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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago

Coochie and Cocktails. ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago

Even though she's not here to make a new thread, I feel it's a good tradition for the IC threads to start with an Briar/Avery post.

Happily she has more than a few from other threads that can be repurposed for such an occasion.

Oh and here's the other threads for more IC fun.





Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

And now I'm trying to remember what the "Coochie and Cocktails" comment was in reference to. ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago

Because I have fond memories of desolate graveyards, here’s some old ones from Infinite Story!

Wild Night

Actually, the only gay people I've ever known all turned out to be creeps. I'm convinced every gay man has been molested as a child.

One guy ended up screwing me out of $100 (not literally) the other one ended up hitting on me. Actually they both did, and they both admired my ass - which did flatter me, I must admit. It got to the point where one of them was trying to convince me that I'm 'lying to myself, and that I really loved him and I'm really gay'

That's when I told him to go to Hell. I thought I was an open-minded man of the 21st century, but gay people creep me out.

Anyway, this is turning into a tangent. This story is pretty horrible. Pixielaughs is it's only redeeming value.

by ChubbyTeletubby on Jul 9, 2005

The House On The Corner

You were a total bitch when I tried PMing you with some PRAISE and a TINY AMOUNT of CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.


*zips up pants* Now let us never speak of this again.


P.S. Yes I am crazy.

Thankssss for asssking!!!!


P.P.S. BITCH!!!!

by ChubbyTeletubby on Jun 6, 2006


Just an example of the drug induced comments by the infamous Chubby.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

for the Wild Night part, I have NOT been molested as a child. And I am not a creep. Just a friendly neighborhood gay-man

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago

Lost in...Pepplestones?

I've seen better stories written on my penis. And that says alot, since I only have 2 1/2 inches to work with.

by donteatpoop on May 2, 2007


I'm not sure if DEP meant to give himself a hardcore dis to his manparts while insulting the writer's story, but either way it's hilarious.


wen do we gte ther

I once flatulated, bare-assed, on a keyboard. The flecks of shit hit a few keys, and they came closer to forming something worth reading.

I never did see that keyboard again

by donteatpoop on May 13, 2007

Be Ye Man?

I once unzipped my pants and dropped my balls repeatedly on the keyboard to produce something very much like this story. It was a pain in the ass getting the hairs out from under the keys though.

by donteatpoop on Feb 11, 2012


DEP has gone through so many keyboards...

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago
Five years apart with those and he still sticks to the theme, impressive.

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago

I haven't seen Briar since she swung by to let us know she was feeling better, I hope she's still fine and able to give us more material for future OPs soon.

Also how could I not mention:

rfart6 on 2/20/2020 for Rogues

stupid to inaproprisate nocussing!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've read it a few times and I'm still confused.

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago

Makes about as much sense as the one before it on Rogues

fucking crap? it didnt mention fuckn sex or get erotic not fuckin ONCE my fucking boner hates yalls guts!

-- Brianna Tupman on 2/5/2020 3:36:36 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago
Hey, "Brianna" here was filing a clear complaint on behalf of his boner. And apparently got lost and took a wrong turn on his way to CHYOO.

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago

"stupid to inaproprisate nocussing!!!!!!!"

rfart6 might be a little too young for this site. That explains the horrible grammar.

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago

Pleasure the senses, and you wouldn't notice it.

The Daemonologists
Obra (Score of 0)
2/19/2020 1:02:43 PM


Always nice to know one's work is...pleasurable

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago
anon on 2/25/2020 for Necromancer
I wish the "run away from the city had more options," also a little less writing, it was a lot of intense action, please keep it to three paragraphs max with a preference of one, only havig more during important exposition. as for the "run away from the city", my though was I would get a chance to go through a redemption arch and being the regretful hero.

Rarely have I seen so many wrong opinions in one place...

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago
His name is anon because he thinks with his big ass. Ano (is ass in Spanish) Anon would be big ass

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago

Redemption and regret are for fags.

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago
Okay but add another full path anyway, while at the same time also doing less writing.

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago
Reading is hard.

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago

Speaking of reading being hard.

Dead Man Walking

Too long I came to play not read a paragraph and just overall terrible experience

-- Alyce on 2/28/2020 9:57:02 PM with a score of 2060

You heard it Berka, only one sentence pages from now on, none of this paragraph stuff, let alone multiples of them!

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago
Try to limit those sentences to less than 10 words while you're at it.

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago

Um... yeah.

Hello. When I found this I started balling. I was shooting those hoops so fucking well you won't even believe how good I was at basketball. After learning about the secret of the grass planet, (A twist to be sure!) I went hope and drank 2 liters of gin and vodka. I sentenced myself to 3 episodes of my favorite show, desperate housewives, before heading off to bed with fear in my mind and an ache in my soul. Reading this was like reading my great grandfather's obituary, except I learned that I didn't actually inherit anything from this story. Thanks for the vase, the government is a lie. And post.

-- Alfred the Great, son of the G on 3/12/2020 1:18:06 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

5 years ago
The government is a lie, LSD is the truth.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Linkno on 4/15/2020 for Rogues

There are too many "but that's another story" endings. I understand burn out and I understand that a choose your own adventure game/story may be a bit more than an author was expecting but it just seems too often for me. There are also quite a few instances of none choice where 1 choice advances the story while the other immediately ends it.


