Player Comments on Through Time
Got the true ending.
While the premise is in itself common, it's delivered in a way that makes this my favorite romance on the site, and the only one I've read more than once.
Jacob: Honestly, I feel for the dude. It's easy to criticize him for not doing anything with his life, but plenty of people tend to just live until they die. The amount of bad stuff that happened to him and his loved ones is a lot, and it makes sense why he ended up pulling away from Alison when they got older. The idea of inventing time travel just to help the person you love, while a little corny, is also beautiful. Honestly, that's how love should be.
Alison: So while it's clear from the getgo that she is somehow involved in the protagonist time traveling, the author is able to write this in such a way that her involvement is foreshadowed, but not glaringly obvious. Her rhyme about each of your friends, and the way she seems to pop up whenever you're having a difficult time (especially with your sister) hints that she knows more about why you're there then even you do. The revelation and eventually the true ending was an incredible way to bring the entire story full circle.
Ian: It goes to show that even in the 'bad timeline' the two of them are working together, and it can be argued that Jacob spends more time with him than anyone else.
What I like about his character, aside from the loyalty aspect, is that unlike Jacob, he actually has ambitions to be a doctor, and an actual plan to meet those goals. It's honestly heartbreaking seeing that it was his brother's imprisonment that ruins his life, although I was a little irritated. In most cases, being surrounded by a group of thugs meaning to do you imminent bodily injury is legal grounds for the use of deadly force. For example, the Kyle Rittenhouse case.
Ultimately, I was very pleased that Jacob had a chance to set things right, and while I'd love to think Ian managed to get his doctorate, the story unfortunately does not tell us that.
Olivia: Oof. This one clearly has self-esteem issues. Besides the fact that her best friend completely forgot about her, the fact that she's over at the house of her Cro-Magnon boyfriend a lot tells us she most likely has no parental influence as well. This may be the reason why she says "Why does everyone leave me." following her suicide attempt.
I will say, there were signs of her showing suicidal tendencies after the school scene, but I am glad that she manages to get past all that and make human connections to people who actually have decency, such as Ian. As far as characters go, she was one of the lesser memorable.
Tina: so out of all of the characters here, I have genuine empathy for this one the most. To be treated like a doormat at school AND home simply because you're doing well in school? This right here is when I started to get genuinely mad at Jacob. Sibling resentment following the move is understandable, and even expected. This is the same move that separated him from Olivia, after all. But to hold a grudge for YEARS? It made me think, and Jacob does eventually realize this, that he's been essentially using her as a scapegoat for everything that goes wrong. Once he manages to realize this (with Alison's help), the dynamic between the two of them vastly improves. Jacob seeing himself in the bullies was a nice analogy, although the leader talking like a '50s husband who just got out of WW2 with his "beat women back into their place" speech did dampen the scene just a little bit.
All in all, it was an excellently written storygame, and outside of a couple instances where the dialogue was questionable, I was completely engaged the entire way through.
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on 7/17/2024 3:00:39 PM with a score of 97531
Haa.... This game, man... You just reeeaaally had to punch me in the feels toward the end there, didn't you?
TO PLAYERS:: So. This game is great. Anybody who's just sifting through stories on this site needs to read this one. FINISH IT. Don't be giving up half-way through (like I wanted to) because you'll be depriving yourself of the whole story, which ties up almost everything quite neatly.
I really, REALLY wanted to quit partway through my second route ((My Order: Olivia > Tina > Ian > Allison > True)) because I found the main character INSUFFERABLY apathetic. He didn't care about anything, question anything or feel anything. I hated the character because he wasn't real to me. No real person would behave this way for no reason. After completing my second route, you get the STRONG sense that there's a reason behind everything. Continue on, players. This story's a good one.
TO THE CREATOR:: Quit yanking on my heart-guts, you brilliant evil mastermind, you! This story has many good points and very few bad. I'll try to get through it without writing an essay.
-The Story: I really appreciate that everything came full circle. I want to talk about it SO BADLY, but anything I say would be a spoiler. All things that are great about the story are spoilers!
-The Characters (Main): I hated Jake in the beginning. It was terribly annoying to play as him, but I'd be lying if I say I still hate the guy. I can't spoil anything here, so I'll just say he's not all bad. He was just a teenager. Each of the route-owning characters make sense in their own right, as well. After completing their respective arcs, I had a sense of deeper understanding for why they behaved the way they did. It made me reflect on myself a bit, and I like that.
-The Message: The story's theme is read loud and clear. If you don't get it in the beginning, you certainly will by the second or third arc playthrough.
-The Grammar: You've actually done quite well in this area. Toward the end (True Route in particular) a couple your/you're and then/than mix-ups slipped through. One extra proofread should do ya in future stories.
-The Characters (Secondary): I know next to nothing about Jake's mom. In fact, anyone who isn't a part of the main 5 characters (Peter being an exception) is just... kind of flat? I'm not saying everyone needs development, but I would like to have learned a bit about the other people in Jake's life. Deeper dialogue with the rest of the Wolves or his mom or even other classmates would have helped breathe life into the world.
-The Length: This isn't even really a bad point. I wish the game was longer. I wish the game had CG's. I wish this game was a Visual Novel, is what I'm getting at. I realize that its current length works for what it is. You can easily sink a couple hours into this if you get immersed and you have enough time for the characters and story to snowball on you. I would loved for each arc to have been longer; to explore more on every corresponding character's backstory and epilogues. However, maybe that would have hurt the game's impact in the long run. Who's to say? All I know is, I like the current version.
...I wrote an essay. Dang it. I'll stop here.
tl:dnr - People. Play this game. It will make you feel. It is very good.
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on 11/4/2016 5:21:52 PM with a score of 97531
After reading this story, I've come to equally like and dislike a few things about this story game.
The Amazing, Good, Bad, Ugly
The Ugly: I feel the story is weak in really developing the characters. I don't feel a strong connection to them. To me they seem just people that play the parts of a romantic story. I feel like the characters would be more overall more memorable and like able is if they had some more distinction in their personality and seemed to treat other characters more realistically.
One of my main criticisms is that the main character's conflict seems weak. I mainly just disliked the way that this conflict with himself pushes the plot and that made the plot overall weaker in my opinion.
The Bad: I just have an issue with the way the character you play as resolves some of the conflicts with the other characters. I mainly react like "Why am I suddenly acting like... and why are they reacting like?" and "If this actually happened, this wouldn't make sense"
The Good - I liked the actual concept of the story and how the actual gameplay was executed. Although the choices weren't tough, the game is built around continuous replay. And the "True Ending" was a pleasant way to tie up the story and explain everything.
The Amazing - This story really captures the emotions of the characters and makes it them seem more human. I loved the individual stories of each of the characters, and it really was interesting to discover their stories.
This definitely isn't a terrible story. I think being in the romantic genre, most of my criticisms regarding the characters and plot probably stem from me not liking the romantic genre. Overall, I feel like this story does deliver a lot of interesting story and it kept me reading until I finished the end.
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on 8/28/2016 8:58:44 PM with a score of 90001
Honestly good gameplay loop mechanics, good story and varities. Enjoyed the characters and choices. Overall good story. Not perfect score solely because I want more, too short and I'm addicted.
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on 3/24/2025 2:31:08 AM with a score of 97531
..This was beautiful
And, I don't cry at much.. but this bring tear or two .
Wow this was... f-wow this was incredible.
I was in a mood for, romance, something big, epic - needed something uplifting.
And this was.. so bittersweet, and incredible!! And, interesting - really intriguing story.
I have no idea if this is considered overreacting or not - but first thing's first I'm gonna see if you've made anything else!
Shit this was beautiful..
Thank you for making it . :)
More, please....
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on 2/20/2025 10:49:03 PM with a score of 97531
This is just Gold, everything is it. Just, i wish endings may be easier to find, cuz i after many tries of being myself in the game, i didnt get any good end until i checked walkthrought and discovered that taking Tina from school didnt let me get the Allison ending. Anyways, i love this, and would love to get a girlfriend like Allison...
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on 2/15/2025 6:08:57 PM with a score of 97031
Loved this one, it will make you ponder about your choices and life.
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on 2/7/2025 5:25:07 PM with a score of 97531
This is great, on my first run I got Tina. Can't find out how to get the true end, though.
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— C Zelda on 1/14/2025 9:02:07 PM with a score of 0
AAAAA I love this thing wtf
After spending the better half of today (super long road trip to visit family) playing this, this is the most locked in I've ever been on a choose your own adventure. The story is so deep and complex, I actually felt super moved reading Jacob's journey of finding meaning and helping everyone's suffering he'd been a bystander to instead of running away.
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on 12/26/2024 2:57:20 PM with a score of 97531
eh, don't mind me. i kinda skimmed through it anyway
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on 11/20/2024 5:35:15 PM with a score of 0
Totally recommended. The whole story is totally fire, and while I didn't expect to actually do it, I did play it multiple to reach all the good ends. There are very few typos here and there, but they are so minor one will likely not even notice them.
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on 11/18/2024 3:12:06 PM with a score of 90001
I'm an apathetic mess who is just living by inertia and i'm struggling to find any meaning in things. Thank you for making me feel like something might matter at some point in life. Cheers and i hope you are doing well.
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on 9/10/2024 3:20:23 PM with a score of 90001
Fantastic story that I wanted to replay until I got all the endings! I'd recommend everyone give this story a chance, and if you're like me, it might end up being so personally relatable that it might make you feel actual emotion. I take one rating point away for some grammar and spelling errors, but I stress that they did little to take away from an otherwise captivating tale of a man losing his grip on life and falling into the abyss of existence. Loved it!
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on 8/19/2024 4:13:26 PM with a score of 97031
actually that game was really fun! i managed to get all the endingz but i even felt bad ignoring allison and tina while trying to talk to olivia and ian. olivias was the hardest imo
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— yoo on 6/19/2024 10:31:25 AM with a score of 7000
Loved this story. Emotional piece of work. I really wanted the characters to be happy as I went on this journey.
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on 2/21/2024 12:33:06 AM with a score of 90030
Very short
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on 2/7/2024 10:51:10 AM with a score of 1
emotional rollercoaster. i may never recover. or recover within two days, who knows. to readers; you should definitely give it a shot, it's got some quality to it. and to author; i love how you depict the character's emotions, and heck, that god-damned character development of jacob's? that's something. like, REALLY SOMETHING. i loved the true ending and how it was all wrapped up, though would suggest revising for typos and grammatical mistakes! overall, very good :)
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on 12/9/2023 3:41:36 PM with a score of 97531
This game is amazing. I am fully aware that there is probably another comment from me hanging out here somewhere but that was a while ago, and I have played all the way through all of the paths now and this game is just so great. It warmed my heart and made me laugh and it actually made me emotion in general which is unexpected but really cool. I would love to find put that there is a sequel somewhere out there or just another story similar to this.
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on 12/5/2023 7:18:20 PM with a score of 97531
I would say that the typos throughout the story was what bothered me the most, but other than that I must say this was truly a great story to read. The ending really got me.. like really got me. I also enjoyed the other endings, but that last one was just perfect.
