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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Plot Twist:

Hetero_Malk writes a story that's SO GOOD that Endmaster has no choice but to SHAME everyone...including those who didn't enter the contest!

Ford becomes president of The United States of America and Ogre is forced to get a new job somewhere in Detroit... (Mizal probably also did something important but idk how to fit her into the plot...or the twist for that matter...)

Also Suranna dies... (but not in irl cause that would be very sad...)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

*Dies of laughter* XD XD XD

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago


Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago


Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Suranna, I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at the story line Alien wrote. Lol XD 

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
XD XD XD!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Your using threaded view to look at the forums right?

She didn't reply to you. Your gonna make yourself look bad if you keep making replies like this... :/

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
This is a man with glasses and a very long face, happy to be eating spaghetti, right?

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Yes. That must be it. :P XD Lol

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Ford becomes President? That's a crisis story right there.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I know.... scarry stuff man.... ,:o

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
I don't get it

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

You will soon enough...

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Yes you are, your Ladyship. No one has any need to dishonor you in any way, shape, or form. And if they do I'll beat them up! (Unless you get to them before I do and beat the snot out of them or stuff them full of maggots.)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Stuffing people full of maggots is an oddly specific fetish.  

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Well, I read in the history section for the site that one guy got on your nerves so much you stuffed him full of frogs. So I thought to myself 'What's to say she wouldn't do the same thing? Just this time with maggots to change things up a bit?' :)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

There was this frog guy once.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

That would explain the frogs! 

If I ever annoy you, please tell me. I don't want to upset you ever! :D 

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I'm neither annoyed nor upset.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago'm....ok.....? :o

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I suppose if End hasn't virtually shot you yet.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

We'll see how the contest goes.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Which one. Yours or Miss Mizal's? Or both. :/

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Mine obviously.

Though I will say that while I know Alien is your friend, but she's actually hurting you rather than helping you.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
I don't even have a contest.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I'm talking about the Thunderdome :)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Ok so I never thought I'd have to clarify this but just so that its officially out there...

I am a boy...

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Raven keeps calling you a "she"

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

She did in that one thread, but then I corrected her in private and if you look at her posts AFTER that thread you can see she starts calling me a "he" instead.

I figured this confusion would happen after she initially started doing that, thankfully its resolved now...

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Bold of you to assume I read all her post concerning you since I tend to tune out her misguided praise of you.

AND she was still calling you "She" in PMs to me, so hence why I still thought you were a girl or a tranny pretending to be a girl, but then Raven probably wouldn't like you if that was the case being the good Christian girl she is.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I don't blame you at all for tuning that out. In fact it doesn't surprise me either.

My reply was simply an explanation, not an accusation or assumption!

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Actually...I still love the people who say they are trans and whatnot, I just don't agree with the idea. :)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Very wholesome of you.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Everyone is human. It's not right to treat someone less than that. So my actions aren't just because of my big heart, but also because they are logical. :)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

If I'm misguided, then please,  correct me, Master. 

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago


Well my natural inclination (and just about everyone else's) would say distance yourself as far as way as you can from Alien since he's pretty much thought of as a hopeless retard around here and that's saying something seeing as we got folks like Ace around.

Your association with him just tends to reflect badly on you mainly due to all the praising you do of him. It's actually already been concluded that Alien sucks as a writer and in personality and you're actually better and have more potential in general. (Even if some find you a bit annoying, but then some of us get annoyed easily anyway and it's not an impossible hurdle to get over)

However, it's still a free country and you're free to interact with anyone you want. This place isn't a group think.

For example, Cel is pretty much thought of by most folks as a creepy Serbian turbo autist that definitely hides in the bushes and preys on young teen girls (Oh he'd REALLY like you!) to hide his own latent homosexuality. However, I'm fairly okay with him and will generally speak to him as a normal person (Or as normal as he can get for a Serbian anyway)

Even using you as an example, I don't mind you as much as a lot of folks on here, but your association with Alien does cause a little disappointment on that front.

