universally recognized fact.
You need to drink water somehow in order to survive: universally recognized fact.
CK3 is better than CK2: opinion which is held by many for good reason, and disputed by many for good reason.
Holy shit it's bizarre how much somebody who's played both games can have come to the complete opposite conclusions on every individual point lmao. You can make hilariously unlikely alliances in CKIII too, the AI works the same way, there's just extra steps. It's the same with intrigue and the inheritance system. Like, you have to play different parts of the game to unlock the ability to do that sometimes, but these things aren't really different between games, at least not in a way that makes it more realistic, at any rate. The path of least resistance is slightly more historical, but slightly is doing a lot of the heavy lifting there. And I know this not because I'm even that familiar with CKII, but because I'm familiar with CKIII since I find it way easier and have no idea what you're talking about in that regard. And while CKII errs more on the side of fantasy at some points, I find the blatantly wacky shit to be entertaining. I genuinely don't see that much of a point for realism in the game anyway so maybe I'm the wrong person to talk about it, but unless you have every DLC on at once most of the fantasy things are pretty rare anyway. CKIII still has absurd fantasy situations that it includes in the game through mechanical ommission and the occasional condescending "Maybe that was just what my character thinks happened and I didn't actually fight a giant squid or meet Odin" chicanery which I honestly find to be more lame and stupid than actually just having fantasy events. You can't even turn that shit off in CKIII like you can in CKII, it's just in there. And a lot of this is probably up to the fact that CKIII is a much younger game, but CKII has way more things to do, more goals to have. It is a more feature-complete game with more interacting systems. I don't find it as rewarding because the interface is less legible to my brain, I'm not organized like that for whatever reason. But the fact that sometimes you can just survive rabies using witchcraft (very historically generalized/in some cases outright innaccurate depictions of the occult, religion, and politics in general btw, which is kind of why I view realism as a low priority in this kind of game since much has been shaved down to make it comprehensible as a game system. Which is fine, the priority isn't education, it's a goofy incest paperwork boardgame.) or become immortal, or encounter a Horse Pope, honestly make the game more fascinating for me, not less. That's something I actually miss in CKIII even though it's the only one I play with regularity. For actual babies who need something to fit their preconcieved notions of reality in order to be satisfied by their pretend empire, maybe they can still turn most of that off. I would prefer to be able to turn off the obnoxious mealy-mouthed events in CKIII that try to have their cake and eat it too. The ambiguity is not satisfying, they just write this shit as if it's real and then say like "But it could all be in your head" afterward, which simultaneously puts an annoying limit on everything the weird things of the CK world are capable of being allowed to do, and probably doesn't please the "No fantasy in my game" camp either. CK3 has its predecessors beat in terms of feedback and legibility, but in terms of sheer in-game possibilities it is weak and hasn't caught up even though they've been saying for years it would.
Try breathing through the nose sometimes.
Well, I didn't say it was a bad game lol
At the moment Genshin Impact and The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
I might as well be with how much manga I own
Infinity Nikki and Sky: Children of the Light.
I had planned on doing that today, but I had a character turnaround to work on and a work meeting at 8 my time. Not I'm going to take a shower and head to bed. Luckily, I don't work tomorrow, so I can finish the turnaround and then the story. :)
Apparently it's where you draw a character and draw pictures of it from different angles on a 360 degree view.
That's Google's explanation anyway.
Correct. It is so I can plug a pic of it into a 3D software and make a 3D version of said character. So I have to be detailed with a turnaround, thus why it's taking forever.
That actually made me emotional. Omgosh. You believe in me...? :,o
I won't let you down. O7
Okay here's the last five games I've played, unashamedly :')
1. Detroit Become Human
My most recent, and the most normal on the list. It was a little redundant for me to buy this, considering I know a lot about it just from let's plays, but it was on sale and I couldn't quite remember the events, but as I got to into it it all started coming back to me. The first ending I got in it was where Connor lived out as a Deviant, Markus successfully started the Android Uprising and Kara got across the Border, but Alice and Luther both died :'(
2. Final Fantasy XV
With the release of XVI, I was reminded that I do in fact own this game. I've owned it for 6 years now, and haven't given more than 5 hours to it. My last save was from 2020. So I booted it up and got back into it.... and stopped about where I was the last time. Maybe I'm just not far enough into the plot yet, but it's just not catching my interest. Meh. Maybe I'll get back into it, maybe I won't - I'm not sweating.
3. Monster Prom
I think if I told my friends that I bought this, they'd beat me up. (read: GAY) But it was on sale for cheap cheap and a cousin of mine has like over a thousand hours on it, and I do like romance games, so I bit. The writing stands to be pretty alright most of the time, but there are a few moments of genius thrown in. Also it's kind of... hard? I'm beginning to understand why my cousin has so many hours. I've only gotten a date like once or twice in many attempts. I guess I could look up a guide, but that's CHEATING!
4. Harvester
I haven't gotten far into it, just enough to know that I'm not in the right time period, the town's full of degenerates, and I'm just such a kidder! I've heard it gets weirder as the plot goes on, and I'm really liking it so far, so I definitely pick this up again.
5. Virche Evermore -EpiC:Lycoris
My most obscure of the list! I bet none of you have heard of this. But that's because it's a Japanese otome game, and I am but a female -eugh- weeb. But this game is dark and full of gore, so maybe that redeems me a little? Almost every character has a sprite where they are covered in blood! It also has a weird plot, true to most otome games. On an island where people can't live past the age of 23, a girl tends to lead everyone around her into an unfortunate demise. Clones, genetic mutations, immortals, classic otome game stuff. This is one of my favorites.
I still play it too, it almost is embarrassing that I finished every story and side story. I blame it on my commute.
I got a bunch of games for christmas so I'm playing those, they're all Mario games.