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Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

(Enter generic newbie post here) 

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago
Belcomez. B-)

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago
The smiley on your post looks like Aman's moustach. }

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

(Enter generic welcome message here)

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Welcome to the site!

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

(Enter generic threat with promise of salvation if you follow me)

Oh, hello Con.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Welcome aboard TharaApples  =)

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

(Enter generic question if the person prefers either Fire or Ice)

Welcome nice to have you here :)

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago


Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Welcome. And as to the question Sliver asked, fire is lame. Ice is the way to go xD

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

So did you just insult me? 

(Enter generic threat to gain revenge!)

 Also welcome to, hope you enjoy your stay.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

No. Your cool just because your not in the pyro faction. 

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Don't mock the legendary element of destruction >:(

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Welcome to this place. Don´t trip on the skeletons and undead lying around.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Just is. What are you gonna do about it?

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Correcting you on the awful grammar in your post..

''Just is.'' Just what the heck does that even mean?

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Did* Dang it!! I'm sorry for having a iPod with auto-correct >.<

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Words cannot get any wiser :D

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Hey Thara, you seem awfully quiet! Did our craziness scare you off already? Don't worry. The chaos faction (me) will protect you! Yes, the chaos faction is the most sane. Welcome to CYS!

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Oh please. I am perfectly sane.  ........................ I think. 

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Correct version :

Oh please. I am perfectly insane.  ........................ I think. 

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago


Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

(In teacher voice) Mrs. Wolf, the use of inappropiate words is not allowed in this classroom. I know what word you almost said. STAND in the corner for 30 minutes!

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Excuse me. I was just telling you to be quiet. I would never cuss...

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

(Again in teacher voice) You, asking me to be quiet. Detention for 6 hours. Another word and you'll be suspended.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

-walks out of the room-

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

uhm, kinda' i hope my shyness or weirdness in this case doesn't bother you or anybody ;x i've just been busy messing around with the kinks and stuff of the story viewer ;) I already am in the process of creating my first story and brain storming two others. *-* 

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Nah, shyness isn't a problem! And good job on already starting a game!

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Can't wait for it :)

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Your saner than us, so your not weird. Look and read the "I found the mustaches weakness thread"

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Fortunately for Thara she soon learned quickly that there were greater powers to ally herself with than...whatever the hell Amy was going on about. (I don't even remember a "chaos faction." Must have been some faggy roleplaying shit when that forum existed.)

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I picked a good time to forget my password and just read anonymously (aye lmao). Especially if I was color coding my text. Yikes.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

I will protect you from the crazy others.*                                                                                                                                                             *if you become my slave


Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Do you need a apple to hit your head? For brainstorming.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Welcome to the pit of loonies that is the forums. *Gestures to my padded cell* if you need anything, knock on that door. If you want to be killed repeatedly, knock on Galobtter's door. I'm serious, he has a mach 5 apple gun that will leave a gaping hole in your head.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

here are some of the diagnosis papers that I stole from the men in white suits. (The moderators)

Name: Aman

Disorder(s): Religious mania, Schizophrenia, Orinthophobia.

Charge(s): Mass animal abuse


Name: BerkaZerka

Disorder(s): Serial Killer complex, Schizophrenia, Chaetophobia

Charges: attempted murder of Aman

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

muahahahahahahaha, they still haven't gotten me.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Unfortunately Drakilian, they got you too. They have everyone on the forums...

Name: Drakilian

Disorder(s): Tuxedo Fetish, Hair-activated OCD, maybe severe NPD.

Charge(s): Mass vandalism of BZ and Aman's property through misuse of giant monstrosities, unlawful standing in front of what looks like some sort of tree.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

*Hand's SentinelPenguin my personal copy of my own file.*

I'd like that back after you finish reading it. :)

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Wow... that was long, it's hard to summarize... here's another one.

Name: Endmaster

Disorder(s): Pyromania, Serial killer complex, Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Cotard's syndrome, Sadomachochism, (etc. etc.)

Charge(s): Simply read LoveSICK... I can't say anything more.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago


Disorder(s): Pyromania, Psychosis, Clinical Lycanthropy

Charge(s): Mass Vandalism, arson, mass animal abuse, interfactional war crime (etc. etc.)

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Can I see mine? >:D

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

You say suit fetish like it's a bad thing.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

I suppose it sort of depends on the suit...

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Classic black and white four button suits, amazing three piece double-breasted pin-striped three button suits, birthday suits, all kind of suits!