Poor End, writing a CYOA was just more than he expected. Oh well, keep trying! I'm sure you'll get the hang of it with practice.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

You mean to tell me that the story has links that end the game, just like literally every other CYOA out there?  I want my money back.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
In the spirit of excellent customer service, I'm offering a full refund to anyone on the site who has ever encountered an End Game link, anywhere.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

So, you stole my $20 bill? :0

I want a refund! 

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Speaking of "keep trying"

Dawnwood by Steve

Great Story, but the grammar is atrocious! This story has quite a bit of potential, but is filled with errors and misused words. Keep trying!

-- xxtabxx on 4/14/2020 5:07:03 AM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Well yeah but we all agree with that one.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
keanna on 4/21/2020 for Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival) [delete]
I dont like how it was such a short story, I was bored. But ive certainly seen worse. ??????

It's funny because she's an idiot.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

"I dont like how it was such a short story, I was bored. But ive certainly seen worse."

She's bored, didn't like how it was short, but she's seen worse. 

I've read this comment a ton of times and I'm still confused. >.>


Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Well that and also Dead Man Walking is the largest game on the site, by a pretty wide margin.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

She got to an "End Game" link! She might call for a refund. :0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Kelly Unicornstrider and Friends by Gower

Meh, I liked the short lived spin off Night Patrol Rides Again (1986) a lot better.

Susanna McKray who originally created the Night Patrol characters managed to maintain ownership of her characters and independently backed a show with just them and it was awesome.

It time jumped like 100 years in the future long after Kelly and company had been utterly defeated by a regrouped Night Patrol. Cantankerous Rex came back from the grave and became the leader like he always wanted to be.

Best of all, they never bothered with any of those moral lessons at the end of the show. It was just C Rex trying to re-establish order over the chaos that was going on in the land. As supposedly “evil” the Night Patrol was supposed to be, The Maelstrom was like 10 times worse. Susanna was obviously inspired by H.P. Lovecraft when designing the things coming out of it.

I guess it was supposed to be geared more towards older kids because they were getting away with stuff that they didn’t even show in KUaF, but I remember they still had it on during Saturday mornings.

I imagine the body horror type stuff that occurred on an entire city in Episode 12: Nightmare Storm was what finally caused the executives to pull the plug though since there was only one more episode after that. Sort of annoying that it ended on a cliff hanger.

Got all the action figures too, even the really rare “Eye” of The Maelstrom playset. Glad I snagged that from some idiot just selling it for ten bucks at his garage sale in the 90s. Lol.

-- EndMaster on 9/15/2019 12:27:34 PM with a score of 9

Just putting this here since I was amused by my own comment.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
The meta comments on Kelly and Natalie are so good.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

I wanted to it

Private Game for Natalie
Daved (Score of 1)
4/28/2020 12:01:01 PM

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
'I wanted to ___ it.' could be one of those finish the sentence thread AL likes to post.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Good idea, mizal. I'll write that down.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
I fear the results may be unwholesome.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Haha, maybe!

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Even if the story was deleted and the author ran away crying, such a comment must be preserved!

Are you a COVIDiot?

I think the "COVIDIOTS" in this case are idiots that wrote this storygame. For instance, the death rate for this pandemic is incredibly low. And we knew that from the start; the problem is that 1% of a population of 300 million people is still alarmingly high (get a calculator and do the match yourself).

But, that also means the vast majority of infected people will live. There is a spectrum of health issues that people may experience, from nothing at all to full-on respiratory failure. Most people who do get sick recover without hospitalization (think Chris Cuomo, who has been continuing to do his TV show while quarantining himself in his basement, with a side gig (apparently) in insulting passing bicyclists).

Now that the antibody testing has begun, what we're learning is that more people were infected with the coronavirus than the hospitalization and intubation rates would have us believe. But the beautiful thing is that these people have antibodies. Not only do these antibodies provide protection to the people who bear them, they also keep those people from spreading infection to other people. And as an added bonus, they may also have the opportunity to donate a portion of their antibody supply to more vulnerable people. Now THERE's making a positive contribution to society!

The problem with this story is that it's unaware of it's own idiocy, as it goes about trying to illustrate the idiocy of people the author's disagree with politically. For instance, it begins with the premise that you've been asleep for 2 months (and therefore practicing perfect social distancing) only to awake and learn of the pandemic situation. If you choose to hug your family, everyone dies.

But explain how the hell you are infectious if you haven't been in contact with anybody for 2 months? I thought social distancing was our one and only savior? Are you daring to suggest otherwise? And how is COVID-19 an automatic death sentence?

You don't have to be a right-wing pro-gun anti-abortion type to have legitimate questions about the world's response to this crisis. Science touts itself as a data-driven innovative force, and yet we're having a one-dimensional solution shoved down our collective throats, with "success" measured by a single datapoint. Reasonable people can look at this situation and have reasonable doubts. Yes, thousands upon thousands of death in the U.S. is horrific. But so is 26.5 million people unemployed in a single month, so is the spike in drug overdoses, so is the impending extinction-level event for small businesses. A "non-idiot" solution would attempt to address all these issues simultaneously.

