Almost every time there is a contest, I'm inspired to try and write an overly ambitious storygame. Every time that happens, I don't announce intent to enter, so I don't get shamed. So, in a way, I should be TRIPLE SHAMED+++ (if this loop hole wasn't allowed, anyway).
But that's right, I wrote a thing!!
I'll resist the temptation to write an essay on the process, what I've learned, what I think of the storygame, what I'd do different, and all that jazz.
Instead, I'll only say that if you encounter bugs feel free to drop it -- but also feel free to send me a message sharing the page title. Potential bugs are visible %s, text reference to choices you didn't do, dead end pages [where link restrictions have faulty logic causing a softlock], etc. I'm still publishing because bugs are very haunting, so it makes the story fit the theme better (I also fixed some of the big ones, but I can't say I done enough testing).