But again, this place isn't a group think so if you find Alien's association worth your time (Lol) well nobody's going to stop you. I suppose the only thing I could advise in that case is to praise him less and instead help him actually be less of a retard. (Hey it can happen)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
tysm!!! <3

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Alien at least reads storygames, that's the one thing I'll give him. And Ravenic is way too old for Cel. I know she'll just helplessly attach herself to literally anyone like a loving, brain damaged puppy no matter what, so no comment on the rest of that. But I would at some point like to see a storygame by Ravenic on her own, the Thunderdome game proved she has her own style which is as relentlessly wholesome as her posts are. (And she can apparently do some really nice illustrations as well if that's her work in her profile.)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I will admit that the art was done using Adobe Illustrator's AI system, but I modified it. I used the AI cause I was being lazy and wanted a better pfp rather quickly. :P But I still wanted to make it somewhat my own, thus the editing. :)

The SHAME Pit art I did was infact my own. SHAME_Pit_Art

Here is it for reference ^ (I'm a bit upset that it came out grainy, but it's fine...I'm fine....hehe.... :,)


As to my own stories, I am going to work on my very own story after the Crisis Contest. :) I want to make something that is fairly decent so it will take some time, but I am very excited to work on it! :D (I honestly hope it will show everyone on here that I am in fact a good writer who is serious when it comes to writing stories and not just someone who is around for jokes.) :)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Commended by Mizal on 7/15/2024 5:13:48 PM

This is what I was drawing when I was nineteen. Oh wait, I was still in high school.

But that doesn't count, it's not digital! How about this throwback! (I still really like this one.)

And back in my day we definitely didn't have AI when replying to a thread with a snappy drawing!

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

MHD casually flexes. 

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

4 months ago

Somehow I missed this hardcore dis by MHD towards Raven who apparently is dead now.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I will stay friends with Alien because of my high level of loyalty. Once someone is kind to me, I view them as a friend and will go to get lengths to be loyal and stay loyal to said person. Example, all the people on here who were nice to me, like you, Master, and MiltonManThink, Orange, granolagoth, Direryse (somehow I saw kindness in his 'drunk' statements. Lol), and others. (I am  also respectful and am loyal to Miss Mizal because she is a mod and deserving of respect and loyalty. Also cause I want to be respectful to get on her good side, as well as the good side of everyone else. :D) So asking me to distance myself from Alien is basically, in the kindest way I can think of to say it, wishful thinking. :)

However, I plan to write my own stories once Alien and I are done with the crisis contest, since I am helping him write his story for the contest as his coauthor. And I'm a girl of my word and my loyalty. :)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Well loyalty is an admirable trait around here, we'll see if it works out or if it's misplaced. 

Looks like Ben has attached himself to Alien as well, though that's probably just going make your job harder lol.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

We shall see, Master. :) 

And if the story does flop, then I will be working on my own stories for awhile to try and scrape up some dignity. :P 

But I have faith it will turn out great! :D

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I just realized that I miss spelled Milton's name. Sorry!


Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I thought we established that you were non binary beacuse 1/4 of the ball is purple.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I thought it was because blue is a boy color and purple is a girl color, so the two colors end up cancelling each other out.

What gender are red and green accociated with?! :O

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Red is trans male and green is trans female... Actually, I guess that makes you the opposite of nonbinary. You are all the genders. ^_^

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
I knew you were never a she. Definitely not a he either, though. More like an it, if I'm being honest.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
So you've explained that you use ellipses in place of commas. But why after a sentence and especially at the end of a post?

Anyway, I knew your posts read too strongly as Male Autistic when people started thinking you were a girl. As usual I was correct.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I'm really tired now so I ended up making a 1244 word reply to this (saved it somewhere as usual).

Might post it tomorrow, as I've realized its better to make judgements on these sort of things when your not super tired...

Short answer: eeeehehehehhrehh who fricken cares!!!! uwuwuwuwuwuwu! :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

EDIT: I saw what you originally posted before you edited it! (Though I suppose I can at least appreciate the sentiment behind your edit) I'm still going to reply to what you originally said though! :P

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Going by the first, second, third, and fourth draft of the zebra story in my inbox, you really struggle with these ones.

>who fricken cares!!!!

The many people who have told you it's annoying and retarded, probably.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Why do you feel such a strong inclination/impulse to point out every grammar mistake I make? Like it's not just situations like this where I make a simple spelling mistake and you correct it, sometimes it's completely unprompted. (The comment where you explained to me what proofreading was and used my story as an example really stands out to me!)

I'm not mad, just curious, as this has been going on and off for months now.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Bringing my own perspective into this, this is a site for writing. We ought, within the best of our ability, to use this space to continuously improve in our writing, both in format and presentation of content, and showcase that in our interactions with others on the site. If we believe that writing is worthwhile, we should be using this site to push ourselves to do better. No one else, and certainly not the rest of the internet, will do this for us. I make mistakes in my writing, and I welcome the critics, and the reminders to do better. There are some times where we don't have to be so committed to writing properly, but if we continue to stumble in the same mistakes, we are in a cycle of complacency. If we here aren't trying to do our best in how we write, what are we doing here?