As for this storygame... it is thoughtless, ignorant garbage.

-- Bill_Ingersoll on 4/28/2020 9:22:56 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
AAA tier unhinged rant. And Enterpride also wrote a 2000 word text wall at the Aussie anti-drug PSA. Just a day for getting super mad at small kind of bland and forgettable stories and going off on a tangent I guess.

Meanwhile, I got this message from the author:

From: BeamerAlert
To: mizal
Date: 4/29/2020 11:17:51 AM

Thanks for your advice and encouragement. To be honest, it surprised me how much it hurt to be criticized by an internet stranger. I guess I'd just expected people to be more understanding of first-time writers like myself.

I think I'll be taking a break from this website for a while, and if/when I come back, I'll probably try to write an adventure story or something. Sometimes I feel like it's hard to predict what people will like.

In any case, I really do appreciate your empathy. (And maybe I'm biased, but your stories are much better than Boomer Bill's)

Lol, Boomer Bill. Sometimes the lowest hanging fruit is the best.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago


The story was about waking up after a 2-month sleep to learn about COVID for the first time. The first choice was to hug your family or wash your hands. Of course, in the context of a storygame I'm going to choose the least wise action, and by hugging my family everyone dies. But it also came with a prediction of my political leanings, that by denying the wisdom of the CDC that I must be all these other things also. Thus the rant.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

ok boomer

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

It's still just as good. 

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
i dont like reading
-- shauntel on 4/30/2020 9:41:23 AM with a score of 0

It doesn't really matter what story this was on. It works for all of them.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
g on 4/30/2020 for The Donner Party bruh I always die. this game stinks I understand his feelings completely. Imagine clicking a story called The Donner Party and it not being about getting drunk and having a good time at the house of your friend Don.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Michael on 5/5/2020 for The Donner Party [delete]
this is the worst game ever

Man, tough crowd this week.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Speaking of the Donner Party, here's something funny I just came across:

Taking pity on the pioneers, the northern Washoe attempted to feed them, leaving rabbit meat and wild potatoes near the camps. Another account states that they tried to bring the Donner Party a deer carcass, but were shot at as they approached. Later, some wel mel ti observed the migrants eating human remains. Fearing for their lives, the area's native inhabitants continued to watch the strangers but avoided further contact. 

If that can be confirmed as real then I want a story from the Washoe perspective. Suggested title: White People, Go Figure 'em!

Also, I'm reading something now about how James Reed nearly convinced Abraham Lincoln to go along on the trip with them. That would be quite the alternate history.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

I don't have a storygame yet so I can't write any interesting comments on here. ;-;

Poor me. 

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

You don't need to, just find an amusing comment you've seen on any story and post it here.

Though you probably should still leave it to those of us that have more of an eye for this sort of thing.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

I found one.


Death Song

can I get a hoyeah

-- Paps on 3/2/2020 12:35:07 PM with a score of 0


Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Survive the Zombies by Killa

Stupid fucking nigger dogshit. Go suicide.

-- Niger on 5/4/2020 2:14:40 PM with a score of 200

Well then, nothing like getting right to the point.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Lol Istanbul IP. We sure getting a lot of asshole Turks wandering in lately.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Yeah, same guy likes to post that on Killa's game every so often, pretty much word-for-word. I've been deleting them when I see them. Always just though it was Bad Mod Kiel or something.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
The thought of Killa the Vanilla doing something noticeable enough to be targeted by a troll is so strange.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
more sex scenes
Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival)
Harley (Score of 4560)

Does having a zombie bite your nipple off count?

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
At least that's a change of pace from whining about sexism.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Yes. More bleeding nipples to go for Harley!

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Shine hayag on 5/7/2020 for Farewell, My Childhood Self [delete]
You cannot believe how I feel right now my friend. I've always loved and cared my first love. But didn't bring myself to tell the truth. That she would never love me. And here I'm now mourning about it. You beautiful one you've just hit my softside and brang a year that didn't come out of these eyes for years. ???? Sometimes a a dream in your own world is better than reality.????

Lol, fag.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Roland on 5/9/2020 for Homo Perfectus [delete]
I personally loved it! It made me sad when the sister died. Next time try not to make the sister die. I read it with my dad for my 8th birthday.

I know the tone of this thread/entire forum is usually heavy sarcasm, but this is actually just really precious and wholesome.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Awww! :]

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Star Defender Gamma
a Sci-Fi Adventure by doodoodude

You are a Space Defender of the Gamma Sector of your solar system, you inforce the law throughout you're sector. Do you have what it takes to be a Star Defender? Comment if there are any glitches!

Nine years later....

I am so ashamed
-- doodoodude on 5/25/2019 2:43:38 AM with a score of 57

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
No so ashamed to changed that fag name of doodoo.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Ground Zero

I think there definitely has to be a more relatable format for character responses. It is understandable that survival is a priority, but morals and even behaviors from a prior form of life affect ones use of language and problem solving. Not all conversation should be dummed down to "well fuck you!" if you expect people to go about Ground Zero by using communication and survival skills. This dummed down format makes it so that the character really only has one choice or one path to follow, when in reality every new choice you make opens up so many new paths to take.

