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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
What Resolutions do people have for 2025? :)

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Non site-goals: Spend less and adhere to a tighter budget

Learn about investing

get a 4.0 in my last semester of college.

Pay off my student loans aggressively(as much as I can in those first few years if I don't go to grad school right away )

Get into a good grad school

Site goals: Write at least 3-4 good stories next year

write a featured story.

Place in the top 3 for a contest.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

1. Write a commendable storygame

2. Get out of this town

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Wow, that sounds pretty ambitious! And which town is that? Mine is to try to write one decent review for a story on here every day (or maybe every week day because I'm pretty time poor). It'd take me 3 years to get through them all though so we'll see how it goes.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

I am assuming you're talking to me, though you replied to your own message lol.
My hometown. It's pretty boring and generally not a great place for me to be. 
One a day?? Now that's ambitious. I wish you the best of luck

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

1. Write a commendable storygame

2. Finish Part 2 of my storygame series set in 15th century France (hope it fulfills Goal #1)

3. Continue consistent publications of the CYS Monthly Gazette by adhering to its namesake

4. Contribute better reviews to other storygames

5. Get to 2026

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
I’m excited for number 2, I loved the first agincourt story game, you did a great job on it!

Number 3 is also awesome, I love reading the gazette

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

Thanks man!

The Gazette certainly wouldn't be as great as it is without the contributions of others :)

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Still, major props to you for coming up with the idea and bringing the CYStian newspaper back, it’s always fun for me to read and I really love it. Your interviews are the backbone of the gazette and it’s a really good paper

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Site Goals:
  • Write a storygame
  • If not a storygame, then maybe a couple of short stories
  • Read more storygames
  • Figure out how to write essays like Gryphon and Mystic
  • Think of a fifth goal just to round things out
Irl Goals:
  • Keep pretending I know what I'm doing
  • Finally learn to draw
  • Pick up some good habits and ditch some bad habits
  • Get back into some old hobbies
  • Learn some new skills
Maybe I can at least accomplish one of these things.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
I want to save ten thousand dollars so I can move out of this hell state in a few years.

I also have a graphic novel planned with a friend of mine we've been ideating for years. This is the year we do it!!

Losing a few pounds here and there would be lovely too.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

Literally nothing. Just to continue what I'm already doing and have been doing for years and I'll be fine. 

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago


New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
"Hi, I'm StoryTurtle. I have been sitting here, unproductive, for 5 years. Hooray."

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Happy New Year y'all :)

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

Site Goals:

Publish 2 storygames before the end of the year

Write and submit 1 article

Non-Site Goals:

Finish up my undergraduate 

Finish Art Portfolio and start applying to Art Schools

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Boring real life goals: Save money The obligatory lose 10 lbs Probably should see doctors a little more often Edit: also read more books and have Daji teach me to knit Based site goals: Publish 4 complete games I'm entirely happy with. Finish and republish that music box game. Do more reviews even if they're just short comments. Dethrone Steve and Berka on the Sage leaderboard. I'm the one still active, the crown is mine for the taking!

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

I mean if you republished your Don't Get Date Raped story, I'd commend it and you could already be closer to dethroning Steve and Berka.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Whatever happened to Berka? I still have messages saved from him, he taught me a lot about scripting when I first joined.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
I miss BZ too, but seems like he just got busy and drifted away. Moved to Tennessee to be closer to family I think about the time he stopped coming around.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Additional goal: publish a storygame as beloved as Mercer Gang!

Or even just one as highly rated as Kitchen Nightmares but Gordon Ramsay is contractually permitted to kill the owner during filming.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

Made a video on it so I'll post that while I'm here.

For those who would rather read than watch:

1. Write at least 500 words every day.
2. Publish at least 1 Youtube video every month.
3. Read at least 1 book every month.
4. Drink 2.7l of water every day.
5. Walk at least 10,000 steps every day.

1 I think I will probably fail but I'm going to give it a good go because writing every day is a habit that I really want to get into.

2 I think I can probably do. Anything that involves new animations will take me a long time but if I'm just reusing old animations, I can usually throw something quick together in a day.

3 I will almost certainly do. I listen to a lot of audiobooks when I'm walking to and from work (yes audiobooks count as reading. Shut up!)

4 I highly recommend everybody makes this a New Year's Resolution. Most people don't drink nearly enough water and it is incredibly good for your health. Will probably miss a few days by accident, but otherwise it's a very easy one to win.

5 I am going to fail miserably but at least I'll get lots of walking done for the next week or two before I inevitably give up.


