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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

OK, everybody probably has one, two, or four hundred of those moments are they join when they fuck something up royally. Right? I mean, when I first joined, it was during the era of the Great Cat War. First of all, I was really worried I would be taken as a WC fan due to the fact that I had cat and a W in my name. So the first thing I did was "join" a role play featuring the WC, and proceed to godmod the shit out of it, and kill everyone and everything. I also kept saying that I was in no way associated with the Warrior Cats on every thread I came across. What were your derpy moments on CYS?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Ah.... now you got me thinking of all the times I've ever fucked up...

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

My username.

Wolf Heart.

Siding with the WC fans in the WC-CYS War.


My pathetic excuse of an argument against Mardox (believe it or not, I'm actually really sorry for him).

Me signing up in general.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

But CYSClan was fucking beautiful.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

It fucking was. We even had a wikia page.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

a wikia page isnt that impressive. the roblox roleplaying forum had and still has a wikia page.

starting to think that maybe this is just like the roblox roleplaying forums except slightly more mature in terms of criticism and flame wars.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

SHUT UP ABOUT ROBLOX. NOBODY CARES ANYMORE. Now with that out of the way, look at this masterpiece.

Actually don't.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


No it wasn't.

And considering that I'm the senior RPer here, I think it goes without saying that if I say it sucked it probably sucked.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yeah I know. It was disgusting.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


Your opinion on that changed lightning fast.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

My first posts were sarcastic...

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

No. It was glorious.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Honestly, my character had a dildo gun. Think that's glorious?!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I don't even remember my name in that RP. But yes, beautiful.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I remember mine because it was the most obscene of the bunch...

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Firetits, replaced by James' Foxtail character.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Ah yes, Firetits. See, Wiz. Beautiful.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

i feel like he's gonna say something like "i always thought it was disgusting, i was being sarcastic/joking/pretending"

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

ninja'd and i fucking knew it

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Forgetting the password to my first account

Being a pretentious, edgy shit.

My first profile picture.

Becoming a Murderhobo when I realized freeform was a thing, to the point where even my lawful good characters like Silas were flanderized into Bond Villains and sociopaths.

Granted, Silas used to have all the cardboard personality traits and stubbornly boring goodieness and optimism of Superman, and over time adding pragmatism bitterness, egotism, and cantankerousness to the equation, it balanced out and made him much more human... Or at least funnier. 

But it is still cringey to look back on the early days to see him enslave his clones after hunting most of them down and killing them, (he was the one that cloned himself! Bastard!) And having easily exorcizable orphans that were conveniently possessed by demons shot with inside-grinding squid monsters to see if it was a viable bio-weapon. Oh. And he was once the de-facto dictator of China. Yep. I fucking hate edgy 14 y/o Atheist-as-fuck me.

Such deeds have been mildly retconned and are now accredited to evil, alternate-universe-him,  Simon. How he got there before Silas even canonically had the means to transport himself across the multiverse, (at some point around the commander era, possibly during the late pudding wars) but it probably has something to do with paradoxes and that one pocket-dimension guy who has battle-arena mansions full of bears and serial killers.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

tbh the way you talk sometimes reminds me of my fourteen year old brother. A lot, actually, down to your UN.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
I had some pretty Mary Sue characters back when freeform was a thing.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

i didn't fail at all.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Look at this retard who can't even capitalize his I's when referring to himself. You fucked up, lemon! You failed!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

b-but i do that on purpose!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

actually, i kind of lied. it's not so much a CYOA fail, but I actually came from ROBLOX's roleplaying community...


How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

ROBLOX's role playing community... MATURE!? Legit ROFL.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Mh, I'm talking about the Role-Playing forum. Even there, we made a distinction between game RPers and forum RPers. Honestly, most of the writers on the forum were on par with people over here, which is... pretty sad, but we're all learning.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Still though. I have a "friend" that does that shit. Really, really, just want to push him off of a three-story house's roof.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Three years ago, I wrote a really good roleplay I'm still proud of. Not of the writing; the writing is amateur, but of the awesome plot.

