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Site updates 2023

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 12/31/2022 4:54:32 PM
Hey everyone, I mentioned I was going to finish a few updates in Fall. It was delayed due to vicious budget cuts (and you can't prove otherwise). I'll keep updating this thread as I push code.

Future updates
  • Unicode support in storygames
  • Some more tiny requests I already did and need to update to the site
3/29 Updates
  • Adds a rate & comment button to any storygame, which anyone can use
  • Removes forum search (which was broken anyway), favoring google
  • Fixed some unicode issues with comments, usernames, and editing articles
  • Clarified the phrasing of the "add link" buttons in the storygame editor
  • You can accept your own articles as an article admin (finally)
  • The broken 'edit view' experience for your homepage is removed (thanks to Maz for this contribution)
Older updates
  • Passwords are now case-sensitive (5/9/22)
  • Games now get 200 points instead of 100 for a category feature (10/18/22)
  • Usernames in storygame search now link to the account (10/18/22)
  • Forum handles unicode (only new posts) not including storygames, My Stuff, or articles yet (10/18/22)
  • Fix for page crash due to mods trying to commend an already-commended post (10/18/22)
  • ninjapitka's trophy was added by Killa (10/18/22)

Site updates 2022

2 years ago

Great work Tony! We will be unstoppable once we finally reach the technology of the year 2000. 

Site updates 2022

2 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 12/31/2022 4:55:14 PM
  • Passwords will be case-sensitive (5/8/22 around midnight PDT)

They weren't already? Whose idea was that lol. Not that I think too many people will be interested in hacking somebody's account on here...except maybe one of the "bigger" names.

Site updates 2022

2 years ago
ChooseYourStory © 2001 - 2022

Site updates 2022

one year ago
(lowercase letters were invented after 9/11)

Site updates 2022

2 years ago
I'm really glad I saw this. Thank you for continuing to work on the site.

Make sure you know your password

2 years ago
Switching the update until tomorrow so Alexp can be there since it's the first time we're deploying this way. Updated the title to be more attention-grabbing in the meantime, to reduce people missing the message

Make sure you know your password

2 years ago
I think the password resets are handled by email, so we shouldn't have to be involved at all. If someone decided to associate their account with [email protected], that sounds like a personal problem.

Site updates 2022

one year ago
Thanks! I'm new to this site, but appreciate seeing there are updates posted. Enjoying reading the threads so far.

Site updates 2022

one year ago
Site will be down around 11PM EDT tonight for a bit.

Site updates 2022

one year ago
Commended by TharaApples on 12/31/2022 4:54:40 PM
And next update is out. Here's the changelog:
  • Makes usernames in the game search link to the user profile, for navigation and/or banning for a spam game
  • Changed all places in the forum (except usernames) to handle unicode entry and display.
  • Tweaked commendation page text to be less scolding
  • Try to avoid a page crash due to double-commending that occurs if a mod opens a page, another mod commends, and then the first tries to
  • games get 200 points for being featured instead of 100, because it's increasingly hard and rare
  • @ninjapitka now has his trophy

Site updates 2022

one year ago

Wow, that was quick. I didn't even notice the site being down at all.

Site updates 2022

one year ago
Yeah, Alex did a lot of work in the last year to get autodeployment working. The whole upgrade process literally only took 44 seconds.

Site updates 2022

one year ago
> Tweaked commendation page text to be less scolding

Can you clarify?

> Changed all places in the forum (except usernames) to handle unicode entry and display.


Still can't access some storygames directly from the commendation page though. For example "fake it 'till you make it"

Site updates 2022

one year ago

>Can you clarify?
It's only for admins when they commend stuff. You don't see that page normally

>Still can't access some storygames directly from the commendation page
It's mostly complete for forums, not so much for things under My Stuff or for storygame-related things. There are partial changes on that, too, which is where I left off earlier.

Also, thanks Killa for doing the code for Ninja's trophy, and moving things along with the changes I had incubating in master branch for a while.

Site updates 2022

one year ago
The ghost of JJJ would stand over our shoulder and waggle his finger at us while squinting suspiciously any time we'd commend a post, now he doesn't anymore.

Site updates 2022

one year ago
Congrats, @ninjapitka

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Pushed a few updates for 3/29.

Site updates 2023

one year ago
@Ford @Celicni @mazdark

Get flexed on.

Site updates 2023

one year ago

Rating stories without reading them has never been easier!

Site updates 2023

one year ago

Yay.  A shortcut to do what we do anyway.  Also, there are a couple very aggravating older stories that I never finished because I kept getting looped and wasnt interested in the story to try and figure out the path.

Thanks tony

Site updates 2023

one year ago

Yeah, I got stuck in a loop on Breakers. 

Site updates 2023

one year ago
This one has been wanted a long time. Looping and constant forced restarts are hated by most for instance, but something new authors do frequently. Basically there's just some very annoying things that can be done with the editor, and there's no way to prevent them without limiting a bunch of other possibilities.

Or games with complicated puzzles or some other long and convoluted process to the ending, those can be perfectly enjoyable, but there's nothing saying a reader who's spent some time shouldn't be able to give feedback just because they haven't won. Besides that, being able to cheat in a ratings link is a power admins have always have that we might as well be sharing.

And if anyone decides to just go along hoovering up points, if that's even worth noticing in the first place (as opposed to the <30 seconds of blind clicking that will already get you through most of the stories on the site) it's going to be obvious.

Site updates 2023

one year ago

The update is very great. 

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Finally finished learning French to read that gay French stor--ah shit.

Site updates 2023

one year ago
So close to miZal being a reality.

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Thanks to Celicni's ghost and some help from Nightwatch, some of you among the peasantry may notice you now have the ability to edit your published games without unpublishing them first.

