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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.


9 years ago

Nigger. Chink. Faggot. Tranny.

These are four words that are completely inappropriate to use, with the exception of 'reclamation' by people belonging to the groups referred to. This isn't even 'Civilized Behavior 101.' This is fucking remedial.

You don't call a black person a nigger.

You don't call an Asian person a chink.

You don't call a gay man a faggot.

And you don't call a trans woman a tranny.

Except, apparently, some of you do. And I'd like to hear why you think that's appropriate.

@EndMaster @CreatorX @Drakoblare


9 years ago

*Grabs popcorn*


9 years ago

I'm wondering why your name wasn't on the list considering you throw around the word nigger a lot.


9 years ago

I've only said it a few times. Honestly, it's not that big a deal. 


9 years ago

Now you're fucked... :P I can guarantee you someone will come along and think we're living in the 19th century and refer back to times when all this shit actually mattered. 


9 years ago

The good old days.


9 years ago



9 years ago

Lol, I don't have to explain myself to you, besides would any "excuse" really suffice for you? No, it wouldn't because you've already made up your mind, so why bother.

Continue thinking what you like though.


9 years ago

"I didn't really think 'tranny' was in the same category as those other words, shit, I'll stop using it" would suffice quite nicely. ;P

"I don't really think 'tranny' is in the same category as those other words, and here's why" would at least let me know why you use it.

"I don't have to explain myself to you" is true, of course.

"'ve already made up your mind," isn't.

I mean, yes, I've made up my mind that 'tranny' isn't appropriate. What it means that you're using it, though? I don't know.

like to think the best of people... to the extent that I can.


9 years ago

I've never even heard the term "chink" until now... Damn, Australia is so isolated...

I don't wanna be that guy, but you should know this isn't exactly the nicest place on the internet, Morgan. 


9 years ago

Because trannies are faggots, I'm a nigger, Asians are chinks, and whites are honkeys, and Spanish are spics.

I find it hilarious that the spell-check underlined honkey and trannies, but didn't underline nigger. My fucking phones a racist.


9 years ago

... Wait. o.0 Are you expecting a serious discussion or a rational explanation to come of this thread?

From Drako, Honor, and End? (Why did you only tag them? Other people here use those words.) ...  ... Uh, good luck?


9 years ago
Please do not feed the trolls.


9 years ago son of bitch.

EDIT: you ninja editing ogre.


9 years ago
Ha HA!


9 years ago

So instead, should I call a black person a tranny, an asian a faggot, a gay man a chink and a trans a nigger?


9 years ago
shia surprise


9 years ago

Morgan, you are assuming that none of them belong to those reclamation groups. You don't know that for sure, do you? 

Plus there is never going to be a complete society of people who will never offend other people. 

I swear you act like one of those people that feels like they are a better person just because you attack at others that you believe act badly. I don't see how calling someone's behavior "remedial" is helpful or a nice thing to do on behalf of others. Also these words that are offensive constantly change. Remedial might be a new one as of its connection to those with intellectual disabilities, also known as the mentally retarded. 


9 years ago

Yeah, no, I'm really pretty sure that none of the three people I tagged are trans. >_<

'Things will never be perfect' doesn't mean that there's no point in trying to make them better.

And I am not 'attacking' them because it makes me feel like a good person.

I am doing so because I am pissed off.

That said... I am trying to be reasonable. So, yes, possibly I shouldn't have implied that my post was providing remedial education. Probably not helpful. Then again, the general consensus seems to be that I shouldn't expect civilized behavior from these people regardless of what I do, so... yeah. >_<


9 years ago

It's a good way to get free money doing lawsuits.  :P


9 years ago

I don't know, maybe it's because I grew up in a liberal environment, but I completely agree with this. 


9 years ago

I was raised in quite the opposite and I cringe when witnessing injustice or hate.


9 years ago

Lol. I'll be serious now.

Well, since being here, I've come to learn the web isn't serious business. I would not use a racial slur against anyone in real life, besides the fact I have actually called "transwomen" tranny, gay, fag and stuff. But that's only when they come on to me. I find it insulting that another man, who has the delusion that he's a women, would come on to me. I don't dress like I swing that way, I don't talk like I do, and if I don't give you any hints then that means I'm into actual women. 

We have free will. They feel like they're a woman on the inside, even though they aren't, no matter how many operations the get. It is also "real mens" free will to express how they feel about them.

On other notes. A racial slur is something I will not call someone unless insultex in thev


9 years ago

Stupid phone won't let me complete that post.


9 years ago


A) Trans women are women, not men.

B) Even if they were actually cross-dressing gay dudes hitting on you... that doesn't justify calling them trans/homophobic slurs. Unless they don't take 'no' for an answer, someone hitting on you does not justify subsequent poor behavior on your part. 


9 years ago

This is fucking dumb. Words shouldn't be censored just because they might be offensive.


9 years ago

I don't think you got the point of this post. It's not that those words shouldn't exist, it's that you shouldn't call people racist/offensive terms.


9 years ago

I'm not advocating for censorship. I didn't tag in a mod on the 'Wow...' thread.

Edit: Okay, so I eventually did. But the content in question was offensive on a whole different level. 



9 years ago

Well there's always CoG princess. They're very tran...sgender friendly over there.

Not really sure why you hang around here anyway considering you've repeatedly acted like a passive aggressive asshole going on about how the coding here sucks and how everyone should go use Twine or ChoiceScript instead.

But hey there's still a lot of freedom of speech on this site, so who am I to tell you shut the fuck up about it? That's right I won't.

But here's some advice, stop with the internet activism and make a REAL change for transgender rights on here by making a CYOA story with a transgender protagonist. A deep complex one that will change people's minds. Make one so popular and well written that you can come back here and say "HAH! I wrote something better than you ever could you transphobic fucktard!"

Seiously, I'd respect THAT a whole lot more than this attempt.

As for WHY I'm saying tranny or faggot or whatever other racial slur that's in vogue at the moment, well if I told you I feel that would destroy some of the mystery in our up until now civil internet relationship and we can't have that.

Good luck!


9 years ago

Always thought it was cuz you're from Detroit.

Seriously though, I think that (especially on the internet), it kinda follows the famous loophole in the Golden Rule. "What's hateful to you don't do to others" -> "Well what if I don't find it hateful?" And I think people who use those words simply don't care or find them particularly offensive, so they use them. It's a culture and honestly, as someone who dislikes using those words, you need to mature and realize that people either grew up using those words or just don't find them offensive enough to care. So Drako can call CreatorX the offensive version of 'Negro' and someone else can call Drako a 'white-ass cracka'-- because in the end there's nothing really to care about.

Does that mean that 'sensitive' people need to put up with so-called assholes? Of course! And if an asshole begins to speak, is there anything else to do but laugh?


9 years ago

It's all about how you intend to say something. I have nothing against black people and don't use "nigger" as an insult but jokingly.

Same reason I don't mind being called a wog/cracker.


9 years ago

Did I ever tell you about the man who taught his asshole how to talk?


9 years ago

Passive aggressive? Really? Because I feel like 'hey, the coding here sucks, I suggest Twine or ChoiceScript' is pretty direct, actually. Passive aggressive would be me expressing my sympathy for all the time you've sunk into making games that can't readily be moved off of an increasingly dated and irrelevant site. ;P

And I have a WIP already, thanks. Not to mention, I'm not actually trans, and there are a number of people working in this space who are. If anyone's going to make a choice-based game about being trans that's so powerful it changes people's minds, it's probably going to be one of them. But I'll be sure to post a link. ^_^

Meanwhile... I'm here because I have friends here. And up until the point where I say 'fuck it, this isn't worth it anymore,' I'm going to keep speaking up when people post offensive shit.


9 years ago

Wait, I thought you said you were trans. 


9 years ago

Did I? Huh. It depends how you define trans, I guess. But as someone who doesn't experience much gender dysphoria, isn't planning to medically transition in any way, and has elected not to try to get people to switch pronouns... my experience is really pretty different from the average trans person's experience.


9 years ago

An increasingly irrelevant site.

You'd probably fit in better at CoG, anyway.


9 years ago

I'm not planning to make a ChoiceScript game at the moment, though. The last thing I need is to get invested in another community where I'm not actually going to use the local platform. >_<


9 years ago

You didn't get that joke, did you?


9 years ago

It probably isn't worth it though. I mean, have you seen the derailments? They have a point, the point being that you've missed the point, because there's really no point. You can't hope to change them, not over the internet.


9 years ago

Actually this thread was pretty productive, it provided much lulz.


9 years ago

Of course, but Morgan isn't going to be the winner here.


9 years ago

Everyone's a winner when lulz are produced, dear Penguinny.


9 years ago

You never know. And I consider even a small chance of being a factor in someone eventually changing their mind to be worth it.

I'm not really expecting to change them, of course. Drakoblare and CreatorX are pretty clearly actual transphobes... and EndMaster, as you so astutely pointed out, has his image to maintain. ;P



9 years ago

Yes, and if they're transphobic bigots, then you pointing this out is all the more reason for them to say tranny. You do realize that the whole reason bigots use those terms is to offend the minority they're denoting, right? Bigots have no reason not to slur, so no matter how much you tell them that they're meanies for doing so, it's not doing to do shit. And Endmaster has more than an image, shock is just his sense of humor.


9 years ago

Now. Everyone, lets settle down and listen to some Saliva.



9 years ago

While I certainly dont feel as strongly towards Morgan's opinion as she does, I definitely feel that saying that if you accidentally have sex with a transgendered person, you should kill them/have it considered as rape is absolutely terrible, and, as Endmaster stated so eloquently last thread, if you didnt know then it's your own fault since no matter how much surgeries they may have taken, youll still see the difference. 


9 years ago

Why are so many straight people afraid that transpeople are trying to trick them into having sex?


9 years ago

Probably because most people view themselves as sex gods, and obviously transgendered people would want fuck them. Duh


9 years ago

Others do to?


9 years ago

I've had to put on a disguise whenever I leave the house for years...


9 years ago

If you've gone so far as to have sex with a transgerndered person, does it really matter? I mean, they turned you on for long enough for you to do them, and since that's the entire point of appearances, then they obviously work the same way s the opposite gender anyway. Yeah, it may feel disturbing afterwards that they weren't always who they claim to be, but relax for Christ's sake, it's not like you're gonna turn gay just because the chick you just had sex with used to be a man.


9 years ago

You even find the concept of sex "yucky", you have no right to speak your mind about this... ever!


9 years ago

Hey, I never said that, I said the concept of sex for enjoyment purposes was pointless, I don't feel attraction, and that there were better things to enjoy. I'd be big pimpin' if I was the last man on earth.


9 years ago

I forfeit my previous statement then.



9 years ago

Not saying I'd fuck a tranny, but if it happened I wouldn't be particularly angry. Just a bit confused really. Haha!


9 years ago

Those insults aren't that bad morgan. They're are tons of insults we could be using like...

Cunt, Bitch, Queer, Mark, Mark ass bitch, bitch ass mark, hoe, slut, homo, drako, twat, wanker, spic, cracker, wetback, ect.


9 years ago

Drako ain't that bad in my opinion.


9 years ago

Well, that's because CreatorX is a Ni- black, so he has some form of license to use at least one of them. I guess you have some hope in his department, but everyone else is just a lost freakin' cause.

Drakoblare's racist and a Ferrous Cranius, so if you think for one second that this is going to change anything with him, you're as wrong as shit. I really don't know why anyone wastes their time with him, I mean, he's not going to change, being the brainwashed skinhead that he is, and he's not even in a country that matters enough (Or at least not a country anyone actually cares about ever since the AD era rolled around and they stopped telling cool stories about three-headed dogs and naked men wrestling each other.) that he'll be able to affect us in even if he actually does something stupid, short of killing Amanda Knox on her next visit, becoming the next Mussolini, or starting the Glue Glutz Glan and hanging the Albanians, in which case everyone on the internet would be mucho pisso, not just you.

EDIT: Screw those first two, I keep forgetting that Greece and Italy aren't the same thing. Mediterranean Europe just sort of blends together for me... Come to think of it, so does Eastern Europe, you all need more hilarious regional accents so I can tell you apart. I mean, the whole reason I know that there's more than one country in Western Europe is because I know the hippie vikings live up on the penis-shaped peninsula, there's little islands full of funny-talking hobbits, and then one giant square-shaped country (with a bite taken out of it and given to the only non-asian country whose demonym ends with -ese) dedicated entirely to corny soap operas, right next to the cheese-eating surrender monkeys and... Fuck it, this stopped being funny a few seconds ago...