I would definitely recommend this story to anyone who wants to spend a couple hours of their day doing something interactive! Please read this story!
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on 8/15/2023 1:21:04 PM with a score of 97531
A must try if your looking for a whirlwind of emotions and a strange sense of nostalgia
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— Ned on 8/1/2023 5:57:48 PM with a score of 97531
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on 7/16/2023 10:13:48 PM with a score of 7530
I got rather bored and just clicked threw it.
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on 7/6/2023 9:45:09 AM with a score of 0
really good
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on 6/19/2023 12:21:24 AM with a score of 97531
This is a good but hard game
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— Toni on 4/21/2023 7:51:59 AM with a score of 0
I love the mechanics of this game - what a clever idea to have multiple timeline endings to complete the true ending!
Some of this was tricky and there was definitely a lot of retrying but overall this was very enjoyable and kept me invested till the end!
Very slight nitpick in some of the spelling and grammar - there are some typos throughout (e.g. reading his bat) and the way a lot of the dialogue is structured (e.g. "...." Is what he said) is a bit distracting but this might just be me as I do a lot of editing so it broke the flow for me.
It was great seeing how things changed slightly down the different paths and the true ending really ties it all together very well. Thanks very much for creating it. Would definitely recommend this.
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on 4/4/2023 7:01:59 AM with a score of 97531
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on 3/24/2023 12:49:31 PM with a score of 97531
I loved this so very much. 11/10 DO EVERY ENDING. It is well worth the time I assure you! I love these types of stories so much and this writer did FANTASTIC. I love all the choices you can make and I can 100% say this is one of my TOP story's I've read so far. Thank you for writing this!!
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on 3/3/2023 8:34:40 AM with a score of 97531
it was good but i dont understand how im supposed to stop ians brother from doing what he did when ive only met him once
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— ahhh raaaaa on 2/8/2023 9:25:46 PM with a score of 0
Great story. The mystery was beautiful ***spolier ahead and to be able to change the past mistakes was a brilliant idea. Absolutely loved it.
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on 11/30/2022 11:40:00 PM with a score of 97030
Delivers exactly what I expected and exactly what I was looking for. The writing style is simple but very well written this works well for me as I am also simple. Props to the author and the editors, very few errors and the dialog feels natural if not clichéd at times. I, Lord Otep enjoyed it quite a bit.
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on 11/25/2022 11:16:20 PM with a score of 97531
I love this story very much favorite charactor was allison
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on 11/24/2022 6:06:56 PM with a score of 97531
Classic… very interesting from the start
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on 10/27/2022 9:09:13 PM with a score of 501
I loved, loved, loved this! Great job! To start off, the message is phenomenal--tbh, for me, if a story doesn't have a message, then why is the author writing? I love the characters, and I do like the growth that Jacob was able to make tbrough the story--although it does feel just the slightest bit forced. But, I mean, the place where he started, and the place where he got was amazing. Also, I realize that people don't like the protagonist, and say that he was apathetic--but that's kinda the point. He was apathetic, and then realized too late that he was, and regretted it all. Once he realized he was apathetic, and kiiiiiinda a terrible person, he changed it. That's the real beauty of his growth. I think my biggest downfall would be the dialogue--not with every character, but just some of the people in the story... fell a little bit flat in that area, you know? Especially with Jacob's mom... or any of the secondary characters, really. I think just making the dialogue a bit more unique to each character would help--but again, it's more of a minor complaint. I think making the arcs a little bit longer would improve the story, because you have some pretty short arcs that you can get through in probably like... 15-30 minutes at most if you're a slow reader, and then all of the sudden, you have this giant true end. I DO think that the true end should've been longer than the other arcs, but I think just lengthening out the other arcs a little bit so it doesn't feel like there's such a giant change of pace, you know?
Either way, this was awesome! I loved going deep into all of these characters, and I hope you love your work, cause it's great!
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on 9/27/2022 11:16:41 PM with a score of 97531
Excellent. Intriguing, compelling.
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on 6/16/2022 6:45:05 AM with a score of 97531
I liked it it was interesting.
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— isaiah on 3/29/2022 11:52:24 AM with a score of 0
Nice Story. I enjoyed how each choice offered provided slightly different results toward each ending, instead of just joining back up to a single central narrative. The variety of endings needed to get to the true end was cool, and I liked that each possibility had to be explored before getting to the true end. Great job.
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on 3/15/2022 11:05:15 AM with a score of 97531
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— Alex on 3/11/2022 12:32:38 PM with a score of 0
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— poop on 3/10/2022 1:54:48 PM with a score of 0
Holy Smokes! Good story!
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on 2/24/2022 10:55:16 PM with a score of 97531
Such an amazing story
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on 1/18/2022 3:43:21 PM with a score of 97531
Now you may be asking 'why is this guy commenting on an old story'. I find myself asking the same thing. I've talked to Killa about how much I loved this story but I felt the urge to go back and read it again. It's this story that made me fall in love with this site, even though romance isn't exactly my cup of tea. I first read this story in my freshman year of high school and, being the dumb teenager I was, took away very little from the story. Of course, why would I? I basically was making the same mistakes and didn't want to admit it. Sometimes, I still kind of do.
Though now I can say after re-reading this, I have certainly become someone different, better. In a weird way, I think reading this helped. Not only did I manage to accept who I was, but also come to an understanding with my family. Sure, I never forgot about my long lost friend or let my sister get bullied... but I have left people behind when I had no right to and I certainly neglected the relationship I had with my sisters. My best friend has been by my side for over six years now and I still act extremely selfish around him. But I am improving. I try and be there for him when it is possible. There's still room for improvement, of course.
In any case, I realized that this story never really left my head. Not even after all this time. This comment isn't a critique of the story or offering advice like I normally would pen. Instead, I just want to say thank you for allowing some insight within me. I have so much more to say but I think this is long enough for something personal. Once again, thank you.
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on 1/18/2022 10:35:15 AM with a score of 97531
So good.
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on 12/26/2021 11:19:14 PM with a score of 90001
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on 12/26/2021 7:39:32 PM with a score of 500
this was a great story game
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on 9/17/2021 9:00:28 PM with a score of 90001
Good thought process
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on 8/8/2021 5:29:34 AM with a score of 90500
Killa, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for making this story. It's truly something beautiful, and you should be proud of what you've created. God Bless, mate.
For anyone on the fence about playing this, do it. Play it through, use the guide if you need to (no shame, take it from me), but make sure you see every ending. It's well worth it, truly. Don't skim, either. The more you understand about the story, the better it gets. Took me a few bad ends to understand that.
TL;DR: Play the game, find each good end for each character, then find the good end. You won't regret it.
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— Sam on 7/6/2021 12:39:35 PM with a score of 97531
For the first few endings it was not that interesting? But if you keep reading on it gets way better. The true ending is truly nice and I'm glad I didn't give it up after the normal and bad endings
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on 4/18/2021 9:40:51 PM with a score of 97531
That was brilliant. To anyone trying this out, I recommend staying with it til the end
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on 3/16/2021 2:47:48 PM with a score of 97030
Wow. Just wow. That was astonishingly good. I went through the routes Allison>>Ian>>Olivia>>Tina>>True and it was really interesting learning about these characters. Olivia and Tina didn't even seem important at first, but their routes were really good. I'm probably going to reread this story over and over again. There are two things about this story I didn't like. The first is the main character is pretty apathetic (until the true ending) and I don't like him that much. The other is the fact that the true ending can be accessed after any route is completed; for story purposes, it feels like it shouldn't be able to be accessed until all routes are completed. At the very least, it should only be available after you complete Allison's route. 8/8, one of the best story games on this site.
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on 3/1/2021 9:19:22 AM with a score of 97531
I played it exactly as the walktrough described I should.
I have to so, I am not disappointed. It does remind me a lot of 'Your Name' though. Maybe the author made it after that, or the author of 'Your Name' made it after this, or it is a coincidence. Anyway, it was worth it, though without the guide I 100% would have dropped this, sure it is good, but it isn't 3 hours worth of time good.It was worth 2 hours only.
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on 1/4/2021 12:23:12 PM with a score of 97531
Holy shit. That was quite the ride.
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on 11/5/2020 6:24:27 PM with a score of 97531
A fine fairy tale ending !
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on 9/17/2020 6:21:43 AM with a score of 97031
This story game is excellent!
The spelling errors are negligible, and the fact that detention in school happened once just for the protagonist to meet with another main character, despite them being late for several days.
That said about nothing being perfect, this game deserves the highest rating.
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on 8/30/2020 4:17:11 AM with a score of 97531
Wow. This is probably one of the best CYOAs I have ever read. There are some things that could be improved, like the description of the surroundings and robot-like manner of the protagonist, but the story is so beautiful and complex... It reminds me of Butterfly Effect from years back. The story itself is beautiful and it's really cool how you get to learn more about the protagonist the more you play. If you are reading this, just play the game already! It is definitely better than Reese's Cups.
Well done, author. Now I'll be unintentionally judging every storygame I read (or play?) against this for the rest of my life.
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on 5/19/2020 9:14:50 AM with a score of 97531
I loved this story, I've only completed Alison's Good End, but so far the story is powerful!
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— Human Liked It on 3/12/2020 9:50:21 PM with a score of 1
nice heart touching..
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on 1/11/2020 6:02:41 AM with a score of 500
The only thing that i regret, is for not having the ability to play longer after the true ending..
I wish to know their stories more, even if its just fast forward through-story..
i cant help but wish i could read if they are going to be happy in the future, or anything romantic.. cz allison really deserve it man,, its too cruel for her :'(
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on 1/4/2020 1:31:29 AM with a score of 90001
nice but hmm
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on 1/3/2020 11:48:16 PM with a score of 0
Fantastic, fantastic story. Been reading through all the comments because I don't want the experience to end.
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on 12/26/2019 5:20:05 AM with a score of 97531
This was awesome! I loved how all of the different narratives played into each other, and the true ending was amazing! It worth every second I spent reading it.
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on 12/4/2019 11:37:27 AM with a score of 90030
Thank you Killa_Robot for making this story. This story really connected with me (and, probably many other readers on this site). This story is a clear mirror for the escapist lazyasses like me and definitely inspired me to get out of the basement and have a positive attitude towards the world.
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on 12/2/2019 9:21:20 AM with a score of 30
It was outstainding and I loved Allison but I wished that I could have lived with her in her timeline instead of forgeting her. The story was inspiring and it was just breath taking to were I just could'n stop reading it. Thank you for making this book because it will make you feel love for real and inside. Please make more books like these because I would shurly read them all.?? AJ
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on 11/27/2019 8:22:21 AM with a score of 0
once you get the hang of the story it's an excellent experience. Quite emotional
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— Hap on 11/25/2019 4:11:30 PM with a score of 90001
Great story, very long and full of content. Would love to see this made into a VN
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on 11/14/2019 3:33:09 PM with a score of 97531
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— Dan on 10/16/2019 8:04:55 PM with a score of 0
Wow. Amazing. It touched my heart and really moved me. It was just so pure and beautiful I almost cried. Best story for it's category that I've read so far. :)
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on 9/19/2019 4:17:55 PM with a score of 90001
This was such a treat to play, I enjoyed it. A bit predictable. I highly recommend.