-- N/A on 5/17/2020 9:39:13 PM with a score of 0

Well fuck you too. Lol.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
>if you expect people to go about Ground Zero by using communication and survival skills.

I think I've found the problem.

Well that and the guy being retarded.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Thx for the 15 xp you gave me for my birthday. This will help me make my storygame.
-- Games4u on 4/24/2020 2:16:29 PM with a score of 0

On that one cysid game.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

I can't tell whether this is retarded or adorable. ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Well they're dead already either way. There's this one particular thread on the newbie board that's become like some kind of sticky trap for vermin from one particular IRL tard nexus.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
7layers on 5/26/2020 for Quiz That Has Random Trivia [delete]
give answers or I'll ask for them 1/8

7layers on 5/26/2020 for What I want to Be! [delete]
poetry is more than rhyming, you [should] know; god, I hate society

7layers on 5/26/2020 for Do you Know the Classics? [delete]
gimme cumulative answers 1/8

This is one of those kids that dramatically gazes heavenward and sighs with every sentence they utter. Not really sure why they're picking through the site's trash heap though.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
7layers on 6/14/2020 for First Dates Can Be Tricky [delete] A must read primer for those seeking to survive in today's dog eat dog and blame the cat world, for it is a work adroitly aware of the fundamental flaws of Westerners named along the lines of Jyoti. Nothing good comes of such upper middle class, white women with special nomenclature, their petite innocence a mere mask for the blackest of souls that would spurn xenia for but a moment's satisfaction. The lack of continuity in the work only furthers the point, driving home the duplicitous nature of the documented. This commenter continues to deliver.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

r/im14andthisisdeep >.<

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

These are from A Very Special Choose Your Story

it has good meanigs

-- Rose on 9/23/2019 11:10:12 PM with a score of 0


This book has good meanings so thank you

-- Ivy uchiha on 9/25/2019 5:47:39 PM with a score of 0


I was a etrict loner in High School and I turned out just fine! Of course, that could've been just bbecause I don't really care about/like humanity anyways, because we always say that we'll be better than what we were, but then we just 'slip' back into old habits, such as how the police shoot unarmed black men because of racism, even though back during the Civil Rights movement we said that we would be better about NOT doing that...

-- BristolJeremiah on 11/7/2018 5:42:32 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Wht?!? That last one. LOL.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Somehow I get the feeling he did not turn out just fine. :p

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
scott on 5/31/2020 for High School Romance
this was great since im a cuck

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Learn To spell and also this makes no sence but fairly good

-- mAX on 4/9/2013 7:37:05 AM with a score of 0

I like irony. ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
What was that on?

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Some Harry Potter fanfic.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
MatchDominator12 on 6/2/2020 for Necromancer
Jeez, grab a seat and a few bottles a bear and enjoy the story, it's a long one if you do it right. Remember ; "even the death can show mercy.."

Legal disclaimer from ChooseYourStory and staff: we do not recommend nor endorse grabbing bears as a way to enjoy Necromancer.

Interesting Comments 5

2 years ago

There's bottled bears? Anybody know where to get one?

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
HOW NOT TO WRITE- A Pokemon Adventure - Part 1 - Chapter I - Section A: The Beginning of the Start

This is by far the worst storygame on the website. The author plagiarizes and has obviously not proofread any of his work. The writing is dull at times and creepily descriptive at others. None of the choices impact the story; some are extremely illogical, and others lead to dead ends. All of the characters have pretty much no personality except Gary. The amount of errors made it feel like the author was messing up on purpose. To summarize: don't read this. I gave it a six because I'm a nice person, but don't read this anyway. -- angelaine on 6/3/2020 2:56:43 PM with a score of 0

@Will11 I know you're in a weird timezone, hope the incredible whooshing sound didn't wake you up.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

"I gave it a six because I'm a nice person." 

What immesurable kindness.  I'm absolutly floored.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
han on 6/16/2020 for High School Romance
it was shit more shit than shitty shit shit

hab on 6/16/2020 for High School Romance
it was okay but u should add some photos

They're twins but I can't tell which is the evil one.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Well, asking for photos of high schoolers is pretty creepy. :p

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Eternal by EndMaster

I played this on the toilet -- Ryan Mickey on 2/14/2020 12:17:19 PM with a score of 0

... Good for you, Ryan. Good for you. ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Gower on 6/18/2020 for Fun With Numbers Practical Appliance
I have played pretty much every game on this site, including ones that are horribly broken and with painful writing, and I can say with some degree of confidence that this is my least favorite one.

Damn lol.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Must play to see what all the fuss is about. :p

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Friend Zone by daydreams

Listen, dipshit. I dont care if this is your first game. Do you know how many times I had to replay this? Too many. Too many times. Oliver was way better than ****ing Daniel. I, a lesbian, am both offended by the lack of chemistry with Daniel and the lack of potential with Mary. Mary, our best friend, who's been with us since diapers (i assume). I don't want to get out of the friendzone with Daniel, but rather with our dear friend, Mother Mary. Good day, and good luck on future projects. Because although the game made me v upset, it's still better than our games, which is nothing. -- butchbaby69 on 2/27/2017 1:41:00 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Was just scrolling through the comments on Tower of Riddles and found this:

How the heck? What was I supposed to do? I don’t understand. I am confusion. I hate baby polar bears now.  -- Jason on 4/2/2020 9:17:34 AM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Wow Jason. Better go back to CoG stories, ours are for intelligent people.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Oh mizal, why do you have to be so microaggressive? :p

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Just started reading the entries to Mizal's "Welcome to the Jungle" contest.