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Sexy Gorilla Suit?



(I don't see Galobtter around... so you should be safe...)

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago


Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago


Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Where's mine?

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Where's my file?

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Oops...I just happened to accidentally set my file on fire...

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

This is why we can't have nice things!!

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Name: Silverflame

Disorder(s): Psychopathic, Night Terrors*, Schizophrenia*, Obsession-Oriented Rage,* Relative Sanity, (<- WORST PROBLEM) Gender Confusion Syndrome Nevermind, she is definitely a she...

Charge(s): shish-kababing people with a Valkryian spear*, harboring other crazies, 

*See Elizabeth in BtW.

Name: Galobtter

Disorder(s): Clinical Lycanthropy, Serial Killer Complex, Psychosis, Psychopathic.

Charge(s): Rape and triple murder, Attempted murder of SentinelPenguin.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

They crossed out tuxedo fetish simply because they believed it was a misanalysis... Unless you actually have one then?

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

If by suit fetish you mean I sometimes put on a suit and just stare at myself for literally hours on end, admiring myself, then yes I have a suit fetish. 

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

No, the technical use of the term fetish is for sexual arousal derived from an object or body part not usually considered sexual. They mistranslated the "Love Suits" in your profile to mean you were doing something of a very different sort to the articles of clothing in question.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Is there such a thing as a fetish where one is aroused by oneself? (although really, it's perfectly natural to be aroused by my presence)

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

I think that might just be NPD acting up... Unless the entirety of your solid existance is an object or body part not normally considered sexual.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Name: Amy2

Disorder(s): Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Split Personality Syndrome.

Charge(s): I honestly don't know... I guess she's here just for therapy?


Name: Bobmcbob (deceased)

Disorder(s): Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Mental Retardation, Morbid Obesity, Elephantitus, Gangrene, Bestialty.

Charge(s): Mass trolling, Sexual Abuse of the Mantis Shrimp that ripped off his genitals, thus killing him.


Name: SentinelPenguin

Disorder(s): Psychopathic, Schizophrenia, Clinical Lycanthropy, Serial Killer Complex, Mania, Dementia, Several Psychoses, Sadism, Phobiaphobic, Skooma Addict,(And counting)

Charges: Attempted murder of Galobtter, Interplanetary war crime, several crimes against peace and general humanity.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

"Writers, especially poets, are prone to bouts of madness." -The dude in that one movie.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Puh-lease, if they were really dedicated, they'd have a file on all nine of me. And they'd know my real name (I'm using one of my other personality's names).

In other words, they'd need a file on Rose, Amy, Anne, Mary, Ani, Nia, Kat, June and March. And they don't, so HA!

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

*You forgot to mention attempted rape of drak (both of them)

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

I knew something was missing from that file! lol

Wait, why am I charged with Mass animal abuse? I was thinking more mass murder/destruction since I (and Drakilian) blew up the moon and pluto and killed off a colony on mars according to some old war logs.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Shhhhh, I'm already due to the insane asylum for a couple of years due to the mass destruction of property, if they include the mass murder/ human experimentation/sadism  I'm gone forever...

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

*The men in white coats walk in...


Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

*runs for the hills*

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Sentinel you should do mine. 

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

We have a whole thread for these files now haha  ^v^

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

Anonymous Girl Here :}

11 years ago

I know I saw right after I posted this...

Anonymous Girl Here :}

4 years ago
Welcome :^)

Anonymous Girl Here :}

4 years ago

I don't like this

Anonymous Girl Here :}

4 years ago
I thought she was parodying something before I saw the date.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

4 years ago

Why did you remind me that this happened


I hate you


I'm glad I violently murder my past selves every 4 years or so.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

4 years ago
So what does my file say~~~

Anonymous Girl Here :}

4 years ago

It says nothing worth reading because Child Sent is a cringelord who uses the first paragraph of wikipedia article disorders as knowledge and I'm genuinely sad that he was enabled in this way

Anonymous Girl Here :}

4 years ago
Is there such a thing as a fetish where one is aroused by oneself? (although really, it's perfectly natural to be aroused by my presence) I get this guy.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Why was there a notification from this?

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
Some Indian retard was peddling shoes.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

They need toilets more than shoes. Wtf.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
I'm very glad there was, wouldn't have found this gold otherwise.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I sense great things from this one.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I'm sure they'll be glad to see you say that. 