Like I said, their writing was pretty much on par with most (non-crappy) writing here. Just like here, there were more crappy story creators than good story creators, and just like here there was a close net of 'good' writers that everyone respected and looked up to.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Writing is what matters. Also, part of writing is plot. So I have no idea what you mean.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

My writing is pretty amateur. I use adverbs. I use dialogue tags. I use everything professional writers tell you is an amateur technique and are only used as crutches.

I've got a lot to learn. (I just know someone is gonna say something like 'but adverbs arent bad!!!')

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

But... Adverbs aren't bad!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

No, those things aren't amatuer or crutches in and of themselves. Stephen King, one of the harshest advocates for their disposal, uses them all the damn time. Some of the most acclaimed works of fiction have adverbs and shit. When professional writers tell you not to use them as crutches, they don't mean "NEVER USE THEM!", that'd be hypocritical, they mean "For the love of god, please don't be that guy..."

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I don't say 'never use them', I say 'using them every single page is really amateur and detracts from the story', some of which I am guilty of doing and trying to phase out.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
Don't worry, Steve just doesn't understand or appreciate need for visual flow, and probably doesn't even know the joy of decapitalising the 'i's in text messages.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Missing out on all of the freeform goodness during my hiatus from this site?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Trust me.

85% of it wasn't goodness. Just bad games in general and some cringy CYStian RPs.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Well then, I would've liked experiencing the 15% of it that wasn't bad then. ^^

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

It would be to complex to understand for your young mind.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


Me feels liek my intellect is being underestimated. 

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

It totally is. And so is mine. My IPad puts periods in the middle of sentences and keeps autocorrecting the wrong thing! Trust me, I'm smart. I really am. At least for my age...

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

My iPad loves to pluralize or make genitive anything followed by a question mark. Like really, why does it feel the need to do that's?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

For your age? I don't doubt that you're intelligent. Hm, so it was the dastardly spellcheck again!? Once more trying to obstruct the written (typed?) word!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Autocorrect ruins everything. Sometimes a simple mistake that I would notice and correct is autocorrected into something completely random. It doesn't think Hell is a word!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
I didn't.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yeah right.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
Wouldn't put it past Killa to have not messed up as a noob. He's probably right.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

If you say so Ford. That's really surprising though.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

-Have a terrible username
-Being an ignorant child
-Having too many Mary Sue and Gary Stus characters
-Playing and making stupid freeform games 
-Writing horrible stories and fanfics
-...Just being here during my first year in general XD

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

what are freeforms? o_o

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
don't bother knowing because they're a banned type of forum game where anybody can do anything and it turns into a spam fest

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Well, I wasn't around much for the beginning of my time here. I was a total n00b when it came to site history. I didn't even know what WC really was, even though I had conversed with a handful of WC fans. 

Oh, and I was a overly alt-spammy moron.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Really? If you were Zaguiza14 in March 2015, how many alts did you have?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

When I first joined, I was a try-hard to the core. I wanted everyone to accept me, and I tried to please everyone and make a bunch of friends (bunch=everyone on the site). I also got way too immersed into RPs, which then took its toll on the two storygames I was trying to write, which would ultimately be scrapped because they were absolute trash in my enlightened eyes.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Too many to count. My cringeness level was off the charts when I first joined.

I think most of my cringeness was back when freeform was still around. Just take a gander at my old RPs. I fucking dare you not to cringe.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Remember that one RP with my ice dragon and Greyson? That was okay.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I actually found that again a few days ago. I did enjoy that, for the little while I was a part of it.

Also, it was Grayson. I need to break him out again some time, once the appropriate RP rolls around.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Being a douche in general.

Deleting every story-game I made that had only average reviews.

Playing as Kristoff in every RP, and just sucking at RPing in general. God. So many cringes.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
Wow, I remember Kristoff.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yeah. That was sad.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago



How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Don't hate on everybody's favorite weed-smoking, sex-loving, and party-going character. XD

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

How old are you, exactly? Not like this question is in any way on-topic, at all.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

He's 18, considering he recently said that he graduated high school in a thread.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Damnt, Chris!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Hmmm. I though he was about nine years old...

