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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago


You go into 2033 for 10 minutes and you get one google search, what are you looking for?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago

ChooseYourStory. Need to know if it's still here.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago
Wrong answer, everyone should be searching for lotto numbers. CYS ain't going anywhere if it's backed by multimillonaires, it can become its own private island fortress at that point.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago
An r/askreddit post from a month ago by u/arkjump with 45k upvotes

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago

Pfft, that was getting pushed into the year 2030. Totally different.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago

ten quickest growing stocks over the last ten years

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago

Come on now, it's one question a week. Surely you can come up with something that isn't from the top of AskReddit.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago

Ok I will next week

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago
You disgust me and I sentence you to pulling a prompt off one of those lame writing reddits and making a story out of it. You have one week.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago
Either stock charts for the "last" 10 years, or even better crypto charts since those have greater variation in shorter amounts of time. Or I'd just google myself for the funsies.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago
My obit

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago


Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago

I wonder if porn in 2033 will come with a VR headset and a fleshlight plug in ^_^

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago

I thought they already had that or were already working on improving it.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

one year ago
I have that. The future is now.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
imad is lying down on the job again, who will replace him?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

What insect is the least scarring to eat and why? (Include preparation details if needed)

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
If it's a singular insect, I would go for the smallest one I could find. Google says a fairyfly, on average about 0.5-1 mm. I wouldn't even notice, probably.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
Grasshopper for sure. Classic survival bug, doesn't do or eat anything gross. Allegedly tastes like popcorn and John the based Baptist liked them too.

Crickets are up there I suppose, but in populated areas they eat literal garbage might feel too personal.

I know cicadas are also deliberately eaten by lots of people, they freak me out but then shrimp are horrible little ocean bugs too, just a matter of mentally adjusting.

I guess I might eat earthworms? The texture would be a problem though.

The leaf cutter ants destroying the crepe myrtles in my yard are eaten in Mexico and South America it seems. My willingness to eat these might grow along with my spite.

I know termites are eaten in some cultures and are perfectly safe and nutritious ends yadda yadda, but I'd never do that, I'd just choose to die. So I think that's it for the list of bugs I would choose over starvation.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

I've always wanted to try crickets. In the EU it is also now recently legal to use crickets as food ingredients in supermarkets.

You can crush them into flour or roast them and apparently they taste kinda like nuts or chicken.

No offence cricket.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
Normally I don't object to the thought of people eating me, but for you I will make an exception.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
I would lick an ant off the finger

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
Giant grubs are the basic bitch insect of survival and seem like they'd actually be good.

Mealworms because they would be crunchy, and I wouldn't have to remember the crunchy trauma of stepping on a dead spider barefooted. The texture was unpleasant.

If it can be barbecued, scorpions. I don't know why, but I want to try one.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
Ditto on the scorpion. That would be cool

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

I'm sure I've accidentally swallowed a fly once, so probably that. Preparation method: place it in my food, forget all about it, and consume it while distracted.

Snails aren't really insects but I've tried escargot before. I actually enjoyed it until my parents told me what it was, then I was slightly scarred.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Pretty sure Swift would have some answers for this question, him being the resident bug eater and all.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
fried worms

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Ants really aren't that bad. They don't taste like anything, and they're so tiny that you can't really notice them. 

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Not actually an insect, but I will vote for Mudbugs.

And you boil them, with spices.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

I had crickets one time. They were ground up into a powder and made into cheesy chips. They were pretty good. Probably because 1: It didn't look like anything like a cricket and 2: They were cheese flavored. 

Other than that a couple of times I swallowed the odd mayfly that flew into my mouth. 

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

I once had crickets in brownies. For all I can remember, they tasted like normal brownies. 

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

I called first dibs on the Questionnaire, so clearly I should be the one to get it. 

What is the sexiest name someone could possibly have?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
(Only some of you will get that.)

