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CYS Merch

3 years ago
Commended by mizal on 4/10/2021 12:38:55 PM


In my continuous attempt to corner the CYS art market in every way, CYS now has merch! That's right, you can finally have your very own CYS logo mug (sorry about the funky previews) or even a CYS Triskelion pin! and you don't even have to trade your points for them!

There's these designs along with a few others including the penguin and the CYS flag. Let me know if there is any others you'd like to see. I've also got a few throwback designs in the works. . .

--- Here is the link to all the designs and you can click and view everything you can get them on! ---

If you do end up buying anything, I implore you to share photos when you get it. I'd love to see them!

CYS Merch

3 years ago
Ah and here's the thread, awesome. We might have real CYS merch for future contests now, I'll have to check out how their ordering works. I know I do want a penguin mug and a notebook with the flag on it.

Can I suggest a t shirt with an ominous reaper figure, and ENDMASTER overhead in letters like a heavy metal album?

CYS Merch

3 years ago
In fact, can I just commission that? I'm just gonna start using the patriotism money that nobody else seems to want.

"Touring since 2007" with his list of his games somewhere so that it looks like songs and holy shit I'm warming up to this random idea now.

CYS Merch

3 years ago

I fully endorse this idea.

CYS Merch

3 years ago
I'd buy one~

CYS Merch

3 years ago
I'd buy one too

CYS Merch

3 years ago
The mug with the CYS penguin on it is amazing.

CYS Merch

3 years ago

I want one! ^_^

CYS Merch

3 years ago
I honestly might go for the sticker just to plop it down somewhere, it's a cute lil thing.

CYS Merch

3 years ago
What a nifty idea ^v^

CYS Merch

3 years ago
I wish I had a lot of papers on my desk so I could buy something in the acrylic block and use it as a paper weight.

These are so neat.

CYS Merch

3 years ago
Commended by TharaApples on 4/18/2021 6:32:25 PM

My new CYS Penguin Mug shall only contain the most worthy of beverages. ^_^

CYS Merch

3 years ago
OH my god!! and the marshmallows and chocolate!! It looks so lovely! Thank you!

CYS Merch

3 years ago

Thank YOU! ^_^

CYS Merch

3 years ago

CYS Merch

3 years ago

I'm saving money AND on a diet. What have you done?!

CYS Merch

3 years ago
All right, that's it, the penguin must be mine.

And whatever's inside it as well. Give them to me. Now.

CYS Merch

3 years ago

I could try regurgitating it if you like, but I doubt it'll taste as good.

CYS Merch

3 years ago
It has been too many hours now, I fear you'll need to retrieve it the other way.

CYS Merch

3 years ago
Commended by BerkaZerka on 4/19/2021 12:16:47 PM
I love the simple and playful style you have going in the panel art, it's not polished, but it is expressive.

As for your little business, I have to respect the hustle. All the good fortune in the world to you. The Triskelion design is clean by the way. I'd gladly own a shirt bearing that image. As someone who has been on this site a long time, I have the original art really burned into my retinas. I didn't take the opportunity to comment at all when the art switched over, so I'll do so now.

I joined 2011, which was a surprisingly good year for CYS. (I mean GOD DAMN look at the top games from 2010 for comparison) 2011 was the year Eternal was published and also the Year SindriV started his Homo series. Go to the 2012 and Berka published his first games here while SindriV cranked out even more Homo literature. Why am I saying all this? The Nostalgia of the original, especially the banner, is unbeatable. That's all the stuff the old art makes me remember. It connected me to the way this place used to be. Which I've always liked. I had a lot of fun here.

However, the site is even better today than before. This era of CYS is, in my estimation, its best ever - by far. 2018, 2019, 2020, look at those top tens. How many features? How many amazing new authors made a home here and shared their talents with us? This new art reflects that positive trend..

I seriously, seriously appreciate what you did and are doing here.

CYS Merch

3 years ago

Could we get the War on Intfiction image there? Without the words so we don't drive traffic their way.

War on Hypocrites, if it has to have words. It's the same thing.

CYS Merch

3 years ago
Seconding the War on Intfiction logo, that helmet and quill would look sweet on a notebook. And I sure would like one confused dumb penguin mug to mix in with the set of regular ones I'm going to get for my brother's family this fall. Added to that I think some pics of MHD herself on a few things would be neat, it's a fun character design. It could fit a t shirt with a general 'woo creativity and imagination yay' theme without confusing too many normies I think.

CYS Merch

3 years ago

I want a thicc Mizal mug! ^_^

CYS Merch

3 years ago
Actually I completely forgot the confused noob penguin was Nightwatch's edit, whoops.


Please repeat that you don't mind, in front of witnesses.

CYS Merch

3 years ago
Don't mind at all. It was just a minor edit to the reading penguin design anyway. It'd be really cool to see it on things, so I hereby give full intellectual rights to the confused penguin avatar thing over to MHD. That should be stuffy enough to appease even lawyers :P

CYS Merch

3 years ago
Just bought a colored tri-thingie T-shirt. Now we just need to get that penguin on a T! ^v^

CYS Merch

3 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 5/17/2021 6:23:50 PM

Thanks for the purchases and lovely words here and on the shop!

You can now get EndMaster's heavy metal tshirt! (or art or pin or sticker)


And download the original image here!


CYS Merch

3 years ago

CYS Merch

3 years ago

This is the greatest thing ever.

It's yet another example of my complete domination of this hobby that we call interactive fiction.

CYS Merch

3 years ago

... I want that album. ^_^

CYS Merch

3 years ago

CYS Merch

3 years ago

Waiting for the shirt in the mail so I can at last wear my own faceless face.