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Do I really seem nine years old to you? I mean, I've never met a nine year old that could use the kind of grammar I do. Not gonna lie though, with a name like WizzyCat, I thought you were pretty young too.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

But you're not wrong, so there's that. You seem like a nine year old, especially after trying to defend CYSclan.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I never tried to defend it though? It was just a fun, but stupid, RP.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

You're saying it was glorious just a few posts above...

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yes, it was glorious. But it was stupid. I mean, it was a RP about weed-smoking, gun-loving, sex-addicted felines. Are you really trying to say that I didn't think it was stupid? That was the point of it.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

It was, but it was so obscene it crossed some boundaries really fucking fast.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I have no boundaries.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I can tell.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yeah, but at the time participants really didn't care because the straight WC rps were so massive and obscenely stupid that they crossed all boundaries of general good tastemanship 

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

The only reason I made CYSClan was to make a horrible break from the other Clan RPs that were clichéd and cookie-cutter as fuck. Then SmiteClan came along to join the party.

I was just bored, man. I didn't think a bunch of people would join and actually go through with it. XD

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Shit, he's older than me? I didn't know that. I feel young now.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Lemme guess...16? 17?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

You're younger than me?

What in fuck's name was I even thinking?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yeah, I am.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

But hey, I'm probably the youngest one on this thread, so you should all feel old right now. 

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Trust me, you aren't :)

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Haha, then how old are you? Are you saying you're younger than me?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

How old are /you/?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Not to be a dick because you seem like an incredibly nice person, Taco, but I always assumed you were only like, 14.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

XD I /am/ 14.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Hah, I'm a genius. XD

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago







How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


That moment he guesses you age.

Why am I talking in hash tags? Nobody can f**** read them.

Hash tags are so last year.

That tooth hat toots snake eaters.

Bet you couldn't read the last one. 

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

You deserve a badge!

(Not being sarcastic or pissy, I just guess my enthusiasm is low)

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Or maybe she deserves something badger?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yeah, actually I'm going with that. *goes and buys 10 cages of badgers, badgers alive and inside*

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

...happy you-had-a-birthday-a-some-point! XD

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Damn, caught me out. I blame the insomnia, I'm getting a little punchy here.


How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Eh, it's fine, it's probably mostly my fault because I edit locked you. xD

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Er, I can say that for you too! (you're what, 40 now?)

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Never ask a lady her age, youngling!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Ah, but owls don't mind being asked... what with "wise old owl" being a title we aspire to. ^_~

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Uh....okay. Well, I like racial pride. The Jars shall rise again!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

One should not be proud of the color of one's feathers. Or for having feathers when others don't. One can be proud of one's skill in flying, though, so there is some... nuance.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Well, if one shouldn't be proud of the color of one's feathers, can many be proud of the color of their feathers? :b

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

That sounds like a raucous chorus of bullying bluejays to me. But perhaps I'm prejudiced.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

"Well, I like racial pride." MasonJarGuzzi.

For fuck's sake, ladies and gentlemen, I want that quote immortalized.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Finally! One of my random and terrible quotes are taken!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yes, because old people age at 5x the rate of you younglings. XD

...35. And thanks!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Wait, seriously? I said 40 as a joke. XD I honestly thought you were mid 20's-ish. I thought the only people active people on here that exceeded 30 was Endmaster and IAP.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Haha, yep. I am ancient, at least in Internet Years. XD

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I am. I have the honor of going first in any board game that will ever be played on CYS. With all of the 10-year-old WC fans out of the way that is.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Nobody except for Shadow knows my true age, Muhahahaha! I keep changing it, but only he knows the anwser....

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I won't tell.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Couple of the rps I was in was horrible. Namely, "Gotta 'buse them all" and Battle Royal. EoN, I was good at if I had the time, and if I wasn't trying to go off and roleplay as a single character intead of an entire nation as I was supposed to.

And this.

And a couple pm conversations at the very beginning of my stay.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Oh yeah, I read a lot of those RPs from the background. Never did a lot of RPing myself. Though when I did, I always did some god modding, somehow. And every RP I ever started crashed after like three posts...