When Johnny Comes Marching Home a Horror by Deer89

very interested story and good words -- Deer89 on 7/1/2020 11:19:49 PM with a score of 0

... My hopes are not high. >.<

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Lol. It's a cute comment. I kinda want to start putting it on everything I read.

But that was his little sister, he mentioned it when he originally asked for feedback. But since no one reads Writing Workshop threads I've had to inform people of this a few times in the Discord already...but since nobody reads things said in the Discord I'd have asked him to just add a disclaimer in the description if I didn't already know nobody reads storygames either.

Either way expectations should be restored by the time you finish the first page, it's obviously not the same person.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Yeah, is there anyway that could be removed?

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4 years ago

...NOPE! ^_^

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4 years ago
It's important to preserve these precious family moments. One day you'll thank me.

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4 years ago

Plus Mizal's right, once you start reading, you know it's not you. ^_^

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4 years ago

Alright, I'll have fond memories upon looking back. 

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4 years ago

Where's this discord room you mention??

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
-- thayerwyman on 7/20/2020 12:07:05 PM with a score of 0

-- thayerwyman on 7/20/2020 12:06:51 PM with a score of 0

Amazing!!! best game ever! it is soooo much fun!!! everyone has to try it!!!
-- thayerwyman on 7/20/2020 11:56:08 AM with a score of 0

On Saving Baby Big, a 1.09 rated unpublished game (by thayerwyman)

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Tapping into The Secret. 

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

That was only the latest batch. There were others when the story was first published:

I like the name of baby big.

-- thayerwyman on 7/16/2020 5:39:18 PM with a score of 0


-- thayerwyman on 7/16/2020 5:05:25 PM with a score of 0

amazing!!! this is the best storygame EVER!!!

-- thayerwyman on 7/16/2020 12:51:57 PM with a score of 0

And then:

Didn't quite live up to all the hype from the reviews

-- Ogre11 on 7/16/2020 5:45:30 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Rose on 7/24/2020 for Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival)
It,s fun but not that fun


Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
It was awesome! But kinda sucked.

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4 years ago

It,s such a shame that he,s had such trouble enjoying game,s like this.

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4 years ago

Gravity is very heavy on her planet. Just try keeping an apostrophe elevated in 5 G's. Yours would look like commas too in that environment.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

I believe you mean "5 G,s"

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
They look like this at 10 G_s

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4 years ago

Apostrophe drops in 5 G's.

Cause of death: coronavirus. 

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4 years ago
Rose on 7/22/2020 for Choose your Life 
This game is lots of fun but it,s not the funest thing in the world.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

If you ain't first, you're last. 

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
I think you mean: If you ain,t first, you,re last.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Okay so I feel like this is parody. I can only think it is because of how staged everything is. It doesn't seem to take itself seriously. If this is serious, note how there is no bond of trust before anything happens, even less is there any bond of actual trust being made in the dates. Like this clearly is self aware about how extreme it all is. Right?
Don't Get Date Raped!
A-Person (Score of 2)
7/26/2020 4:36:51 AM

The A is for Autistic.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Seriously on 8/10/2020 for Repression
What the fuck is that..."Get ready for her" = kill your mom? The fucking hell

Spoiled the best part.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Repression has been getting a bunch of negative comments lately.

pretty garbage

-- freefrancisman on 7/26/2020 3:55:27 AM with a score of 0

Short and simple story about Author thinks that dysfunctional family problems can be solved with threesome incest. Had no fun, owuld not recommend. 2/8.

-- Premium on 7/15/2020 9:50:02 AM with a score of 0

super weird and random

-- junior13 on 4/30/2020 1:41:52 PM with a score of 0

WTF... I got the mom-sis fuc ker ending on first try.

-- Bedroom on 11/29/2019 9:27:31 AM with a score of 0


But such is the burden being surrounded by the lesser born.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
I'd like to see Premium try and prove family problems can't be solved that way. I bet he's never even tried it.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Hey Mom

Gotta say, the title of this story is disappointingly misleading considering that it’s in the Love and Romance section.

-- EndMaster on 6/12/2016 4:05:53 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Talk about false advertisement

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
yesdaddy on 8/17/2020 for Private Game for Natalie
awful. i wish there was more lemons and smut

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

I know just the video for him. ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
This is book about chicken nuggets for all children
-- Turtle buttington on 7/10/2020 6:43:39 PM with a score of 0

On Ineptitude 2.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Cows vs Aliens!

I cheated

--w0lfwrit3r56783 on 4/22/2020 6:30:10 PM with a score of 2000


Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
The fiend!

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4 years ago

Zeros and Ones



-- WarriorCatsRPStories on 3/15/2015 10:30:23 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

I give them 24 hours max.

Edit: Actually, looks like they're already dead.  RIP.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Yeah that was a comment from 2015.