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

You should paint a fucking brain and skull fresco on your ceiling by means of a shotgun you little catamite. Fuck I hate you 

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
What a wonderful example of getting directly to a point in a way that doesn't take 1200 words! Such masterful economy of language.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Just for that comment, I'm going to make sure he gets a valid entry by harassing him, proofreading his shit, whatever it takes.

You'll get the satisfaction of beating him (I'm not a miracle worker) but you won't have the satisfaction of seeing him tossed into the Abyss.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Pretty sure the guy's already got Ravenic and ChatGPT writing most of it for him, he'll be carried across the finish line with a passable entry without requiring any further aid.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Um. Anyone who's actually submitted a story game helping him?

Although Raven is new

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Good point, we'd better enlist AI Dungeon too.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

That, sadly enough, would probably be his best bet.

Still. All he has to do is write a story that's 10k words, has decent branching, spelled correctly, and a comprehensive plotline. It's not that hard! The amount of forum posting he does, he's CLEARLY capable of writing entire paragraphs. He just needs to focus.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

AIDS sucks even worse now that they took all of the CYS content out of it otherwise it might have given a fighting chance.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Didn't you have a hand in creating it?

How did it end up in someone else's control?

If you're going to use your godhood to create self aware monsters and turn them loose into the world, at least have the foresight to retain the ability to abort them.



Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Since a lot of it was made up with content made from most of my stories, as far as I'm concerned I did, even if I (Or anyone else here) didn't really have any intention on creating it.

For a nice story analogy it was more like a case of Nick and his brother unearthing forbidden knowledge (CYS) and thought it would be useful in the creation of the project. (Scraping CYS for AI Dungeon content)

And in typical Lovecraftian fashion, thanks to the content within, horrors were unleashed and they couldn't contain it before it caused mass chaos.(The shitstorm fallout they had with their user base, their licensing agreement, etc)

Meanwhile the eldritch horrors laughed at the entire situation. (That's us)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I'm not THAT bad at writing! Check out my Thunderdome 13 short story called Ceremony in the Thunderdome Duel B thread in the Creative Corner. :P

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Alien uses ChatGPT on creative writing projects with no grades or money at stake because he lacks the spark of human creativity. I'm pretty sure his life is already a yawning fucking toilet bowl abyss of desperate humiliation 

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

4 months ago

@benholman44 nice work on that one, retard 

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Also, proofreading and correcting grammar is something she's pretty well commended for on here. 

Trust me, it'll help you in the long run.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
This thread became so much fun so fast, this post is going to end up waaaay down on the page from the one it's replying to I know. But you're right, it actually is pretty wild that in months of reminders that people on a writing site would prefer to see you communicate in complete thoughts in English and put some amount of effort in, you've rejected it every single time with "who cares", "I prefer to type thousands of words inventing my own English as I go" and so on. And you've gotten some pretty solid advice from a lot of people, including loads of writing advice from Mystic. You really just give the impression of having shrugged and ignored it all. Your/you're and its/it's is the kind of thing any 12 year old with an interest in writing is perfectly capable of getting straight, but you're allegedly nearly 30 and probably at least 15, and still pretty consistent with fucking those up. So yes I do think that makes it a valid thing to address on a writing site. I mean can we even call this "a simple mistake" like it's a typo or something? They persisted through five drafts of the zebra story and continue to persist in nearly all of your posts. Much like your bold pioneering of the Ellipses Diarrhea Gangsta Style, it was worth pointing out since it will be a hindrance to being taken seriously in written communication going forward into your entire life. And one that you seemed completely oblivious to. (Congrats, btw, on not using a single ellipsis in that post, I was amazed and will admit that maybe it's a sign of hope!) But your storygame for the last contest stood out to me too! So while I don't remember the exact context, that and the fact that you can be pretty annoying is probably why I mentioned it when posting about proofreading. I mean, it goes without saying that I've seen a lot of failed contest entries on this site, I've even written several. That was just the first time anyone has ever delivered passages of such gibberish that they felt compelled to paste a link to a Google doc containing what it was "supposed" to look like in the comments to try and render it readable. It was also, to be clear, the first time someone posted anything like what we got after vthousands of words of posts implying they were some kind of purist and perfectionist having mental breakdowns over how seriously they were taking the work. (That ChatGPT was probably doing half of.) So yeah, like other behaviors you've exhibited here, that all stood out. It's going to get mentioned. If you don't like it, try being normal or at least shutting up more often. I don't know what else to tell you. Mostly I just fucking wish @stargirl was still able to be around more to demonstrate good behavior to the tweenaged noobs. (And those who might as well be.)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Damn, only 500. I guess it's not as valid as a word salad of 1200 sprinkled liberally with dots. Also, I see you and Ravenic have all of three pages written. You POSSIBLY could have put that word count to better use. (Failing that, maybe you guys should start messaging Sentinel, he runs a hotline for aiding troubled noobs.)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Hehe... Yeah! What kind of retard doesn't know the difference between it's and its? ... *Hides behind noobs*

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
It's not your fault you're British, we know its people are disadvantaged.