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

But, Gotta 'buse 'em all was hilarious!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I guess I phrased it the wrong way. 

Those were rps that /I/ was horrible at. The rps themselves were good though.

"Gotta 'buse them all" I was trying to be a goody-two-shoes and not actually hurt anybody - I was actually nice/fair IN, and a jerk OOC. >_<


How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yeah... I saw that XD. It's called "gotta 'buse em all!" Yet you did no busing!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I remember that!

I got raped by Professor Oak. It was consensual, though. Sort of.

And also you shot my dick off in BR. I sort of regret dropping out of that because it got a lot better after I left, but it's a good thing I did because I was a horrible RPer back then and would've just fucked it up. I mean I still am a horrible RPer, but to a lesser degree.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

If you're a horrible RPer, what the fuck does that make me?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

An RPer whose skills are almost as horrible as the Nine Circles of Hell.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Hmm. I'll take it!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
cringy first posts, lying as a 15 year old to make myself feel better and thus giving Tan and End something to roast me about every second they can xD (seems like it's only Tan and End for some reason as well O_o), and I don't remember what 3J got mad at me for but he still isn't very fond of me AFAIK.

Other than early noob mistakes, nothing much. At least they weren't typical noob mistakes :P

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Actually I've found your lies to be a lot more entertaining than a lot of the posts on here. Probably could turn all those lies into an okay (if random) story.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I can see it know. "Ford's Life, the Game!"

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I can see the description now:

Disclaimer: This is based on a true story. Only the names, places, and events have been changed.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

XD it would have an 8/8 difficulty, as EndMaster would roast you to death on every choice, but one ! Then Tan would roast you death.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

- Being a dumbfuck.

- Shitty in making stories.

- Annoyed members due to my... too much love for my 'favorite' stuff.

- An annoying bastard to some.

- Sometimes selfish and very hot-headed.

-Shitty roleplay

- And some other shits.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Not pulling the trigger.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Excuse me?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Necroing. I didn't know what it was, so I would unintentionally necro stuff over and over again. Googling it gives you a different definition. So embarrassing! Anyone else?


How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
I did that once or twice on my other account (I abandoned that account. I'm not using alts).

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I necroed several threads. But mostly it was Mardox that did the necroing on here. He necroed everything. On purpose too. He got banned eventually, though I don't know for what.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Making an alt which exhorted spamming.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Ahh, thanks for the info.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Do you know who I am?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
tbh I still kinda don't...every time I see your name or zag I think both of you are just noobs who just joined and haven't done anything memorable xD

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


Here's my story:

I joined long time ago...(like, 4 or 3 months), and I was terrible. I made the shittiest of shit posts, and my shit even was shitty. One time while Malk was laughing at rape, I said something along the lines of "rape is nut siris u giys haha" and I got what was coming to me.

Later, I made even more shit posts until I finally matured to the maturity of a fifth grader. Now I strive to be better.

I can't stop shaking my head in disapproval.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

The funniest thing I can remember is when Berka accused me of working with Ryder, and I was like, "What the fuck?"

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I remember when I pretended to work with Ryder, while sending all his PMs to 3J. That was fun.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Ohh, so that was you! I remembered Sentinel mentioning a snitch, but I didn't know who. Nice.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yeah, I remember he was so pissed, claiming that I was first on his "hack list".

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
Ah so I was right - a noob who just joined and hasn't done anything memorable xD

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

He did manage to do ONE memorable thing.

There was some thread where he somehow managed to piss off so many people that those that don’t even like one another united against him.

Still got the final score card for it:

Creating an infamous thread: 500 points
Brutally raping Mason: 100 points
Being merciless: 50 points
TOTAL 650 points

Brutally raping Mason: 200 points
Being merciless: 50 points
TOTAL 250 points

Raping Mason 100 points
TOTAL 100 points

Raping Mason 100 points
TOTAL 100 points

Raping Mason: 100 points
TOTAL: 100 points

Raping Mason: 100 points
TOTAL: 100 points

Raping Mason: 100 points
TOTAL: 100 points

Raping Mason 100 points
Agreeing with his mortal enemy Randomguy: -50 points
TOTAL: 50 points