And Endmaster's entire spiel is that he's a politically incorrect sociopathic bastard who enjoys saying hurtful things to his token minority gardener as much as he enjoys drunkenly grinding through groups of pedestrians with his ice cream truck meth lab. You can't just change Endmaster's entire spiel. I mean, if you're asking the guy who wrote TRASH and A Very Special Choose Your Story not to say Nigger, Chink, Tranny, or Faggot, you're barking up the wrong farking tree. I don't care how moral or convincing you can make your argument, telling Endmaster not to be politically incorrect is like telling Quentin Terretino not to yell "FUCK!" when he gets his foot caught in a car door.

So, now that I'm finished charging blindly into this argument, what context am I missing?


9 years ago

It just wouldn't have been a trainwreck of a thread without the input of a deviant furry. Thanks Sent!


9 years ago

I think, in this particular situation, that the correct term would be "Furfuck".


9 years ago

Malk usually calls you that and I'm sure when he sees the thread  he'll want to interject the word at some point. I wouldn't want to ruin it for him.


9 years ago

You're so considerate. :)


9 years ago

I saw that edit, you plainfag honkey.


9 years ago

@Malkalack now's your chance. I'm not even allowed to yell at you this time.


9 years ago

If a black guy can say nigger, why can't I?


9 years ago

Because we say nigga, not nigger. 


9 years ago

So I can say "nigga", not "nigger"?


9 years ago

Say whatever ya want, lol. Other black dudes aren't as nice as I am so just be careful saying it off-web.


9 years ago

I don't use the word off web, unless I'm joking with a friend. The word seems less prominent in the UK, well where I live at least.


9 years ago

You can, though I imagine if you said it to Honor's face, he'd probably be ready to fight you, or maybe he'd call you a towelhead and you'd both laugh about it.


9 years ago

Depends on if he was serious. I have white friends that say "nigga". For some reason I find that more acceptable than "nigger"


9 years ago

"Ah" sounds less harsh to the psyche than the much harder-sounding "er". Although, for the sake of political incorrectness, Asians sound funnier saying "Nigger" than "Nigga".


9 years ago

Asians sound funny saying anything.


9 years ago

Speaking of Asians, where the hell is coins anyway? We need to have the whole rainbow coalition here.


9 years ago

He's probably marrying some woman with a unobrow. You know they don't get to choose they're mates. They're their parents bitches lol.


9 years ago

Actually, I think that's Singapore. Last I heard, South Korea was almost like an Anime version of Conneticut.


9 years ago

LMFAO RIGHT NOW!!!. love ya sent.


9 years ago

Love you to brah!

And I'm not a skinhead. Have you seen any fat skinheads with no beard? They are hilarious to look at. My haircut is pins.


9 years ago
Hail Hydra!


9 years ago

Superhero movies suck.


9 years ago
I never said anything about the movies. :p


9 years ago

Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Iron Man, Chronicle, all of the Christopher Reeve's Superman movies, X-Men: First Class, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Batman (1989), Tobey McGuire - Spiderman 1 and 2, The Crow, Hellboy, The Incredibles, Batman Returns, Unbreakable, Watchmen, X-Men 1 and 2.


9 years ago

Are those the ones that do suck, or the ones that don't suck?


9 years ago

The ones that are great.


9 years ago

In that case, I'd have to argue that the Watchmen movie does kinda suck, sheerly because of how much better the book is, but as far as movies go, it is pretty great. I wasn't aware that there was any such thing as a good superman movie either, so I guess that's something I'll have to check out.


9 years ago

I freaking love Watchmen. I watched the movie, before I read the comic series, and while it's not true to the comics, as a standalone film, it's fantastic.


9 years ago

Haven't seen.






Haven't seen.


Debatable. Could've been better.

Haven't seen.


Haven't seen.



Haven't seen.

Haven't seen.




9 years ago

You're saying The Dark Knight isn't good?


9 years ago
No. I said it was good.


9 years ago
Can we call a trans man a tranny, then?


9 years ago



9 years ago

What does this change?


9 years ago

Not much. What does any menial argument on the internet change. Hell, what does anyone's life ever change!?

We are all but worthless ants struggling for self worth, cllutching onto a lone morsel of dead maggots molded together on a sea of teeth and pain....


9 years ago

Yet you spend 7 hours in school every day so that you'll be able to spend 8 hours every day working. Gotta love the rational outlook on life :(


9 years ago

Hey, I don't fight the system, because there's no point. You can't empty the sea with the bucket an ant carries. I'm just holding on for the ride.


9 years ago

Your ride will, and sorry for my assumptions, also consist of the 8 hour per day work. Why not pimp the ride?


9 years ago

You seem to be under the assumption that I won't enjoy life even if I can't make any meaningful differences.


9 years ago

Perhaps I am, perhaps I'm not. I'm just mad cause I realized that I will fail my university entrance exams and felt like spreading my depressing feelings to others. Sorry :(


9 years ago

Don't worry. I mean, that's just you missing a rung on the ladder that we've built for ourselves. Maybe you can get into a different university, or maybe this just wasn't what your life was supposed to end up meaning. It's all pointless, but if you can find a fun place to hang on, it's worth it. A little nihilism here and there has its upsides.


9 years ago

No, we have this exams you see. We give them, and depending on our score we get in a university. With my results I'll get in none. Oh well, I'll find a foreign country to leach off. I heard Scotland has some interesting student loan packages.


9 years ago

They also have great beer, and a penchant for carnivorous dishes.


9 years ago

Mmmm, beer. 


9 years ago

Really? You can't say tranny? Never thought that was a particularly offensive word, even to transsexuals. I mean really, it's just shortening the correct term and putting a Y at the end of it. cheeky


9 years ago

*bites tongue*

*bites tongue some more*

*bites tongue the fuck in half*


9 years ago

Exactly. Briar, please inform morgan on some knowledge from your past life as a man.


9 years ago
Personally, I try to avoid the 'n' word, but I don't quite like your idea of 'reclamation'.


9 years ago

This thread... I blame Morgan. That's all I can really say...


9 years ago

These kinds of threads just turn into a mass of racial slurs.


9 years ago

According to wordfinder, nigger (Including all variations) has already been said 37 times.


9 years ago

Turn all slurs, curses, and derogatory terms into "sandwhich" or appropriate grammar such as "niggers" to "sandwhiches" and "fuck" to "sammich" and the like. Really? We're bringing this back and NONE of you remember how hilarious that would be? I'm disappointed, all you fucking faggots sandwhichy sandwhiches arguing about nothing.


9 years ago

I think you win.


9 years ago
Reclamation is retarded. You want people to stop using the word, stop using it yourself.

Technically speaking, you can call people whatever you want, just don't expect them to react nicely about it, lol. I think the site should have some standards though, particularly with regards to the word nigger. Unlike the other words, nigger actually has a background beyond just being an insult.

I guess most people think you're trans because:
A) You're pretty pro trans
B) You don't identify with a typical... well actually you don't identify with anything if I recall correctly.

I actually agree with Endmaster that creating a story with a trans protagonist would go a long way to at least making people around here more accepting. Prejudice largely exist because of ignorance and fear. Though you'd have to take care to not make the story result in people hating trans folk more though, lol.


9 years ago

I actually agree with Endmaster that creating a story with a trans protagonist would go a long way to at least making people around here more accepting.

Funny enough I've actually argued somewhat in favor of this before over at CoG.


9 years ago

I'm not a huge fan of reclamation myself, frankly. Particularly of 'tranny,' since the majority of people 'reclaiming' it seem to be drag queens and trans men, while the majority of people who have to deal with it as a slur are (I suspect) trans women. But yeah, it's a thing people are doing, and if I didn't acknowledge that, someone was sure to bring it up. :P

I'm currently going with 'non-binary,' if that helps? XD

And dammit, I have a WIP, I don't need another project. Not to mention, I am not actually qualified to write this Very Special Choose Your Own Adventure that you people think I should do... >_<



9 years ago

Well you're more qualified to do it than the rest of us if it's going to get done.

I mean I'm sure I could attempt it, but it would come out all fucked up and instead of the villain hermie protagonist raping women, he'd just be raping drag queens and twinks instead. Then I'd have leather boy bears as the enemies and probably completely getting that subculture wrong by just modeling them all after that guy with the red mohawk in Road Warrior.

Before I know it I will have lost sight of what the original goal was and black people are getting lynched for no apparent reason.


9 years ago


...yeah, but there's Anna Anthropy and Porpentine and Kitty Horrorshow. And almost certainly others.

I'm willing to do Trans 101, as I feel that's a reasonable thing for an ally to do. I don't need to be trans myself to tell people that 'tranny' is inappropriate, or that trans women are, in fact, women rather than men. I feel like I'm communicating basic facts, there.

I'm less willing to make a game about the subjective experience of being trans. It's just not my story to tell.


9 years ago

What are those things?


9 years ago



They're names. Names of trans women who make games. Anna Anthropy's probably responsible for the popularity of Twine, actually. Kitty Horrorshow made that werewolf game I recommended, that you said you didn't want in your browser history. And Porpentine's work ranges from 'somewhat unsettling' to 'profoundly horrifying,'  but... yeah. She's very good at what she does.


9 years ago
Err, you may be misunderstanding the premise of the story (as I see it at least).

You would just need to make a protag that is trans. If anything, making the focus of the story not about them being trans would go even further to people accepting trans people. Granted, them being trans would likely be it's own side-story to the main story out of necessity to make the point.

(Side note: I actually had to think for a bit of a good story with a protag that was actually... likeable and "good" for this example).

Imagine if a trans person was the star of Order of the Midnight Sun. Yes, them being trans would likely come into play, but it wouldn't be the focus of the story.

I mean, no one wants to read a story about a person who is trans just being trans. You're never going to make them relatable if you only focus on the part that isn't relatable to most people, right?


9 years ago

I second that concept, if this is going to be a thing. *shrug* As a somewhat related example, in both TOW and GOLAD, you can be gay / lesbian if you wanna be. It's not something I make a big deal out of and it's not the focus of the stories by a long shot. As far as I'm concerned, it's just another option, like picking your gender. The changes are relatively minor because your character is still your character, be they male or female, straight, bi, whatever.


9 years ago

Which is awesome, and I wholeheartedly approve. ^_^

That said... being trans is somewhat different. The only way I can think of to give cis people a sense of what it would be like would be to give them a choice of gender... and then make their character the opposite sex, and have everyone treat them as that gender. You picked male? Well, now you're female, and everyone around you insists that you're a girl. Have fun trying to convince them otherwise!

You can see how it's neither incidental nor optional, I think. ;P


9 years ago

Wait, what? You do realize that you just implied that the difference between having a gay character and having a trans-character is the fact that being trans isn't optional, right? >_>' (On the subject: Oh! Really? Being transgender isn't optional?!  No shit. I'm talking about in games, not real life. You wanna try being a little more condescending there? I think I'm a little offended on behalf of everyone who's ever been asked, "could you just... try not being gay?")

... On top of that, by saying it's 'not incidental,' you're implying that trans-people are not just regular people who happen to identify with the opposite gender to the one they physically were at birth. My point was that being gay or straight doesn't define that character. It's a detail and that's how it should be treated, just like you not identifying with a gender is a detail. 

Also, I disagree. Tricking the player into your POV is unlikely to accomplish anything other than people insisting your game is broken. It'd be better to just be upfront. "Choose: Transgender man / Transgender woman."


9 years ago
If anything, allowing them to pick male/female and having society insist they are the other is more likely to have them just conform to being what everyone else says they are. They have no real reason to care about their initial choice to the point of fighting tooth and nail for others to accept it.

Don't have them choose anything at all. Giving them a choice takes focus away from what you're trying to accomplish. I mean, if Morgan believes being transgender isn't a choice, then having it be a choice is rather ironic anyway, no?


9 years ago

Good point.


9 years ago

Dealing with the player's inclination to say 'fuck it, I'll just go with it' would definitely be part of my job in writing this thing.

But yeah, no, they don't choose to be trans. Not even if it's a choice limited to 'trans man' and 'trans woman.' It undermines the point. The point is that you have an identity -- you're a man, full stop -- and the game is full of people telling you you're wrong. Maybe you even try to convince yourself you were wrong. Go ahead. See how far that gets you.

...I'm going to talk myself into making this thing, at this rate. >_<



9 years ago

I agree with this entirely.


9 years ago

Sorry, apparently I was unclear. The antecedent to 'it' was 'being trans in-game,' not 'being trans.'

Being trans in-game can't be optional. Cis people would just opt out. Hell, a lot of trans people would probably opt out, too.

Being trans in-game can't be incidental. If you don't have to deal with people misgendering you, at minimum, then the game doesn't reflect the reality of being trans. One of the primary purposes for making this game would be to show cis people what it's like to be trans. And that's not, for the majority of trans people at this point in our history, sunshine and rainbows. So it may be a detail, but it's a pretty fucking significant one. It shouldn't be... but it is.


9 years ago
I get your perspective, but you're coming at it wrong.

