I’m not signing into shit and some of the options weren’t available anyway, so here are my answers in order of how you asked.
1. Black
2. Yeah and there obviously aren’t enough abortions based on the CoGite community alone.
3. Yeah
4. Yeah, but I don’t give a shit if the world burns
5. Yeah
6. No, not in favor of goblins
7. Toilet Paper.
8. Ralph dreams of being a viking
9. Arby’s
10. Bite, since only whores are licking it for attention and I’m not autistic.
11. Unsanitary goblins strike again
12. Somewhere in those medium categories
13. Yes Man
14. The Dark Brotherhood
15. Anti-Skub
16. The second one, but “Lawful Neutral” is probably the one where you have autists following the banal laws of the land with no further reasoning.
17. I sure hope so.
18. Yes always, I’m not a goblin.
19. 5 6 4
20. No, I’m not Bonfaggle
21. Coke
22. The first one
23. No, that’s not a real word
24. Yes I like women (The real ones, not the mentally ill dudes)
25. Yes I am a man
26. Lol, well I guess the world never knows about Bigfoot
27. Wizard, since you can become a lich
End Master