We don't talk about that year.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
misa kim on 9/1/2020 for Rogues
ching chang chong, the fortune cookie is always wrong

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
I saw that lol. They gave it a 2/8 too. I don't understand, but I guess retards gonna retard.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago


Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Sixteen Words

What just happened

-- Negative2 on 6/3/2020 12:36:37 AM with a score of 0

Sexy ambassador

-- Negative2 on 6/3/2020 12:37:22 AM with a score of 0

Ok not ok

-- Negative2 on 6/3/2020 12:42:43 AM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
"Ok not ok" is a good general descriptor of Negative.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
you wrote way to much plus why not write anything about avatar Aang I mean why prince azula and princess zuko ( yes the "mess up" was intentional ) but I guess azula is allright.
-- poop on 9/8/2020 1:59:57 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

It's funny because Zuko is a boy and Azula is a girl! ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Oh shit u right.

Noooow I get it! Hilarious! There's just nothing out there the matches the comedic genius of poop.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

I feel like we've seen this person pop up a few times before, right? I mean, how could you forget a name as creative and distinguished as that?

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Yeah, his comments are the shit! 

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

A UFO at School by Ogre11

Not that bad??

-- Serah on 6/1/2020 10:31:57 PM with a score of 0

Not that bad??

-- Serah on 6/1/2020 10:31:58 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

It's probably bad (not the game, by the way).

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Sometimes duplicate comments do pop up, people's connections will drop so they'll hit the button more than once trying to get it to go through. Same thing happens with messages.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

That retarded Easter egg story


-- BerkaZerka on 9/15/2020 9:40:19 PM with a score of 0

I know Mizal and Mara both gave more detailed mocking of the story, but Berka's simple one word response was probably all that was needed. Lol.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Always happy to see more evidence we've fully corrupted him.

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4 years ago
Izaak on 9/16/2020 for Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival)
it was assigned as homework and was mildly ok

They have a cool teacher. A zombie apocalypse is not out of the question with the way are going so really this is just thinking ahead. I hope all one million words are on the test though because somehow I don't think this unappreciative child was very thorough.

Looks like a bunch of kids got assigned to read about the Donner Party too. Again, just more practical knowledge if the economy doesn't fix itself.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago



-- meh on 1/11/2015 12:24:45 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago


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4 years ago


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4 years ago
Boi Boi on 9/21/2020 for Suns GM Simulator
Horrible disgusting never make this ever again

Well, I guess he got his wish...

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago


It starts with a scene where you, as a 16-year-old do NOT have a choice, but just rape a woman. I don't wanna rape people, and I found that extremely disgusting.

-- Felix on 9/28/2020 5:18:38 AM with a score of 0

Well we all know which infamous scene this faggot's talking about, and he got it wrong already since the story doesn't start out with it and there's no rape involved in that one anyway. Lol.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Poor Semra, always getting victimized that way, and nobody understands or believes her.

In one out of the three choices that you don't even get a choice about, wow. Disgusting.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
joe on 10/2/2020 for Dungeon Stompage! Good job dude, the game was actually kind of fun and didn't suck balls

This comment was actually kind of funny and didn't suck balls

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Yeah, I was amused by that when I noticed it. I respect a reader that can get right to the point.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
BurningFalcon on 10/6/2020 for Tower of Riddles [delete]
Didn't like it. My assumption was, that you'll just have to answer some normal riddles, but instead, you had to use google two answer some of them, if you didn't know the Bible inside out or speak 6 specific languages... That's not the right way to make riddles. SPOILER AHEAD spoilertheendofhavingtospoilerhighlightspoilerthespoilerpagespoilerandspoilerdiespoilereightspoilertimesspoilerwasaninterestingidea, wouldn't like to have to do that more than once though.

What a little bitch.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

what is this thread about anyway also why does everyone say no no words?

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Because "cunt" and "n-wah" just roll off the tongue so nicely. ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Bad Briar, I have censored you. This is the end of you, swit!

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

My N word! My beautiful N word! :'(

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

i think they call them "dunmer americans" now 

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

... Are you trying to say "dumber?"

Edit: No you weren't, and now I look dumb. :p

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Yes, and you're also the reason the site will never get enough black people to legally distribute n word passes to us all.

And that was the one thing I wanted for Christmas this year.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

I'm super sorry miz. Would it help if I provided a peace offering of fried chicken and watermelon? ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
That's silly, Black People are already their own selectable species. They're good at Athletics.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
The first thread was made by Avery for sharing story comments you find that are funny, obnoxious, or bizarre. For later threads we just started finding some random out of context post she made somewhere else and moving it over here to be the new OP.

The no no words are because THIS. IS. CYS.

*kicks u down a well*

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago


why are you so mean

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Because it's fun! And bad words are cool! (Also smoking and drugs.) ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

I can't say them. :(

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

That's okay, just get stocked up on weed and you can still be one of the cool kids. ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Yay! :D

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

I love you so much. ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago


Lol, fag.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

banned forever?

i was making storygame ;-;

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
For real advice: Close the tab and walk away. The more alts you make the more forever it gets.

Go get better at grammar and sneak back in next month. Capitalizing the first letter of your sentences will be a foolproof disguise!