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on 9/9/2019 5:56:46 AM with a score of 97531
It is one of the best emotional train; that I was hit by. It was very sweet and amazing.
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on 8/18/2019 6:49:16 AM with a score of 97531
That was... I mean... wow just, wow.
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on 8/1/2019 10:58:49 PM with a score of 97531
One of the best stories I have read, 8/8
The true ending is definitely worth it, a rollercoaster of emotions.
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on 6/26/2019 5:13:06 PM with a score of 97531
One of the best stories I have read in a long time I hope someone can make a movie about these characters and keep the love that was shown in the story.
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on 6/18/2019 10:13:23 PM with a score of 97531
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on 5/30/2019 1:46:08 AM with a score of 90001
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on 5/19/2019 9:07:39 PM with a score of 97530
I've always loved interactive stories, but something about this story clicked with me. I have a lot of regrets that I've had to deal with in my short time alive, but the big ones have been weighing on my mind recently. This story resonated with me because of the premise, traveling back in time to fix everything you've done wrong. I highly recommend people give it a try, even if they want to give up. It can be difficult, but if you absolutely need to, use the guide. This story is great and worth the couple of hours you might put into this game.
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on 5/19/2019 5:22:02 PM with a score of 97531
The story was amazing, but you'll have to find out how good it is for yourself. :D
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on 5/12/2019 10:30:54 PM with a score of 97531
This was too much for me to handle right now, it's an emotional rollercoaster that you have to be patient with. Be sure to complete Allison's good ending and saving before looking for the true ending. It's the only way you'll be able to find the true ending. Beautiful story.
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on 4/29/2019 12:40:22 AM with a score of 90001
This was a very enjoyable game. I especially liked the true ending. Really hitting me in the feels there author.
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on 4/9/2019 7:07:18 PM with a score of 0
Very well written, and displays the idea of love and loss in the perfect mix of despair and hope. As I am writing a story on here, I aspire for it to be half as good as this. thank you for blessing us with this amazing and inspiring story.
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on 3/15/2019 12:53:11 PM with a score of 97531
Wow, that was a depressing true ending, I really would've liked to know what happened after but I guess that that's just up to our imaginations.
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on 2/28/2019 6:25:39 AM with a score of 90001
Okay, now I feel like an idiot. This is my third set of comments for this game and each time it gets better. I was literally crying as I read through the game at the "good final" ending. We all have regrets in our lives and this game so movingly takes you through another character's sets of regrets that I have to admit I was moved, enlightened, entertained, satisfied, and yet still wanting more. Perfect!
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— Robert Harrison on 2/21/2019 3:54:39 PM with a score of 90031
I’ve only played two endings, but that was nice.
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on 1/16/2019 6:49:33 PM with a score of 90030
Nice story
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— C on 1/9/2019 1:07:51 PM with a score of 90001
As sad as I am of never completing the Ian ending, I have to say that the game is incredible, filled with nice details and I would like to be able to fully forget it to play it again. Congratulations!
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on 12/5/2018 11:02:00 AM with a score of 97031
This was an amazingly well done story. A few typos a proofread could solve. But very well done and worth the two hours it takes to find the true ending.
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on 11/30/2018 12:53:59 AM with a score of 90030
I am usually one to turn the other way when seeing the word romance, but for some reason I thought I would try a story just to see it I would like it. This story was great. I loved how it included time travel along with fixing broken relationships. I only completed two of the endings before the true ending but all the endings I read made me have a good feeling inside.
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on 11/21/2018 3:31:17 PM with a score of 97030
so good
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on 11/18/2018 1:28:08 AM with a score of 97531
Good game with multiple options. A lot of great bad endings as well as options for good endings.
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— Tyler McFadden on 11/14/2018 2:28:26 PM with a score of 1
I loved this story, the only thing that wasn't good was me having to click through everything everytime haha
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on 11/8/2018 7:56:04 PM with a score of 7000
Too sweet. 5/5. I finally got the true bittersweet ending. Thanks for writing this story.
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on 11/5/2018 9:40:48 AM with a score of 97531
4/5. True ending left.
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on 11/5/2018 1:58:21 AM with a score of 7531
#3. Really cool. Thanks for writing this story.
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on 11/5/2018 1:09:03 AM with a score of 531
#2. Too sweet.
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on 11/4/2018 8:14:15 PM with a score of 501
Nice story. I will try for more endings. Thanks for writing this story.
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on 11/4/2018 6:56:18 PM with a score of 500
90500, FOR NOW!!! YALL SHOULD PLAY IT SOMETIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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on 11/3/2018 3:16:26 AM with a score of 90500
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on 10/20/2018 8:06:34 AM with a score of 90030
Very worth playing for all the endings? Once I started, I couldn't stop until I completed it all. Allison's true ending is awesome, but honestly, Tina was my favorite, maybe because I'm a brother who's had a strained relationship with a younger sister for most of my life up to now as a young adult.
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on 10/11/2018 4:37:35 PM with a score of 97531
heartwarming is all i can say
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on 10/4/2018 9:44:38 AM with a score of 97531
Needs to be made into an anime
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on 9/19/2018 10:21:01 AM with a score of 90001
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— Raidrn on 9/16/2018 1:11:51 AM with a score of 0
i know the cys sort of scene were to be years ago from 2018... but this fukn hit me hard.
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on 9/11/2018 12:17:11 AM with a score of 97531
This was quite exceptional and touching and I would strongly suggest completing all of the endings before you leave your rating.
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on 9/8/2018 7:29:23 PM with a score of 97531
I really enjoyed this game but sadly I couldn't reach the good ending. Is there a specific thing im supposed to watch for?
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— Ethan on 7/21/2018 3:12:20 AM with a score of 0
The first story I've played and I loved every minute of it. Not too hard either (though I did go back a few times to get the true ending haha)
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on 7/11/2018 1:24:22 PM with a score of 97530
What did I do wrong?? I wouldn't even know what choices to make differently...
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on 6/22/2018 10:45:06 AM with a score of 0
really good story!!!
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on 5/21/2018 12:12:22 PM with a score of 90030
The true ending hurt my little brittle heart... And then snapped it back into life. Great storytelling.
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on 4/25/2018 10:48:41 PM with a score of 90031
I'm not normally one to leave comments, but this is a fantastically beautiful story. I found it to be funny and sad, satisfying and thought-provoking. It was truly an honor to read this. Thank you, Killa_Robot.
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on 4/19/2018 10:57:46 PM with a score of 97530
This is the best game I have ever played. Love this game so much!Best story ever! Keep making games like this! Thanks for making this game.
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on 4/4/2018 3:06:36 PM with a score of 97531
Wow! That was beautiful.
The story really touched my heart and I love how you write it.
This one of the best story I've read
P/s: my grammar is bad. I'm sorry
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on 3/25/2018 10:28:36 AM with a score of 97531
I loved it
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on 3/9/2018 3:05:38 AM with a score of 97530
One of the best stories I've ever had the pleasure to read
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on 3/6/2018 1:24:08 PM with a score of 90030
This was actually a pretty great story. I love all the different endings and I have just spent hours trying to go down each route! It is 2:30am and I have no regrets.
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on 2/4/2018 4:36:19 AM with a score of 97531
Well, after using the walk-through to get to the true end, this is indeed a very moving story that is written very well. Instead of a romantic relationship, what is more important is that Jacob finally learned to accept and love himself, what could be a better ending than that? 8 out of 8! Definitely! And by the way, if there is such a tiring Allison that evolved in some sort of robot in the future helping people from her past, that itself is a moving story that should be known to the world. Seriously.
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on 1/28/2018 12:32:42 AM with a score of 90500
LoL! For a game that is almost impossible to lose and yet still managing to get to the bad end, wow, that got to be some accomplishment. ;)
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on 1/26/2018 12:47:57 AM with a score of 0
Overall the concept was fabulous. The story was well laid out and really pulled me in, not to mention that it was very re-playable, probably more so than any I've played before. The downside of the story has to be the incorrect grammar that just drove me nuts throughout and the lack of character development. While they were alive, they were still very flat characters in my opinion. Though it would have led to a longer story, a little more development of the characters would have led to a much more rounded and fulfilling story. Still, one of the very best I've read on this site or any other CYOA type story.
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on 1/24/2018 7:46:33 PM with a score of 90001
Amazing! Best story ever read! I was almost crying at the end.
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on 1/21/2018 8:01:11 PM with a score of 97531
Enjoyed the game very much. Took me forever with Ian, brute force solving! Great ending to the is all together.
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on 1/16/2018 10:24:08 PM with a score of 97531
Not a big fan
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on 1/5/2018 5:38:32 PM with a score of 1
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on 12/17/2017 4:52:32 PM with a score of 97531
Delightfully engaging, though as hard as I tried, I couldn't get Ian's good ending. The story is wonderfully moving, though it needs some technical polishing.
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on 12/1/2017 1:35:43 AM with a score of 97031
This Story had me actually more invested on how it ended more than how the main character even begun to go back in time. it was fully immersiveful and had me saving and retrying to get a happy and spectacular ending. I mean, what can I say? im a sucker for Time Travel. But if you combine time travel with Romance, Comedy, Drama and a high sense in accomplishment from getting not one, not two, and definitly not three, but FOUR endings?! i cant even fathom how much time it must have taken let alone the inspiration that was flowing out of the Authors fingertips while typping this masterpiece. Overall, this story was amazing, the descisions were lifelike and had me contemplating either to get a good ending or to see how many bad endings i could get! but enough of me rambling, good game and totally worth my time.
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on 11/29/2017 7:46:54 PM with a score of 97500
How do you get the good ending?
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— Darkstride_ on 11/28/2017 4:48:09 PM with a score of 0
First of all, I should tell you, this story was the one that made me finally create a profile so I could comment on it. I've played several really good storygames on the site before, but this one was the first that was truly amazing. It's so very well written, despite some typos here and there. It's a truly emotional story, especially when you take the time to get everyone's good ending before trying for the true ending. And that true ending... WOW! It really tied everything together, and it made me happy I'd taken the time to finish all the other good endings first.
To anyone who hasn't played this yet, you really should. And please, take the time to truly finish it; don't just play it once. When you finish the true ending, you'll see the reward of your effort. Even if you mess up, don't just back up and pick again. Actually select "retry" and learn from your mistakes. That actually fits the brilliantly crafted ending best.
Finally, one last note for the author: The first time I finished the true ending, I had an issue with one of my saves, so it didn't count me finishing everyone's good ending. I decided it was great enough to play all the way through everyone's good ending and the true ending again. And that's when I realized how truly clever you are! On the first full play through, I appreciated the story you crafted. Playing again, I realized even more detail. For example, Allison tells you how she knows how to pick a lock during the path to Tina's good ending. By the time I was going for the true ending, I'd forgotten that because it was such a small thing. But after finishing the true ending, I recognized her answer when I read it again. And all the different comments she makes to you throughout the other paths make even more sense. You wrote this so well, to not only be emotional and fun, but very smart. I highly applaud you! Thank you for this story.