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago


Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

You can't be serious.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago


Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago


Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago


Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago


Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
If Suranna doesn't get this going, I'm commandeering the thread again

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Suck it. This thread is my domain now. 

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

I'm smelling a Thunderdome match.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
That's certainly an idea

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

The winner takes all!

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Life after death is real! Just, not as you expected. You now get to spend the rest of your (undead) life as a ghost! 


What do you do with your freetime? Who do you haunt?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

being able to pass through walls and be intangible and invisible, I would haunt the Governments of the world, looking through their secrets and hidden places.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
I need more details. Will I be able to present myself? If so, how? To what degree am I allowed to manipulate with the tangible world? Heck, what do I look like?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Hey, I'm not the ghost here. That's YOU. What can you do as a ghost, Peng?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
I don’t like open ended questions, Suranna. You ask the question you provide the parameters.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Fine. You can appear and disappear at will, but you're stuck looking like a ghastly version of yourself. You can interact with small objects, but nothing biological. You can fly through objects and potentially travel the world if you desire. Satisfied? 

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
How small? To what extent biologically?

Satisfied. I'd go and see the world, and then probably just 'interact' with my phone, computer, or books.

On occasion I might haunt people just to mess with them. "Life" would be boring after a bit, I'd imagine.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
Might as well go all out and haunt some passenger jets. Imagine how terrifying that would be. Perfect captive audience. Trains would also be incredibly fun.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
Upon further consideration, I'd find some dead crackheads and go run a Waffle House until the heat death of the universe

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Implying that a Waffle House wouldn't survive the heat death of the universe and carry on as usual

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
True enough. Might be a bit longer between shifts while we waited for whatever multidimensional creature (or maybe nostalgic ghost) to get the munchies

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

I've always wanted to travel the world, so I'll haunt as many tourist spots as possible. The London Eye will spin dangerously quick and out of control, the Eiffel Tower's lights will flicker ominously in shades of white and blood-red (and probably spell out a sinister message in Morse code if I wanted to be extra), and the Statue of Liberty's torch will set fire to any boats that come too close by.

When I get bored of this, I'll go visit Petros' Waffle House.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
I would scare every teenager in their edgy emo/goth/ghost phase straight and it would never get old

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
Haunt people who don't believe in ghosts. Torment people playing with ouija boards. Join a crew of ghost pirates. Then, when I get bored of it all, explore the Mariana Trench and visit Petros' Waffle House to enjoy a blueberry waffle.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

I'd haunt pychics and mediums but deliberately give them fake information to make them look like idiots in front of their clients. Like:

"Your granny Ethal says she's so proud of you."
"Who the fuck is granny Ethal?"

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
I haunt the whitehouse and sit bricked up in the presidents' chair.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago


What is the best jellybean flavor? 

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Personally I am partial to Jelly Belly's Juicy Pear. 

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

What the hell kind of weird jelly bean is that?

And yes I know it's pear flavored, just seems like a really elaborate name for "pear"

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
Never had one in my life that I can remember.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
Black licorice

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Petros secret Dutch confirmed

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

passion fruit but all jellybeans suck

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

The orange one with the red spots is the best one.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

"Orange one with red spots"
See now this is the proper designation for flavor. 

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago


The world has just ended. How has it ended and what caused it? 

(shhh I definitely did not think today was Friday)

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
Well, if only life has to end, I like the idea of everyone just collectively going berserk and eating each other's spleens or something.

If the Earth itself must go, then getting eaten by some cosmic entity sounds good. I hear some people are into vore.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago


Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago

Gamma Ray burst from a pulsar 36.9 lightyears away that lasts for 36 hours in duration.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

11 months ago
It's 2023 and we have vr porn. I can only assume they have feeling and smell added now too. I'd read one detailed article of the how and why it works then take that to the scientists of now and speed up the progress.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago


It's nighttime somewhere in the world. (I also, once again, thought today was Friday)

How old do you feel mentally?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
Wow, you suck at the days of the week.