...this requires you to have multiple published games in the first place and for us to even remember who you are, so for most of you there will be no change.

A couple of you may notice you've gained some other perks. Don't abuse them unless it's funny. (And don't trust too much in your sense of what's funny, you're autistic.)

Site updates 2023

one year ago

Glory to CYS!

Site updates 2023

one year ago

These updates are great! Now I have no excuse not to edit all those typos out of my earlier stories (once I stop cringing at my old work, that is). 

Site updates 2023

one year ago

That explains a lot. I was slightly terrified by that commendation button. Genuinely thought the site was hacked by some vengeful spirits.

Edit: hehehe 

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Oh shit, whoops. You were supposed to get the storygame editing one. They are very close to each other.

Site updates 2023

one year ago

The fuck? I can commend stuff now? ... Yippie! Commendations for everyone! ^_^

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 7/22/2023 5:53:06 PM
I'm just gonna add that this one is kinda a social experiment and subject to change, but for now it went to a few longtem members with the idea that it might lead to more activities on the forum or people paying more attention to reviews. The role is called "productivity admin" because you all now have the means to use the carrot method on the lazy.

(Something normal admins could've been doing too, but, effort.)

So feel free to run some little writing jams or other activities, or browse around for good reviews that have been overlooked or anything of the sort. People have really been getting into the spirit of things with the polls lately anyway.

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 7/22/2023 5:54:07 PM

What a wonderful idea Miz... Here. Have a commendation. ^_^

Site updates 2023

one year ago

Oh wait, I can commend myself! Weeeeeeeeee!!! ^_^

Site updates 2023

one year ago

Quick question: what does the 'administrative actions' button on profiles do? I wouldn't want to accidentally ban someone or anything like that.

Site updates 2023

one year ago

It'll bring you to a few tabs of different administrative actions. By default you start on the Award/Penalize points screen. It's safe, I swear.

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Those don't work for you guys anyhow, and are a thing I totally knew about that didn't make me go ask any panicked questions of tech people.

Site updates 2023

one year ago

Which site members actually have the edit button and/or the commendation feature? If there's a list out there, it would be fun to see who currently holds this power.

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Commended by Gryphon on 7/23/2023 3:27:25 PM

Although maybe it's funnier to have the mystery of not knowing who wields power over whom, in the spirit of arbitrary terror.

Site updates 2023

one year ago

Arbitrary terror is indeed, quite CYStian

Site updates 2023

one year ago
There is no terror! Productivity Admins have only the power to do good.

(On the off chance a million points go missing, it was probably Thara, but we have a hotline for that.)

Site updates 2023

one year ago

(On the off chance a million points go missing, it was probably Thara, but we have a hotline for that.)

Ford can do that too?? That doesn't sound very reassuring.

Site updates 2023

one year ago

Malk and Sent were acting like Red Dead Redemption 2 outlaws and raiding the coffers of dead anime profile pictures accounts for their unneeded points. I was just an innocent party that got the occasional kickback. 

All of my points are from a legit hard summer day's work!

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Thara also was the main force behind Morgan’s Warden welfare thread, so she gets my vote.

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Don't really want to bump, but for lists purposes even I have the edit button on published storygames.

Site updates 2023

10 months ago
Yay, my updates are finally there.

I'll celebrate with everyone, and take the opportunity to ask for the "personal editor" role. That's the only one I cared about anyway.

Site updates 2023

10 months ago

In honour of your acceptable service to the site I hereby confer on you the rank of Personal Editor, with all the privileges and holdings associated therewith. 

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Also, MHD is a mod now. About time.

Site updates 2023

one year ago

WOOO! Does this mean it's finally time for MHD Appreciation Day?

Site updates 2023

one year ago
A hearty congratulations to MHD

Site updates 2023

one year ago

Glory to MHD!

Site updates 2023

one year ago

Congrats, MHD! I always knew this day would come.

Site updates 2023

one year ago


Site updates 2023

one year ago
Praise be! Congrats to MHD.

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Commended by MadHattersDaughter on 7/22/2023 12:39:18 PM

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Now you can post 5000 drawings and commend them all! Everybody wins!

Site updates 2023

one year ago

Congrats! ... Seriously though, Miz was totally just sick of having the reputation of "nice mod", so she just found the most lovable person on CYS to pass the baton to. Now you get the honor of dealing with hundreds of disgruntled noobs petitioning to have their ban revoked because some other mod found them mildly annoying.

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Congrats MHD! :)

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Commended by Avery_Moore on 7/22/2023 6:45:47 PM

Don't ignore the fact that I was secretly once again de-admin'd to make this happen. Behind my back, while I was offline at that. Again for the eleventh time.

I seriously don’t even know why I drag myself to login nowadays with all of the disrespect! 

Don't give me these cucked admin perks either! I don't want any of these placating things. Unlike Ford and Briar, such things do not please me.

Site updates 2023

one year ago
Commended by Ford on 7/23/2023 12:02:51 AM

Cheer up Thara. Have a commendation! ^_^

Site updates 2023

one year ago
I just want the jury to know that Thara consented to this back in April, AND we have proof!

Site updates 2024

one month ago
Commended by Sherbet on 6/12/2024 1:14:00 AM

The homepage is slightly more useful, now. It shows the most recent 10 storygames and 5 recent posts.

Site updates 2024

one month ago

This is a fantastic update.

Site updates 2024

one month ago
Thank you for prioritizing this one, I think it'll be huge in terms of getting more attention on new games.

Site updates 2024

one month ago
Very nice, thank you!

Site updates 2024

one month ago

Wow.  Fancy!  Cool.