New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Have you failed at walking yet?

(I hear there's this cool motivational game called Randomly Walk II, if you're struggling.)

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

I have surprisingly been keeping up with the walking. I think the paint must help. ^_^

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

I don't know if this might help at all with the writing, but I've found 4thewords to be really useful for writing every day: It's pretty much a roleplaying game where you complete quests and fight monster by writing.


New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

I've heard of that! It does look really fun but I got put off because everything you type has to be typed directly into the game, which I really don't like because I don't want to be constantly copy/pasting stuff from one place to another.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

You can copy and paste from whatever word program you're using into the site, although that would still require copying and pasting, so maybe it doesn't work as well.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

Lol. I might check it out again if I ever get writer's block, but for now I'm managing my 500 words per day no problem. ^_^

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

That's awesome to hear!

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Oh I got recommended this once. But I was on a pretty strict data limit at the time and that site was just greedy.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Actually write shit on a consistent schedule, which I'm hoping that actually saying it out loud will help me stick to it or at least make somebody bully me for not doing it. Maybe make something that's not contest related for once to prove I'm not actually garbage.

There's also the side resolution of moving out of that forest in the middle of nowhere I'm stuck in, but apparently I can't just kick out a mother and child when their lease ended because I didn't give them prior notice and they won't have anywhere to go or something.

Also let's make a side resolution for the site because I really like you all assholes and want to stick around more. Let's say reviewing one game a month for the year.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

Non-writing goals

-Finish my apprenticeship and get a job...and somehow find the money for registering as a pharmacy technician.

-Start learning to drive.

-Actually start saving money instead of living paycheck to paycheck (hopefully helped by the first one of getting a job).

-Keep my blood sugar under control so that I don't end up in another diabetic coma (occurred in 2022. I do not recommend).

-Start swimming regularly.


Writing Goals

-Finish writing Blood War.

-Finish storygame for EndMaster's prompt contest.

-Read, rate and review at least 50% of the stories on this site (I have my eye on that trophy).

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

What are resolutions for if not to create overly ambitious goals? This year, my theme is 'setting new records'.

Site Goals

  • Write more storygames: I did not publish a storygame in 2024. Therefore, I will re-establish one of my 2022 resolutions and write three commendable storygames this year. At least one of these should be a shorter story which would help me improve as a writer.
  • Break a contest record: No spoilers for this one as I'm actively planning to break a contest-related record (either as a contestant or as a host, but you'll find out before the end of the year). 
  • Incentivize (and write) more reviews: If there is a two month period without any storygame contests, I want to run a review competition which involves teamwork, strategy and sabotage. I keep planning out fun potential activities and forgetting to actually run them, lol. 

IRL Goals

  • Graduate with first class honors: This is the highest tier of grades at my university, so naturally, I must achieve it. In a similar category, I want to get the top grades in my cohort for at least one of this year’s modules. 
  • Save money, but travel more: One of my favourite things to do is visiting new places, but I also want to save money, so this year involves balancing between these goals somehow. 
  • Spend more time with family and friends: Last year, I didn't spend as much time with family as I would have liked, so that will change this year. I should also remember to stay in touch with my friends from university once I graduate.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

My account on this site is turning TEN years old in a little over two months! I have a plan to do a little something for my anniversary, because a decade feels significant, and I've done nothing significant thus far. Also, I'm going to submit something that doesn't suck ass for this prompt contest.

My irl goals are much simpler, but probably more difficult: I'm trying to bench two plates for ten reps, hit 20 pullups, and max out the weight stack on the cable row machine. I'm also opening an investment account and trying to turn $300 into $500.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

I'm getting to this post about a week late, so pardon my late resolutions. This New Year, I've turned 21, which makes my account a little over ten years old. With that in mind:

  1. Finally get around to starting, editing, and finishing a storygame. 
  2. Get a good score on the summer LSATs. Hopefully above 160. 
  3. Keep up with my 2025 planner that I just bought. 
  4. Start running with a local run club, or take my casual cycling more seriously. Get a new distance PR. 

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Starting a game seems like putting a lot on your plate, sure you don't want to wait till 2030?