Being a complete dick to Romulus by blocking his edit: 20 points
TOTAL: 20 points

Calling Shadow a shitty person for being a dick: 10 points
TOTAL: 10 points

Attempting to use pure reason: 10 points
TOTAL: 10 points

Attempting to use pure reason: 10 points
TOTAL: 10 points

Being the ONLY female in a rape thread and cleverly avoiding getting raped herself: 1 point
TOTAL: 1 point

Making George Carlin reference: 20 points
Getting George Carlin’s name wrong by calling him John: -20 points
TOTAL: 0 points

Driveby unoffensive comment: 0 points
TOTAL: 0 points

Driveby unoffensive comment: 0 points
TOTAL: 0 points

Being himself: -20 points
TOTAL: -20 points

Having a weak stomach: -20 points
TOTAL: -20 points

Agreeing with his mortal enemy Steve: -50 points
TOTAL: -50 points

Missing the raping of Mason: -100 points
TOTAL: -100 points

Mason’s Mom
Being Mason’s mom: -200 points
Being better in bed than coins’ mom: 1 point
TOTAL: -199 points

Being Mason’s father: -200 points
TOTAL: -200 points

Using Cracked as a reference: -300 points
Scolding people for personal attacks: -100 points
Sounding like a college debate mediator: -50 points
TOTAL: -450 points

Saying something stupidly dickish: 100 points
Incurring the wrath of an angry mob: 200 points
Blaming ill thought out comment on trolling: -200 points
Weakly fighting back against mob: -100 points
Getting gang raped: -500 points
Begging for mercy: -1000 points
Getting gang raped AGAIN: -500 points
Not toughening up: -1000 points
Shitposting and spamming alts: -2000 points
TOTAL: -5000 points

Most would probably call it his greatest fail, I’d say it was his funniest moment and its all been downhill since then.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

You do realize "Mason's Mom" was Sonic, right?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Still counted for scoring purposes of the thread.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Man, I really was/am a fucking idiot back then.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Actually Iavatus annoyed more a lot more in that thread.

He was still new and his posting style was fucking irritating since he tended to sound like “Oh no, we should have civil discussions and not yell and not insult each other.” (Plus he did a pretty unforgivable sin of using Cracked as a reference which made me automatically disregard ANYTHING he had to say.)

Of course since then I’ve learned (and observed) that he’s actually a pretty dickish person and all around cool guy, so I guess it was just a bad first impression.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

How did he learn of BHB?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I'm guessing Mizal told him since she was the one who invited him here. Not sure how Mizal found out about BHB though, but then again it's not a major secret place.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I really just came for the RPs, as of C's invite.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Hm, my only downfall is being myself? Not too shabby. >_>

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

You've gotten a bit better since then.

Your bad luck was joining with a mass of noobs that were all shit posting at the time. You got a bit lost in the shuffle.

Like you, some got better (Mason)

While others (Jimmy, ThatRandomGuy) are continuing to fail horribly.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I'm glad I was inactive during that time.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


Or, you know, the fact that I'm not big on reading yet signed up and am still here anyway...

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Making this alt was another of my failures. Somehow I managed to make him age backwards or something... Also, don't look at the only other thread this alt posted on. For my sake. For everybody on that thread's sake.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Making a demo that was only 5 pages long.

Years later, I can now make a 10-page linear story.  I'm proud of myself.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Nice job Swift. Transgenderal people everywhere are proud of you.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Is Swift transgender? I though he was just a dude who liked roleplaying as girls.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Nope. He's like me, tend to play as girls.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

But aren't you a girl!?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

He is, XD. But a bunch of people called him transgender a while back, despite him saying he was a guy.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I seriously read that as “a bunch of people called him transgendered while black”

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

End, I think it's time for your nap.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Get the horse tranquilizer.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Oh yeah, and making this and this.

Fuckin' freeform memories.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Why don't you make a CYS alternate site where good freeforms are allowed?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Well, he has EmpireOfTheWolfGod, but it's pretty much completely inactive except for the occasional ten year old WC fans popping in. Sad, considering it was a pretty cool site to spend my time on before I was allowed back here. 