The point of the game should be to make people think being trans ISN'T a big deal. Yes, people who are trans go through a lot of issues, but that's not the point. The point is people need to be able to relate to them before they can actually accept them and start caring about these issues.

Very few people can relate to not feeling like their gender matches what society says it is, or the troubles that come with it. The storygame you'd likely create with that mindset is one that "raises awareness" by trying to get everyone to feel pity for people who are trans and the struggles they go through. Which would accomplish about as much as your conversation with Endmaster has.

So yeah, them being trans should be incidental. They should have their own personality, goals, etc, that go beyond being trans. It's just another part of them that makes them who they are. Show some of the struggles they go through because they are trans, but focus on the fact that at the end of the day, they're just like everyone else.

THEN people will actually give a damn about their struggles.


9 years ago

Thank you. xD Pretty sure you understand (and fully summed up) what I'm trying to get across.


9 years ago

You make a good point.

I'll add 'it would be like walking a fucking tight-rope and my sense of balance is crap' to my list of reasons I'm not actually making this game. >_<


9 years ago

That wasn't the impression I got, so thanks for clarifying. And... well, I'll think about it. I'd definitely be more comfortable with an 'incidentally trans' protagonist than 'making a game about being trans'... though, well, see above. >_<


9 years ago

Roll your hung over eyes all you want, but I'm actually attempting to dialog here rather than what you're doing which is trotting out the same old "trans blah blah". It's boring and quite frankly all it's doing is creating backlash to what you probably wanted as Sentinel pointed out.

Now it's possible you "reached" someone here but if you did they were most likely on "your side" in the first place. For the most part though this thread just served as a platform to spout off more racial slurs than anything else. If anything Honor should probably be offended. Lol

I find it pretty hilarious though you're going on about speaking out against "offensiveness" when you were same person that was defending TSR when he was obviously trolling or when you got offended on coins behalf because he was acting like an idiot with Drako calling his mom some racial slur. This is the same coins who was going on about "killing all tranny faggots" on several occasions. So forgive me if I don't find you to exactly be the best judge of character in the first place, which is why I'm not really inclined to "do what you say." 

As far as any "reputation" (Lol) I have on here, I'm of the mind that more people might place more stock in it than I do. If really cared about such a thing, I would have done a whole lot more to cultivate whatever it's supposed to be. I'm just some guy that writes a few stories on here as hobby. Nothing more, nothing less.

As for the story, well I thought with you being the active self appointed spokesperson here you'd want to REALLY do something besides just talk. But apparently not, you said you don't feel comfortable, fine, you don't feel comfortable.

I will say I'm not sure why you'd feel that uncomfortable though. You're at least an "ally." There are tons of guys that write female protagonists, or straight guys that write gay characters etc. and while probably not writing them 100% "correctly" they may write them well enough. Is more natural if a woman wrote a female protagonist, etc? of course it is, but the barriers can still be broken to some small degree even if the author isn't exactly the same as the character. It's the content that's important.

Anyway, RuPaul's Drag Race is coming on, I'll see you guys later in this thread or another, after all it's the Internet, where the fun never ends!


9 years ago

If you want a dialog, well... I'd still like an answer to my question.

Barring that, it kind of looks like you're trying to change the subject from your poor choice of words to my failure to be a sufficiently awesome ally. "Well, Morgan, maybe if you made an incredibly deep, complex, well-written game with a trans protagonist, then you'd actually accomplish something here"... says the dude who can't be bothered to justify his use of the word 'tranny.'

Look, if I'd been griping about the lack of trans characters in games, words to the effect of 'put your money where your mouth is' would be completely on-point. Or even if I was just generally bemoaning the lack of acceptance and respect that trans people have to deal with.

I wasn't, though. I was asking you about your choice of language.

Butting in here...

9 years ago

What do you expect to change? You think that an offended post on a goddamned forum is going to somehow improve the transsexual condition? How is telling off three people who are OBVIOUSLY NEVER GOING TO LISTEN to you beneficial? How? I'm genuinely curious. How is your pathetic little shout into the void helpful? Here's a newsflash: it isn't. The only thing you're doing is becoming a minor irritant. No more, no less.

Butting in here...

9 years ago what are you doing? Calling me pathetic, because that's so very helpful?

Are you actually curious, Malk? Because I can't help but notice that you just answered your own question...

Butting in here...

9 years ago

You're "stern talking-to" bit is bullshit, and is obviously getting you nowhere, for reasons you've already outlined. Furthermore, yelling at specific members is an exercise in futility, as I'm sure you've already noticed. In posting this thread, you've only started an argument that can only end with people walking away pissed.

These kinds of things are counter-productive.

Butting in here...

9 years ago

This is possibly the most hypocritical statement you've ever posted.

Butting in here...

9 years ago

Coins, go pray some viorin or something.

Butting in here...

9 years ago

Actuarry, I pray the cerro.

Butting in here...

9 years ago

Your mozzer is an ass ricker.

Butting in here...

9 years ago

you're hurting my feelings

Butting in here...

9 years ago

Coins, you don't have feerrings..

Butting in here...

9 years ago


*dials number*





Malk, there's someone at your door.

Butting in here...

9 years ago


Butting in here...

9 years ago

"Dis is feering poreece, prease open door."

Butting in here...

9 years ago

"Reave, or I'rr get gun! Den I will spirr brood!"

Butting in here...

9 years ago

"We have gun too! Open door now prease!"

Butting in here...

9 years ago

*cocks gun* "I SEEEERRRIOUS!"

Butting in here...

9 years ago

"You reave us no choice!"

*takes out black guy*

"Open this mothafucking door before I pop a cap in yo ass!"

Butting in here...

9 years ago

"I have brack guy, too!"

*pulls out black guy*

"Easy, homes."

Butting in here...

9 years ago
Shhh, let him continue.

Butting in here...

9 years ago

... It's counter-productivityception.

Butting in here...

9 years ago

So, not actually curious, then. Okay. Well, feel free to keep telling me to not do the thing I'm doing, which is telling people not to do the thing they're doing, which we are all of us going to blithely ignore anyway. 9_9

Butting in here...

9 years ago


9 years ago


And as I already answered, I'm not here to justify my choice of language to you and I even gave a few reasons of why I feel no inclination to do so in a few of the posts, let alone change anything.

It's all related, if you don't see it, well I guess this was all pretty pointless. Oh well, just write me off a a bigot which probably would've been easier to do in the first place.


9 years ago
Damn Endmaster!


9 years ago

I genuinely, sincerely, do not see it. Your reasons for not answering me seem pretty damn scattershot, frankly...

First you said 'you've already made up your mind.' I still contend that I haven't. Then 'it would destroy the mystery in our internet relationship,' which is... yeah, I don't even know what that's about. Most recently, 'I don't find you to be a good judge of character,' referencing my tendency to defend people you consider to be trolls.

So, yeah... not really seeing a cohesive whole, here.

I didn't write coins off as a bigot... and I'm glad I didn't. And I think TSR's re-emergence proves my point about him not just being a troll -- he's obviously trying to be a part of the community, however ineptly he may be going about it.

So, yes, I like to think I'm a reasonably good judge of character, actually.

And I'm not writing you off as a bigot.


9 years ago

TSR posted child porn and nearly got the site taken down.  You really think we should let that thing back in?


9 years ago

If there was such a thing as an IP ban here, he should've been IP banned at that point. But as things stand, there's no question of 'letting him back in.' He's already here.


9 years ago

Not to pick on coins (for once)



Yep, truly a sterling example of tolerance there a few posts up.

However since you say you're a good judge of character, here's a question, why do you think I'm occasionally saying the word tranny? (Or any other offensive thing, it isn't the only word here)

Now you've already said you haven't written me off as a bigot (Which is probably a first for me) so I can only guess that you believe there might be some deeper meaning behind my use of the word. Perhaps I'm secretly a self loathing tranny or something. (Now wouldn't THAT be the plot twist?)

Or maybe you don't think there actually is a deep reason and you just think I'm saying offensive things for the shock value, but you just want confirmation from me that is the case.

I'm still not sure why you want to know though. What would you do with such information? It isn't like I'm going to stop even if I told you.


9 years ago

Yeah, no, I don't think so. XD

I've seen the self-loathing thing in action, though. It's really fucking unnerving, let me tell you, to be arguing with someone who is virulently anti-gay... and then they let something slip and you realize fuck, that could have been me.

But yeah, I said I was a reasonably good judge of character, not a mind reader. I don't know what's going on in your head. Maybe you don't think the word is that offensive. Maybe trans people are a group you're willing to offend. Maybe a little of both... especially if you think that they, as a group, are inclined to take offense when they shouldn't.

Pure speculation. You want to know what I'd do with the actual information? Cough it up, and find out.


9 years ago

Well okay since you asked so nicely...

Laziness. Pretty anticlimactic I know.

I've used that word along with probably every other offensive word on here for so long that I'm not very inclined to stop using it immediately just because there is a change in the social climate.

Now the thing with me if you haven't already guessed, the more you tell me NOT to do something more likely I am going to do it. The "laziness" goes away and then the resistance kicks in. So preaching/scolding/whatever at me even to a minor degree is actually going to make me resist more. Getting offended just adds fuel to the fire.

Then there is also the fact that generally whenever I'm telling a story (on the forums or writing) I tend to use the more colorful language because well that's just how I do.

However, I find that over time I do tend to stop using certain words due to "osmosis." For example I used to use the term "oriental" more back in the day, now I typically don't use it at all. Hell, I find I don't even use the term fag or faggot as much as I used to. (Which was pretty much the standard insult that guys called each other all throughout school)

I imagine there will also come the day where the word "tranny" will lessen over time. Not sure if that day is any time soon though.

Anyway, that's basically all there is to it. Only took 200 posts.

I will admit, I was starting have a little bit of fun with you being evasive and like I said, you seemed to want to know so bad, so that made me less inclined to tell. You've got the patience of well I dunno, something that has a lot of patience so I figured I'd finally give an answer.


9 years ago

I don't see what difference this makes. Sure, you've explained why you use these words, but what else has this achieved? All anyone's really done is continue to use racial/homophobic slurs on this thread. So, fuck you Morgan, you stupid, nigger, tranny, chink.


9 years ago

I feel like I just beat a dialog-based puzzle or something. XD



Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but that seems to imply that you realize that you actually should change your vocabulary... you're just too lazy to actually do it. I mean, when I say 'I'm too lazy to do [thing]' it's usually not something I have no motivation to do. Just insufficient motivation to actually overcome said laziness...

Of course, you just flat-out told me that preaching/scolding/whatever at you is going to have the opposite of the desired effect, which kind of cuts off the obvious avenues of providing additional motivation...

...aaaand you can tell you've been thinking about game design too much when you start seeing conversations with people as puzzles. XD

But yes. Thanks for actually answering the question... and thanks for the reminder that things have changed, and continue to change.


9 years ago

?@Morgan_R @Endmaster

Damnit Morgan, I've never met a more patient preacher. Seriously, have you considered going door to door spreading the word of our lord and savior? Those people are about the only real-life examples of those who can take the verbal beatings that you do and not get riled up. I'm always so impressed.

Anyway, I don't think that Endmaster is admitting that he should change. What he's saying is that you can tell by context if he's being bigoted. If he says "trannys are disgusting and vile", you can be sure that he's a bigot, but if he says "the tranny crossed the street and entered the store", then he's not insulting transgender people by using the word, in his mind. I think that his war is with sensitivity.

My sister is dating a FtM transgender man who used to get insanely sensitive when people would slip up with his pronouns. Damn, he was very feminine and even without meaning to, very occasionally, someone would say 'she' instead of 'he'. I can completely understand why that would be uncomfortable for him, but to take it as a personal affront is ridiculous. There was no malice intended, so to be personally offended is frustrating.

I think that End refuses to be verbally harassed into not using words that he's not using offensively, simply because people are being offended.

Or I'm totally misinterpreting everything :)

Edit: Jesus fuck, you guys have gotten vile since I've left. Do I need to purge everything and give you all time outs?


9 years ago

Well you're probably right in the scheme of things it probably doesn't make a difference for me at least, since I'm not really going to be changing it up any time soon. If anything it's created a mild reinforcement for me not to.

However, I could appreciate Morgan's persistence, so she got an answer and she seems satisfied with that. To be honest JJJ probably elaborated a little better than I did since I was sort of sleepy at the time when I wrote it and probably missed a few things or didn't clarify on (Like on the whole sensitivity thing). I dunno, I'm already losing interest in the thread now anyway. Lol.

EDIT: Whoops, meant to answer iqqih. Well he can scroll down a bit.


9 years ago

Never change End. The world would be a much more depressing place if you did. :D


9 years ago

Shame on you, Endmaster, using those words. As far as I am concerned,my black card gives me a pass (as Sent so kindly reminded me).

East Side BITCH!!!


9 years ago

It got fucking stupid after the 15th second.