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Get my name put on to the registry

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Finally Peng's mom will be proud of you.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Only when it's the right kind of registry

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Non Site Goals: 1. Reach Intermediate High ACTFL in Mandarin 2. Lose Weight, a lot of it, goal for the millionth year in a row. Idk, at this point I might just be stuck given my eating habits. Things have improved a bit since coming to taiwan though, need to get a scale or sm. 3. Not abandon that writing project I've currently got 40k words on, get it up to the planned 150k, then edit it to the best of my ability. 4. Read great books. Crime and Punishment, more of Plato's works, just some of the really great ones. 5. Read more Fantasy. It's come to my attention that I really don't read enough in it considering it's what I like to write. I mainly read Brandon Sanderson since he's my favorite author and I haven't made my way through his books yet. Site Goals: 1. Write a good storygame, 5.0 or better. Shit maybe even a commed storygame, a man can dream 2. Do some more reviews. Last time I wrote one was forever ago with Reborn. If you're reading this you should really be spending your time reading that btw, good shit.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
The Iliad would be a good place to start with the reading. I think someone commented on that when you took a crack at Plato and didn't get too far, you probably would've gotten further with Homer's stuff, it's a lot more engaging.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
And you should start logging what you eat. Don't even worry any the calories for now, just write down everything you eat and when for the next couple of weeks. Gives you a much clearer way to look over it and see where the main issues might be, and also of the easiest ways to adjust it without necessarily needing major changes.

Eliminating empty calories from drinks is usually a good start.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Drinks are a big thing, when I first came to Taiwan I was mostly drinking sprite, sometimes zero cal to be fair, then I moved to this gatoraid like drink which was a bit less, and now I'm drinking this black oolong tea, which has no calories. For some reason (I assume drinking soda my entire life), water just feels empty to me, which is a crazy hot take, but black tea is a good alternative with no downsides I can see. Part of the problem is I've been eating HELLA Mcdonalds since I came to Taiwan, partially because I'm not a fan of a lot of the local food. There are good alternatives though, I believe the convinence stores here have this chicken that's already premade that you can microwave, the clerks will even do it for you. It looks like boiled or grilled chicken in a package, maybe that's worth trying some of. The thing is I've always found in life that I feel like I have to do things all or nothing. I have to be eating nothing but chicken and brocoli or Mcdonalds every meal, no inbetween. I have that tendency with a lot of things, it's one of the reasons I find managing scope in writing to be really hard. One thing I'm happy with is prior to coming to Taiwan whenever I would walk for extended periods, or even just stand up for long periods of time like 20 minutes, my lower back would hurt a lot. Which I think was a symptom of just weighing too much. During that time I tried to consistently walk, and would do so for like a mile and a half, which I'd have to sit down at various points from back pain. But after a painful first week in Taiwan, that's completely gone away, which is nice. Becoming "immobile" would be a hell of a thing.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

I also have issues getting myself to drink water, which is weird because I typically don't think about the flavor of things at all. But when it comes to drinks it just matters to me I guess. I've taken to drinking those Propel "fitness water" things and Bubblr's, as both are sold in my school's vending machine and at the grocery store I work at.

You should really work on doing things in moderation rather than just accepting "all or nothing" as who you are. That's something that's 100% in your control and if you put effort into it you could cause some real change in your life.

Maybe no more McDonald's wouldn't be such a bad thing, though. Even though it's probably better in Taiwan than in America, I'm sure it's still terrible for your health.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Those waters are cool, when I was back home I liked to make a water pitcher of flavored water, but not the strong ones. I like the subtle water flavorings, not like koolaid. And maybe I phrased it poorly, but I recognize the all or nothing thing as a flaw, it's my natural tendency, but obviously I don't have to do things acording to what I'm naturally inclined to do. I don't know how helpful it is to consider the health of a food beyond just how satiating it is for how many calories, since if I'm eating a little too much sodium, that problem is miniscule compared to other health things. But I have noticed how just completely unfilling mcdonalds is for the calories. I eat a burger and it's like 750 calories and it's so much less filling than other things for the same amount.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
But I have noticed how just completely unfilling mcdonalds is for the calories. I eat a burger and it's like 750 calories and it's so much less filling than other things for the same amount.

That's one of the benefits of logging calories for sure. It's not something you'd ever need to get obsessive about, but it really changes the outlook when you start thinking of calories as a daily or weekly budget and start getting more creative in getting the most out of it.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
The "All or nothing" mentality is literally just autism.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

Eating too many calories is generally bad for you, yeah. I'd also suggest looking into the carbs of what you're eating if you're going that route, both the kind of carbs and the amount.

My mom's a health fanatic so I've had a lot of that instilled into my brain. Doesn't stop me from eating ramen when I'm making stuff for myself, but when you're buying food it's something to consider.