(It is not a fault you possess that you are retarded, we know the people of Britain are a polite euphemism for retarded.)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
*its not your fault *it's people *its not a fault you

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

"It is" is the only time you ever use an apostrophe for it. That's why that one's so simple, if the sentence doesn't make sense with "it is", then don't use an apostrophe.

You don't use an apostrophe for a possessive at all when dealing with an it. It's not a person, it's a pronoun.

Try again, tubby.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
(If you were joking, this was a good demonstration to explain it to others either way. But I actually can't tell because the autism fumes leaking from this thread have deprived me of too much oxygen.)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Yeah, I was completely joking lmao. I would've explained myself, but I didn't see you edit your message to say anything other than WRONG, so I thought you knew I was joking. As far as the other people in this thread, they're is a very real chance that there brains are shrivled up and their restarted. (god that hurts to read)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
I thought at first you were, but then I was like, "wait it's entirely possible he absorbed this rule backwards somewhere, somehow, and I encounter adults in their 20s every day who have no idea and just guess at random". And then I was like shit if he is joking this edit looks so autistic.

fwiw, Dark thought you were joking too. Might be the nicest thing he's ever said about you.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
I may have these sorted, but I'm still haunted by the fact that for years I consistently wrote dialouge wrong because I learned two rules wrong, up until like 4 months ago. Those being these, "Are you restarted?" He asked. Instead of "Are you restarted?" he asked (I thought that since you used puncutation at the end of the dialouge tag instead of a comma that that meant the tag had to be capitalized.) As well as "No I'm not," he answered, "I'm actually just acoustic." Instead of "No I'm not," he answered. "I'm actually just acoustic." (I'm aware that if the sentences are fragments that are being connected by a comma you can do that, guess that's where I got the misconception from.) Anyway, hail be to lord Gower for his articles. I had read them many times through the years, but it wasn't until my latest reading that I noticed my misconceptions. E: As far as the its vs it's goes, I could see someone mixing it up because typically to make something possessive you use an apostrophe, whereas here you make it possessive without one, and the version with the apostrophe is using it as a contraction. Your explanation about it being a pronoun makes sense, I hadn't really thought about why it works that way.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

*Dialogue, not dialouge

*Punctuation, not puncutation

Restarted and acoustic are probably just part of that meme/ slang rather than a genuine misspelling (at least, I hope so)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Amen to proper grammer! :D 

Not so to calling Ace a tubby.....

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

*It's not your fault

*Its piercing howls echoed throughout the night

Correct usage?

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

*It's piercing howls.

Like, it is piercing howls in the air!? Holy fuck!

This is me adding to the fumes in this thread, by the way.

giving people bad grammar is fun at times.

Pls disregard.

I couldn't help it. 

Although, if you've read a story of mine, you will know grammar and typos are my cup of tea and bread. I just vomit words out in a zoinked out fashion because I'm gay apparently. 

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

IF?! I've given both your stories perfect 8 ratings. 

Dude. Bridgette and Henry Nevermore... those two give me nightmares.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago


I don't read my own stories, tbh. 

But I agree with you! 

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I left an updated review on each of the characters on 'The Tale of the Foolish Princess ' if you'd like to read that.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Ah, so this must be one of those "orbiters" I've heard so much about.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Congratulations, Ben.

I just found out you're not Dutch

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
His greatest accomplishment yet!

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Congratulations, Ned!

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Okay, I read your review.

You left a long one, boi.

Very detailed too. I think you're great now.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Thank you.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I owe you a review on your contest entry now.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Up to you. Truth be told, my review on your story was written better than both my stories combined. I have this issue where I procrastinate for months than cram in the last two weeks before a deadline, and it shows.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I'm sure it won't be too offensive to read if it's sitting above a 3 rating like it currently is.

I'll even head into reading it with a pre-established positive bias for the story as well.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Sure. All I can say is that my next contest entry, I'm going into it with better time management.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

4 months ago

I'll be able to be on the site more often for the rest of my summer break. I was really busy, but now I have a few weeks to relax and review some stories. 
As for the newbs, just remember: shut up. Nobody cares about what you have to say. :)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

4 months ago
Ooh, how did I miss this. Glad to have you back!

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
In addition to all the stuff that others have pointed out so far, one important note is you don’t have to respond to everything and explain yourself on every point. Your writing mitsakes have to be fixed if you want to be a good writer, that’s just what it is, but for a lot of other stuff you can just not respond.