And mentally, I feel like a 40 year old stillborn

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

Mentally I feel like I'm 22

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

13 (melts into distance)

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago


Last week someone asked how old I was and my brother and I both said 12 at the same time. I'm 14. 

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

I think the general consensus of the people who know me is that mentally I'm about six years of age. However, I feel like a particularly stressed eleven-year-old.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
Depends on the time of day

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
I feel like I'm a fresh 15 not turning legal driving age :')

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

A FRESH fifteen you say? 
It's funny that my brain immediately translated to this meaning me at the age of fifteen instead of someone who had just turned fifteen

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago


What is the best film adaptation of a book you have seen?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
that one animated egypt movie as an adaptation of the bible

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
Blade Runner. I can't remember which edition of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? had it, but there was something at the end that talked about movie. Iirc, Dick didn't want the movie to be his book on a screen, so they had to write something different for the author to okay it. Rutger Hauer rewrote the Tears in Rain monologue the night before filming the scene, and Philip K Dick died before the movie was released. As stupid as it probably sounds, not knowing what Dick would've thought of Hauer's monologue will probably haunt me 'til my death day. I think it goes without saying this is going off of my poor memory of reading something years ago.

I should do a reread and a rewatch sometime.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
I watched Blade Runner way too young, and eye gouging remained a key feature of my nightmares for decades

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
Most of the movies I watch are pretty dang old, so this was a really interesting question to think about. It's difficult finding one that I've read and watched. I may have to come back to this after combing through my memory, but off the top of my head, my favorite book film was the Jane Eyre that Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine played in. It was pretty fantastic. Apparently it's from 1943

One that might be close is the 1960 version of The Time Machine which was also pretty great and had pretty cool special effects for the day, though it didn't follow the book as faithfully. I probably still liked it a bit better than the book.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
No one mentioned LotRs?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago


What is one thing that people will remember you by? (Other than you like to write, you sickos)

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
probably my absolute side splitting bants

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

Well, for you it may be the fact that you never posted these on actual Fridays

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

Darn, I was hoping people wouldn't notice this time.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

Suranna you think you'll remember this time?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago


Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago


Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

That I'm retarded lol

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
You shall not be remembered. The retard gimmick has been filled

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
Given other recent noobs, I would rate you squarely above average.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
That I screamed "Imma blow up the fucking world!!" when I fell asleep in class

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

who is this guy

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
An insane person who likes eating penquins...and humans

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

The fuck is a penquin?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

Maybe it's some type of palanquin. 🤔

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
None will remember you

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
Nobody will remember me

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
I'll remember you... as long as you still kill darius.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

that means so so much

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago


Would you rather be the protagonist or antagonist in a story? Why?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

Antagonist, Villain good thats why. The protag never has the ggod fun of mass murder!  ^-^

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

I mean you can be a villain protagonist and still indulge in mass murder.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
Right you are I concede.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
I'd wanna be a protagonist because I feel like it makes it less likely that people will make Tiktok edits of me

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
Protagonist is more likely to succeed at their goals.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

Protagonist because of the infinite plot armor so that Petros won't ever succeed in killing me.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
What are you smoking? Protagonists die all the time

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

But almost never in the beginning of the story, they usually die at the very end if at all. Otherwise they wouldn't really be a protagonist.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

Alright, you can be the protagonist of "edge of tomorrow" or "chainsaw man"

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

The main antagonist of chainsaw man got herself eaten alive, not really the greatest example.

When the question was posed to me, I was more thinking about the classic whodunnit novels where the detective and/or the Watson don't usually die.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

Pretty sure he's talking about Denji. ,':(

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

Living with perpetual depression still beats death by cannibalism.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

Have you ever played danganronpa?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
No. This whole time I also thought you were asking Darius

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

I was asking him, but thanks for the info. I'll troll you about danganronpa somehow.

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

Either, neither, or both, as long as I'm the comedy relief

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago
What about anti-heros?

Friday Night Questionnaire 3

10 months ago

An anti-hero could be either the protagonist or antagonist, so it doesn't matter