If you (insanely) don't like the local food, you can buy ingredients and look at making stuff yourself (rich coming from me, I know). It's also easier to keep track that way. Now that I'm buying most of my own groceries, I'm learning how to make some things on my own, and it's pretty great.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Idk, my opinion has always been that the widespread obsession with carbs=bad is really just a relic of the keto fad, minus any real understanding of how keto actually works.

Lower carbs helps some people control their calorie intake, but ultimately it comes down to the calorie intake. You could lose weight on a diet of pizza and jelly beans if you were strict on the portions. Just other foods are more filling and satisfying so it makes sense to make trade offs. I don't think strict removal of anything is really required though and it's usually the overly strict diet plans that are the first to have people falling off the wagon.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

Yeah, I definitely wouldn't suggest going insane about it, but it is usually worth considering.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Oolong is great.

The only potential issue with black tea is that it can have a LOT of caffeine, even more than soda, so there has to be some reasonable limit set if you're absolutely chugging it. But that may be more of an issue here where we drink iced tea like water anyhow.

Green tea has a lot less though either way.

Walking a lot is one of the main things you can do for improved health overall so it's really good you're doing that too. Long distance walking is what humans were designed for. We do it so efficiently it doesn't actually burn a lot of calories (has to amount for walking 5 miles to throw a spear at a deer and then missing and having to walk back for instance) but it has a big impact on circulation and mood, there's so much health shit that started going wrong when society made us sedentary for long periods.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

Have you thought about just counting your steps? ,basically every modern phone will count them when it's in your pocket. You could start at a goal of five thousand steps a day, and work up to ten. Super low impact and pleasant way to at least get some mild exercise in. 

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Now that I'm in Taiwan I'm walking plenty, my app doesn't average but I'm currently walking about 8-15k a day. The hurt to walk thing was in the US, thankfully I can do that without problems now

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

Well there you go. Cut out McDicks and don't drink your calories and you will probably start to slim down withut any extraordinary measures. 

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago


-Being aware of what you are eating

-Being a bit more active

Those are great things to do. What you need to change is your mindset. By cheating and not making the best choices, the only one you're hurting is yourself. Skipping a work out because "oh I feel bad today" or something like that is just the weakness in you making excuses. Losing weight is tough. Its by no means easy. If it was easy to do, health issues in America wouldn't be so bad. Break that inner weakness in you and discipline your mind. It takes 30 days to make/break a habit. Don't give into your weakness and take it seriously. Take serious accountability for yourself because no one else will. 

Its easy to sit here on the internet and give you suggestions and it sounds like you take them and are aware of the changes you need to make, but you need to hold yourself accountable for the decisions you make. Every marathon starts with a small step. Grow into the change. Let your lifestyle change instead of trying to lose weight over "x" amount of time. 


TL;DR stop feeling sorry about yourself and fucking do something about it.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

I just left Taiwan yesterday and I'm a bit taken aback by the coincidence, haha. I would highly encourage trying to venture out a bit more with the local cuisine and be willing to try new things if you're open to it. There are a lot of really good vegetable dishes and root vegetables in Taiwan and sometimes making the trek there on foot is both good for exercise and nice for signtseeing and vibes. I also would recommend taking MRT instead of driving as it forces you to walk more. 

Take everything one step at a time, though. It's important, as others have mentioned, not to cut down on anything too quickly as it will have not so great effects on your body. I'm not sure if this is helpful but I've also started intermittent fasting, which I feel like has helped me. 

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Crazy! I actually don't have a car and have been taking the MRT, been getting a lot of walking in but I'm in New Taibei, so I don't really need one to get around. I've tried a lot of the local food, and I dislike most of it, but I really like what Taiwan considers Breakfast food. 蛋餅 and those "breakfast burgers". Not like real burgers, but like chicken on a bun or toast, with whatever the sauces they put on it, with egg. It's really good, and I eat that for lunch most days. I'd consider it for dinner too, but most of the breakfast places are closed by that time. As far as the famous foods go I like 炸雞排 and 鹹酥雞, haven't tried 臭豆腐 or some of the other famous ones,for obvious reasons lol.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

Maybe you can try more fish dishes? I'm not much of a seafood person, but I like a lot of Taiwanese fish dishes that are more light or crispy. I'm also a lover of Taiwanese egg dishes, too. I recently went to Jiufen and LOVED it there, so maybe make going there a personal goal not only for sightseeing but for exercise purposes, haha. Glad to see that you're enjoying Taiwan! You can always rent a Youbike and take it around during those rare days when it's not raining!