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on 11/26/2017 3:28:45 AM with a score of 97531
There's not a lot I can say about this story without giving spoilers. You will have to replay this story through a couple times to get to the "true end" but it's completely worth it, trust me. To the author, I think I related really strongly to the MC (I'm even the same age, lol) and I think this was brilliantly done. I was in tears at points, but this was a great story. Thank you.
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on 11/24/2017 3:36:21 PM with a score of 97531
Simply the best
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on 11/23/2017 12:58:06 AM with a score of 90001
Give my tears back
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on 11/17/2017 12:07:46 PM with a score of 97031
All endings! This game is AWESOME! I advise you play it if you haven't already.
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on 11/8/2017 5:14:30 PM with a score of 97531
That was amazing and I think it's the best I've read on here so far. Well done. 8/8
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on 11/6/2017 7:06:10 PM with a score of 97031
This game is superb, and that is not praise I give lightly. I will make some notes, but there is not much to critique.
The Good: this is a masterfully crafted story which makes perfect, satisfying use of the format. Not only is more revealed about the central character in their specific playthrough, more is revealed about the protagonist every time as well.
The pace is precise and spot-on with perfect continuity between versions.
The characters are well-imagined, consistent, and gradually developed, so the climax for each has tremendous personal emotional impact. The scene on the bridge, I can say, was the gut-wrenching highlight of the entire story for me.
Importantly, the story is not burdened with an excess of characters. Those whom the story is about are complete and fully-realized, but you rightly deduced that it would be a mistake to dwell on others (mother, teachers, other students, other gang members, etc). As a result the story is complex but not busy.
Nothing makes a protagonist come alive like growth, and this whole story is about personal growth. But it is not diminished by coming too soon. You have to EARN deliverance, and the result is delicious.
Ideas for Improvement:
The exposition is a bit blatant. Some things which are openly described in passages of expositional thought would be better implied by dialogue or demonstrated by details. This forces the reader to think more instead of having explanations handed to them. The opening scene was particularly clunky.
Some of the dialogue as well is a bit too direct. The best example (though there are others) was the conversation with Ian's brother after the initiation. He volunteers intimate details about painful subjects freely and explicitly which feels improbable and unnatural. A solution would be for example, to have him get drunk and spill his guts, or avoid questioning but have the protagonist read between the lines.
This is more personal preference than anything, but I was disappointed at the end when the time-travel mechanism is revealed. It would have been better, perhaps,to leave the mechanics of it shrouded in mystery. Sometimes it can be effective to have a clear picture in mind as the author how it works (for consistency), but only to drop hints to the reader, so they are forced to think harder and interpret things in their own way.
In short, this is the best story game I have played. Period. With some refinement you have the tools to be a legitimate novelist. The fundamentals of good storytelling are present here, and the result is a satisfying, fun, thrilling, nearly-packaged, emotionally charged reading experience. Hats off to you. I hope to someday write anything as well-realized as this delightful story.
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on 10/19/2017 6:31:44 AM with a score of 97531
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on 10/12/2017 2:51:36 PM with a score of 90030
i think this was the best story i've played through if i could i would rate 9999999999999999999999 out of 999999999999999999999999
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on 10/9/2017 8:35:13 PM with a score of 97531
I don't usually read stories, but this is actually one of the most touching story I have ever read. I love the time travel aspect, I am a time travel enthusiast as well. The true ending was just... indescribable, like imagine having this all happen to you In real life? Loved this story, very very sad ending. And had to end it off on a (what I consider) a cliffhanger. Anyways, it was truly worth that 2 hours of constant reading and choosing, trying to get the true ending. 8/8 Really recommend this story to other people. Great Job!
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on 10/4/2017 12:23:24 AM with a score of 90001
Wow, really good story.It really plays out like a visual novel.I commend the amount of effort put into the story, and it turned out to be a very memorable cyoa romance ! The dedication in this story actually is inspiring me to make my own cyoa story.It won't be as half-smooth as this one, although. 8/8
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on 9/26/2017 2:25:46 PM with a score of 97031
very good game congratulations
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on 9/16/2017 1:49:09 PM with a score of 97531
very good,congratulations
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on 9/15/2017 7:47:03 PM with a score of 1
Pretty great! I got all endings except the Olivia one. Im not sure what I'm doing wrong, but this story is great. Very well written and I like the theme. Just a great story in all.
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on 9/9/2017 5:12:31 PM with a score of 90531
I... can't... stop.... CRYING!!! Curse you author! Hands down beautifully written, heart-warming, thoughtful, sweetest story, I'm completely in love with it! Well done
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on 8/21/2017 10:07:42 PM with a score of 97531
This thing is a really great storygame! Great in so much aspects, you have my respects
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on 8/11/2017 10:56:56 AM with a score of 90001
Oh my god. That was just beautiful. This story hits me right in heart, and if its made into any kind of movie, tv show, and I dare say I video game I would just jump at the opportunity to watch/play it. No hesitation.
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on 8/11/2017 3:47:49 AM with a score of 97531
My most favorite story from all of them on this site, I am glad that I was able to read it and finish it, it is a must read for everyone!!!!
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on 8/4/2017 3:53:12 AM with a score of 97531
That...was amazing.
I don't know where to begin.
First of all, this made me cry. Coincidentally, I consider myself unambitious and unmotivated that I started to think that who I am right now is a terrible and lazy person. Blaming for the world and myself for the misery of others. I can relate to the protagonist so much that I myself can see a reflection in his words. His life. His emotions.
I want to say thank you for creating this story.
It reminds me that though I don't consider myself having that spirit, I just need to stop and think and just do.
Again, thank you. I'm so grateful!
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on 7/31/2017 10:32:39 PM with a score of 97000
Too good.
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on 7/29/2017 11:57:55 AM with a score of 97531
Fairly linear. Didn't feel like my choices had much of an effect. The writing is pretty good but ultimately Through Time just felt boring and lacklustre to me.
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on 7/27/2017 9:11:04 PM with a score of 30
This is the greatest choose your story I've ever played, I loved all the endings, and character traits they all had. I have to give 10/10
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on 7/25/2017 12:11:21 AM with a score of 97030
I am IN LOVE with this story!!!!
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on 6/28/2017 6:32:04 PM with a score of 97531
It was a magnificent story, one of the best if not the best i've played at this site.
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on 6/23/2017 4:33:17 PM with a score of 97531
Great story. Tho i wish the "true ending" would stay unlocked untill you completed the rest of the endings. Other then that small thing. I loved it, really makes you think about life and the many choices we make or dont make. Thanks for writing this!
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on 6/16/2017 9:22:50 AM with a score of 97531
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on 6/12/2017 6:46:18 AM with a score of 97531
Despite its shortcomings, I really enjoyed this one, great work author. Well it was fun, good story and it had a hidden moral to the story..... Not all blonds are dumb
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on 6/5/2017 8:32:23 PM with a score of 97000
so, are there good endings?
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— somebody on 5/26/2017 2:09:21 AM with a score of 0
YES!!! It took a while and I did everything else except Allison's good end which kinda frustrated me because I had just finished the TRUE end but I managed to replay and finish Allison's in the end. This game is really good!
Ending Stats
Allison Good End: Completed
Tina Good End: Completed
Olivia Good End: Completed
Ian Good End: Completed
TRUE End: Completed
Endings completed: 5 / 5
Score: 97531
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on 5/24/2017 3:52:48 PM with a score of 97531
A fun adventure filled with feels!
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on 4/29/2017 3:07:47 AM with a score of 97531
This was riveting. 10/10 would def play again
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on 4/25/2017 1:33:33 PM with a score of 97531
Great game. The story is really entertaining and you get to care for the characters as it progresses. Despite minor typing problems, this is a very solid game and it will grab your attention until the very end. The true end really sums up the story nicely, managing to touch on all aspects and delivers a pretty satisfying dialogue involving the main character in the end. Hope to see more games like this.
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on 4/15/2017 3:47:20 PM with a score of 90001
(Slight Spoilers)
Such a great story; I'm surprised I didn't notice it before. The ending is really quite sad, and I wish I had the option to snatch away the bracelet. I immediately got the Allison ending through the choices I would make. I tried for the perfect ending right after that but decided to play through the other endings first at the last moment, right before she would have taken me to the park. I'm glad of the decision because each was enjoyable and moving its own way.
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— The Ghost on 4/15/2017 12:46:47 AM with a score of 97531
Thus was actually really good
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on 4/9/2017 9:21:07 PM with a score of 97531
this was amazing words cannot explain it. i know im a boy and not supposed to cry but i am crying so hard right now. you did good
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on 3/19/2017 3:58:55 AM with a score of 97531
This is the best game I have ever played. The different endings were interesting and the characters were all likeable. The true ending was clever and broke my heart, whilst I also enjoyed the endings for Allison, Olivia and Tina. Ian was pretty OK too.
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— Theodora on 3/13/2017 3:17:25 PM with a score of 97531
My time here on CYS has been largely defined by EndMaster's and Kiel's stories. That being said, Killa's story has made it through the flood End's stories, and game/story brilliance of Kiel's to my top three stories on the site.
Genre: There have been a few good romance stories on this site, but this one far surpasses the others I've read. Not only does it surpass the others, but it also manages to compete with the other genre giants of CYOA's. "Through Time" really emphasizes the fact that not all romance stories must anchor solely on the romantic side of things. This is a story that is made for exploring the relationships aside from the romantic one. This is key for making a story that has depth, and Killa executed it perfectly.
Characters: Jacob, had forced character development, but before you read this and think that this is a bad thing, let me explain... Jacob, the guy had a crappy life, had nothing really going for him later in life, and tons of regrets, finds that he is sent back in time. Killa takes this ordinarily boring guy, and shows us how he goes from his life before and changes into a man with tons of depth. He does this through each other main character representing a major regret in his life. Each and every one of those characters, Tina, Ian, Olivia have depth and their own story that is fantastic in of itself. If that wasn't good enough, there was Alison, the character that rivals Jacob for the role of the main character. My personal favorite character. She takes every bad thing that happens into her own hands, and decides that she would not allow these things to happen to destroy her and Jacob. The simple love and devotion to Jacob, coupled with her alluringly bubbly personality, makes the reader hard pressed to keep him/herself from falling in love too.
Execution: The way each of these were carried out, changed this from a 6 or 7, to an eight. The dialogue felt real, and each description painted a picture. Killa did this without having to write a novel per page, which made the experience have that game feel. If the descriptions were too long, then having to repeat the story each time would border on overly tedious. Overall, fantastic writing.
Story: The premise of this story was absolutely unparalleled in a sense. While a constant reset button for time has been done, this story was able to place us in that situation. This story took real problems that people can experience, and put us in the position to fix it. WE were the ones that defended our younger sister from over the top bullies. WE helped our best friend in keeping his life from spiraling out of control. WE were able to take lost friendships and rebuild them, and WE were the ones to reap the rewards of it all. My only reserve is that the true ending was possible after only completing one of the other endings. I was a guest when I played this first so my score in typing this comment doesn't reflect how much I actually read.