9 years ago

Have you seen the rest of that film? Have you seen any film made by or starring Sacha Baron Cohen? It's supposed to be fucking stupid.


9 years ago

That was a scene from a movie?


9 years ago

Did you not read the post that linked that video?


9 years ago

I think it's amusing how you went from "here's my patient rational explanation of everything"

to "jesus fuck you guys are vile, should I delete this whole thing"



9 years ago

xD You read my mind.


9 years ago

Hey, welcome back! ^_^

And, well, for the record, I'm patient and try to consider other people's perspectives because it's my natural inclination, but also because it works. I mean, to the extent that 'arguing with people who are wrong on the internet' ever works. XD

As for context, well... I left context out if it, because frankly, I couldn't find any potentially constructive way to address the context.

It's over here.

I'm not gonna say purge it. But I'm not gonna say not to, either.

It's your call.

Welcome back. ;P


9 years ago

I'm curious, does your sister identify as straight or gay or bi while dating the transgender man?


9 years ago

I dunno how his sister is, but I did hear from a transgender guy that the most receptive 'dating' group for them is women who identify themselves as being straight. *shrug* Just, for what it's worth. (Oddly, the group he had the worst time dealing with was gay men. The ones he met refused to see him as a man, so... yeah. Apparently he's dating another transgender guy now.)


9 years ago
Yeah, straight women seem to be the most flexible as far as who they date. Probably cause all women are really bi :P

Makes sense. A transgender guy would presumably still have girl parts. A little tougher if they don't, but I'm sure most gay men are as adamant about liking only men as transgenders are about only being the gender they say they are.


9 years ago

Lies, slander, and poorly misinterpreted science. XD

(That's re: "all women are bi," in case that's not clear.)


9 years ago

Most of them are at least willing to experiment, from what I've seen. At my school, if the answer to the question, "Are you/is your family religious?" is no, then the answer to the question "Do you also like girls?" is yes. Even so, precisely none of the students at my school are exactly conventional, as far as sexual preferences go, so I don't know if that's good data to go on.


9 years ago

*Poorly interpreted science

Saying "poorly misinterpreted" is like saying "unthawed".


9 years ago

Well, poorly misinterpretted could be like saying you think Pulp fiction actually takes place in a dream that Samuel L. Jackson is having after falling asleep on the shitter. It's a misinterpretation of the plot, and it's quite poorly done.


9 years ago

Thanks. >_<

For what it's worth, I've been awake for 30 hours and counting. Yay insomnia!


9 years ago


9 years ago

She used to identify as gay, but this is her third consecutive partner that is FtM and two of them transitioned while dating her, so I think she considers herself heteroflexible now. That's a tough one to label haha.


9 years ago

I kinda veer towards the side that is against transgender/gay, due to religious reasons, but I still respect peoples choices, as long as it does no one any harm. I don't see what harm being trans/gay does to other people, so even though I generally dislike their choice and think they could easily have made a better choice, I keep it to myself and act like I normally would and try to use the correct pronouns, though it can be a bit hard to remember sometimes when they haven't gone through the physical surgery thingy. I have made a couple mistakes there, in thinking someone was a tans when they weren't due to the way they dressed/behaved, and vice versa. '>_>

Once they've gone through the surgery thing though, it is quite easy to tell if they were previously a different gender and wished to be referred to as the opposite. Say, a person who was previously a man, but is now a trans woman, they have a bit broader shoulders, a bit less curve, narrower hips, different facial feature arrangement then a person born of that gender, and an overall different build, and most of the time you can tell by their voice. (I saw my first adult trans woman today in class. She looked a bit... odd. I mean no offense to anyone when I say this, but not even a born woman would look good in a dress that short and revealing, much less a trans woman with rough-looking legs like a man, and a slight lack of suffeiciently sized boobs to fill out the top part. Not all woman have to wear dresses, especially not dresses like those.) When I asked my teacher about it, he looked surprised at the fact that I could tell a born woman from a trans woman just by looking at them, and said it must be my artists eye for details. *shrugs* I'm pretty sure that anyone who has any kind of eye for details can see that, and some people obviously do see these and purposefully call them by their born gender instead of chosen gender.


Also, I thought that 'tranny' was just a nickname for a transgender person, same as you'd nickname someone who's full name was 'Samantha' and have it shortened to just 'Sam' or 'Sammy'. I don't see the derogatory aspect of that. I know that 'faggot' is what they called the burned corpses of a trans/gay person, and I know that 'nigger' and 'chink' are invented terms to be purposefully derogatory, but how is 'tranny' bad? Please, no long tirades about this - long typed speeches colored by extreme emotion, both negative and positive, make my head hurt - I just want a straight up explanation.


9 years ago

I never knew you were religious, Taco. :P  If I were to take a guess as to why they dislike the term 'tranny', I'd say it's because the word is often seen in a negative light, at least by some people. When you're exposed to a word used with such negative influence, it tends to become derogatory by itself, as history has proven. (Sorry if this is long - I can't make paragraphs...)


9 years ago

More of a hard-wired religious reasons then from actually believing. It's rather hard to get rid of thought processes that have been pounded into your skull for as long as you can remember.


9 years ago

In light if the word, it does indeed have a negative connotation. "Tranny" is often in reference to the extreme population that is overly dramatic. I do find the word slightly offensive, but from personal experience, "fag" is much more angering, due to the fact that the history of the word is grossly misconstrued. I have been called "fag" many times, and believe me, it is horrible. I would have no quarrel with others for using the insult in light humor.


9 years ago

Yep, what Delta said.

It may have started out as a relatively benign term, if not particularly welcome -- trans people generally don't like being singled out as being trans. But I suspect there was (and still is) a downwards spiral, wherein trans people didn't like the word, so people who knew and cared about trans people didn't use it, so the only people using the word were people who didn't know or care about trans people, and thus more likely to say ignorant or malicious things, so trans people liked the word even less and made an even bigger deal about people using it, so the only people who used it were those who were especially ignorant and/or hostile, etc., etc.


9 years ago

Some are painfully obvious, others can be prettier than most women. Depends on how much they paied to make their illusion a "reality".


9 years ago

Right. Whatever gender a person is born into is the gender they'll be for the rest of their life. No amount of surgeries or injections will change that.


9 years ago




9 years ago

But I agree with him! Nothing (at least nothing we're currently capable of doing) can change your gender! Gender is hardwired into your brain, you can't change that shit!

That's why people change their sex when it doesn't match their gender. And changing sex is actually pretty straightforward these days, which is awesome. ^_^


9 years ago

I could've sworn you expressed some dislike for religion in the past.  I'm not wrong, right?  O.o


9 years ago
Yes, she has.


9 years ago

"More of a hard-wired religious reasons then from actually believing. It's rather hard to get rid of thought processes that have been pounded into your skull for as long as you can remember."


9 years ago

Your first thought is what you're taught to think.

Your second thought is what you as a person think.


9 years ago

Been there, done that.



9 years ago

Protestant or Catholic?


9 years ago

Neither? (what the heck is protestant?)



9 years ago

Protestant generally refers to any Christian not associated with the Roman Catholic Church.


9 years ago

Not exactly. It's one of many.


9 years ago

So Protestant.


9 years ago
Christians fall into one of three categories: Orthodox, Catholic, or Protestant. Protestantism refers to the churches that formed as a result of the Protestant Reformation, which started in Germany, when a monk named Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses (a huge list of all of his problem with the pope, priesthood, etc.) on the door of the local church.


9 years ago

I'd say that Christians fall into one of many categories, quite a few of which simply call themselves "Christian."

To be fair, most of those would fall under your "Protestant" label. But that's not usually what they call themselves... and under that umbrella, there's a diverse religious ecosystem of various "Christianities."


9 years ago

Well, most of these other groups are offshoots of protestant groups. Though, some Christian groups are more like a reinterpretation of the source material than an offshoot of anything.


9 years ago

*a local Catholic Church. (Wtf autocorrect I only wanted catholic capitalized wtf)

Orthodox wasn't into anyone's shit after feudalism ended besides Vaticans trying to duke out education.


9 years ago
Redundant. At that time, there were no other Christian groups in Germany.


9 years ago

No one's going to go in-depth into that fact, and the doubt doesn't always leave benefits.


9 years ago


9 years ago

Damn, I'm really upset that I missed this shit. Anyway, Morgan, you are the world's most annoying Feminazi. Congrats, bitch.


9 years ago

Damn, really? In the whole world? Well, if a random dude on the internet says so, it must be true... thanks! ^_^


9 years ago

You're welcome. :)


9 years ago

Feel free to revive the thread with an actual substantive post, instead of just flattering me. You say you're sorry to have missed it, but it doesn't have to be over!


9 years ago

Dude, aren't you bi?

Way to show LGBT solidarity. Lol.


9 years ago

I am bi, but I don't understand how "tranny" is offensive. That's what they are. Trannys. None of my friends who are Trans get offended by that shit. Plus, I'm not like, "Oh yeah I'm bi so I need to show support lol rainbows faggots trannys LGBT.", you know?


9 years ago

You seriously call your trans friends "trannies"...? >_<

Well, reactions vary, clearly. But as I said to TacocaT, I believe the word is presently in a downwards spiral of (un)acceptability. 


9 years ago

No, I don't call them that, but other people do. They seriously give no fucks.

Honestly, the only people that get offended by words such as chink, nigger, tranny, and faggot, are other people. The actual people that are referenced don't give a shit.


9 years ago

Yeah, no. It may be true of some people, but I seriously doubt that "not giving a shit" is the majority reaction. Just here on CYS I can think of at least two instances where people were pissed off by racial slurs against their own race.


9 years ago

They shouldn't be so sensitive. It's the internet, people are fucking assholes (not that I agree that things should be that way, but that's how it is).


9 years ago

...if you don't agree that things should be that way, why the fuck are you making arguments like "it's the internet, get over it"?

The internet is not a fucking monolithic entity. This, right here, is a community made out of individual people, making their own decisions. My decision is to tell people their language is inappropriate when it's fucking inappropriate


9 years ago

Because there's dumbasses on the internet who are not going to change they ways, because, guess what? People are stupid.

How can language be inappropriate? Who decided that words are allowed to be "good" or "bad"? They're just words, and we all can speak them freely.


9 years ago

People can and do change, though it's seldom a sudden thing. I didn't expect anyone I called out to apologize and stop using the word. But the thread wasn't just about them, either.

Really? All of the four words I listed are just words, and should be used freely by everyone, in any context?


9 years ago

Why shouldn't they be allowed to be used freely? The only reason we consider them bad is because people (dumbasses) made them bad. They're just words, people made them have a bad meaning.


9 years ago

Words have meaning. It's what they're for. These particular words have come to have strong negative connotations. Not unlike "bitch," come to think of it, though obviously to a lesser degree. So, yeah, when you called me a bitch, were you trying to communicate something there? A certain degree of contempt, perhaps? Or was that "just a word"?


9 years ago

Nope, just a word. Not my fault that you took it negatively. :)


9 years ago
well...he's not completely wrong...


9 years ago

Thank you, Ford.


9 years ago

Uh huh. 9_9

Words are powerful. Words are fucking amazing, really. Sure, there are words that are "just words" -- but there are also words that carry a hell of a lot of emotional weight. 

So, yeah. Maybe "tranny" doesn't carry as much weight for your trans friends as it does for some people. Or maybe they just shrug it off because they think it's easier, or less risky, than making a fuss over. That doesn't make it "just a word."

As I suspect you realize, since you said you don't use it yourself.



9 years ago

Again, the only reason these words carry emotional weight is because dumbasses made them carry those emotions.


9 years ago

....Words carry emotional weight. That's the literal point of them. That;s the reason we have sooooo many words which mean almost the same thing, since the connotations are different. -________-


9 years ago

Because PEOPLE MADE THEM carry that weight. I agree that some words just carry that weight to carry them, but these "negative" words are because of dumbasses.


9 years ago

ALL words carry weight, dipshit. That's how language works. Offensive words were made to be offensive. That was their purpose. Nigger was never a nice word. Tranny was never a nice word. Chink was never a nice word. Kike was never a nice word.  You shouldn't use them since they are words that are intended to offend the recipient. This is basic education. 


9 years ago

But most people aren't even offended by them anymore. I get called a faggot all the time for being bi, do I care? No, I laugh, because those dumbasses are fucking stupid. Honestly, I've never seen a kid get called a nigger or a chink at my school, because those are pretty outdated.


9 years ago

A) I honestly doubt you're Bi. You seem to be far too homophobic for that, ha ha. 

B) People obviously are offended by it, based on the fact that it is still considered an offensive word. Magically claiming it isn't doesnt make it so. :P


9 years ago

A) Homophobic? I've never called anyone a faggot unless I was joking. In fact, my whole group of friends are either gay, asexual, bi, lesbian, pansexual, or straight. I don't discriminate against sexuality, only problem I have with it is when people run around bragging about it. Like, congrats, you like dick, want a cookie?