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Got a scale today and apparently without knowing it I've lost like 20-30 pounds since coming to Taiwan 4 months ago. Only got like 100 more to go or so ig, maybe I can do that in a year lmao.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
That's awesome, congrats. Probably mostly from the walking--keeping that up and making a couple of the suggested diet changes would combine for more results.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
I don't know if this is helpful but I've got an odd technique for losing weight. I live in a fourteen-floor building and at night, when there is no one about, I walk up the stairs from the ground floor up to the top, take the lift down, and repeat two or three times. In this way I can burn 500 calories in about 30 minutes, though it's important not to go too fast or you cramp up your legs. Hiking achieves a similar ratio as well and I imagine a treadmill or cycling machine would be equally effective. Keeping track of the average number of calories you burn daily (with a target of 3,500 calories or 1 pound a week) will help with steady weight loss (I used to do the 10,000 steps a day thing but as it takes about 100 minutes I found short bursts of medium intensity exercise more time-effective than long bursts of low intensity exercise). Consuming less junk food and sugary drinks is the other half of it.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

I'm sure the others have already given you adequate advice on the calorie counting topic, but I'd also like to suggest that the best way to lose the weight and to keep it off would be to allow your body time to adjust to the lower calories so you don't feel ravished, dizzy, and lethargic and sick everyday. You're best off being slow and steady and knocking your calories down by 50 a week, till you get to a good maintenance level. It's much slower and more boring, but also much more practical. Most obese people who lose weight tend to put it back on again in a year, mostly due to muscle memory, losing it too quickly or using cardio to burn the calories instead of eating less food. 

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Yeah, definitely no extreme adjustments. But if he's looking into calorie logging/CICO at all, there are apps that figure that all out and help you track macronutrients too. Most of them recommend aiming for no more than a pound a week.

There is certain point also though where switching out for healthier foods would make somebody feel more energetic, not worse. And I think the McDonalds diet might be one of those cases. A lot of the unsatisfied feeling or other issues might come from the stuff his body needs that he's just not getting that way. Thinking of it as a long term change of habits and lifestyle and not just a lose weight quick program also helps.

The convenient thing though is that a guy that's pretty overweight probably has the easiest time losing some of it. There could be more dramatic results from small changes or from building some muscle. Slimmer people tend to have the biggest struggles losing that last lousy 5lbs to get to their goal or whatever, because that's the point when you have to get really strict to get results.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Oh, 50 calories a week though if that was an meant as a serious number would likely be impossible to track for the first several weeks though. 50 calories is like, a tablespoon of low fat salad dressing or half a spoon of peanut butter. Not many people track strictly enough to be able to determine that much even over the course of a day. Gradual scalimg back isn't a bad idea, it just not need to be at a more measureable amount. Like maybe the first week spent with 300-500 calories cut a day. Which isn't going to be a large difference even then, that's less than a McDonalds burger. Although just to do even that much means he'd need to know exact amount he eats every day.

Best thing to do may be to plug your info into a TDEE calculator to get an idea of what may be needed combined with how much physical activity to see results. But it's different for everyone, it's all just math and willpower at the end of the day, but everybody needs Ryu figure out some things about their own bodychemistry.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
1. Increase my savings by 75% (long and short term)
2. Publish multiple papers
3. Lift more
4. Get to work on time consistently
5. Read the Iliad on time every month
6. Make cool mittens
7. Reduce yarn stash by a pound or a mile (net)
8. Finish my lace stole
9. Thesis
10. Gross $7k outside my main job

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
That's quite the knitting emporium you're trying to build

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
The yarn stash reduction will be more of a challenge than it seems because the mittens require buying more.

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
At least it helps with lifting more

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago

1: Drink less
2: Smoke less
3: Eat less junk food
4: Exercise more
5: Write less (!)
6: Read more
7: Review more
8: Work less
9: Chill and socialize more
10: Learn more Chinese

I keep a daily track of these things and last year I missed targets 1, 2, 4, 8, 9 and 10. I am trying to limit myself to an average of writing 1 page a day or it sucks up all my time (my cys stories are about a third of my total output). I also tend to work too many hours but health and people are more important than money so I’m trying to spend more time hanging out with friends this year as well though, for some reason, all my friends have just had babies – mostly with each other - at pretty much the same time (I think it’s a 30's thing :D ).

New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago


New Year Resolutions?

2 months ago
Genuinely, why did you feel the need to post this?