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yeah, I was going to join, but nobody goes on it anymore.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yeah. It was really fun for a while, especially because I could post on my phone. I don't exactly know why it failed suddenly, but yeah, the only people on there are the kids who were kicked off of here.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Well, and me, occasionally.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Well yeah. But the site is barely active at all.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I'm trying to brainstorm for ideas like the Howl-oween event last year because we can't just have shop discounts and CYStian RPs on just one holiday, but...

*cri because there is no hope*

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I mean, if people really care about freeforms that much, I say why not just make a site like EOTWG but not invite the WC kids.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Or keep WGE going, but make another version of it dedicated to the WC fans? I can appoint someone to be an admin there.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I suppose you could do that.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I'll have to see if Brad is okay with this split, though...

And, you know, all of the fans...

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Would there be more activity in WGE?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I'd suppose, because the lack of WC fans may seem appealing to those looking for a place to make freeform RPs while still being in the same CYS community of sorts.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

What's WGE?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Wolf God Empire.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Oh. I was going with EOTWG name.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
fail 1. Not looking at the forums for at least 2 or 3 munths from when I joined.
fail 2. Never contributing to the site in any meaningful way. Didn't even make a newbie thred, most posts were on some forum game called dare on something, and I acted like an idiot there.
Fail 3. I'm still doing that, just lurcking around. Guess I'll stay that way.
Oh right, nobody cares. If nobody notices you failed, then you didn't.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Fail 4. Spelling months and lurking wrong.

I'm nice like that.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
O woops. Thank you for pointing that out. I really need to work on catching my mistakes earlier. Or I could just say that I can't see the screen. Hmm no, going to work on my English anyways.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

It's okay dude, just messing with ya.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
No, I'm actually quite happy if someone points out what I did wrong.
Oh, and:
Fail 5. I'm not a dude. :P

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

To be fair: dude isn't a male-only endearment these days. Lots of people call both male and female (and other) gendered people "dude."

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

What about dudette?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
Don't use that word dude.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Oh just to let you know, most of you are STILL failing, but I’ll leave it to you to guess if I’m referring to you or not.

It’s more fun that way.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

*raises hand* Am I failing?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Not really, but there is a pretty low bar around here. Lol.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Really? Whew! *throws hands in air*.

Oh. That...didn't make me lose points, did it?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
I mean, you're known as that thing to get shoved up people's asses.

If that's not failing I don't know what is, lol.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Life is complicated.

Oh, and...Kiel banned that. >_>

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Am I failing, Great Glorious End?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Probably not, though the apology thread was a dangerous step in the wrong direction.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Why was the apology thread bad?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Apology threads look a little like attention whoring, though I don't think that's what you intended.

I just think it probably would have been better to privately send a PM to JJJ and apologize to him directly. (Though he seems to have disappeared)

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I suppose it does, but no, that wasn't my intention.

I kind of already did in the past, however I probably didn't mean it. The apology thread wasn't exactly just meant for him, either, it was for pretty much anyone I was a dick to that didn't deserve it, and just my behavior on here for a while. Must I pull out quotes from the "Words." thread? XD

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Considering that whole thread was an overblown shitstorm, I don't think it really matters what anyone said in it.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Well let's just say I joined it by calling Morgan a Feminazi bitch, and later on in the thread I called Aman a cunt.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Oh hey! I remember you! Welcome back. XD

(And apology accepted, of course. Water under the bridge, we've all been dumbasses and/or assholes on the internet at some point, etc.)

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yeah, hi. Thanks. XD

(Kind of made a thread apologizing a few days ago, it's in The Lounge somewhere, but I'm glad you accept it :) ).

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
At this rate, you may as well start a thread for people to sign up for you to give them a numerical value that reflects their worth.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
Perhaps End will be more co-operative than Steve.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Don't go dissing Steve.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
Why are you defending Steve? Smart guy like himself will defend himself.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


He's the only person here besides Claw that I consider family, even though Claw lives in Romania and Steve in Ireland! They're like my big brothers ;-;

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago
They both have my respect.
It was all for the bantz, if you hadn't seen the post I made asking for Steve to categorise us.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

What? How the hell are we your family? I take back that cheers, this got creepy.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Yeah, AYT's got my back. Cheers, AYT.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Whoa! Shots fired! You want to go? Your anime avatar makes you generic and forgetable. BAM! Yay Steve, bitch!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

How low did I stoop, mighty Master of the End?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Honestly I haven't been paying much attention. Have you even been posting recently?