B) I'm not saying that some aren't offended by it. I'm saying that they shouldn't be.


9 years ago

A) Homophobes generally attempt to insult people by insinuating that they are gay. Which is pretty much a majority of your posts, ha ha. QED, homophode.

?B) You're saying they shouldn't;t be offended by something offensive? :P


9 years ago

A) I've never "insinuated" it. I've stated exactly one time that I was bi. I have no problem with gay people.

B) They're only offended because people have made those words offensive.


9 years ago

A) You've insinuated that the people you are attacking are gay. Which is pretty homophobic. :P

B) So they shouldn't be offended when someone says something offensive to them? Answer the question. :P


9 years ago

A) When did I say that? I said I called someone a faggot jokingly, and they knew I was joking.

B) Indeed.


9 years ago

A) "What, can you not take a joke like you can take a dick in your ass? " And multiple other times with playa, coins, and pretty much everyone else on the site? XD

B)So when should someone be offended? when someone says something not offensive?


9 years ago

A) God, I fucking hate that playa bitch, always starting shit. Especially since I politely asked him to take off what he said about me on his profile, he still acted like a snobby douche.

B) People shouldn't get offended. At all.


9 years ago

A) Playa is awesome. ^_^

B) So, when you see gay people getting shipped off and people searching for "the cure for gayness," no one has the right to be offended? They should just 'suck it up'? That's idiotic. People should get offended when someone behaves like an asshole, and then disapprove of such behavior. 


9 years ago

A) He starts shit with people for no reason and is a sex-addicted druggie with no future.

B) That's different. I was talking strictly about words, not actions.


9 years ago

A) He's awesome. ^_^
B) Words lead to action. Every single time a large group of people were killed, words started the fire. 


9 years ago

A) How could you possibly think that?

B) Not every time, but yes, a lot of the time.


9 years ago

I think what Slasher's trying to say is that people need to be less sensitive.


9 years ago

A) Cuz he is. ^_^
B) No, pretty much everytime (maybe like one or two exceptions). And the reason it countinued is because people thought it's just words and don't mean anything. Which is entierly ridiculous. 


9 years ago

Agreed, iqqih.

A) Explain.

B) They shouldn't mean as much as people say.


9 years ago

A) Playa is awesome, cuz he is awesome. Self explanitory. 

B) But they do. So people have to react to them properly. Saying they shouldnt and that anyone who is offended by them is a whiner just leads to more people offending others, which is a vicious cycle that may (may not. I hope it won't, personally) lead to more trans, chinese, etc etc death. 


9 years ago

A) You're such a dumbass.

B) I bet you're one of those idiots who would say that suicide/cutting is okay.


9 years ago

A) That hurts me deep inside. 

B) no, I actually took a course on suicide prevention, and helped a cutter back when I was volunteering in the hospital. I do, however, believe that suicide is an effect, and that to minimize suicide we need to, as a society, become less cruel and offer better ways to handle it, as opposed to shaming the person who did it. 


9 years ago

A) Good. Bitch.

B) I don't know, I'm constantly telling the person who cuts that they're stupid for doing so.


9 years ago

B) Honestly can't tell if you're joking or not. :P


9 years ago

Of course not. I've tried telling them that they shouldn't do it, that it's wrong, blah blah blah, all the nice shit. But they don't listen. They're all dumbass teenagers who think they're life sucks so fucking much. Such bullshit, wait until they're 18, their life will be so different.


9 years ago

See, (assuming, of course, that they are actually being bullied and not doing it for the attention), instead of you telling them that, you should get someone trained in dealing with these things to help them. That's the only way, ha ha. 


9 years ago

But that's the thing, most of the time they don't want help.


9 years ago

Ofc they don't want help. You should still make sure they get it. Someone who is suicidal won't want someont to talk him out of it, but thats the only way to save them.


9 years ago

...wait. You're saying you don't like Playa because of what he said about you on his profile? What did he say?


9 years ago

He says "slasher is a bitch." Which is great. XD 


9 years ago

Ah, let me add you onto my account of bitches. :)


9 years ago


I really wonder how you can find it annoying that playa does it to you, but that it's perfectly fine for you to call everyone around you bitches. XD


9 years ago

Everyone around me? No. People who deserve it/when I'm joking (and they know that I am)? Yes.


9 years ago

So, Morgan, one of the nicest people on site, deserves it, but not you? :P


9 years ago


I apologize for that. I was being an asshole to you when I shouldn't have been.

But everyone else? Yes.


9 years ago



9 years ago

Apology accepted. ^_^

I honestly wasn't offended, but that's more because it's rare for me to take offense to personal insults, and not because you weren't being an ass. XD


9 years ago

After we got into a huge fight a month back, he posted on his account: Slasher is a bitch.

I messaged him and asked him politely to take it down. He didn't, so we got in another fight and I put the same thing on my account. I don't understand how the dickwad hasn't been banned yet.


9 years ago

...wait. Wait. What was that you were saying, about words not being offensive?



9 years ago

I wasn't offended by it. I was just thoroughly annoyed by him and the fact that he's the real dick in all this, not me.


9 years ago

...dude, no offense, but you have lost this argument so hard at this point. XD

Four little words:  Slasher is a bitch. And they piss you off! And they should piss you off! He should take them down!

Words matter.


9 years ago

This was never an argument to begin with.

They pissed me off, yes. But my beginning "argument" was that people shouldn't be offended by words. Offended, no. Pissed off, yes.


9 years ago

Definition of offended:

"resentful or annoyed, typically as a result of a perceived insult:" 

Man, where is kiel when you need him? cheeky


9 years ago

Ooooh we've got action! I wish 3J never banned you man, your hate fueled incoherent rants are truly a pinnacle of enlightenment. God bless!



9 years ago

Who are you to decide if he likes dick up his arse?


9 years ago

I don't believe him. If he actually does, good for him. I'm betting that he's making it up though. :P


9 years ago

Why is it so hard to believe? I mean, thanks for thinking that I'm a pussy magnet, but nah. I've had a boyfriend of three months until he ended it, and trust me, I was crying like a bitch.


9 years ago



9 years ago

...I really think he's not, and I'm not sure why you think he is. 


9 years ago

I tend to assume that most people lie on teh interwebs, and only say things to support their opinions. The only time someone is probably honest is when what they say does not support their opinion, or is completely unrelated to the cause. If I remember correctly, slasher suddenly became bi when playa called him out on homophobia, so, he probably isn't. :P


9 years ago

He'd already told me he was bi before then, though.


9 years ago

Was it in a conversation about how all gays are losers? :P


9 years ago

Shit! How'd you know?


9 years ago

Huh. I tend to assume most people are more-or-less honest, barring obvious exceptions like Ford. XD


9 years ago

That's why you're a nice person and I'm an ass, ha ha. 


9 years ago


Wait, does this mean you don't think I'm actually a queer kinky non-binary not-owl...?

Man, you totally think I'm an owl, don't you... >_<



9 years ago

Nah, I like you, so I kinda sorta assume you're telling the truth about it. XD (#hypocrisy4win)


9 years ago


...thanks. You're one of the people who make this site worth the time I spend here, for what it's worth. ^_^


9 years ago

^_^ Glad to hear that. You (and a few others) are the reason I stay on CYS, ha ha, so I'm equally grateful. XD


9 years ago
Spoken like a true owl.


9 years ago

Do owls usually speak? Or is it only the true ones? 


9 years ago



9 years ago

I dunno, I've know a few gay/bi people similar to Slasher and will openly say something of how they don't like the "fairy" or "effeminate"  gays and yeah, they'll even say stuff like "Stop acting like a faggot." to someone (regardless of that person's orientation)

Like with all groups, it isn't like gay/bi people are monolithic. So I'm willing to believe Slasher's legit.


9 years ago

Slasher is bisexual confirmed.


9 years ago

What does it take to make you guys believe me? A picture of me sucking a dick? God fucking damn.


9 years ago

Why are you addressing iqqih and I? We believe that you're bi. It's Aman who has his doubts, send a pic of your dick sucking skills to him.


9 years ago

plz don't, lol. 


9 years ago

Sorry End, I replied to the wrong person. Who knows, he might be into that. XD


9 years ago

Yeah, you know why they're outdated? Because people convinced other people to stop using them.

Also, I'm sorry that there are dumbasses who call you a faggot. I realize laughing it off is probably the safest reaction, but yeah, that's not okay.


9 years ago

I'm over it. Nothing I can do besides insult them or ignore them.


9 years ago


Who are these "dumbasses" who are somehow controlling the language? How do they do it?


9 years ago

The people that started using these words way back when, obviously.


9 years ago

Okay. So, words have weight, these words have negative connotations because of the people who used them historically, but they're still just words and we should... use them at will? Ignore the connotations? I mean, if you could get everyone to agree to do that, they'd probably lose those connotations, but you know that's never going to happen, right? >_<


9 years ago

Sadly, I do realize that.


9 years ago


No. You do not tell another member "Fuck you, cunt."

Do it again and you are banned.



9 years ago


I'm not trying to start shit. He was being an asshole, so I answered.

Fine, almighty mod, it won't happen again.


9 years ago

he never said you were trying to start shit you vindictive prick


9 years ago


If you ban Slasher, you'll have to ban the peguinite too. Equality, right? 


9 years ago

Usually I'd second that, lol. But Sent's one of the first I met here, that kinda means something. I'll vote against that.


9 years ago
Actually, no. JJJ addressed that comment already, and gave a universal warning. To punish Penguin now would be double jeopardy.


9 years ago

Obviously. But if Slasher's banned now, then the penguinite will also have to be banned. Or, do you not agree? 


9 years ago
Slasher's been warned, both by JJJ and Sethaniel, for his actions on this thread. If Slasher gets banned, as a result of something he has already done, then yes, anyone who committed a similar offense prior to the warning should be banned. But, if he does something new that results in 3J or Seth banning him, and Penguin does not, then Slasher alone should be punished.


9 years ago

Obviously, I was referencing the above posts where Slasher and the pengunite were having it in for each other. If either of them do anything now that results in being banned, of course it shouldn't have affected the other. Why should it? 


9 years ago
Well, JJJ's addressed the entire problem since Seth made that warning...


9 years ago

Last I checked, Slasher wasn't banned.


9 years ago

alright guys, at first, I thoght this was some funny shit, but then I realizesd that it was actually a pretty shitty situation. you guys are mostly idiots. Not 3J obviously, but, there's shit to be said about a lot of you. I may not have noticed this shit for a long time because I was part of the massive shitwave that's washed over this site, but now I see it loud and clear. Christ dammit, the site has been flooded with idiots who don't know what the fuck.

its nice to see the admins busting out the banhammer threats and kicking ass, because the site needs it. because now there are people being assholes on the sit e that suck at being assholesss in a good way. Slasher and iggih you are a fucking stupid. and I mean that in the most constructive way but you have to face this shit, in order to become a better person, in order to become a man. now i don't know much about slasher that i know about iggih so ill start off with iggih.

?iggih you are not funny. you seem to be under the impression that obscenity without wit equalls humor but it doesn't you throw around cliche insults like you fucking invented them and I won't understand for that. if this were 4chan or some shit i would forgive your shittiness but this is not 4chan or some other internet Mos-Eisley-shithole. This is a writing site where class, insight and orginality are key.

and Slasher you are one gay shit. and I don't mean gay in the good way, where you're happy, or in the controversey way, where you are an asso pirata, i mean gay where it means you're a stupid fuck. because you always make the same marysue over and over again for forum rps, and you called someone a cunt according to sethaniel. you don't say cunt, man, that's a shit word for shit people. you didn't even try to be creative with it what the hell. 

I mean, think of it this way, let's say, fetuses are unacceptable to society. if you are jason and you strangle children to death with a fetus rope you will at least be banned with a few lulz afterward, but if you just chuck the fetus at people because you're angry, then you're just an angry retard with a fetus. and thats what I'm Seeing Slasher. Deep down all I'm seeing in you is an angry retard with a fetus.

Are you really an angry retard with a fetus Slasher. Are you.

also CreatorX you're stupid. You have no understanding of the art of punning, and it really pissed me off back in those days because I was really trying and i only lost that one time because i was legitimately out of puns while you were just embolding words the whole time. Fuck you autocorrect, the words i'm making up are grammatical, stop redlining me.

And there's also a bunch of other new members that secretly piss me off but they have redeeming moments but not enough you three.

also Morgan_R is really annoying. MorganR ive never met a more annoying-ass SJW than you. And yeah I said SJW because that's what it is. Call me a judgemental fuckbucket all you want Because I know you hate when people call people that but there's a difference between calling out some shitbleeder who grates on your nerves while calling for Social Justice and just labelling all the fucks you don't agree with. and I wish I didn't agree with you because then I could back-argue at you and yell profanities and get my anger out for you being annoying when you're angry too and there would be stress relief all around but I don't have anything to disaggree with you with. or maybe I'm just in my Confrontational Mood today.