And far, far more importantly, when you do respond please for the love of god stop writing long ass posts for no reason. I’ve been guilty of it, hell I’m still sometimes sometimes guilty of it, just look at some of my posts in the Plato thread. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s well reasoned, it just makes you sound like a huge faggot. It’s far more skillful and effective to make your point in less words than to use 1000 meandoring through your stream of consciousness.

You will note, this post could benefit from some brevity as well, and there’s probably many grammar mitsakes. But I am typing from an iPad at 4:20am... so please... forgive this Alien-esque post...

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
It's three compact paragraphs, each contains a point that builds towards a cohesive whole. So I wouldn't call it Alien-esque. (Also I bet you read it over six times while sweating to spot any Ace-lexia moments. I don't see any, but it's also 4:30am so I won't swear by that.)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Lol. Okay, NOW it's closer to the mark.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
I can only speak for myself, but if he'd change the tone of his posts, stop with the fucking ellipses (including the writing "advice" posts when he doesn't know how to fucking write), and take the time to form complete, coherent sentences, then he'd be somewhat okay instead of annoyingly retarded. Unfortunately, any well-intentioned advice, no matter how gentle or harsh, tends to go over noobs' heads when they're either too stupid to take it or too stupid to interpret it correctly. Not worth the effort unless they display some ability to learn.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

...I...know.......(Fun fact, Alien is actually a guy and just didn't correct me at all. So now I'm very embarrassed about it ,:D )

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I delayed correcting you for a single day because I thought it was I realize it was stupid! :(

Sorry about that! Will communicate better going forward I promise! :O

(If anything I should be blaming YOU for taking so long to say that you thought I was a girl in the first place! :O)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Honestly, it was hilarious! And now I have a perfect excuse to hit you in the back of the head again! :)


But I also feel bad about hitting you, so now you get pats too. *pat pat* :P

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I feel so happy inside...... :D

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago


Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Commended by Ford on 7/14/2024 5:42:17 AM

 \\ / 
   .`\\ ,'====D~
     `\\ ., `
    '  \\'


Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Aw dang. Just realized the base site does not respect my spacing. Just one more reason to get Brad's extension, you can enjoy ASCII art in all its glory.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Ancient Radfem family heraldry.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
This thread makes me so glad I didn't post very much when I was an idiot teenager.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Boy, the more recent noobs to stick around have certainly been... something.

At least the forums are more active again!

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I blame their moms.

They would tell them when they were little "Be good and don't shove beans up your nose."

Now in a million years they probably wouldn't have been thinking about shoving beans up their nose, but of course once they got the idea in their head well...

This is the result.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Kids, don't stick Japanese hornets up into any orifices either. Definitely don't do that! I would be upset!

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I would be amused.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I've never shoved beans up my nose, but I have eaten BBQ flavored larva! :D (Got three buck for it!)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
ever ate a white m&m?

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

No... :o

What's the flavor? Is there a flavor or is it still just chocolate?

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
it's just chocolate, but they're rare. here, *hands you a white m&m* try it

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Oooooo! :o


Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
You have fallen for the classic practical joke. I had previously melted the chocolate coating off that M&M using the ambient warmth of my asscrack. You have eaten a buttcheek M&M. Revolting. Suffer and die.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

*Vomits all over Ford* :p

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
delicious, finally some good fucking food

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

what....? ;:o

Ok....Anyone have a Fillip's head? Cause Ford has several loose screws that I'd like to fix....

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Sorry, Ford seems to be working normally.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
Ever heard of exposure therapy? You can probably fix me by vomitting on me more. Eventually I'll get bored of it and be fixed. Try it. I'm ready.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Nah ah. I'll just hug you to death instead. >:D *Bear hug*

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
*vomits between us* ugghh


I can feel myself being cured

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

*Jumps back to avoid being thrown up on*

Ah! D:

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
you litearlly hugged me while I was covered in your own vomit what even are you avoiding

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

The difference is that it's MY vomit. Who KNOWS what YOU have in your system! You could be on something! I don't want that all over me! I've never had anything intoxicating nor have I smoked anything in my entire life! D:

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
fur, pubes, fish, and a squeeze of cat pee

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
When do you guys start pretending to be cats

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
reading this makes me sad

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

This thread is slowly but steadily lowering me down the autism spectrum 


Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago
thanks for the sanction. you're the best mommy mrow~

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I never started acting like a cat. :/

Oh wait you said 'when will you'...

Uh, now. :)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Roasted duck

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago

I don't my insults consist of random words... ,:D

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses

5 months ago