CYS Merch

2 months ago


Seriously, when you restart commissions, I will buy one of these in addition to the commission.

CYS Merch

3 years ago

Hi! I get so excited watching the orders come in! Thank you all again!

I added the knight helmet and quill. . .an artsy design of yours truly. . . and you can now get the penguin on clothing!


Also, if you spot any copycat sellers trying to sell my work as their own, let me know. The EndMaster tshirt was the first victim!

CYS Merch

3 years ago
Really wondering how often art theft happens there now, and I wish we could deliver CYS justice to subhuman plagiarizing filth. But in a way it does go to show the Endmaster design was just that badass if random assholes with no idea of the context were stealing and marking it up.

And I love the helmet on all these things, thanks! The shirt with your character on it looks great too, and extra fun with all the serious looking men showing up wearing it on the previews.

CYS Merch

3 years ago

I got one shirt in the mail already, just waiting for the other.

CYS Merch

3 years ago

Wait... So someone decided to steal the artwork from an artist they don't know, representing an author they've never heard of, promoting a music album that doesn't exist.... What the actual fuck? >.<

CYS Merch

3 years ago

They probably thought it was a real album, which is why they thought they could get away with it. Since they might assume fans of the band would just find it from googling "[BAND] shirt" without actually looking at where it comes from...

Probably also why they thought they could make it more expensive than the actual shirt.

CYS Merch

3 years ago

And then his shop gets flooded by a bunch of squealing fangirls from the heavy metal band EndMaster. ^_^

CYS Merch

3 years ago

an author they've never heard of

They soon will.

CYS Merch

3 years ago

Greetings citizens, 

As you can see, admins are also subject to same patriotic demands suggestions as normal unwashed citizens. In recognition of this, I have purchased a mug and a shirt. 

Cause no trouble, glory to CYStia. 

CYS Merch

3 years ago

I'm so pumped for my new coffee mug

CYS Merch

3 years ago
Just fyi, I've been told the shirts can run a little snug, so considering you may need to account for shrinkage when washing them too it sounds like it may be better to go a size higher then you're used to.

No idea if this applies to hoodies and the like too, although I believe @Digit was planning to buy a penguin hoodie, so he can let us know.

CYS Merch

3 years ago

Finally got my shirt. Very comfortable. I'll probably get another one at some point.

CYS Merch

3 years ago
Ze Penguin shirt is finally mine!
(Eet ez vary niiiice!)

CYS Merch

3 years ago

Bumping for great capitalism!

MHD demands your green! (Or whatever color your Monopoly money is)

CYS Merch

3 years ago

My Endmaster dr—gear has finally arrived. Glory to CYStia.

I have also noticed that the holiday season has finally arrived, with Sprite Cranberry and Santa and whatever. This is the perfect time for you to gift your CYS-enjoying family members some dri—gear, or to gift it to yourself (because you earned it)!

CYS Merch

3 years ago

Thanks so much for this! Once I scrounge up some monies, I shall take a closer look at that very adorable penguin mug. ^_^

CYS Merch

2 years ago
Additionally, the Christmas season, complete with Sprite Cranberry, Santa, and other holiday-related decorations, has finally come. This is the ideal moment to give your family members who [url=hi i'm a dumbfuck using BBCode [/url] CYS some dri—gear, or to give it to yourself (because you deserve it)!

CYS Merch

2 years ago

Lol, this bot couldn't even add links properly.

But since I'm in this thread, I might as well mention that I semi-recently realized I have (some) spending power, and bought a penguin hoodie!

MHD is amazing as usual. 

CYS Merch

2 years ago

Epicness! ^_^

CYS Merch

2 years ago
Oh my goodness it's so cute. Thank you!

CYS Merch

2 years ago

I really want to see someone wearing the cys merchendice and go.. "Whats your username" 

And they would be like "Whats your username" 

And I would be like "Abgeofriends"

What i'm trying to say is I want to see someone wearing cys merch in the wild.


CYS Merch

2 years ago

Merchandise. And yes, I would like that too

CYS Merch

2 years ago
Oh, but what if there were merchandice? I could go for a set of "official" CYS dice.

CYS Merch

2 years ago

I would totally buy those. 

CYS Merch

2 years ago

Could easily backfire though.

"OMG! You use CYS too! It's me! Briar! What's your username? Do I know you?"


"... Oh."

CYS Merch

2 years ago
Doesn't really work anyway since most of the older members all know what eachother look like and if some kid said CYS to me irl I would probably cringe and wonder why the fuck they're talking to me

CYS Merch

one year ago
Apparently Redbubble is now charging extra monthly fees for "standard accounts" which I was informed mine in fact is. So I think I'm going to shut it down and look elsewhere for a place that doesn't take nearly all the profits, plus added fees. Thanks for your support so far guys and I hope you enjoy what you did get! :~)

CYS Merch

one year ago
That's too bad, do you know of any better places? For whatever reason that one seems to be one of the more popular. I was just browsing the other day for that knight helm pic and thinking I'd like to have a few overpriced notebooks soon.

But whenever you have commissions open again that's of course the best most direct way if people want to pass money on..

CYS Merch

one year ago

It looks like there's quite a few that seem promising. I'll have to look into them when I have some time.

And commissions for sure! Once I'm finished with school soon! :~)

CYS Merch

one year ago

Sorry to hear that, I hope you can find a good alternative soon. One where you get all the money, and can use it to buy many assorted hats.

CYS Merch

one year ago
A hatter can dream!

CYS Merch

one year ago

That seems pretty dumb. Then again, this was a site with people blatantly stealing designs and shit. As I recall, that happened as well. 

CYS Merch

one year ago

If I have to go to the dark web to buy more CYS merch, I will do it! I guess Redbubble didn't deserve you in the end.