This is mostly almost everything that's wrong with the site today and its filling the site with stupidity and I don't like it.

(you found an EGG!)


9 years ago


...kidding, kidding. Sorry to annoy you by virtue of being right... if I parsed that correctly. XD



9 years ago

nono Morgan I'm so sorry. You're only annoying when you're angry.


9 years ago

Oh, okay. Annoying but right. I see it now.

...can I be a Social Justice Wizard instead? Because I'm not super into the pure melee combat classes...


9 years ago

Maybe a barbarian would fit better. ;) XD


9 years ago

Oh no, "barbarian" is obviously a highly stereotypical representation of an amalgation of various cultures. Also, as a white person, me playing a barbarian character would be appropriation.

Not cool, man, not cool. 



9 years ago

But I thought white people were the real barbarians? :o



9 years ago
That was the Mongolians.

Damn Mongolians.


9 years ago

Yeah! What have they ever done for society! angry


9 years ago

What about Conan the Barbarian? His culture was some kind of weird Celtic/Germanic thing.


9 years ago

I don't know what exactly is going on here, but I want to join.

I call Social Justice Rogue/Thief, okay? But only if I can be an elf. Or at least half-elf. 


9 years ago

You can be an elfkin. 


9 years ago

"MorganR ive never met a more annoying-ass SJW than you."

Social Justice Wizard


9 years ago

I actually meant Social-Justice-Wombat.


9 years ago

Be prepared to be dying in a few hits until you hit higher levels.

Eh, I guess the party needs one.


9 years ago

For one, why does is matter what character I use for Forum RP's? I enjoy using the same character, I'm having fun with it, so who gives a fuck? I don't understand how I'm an "angry retard". I'm not angry. At all. I'm having a casual debate and then me and iqqih were dicking around. Retarded? Eh, I'll give you that one. By the way, you didn't mention Aman at all, who is at least a bit at fault.


9 years ago

Because your one character is boring, cliched, an GMs are afraid to reject it for one of two reasons;

  1. They don't want you to get offended and be a bitch.
  2. They need players desperately.


9 years ago

Eh, I enjoy playing as him.

1. I've never gotten offended or been a bitch over an RP.

2. Usually I'm one of the first people to submit an app in any RP.


9 years ago
  1. You've gotten offended and been a bitch over many other things, including Aman disagreeing with you. In. THIS. THREAD.
  2. Yeah, with copy/pasted garbage that churns the stomach.


9 years ago

1. Malky, look at the words: OVER AN RP. I've only been "a bitch" to people who start shit with me for no reason *cough Aman cough* *cough playa988 cough*.

2. Well I'm sorry, Mr. King Of RP's Malky, I'll make sure I make something more satisfying for you next time.


9 years ago

So? You've already established you can't be trusted not to be a huge bitch.


9 years ago

Yes, yes I can. I'm only a "huge bitch" when people start shit.


9 years ago

Woah there, malk, there's gotta be some sort of an epiphany going on here. :P


9 years ago


9 years ago

Well the Tard, Alt, Spam Graveyard used to be here, but has now been moved!

Good luck finding it!


9 years ago

That would be amazing. 


9 years ago

I don't want to be "that guy" but I still don't really agree that I'm at fault here. I'm just stating my opinion and having a casual debate over it, and people are getting annoyed/pissed.

Also, why the fuck was CreatorX put in the rant? XD


9 years ago
You're at fault for insulting others. Your opinion is irrelevant.


9 years ago

Thanks for your input. However, everyone's opinion is relevant, regardless of what you believe.


9 years ago
You do realize I said your opinion is irrelevant in regards to why you were mentioned, right? No one cares if you have a disagreement with someone, but you still need to remain civil about it.


9 years ago

Well, thanks for your input. But it's not like I'm always the bad guy. I've been attacked multiple times on this site for no reason and the mods don't do shit about it. Especially with playa, the mods just deleted the thread and didn't say shit, even though he attacked me over multiple shit.


9 years ago

Slasher, what you were doing before with Aman was fine- you two were arguing/discussing.

But then, you just straight up insulted him, with profanity.

No argument, no discussion, just "fuck you, cunt."

That's what's not acceptable.





9 years ago

It only pissed me off because me and iqqih were dicking around (you'd call it spam) and then tried to bitch off to you guys, saying it was "garbage".


9 years ago

Playa can be an irritant, but he grows on you.


9 years ago

Eh, I've only had one encounter with him, and he was a complete ass. So yeah, I fucking hate the bitch.


9 years ago

He's not the one getting fucked in the ass, gayboy.


9 years ago

Is that supposed to offend me? That's biboy, douchedick.


9 years ago

Yeah, lets stay away from those insults, coins. There are far better insults tp choose from. 


9 years ago

Shitbleeder, for example!


9 years ago

Trust me, a good number of people here are pricks. Nonetheless, they make up the CYS community. If you hate him, you're going to hate a majority here. I learned you have to let stuff go and swallow your pride. When JJJ threatened to ban me, I responded with sarcasm. That could have got me thrown out. Pride is nobody's friend, it's a internal enemy.


9 years ago

Yeah, there's a majority of people here that I hate, and there's only a handful that I like, the rest are just there.


9 years ago

Love you too bb


9 years ago


To answer one of your earlier questions, I don't know why I was included in Sentinels rant. As I was reading down his post, my eye caught my username before I got to the part where I was included. I thought it would be another retaliation from me advocating the slaughter of Transexuals, but it appears he still has pint-up aggression towards me from a pun thread I defeated him in a while back.


9 years ago

Let it all out Penguin.


9 years ago

That entire drugged-up rant was glorious.


9 years ago

I like how I criticized iqqih and Slasher for legitimate reasons, but then I got pissed at morgan and creator for puns and sounding annoying.


9 years ago

Note to self: Next time you get your wisdom teeth pulled out, log off and try to forget your password first...

Sorry about that, guys. Thank god laughing-gas me decided that you were all idiots and went on to play Skyrim, cursing the dentist who apparently robbed him of his ability to play well without god mode...


9 years ago

Well, I'm still putting that I'm apparently a "angry retard with a fetus" on my profile. :D


9 years ago

I think that part was an attempt at humor, but I'm not sure, all I remember was being deathly serious and angry when writing the rant, and not capitalizing anything because yelling was a sign of weakness.


9 years ago

But you still mean all those things, correct?


9 years ago

I probably would've put them in a more diplomatic or satirical light. Swinging like that doesn't fix or improve anything and leaves everyone  butthurt in the end. Or laughing at me, in this case.


9 years ago

Indeed. Well, I'm glad you're not an asshole. :)


9 years ago

He is indeed a Asshole actually, but he's a cool Asshole.


9 years ago

Why did my earlier replies to that rant thing get deleted? There was no swearing or anything.

I is confuse.


9 years ago

I dunno, probably because it's not nice to argue with the mentally challenged, even if it is only a temporary challenge.


9 years ago

Oh well, that was fun while it lasted. Take drugs more often!


9 years ago


9 years ago

Getting wisdom teeth removed sucks. 


9 years ago

That dose suck I almost got my tonsils out 


9 years ago

They didn't do it years ago when I had my braces done, because it didn't look like they'd cause problems, but ever since I got them off and my teeth were allowed to move freely, the retainers and shit didn't send the memo to my wisdom teeth, so he had to hack them out, probably with an axe or something, because the brillo pads they stuffed in the back of my mouth were neon-red by the time I spat them out to get new ones.


9 years ago

I got them done three day before my skii trip, so I was going down Mt. Snow with this constant aching. 

I did, however, get far cry 4 after the whole thing to occupy my time. Did you get them all removed?


9 years ago

I think so, it hurts on the top and the bottom, I'm not an x-ray expert, so I didn't know which ones were causing problems, but apparently it was going to be really crowded, so they were taken out..


9 years ago

Yeah, most people I know remove all at once, though I have a couple friends who got them taken out 2 at a time. 


9 years ago

It's almost sad. Recovering from knockout drugs can be as glorious as it is humiliating.


9 years ago
I got all 4 of mine removed.

It was great, I only got local numbing, and they had to spend well over an hour on a single tooth because it was only partially through (so they literally had to dig into my gums and pick it out piece by piece).

My face was REALLY sore after, and my jaw has been permanently aligned a different way since. Though that's more likely because with the teeth gone my jaw just rests in a different way.

Fuck wisdom teeth.


9 years ago

Oof. I got mine all removed, but I was put under a general anesthetic, and was knocked unconcious. It was really cool, ha ha, the dentist just stabbed a needle into my forearm, and everything slowly got fuzzier and fuzzier. 

Then I woke up on a sofa, and my parents drove me home. It hurt like a bitch but after a while it was gone.

Really sucks about your jaw though. Hopefully it's not that the guy messed up your jaw, that would suck, ha ha.  


9 years ago

I was unconscious for mine. The lowers were impacted & they had to remove part of the jawbone to get them out.

i remember it not hurting nearly as much as everyone said it would. 

My bite definitely doesn't align properly any more. But I've had a lot of fillings, also.


9 years ago

They had to remove part of your jaw bone? D:


9 years ago
The jaw part isn't a big deal. I think it's been part of the reason my top front teeth have been degrading quicker (because they now rest in front of my bottom front teeth, rather than on top) , but that could just be from coffee, haha. It just took a little while to get used to is all.


9 years ago

Alright, I guess. As long as it isn't noticeable. XD


9 years ago

I still have mine and, even though I have small features, my teeth are straight.

I did have to have one of my lower molars pulled and it was exactly like your experience because the roots were splayed and jutting at odd angles.  The Novocaine wore off halfway through the procedure and the dentist didn't understand that my grunts and gags were actually words.  He just kept digging.  My gums were swollen for over a week and it felt like my jaw had been broken.

What doesn't kill you ... I guess...


9 years ago
The dentist gave me about 4 injections of the numbing agent because I kept complaining about pain, before I realized what I was feeling wasn't pain, but pressure, and no amount of drugs stopped that.

It wasn't a pleasant experience.


9 years ago

I've never been afraid of the dentist (and I don't intend to start now), but that ordeal made me think more about my dental hygiene, that's for sure.

I'd never want to go through it again...


9 years ago
At least my teeth being pulled was necessary.

When I was younger I had a dentist that worked on one of my teeth for like, 45 minutes before deciding fuck it and pulling it out.

And so started my dislike of dentists.


9 years ago

About thirty years ago, I had to have half a dozen fillings.  All that burning from the grinder and drill put me on the straight and narrow.  When one of the fillings came out last winter and the tooth couldn't be saved, I doubled my efforts.  Of course, I have coffee stains and pits from acidic fruits and juices (in reference to your above post since this thread is taking forever to load).

A friend of mine had one of the worst experiences that I've ever heard.  Back in the sixties he had to have an impacted tooth removed.  He was living in BC, Canada at the time.  The dentist had left his instruments with the local doctor when he left town.  He says they were rusty and looked like medieval torture devices.  The doc had to hold him down by throwing a leg over his midsection, and worked on him for several hours, all the while cussing and throwing things.  For months (possibly years), shards of tooth and bone would work their way to the surface.  He vowed he would never go through that again, and he just let his teeth rot out on their own.  XD


9 years ago

I can't stand that- the "it's not pain, it's just pressure." Whatever it is, I don't like it and I want you to stop. 


I found a dentist that does nitrous, and that helps a lot.  For the major stuff, he gives Ativan, too. I don't remember what happened last time I had a filling, and I actually kind of look forward to cleanings.


9 years ago

I usually wait too long between cleanings so they aren't really something I really enjoy.  It beats losing teeth due to my gums receding, though.


9 years ago
Yeah, as soon as he said that I was like "fuck, this is gonna suck".

But I really dislike the thought of being put under, so I went with it.


9 years ago

But muh free speech, Morgan!


9 years ago


*checks indentation level*

Dude, did you just reply to the original post? Did it take you that long to come up with an argument? And it's "but free speech"? Seriously? XD


9 years ago



9 years ago

...okay. XD

You're free to say "tranny" as much as you like.

I'm free to tell you that you shouldn't say "tranny."

And 3J is free to say he's sick of hearing it, and ban you.

You'd still be free to say it, though! Just not on CYS. ^_^


9 years ago

Fine, I have an idea. From this moment forth, when I mean to say "tranny" or "faggot", I will instead say peach.

Honey, did I ever tell you how peachy you look?



9 years ago
I wonder if this qualifies as an auto-ban under JJJ's new policy.


9 years ago

Stop being such a peach.


9 years ago

Wait, what if I say that I want to eat a peach? The fruit, not a "faggot".


9 years ago

Hey, no need to be such a ludafisque.