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

ok bye bye then

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Okay, but you're dealing with the dopplegangers too then.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

And in conclusion... That comment was pretty funny. :p

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

too short

-- correia on 12/29/2019 6:48:17 PM with a score of 40

When the Music's Over was 6/8, length-wise. >->

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

The Gauntlet


-- BIG BOI on 1/10/2020 7:42:15 AM with a score of 0

There's also many other funny comments on this storygame on the same day.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

... What exactly is a Neek? Is it like a cross between a nerd and a geek?

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
cat on 10/7/2020 for Death Song
It was really long and to play with friends eventually gets board

Normally I'd scorn these kinds of comments, but in this case I'm impressed a cat can read at all, and a little concerned about whatever's being done to it with that board.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

God damn, Ryder! Is this how you punish your sex slaves now? >.<

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Finally one on my own game:

Day 2


-- Javi on 10/9/2020 2:31:03 AM with a score of 0

(They didn't even rate the game...)

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Javi, you silly nugget! :]

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

A Crazy Dimension Called Life

I just played again cuz I forgot to rate. Anyways....... 3/5

-- Cookie fan on 8/25/2019 4:00:11 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
CancerTheCrab on 10/13/2020 for Sixteen Words
Ummm, what? I am so confused...

Well obviously. That sure looks like six words to me. These dumb kids these days can't even count.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

-_- I'm in the PJO fandom

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4 years ago

... I am confused how this is relevant. >.<

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Hi confused, she's cancer.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

There's a joke that memebers of the PJO fandom can't count

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago


hello motherFucker.. my raw Ass got finessed by ur quiz nigga watch the fuck out i lose one more time and its back to slavery for u





Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago


Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

A magnificent find! ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago


hoo in god damn hell is this

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Choose Your Disease 


i want have sex cedar

-- henwy on 10/20/2019 11:16:56 PM with a score of 130

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Me on 10/15/2020 for Eternal
I only did like two choices and it ended

Weird, I don't remember ever being this dumb.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Me on 11/19/2020 for Prophecy [delete]
Good story, but too many swears.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

The Chinatown Murder

I like cats.

I don't know if it was meant to be, but in my mind the "investigate the cat" choice was a Supernatural reference.

-- zephurricane on 12/24/2017 4:58:53 AM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Sixteen Words


What just happened?|)(|<--Is this a butt or boobs.
-- Patandjenfan33333 on 12/3/2019 5:37:47 PM with a score of 0

It's butterfly wings! :D

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Aphrodite's Orphan

Thought it was gonna be star wars but it turns into david lynch, WTF! whys the girl a lesbian? is this supposed to be woke or sumthing?

-- Oslo Williams on 10/19/2020 6:01:15 PM with a score of 0

Always amusing whenever we get accused of being "woke" around here.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

So many bloody SJWs all trying to be politically correct. Especially that snowflake EndMaster with all his gay and lesbian characters. It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Unfortunately, Steve's long dead. It's actually Adam and Steve's trail mix filled corpse 

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

This is actually a good comment, but the bottom paragraph is just... well you'll see.

Aphrodite's Orphan

Film Noir is a French term that means dark cinema. This is certainly cinematic and places and it's definitely dark! It begins with a girl's parents getting murdered and spirals out of control from there. Most of the endings are of the girl, Sandra Acosta, getting brutally killed. It's almost impossible to beat this game. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be the point, but it certainly is unnerving.

Lots of plots within plots. Thomas's post in the Lounge said you needed to try to read all the branches to get the most out of this. That certainly helps to get a fuller picture of the characters and the strange universe they inhabit.

All the principal characters are fairly well-drawn. The more branches you read, the more they get fleshed out as people.

I like the different aliens, ecspecialy the Jovians. Very creative creatures.

The one thing that truly bothers me, though, is that this teenage girl wants to kill the people who killed her mother and father. It's unsettling for a site that caters to high-school kids to have a story with a teenager who solves her problems by killing people with a gun.

But the story seems unusual and the settings are detailed.

-- WeRNestor on 10/22/2020 4:14:10 PM with a score of 0

I get the feeling this person hasn't read a lot of stories on here yet. Lol.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

... But violence is wrong!

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Don't you know? Any teenager who catches wind of so much as a hint of violence in any story immediately turns into a serial killer without exception. Their brains just aren't developed enough to understand the difference between fantasy and reality, no matter what their personality was before. That's why every story where one character so much as steps on the toes of another character should immediately be given a 7/8 maturity rating.

Oh, and if you swear even a single time in your entire life, your mind is completely corrupt.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Don't even get me started on video games! >.<

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
... But violence is wrong!

Only when you fail to employ enough of it.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Life, a 2.90 rated storygame

I think that this was by far the best work of writing i've read in my entire existence. This story was creative, well paced, thought provoking, and most of all thrilling. 10 out of 10 from me and would highly recommend. 

-- Boyfriend on 10/18/2020 7:50:12 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Before he found this game, the best book he'd ever read was a fridge magnet. ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Look at his name.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

I hope he bought enough… um, little raincoats. He's definitely getting… um… some action now.

[Post sanitized for the sake of the children.]

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Still applies. ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
The only people bothering to read things and write comments anymore are complete randoms.

This is the future of CYS:

Serenity on 10/25/2020 for High School Romance
I needed a gf but i could not get

kenzie g on 10/25/2020 for A Titanic Experience
I really enjoy this game it really get you to see how differnt pepole point of view was.