This in amazing story written by an amazing author. 8/8
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on 3/8/2017 12:29:12 PM with a score of 90501
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on 3/6/2017 10:03:33 PM with a score of 97001
The "True Ending" is perfection
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on 2/24/2017 7:21:56 PM with a score of 90001
Mind boggling plot. The BEST choice narrative I've ever read! Please read it's a must on any reading enthusiast's list! 100 stars out of 5! Highly recommend!
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on 2/22/2017 4:53:01 AM with a score of 90500
Very well thought out and has massive replay value.
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on 2/21/2017 9:19:15 PM with a score of 97531
Hi again HOW THE HECK DO I GET THE TRUE ENDING????!!!!Every single time I can never figure it out I got 4 out of 5 of the endings. Please can someone help me or like at least tell me the ending thanks xoxoxo.
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— cowbeans on 2/21/2017 9:18:47 PM with a score of 1
This was so awesome I am upset that I ended the game without seeing that there was 5 endings instead of just 3, and of course I didn't think saving would be important. This experience was amazing and full of the feels everyone better play this one at least once!
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— cowbeans on 2/21/2017 8:14:10 PM with a score of 7501
Really good in most ways, only personal complaint was that it was too short, but only because I was enjoying reading it so much :)
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on 2/21/2017 6:15:30 PM with a score of 97531
Jesus, so i played through all the games until i reached the true ending, and i must say your storytelling is really great. Never thought a text game like this would me cry at the end. Props to you well done hope to see what you write next
Thank you for such a good experience
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on 2/14/2017 3:41:21 PM with a score of 97531
Allison's true end really makes me believe in true love.That's all I can say.
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on 2/4/2017 8:27:44 AM with a score of 97531
This was amazing!
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on 1/26/2017 2:39:39 AM with a score of 97531
Amazing story
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on 1/3/2017 5:34:23 PM with a score of 97531
pretty freaking good game. it's rather long, but its replay ability is pretty damn good. And olivia is my favourite.
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on 12/28/2016 2:43:12 AM with a score of 97530
A truly remarkable story, one that will stay with me for years to come.
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— Lucas on 12/27/2016 1:29:33 AM with a score of 97531
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on 12/18/2016 6:01:39 AM with a score of 90001
Pretty good
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on 12/17/2016 6:36:15 PM with a score of 1
This is a very good story, and the ending is just freaking insane. Props to the author for writing somthing so emotionally captivating. Very good indeed.
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on 12/14/2016 10:08:53 PM with a score of 97531
THIS WAS THE BEST GAME EVER!!! I sent so much time on this game trying to win. I got Allison's good ending first, then Ian's, and then I got the True ending. It took me a few times, but I finally figured out how to reach Olivia's end and then Tina's end. I can't believe how much time I spent on this, but every moment was worth it. You are an amazing writer, keep up the awesome work.
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on 12/7/2016 3:27:59 PM with a score of 97531
If i could I'd rate it 10/8
I was skeptical about the time travel thing earlier though, but after I read the story and replay it over and over again, this story really suck me into it, been a while since i read something like this.The true ending really got me there.
Can't wait for another story from the author :)
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on 12/6/2016 9:22:26 AM with a score of 97531
I... don't know what to say really, this story have so much feel that I can't even imagine. I love it
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on 11/29/2016 9:51:05 AM with a score of 97531
FINALLY, with help from the guide I got Olivia's good end!
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on 11/22/2016 5:00:01 PM with a score of 7000
This was awesome
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on 11/13/2016 10:20:15 AM with a score of 90001
the story line is amazing throwing in the sci-fi but still keeping the love element. I enjoyed it and felt as if though i was Jacob
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on 11/8/2016 9:01:43 AM with a score of 97531
BEST. STORY. EVER. I never completed Olivia's ending, but with help from the guide, I found the true ending. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE STORY, Perfect book for teens. Highly recommended, and it will keep you coming back to it. IMPORTANT NOTE: IF you click restart on the top bar, it resets your progress on the entire story, and will make it so you haven't even gotten any endings, so use the retry buttons at the bad endings and good endings and it will save your progress!
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on 11/1/2016 3:42:43 PM with a score of 90001
OMG this is so good! Love the ending! It feels so complete! Took me a while to find the true ending though!
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on 10/24/2016 7:54:01 AM with a score of 90531
Amazing... Is all I can say.
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on 10/6/2016 10:51:17 AM with a score of 97531
Alright, so much to say... I only very recently came to this website so I can't say I have read a huge amount or have a huge sample size to compare this story to: however, I can easily say that this was written extremely well and had some amazing displays of emotions. I found myself feeling incredibly emotional throughout it (despite the fact that I'm not a hugely emotional person). I loved the romance arc but honestly, what really got to me was the friends and the sister. Reading those part made me want to break into tears and were just so satisfying overall. Again, I thought the entire thing was amazing and I can tell that a lot of hard work went into this.
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on 10/2/2016 4:19:58 AM with a score of 97500
Ahh this was so good xD I got stuck in the past but whateva. I know how hard these are to make, so screw the mistakes because this was really good and you should feel proud
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on 9/22/2016 1:02:48 AM with a score of 0
the best
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on 9/7/2016 3:58:29 AM with a score of 97001
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on 9/7/2016 2:53:26 AM with a score of 500
This is a great story. Do yourself a favor and read it.
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on 8/19/2016 11:19:31 AM with a score of 97531
well, a very nice history.. i keep asking to my self..
"why this isn't a Visual Novel? or Anime? or Movie? etc.."
all the routes is very nice, the characters is "live".. its awesome :)
what i don't like in the game? just one thing..
Its short..
nice work there bro (creator) ^^ :) :D
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on 8/17/2016 7:31:14 PM with a score of 97531
This was well written. It brings so much emotions, and the characters were well developed. Great job!
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on 8/15/2016 6:09:32 PM with a score of 97531
Thanks for the time you put in your was ok.
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— Carlos on 8/1/2016 12:44:39 AM with a score of 0
I played and got all the endings and then played though one last time to leave a comment. I didn't save the fact that I've played all the endings for some reason other than that it's a good story.
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on 7/25/2016 8:26:57 AM with a score of 30
A well-crafted story with surprisingly complex, interconnected paths. Each storyline had such depth, and the ultimate true ending resolved everything remarkably well. I highly recommend this to anyone and everyone, period. Hold off the true end for last, if you want the best experience.
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on 6/29/2016 1:08:51 AM with a score of 97531
That was awesome! I got all endings. I really hope you make more of these. It was truly a great experience and an amazing way to spend your time.
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— Girl America on 6/25/2016 9:08:35 PM with a score of 97531
Not really for me . . .
Skimmed the whole thing; it was well-written and would be very interesting to the right person, but I couldn't get into it and didn't feel invested in any of the characters.
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on 6/13/2016 3:09:11 PM with a score of 0
This story was beautiful it almost made me cry I particularly like Ian and Olivia's stories by the story as a whole is still amazing
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on 6/6/2016 5:19:18 PM with a score of 97531
This is definitely one of my favorite stories ever. Each time you go through a different characters path, you learn something new about the story and how all of the paths are connected to each other. The best part though, is that while the story is sad at some parts, the endings are happy so you are left with a good feeling afterwards. I would recommend trying to get all of the 4 good endings but for sure don't miss out on the true ending because it ties everything together so well.
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— Adam on 6/3/2016 3:37:31 PM with a score of 97531
An engaging read. The story really gave life to the characters.
I really loved all the endings. They warmed my heart.
Also, I feel like I have a lot in common with Jacob and that I should live for something.
Gave the story 8 stars, it's just that good and enlightening.
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on 6/3/2016 1:47:39 PM with a score of 97531
Beautiful. It was hard, but worth it.
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on 5/30/2016 1:11:16 PM with a score of 90001
That was terrific. Very good character development, and the True End was great. As ItanoCircus said, I also got a very heavy Puella Magi vibe from this story, but I think this is a spectacular example of how effective a CYOA story can be. 8/8
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on 5/24/2016 8:25:51 PM with a score of 97531
pretty good. It was well written and had a tangible storyline. I liked it
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on 5/6/2016 8:22:01 PM with a score of 97531
Wow, that was awesome. You start of being confused and a little frustrated going through the game over and over again. But when you reach the end. It all makes sense. It's got a bittersweet ending but it's a good one. Definitely recommend this story/game to everyone!
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on 5/2/2016 6:39:50 PM with a score of 97531
Arguably what a perfect game on this site should be, this story was amazing. The true end brought tears to my eyes, I loved it.
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on 5/2/2016 1:39:43 AM with a score of 97531
It's really hard, but really fun. Beware... you may have to replay a lot!
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on 4/30/2016 7:02:17 PM with a score of 7001
Dude. Whoever is reading this, play this story game. I'm mind blown; I'm seriously speechless. 8/8
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on 4/19/2016 4:32:50 PM with a score of 90031
An incredible morality tale. I was really moved by the ending, after many replays.
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on 4/18/2016 9:41:50 PM with a score of 97531
loved it its worth reading and trying to get all the endings but unfortunately i could not find oliveas good ending.
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— Samuel on 4/17/2016 5:39:22 PM with a score of 90531
I liked it a lot it was interesting
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— Shadowgirl _101 on 4/9/2016 9:27:39 PM with a score of 90001
Aww Olivia
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on 4/3/2016 12:02:17 PM with a score of 7000
Needs proof-reading, but awesome story line!! Definitely worth the read!
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— Mystry on 3/28/2016 9:59:54 PM with a score of 90030
great game. true end was well worth the time
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on 3/4/2016 5:02:09 PM with a score of 90001
Really good if you play this game you will play it again and again.
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on 2/29/2016 10:49:00 PM with a score of 90001
I loved this game I think it was amazing and you put a lot of well worth effort into it.
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on 2/17/2016 8:27:12 PM with a score of 90030
Well.. It's one pf the best things I've ever played... Thanx for making something like this... Hoping for something more enjoyable story... Tqjb.
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on 2/15/2016 9:00:05 AM with a score of 7000
This is the most heart-touching storygame I have ever played. With a very interesting concept as well, this game was amazing, with all the endings. It made it even batter/worse when I was playing the song, "Don't Forget," during the "True Ending." Especially when Allison leaves. I loved this story; every part of it. It was amazing, especially if you get all the endings. Thanks for making this, and I want a sequel so bad.
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on 2/14/2016 10:31:00 PM with a score of 97531
This was an amazing story. I loved every bit of it. Although there were plenty of typos, everyone can fall in love with the characters you're close to from the start. And even better, it was actually long. I loved this story game, and I will try to get the rest of the endings.
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on 2/12/2016 1:19:39 PM with a score of 30
It's...a nice story. The main character loops himself over and over again - and it isn't a person he already knows that helps him through it, as it is in fact, someone else. The concept is both overdone and new at the same time, and I like it, for certain. For the main character, it is a journey of self discovery more than anything else, and I can appreciate that.
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on 2/3/2016 11:11:47 PM with a score of 90031
I thought I could handle the feels but...god damn this is a masterpiece. Why do I do this to myself D:
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on 2/3/2016 5:53:17 PM with a score of 90030
Excellent, couldn't stop till I went through all the endings! Very well written e very immersive.
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on 1/27/2016 1:54:36 PM with a score of 97531
A great storygame that lets you watch the same events multiple different ways and is a great example of truly branching storylines.