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
Man, you were way less of a cunt back then.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Voldeez nuts

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
She's been taking supplements.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Well, you're already at 0, can't go any lower than that I suppose...

Also who the fuck are all of these people lmao.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

And you were a massive faggot when you first joined. Well, actually, you still are a massive faggot. Lel. Go make more alts that you can make pretend to be your friends and have conversations with yourself, you fucking embarrassing loser.

Points do not visually go into the negative value anymore, but I'll help myself to taking more. 


Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
You get it all out this time, hun? Because apparently not.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
Commended by EndMaster on 1/31/2023 11:23:40 PM

I was done with you months ago, but you decided to desecrate my wonderfully pre-cunt Thara newbie post with your gay presence.

Really, I could be done with you permanently and play whack-a-mole banning alts with your IP address until mizal, malk, or Sent decides to protect you or something.

However, me and you are going to do a little contest now. I see you chose a prompt in the contest. If you don’t submit a story, you won't just get shamed, I will ban you with my own hands, because you currently have no value even being here on this site. But if you do submit a story, I will bring you out of the negative. Oh, and if the rating for it is higher than mine, I will bring you out of the negative and then some using my own points to do so.

This is mandatory and you can’t refuse. Or you can, and get banned outright. Now I've gotten it all out, buddy.

I chose prompt 48 as well in the interest of fairness. I'll remove myself as a secret contestant even if it was obvious to anyone with functional brain cells. 

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
YOU'RE the secret contestant?!

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

The shock of it is enough to make someone prematurely gray.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I must be tired. I read that as "prematurely gay"

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I also read "prematurely gay". Perhaps I'm just so used to reading that word in the forums that my brain goes on autopilot when I see something similar. ^_^

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
I can't believe Thara was the secret contestant!

(you should ask for an extension until the end of March imo)

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I second that motion for an extension 

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Disagreed, it's much more fun watching people be SHAMED.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Those who are to be shamed would be shamed regardless. Fate will see it so. 
However those who will actually submit might be able to provide better quality entries. Or perhaps they will simply procrastinate an extra month.

So either way, the SHAMEPIT will feast

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I didn't realize she was the secret contestant either. Pretty surprising.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I was receiving plenty of black dicks before you enslaved them all, Thara. I dick around with a black guy just once in the shower and you take it away personally, deleting all the naked black guy pictures on my account that I was actively using for three different jerking projects, then mocking an entire thread of mine and acting like you weren't being the little slaver cunt you're being now.

I accept your random challenge. This isn't about sucking black cock, it never was, that was just for fun. Its about me exposing how much of a whining bitch I am, and crying hard.

Go ahead and ban me, then, when you're done touching yourself to EndMaster afterwards, maybe learn to take a joke like I take black dick in the future, hmm?

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

You whine too much.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
Just to be clear, there is no way for mods to delete pictures from an account.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Tbh if that was the case, this still wouldn’t exist in my pictures:


Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Oh it's the two girls just being friends with each other.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

A perfectly platonic thing is happening here. Just two friends joshing!

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I don't think he's laughing. 

I'm not the one that specifically came to someone's newbie thread, like a bunch of months after the fact to try and call them out or something?

You seem upset, man. And in CYS, the be all end all of proving something isn’t through verbally flaying them, although that is fun. It's through writing, or maybe proving your worth outside of writing to be looked at as a contributing citizen of this nation of Cystia.

However, you are so obviously butthurt about things that happened like a year ago. It wasn’t even me that edited the entire thread, just some of it. :)

But since you're such a little pussy to refuse a challenge, showing your CoG origins without the ability to adapt like some people that came from CoG that are actually cool now. I'm going to do what Sent said he was going to do allegedly.

Ya banned, bitch. Lmao. Learn to not cry as hard in the future, hmm? Your girlfriend needs a real man, not a little crying bitch that has panic attacks and public freak-outs on a niche writing site for choose-your-own-adventure games.

Buh-bye. :(

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Lol she can't delete your pictures, she doesn't have access to your account unless you gave her your password like a fucktard.

Hell, she didn't even edit your post. I did that since it was more amusing than you going on about your faggy health issues that nobody gives a shit about.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Ooooowh! Buuuuuurn! Thara, consider yourself exposed! Now everybody knows what a whiny, bitchy, self touchy, non taker of jokes you truly are! Time for cancel culture to do it's thing. No doubt all the members are going to turn on you now and then the other mods will have no choice but to permaban you. We all know how much EndMaster respects the opinions of noobs and how easily he caves to peer pressure. ^_^

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

He's just mad Thara enslaved all his black dudes.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
Do yourself a favor and seek therapy.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Who needs therapy, pal?