The furry wolf avatar doesn't help and neither does the furry/WC site, but I suppose that site does provide a good place for such "people" to go to instead of sticking around here.

So, yeah I guess you're okay.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Not really.

True, I need to hunt for a new avatar. And it's not a furry/WC site, it's just a forum for freeform RPs and chats and such with some extra features, though the main users are indeed WC fans... I can always make another version of the site dedicated to the WC fans, but I still have to talk it through with the rest of the staff.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I'm still failing, yes, but at least not as bad as I did when I joined as WCRPS.


8 years ago

Judge me, oh almighty EndMaster!


8 years ago

You didn’t answer my question about what the hell the Lennyface was all about and why it seems to be every fucking where nowadays.

Of course you’re failing!


8 years ago

The Lenny face is an emoticon that's commonly used to express perversion.


8 years ago

Okay, so who is this Lenny? Is he yet another one of those annoying Youtuber douchebags like PewdiePie, JonTron, etc. that all have faces that you just want to stab repeatedly?


8 years ago

( ?° ?? ?° ) <----- That. That is Lenny.

EDIT: I don't think HTML likes Lenny very much.

EDIT EDIT: Here's a link to the Know Your Meme article.


8 years ago

( &#865;&#176; &#860;&#662; &#865;&#176;) = ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


8 years ago

Thanks, Brad.


8 years ago
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


8 years ago

You've given monkeys machine guns, Brad.


8 years ago



8 years ago

( ?° ?? ?°)

Lol XD


8 years ago

That was what happened to my innocent Lenny Face. They suffer terrible losses on CYS. Could be the gravity.


8 years ago

Oh, that?

That's just a nickname that 4chan, the birthplace of all memes, had given to it. The original name was just "Le face".


8 years ago

Where'd you ask that exactly?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Oooh, are we asking Mr. End to judge us?

*raises hand* am I failing?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Oh, okay. I thought the Lennyface was actually based on some real person since I’ve seen a photo of some annoying dude being used for it as well.

In any case, for helping to keep me informed with the new (Because I'm too lazy to look it up myself), Chris and Tim are no longer failing.

(Brad wasn’t failing to begin with)

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Why was I failing, End?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

The fact that you had to ask me that, just proves that you were.

Just be glad you aren't any longer.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

... alright, then?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Me next! Me next!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I don’t even know who the fuck you are and you haven’t really done anything of any note.

You need to go fatten up your resume. Go pet a dog, or kick a dog. Don't fuck a dog though.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I would love to quote this for inspiration if you don't mind.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I introduced previously uncorrupted youth to the concept of freeform RP. I think that may have been my first post, actually.

And depending how you feel about all the Social Justice Owling... there's that. I'm mostly unapologetic, though. Someone's gotta be the token owl.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

My name, my pic, my profile, my points, my humor, my cluelessness.

My life.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I haven't failed yet, cuz i joined only 2 days ago. I'm flawless :3

Update: Failed by thinking shitposting in the bugs and problems thread was a hilariously great idea

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Teach me!!!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

With his avatar and this in his profile: “I am a anthromorphic wolf-human named Ryder.”

He can’t teach you anything and is almost failing harder than ThatRandomGuy right now.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

What did ThatRandomGuy do? Other than making a worthless post about being gone for a week?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I dont think its the post that was worthless.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Aww... I always wanted to be perfect. I guess I have too many regrets for that now. *screw you EndMaster*

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

No. Bad. Do not talk that way about the man I love best writer on the site.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Your lack of self-awareness is unnerving.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

By overshadowing every other forum member with my amazing forum presence and great, modest personality. Just kidding, actually lurked for the first months that I joined the site, then joined a story contest which I lost because I didn't finish, nor submitted, my story. 