Ny one complaint is that almost every choice is binary: you either pick option 1 or 2; there's never a 3, 4, or 5.
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on 1/26/2016 10:53:51 AM with a score of 90030
I actually created an account just to get the true ending... Wow, it was worth it. You were able to take something that has become rather hackneyed, time-travel romance, and turned it into something entertaining and spectacular. I loved this. 8/8
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on 1/21/2016 10:43:26 PM with a score of 90001
Too good
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on 1/17/2016 2:28:48 PM with a score of 90030
AMAZING! This was so well-planned and well thought out. I loved seeing every character arc, and it's was beautiful how it all tied together. Wonderful job!
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— MAten on 1/15/2016 12:24:56 PM with a score of 90500
This..hit way too close to home. Damn. It was extremely interesting, and I like to think I learned something from it. Thank you. This is more than a story.
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on 1/10/2016 5:21:08 PM with a score of 97531
Not only was this a fascinating story, but there were times where I cried with pleasure. What Jacob went through is a very personal issue I have as well. This is altogether a beautiful story. Thank you for writing it.
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— Lukas on 1/9/2016 8:05:58 AM with a score of 90001
I loved this game! I like the overall plot of it, but in particular I like the idea to go back and achieve different ends with different people. There was a great amount of mystery as well, which is always appreciated. However, I like the idea of having to complete each good end before achieving the true end. If I could change one thing, that is what I would change.
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on 1/8/2016 5:17:49 PM with a score of 97531
this game has kept me busy for the past two days, i even made an account for it! it's so well written.
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on 12/27/2015 10:23:40 AM with a score of 7001
This story was absolutely wonderful to go through! It was defiantly worth all the time I spent going through the different endings until I got the true ending, which was beautifully done.
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on 12/19/2015 10:29:16 PM with a score of 90001
Very detailed, very long, humour at points, love, tragedy and is very much an amazingly, fantastic story :)
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on 12/11/2015 5:10:19 PM with a score of 7000
Amazing story, and I love how everything in the story pieces together. I got Allison's good ending first, and then I got the true ending, so I knew the whole story pretty early on. This is a very sad and deep story, and the author is a very good writer.
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on 11/25/2015 1:53:12 AM with a score of 97531
I'm very happy I created an account to complete the 'true end' of this story. It's 100% worth your time, take my word for it.
I really can't find anything to criticise about this story. Fantastic work, challenging and emotionally gripping all the way.
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on 11/20/2015 5:14:29 AM with a score of 90030
I like the story, but I wish you could pick the characters instead of play as Jacob with there endings, it gets a little tiring reading the same story to complete endings. but otherwise a fun game. would play again.
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on 10/26/2015 9:13:19 PM with a score of 501
For some reason the tina storyline isnt working, and because of that i cant get the other ending either.
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on 10/17/2015 2:05:27 PM with a score of 7500
Despite the typos and occasional story hiccups (Allison's secret was fairly transparent, and the Wolves seemed to go out-of-character during the True End), I can't help but love this story. The writing flows very naturally, and it had a very strong emotional impact on me.
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on 9/28/2015 4:13:14 AM with a score of 97531
Nothing else to say
Just the Best
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on 9/19/2015 6:54:48 PM with a score of 97531
One of my absolute favorites on here! So well written and challenging!
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on 9/12/2015 11:24:53 AM with a score of 97531
It's like life simulator!
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on 8/31/2015 6:53:09 AM with a score of 1
Fun! Very strange, but fun!
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— Stormstar on 8/18/2015 12:45:33 AM with a score of 1
Wow ... simply wow. 8/8, it Will bring you enlightenment.
I had a hard time beating it and even needed some help with 1 of the paths, but I love this so much. I even cried on some parts (and I'm not 1 that is verry imotional)
Thank you for this great game.
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on 8/9/2015 12:39:16 PM with a score of 97531
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on 8/8/2015 1:59:25 PM with a score of 90031
This was the best storygame I've played, hands down. It's amazing, and the true end had me in tears. I've spent 3 hours playing this to finish all the endings, but it was worth it.
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on 7/30/2015 8:19:22 PM with a score of 97531
There is only one thing to say about this: It's beautiful
I found myself playing for several hours just to get all the endings!
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— SilverLance on 7/30/2015 1:15:36 AM with a score of 90001
The story really twists your mind, and i enjoyed it. Give this tale a read
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on 7/28/2015 6:55:08 PM with a score of 97531
Amazing Story.
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on 7/26/2015 9:00:43 AM with a score of 90500
It was great, though confusing at first but great none the less :)
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on 7/25/2015 7:25:29 PM with a score of 90500
I love this storygame! ?
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on 7/21/2015 6:11:00 PM with a score of 97531
Good story line. Well written and very cleverly structured.
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on 7/12/2015 3:14:03 PM with a score of 90001
Beautiful game. It's very detailed, and it was definitely challenging, but it was SO worth it. Great game, I definitely enjoyed playing!
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on 7/10/2015 1:41:25 AM with a score of 97531
Quite boring, too much text
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on 6/29/2015 10:17:42 PM with a score of 1
an awesome story...i hope this becomes a movie of some sort. it's so freakin' amazing! got all the endings...everything, perfect!
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on 6/2/2015 6:45:02 AM with a score of 97530
8/8, great game.
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on 5/28/2015 8:35:40 AM with a score of 97531
Flawlessly executed, would play again in a heartbeat.
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on 5/23/2015 9:15:59 PM with a score of 90030
The True End was beyond amazing. Amazing writing 8/8 played through for hours to get all the endings.
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on 5/23/2015 6:19:37 PM with a score of 90001
Great Game
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on 5/23/2015 5:53:09 PM with a score of 1
Wow is all i can say right now. very amazing story arcs too.
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on 5/17/2015 4:37:03 PM with a score of 97531
Wow, that was awesome. I finished Allison good end in my first try and when i saw it unlocks true end, i replayed what i did but i saw an extra question at the part where Allison lets you ask anything. Fk yes.
IT WAS SO FREAKING HARD TO SOLVE THE THREE OF THOSE D: It took me about... 4-6 tries? XD Anyway, my score is 90001 now, or was it 9001? Meh. And i rated it 8/8! Awesome. I'm new and i'm so happy this is my second story to ever read xD
I mean third... the first two weren't good;n; BUT THIS IS SO AWESOME!
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on 5/15/2015 10:13:32 AM with a score of 90001
Hahahaha finaly it took me forever to finish it but it is a great story and up I had a lot of fun going through the stories of every character. I would love to see more games like this on this site and I look forward to more games that you put out. 8/8
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on 5/8/2015 9:55:59 AM with a score of 97531
Hahahaha finaly it took me forever to finish it but it is a great story and up I had a lot of fun going through the stories of every character. I would love to see more games like this on this site and I look forward to more games that you put out. 8/8
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on 5/5/2015 1:39:05 PM with a score of 97531
Too damn good... and I'm a boy.
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on 5/5/2015 12:09:58 AM with a score of 97531
Good story really good!
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on 5/4/2015 5:49:17 AM with a score of 30
Great game, 8/8 my favorite by far. But I cant get the True ending! HELP
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on 4/27/2015 7:32:35 PM with a score of 0
This completely blew me away. This is a definite must for people who are into the romance genre! 7/8
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on 4/27/2015 3:09:46 AM with a score of 97531
Very good branching off and story that jolts the emotions, I really liked it with the sci fi elements too.
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on 4/25/2015 6:36:24 AM with a score of 97031
This story was unbelievable, i actually cried. This needs to be turned into a movie or a book ASAP. If only we could all meet a girl of such divine qualities like Allison... if the author reads this comment, please email me, id be honored to hear your thoughts on the story. Nurture your talent friend, tales like these are far too rare in this life... after all, what greater gift is there to write about than love?
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— Mir on 4/22/2015 2:29:46 AM with a score of 90030
I agree with ItanoCircus that it would be better if the 'True end' was only achievable with all other ends achieved, but that tiny fault doesn't prevent this game from getting a perfect 8/8 from me and...well, not only is it my favourite game on here, but it's one of the best, most poignant and emotional stories that I've ever read, hands down. And in my case at least, you can add nostalgic to that list. It's also the best use of the 'storygame/IF' medium (or whatever you want to call it) I've ever come across, but ultimately I believe that it's such a great story that it transcends it's own medium, if that makes any sense whatsoever. It really does feel timeless.
The story reminds me a little of a wonderful Anime film I once saw: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, and indeed I have a strong feeling that if Hayao Miyazaki ever read this, he'd come right out of retirement. The same sentiment goes for Mamoru Hosoda, Makoto Shinkai or any other truly great director anywhere in the world, but this is beside the point.
The characters are well-written and have believable personalities and dialogue. In fact, one reason why I feel so attached to this game is likely that I've known people just like the characters IRL, and can actually identify with the MC. Actually, it's kinda scary.
I have a little sister who I hated, envied and ignored unfairly for such a long time. I even let her get bullied. I let her get hurt. And I have friends who I neglected for far too long, who I was never there for. There was even a girl who stood by me despite everything, but I let her slip away, and I still regret it to this day. But anyway...I've been there, is all I'm saying. And so, I'm sure, have many other readers, and I don't think there is anyone alive, reading this or otherwise, who hasn't thought longingly about returning to the past, and about all the things they did and didn't do.
But I think I've waffled on long enough lol; this has been less of a review (though ItanoCircus has already done an admirable job on that front) and more of a waffling attempt to express how much I love this game. No doubt you've gotten the message by now anyhow lol, but one more thing: please, keep writing :)
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on 4/17/2015 2:27:02 AM with a score of 97531
I beat all endings but the game glitched and said I only beat two
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on 4/14/2015 2:58:21 AM with a score of 90001
I can't stop crying omg help
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on 4/9/2015 8:34:36 PM with a score of 97000
The feels man. I spent about six to seven hours reading this story for all the endings and it is by far one of the best stories I have read and I don't think many other, if any at all, will give me the same emotional connection to a character stronger than the connection I felt with this main character and his story. I highly recommend reading all of this story and getting all the good endings before getting the true ending so you know whats happening. All in all this game is 100 out of 10.
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on 4/7/2015 7:12:17 AM with a score of 0
10/10 would get my ass kicked again. But for real excellently done. I am very impressed and loved every moment going through this story.
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— Pandaman on 3/28/2015 1:48:17 AM with a score of 90530
This was awesome I loved this. I got every ending (Even if the true ending took me awhile to find) and will play this again for sure. Great job!
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on 3/28/2015 12:25:43 AM with a score of 97031
I achieved the "true" ending before completing Allison's path. I felt terrible when I got Allison's bad end because I knew what she was going through since I obtained the "true" ending first.
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— DualPistols on 3/22/2015 12:25:23 AM with a score of 97531
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— :( on 3/7/2015 3:42:47 AM with a score of 0
Aww kinda cute
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— Romantic kinda person XD on 2/20/2015 11:48:26 AM with a score of 1
Damn good read I love all the ending and the true to ending is great I loved every minute of it
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on 2/17/2015 10:46:49 PM with a score of 97531
I can't get the "true" ending I have gotten all of the others I need help
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on 2/17/2015 5:46:25 PM with a score of 7531
So many possibilities with this one. great
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— TheDoctorsReview on 2/12/2015 3:45:01 PM with a score of 90030
Great story and character development. I look forward to more from the same author.