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
Voldy. His self-destructive behavior is quite obvious and seeing a therapist or a psychiatrist would benefit him more than being here. But that's my pointless opinion.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I thought he was already supposed to be going to therapy after his last giant post involving his health issues with black men fucking him in the shower.

Guess it didn't work out.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
He probably flaked on that too.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I don't have much confidence in him to even write a story. So this is looking like a win-win. If he does write one that's passable for this site, then CYS gains another story, but if he’s unable, I get to ban a proven alt spamming retard. 

This is all groovy. And since I'm good in End's book, I can get atleast (one) deadline extension if I cry hard enough and wish on a star. And that can make everyone happy, and that in turn makes me more popular, because if it wasn't for me, people would have been shamed and maybe stories wouldn’t have even been complete. Or it could make them sad, because it means that they run out of excuses for winding up in the shame pit even with the extra time given to everyone.

Really, my stock only rises with each contest I enter. I should just skip the tit and nipple fondly foreplay and just ban Voldy now!

I don’t think anyone would care or even notice. But I am the fairest mod and I have already said what I have said. And it means I actually have to turn in something now! 

Ah, this is great. I'm looking forward to banning Voldy's bitch ass if he can’t publish anything.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
I still believe in Voldy. No one is unsalvageable. He's merely at the point in his character arc where Ace was five years ago.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Ace is okay. I liked his character arc.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
Hopefully there's more arc to come, if I can actually managed to do stuff on this site for once haha.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Do any of you fuckers have any empathy at all

Every fuckin year or so with this shit, this thread gets bumped, and I get notifications from it, and then I have to look at it again and throw up in my fuckin mouth

This was going to be such a nice night, I had just made myself some limeade, but now instead of lime flavor, my mouth tastes like hastily swallowed bile. You did this, Voldy. You. And had Thara not rightfully defended her honor from your insult, I would have smitten you myself for the hideous indignity of having to look at this thread again.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I wanted to say that I truly had no empathy at all until you brought up the limeade. I honestly can feel the pain of not getting to enjoy a limeade.


Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

If I knew you felt this way, maybe I shouldn’t have even responded and just let you get rid of this trash for the good of us all.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

You can turn off the "watch" thread thing to spare yourself future limeade ruinings.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I think he secretly enjoys rereading the diagnosis dossiers he created a decade ago. 

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I don't. I don't even have empathy for my storygame characters. They either get high, die, or live miserable lives.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
I dunno who banned Voldy but I just unbanned him.

When his ban comes for real I want everyone to know it was because he wouldn't spend 4-6 hours writing 2000 words to save himself.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Hey! Not cool. Don't make this yet another of your pet project retards. I'm trying to ban him for refusing my challenge here.

Now I look silly because I told him buh-bye and everything before banning him.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Personally, I would like to watch you slap him around a bit more.  
Quick kills are less entertaining than when you bleed him out by 1000 cuts.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Apparently I don’t even have to personally attend to do the cutting, since it seems I'm living in his mind rent free in some fashion. So my mental spectre of sorts is ravishing his asshole like the black bull he pays to do the same to both him and his fiancée.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Ugh. I hate it when you two do this.

I'm banning Voldy again since this really was between Thara and Voldy. She was done with him after he openly refused the challenge.

Yeah, I get the point of seeing Voldy doing the slow fail, and that would have been amusing as well, but I think we know he was looking for a ban the moment he was pointlessly picking a fight with her.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

I unbanned him because I don't like seeing mommy and daddy have any disagreements, even over trivial things like this guy here.

He might actually publish something, maybe.

But I can’t stop you if you ban him again or something, but mizal's motherly gentle side has won me over again.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago

Very well, guess this is back on then.

Anonymous Girl Here :}

one year ago
Well it's more that I'm pretty sure he bumped this thread to try and get banned to begin with, who knows why. It might give him more mental peace to feel like a victim instead of a failure. But we're not obligated to provide that.

If he wants to end his existence here, he's got to dangle squirming from a rope for another month first while ignoring every means of easily freeing himself. ("Bigoted superhero" is a prompt that writes itself, come on...)

Or, y'know, he could just stop coming to the site. But nobody ever does that.