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Oh sweet lordy loo. Trying to think of ways I didn't fail. 

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Switching your profile picture is just one of your fails. ALL HAIL THE CAPYBARA! COME ON, CHANT WITH ME. OOOGAAAABOOOGAAA!!!!!!!!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Take it down three notches, please. 

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

5 notches and it's a deal!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


I can't stop this feel-ing...

Deep inside of meeee...

Girl, you just don't real-ize...

What you do to me...


When you hold me...

In your arms, so tight.

You let me know...

Everything's al-riiiight.




Hooked on a feeling!

I'm high on be-lie-ving!

That you're in love with meeeeeee!


Lips as sweet as candy...

It's taste is on my mind.

Girl, you got me thirsty...

For another... cup of wiii-iiine!


Got a bug from you, girl...

But I don't neeeeed no cure.

I just stay a victim...

If I can for suuuuuuu-uuuure!


All the good love...

When we're all aloooone...

Keep it up, girl...

Yeah, you Turn. Me. Oooon!




Hooked on a feeling!

I'm high on be-lie-ving!

That you're in love with meeeeeee!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I wish I could believe that you typed this, with decent spelling and grammar.

i wish I could believe that you used the right you're/your.

I wish I could believe that this was an ironic/random/teehee-look-at-meeee post, not something genuinely thought to be an interesting, informative and useful addition.


But, y'know, sad trumpet sound. Experience and history state otherwise. Better luck next blandpost?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Actually, I just typed the first part originally and gradually edited on. Also, it was meant to be a joke because wizzy said "OOGABOOGA" or something and It reminded me of that weird background chanting in the song.

Now that I think about it, probably a stupid decision, but hey, it was, like, 2 in the morning.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Just drink a bit a metric ton of 5-Hour-Energy. It'll make everything better! No sleepiness! Ever!

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

My username, probably. Didn't realize I couldn't change it T_T

I'm pretty new here so probably everything I do is cringeworthy... 



I have dishonored my family -seppukus-

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

You can always make a new account, if you really don't like your username.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I feel that pain. I want to change my name, but the thing is that I already have so many posts on this one, and I'm in like, two roleplaying games.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I've changed my name before. It's no big deal, honestly. Make a new name, tell people you're the same person, and continue life as normal. 

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Well yeah, but like I said, messages and posts and all that jazz. I'd rather not lose all that.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Hmm. Then just deal with it. *puts on sunglasses*

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

*sigh* I suppose that's what I'll do then.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I was a troll.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Just realized my joke on this thread about non-binary genders being a mental disorder got deleted, then noticed the point penalty. I wanted to make a post here to the people who replied to it (or people who remember it) and say that I'm sorry if I offended you; in fact that's not what I actually believe, in fact if you're non-binary then good for you, but I like to joke about offensive things (see: 9/11, the Holocaust, ISIS, etc.).

Of course I'm sure Kiel/Seth/whatever mod deleted it before many people saw it and barely anyone will actually care because they didn't see it... But it's the thought that counts I guess.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I missed it, but... well, I think it's worth noting that jokes about horrible things are generally easy to distinguish as jokes. 'Non-binary people have a mental disorder' is a common enough opinion that it might be difficult to realize that you were joking.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

^ Quite true, unfortunately. Even a couple (stupid) members of the medical community have tried to argue this, and I've seen site members say it in earnest.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago


is arguing about that against the rules or something?

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

>didn't know about point docking
>rants about religion
>looses points

lol oops

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

*laugh* Looks like you've done a great job in becoming one of us, DanII.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

I missed a rant? Well, fuck.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

It wasn't a rant. Someone mentioned a thing about genders or sexualities (I forget what exactly), and I made a joke about non-binary genders being mental disorders.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Well, I wish I could've seen it. Apparently stuff goes down when I'm asleep.

How did you fail when you first joined?

8 years ago

Oh yeah, I saw it. I think I even replied with, "Bad Chris. No." While I don't agree with the actual statement and approve of whatever gender you are, I thought it was pretty hilarious. Then again, my sense of humor is pretty fucked.