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on 2/8/2015 7:36:24 PM with a score of 90001
Ian's good end and Olivia's good end were very difficult for me, but my god the ending was fantastic.
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on 2/8/2015 12:49:38 PM with a score of 90001
I completed all the endings and it was worth it.
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on 2/3/2015 4:18:18 PM with a score of 7000
I was going to write a little "review" for this, but after finishing the True End, I feel like all I need to say is that this is the best Story Game I have played on this site. Sure, I didn't get Alison's Good Ending, but I got everything else, and I am highly satisfied with that.
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on 2/1/2015 7:05:36 PM with a score of 97530
In my opinion its better than home-perfectus
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on 2/1/2015 12:03:45 PM with a score of 97531
Found it very complex yet long it really challenged me but the ending is worth it! ???
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on 1/29/2015 11:22:57 PM with a score of 97531
Ian's good ending is hard to get so is Tina's
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on 1/29/2015 12:41:47 PM with a score of 97001
Wow! This was honestly one of the best story games I have ever played! I usually only read fantasy CYOSs, so this was a delightfuly suprising experiece. I definetly think that to fully aprechiate the story, you have to play through all the good endings before finding the true ending.
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on 1/27/2015 2:34:51 AM with a score of 97531
Really well done. The story works impressively well with the structure of choose your own adventure.
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on 1/22/2015 1:02:14 PM with a score of 90001
What an excellent story. Some sections were a bit long, but wow that was engaging. 10/10 with rice.
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on 1/20/2015 8:16:59 PM with a score of 7531
Wonderful story!!!!!!
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on 1/19/2015 2:42:44 PM with a score of 97000
I liked it, reminded me of edge of tomorrow. . . man time travel stories mess with your head at 4 am in the morning
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on 1/4/2015 11:39:09 AM with a score of 90031
This is a really good story. I'm looking forward to see other storygames by you.
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on 1/1/2015 3:26:11 PM with a score of 90001
While much shorter and less complex, this story ranks up there with other epics like Eternal and Homo Perfectus. I got Allison's good ending and the true ending immediately, so I haven't read the other endings, but I'm almost one hundred percent sure that they will be great by the perfect writing in the ones I have encountered. Wonderful job :) Really connected and empathized here.
- DC
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on 12/29/2014 11:18:58 PM with a score of 90001
This is my favourite game in the site. One of my favourites. I have played it many times. 8/8.
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on 12/17/2014 11:44:39 AM with a score of 0
Such a good read
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on 12/15/2014 11:41:49 PM with a score of 97531
Great game. Very emotional.
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on 12/14/2014 8:20:02 AM with a score of 97531
I really enjoyed the story and especially the incentive to finish the other story lines before finishing the "true" story.
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on 12/14/2014 12:04:09 AM with a score of 97530
Wow... I had nothing to say.The writing is excellent with some deep and meaningful plot.You could actually feel the emotion of the protagonist through his view and choice that you have made plus the true ending was really touching ;-;.
BTW a really beautiful masterpiece indeed.
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on 12/12/2014 5:18:55 AM with a score of 97531
This is one of my favorite story games on here
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on 12/6/2014 7:17:27 PM with a score of 97531
Tears dropping from my eyes,especially during the real ending.
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on 11/17/2014 5:15:36 PM with a score of 97531
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on 11/16/2014 2:26:02 AM with a score of 97530
good stuff
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— jacob on 11/3/2014 3:37:30 PM with a score of 0
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— anon on 10/29/2014 6:22:00 PM with a score of 97531
Really nice read.
This is really similar to visual novels with multiple paths. Time travel also really puts a spin on this romance, which is similar to why Steins;Gate was such a good story.
Excellent work.
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on 10/17/2014 7:59:47 AM with a score of 97531
That ending!! So worth it! In my first play through, when I couldn't get any good ending at all, I wanted to quit so bad. Then I got Tina's ending, and it was really touching, so I decided to stay for the others. I did not expect the true ending though! It might be cliche, but it completely blew my mind! And the ending was so touching!!! The way they both meet again in the end, my god I could just picture that in a movie!
That aside, the only thing I didn't quite like is the lack of choice in your story, as you often only get one choice, and it guides you completely. Still, 100% recommend to play through, just for the true ending. It was genuinely epic!
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on 10/7/2014 7:28:24 AM with a score of 97031
Endings completed: 5 / 5
Score: 97531
That was pretty great and well thought out. Try to avoid the true ending until you get the rest.
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on 9/29/2014 4:23:29 PM with a score of 97531
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— silverflajme on 9/21/2014 7:01:21 PM with a score of 500
The fine line between dramatic and cliché.
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on 9/17/2014 5:32:15 PM with a score of 90030
Needless to say,this is one of the best book I've ever read.I've felt more emotions reading this than reading anything else.The worst(or best) part was several days later,I can still feel those emotions.Every time I go to school and see a blonde,I imagine Allison and my heart tugs. I played Tina's,then Ian's,then Olivia's route.I saved Allison for last because I felt she would have the true ending anyways.I don't regret it. Normally I'm not too emotional,but I bawled when Allison left.In the end where Jacob meets Allison yet again,I felt overjoyed.I wanted to rewrite my own ending,but the more I thought about it,the more I realized what a perfect ending this story has.Its replay ability makes it that much better.Overall,the most amazing way to enter the world of 'choose your own story' world and the most magnificent thing ever written.Please write more stories/sequel to this.
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— Chrypt on 9/17/2014 1:33:55 AM with a score of 7000
Wow, words cannot even begin to describe this piece of magnificent piece of writing (even though it was written with words as well) Every character was so developed, it felt as if the reader knew them personally. I loved the way how every aspect of the story was so unforced, unlike some other games, dumping clichés on top of you. I loved how every path brought up a different point of view for the main character. Thank you for all the hard work you must have put into this.
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on 9/7/2014 10:19:18 AM with a score of 90001
Very well done, the replayability factor really made this game.
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on 8/27/2014 5:44:31 PM with a score of 97531
At first I had a bit of trouble getting anything but a bad ending :P but after properly thinking: 'Right. Which response would get me to that darn ending' and I managed it.
I think I got Ian's ending first, then Allison's, Oliva's and Tina's.
I actually managed to avoid getting the true ending until I'd done the others. I had the weird feeling that asking Allison a certain question would lead to the true ending, so I made sure to pick anything but that one.
Anyway it was a enjoyable and emotional story and I'm am glad I played it!
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on 8/26/2014 4:50:17 PM with a score of 97531
Finally, got the true ending. I love this story. I loved the happy ending.
Well... sort of.
I almost cried when Allison left, and cheered when he met her again.
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on 8/22/2014 10:47:57 AM with a score of 90030
Really an exceptional story, definitely one of the better ones on this site. Aside from the technical aspects-grammar, spelling, et cetera (all of which are nearly perfect by the way), the author formulates a story just as peerless. It is interesting, has great replay value, and provides a bit of enlightenment at the end by reminding the reader of a simple yet overlooked moral that I won't divulge here so as not to ruin it for future readers. All in all, a 9 doesn't feel like enough for rating this game.
On a side note you should definitely attempt to get all the Good Endings before going for the True Ending
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on 8/18/2014 5:40:42 PM with a score of 97531
I loved this game! The only thing is that it is a little too hard for me to get a good ending (I only have Allison's). Maybe you can post some hints?
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on 8/17/2014 12:53:29 PM with a score of 1
nice work on this game!
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on 8/9/2014 2:07:03 PM with a score of 90500
Hey guy! OMG!!! How did you know my story?!? Are you a fellow time traveller? Well, for once at least tell me how and why. I've been helping millions of people for more than 179,000 years in the making and NOW you're telling this story. Story 1 out of 726,577,929.... I am gonna write the rest of the 726,577,928 adventures. Though, very realistic though. Like you never sleep and following Jacob everywhere...creepy. Or are you Jacob?!? Hey,parallel universe me! Into time travel huh. Let's talk later...
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— TimeTravelling Allison on 8/7/2014 11:01:59 PM with a score of 97530
This was absolutely brilliant, never was I amazed by such a small story (I didn't feel any sadness when watching the fault in our stars :p)
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— Someone you'll never meet, may on 8/3/2014 4:35:01 PM with a score of 97531
I loved it omg
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— tanishea on 8/2/2014 8:09:50 PM with a score of 90530
That was beautiful, it made me cry.
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— Sass on 7/30/2014 9:40:19 AM with a score of 90001
This is one of the best games ever on this site. If you have not played it yet, DO IT. It left me speechless after completing the true end. I was crying for about ten minutes.
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on 7/29/2014 8:32:07 AM with a score of 97531
Oh. My. God.
This is grade A stuff on par with some stories from real high end studio published Visual Novels.
Agree with person who brought up Toradora and something else that I must now go and find.
Reminds me of some of the best visual novel and anime romance stories out there, and also the Butterfly Effect, one of my favorite movies, but only with the ending that *spoiler* resembles this stories' true end. And really, do yourself a favor and get all the good ends before doing the true end, it makes it that much better.
I love finding gems on this site, but this one probably surprised me the most with how good it was.
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— Raziel on 7/29/2014 5:45:36 AM with a score of 97531
I came here expecting a "silly romance" story, imagine my surprise when I got something that is so much more. Personally, I don't think this should be in the Love & Dating category, even though there are elements of it
The writing is excellent, the characters are relatable abd real and the plot is incredibly deep and meaningful; a masterfully written moral lesson that you can really 'feel'. I can't say reading it will change your life, but it will definitely give you something to think really hard about.
Definitely deserves all the score I can give. I hate not being able to give a 9.
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on 7/27/2014 3:00:26 PM with a score of 97530
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on 7/26/2014 9:11:22 PM with a score of 0
This deserves to be a blockbuster movie. Honestly the level of detail and intricate thought put into this story is a thing to be admired. And I applaud the author for having the vision to bring such a on amazing thing to life.
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on 7/26/2014 1:22:23 AM with a score of 90030
This Game... THIS Game... It's Beautiful. It is without doubt, worthy of the highest score available. It was a very immersive and emotional experience that very well may bring enlightenment to new points of view in the world, and with it, a lasting effect, the presence of which may not be known. I actually was able to empathize with Jacob in ways I had almost never thought possible. Of all the games I've played, on this website and otherwise, no other game has been able to truly touch my heart. For allowing me to read and experience this unique and beautiful interactive story.....
Thank You.
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on 7/25/2014 6:25:04 AM with a score of 97531
Amazing. I have no more words. Just amazing.
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on 7/18/2014 2:30:55 PM with a score of 90031
Best game ever!!