9 years ago
Fermented white fish?


9 years ago

In the typical faggots-to-peaches style, it means "Bigotted Honkey", because, as 'faggots' and 'trannies' are 'peaches' presumably because 'fruitcake' is also a pejorative, only old white people ever seem to eat ludafiskhoweveryouspellit.


9 years ago



9 years ago

Yes, lutefisk. You are a lutefisk. And yo momma's a lutefisk, and Drako's a lutefisk, and Coins is a lutefisk, and Chowhall, and Aman, and probably fucking Briar or some shit.

Everyone's a goddamn lutefisk. Especially Playa.


9 years ago
I've never seen anyone eat Lutefisk.


9 years ago

You have never been to Lake Wobegon.


9 years ago

No way this thread is two days old. Feels like a week ago. XD


9 years ago
...who are you again?


9 years ago

Ha. Back to the thread that started it all.

Morgan reminds me of a rat. Stinks like the rest of us mice, and thinks she's better than the mice when in reality she's just a filthy, stinkin' rat (metaphorically speaking, of course).


9 years ago



9 years ago

Her opinions are right though.


9 years ago

That's another opinion.


9 years ago

Why is this argument still going on? It's not like either side's going to suddenly switch sides or have their views changed.


9 years ago

I don't know. Maybe a CYS civil war will break out or something.


9 years ago

Or 3J will just purge everyone.


9 years ago



9 years ago know, if I saw a mouse picking a fight with a rat, I wouldn't put my money on the mouse.

Hypothetically speaking, of course.


9 years ago

Listen Morgan, you owl. You are a swashbuckling pirate, matty, arghhhh! I'm inlove with you, that's why I say these mean things.


9 years ago


9 years ago

Damn. That one hit hard.


9 years ago

Oh please, Morgan. You know you love me. And I love you too.....Forever!!!!


9 years ago

I literally broke up yesterday and I was like ouch. :(


9 years ago
Unless I am mistaken, rats have larger brains, relative to the size of their entire body, than mice.


9 years ago

Duuuuuude! I was locked for four days, only FOUR FUCKING DAYS, and I missed this? Aww man, I'm so pissed off right now! angry

Oh, and since Slasher brought it up, here are the messages we sent each other referring to my profile.


From: playa988
To: Slasher
Date: 4/4/2015 7:22:02 PM

Cool nigga cool

From: Slasher
To: playa988
Date: 4/4/2015 7:21:31 PM

Alright, deuces bitch.

From: playa988
To: Slasher
Date: 4/4/2015 7:20:59 PM

You're waaay too hardcore for me man.

From: Slasher
To: playa988
Date: 4/4/2015 7:19:37 PM

I highly fucking doubt that. Now, are we done here, or are you gonna make stupid fucking thread about me in The Lounge, like you always do? Douchedick.

From: playa988
To: Slasher
Date: 4/4/2015 7:18:23 PM

I live in the suburbs moron haha.

From: Slasher
To: playa988
Date: 4/4/2015 7:15:56 PM

So you ARE this big of an ass. Thanks for clearing that up, douche. 

My childhood. Oh, it was great, I had good parents, played sports, had friends, and got good grades. 

I'm guessing yours was your parents shooting up drugs in front of you, all of your dumbass nigga homies getting shot up, and you failing in school?

From: playa988
To: Slasher
Date: 4/4/2015 7:13:46 PM

How is being an asshole acting cool? Hahaha you're so socially inept that it's kind of fascinating. Tell me, how was your childhood?

From: Slasher
To: playa988
Date: 4/4/2015 7:12:16 PM

Are you really this big of an asshole, or is it all just some act to look cool? Because if it's an act, you're failing majorly. It's pretty hilarious, in all honestly.

From: playa988
To: Slasher
Date: 4/4/2015 7:10:12 PM

IQ test scores over 130 man. Not a genius, but intelligent. Besides, true wisdom is gained from life experiences, not rote memorization, even though I've got a top notch memory as well. 

"All I know is that I know nothing." - Socrates yo

From: Slasher
To: playa988
Date: 4/4/2015 7:07:32 PM

Please, you dropped out of high school, you have no right to talk about intelligence.

From: playa988
To: Slasher
Date: 4/4/2015 7:06:55 PM

Way to deflect the question, bro. You're getting better at this. Maybe with a few more decades of experience, you'll be half as smart as my drug riddled brain.

From: Slasher
To: playa988
Date: 4/4/2015 7:05:54 PM

Do I sense a hefty dose of dumbass? Yes, yes I do. Did you lose your brain, or is that just the drugs?

From: playa988
To: Slasher
Date: 4/4/2015 7:04:38 PM

Do I sense a hefty dose of outward projection? Keep telling yourself that.

From: Slasher
To: playa988
Date: 4/4/2015 7:04:03 PM

Yes, I'm a virgin, and proud of it. I don't need to pay money for condoms or child support or any of that shit, like you probably do. Not that anyone would want to fuck your bitch ass.

From: playa988
To: Slasher
Date: 4/4/2015 7:02:20 PM

You are sooo original. Seriously, I applaud you. Virgin.

From: Slasher
To: playa988
Date: 4/4/2015 7:01:42 PM

Okay, fuck you. You're such a bitch, starting shit like this. I asked nicely, but no, you're just a douchedick. Go fuck your druggie mother.

From: playa988
To: Slasher
Date: 4/4/2015 7:00:47 PM

Go back to chronically masturbating.

From: Slasher
To: playa988
Date: 4/4/2015 6:58:19 PM

Alrighty then, bitch. I tried to act nicely, but you're just a big of a cunt as I remember, asswipe.

From: playa988
To: Slasher
Date: 4/4/2015 6:57:07 PM

Oh my God and you listen to Hollywood Undead hahahaha! You're such a fag

From: playa988
To: Slasher
Date: 4/4/2015 6:56:28 PM

You're a bitch

From: playa988
To: Slasher
Date: 4/4/2015 6:56:28 PM

You're a bitch

From: Slasher
To: playa988
Date: 4/4/2015 6:56:11 PM

Yo, I'm gonna ask as nicely as I can, before I get pissed. Can you please get rid of what you said about me on your profile?


9 years ago

Hahahaha, lol. "Go back to chronically masturbating."

I know my yearbook quote.


9 years ago

You burnt his ass like toast. You won that argument at "Chronically masturbating."


9 years ago

He's lucky those messages are from before when before JJ made his big post, and before Slasher got banned. 


9 years ago

You're lucky you made a post about stories about having sex with children before 3J came back. People like you should be shot, pedophile.


9 years ago

....which one?

And you think pedophiles should be shot for writing fictional stories? Really?


9 years ago

Pedophiles should be shot for being fucking pedophiles. They're sick and disgusting, and they deserve no sympathy. They're predatory animals, not people.


9 years ago

uh huh.

Pedophiles are not predatory animals. Pedophiles are people who happen to be sexual attracted to children. There's a stark difference between a pedophile and a child molester. The former could jack off to lolicon all day and never touch anyone with a ten foot pole, the latter is sick and rather predatory.


9 years ago

Your nitpicking is infuriating. I know the difference, and I don't care if they pray to Mother Theresa and do a thousand Holy Mary's all day every day, they're sick perverts who are unworthy of life.


9 years ago

Nitpicking? It's an important distinction to make. Being a pedophile doesn't make you some sick child molester.

You think people should be shot for having a sexual attraction. That's sick.


9 years ago

A sexual attraction to children. If you disagree with my sentiment, you're just a wimp, point blank. Pedophiles can snap for whatever reason they want, whether it be due to depression, the want to throw their life away, sexual frustration, or even ordinary stress. They are a burden and a liability, and a danger to children everywhere. I'd rather be proactive about a potential problem than allow a child to be harmed, just because it's not fair for a fucking pedophile.


9 years ago

Okay I'll probably make an enemy here or something but here I go:

I approve of many lifestyles many other people disagree on, but a sexual attraction to children is illegal in itself (not the thought but the actions). If you have a sexual attraction to kids, that should be truly unacceptable. Do I think they should be locked up? Only after a first offense. Supervised Probation would be nice on pedophiles. And I do not see how any form of Pedophilia is socially accepted.


9 years ago

" but a sexual attraction to children is illegal in itself (not the thought but the actions)"

Is it though? Yes, many things related to attraction to children is illegal, but there are certainly legal ways which end up with no one hurt. Questionable hentai anyone?

"If you have a sexual attraction to kids, that should be truly unacceptable"

Why shouldn't it? They can't choose who to be attracted too. Yes, of course they should be locked up after touching some kid, but they shouldn't be locked up for reading/watching some fictional lolicon.


9 years ago

Just because they drew a shitty hand in life doesn't mean they shouldn't be ostracized for it.


9 years ago

I would say it does right up 'till they actually do something harmful.


9 years ago

Well, I hope that you're fortunate enough to not have one of your loved ones victimized throughout the course of your life. Child molestation has much too high of a prevalence as it is.


9 years ago

Should we just off mentally unstable people too? Should we off everyone incase they happen to rape someone they are attracted too? I'm fine with being a wimp if that makes me so.


9 years ago

Mentally unstable people, nah. They're cool.

Rapists deserve death as well. They're worse than murderers.


9 years ago

Whelp, it's clear we're on the opposite ends of the spectrum.

Edit: I'd invite you to meet my sister. She's totally not cool :p


9 years ago

Haha, well, not all crazy people are cool, but it would be wrong to execute or lock somebody up just for being mentally ill. Pedophiles though... that's just different. Completely different.


9 years ago

Not really. I'd wager crazy people are more likely to snap at some point than some pedophile. No point debating statistics that don't exist though.


9 years ago

To snap and assault or kill somebody is different from snapping and raping somebody. They should be killed not because they're potential criminals, but because they're potential rapists.


9 years ago

Pedophiles, in my opinion, are much, much worse than criminals. Pedophiles can literally destroy a persons life. Depending on the assault, it may not have the serious far-reaching effects of assault.


Crazy people are distinguished by mental institutions which segregates them from society to an extent, steps are taken for crazy people. Pedophiles? Not nearly as much.


9 years ago

"Pedophiles, in my opinion, are much, much worse than criminals."

Are you just refusing to understand? There is a difference between a pedophile and a child molester. One can jack off to lolicon all day and never touch a kid with a ten foot pole. How is that person worse that a criminal exactly?

"Pedophiles can literally destroy a persons life. "

And so could you? What's your point?


9 years ago

A pedophile is just a single hop away from a child molester. So maybe you watched some questionable hentai? "Oh wow that looks fun let's go do it right now!"

See? I know every case isn't like that, but still, it's not a far reaching for a sexual attraction to kids to raping one.


QUOTE: "• Pedophiles have a strong, almost irresistible, desire to have sex with children. The average pedophile molests 260 victims during their lifetime. Over 90% of convicted pedophiles are arrested again for the same offense after their release from prison."

I'm not refusing to understand. I know fully well what your stating, and I am countering it.



9 years ago
The same could be said about people who use hallucinogenic drugs.


9 years ago

This is a different topic completely form hallucinogenic drugs.


9 years ago

The same could also be said for people who commit any crime. Rape is different though.


9 years ago

"A pedophile is just a single hop away from a child molester."

You could honestly say that about anyone, just replace child molester with something else.

"So maybe you watched some questionable hentai? "Oh wow that looks fun let's go do it right now!""

I'd say most hentai is questionable in some fashion. And do you honestly think if I watch some roleplay porn, I'm gonna go out and try it for myself? Most people know the difference between fantasy and fiction.

"QUOTE: "• Pedophiles have a strong, almost irresistible, desire to have sex with children. The average pedophile molests 260 victims during their lifetime. Over 90% of convicted pedophiles are arrested again for the same offense after their release from prison.""

Interesting statistic. I still see no reason to punish those who have done nothing wrong.


9 years ago

Nothing wrong YET! Why take a chance?

"You could honestly say that about anyone, just replace child molester with something else."

But we are talking about Molesters and potential molesters right now, not anything else. Other criminals aren't putting children at risk for destroying there lives and mentally scarring them.

"Interesting statistic. I still see no reason to punish those who have done nothing wrong."

The statistic shows that pedophiles heavily think about molesting children. The average pedophile molests 260 people in there lifetime. They can't help themselves.


9 years ago
I'm sorry, but that statistic is just so obviously wrong that it's laughable. You really believe child molesters are molesting entire schools full of children before being caught?


9 years ago

Yeah, I know, but still, my point stands.


9 years ago
Given your point is based on false data... No it does not, lol.

This is literally what you've done:
You: X is true, therefore doing Y is justified.
Me: But X isn't true.
You: Alright X isn't true, but doing Y is still justified!


9 years ago

Right underneath it there's another statistic saying that 1%-5% of the population molests children. If both of those statistics were true, that would mean everybody in the world has been molested multiple times by multiple people.