I hope you're all proud.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Lexi on 10/26/2020 for A Treatise on Heartly Manners
This was definitely not my favorite. What happens if we want to be a lady instead of being a male?

And what if I wanted to be a hedgehog instead of a human, hmm? Where's the storyline for *me*?

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Hey, that's my writing! Getting that posted here is a feature all on its own.

I've spent the last three hours pondering over this feedback, driving my mind in ever tighter circles to enwrap this problem; the easy route would be to simply do it away as someone not reading the description about playing as a set character. But that's too easy, and I know Lexi meant well about her burning desire to be playing as a lady, just as Mizal expressed her honest wish of playing a hedgehog embroidered in courtly garb.

Incorporating the public's wishes is extremely important and, as I've demonstrably failed to picture these in advance, I'm going to need some sort of method that's open for everyone to transcribe their own expectations onto. A sort of sandbox that's available and allows everyone to live out their fantasies. Some sort of magic that allows perplexed hedgehogs on one branch, and dashing ladies on another.

Now, there's nothing worse than reimagining the wheel as a square. As it turns out, people have already worked out a solution and consequently lobotomized it, neglecting it until it became nothing more than an incest porn prompter. So no more dungeoning! To truly innovate, we have to go back to our roots. We'll have to script in all possible choices! Every species a story is my motto!

Wait, no. That sadly also doesn't work. By some incomprehensible mathematical rule it seems the more you spread your story, for example to accord to the whimsies of the masses, the less effort goes into any particular branch. So unless you turn to the dark side of scripting fake choices in your story, the story turns out uninspired, to say the least.

So how do you get a story truly personalized to each personal taste, while still retaining that magic that makes fantasizing and escapism fun? Turns out medieval monks uncovered an ancient technique, one going back to before the aforementioned wheel, one that allowed everyone to be the author of their own story, from heroic hedgehogs that vanquish evil dukes in a duel to be recounted through the ages, to the dashing lady breaking hearts on her way to the very top of the social iceberg. Allow me to demonstrate how this is all possible.


Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Note: the artistic brilliance of my drawing may not be clear on first sight.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
I get it. I think.

But why would I write about being a hedgehog when I can complain that you didn't do it instead?

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4 years ago
To make a long story short, it basically boils down to this:

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
But I don't even own a quill pen...

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
A hammer should also work if you're dextrous enough!

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago



-- Zarlox on 9/13/2019 9:16:31 AM with a score of 0

rats again

-- Zarlox on 9/13/2019 9:16:50 AM with a score of 0

come on

-- Zarlox on 9/13/2019 9:17:52 AM with a score of 0


-- Zarlox on 9/13/2019 9:22:17 AM with a score of 0


-- Zarlox on 9/13/2019 9:23:15 AM with a score of 0

did every ending

-- Zarlox on 9/13/2019 9:24:33 AM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

2 years ago

I don't remember writing those comments. Eh still seems like something I would write though

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

The Long Walk Home

it's more fun then taking cair of my little brother! hahahahahahahahahahahaha roflroflrofl!
-- mike on 7/2/2019 9:16:54 AM with a score of 0


Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Tower of Riddles

Mainly good, but you can’t win. Why?
-- ArtsyGirl38 on 11/19/2019 8:41:21 AM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

To be fair, a lot of people don't think there's any way to win Tower of Riddles. There is, they're all just stupid. ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Well we sure know that one is already.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
jodithewitch on 11/3/2020 for A Very Special Choose Your Story
I just wanna say I read this story when I was younger and from then on every time I wondered about self harm I thought "Oh no no no, I can't, I'll get lockjaw"

Endmaster: literally saving children's lives.

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

It's official, we did get sucked into a parallel universe where sherbet is the correct spelling and End saves kids instead of butchering them.

2020 really did break reality. 

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago


that was gay
-- iansjams on 4/27/2017 3:12:38 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
tray on 11/12/2020 for American Outlaws: The James Gang
"I am doing something. See? I'm waiting for mom to call us," your brother says. "Why is she going to call us?" you ask, but then you hear, "Alright! Everyone get in the car!" >>click for awesomeness>>


Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Yay or Nay?

it is very hot and sexy!!!
-- MagicMan1129 on 3/22/2019 2:15:34 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago


The magic man says it all


Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
orangatan on 11/22/2020 for A Very Special Choose Your Story

I would be surprised if not one person masterbated to this, but pleasantly surprised nonetheless.

Please, that one doesn't even have any dark elves...

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Did I hear correctly?

Was this comment for A Very Special Choose Your Story?


Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

well, shit 

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

If you try hard enough, you can masturbate to anything. ^_^

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Kick Dora's Butt!

This is the best one ever
-- Nigger on 6/6/2019 8:14:31 PM with a score of 0

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Excuse me young lady, but do you have a pass for that?

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
zombie bait on 11/24/2020 for Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival)
I hate the part about having to read 100000 words just to make a action, overall story is good tho.

Pfff - words!

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Ew, words! 

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago
Why are words on this site anyway, EW!

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago


Probably time to make another thread, this one is starting get overloaded.

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4 years ago


Since when do we let her make her own threads?

Interesting Comments 5

4 years ago

Well I figured since she's actually around now we would, but I guess this is fine too.