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on 7/14/2014 2:24:09 AM with a score of 97531
Okay so I got Ian and Allison's Good Ends but can't find the others. I once bumped into one of Tina's scenes but when I replayed, I can't go back there (I thought that's how I get to Tina's good end). I hope there are walkthroughs/hints somewhere... ;)
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on 7/13/2014 9:31:37 PM with a score of 501
I tried twice, always got Bad End. :/
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— toni on 7/13/2014 8:56:33 PM with a score of 0
An unbelievably awesome game. One problem though, I went through each story arc and got the good endings for each then went through the final and it only counted the very last story arc I went through, not the others.
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on 7/12/2014 10:02:01 PM with a score of 97000
Good, though bad ending... Real life .
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on 7/4/2014 11:26:48 PM with a score of 0
Need to work on the saving...
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on 7/1/2014 11:20:27 PM with a score of 97500
The storyline is so touching and detailed that it literally brought tears to my eyes. Definitely an 8/8 since romance is my thing!
Just that I can't seem to get Ian's good end, heheh
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on 6/28/2014 10:42:41 PM with a score of 97031
It's a really good game and I really liked it. There were a few errors such as 'your' instead of 'you're'.
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on 6/27/2014 7:07:54 PM with a score of 30
A very lovely and well-written story.
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on 6/26/2014 3:18:39 AM with a score of 90501
Best choose your own story game yet, love the true ending but all of them are sweet and creative.
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— Erika on 6/24/2014 2:51:08 PM with a score of 97531
Wow! I just finished the True End, and this storygame was amazing! The writing was fantastic, and although I got the bad end a thousand times, it was so much fun I kept trying again. This is amazing, one of the best I've played so far!
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on 6/22/2014 7:13:36 PM with a score of 97531
So forget about my comment before. That was honestly the sweetest, most touching game ever made on this website. I finally got the true ending! I can see all the effort that you put into this game and the result was just beautiful and sweet and perfect!
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on 6/18/2014 7:05:05 PM with a score of 90001
Sweet Game
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on 6/16/2014 7:12:40 PM with a score of 90031
Definitely a well written story that deserved the high rank it got in the Spring Thing contest.
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on 6/14/2014 9:13:55 PM with a score of 30
Simply amazing. I would have bought the game if I had to. Just...thank you. That was really worth every second.
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— Celiste on 6/14/2014 5:37:38 PM with a score of 97501
I thought it was really, really good! The only issue I had was the whole concept of getting the true ending was difficult. I keep getting Ian's and Allison's, but that's it.
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on 6/7/2014 3:06:24 PM with a score of 1
Wow, just finished. What a great and well written story. I was able to finish all endings except for Alison's, and ended up getting to the true ending. It was very emotional and I'm glad to have played it. I want to see what Alison's good ending was and hopefully it didn't affect anything at all from the true ending.
Either way, 7/8. A wonderful story.
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on 5/30/2014 1:30:35 AM with a score of 97530
Hmm. I got all the endings except Allison's good end. I got Olivia's, Ian's, and Tina's before trying to get Allison's. I ended up getting the true end trying to complete Allison's good end. It makes me wonder if the true end would have been slightly different had i gotten her good end before reaching the true end.
In any case, the game was great. Good job.
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on 5/24/2014 12:44:30 AM with a score of 97530
good story. I`ve even cried during the true end )
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on 5/23/2014 5:43:41 PM with a score of 97530
Excellent story, very well written and entertaining.
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on 5/22/2014 1:22:34 PM with a score of 97530
Wow...Just...Wow...This story is freakin' amazing. It's hands down one of the best stories I have read, and now my second favorite on the site. Except for a few missing words occasionally (though almost unnoticeable), this was excellent romance writing.
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on 5/18/2014 5:02:26 PM with a score of 90001
Just wow... I don't have any words to describe how amazing this story is... This is the first time I have commented in this site... And I'll give my first comment to this story... To be honest this story made me shed a tear or two... well made and well done......
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on 5/12/2014 6:02:11 PM with a score of 97000
I only spotted 1 spelling error. Allison's route is really easy, because she comes to you no matter what.
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on 5/12/2014 9:12:13 AM with a score of 7000
A very well-written and immercing game! I've already got good endings for Allison, Ian and Tina (which I liked most of all). I still hope to find out Olivia's ending before proceeding to the true one!
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on 5/10/2014 12:53:51 PM with a score of 30
I had a slight problem with how the dialogue was written, but other than that, I enjoyed it.
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on 5/10/2014 7:20:21 AM with a score of 97530
That was just... WOW. It SHOULD be made into a movie. Woah, it 's amazing!!
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on 5/10/2014 4:16:55 AM with a score of 97531
Awesomeness in some endings.
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on 5/4/2014 7:50:58 PM with a score of 90030
At first, I just skimmed through it. Until I came apron the option to protest about your friend being in a gang. I liked it a lot. I did feel like there was a lot more reading then choosing. Maybe next time make more choices. Other than that, I loved it! I even rated it an 8. I hope that everyone does.
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on 5/2/2014 4:20:22 PM with a score of 0
I managed to find Ian's ending then Tina's then Allison's then Olivia's and have been desperately trying to find the true ending! T_T
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on 5/2/2014 7:02:07 AM with a score of 500
I got all the endings! Awesome story! Best game I've played in a long time.
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on 4/30/2014 1:53:20 PM with a score of 97531
One of the best games on this site by far, by the end When i was trying to get get the true ending i was so into it and trying so hard it wasn't even funny. But I'm serious this game is freaking amazing. At the same time while The ending feels A little bittersweet it's still a really happy ending and I love it so much!
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on 4/27/2014 10:02:09 PM with a score of 97531
That was awesome! Only thing I wish was that I got the true last. As for the story itself, it almost makes you want to be able to travel back like Jacob did. To know what one has already learned, and fix things that could have gone better. I'm sure most of us have had one or all thes scenarios of friends and lost loves. If only we could make different choices. That's how this story made me feel on some level.
This story should really be made into a movie. That would be spectacular to visualize the word, actions and interactions of Jacob, Allison, Ian, Olivia and Tina. Keep writing stories like this. The realism will indeed draw you back again, motivate you to reflect on the choices you've made, and grope for a do-over on somethings, while at the same time, pull at your heart strings when you realize you usually have only one shot at doing things in life. Make the right choices and you will be happy with your decisions, rather than consumed by self loathing at what you could have done better.
It is indeed a masterpiece worth reading. Pay no attention to rare grammatical mistakes.
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on 4/22/2014 9:18:17 PM with a score of 97531
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on 4/21/2014 9:15:12 AM with a score of 97531
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on 4/17/2014 9:19:49 PM with a score of 97501
Best story ever.
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on 4/15/2014 1:54:20 PM with a score of 97531
An Olivia walkthrough would be awesome...
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on 4/14/2014 5:27:37 AM with a score of 90531
Let me just start off by saying that this game is absolute gold. This site has many great games and many not so great games. In my opinion, this is one of the best romance game on this site! The endings merged into one amazing ending which blew my socks off. I haven't played a game where I have been so engrossed in since Order of the Midnight Sun, which is up there. One other small detail worth mentioning is that the true ending might be a little tricky to find if you don't pick the right choices. All in all, this is a game worthy of an 8/8 rating!
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on 4/14/2014 12:27:59 AM with a score of 97531
Kinda nice
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on 4/13/2014 3:20:05 AM with a score of 1
I really liked it. The setting was nice and I actually cared about the characters, though I always felt like Olivia was overreacting. The ending just felt kinda rushed or that's just me wanting more. Anyway, this was a fun ride. 7/8
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on 4/12/2014 1:44:09 PM with a score of 97531
Unique plot and a terrific way of constructing each arc. I'm not really into romance stories but this was exceptional.
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on 4/11/2014 11:55:18 PM with a score of 97531
Phew!Finished all the endings I thoroughly enjoyed this story, although the whole time travel plot line started off a bit convoluted and there were a few typos. Still how everything wrapped up was very satisfying, to those reading hang in and you'll get all the endings. It's worth it!
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on 4/11/2014 7:42:43 PM with a score of 97531
Very good. All I can say...
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on 4/11/2014 5:40:48 PM with a score of 90001
It's very fun to look through the game again and again to find all the endings, I never got tired of it. I really like the concept of the story; the ideas are well-balanced and the endings leave the reader feeling satisfied. I especially liked the fact that the story tended to revolve around the character of the ending that the reader achieved, as if the story was meant to end with him/her all along. The story seems a bit more narrative than descriptive, it wouldn't hurt to add a bit of elaboration in surroundings and people and the like. Nevertheless, it's a sweet and interesting take on the theme of rewinding time and changing the future.
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on 4/11/2014 5:23:58 PM with a score of 1
Sorry to hear that Softie. Unfortunately, when you close the story without saving, all of your previous progress is lost. You have to get at least one good ending to unlock the true end, which means you either have to:
A)Make an account, so you can save your progress
B)Play the game, get a good ending, hit "Replay", then play again and get the true end, without closing the story
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on 4/11/2014 1:20:42 AM with a score of 0
I can't get the true end despite hours of attempts and getting every other ending. Can someone else? T.T
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— Softie on 4/11/2014 12:17:29 AM with a score of 1
Finally! Took me forever to get all the good endings, but I did it! It was an awesome game. All the different stories were fun and interesting (I liked Tina's one best). And of course your spelling and grammar were brilliant (except at one point I saw you use "two" instead of "too". Shame on you Killa! Shame I say!)
The only complaint I can think of is that personally, I'd put this game in School Based instead of Love and Romance, since only two of the endings involve romance while the character spends a lot of time in the school no matter which path you choose. Still, the romance the story did have was very, well... Romantic. It's rare I find a story game where I actually like the love story and want the two characters to get together in the end, so well done for that.
So, to sum up... 8/8 ^_^
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on 4/10/2014 1:27:30 PM with a score of 97531
If Toradora and Puella Magi Madoka Magicka had a love child, it would be this story. I encourage anybody attempting to write a Love & Dating CYS to play through this first.
While I feel that there were occasionally unnecessary extra paragraphs, the story is almost completely free from grammatical or spelling errors. Each character is well-rounded and exploring their paths for perfect completion is more enjoyable than tedious. Good luck finding Ian's Good Ending though ;)
From a gameplay perspective I feel the True End should only be unlocked after all normal Good Ends are discovered. Since I played Tina's path first and then the True End, I was in the dark as to the significance of the final sequence. Additionally, given the True End, I feel that Bad Ends that don't alter the future too drastically should return the player to the first page.
While the concept, gameplay, execution, and narration all exceeded expectations and demand that "Through Time" be read, I found myself wanting more. While it isn't short and there wasn't a lack of depth or detail, it's fairly easy to obtain all of the endings. After that, replayability suffers immensely.
That all being said, "Through Time" is an enjoyable CYS that tickled my fancy. I will be looking for more out of this author in the future.
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on 4/10/2014 8:28:24 AM with a score of 97531
Heartfelt and compelling, this game is fantastic.
I like the fact how although you repeat the story multiple times for all the endings, it never got repetitive. The storygame was interesting and held my interest throughout all of the paths (which should all be gone through, as they are all great).
Definitely deserves to be featured. Great job Killa!
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on 4/9/2014 3:33:10 PM with a score of 97531
Great Story! Let us know how it does in the Contest! :)
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on 4/9/2014 1:57:48 PM with a score of 0
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