9 years ago





9 years ago


9 years ago

"You could honestly say that about anyone, just replace child molester with something else."

Yeah, I could go out and kill somebody, or rob someone, or burglarize a home, but I'm not going to invade anybody's orifices. I don't support punishing people for crimes they have yet to commit for the most part, but those crimes are entirely different from rape.

"Interesting statistic. I still see no reason to punish those who have done nothing wrong."

Yeah, I don't agree with that statistic whatsoever. 260 victims is a lot. For argument's sake, let's say that it's true though. If the average pedophile did indeed molest upwards of 200 children, you still wouldn't consider that a reasonable cause to take a proactive approach? Reasoning like that is rooted in idealism, and not practicalism.


9 years ago

I'd agree with a harsh stance on those doing the molesting, yes. Either way, why does a proactive approach have to involve imprisoning/killing those that have done nothing wrong?


9 years ago

Because it's not exactly proactive if you wait until they've already done the deed, now is it?



9 years ago

I've already mentioned, albeit intrusive, ways of being proactive without ultimately punishing someone. So long as your willing to pay that is. I know I wouldn't mind.


9 years ago

Then should we arrest you because you could potentially commit a crime due to your weed smoking?


9 years ago

Don't smoke pot no more yo.

To say that marijuana use is on par with rape is just plain dumb. That question really doesn't even deserve a response.


9 years ago

It's just as dumb to say that people who haven't committed a crime should be put in jail.


9 years ago

Pedophiles and rapists aren't people.


9 years ago

Yes, they are. What's the point of dehumanizing them exactly?


9 years ago

No, they're not. They're animals. They might be homo sapiens, but they are not humans. They have no place in society, no role whatsoever. They are parasites, and they are hindrances to progress. They are despicable scum that should be wiped off the face of the planet. Anything less than that is just putting a bandaid on the wound, they are a problem that needs to be dealt with, but unfortunately nobody has either the balls or the level of detachment to do something about it.


9 years ago

Yes, they are. Nothing they do, or you say, will change that. It's just a simple fact that your emotion is rejecting for whatever reason.


9 years ago

Well you're wrong. 


9 years ago

indecision k


9 years ago




9 years ago



9 years ago

Disagree with the worse than murder. Death penalty? ABSOLUTELY.

Do you think if we punished rape with a round in the chamber up and coming rapists would rape? No, I don't think so.


9 years ago
I disagree, but repeat offenders wouldn't be a problem.


9 years ago

Man, if you kill somebody you're just taking care of business or doing what needs to be done. Simple as that. Just because you kill somebody doesn't necessarily mean you're going to go out and do it again, but the urge to rape is part of your subconscious psyche, and odds are you will do it again. Not saying this doesn't happen with certain murderers, but it's nowhere near as much of a sure thing as it is with rapists. It turns them on, and the moment the motive for a crime becomes sexual gratification, it takes a whole new twist entirely. It completely warps the mind of their victims, not to mention the fact that the longer you get away with it, the higher the odds of the rapist escalating.

The amount of rapes would probably decrease, but there would still be rapists. It's part of their imprinting. Somebody who grew up and become a serial rapist would likely become one no matter what the potential penalty for their crimes were.


9 years ago

Knew a pedophile, he was a nice guy, saved a woman's life from a burning car. 

But he was also abusing kids. Which is disgusting. He ruined kids lives. 


9 years ago

It doesn't matter how nice they are, or how many lives they've saved, or whether they've even cured cancer. The bottom line is that they touch kids, and that's a no-no. 


9 years ago



9 years ago

"The bottom line is that they touch kids,"

But not all do, which is the point. Obviously touching kids is a no-no.


9 years ago

Really? You don't say?

They feel a sexual attraction to children. They might not snap today, they might not snap tomorrow, but odds are they'll snap eventually. I think we should be more concerned with protecting the safety of our children than we should be with violating the rights of a pervert.


9 years ago

So instead of say, putting them under watch, segregating them, giving them mental evaluations, you think we should just kill 'em and be done with it? How is that at all rational? Sure some might snap, but some won't. I don't think the law should be working on what may or may not happen.

50% of child molesters aren't attracted to their victims.


9 years ago

How is that rational? Simple. We kill em, and then we don't have a problem on our hands anymore. What you just suggested requires resources to maintain, both financial and in terms of manpower. Pedophiles are a waste of our time and resources, and they don't deserve mercy.

I don't know where you heard that last statistic, but I sure don't trust it. Even if it were true, I don't really see how it's relevant, considering the whole point of what I'm saying is that we should take a proactive approach to these abominations walking around in human skin.


9 years ago

I'd rather pay for those options than pay for state sponsored murder. Our opinions appear to be opposites :p

An LA Times article. I mentioned again just to emphasize the fact that most pedophiles are not going out and raping kids.


9 years ago

Unless you know the exact number of pedophiles, and were able to compare that to 50% of all cases where the pedophile is caught and identified, and then magically come up with the number of child molestations that go unreported, that statistic doesn't really account for jack.


9 years ago

You keep repeating the phrase "state sponsored murder." It's a ridiculous term, Brad. :P


9 years ago

He's got a point. I even believe that it's state sponsored murder, I just believe it's a necessary and morally correct one.


9 years ago

It's a ridiculous term in that it's being used to make it no different then any other premediated killing. The death penalty is far more then just a mafia boss taking out some guy who cheated him, ha ha. 


9 years ago

I suggested the putting them under watch and back the segregation and mental evaluations. But the moment one touches a kid, nahhh he should die.


9 years ago

Segregation is a major violation of ones liberty, especially when ones crime was being born with a shitty sexuality. I'd agree to watching them so long as it was a voluntary thing. Mental evaluations seems rather fine and unintrusive.

I'd rather our governments avoid state sponsored murder. Stick them in a cell and give 'em time to regret their decision and change, or not and let them rot in jail.


9 years ago

"Shitty Sexuality".

I find the above very insghtful. So is liking a kid a sexuality now? So it's a social norm?

I find it hard to believe pedophiles fully like JUST children. Like children still have a gender, and while I'm sure pedophiles prefer a gender (cringing as I type this), they can get a similar experience to a teen (18-19). But just letting them live in the world by themselves is wrong, because just because a person likes his type of sex, putting young kids at risk (multiple even) for the rights of a creep is kinda wrong. Why have a ticking time bomb when you can just disarm it?


9 years ago

"So is liking a kid a sexuality now?"

*Sexual attracted, and yes, it is. Why wouldn't it be?

"So it's a social norm?"

Of course not. I never said it was.

"I find it hard to believe pedophiles fully like JUST children"

If they don't, there're not pedophiles. An attraction to older teens is Ephebophilia.

"But just letting them live in the world by themselves is wrong, because just because a person likes his type of sex, putting young kids at risk (multiple even) for the rights of a creep is kinda wrong. Why have a ticking time bomb when you can just disarm it?"

You can disarm a ticking bomb by giving them help to control their urges, if they have any at all. Sticking them in jail or killing them for doing nothing at all is totally unjustified.


9 years ago

I'd say the fact that it keeps them from potentially molesting children makes it justifiable. You'd probably consider it morally reprehensible, but that's a sentiment I disagree with.


9 years ago

You can disarm a ticking bomb by giving them help to control their urges, if they have any at all. Sticking them in jail or killing them for doing nothing at all is totally unjustified.

 What would you propose? Child porn to help 'suppress' these urges. Helping control there urges how?

*Sexual attracted, and yes, it is. Why wouldn't it be?

 Then there sexuality is illegal and therefore wrong.


9 years ago

" What would you propose? Child porn to help 'suppress' these urges. Helping control there urges how?"

Well no, because ultimately someone is getting hurt in that situation. If you need to give them anything, fictional stuff is enough. Meditation, someone to talk to, a consistent hobby? There are even websites dedicated for pedophiles that want to resist to urge, so to speak.

"Then there sexuality is illegal and therefore wrong."

It isn't, as I've already explained and illegality does not equal morality.


9 years ago

I am going to go to bed and sleep on this disturbing debate. The fact that someone would defend a pedophile shocks me. Goodnight, I shall return at a later date. (tommorow)


9 years ago
I find it funny you think this is less extreme than just straight up killing them, lol. With the world treating them like that they'd likely just kill themselves anyway.


9 years ago

Hey, that works too.


9 years ago
Kind of interested here.

You keep saying they'll "snap" because they're attracted to kids. Presumably this is because they don't actively have sex with children.

So, do you also think anyone who lacks sexual experiences will inevitably snap and rape someone they're attracted to as well? Or is this some trait you believe to be specific to pedos?


9 years ago

The person who lacks sexual experiences may snap and rape somebody, but there are plenty of people who go through dry spells and don't come to the conclusion that they should victimize another human being, as the idea in of itself repulses most normal people.

To be sexually attracted to children however, is to also be sexually attracted to the victimization of a child. You can't have sex with a child without victimizing it, while the sexless virgin fantasizes about having mindblowing consensual sex.

And by "snap" I'm not referring to them reaching a point in their life where they get so fed up with the sexual frustration that they just go out and do it, even though that is the case in some circumstances. I'm referring to them reaching a low point in their lives where they;re willing to just throw it all away, so they go out and do what they've always wanted to for all these years.



9 years ago
So you think it's inevitable that all pedos will reach a point in their life where they're willing to throw it all away for sex with a kid?

Some more questions:
1) Rape is usually considered a crime where the motive is power, not sex. Thoughts?
2) How old does someone have to be to be considered a child to you? Technically paedophilia is just for those that haven't reached the age of maturity yet (so around under 11), though socially many people think anything under around 16 - 18 is the same.
3) You've got a pretty strong opinion on this subject. Not to pry, but is there a personal reason?


9 years ago

Nope, I don't think it's inevitable, I just don't think the risk is worth it.

1) Doesn't matter what the motive is, rape is rape, and those who rape should be put down.

2) A child is one who has not experienced puberty.

3) Yes.


9 years ago

Isn't this technically a bannable offense?


9 years ago

Are you technically an online snitch?


9 years ago



9 years ago

Yes, not that that's a bad thing.


9 years ago

He told a moderator I called him an ass (I did) and like stalked them to see it. He stated it like three times.


He's just doing it to get people to get banned.


9 years ago

As someone who is a moderator elsewhere on the interwebs, I would thank coins for informing me. I used to look around looking for stories to report, no different really.

"He's just doing it to get people to get banned."

Don't do something to get banned and you won't.


9 years ago

Nah I won't.


9 years ago

Then you've got nothing to complain about haha


9 years ago

Well I didn't get banned (obviously). So I guess the offense was waived or something. I hope so, I like this site.


9 years ago

Yeah, if you were going to be a stickler for the rules I suppose. This isn't a bureaucracy, 3J can use common sense.


9 years ago
Not to get technical, but a lot of people are literally predatory animals, in a more socially acceptable way, of course.


9 years ago

There's a major difference, James.


9 years ago
I was just pointing out the irony of the fact that what you describe in a derogatory manner is something that is currently fairly well received by society. I don't want to start anything, and I certainly don't want to imply that I approve of pedophilia in the least.


9 years ago

Wait what form of pedophilia is socially acceptable?


9 years ago

No, no, I was trying to point out the irony is comparing something that society does not approve of with something that, despite how bad it sounds, is currently well received by society.

In case that still goes over everyone's heads, I am saying that humans that hunt are technically "predatory animals".


9 years ago

That's so, so, so different James. Apples to oranges all day long right there. We hunt animals for food that's necessary to survive, we don't tie down a deer and rape it with a fire poker for sexual gratification.


9 years ago
If it's normal and necessary, then why do you compare it to something that you feel should be punished by death?


9 years ago

I wasn't comparing the two, you're trying to make a line of cohesion when there never was one. Just because the term I used fits two separate definitions, doesn't mean I was comparing the two.


9 years ago
Since when is a metaphor not a form of comparison?


9 years ago

It wasn't a metaphor, it was a literal statement. Pedophiles are predators, and humans are animals.

The difference is that we are predatory in a necessary capacity. If we don't hunt, we don't eat, comprende? A pedophile isn't going to die just because they didn't abuse a child.

To sit there and imply that I tried comparing the two is not only extremely disrespectful, but completely and utterly retarded.


9 years ago

People who abuse others for their own gain, no matter how well received it might be, are not good people. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.


9 years ago

Are you saying that;s a bad thing?


9 years ago

What's a bad thing? Being predatory?


9 years ago

i just do. Except for the 2nd and 4th. Nigga is what i refer to myself as and my friends and faggot well i just use that as an insult just not to gays.

Friends says something stupid.

me: Shut up faggot.

But it's been like four years since i used faggot.


9 years ago

You call your friends the F word my nigga?


FRANK2! did you leave again? yo, get your ass back here NOW! this site is full of white people I can't relate to!


9 years ago

That was years ago but yeah. Sorry my nigga.